Acute Radiation Syndrome

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Acute Radiation Syndrome

Sherry Osmin RN

This article was written because physicians, healthcare workers, and hospitals will assume the
care of individuals involved in an acute radiation exposure whether it is from a terrorist attack,
nuclear plant mishap or accidental exposure.


Describe what Radiation Sickness Is.

Describe the difference between acute and chronic radiation sickness.
Describe the characteristics of the hematopoietic syndrome.
Describe the characteristics of the gastrointestinal syndrome.
Describe the characteristics of the cerebrovascular syndrome.
Describe the characteristics of the cutaneous syndrome.
Define the treatment for acute radiation syndrome.
Identify the prognosis for patients with acute radiation syndrome.

Radiation - the release of energy from atoms
Radioactivity - Radioactive decay is the process in which unstable atomic nuclei assume a
more stable configuration by emitting particles with kinetic energy (alpha or beta particles) or
electromagnetic waves (gamma rays). If a person is exposed to these high-energy particles or
electromagnetic waves, energy is deposited into the tissues and can cause injury. (10)
Ionizing (Penetrating) Radiation - energy released from decaying atoms. High-energy particles
or electromagnetic waves that have the ability to deposit enough energy to break chemical
bonds and produce ion pairs. If living cells receive this energy, cellular function becomes
compromised by DNA damage and mutation. (10)(13)
Nonionizing (nonpenetrating) radiation - radiation that lacks the energy to liberate orbital
electrons. Nonpenetrating radiation does not pass through your skin. A large dose of
nonpenetrating radiation may burn your skin similar to the way severe sunburn does. Examples
are microwaves, visible light and infrared light. (10)
Particle radiation - small charged or neutral particles traveling with high energy. Can take the
form of alpha particles, beta particles or neutrons.
Radiation waves - include gamma rays and X-rays. 8/13/2009

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Alpha Particles - alpha emitters tend to be isotopes of uranium. They do not penetrate
beyond the stratum corneum of the skin or through clothing. These particles are only a concern
when inhaled or ingested such as radon gas.
Beta Particles - can penetrate the body from the outside by a few centimeters. Common
isotopes that emit beta particles include carbon-14, cobalt-60 and iodine-131. These are
commonly used for X-rays or radiotherapy
Neutrons - penetrate easily through the body and indirectly ionize the cells. High- energy
neutrons rarely occur naturally but can be produced in a particle accelerator or in a nuclear
reactor as part of the fission process.
Gamma Rays - are high-energy photon waves that penetrate the body (and concrete) easily
and travel many meters through the air. Common isotopes are cobalt-60, cesium- 137 and
X-rays - like gamma rays are photon waves but have a longer wavelength and lower energy
than gamma rays. (7)
LD50/60 means lethal dose required to kill 50% of humans at 60 days. (6)
1 Gy = 100 Rads
Chronic Radiation Sickness - chronic radiation sickness may take several days or weeks to
develop. The cause can be radioactive fallout from a nuclear explosion or an industrial accident.
Therapeutic radiation treatments for cancer can also cause temporary chronic radiation
sickness. (13)
Acute radiation sickness - Acute radiation sickness can develop quickly. A person with acute
radiation sickness usually has been exposed to large amounts of radiation over a brief period of
time, such as in an industrial accident or nuclear bomb explosion. (13)

People everywhere are exposed to radiation daily. In general, most humans on the planet are
exposed to 1 to 2 milligray (mGy) a year. This is referred to as background radiation.
Radiation is present all around us: in the air, in the ground and in the water. Some of the most
common forms of radiation that people are exposed to may come from natural sources such as
cosmic rays and substances in the earths crust, such as radon. Certain foods such as bananas
and Brazil nuts contain more radiation than other foods. Brick and stone homes have higher
natural radiation than homes made from other materials such as wood. Levels of natural
background radiation can vary greatly from one location to the next. For example, people in the
Midwest are exposed to more radiation than residents of the East and West coast because
Colorado, for example, has more cosmic rays from the higher altitude and more terrestrial
radiation from soils enriched in naturally occurring uranium. (12)
Other exposures come from man-made substances such as waste from nuclear reactors,
diagnostic machines such as X-ray, CAT scan or mammogram machines and the use of
radioactivity in cancer treatment. There are, however, more serious types of radiation
exposures, such as nuclear accidents and atomic weapons use and testing. Intentional sources
of radiation exposure could occur if terrorists blew up a nuclear power plant, set off a nuclear
bomb or detonated a so-called dirty bomb. A dirty bomb uses conventional explosives to
spread radioactive materials, such as radioactive waste from a nuclear power plant or sources 8/13/2009

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of radiation from a medical facility. (13) These persons who are affected by a single exposure of
high levels of ionizing radiation and become very ill are said to have acute radiation syndrome
(ARS). As ionizing radiation passes through the body the interaction with tissues cause the
transfer of ionizing energy to critical cell systems. (3)
Radiation injury can occur from external irradiation, external contamination with radioactive
materials, and internal contamination by inhalation, ingestion, or transdermal absorption with
incorporation of radiologic materials into the body's cells and tissues. These three types of
exposure can occur in combination and can be associated with thermal burns and traumatic
Injury from a nuclear detonation varies, depending on the location of the victim relative to the
hypocenter and the consequent exposure to different types of energy. Three forms of energy
are released from a nuclear detonation:

heat, accounting for approximately 35% of total energy

shock or bomb blast, accounting for approximately 50% of total energy
radiation, accounting for the remaining 15% of total energy.

Heat and light cause thermal injury, including flash burns, flame burns, flash blindness (due to
temporary depletion of photopigment from retinal receptors) and retinal burns. The blast wave
results in fractures, lacerations, rupture of viscera and pulmonary hemorrhage and edema.(6)
Radiation causes:

the acute radiation syndrome

cutaneous injury and scarring
chorioretinal damage from exposure to infrared energy
depending on radiation dose and dose rate, increased long-term risk for cancer, cataract
formation (particularly with neutron irradiation), infertility, and fetal abnormalities (that
is, growth retardation, fetal malformations, increased teratogenesis, and fetal death). (2)

Radiation sickness, known as Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), is a serious illness that occurs
when the entire body (or most of it) receives a high dose of radiation, usually over a short
period of time. Many survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs in the 1940s and
many of the firefighters who first responded after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident in
1986 became ill with ARS.(1)(3)
People exposed to radiation will get ARS only if:
1. The radiation dose was high (doses from medical procedures such as chest X- rays are
too low to cause ARS; however, doses from radiation therapy to treat cancer may be high
enough to cause some ARS symptoms),
2. The radiation was penetrating (that is, able to reach internal organs),
3. The persons entire body, or most of it, received the dose, and
4. The radiation was received in a short time, usually within minutes. (1)(5)
Individual radiation dose is assessed by determining the time to onset and severity of nausea
and vomiting, decline in absolute lymphocyte count over several hours or days after exposure,
and appearance of chromosome aberrations (including dicentrics and ring forms) in peripheral
blood lymphocytes. Documentation of clinical signs and symptoms (affecting the hematopoietic,
gastrointestinal, cerebrovascular, and cutaneous systems) over time is essential for triage of
victims, selection of therapy, and assignment of prognosis. (2) Each syndrome can be divided
into four phases: 8/13/2009

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Manifest illness
Recovery or death.(2)(3)(5)(7)

Prodromal symptoms begin a few hours to four days after exposure. The severity, time of
onset, and duration of symptoms relate directly to the dose received, however, the appearance
of these symptoms especially nausea and vomiting, can also be induced psychologically. The
actual causes of the prodromal symptoms are unknown. The latent period is a brief reprieve
from symptoms, when the patient may appear to have recovered. This reprieve may last up to
4 weeks, depending on the dose, and then is likely to be followed by 2-3 weeks of manifest
illness. The higher the dose, the shorter the latent phase. At sufficiently high doses the latent
phase effectively disappears. The manifest illness stage is the most difficult to manage from a
therapeutic standpoint, for this is the maximum state of immunoincompetence that the patient
will suffer. If the patient survives the manifest illness stage recovery is almost assured.
Therefore, treatment during the first 6 weeks to 2 months after exposure is crucial to ensure
recovery from a rapidly received, high dose (less than 5 Gy) of ionizing radiation.(4)(7)(11)

Inhalation - Radiation exposure by inhalation occurs when you breath. radioactive material
into your lungs. Radioactive particles can lodge in your lungs and remain there for an extended
period of time. As long as these particles remain and continue to decay in your lungs, radiation
exposure continues. Although inhaled radioactivity is not likely to result in radiation sickness,
tissue damage from inhaled radioactivity eventually can lead to a higher risk of cancer or other
diseases. The main sources of inhaled radiation are radon gas and radioactively contaminated
dust or smoke. (13)
Ingestion - Exposure to radiation by way of ingestion occurs when you swallow radioactive
material. This pathway of exposure releases high energy directly to your tissues, causing cell
damage. Although ingested radioactivity isn't likely to result in radiation sickness, tissue
damage from ingested radioactivity can eventually lead to a higher risk of cancer. Sources of
ingested radiation include contaminated drinking water, plants, milk, fish and meat. Radiation
doses from these sources usually are extremely small. (13)
Direct (external) exposure - This route of exposure occurs from a source beaming out and
striking your body. Examples of direct exposure include radiation treatments for cancer and
radiation from an industrial accident or nuclear explosion. (13)


A syndrome is a combination of symptoms resulting from a single cause and occurring together
so as to constitute a single clinical picture. While any of the four radiation syndromes
(hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, cerebrovascular, cutaneous) can cause death, the dose range
for each of the four to cause death varies as does the dose required. (11)


The hematopoietic syndrome is the result of RBCs, WBCs and platelets being killed by radiation.
While mature RBCs and WBCs are somewhat resistant to radiation, the immature stem cells,
precursors to WBC's and RBC's are very radiosensitive. After the mature RBC's and WBC's die
from natural causes (age) there are no replacement cells. The body becomes depleted in RBC's
and WBC's and susceptible to infection. Infection is an important cause of death but may be 8/13/2009

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controlled in a large part by antibiotics.

The syndrome requiring the lowest dose of radiation is the hematopoietic syndrome. This
syndrome requires a dose on the magnitude of 2-8 Gy. This syndrome with proper treatment
does not always cause death. The understanding of the hematopoietic syndrome comes from
the knowledge of cancer treatments. Patients who are about to receive a bone marrow
transplant are given whole body irradiation of these dose levels, although generally given in
fractionated doses. The stem cells in the body are the most radiosensitive cells, which is why
such a small dose causes damage. Dorsal exposure would maximize damage to this system,
because the greatest percentage of active bone marrow lies in the spine, and dorsal regions of
the ribs and pelvis. This syndrome is referred to as reproductive death since the body does not
show effect until the stem cells attempt division and are unable to do so. Symptoms onset
generally occurs within a week and may last up to six weeks. This is the time it will take the
stem cells to reach a critical level. The prodromal phase of this illness causes nausea and
vomiting that present shortly after irradiation. The latent phase of this syndrome is generally
symptom free. This is the time when the prodromal symptoms subside and the real cellular
damage begins. This phase will start anytime after exposure and can last up to three weeks.
During the latent phase the cells have attempted to repair the damage. The patient then enters
the manifest illness. With this phase the patient begins to have chills, becomes fatigued, skin
hemorrhages are formed and ulcers are formed in the mouth. These symptoms are all
manifestations of the depletion of the stem cells. Infections and fevers will also persist and
demonstrate an impairment of the immune system. Patients with this syndrome respond
reasonably well to treatment if it is started early. If the patient is given high doses of antibiotics
to ward off infection, plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and given a bone marrow
transplant to replace the stem cells lost with irradiation the patient has a chance to survive. (3)
Lymphopenia is common and occurs before the onset of other cytopenias. A predictable decline
in lymphocytes occurs after irradiation. In fact, a 50% decline in absolute lymphocyte count
within the first 24 hours after exposure, followed by a further, more severe decline within 48
hours, characterizes a potentially lethal exposure. The predictability of the rate of lymphocytic
depletion count has led to the development of a model using lymphocyte depletion kinetics as
an element of biodosimetry. Patients with burns and trauma may develop lymphopenia as a
result of these injuries alone. Although currently available predictive models based on absolute
lymphocyte count have been validated (and include patients with these injuries), it is important
to examine more than one element of biodosimetry whenever possible.
The onset of other cytopenias varies, depending on both dose and dose rate. Granulocyte
counts may transiently increase before decreasing in patients with exposure to less than 5 Gy.
This transient increase before decline, termed an abortive rise, may indicate a survivable
exposure. (2)
Additional injuries, such as mechanical trauma or burns (the combined injury syndrome), are
expected to occur in 60% to 70% of patients after detonation of an improvised nuclear device.
These injuries significantly complicate the management of patients with the hematopoietic
syndrome and significantly lower the LD50/60. Prognosis is grave in patients with the combined
injury syndrome and radiation exposure.(2) Prodromal symptoms may include nausea,
vomiting, anorexia, and diarrhea. If severe diarrhea occurs during the first 2 days, the radiation
dose may have been lethal. The prodromal phase may last up to 3 days. This is followed by up
to 3 weeks of latency, during which the patient will suffer from significant fatigue and
weakness. The clinical symptoms of manifest illness appear 21-30 days after exposure, and
may last 2 weeks. Severe hemorrhage from platelet loss and infection associated with
pantocytopenia from bone marrow suppression are the lethal factors in the hematopoietic
syndrome. (4) Overall, the systemic effects that can occur from the hematopoietic syndrome
include immunodysfunction, increased infectious complications, hemorrhage, anemia, and 8/13/2009

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impaired wound healing, which may be due in part to endothelial damage, which significantly
depresses the revascularization of injured tissue. (4)


This syndrome requires a dose of more than 8 Gy. Although the higher dose is serious and
causes some cell death immediately after exposure due to apoptosis, the gastrointestinal
syndrome is also considered reproductive death, because of the effect of the radiation on the
mucosal lining of the intestine. The gastrointestinal syndrome overlaps the hematopoietic
syndrome, but its consequences are more immediate, prompt and profuse onset of nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea. (5) These mucosa are made up of villi, which protrude from the lining of
the intestine and create more surface area for absorption of nutrients. This syndrome can last
from 3 days to many weeks. Survival from this syndrome is rare. (3)
The prodromal phase of this syndrome starts immediately after exposure. Symptoms of nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and decreased blood pressure occur within hours after
irradiation, followed by a much shorter asymptomatic latency period of 5-7 days. Toward the
end of this phase the mucosa of the nasal and esophageal passages start to dry out, become
swollen and ulcerated leading to difficulty in swallowing and causing dry mouth with a metallic
taste. These symptoms will last 3 to 5 days. This passage begins the latent phase which is
generally asymptomatic. This phase is similar to the latent phase of the hematopoietic
syndrome, meaning the time between irradiation and the expression of the cell damage. The
length of the latent phase can be correlated to the dose received. Manifest illness begins with
the increase of dehydration, diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. These symptoms are due to
trauma of the intestinal villi, which consist of four regions. The crypt stem cells, which normally
divide with high mitotic activity. (3) The differentiating compartment which is a region farther
up the villus where cells are differentiated into functional cells. These differentiated cells
migrate to the near tip of the villus, where most of the absorption takes place. These cells will
replace the functional cells at the tip of the villus. The very top of the villus is where the
functional absorption cells are located and are sloughed off the villi with the passing of the
intestinal contents. In an unirradiated system the crypt cells would repopulate these functional
cells to replace the discarded ones. This causes the denudation of the intestine.
Cells of the stomach, colon and rectum are soon depleted as well. These occurrences cause the
increased dehydration and diarrhea. After the intestinal breakdown, bacteria are able to enter
the blood stream through the denuded intestine and cause serious infection because of the
destruction of the stem cells in the blood. This causes fever and septicemia in the patient. (3)
Although survival of the gastrointestinal syndrome is rare there is a possibility of rescuing a
patient when the exposure is less than 10 Gy. Survival would only occur if the intestinal stem
cells were not completely destroyed. If the intestinal crypt cells are able to repopulate
themselves then proper treatment may help some patients. This requires high levels of
antibiotics to control infection and a constant supply of fluids to help with the dehydration. A
bone marrow transplant would be needed as well. (3)
Radiation induces loss of intestinal crypts and breakdown of the mucosal barrier. These changes
result in abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and predispose patients to infection. At
doses exceeding 12 Gy, the mortality rate of the gastrointestinal syndrome exceeds that of the
hematopoietic syndrome. Severe nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, and cramps occur within
hours after high-dose (>10 Gy) irradiation. This is followed by a latent period lasting 5 to 7
days, during which symptoms abate. Vomiting and severe diarrhea associated with high fever
make up the manifest illness. Systemic effects may include:

malnutrition from malabsorption

bowel obstruction from ileus 8/13/2009

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cardiovascular collapse
electrolyte derangements from fluid shifts
anemia from damage to the intestinal mucosa
 gastrointestinal bleeding
acute renal failure. (4)


The cerebrovascular syndrome is less well defined than other syndromes, and its stages are
compressed. This syndrome is the least understood and is referred to as a physiological death
because the symptoms and ultimate death appear so quickly, usually within 2 days.(3)
Individuals presenting with fever, hypotension, and major impairment of cognitive function will
most likely have had a supralethal exposure. These symptoms may be observed in those
receiving more than 20 to 30 Gy of radiation. The prodromal phase is characterized by
disorientation, confusion, and prostration and may be accompanied by loss of balance and
seizures. The physical examination may show papilledema, ataxia, and reduced or absent deep
tendon and corneal reflexes. During the latent period, apparent improvement occurs for a few
hours and is followed by severe manifest illness. Within five to six hours, watery diarrhea,
respiratory distress, hyperpyrexia, and cardiovascular shock can occur. This rapid decline
mimics the clinical course of acute sepsis and septic shock, both of which must be considered.
The ensuing circulatory complications of hypotension, cerebral edema, increased intracranial
pressure, and cerebral anoxia can bring death within 2 days. (4)


Cutaneous injury from thermal or radiation burns is characterized by loss of epidermis and, at
times, dermis. Injuries to the skin may cover small areas but extend deeply into the soft tissue,
even reaching underlying muscle and bone. They may be accompanied by profound local edema
and place the patient at risk for a compartment syndrome. Patients presenting with burns
immediately after exposure have thermal rather than radiation burns. Significant injuries to the
integument decrease the LD50/60 and amplify the risk for death at any radiation exposure
dose. Patients with the hematopoietic syndrome have a more complicated course of the
cutaneous syndrome as a result of bleeding, infection, and poor wound healing.
The prodromal phase starts within hours with early erythema, heat sensation, and pruritis
which lasts 1-2 days. The latent phase begins 1-2 days after exposure with no evidence of
injury but note that skin on the face, chest and neck has a shorter latent period than the palms
and soles of the feet. The manifest illness stage occurs days to weeks after exposure with a
second wave of erythema, increased pigmentation (bronzing), dry or wet desquamation
depending on dose, and necrosis. Epilation occurs for a dose > 3 Gy between days 14-21. The
third wave of erythema begins 10-16 weeks post exposure, especially beta radiation-late
erythema, edema, and increased pain. A bluish discoloration of irradiated skin may be
noticeable. The late effects may occur months to years after exposure varying from slight
atrophy to constant reoccurring ulcerations with necrosis and deformity. Lymphedema is
common. Telangectasis is frequently seen with altered pigmentation and an increased risk for
developing skin cancer. (7)



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Chronic exposures are considered low doses of radiation over a relatively long period of time
(weeks or years). The effects, if any, do not manifest themselves until years after the exposure.
Other than radiation sickness associated with acute exposures, there is no unique disease
associated with chronic radiation exposure. A statistical increase exists in the development of
harmful effects. The following describes the long term effects that may occur from exposure to
ionizing radiation.
Cancer - Ionizing radiation may be shown to exert an almost universal carcinogenic action
resulting in tumors in a great variety of organs and tissues. There is evidence that radiation
may contribute to the induction of various kinds of neoplastic diseases. The main sites of solid
tumors are the breasts in women, thyroid, lung and some digestive organs. These tumors have
long latent periods (approximately 10 to greater than 30 years) and occur in larger numbers.
Leukemia - Leukemia (abnormal increase in WBC's) was first noted in radiologists who used
radiation in their practices. The incidence of leukemia was much greater for radiologists than
other physicians who did not use radiation. Also, atomic bomb survivors within 1500 meters of
the blast center showed significantly higher incidence of leukemia than those beyond 1,500
Leukemia has a much shorter latent period. The incidence of leukemia peaks at three or four
years after exposure and returns to normal levels after about 25 years. Leukemia induction is
also a function of the type of radiation. In Nagasaki, leukemia induction was not seen in
individuals with exposure less than 100 rad, while in Hiroshima, leukemia induction was seen in
doses between 20 and 40 rads. The difference being that Hiroshima had a greater neutron dose
than Nagasaki.
Cataracts - The lens of the eye is highly susceptible to irreversible damage by radiation. When
the cells of the lens become damaged, they lose their transparency and a cataract is formed.
Exposures around 200 rad (2 Gy) may produce a cataract, although the signs and symptoms
may not be apparent for years after the exposure. The damaging effects of penetrating
radiations to the lens of the eye may be cumulative and repeated small doses may result in
cataract formation.
Radiation-induced cataracts are produced primarily by neutron and gamma radiation.
Radiation-induced cataracts differ from naturally occurring cataracts. Radiation induced
cataracts form on a different position on the lens of the eye. Susceptibility to radiation-induced
cataract formation seems to be somewhat dependent on age. Radiation is more likely to
produce cataracts in younger persons because of the continuous growth of the lens (growing
tissues are more radiosensitive).
Extensive irradiation of the eye may result in inflammation of the cornea or in increase in
tension within and hardening of the eyeball. These conditions usually become manifest several
weeks after the exposure and may terminate in loss of vision.


The goal of triage is to evaluate and sort individuals by immediacy of treatment needed to do
the greatest good for the most people. Triage should include a radiologic survey to assess dose
rate, documentation of prodromal symptoms, and collection of tissue samples for biodosimetry.
Management of life-threatening injuries takes precedence over radiologic surveys and
decontamination. The goal of triage in mass casualty situations is to save as many patients as
possible. This often necessitates heart-rendering sacrifices that leave health care personnel at
significant risk for post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). (7) 8/13/2009

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In general, treatment of conventional injuries and illness takes precedence over radiation
concerns. The quantity of radioactive material that a contaminated individual carries on his or
her body is unlikely to present a significant radiation risk to hospital workers. (10)


The first system is a modification of the military triage system used in mass- casualty
scenarios. Patients are categorized on the basis of the estimated range of exposure dose and
the presence or absence of significant mechanical trauma or burns (that is, combined injury).
Individuals requiring surgical intervention should undergo surgery within 36 hours (and not
later than 48 hours) after the exposure. Additional surgery should not be performed until 6
weeks or later.
Depending on the time elapsed after the exposure and availability of resources, patients may
be re-triaged to another category.
Alternatively, an individual physiologic "response category" based on grading of clinical signs
and symptoms may be used in triage even before individual dose estimates are available to
care providers. An initial response category is assigned by determining the degree of toxicity to
the cutaneous, gastrointestinal, and neurovascular systems. Further categorization of patients
based on hematological degree of toxicity permits triage to an ambulatory setting, admission to
a routine-care hospital floor, or admission to a critical care unit. While this system is very useful
to the clinician in management of a small-volume radiologic event, it is time-consuming and
may be impractical in a large- volume scenario.
Once patients have been triaged by biodosimetry assessment and presence of other injuries,
they may be categorized into treatment groups according to general treatment guidelines on
the basis of radiation exposure dose. These guidelines are intended to complement clinical
judgment on the basis of signs and symptoms of the exposed individual. Treatment of the acute
radiation syndrome is not indicated when exposure dose is very low (<1 Gy) or very high (>10
Gy). Supportive and comfort care is indicated for people with an exposure dose greater than 10
Gy because their prognosis is grave.

Time to emesis (TE) studies have suggested that time to emesis (TE) is one clinical parameter
that can be used to indirectly determine dosage exposure. TE post radiation exposure seems to
decrease as dosage increases. For TE less than 1 hour, the whole body dose is estimated to be
greater than 4 Gy. For TE between 1 and 2 hours, whole-body dose is estimated to be greater
than 3 Gy, and for TE greater than 4 hours, whole-body dose is estimated to be around 1 Gy.
The most useful laboratory test in the setting of acute radiation exposure is the serial complete
blood count with differential obtained every 6-12 hours. Lymphocyte count serves as an
indicator for prognosis and as an estimate for the dose of radiation. Blood can also be drawn for
cytogenetic evaluation. If dicentrics (chromosomes with 2 centromeres) are found, they can be
used to indicate extent of radiation exposure. Cytogenetic studies are time-consuming
processes that are currently not being used for mass screening.

No treatment can reverse the effects of radiation exposure. Treatment for radiation sickness is
designed to help relieve the signs and symptoms. Doctors may use anti-nausea medicine and
painkillers to relieve some symptoms, and use of antibiotics to fight secondary infection. Drugs 8/13/2009

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approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment of radiation contamination from
an industrial accident or a dirty bomb include:

Pentetate calcium trisodium (Ca-DTPA)
Pentetate zinc trisodium (Zn-DTPA)

These drugs are included in the national stockpile of products for use in the event of an
emergency. Radiogardase, also known as Prussian Blue, may be used to treat people exposed
to radiation containing harmful amounts of cesium-137 or thallium. Ca- DTPA and Zn-DTPA
may be used for contamination with radioactive forms of plutonium, americium, and curium. All
three drugs work to eliminate the radioactive substances from your body.
Another drug that may be helpful in cases of exposure to high doses of radiation is filgrastim
(Neupogen), a drug currently used in people who've received chemotherapy or radiation
therapy. The drug stimulates the growth of white blood cells and can help repair bone marrow
damage. (13)
Medical Management of the Hematopoietic Syndrome
Treatment of radiologic victims with the hematopoietic syndrome varies with dose estimates,
exposure scenarios, and presenting symptoms. Short-term therapy with cytokines is
appropriate when the exposure dose is relatively low (<3 Gy). Prolonged therapy with
cytokines, blood component transfusion, and even stem-cell transplantation may be appropriate
when exposure dose is high (>7 Gy) or when traumatic injury or burns are also present. If
there are many casualties, treatment must be prioritized. In cases of internal ingestion or
contamination of unknown radioactive material, Some measures (e.g. lavage, charcoal) to
decrease absorption may be effective and can be used if not contraindicated. Internal
contamination by radioactive iodine can be treated with saturated solution of potassium iodide
(SSKI), a blocking agent that reduces uptake of radionuclide in the thyroid. SSKI is most
effective when taken within a few hours of exposure.
Chelating agents, such as penicillamine, bind specific radioactive metals causing decreased
tissue uptake and increased secretion. Antibiotics should be tailored toward the source of
infection. If absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is less than 500 cells/mm3, most experts
recommend prophylactic antibiotics including a fluoroquinolone, an antiviral agent, and an
antifungal agent.
The use of bone marrow transplant is controversial. Of the thirteen Chernobyl victims who
received bone marrow transplants, only 2 survived, one of whom had autologous marrow
repopulation. Thus only one survivor was thought to be saved by a bone marrow transplant.
Administration of hematopoietic growth factors to stimulate bone marrow post irradiation also
remains investigational.
Cytokine Therapy
Today, the only hematopoietic colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) that have marketing approval
for the management of treatment-associated neutropenia are the recombinant forms of
granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor (G-CSF), and the pegylated form of G-CSF (pegylated G-CSF or pegfilgrastim). Currently,
none of these cytokines have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the
management of radiation- induced aplasia. The rationale for the use of CSFs in the radiation
setting is derived from three sources: enhancement of neutrophil recovery in patients with
cancer who are treated with CSFs, an apparently diminished period of neutropenia in a small 8/13/2009

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number of radiation accident victims receiving CSFs, and improved survival in irradiated
canines and nonhuman primates treated with CSFs.
The value of CSFs in the treatment of radiation-induced myelosuppression of the bone marrow
lies in their ability to increase the survival, amplification, and differentiation of granulocyte
progenitors. Both GM-CSF and G-CSF activate or prime neutrophils to enhance their function,
such as microbicidal activity. Both have been shown to hasten neutrophil recovery by
approximately 3 to 6 days in humans after intensely myelotoxic therapies, including bone
marrow and stem-cell transplantation. In fact, neutrophil recovery times are similar for both
early and delayed treatment with G- CSF after transplantation. In the REAC/TS registry, 25 of
28 patients treated with G- CSF and GM-CSF after radiation accidents appeared to have faster
neutrophil recovery. In most instances, these persons received both G-CSF and GM-CSF
concurrently for significant periods. However, there was considerable variation in when CSFs
were used (often weeks after the incident) and how they were used. Some of these patients
also received interleukin-3. A significant survival advantage has been demonstrated in
irradiated animals treated with CSFs in the first 24 hours. In any adult with a whole-body or
significant partial-body exposure greater than 3 Gy, treatment with CSFs should be initiated as
soon as biodosimetry results suggest that such an exposure has occurred or when clinical signs
and symptoms indicate a level 3 or 4 degree of hematotoxicity. Doses of CSFs can be
readjusted on the basis of other evidence, such as analysis for chromosome dicentrics. While
there may be initial granulocytosis followed by significant neutropenia, CSF treatment should be
continued throughout this entire period. The CSF may be withdrawn when the absolute
neutrophil count reaches a level greater than 1.0 x 109 cells/L after recovery from the nadir.
Reinstitution of CSF treatment may be required if the patient has a significant neutrophil decline
(<0.500 x 109 cells/L) after discontinuation. Although the benefit of epoetin and darbepoetin
has not been established in radiologic events, these agents should be considered for patients
with anemia. Response time is prolonged (that is, 3 to 6 weeks), and iron supplementation may
be required.
People at the extremes of age (children < 12 years and adults > 60 years) may be more
susceptible to irradiation and have a lower LD50/60. Therefore, a lower threshold exposure
dose (2 Gy) for initiation of CSF therapy is appropriate in such persons and in those who have
major trauma injuries or burns. Individuals receiving an external radiation dose of at least 6 to
7 Gy from an incident involving more than 100 casualties due to detonation of an improvised
nuclear device or small nuclear weapon will have a poor prognosis, particularly when additional
injury is also present. Depending on the state of the health care infrastructure and availability
of resources, it may be prudent to withhold CSF treatment from persons with significant burns
or major trauma in a mass- casualty scenario. Since CSFs are a critical resource that must be
given for long durations, particularly in people with multiple injuries such as trauma and burns,
difficult triage decisions may mean that CSFs may be preferentially used for people without
additional injury because they may have a higher chance of survival (exposure dose of 3 to 7
Gy in adults < 60 years of age and 2 to 7 Gy in children and in adults 60 years of age). The
doses of CSFs recommended for use in radiologic incidents are based on the standard doses
used in patients who have treatment-related neutropenia.
Transfusion of cellular components, such as packed red blood cells and platelets, is required for
patients with severe bone marrow damage. Fortunately, this complication does not typically
occur for 2 to 4 weeks after the exposure, thereby permitting time for rapid mobilization of
blood donors. Blood component replacement therapy is also required for trauma resuscitation.
All cellular products must be leukoreduced and irradiated to 25 Gy to prevent transfusionassociated graft-versus-host disease in the irradiated (and therefore immunosuppressed)
patient. It may be difficult to distinguish transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease from
radiation-induced organ toxicity, which may include fever, pancytopenia, skin rash, 8/13/2009

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desquamation, severe diarrhea, and abnormalities on liver function tests (in particular,
hyperbilirubinemia). Leukoreduction is known to lessen febrile nonhemolytic reactions and the
immunosuppressive effects of blood transfusion. Moreover, leukoreduction helps protect against
platelet alloimmunization and against acquiring cytomegalovirus infections. Ideally, life-saving
blood products should be leukoreduced and irradiated.
Stem-Cell Transplantation
Matched related and unrelated allogeneic stem-cell transplantations are life-saving and
potentially curative treatments in patients with certain predominantly hematologic malignant
conditions. A small number of radiation accident victims have undergone allogeneic
transplantation from a variety of donors in an attempt to overcome radiation- induced aplasia.
The initial experience with this method in an irradiated patient dates back to 1958. Many
reports demonstrate transient engraftment with partial chimerism, with nearly all patients
experiencing autologous reconstitution of hematopoiesis. However, despite the transient
engraftment, outcomes have been poor, largely because of the impact of burns, trauma, or
other radiation-related organ toxicity. In fact, in a recent review of the allogeneic transplant
experience in 29 patients who developed bone marrow failure from previous radiation
accidents, all patients with burns died and only three of the twenty-nine lived beyond one year.
It is unclear whether the transplants affected survival.
Similar results were observed in the 1999 radiation accident in Tokaimura, Japan, where two of
the three victims were referred for allogenic transplantation. Both patients demonstrated
transient evidence of donor-cell engraftment followed by complete autologous hematopoietic
recovery before eventually dying of radiation injuries to another organ system or infection.
Survival may have been longer than expected in these patients. If resources allow,
transplantation should be considered in people with an exposure dose of 7 to 10 Gy who do not
have significant burns or other major organ toxicity and who have an appropriate donor.
Individuals with a granulocyte count exceeding 0.500 x 109 cells/L and a platelet count of more
than 100 x 109 cells/L at 6 days after exposure appear to have evidence of residual
hematopoiesis and may not be candidates for transplantation. In the unusual circumstance that
a syngeneic donor may be available or previously harvested autologous marrow is available, a
stem-cell infusion may be considered in patients with exposures exceeding 4 Gy.
Medical Management of Other Complications and Special Considerations The following
treatment recommendations are defined by clinical and laboratory- based triage and
observation of the clinical signs and symptoms associated with the acute radiation syndrome.
Supportive Care
Supportive care includes the administration of:

antimicrobial agents
antiemetic agents
antidiarrheal agents
analgesic agents
topical burn creams

Experimental work performed more than two decades ago demonstrated the efficacy of
supportive care, including the use of systemic antibiotics directed at gram- negative bacteria
and transfusion with fresh, irradiated platelets. Careful attention must be given to early fluid
resuscitation of patients with significant burns, hypovolemia, hypotension, and multiorgan 8/13/2009

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failure. Expectant care (treatment for comfort with psychosocial support) is recommended for
patients who develop multiorgan failure within hours after exposure, as their radiation dose will
have been high (>10 Gy). Resources permitting, routine critical care therapy should be
provided to patients who develop multiorgan failure several days to weeks after exposure
because their dose will have been in the moderate range. Therapy includes:

endotracheal intubation
administration of anticonvulsant agents
judicious use of parenteral analgesic agents
anxiolytic agents
sedatives, as needed

Susceptibility to infection results from a breech in the integument or mucosal barriers, as well
as immune suppression consequent to a decline in lymphohematopoietic elements. Several
studies have indicated that administration of antibiotics reduces mortality rates in irradiated
dogs in the LD50/30 range. Controlling infection during the critical neutropenic phase is a major
limiting factor for successful outcome. In non- neutropenic patients, antibiotic therapy should
be directed toward foci of infection and the most likely pathogens. Fluoroquinolones have been
used extensively for prophylaxis in neutropenic patients. In patients who experience significant
neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count < 0.500 x 109 cells/L), broad-spectrum prophylactic
antimicrobial agents should be given during the potentially prolonged neutropenia period.
Prophylaxis should include a fluoroquinolone with streptococcal coverage or a fluoroquinolone
without streptococcal coverage plus penicillin (or a congener of penicillin), antiviral drugs
(acyclovir or one of its congeners), and antifungal agents (fluconazole). Antimicrobial agents
should be continued until they are clearly not effective (for example, the patient develops
neutropenic fever) or until the neutrophil count has recovered (absolute neutrophil count 0.500
x 109 cells/L). Focal infections developing during the neutropenic period require a full course of
antimicrobial therapy. In patients who experience fever while receiving a fluoroquinolone, the
fluoroquinolone should be withdrawn and therapy should be directed at gram-negative bacteria
(in particular, Pseudomonas aeruginosa), since infections of this type may become rapidly fatal.
Therapy for patients with neutropenia and fever should be guided by the recommendations of
the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Use of additional antibiotics is based on treatment
of concerning foci (that is, anaerobic cocci and bacilli that may occur in patients with abdominal
trauma or infection with gram- positive bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus
species in addition to significant burns). Altering the anaerobic gut flora of irradiated animals
may worsen outcomes. Therefore, we recommend that gut prophylaxis not be administered
empirically unless clinically indicated (for example, in patients with an abdominal wound or
clostridium difficile enterocolitis).
Comfort Measures
People with a high exposure dose whose outcome is grim must be identified for appropriate
management. Since there is no chance for survival after irradiation with a dose of more than 10
to 12 Gy, it is appropriate for definitive care to be withheld from such individuals. Rather than
being treated aggressively, these patients should be provided with comfort measures.
Special Considerations
In pregnant women, the risk to the fetus must be assessed. Persons who have been exposed to
radioiodines should receive prophylaxis with potassium iodide. Children and adolescents are
particularly prone to developing malignant thyroid disease. 8/13/2009

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The Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau indicates that the radiosensitivity of tissue is directly
proportional to its reproductive capacity and inversely proportional to the degree of
differentiation. It follows that children could be expected to be more radiosensitive than adults,
fetuses more radiosensitive than children, and embryos even more radiosensitive than fetuses.
Most of the data involving teratogenic effects come from the atomic bomb survivors, which
shows evidence of both small head size and mental retardation. The age at which the fetus was
exposed was a critical factor in determining the type of effect and the risk.


Guidelines have been established for the use of personal protective equipment by health care
providers. Providers should use strict isolation precautions, including donning of gown, mask,
cap, double gloves, and shoe covers, when evaluating and treating contaminated patients.
Outer gloves should be changed frequently to avoid cross- contamination. No health care
workers who have adhered to these guidelines have become contaminated from handling a
contaminated patient. Radiation detection devices can readily locate contaminants in the
hospital facility to allow decontamination to take place. Protective gear should be removed after
use and placed in a clearly labeled, sealed plastic container.
Medical management of patients exposed to intentional or accidental radiation is complex and
demands many resources. The primary responsibility for optimizing outcome resides with
hospital staff and physicians and other health care facilities. Careful documentation of clinical
signs and symptoms and estimation of individual radiation dose are required for medical triage.
While loss of life in a nuclear detonation may be enormous, the survival benefit afforded those
who receive modern supportive care is significant. Effective care requires implementation of
well-organized disaster plans. Disaster planning should include contingency planning for a
scenario that involves loss of infrastructure.
Guidelines for Management of Pregnancy and Prevention of Thyroid Cancer
All hematopoietic cytokines and many antibiotics are class C drugs. However, any pregnant
woman who has been exposed to more than 0.25 Gy of radiation should have an estimate of
fetal dose determined. The fetus's dose is often lower than that of the mother, except in the
settings of radioiodine exposure (because the fetal thyroid gland is more iodine-avid than the
adult thyroid gland) and internal contamination of the maternal urinary bladder (where
increased exposure may occur because of proximity of the fetus to radioactivity). Consultation
with a health physicist and a maternal-fetal medicine specialist is advised to assess risk to the
fetus. The most important factor for ensuring fetal survival is survival of the mother. Pregnant
women should receive the same supportive care as that provided to nonpregnant adults.
Antibiotic use in pregnant women will require a review of safety in pregnancy. Risks and
benefits to the mother and fetus must be explained before therapy is administered.
In the fetus, child, and adolescent, the thyroid gland is a radiosensitive organ that is at risk for
malignant transformation. Because the thyroid gland concentrates iodine with great efficiency,
exposure to radioiodines results in localization of radioactivity in the thyroid gland. This
concentration of radioactivity can result in thyroid cancer, a delayed consequence that may be
more aggressive than de novo forms of thyroid cancer. The main route of radioiodine exposure
is inhalation by those in the near field and ingestion of contaminated food and drink
(particularly milk) for those farther away (in the far field). Thyroid blocking with potassium
iodide offers some protection (reduction of radioiodine uptake by 50% when administered 8/13/2009

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within 4 hours of the exposure) by saturating the thyroid gland with nonradioactive iodine.
However, potassium iodide is not a generic antiradiation drug. If radioiodines are not part of the
exposure, potassium iodide is not recommended. For example, because of their short half-life of
8.5 days, it is extremely unlikely that radioiodines will be incorporated into a radiologic
dispersal device or dirty bomb. In this scenario, potassium iodide will be of no clinical benefit
but its potential toxicity (including life-threatening anaphylaxis) will be risked. Therefore, it is
recommended that treatment with potassium iodide be avoided in victims of a dirty bomb
explosion. Potassium iodide should be administered by mouth (tablets or Lugol solution) as
soon as possible after the accident (six hours). Caution should be taken in victims who have a
personal history of allergy to iodine because severe allergic reactions have been reported.
Thyroid protection for pregnant women exposed to radioiodine is critical for the mother and
fetus. In the first trimester with a near-field exposure, stable iodine will protect the mother.
Pregnant women with far-field exposure may be able to avoid contaminated foods and milk.
The fetal thyroid gland normally does not begin to function until approximately the 12th week
of gestation. Thus, pregnant women in the second and third trimesters should receive
potassium iodide in both near- and far-field exposures to protect the maternal and fetal thyroid

1. Emergency Preparedness and Response, Acute Radiation Syndrome, available from
2. Waselenko, Jamie K., MD; Macvitte, Thomas J., PhD; Blakely, William F., PhD; Pesik,
Nicki, MD; Wiley, Albert L., MD, PhD; Dickerson, William E., MD; Tsu, Horace, MD;
Confer, Dennis L., MD; Coleman C. Norman, MD; Seed, Thomas, PhD; Lowry, Patrick,
MD; Armitage, James O., MD, Dainiak, Nicholas, MD, Medical Management of the Acute
Radiation Syndrome: Reccomendations of the Strategic National Stockpile Radiation
Working Group, Available from URL:
3. Andringa, Kelly, Acute Radiation Syndrome, Radiation Biology, 77:103, September 29,
2000, available from URL:
4. Cerveny, Jan T., PhD, MacVittie, Thomas, PhD, and Young, Robert W., PhD, Acute
Radiation Syndrome in Humans, available from URL:
5. Radiation Emergency Assistance Center, Managing Radiation Emergencies, available from
6. Barclay, Laurie, MD, Lie, De'sire'e, MD, MSEd, New Guidelines Address Radiaion
Syndrome, avaolable from URL:
7. McCann, David GC, MD, FAASFP, Radiation Poisoning: Current Concepts in the Acute
Radiation Syndrome, American Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 3, No. 3, Summer
8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for
Physicians, March 18, 2005, available from URL:
9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cutaneous Radiation Injury: Fact Sheet for
Physicians, June 29, 2005, available from URL:
10. Pae, Jeanne S., MD, CBRNE-Radiation Emergencies, available from
11. Department of Energy, United States of America, Radiation Protection Competency,
available from URL:
12. U.S.NRC, Fact Sheet on Biological Effects of Radiation, available from
13. Mayoclinic, Radiation Sickness, available from URL:
Course Exam 8/13/2009

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Radiation waves include gamma rays and X-rays.




Survival from the gastrointestinal syndrome occurs frequently.




The hematopoietic syndrome is referred to as reproductive death since the body does not
show effect until the stem cells attempt division and are unable to do so.



The syndrome requiring the lowest dose of radiation is the hematopoietic syndrome.



The latent period of ARS is when the patient has recovered.




People exposed to radiation will get ARS only if the radiation dose was high, the radiation
was penetrating, the person's entire body, or most of it, received the dose, and the
radiation was received in a short time.



LD50/60 is the mean lethal dose required to kill 50% of humans at 60 days.



People exposed to numerous X-rays and CT scans will become sick with acute radiation


Page 16 of 18


The cerebrovascular syndrome is referred to as a physiological death because the

symptoms and ultimate death appear quickly, usually within 2 days.


10. If the patient survives the manifest illness stage in the gastrointestinal syndrome, recovery
is almost assured.


11. Individual radiation dose is assessed by determining the time to onset and severity of
nausea and vomiting.


12. Lymphocytopenia is a late sign of acute radiation syndrome, and results in poor prognosis.


13. The manifest illness of the gastrointestinal syndrome include, vomiting, severe diarrhea and
high fever.

False 8/13/2009

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14. Individuals presenting with fever, hypotension, and major cognitive impairment will most
likely survive.


15. The late effects of the cutaneous syndrome may occur months to years after exposure.


16. Survival from the hematopoietic syndrome is rare.



17. Management of life-threatening injuries takes precedence over radiologic surveys and


18. Healthcare workers are at risk for post-traumatic stress disorder during mass casualty


19. Individuals requiring surgical intervention should undergo surgery within 36 hours after


20. Children and adolescents are particularly prone to developing malignant thyroid disease.


21. Gloves are all that is needed when evaluating and treating contaminated patients.


22. The most important factor for ensuring fetal survival is survival of the mother.


23. Certain foods such as bananas and Brazil nuts contain radiation.


24. The appearance of symptoms of acute radiation syndrome, such as, nausea and vomiting,
can also be induced psychologically.


25. The higher the dose of radiation, the longer the latent phase.


26. Radiation particles can lodge in your lungs and remain there for extended periods of time,
leading to continual radiation exposure.


27. The lens of the eye is highly susceptible to irreversible damage by radiation.

False 8/13/2009

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28. Radiation induced cataracts differ from naturally occurring cataracts.



29. Treatment of conventional injuries and illness should be done after decontamination of


30. The hematopoietic syndrome is the result of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets being killed by


31. Leukemia occurs more frequently in patients exposed to radiation.



32. With treatment the effects of radiation can be reversed.



33. A dirty bomb uses conventional explosives to spread radioactive material.



34. The stem cells are the most radiosensitive cells in the body.


35. The law of Bergonie and Tribondeau indicates that the radiosensitivity of tissue is directly
proportional to its reproductive capacity and inversely proportional to the degree of


36. The use of bone marrow transplant is controversial.



37. Most patients involved in a radioactive accident suffer from the combined injury syndrome.


38. Radiation induces loss of intestinal crypts and breakdown of the mucosal barrier.


39. Papilledema, ataxia, and reduced or absent deep tendon reflexes and corneal reflexes
characterize the hematopoietic syndrome.


40. There is no unique disease associated with chronic radiation syndrome.


False 8/13/2009

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