Health History Assignment
Health History Assignment
Health History Assignment
Biographic Data:
Name: Mr. M.C
Age: 49
DOB: 06/02/1965
Birthplace: Springfield, IL
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married, 26 years
Race: Caucasian
Ethnic Origin: American
Usual/Present Occupation: Government Employee, Retired Master Chief in
the US Navy
Primary Language: English
Source of History:
Reason for Seeking Care:
I had a pain in my chest that just wouldnt go away, no matter what I did.
History of Present Illness:
Patient was admitted from Internal Medicine for further evaluation of a 1month history of chest pain with and without exertion. The patient reports
the pain as, livable, and an 8 on a scale of 0-10. The patient cant
determine any precipitating factors of the pain. Rest does not relieve the
pain. Pt. reports, it just comes and goes on its own. Patient has a history of
HTN but feels like he has it under control. The patient reports that he doesnt
remember when the pain started, it just hasnt gone away so he wanted to
check it out. He is very concerned about his cardiac health and would like
more information on maintaining good cardiac health.
Past Health:
Micardis- 20 mg/day PO
Vital Signs:
BP- 138/82
Temperature- 97.9 F
HR- 63
SpO2- 99%
Family History:
Mother: Deceased- 74- Cause of Death was hypertension
Father: Deceased- 95- Cause of Death was heart failure following a
myocardial infarction
Sister: 56 years old, hypertension
Summary Statement:
Mr. G.M is a 49-year old Caucasian male who appears alert and competent at
the time of examination. His reason for seeking care was chest pain that
ranked 8/10 with and without exertion. He is concerned he may have heart
failure or will soon have a myocardial infarction. The patient states he would
like to learn more about maintaining good cardiac health.
W.M.- 76-
J.M.- 73-
L.J.- 82-
D.J.80s hx
U. W.W. M.70s
95- HF/ MI
K.A.-circle=C.L.*Square= male,
female, line through object =deceased.
Mr. G.M
56, HTN
M.J 83.-
N. M.- 74,
S.H - 57, HTN/
HTN Dementia