2005 Meeting Abstracts
2005 Meeting Abstracts
2005 Meeting Abstracts
Symposium 1317
Kristen Salomon, Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, Peter
J. Gianaros, Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, PA, Julian F. Thayer, Gerontolgy Research Center/LPC, National
Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, Marcellus M. Merritt, Laboratory of
Personality and Cognition, National Insititute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, Jos
F. Brosschot, Psychology, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Symposium 1719
Clemens Kirschbaum, Psychology, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden,
Germany, Joachim E. Fischer, Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland, Joe E. Schwartz, Psychiatry,
SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, Brigitte M. Kudielka, Clinical and
Theoretical Psychobiology, University of Trier, Trier, German, Clemens
Kirschbaum, Psychology, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden,
Germany, Arthur Stone, Psychiatry, SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
Cortisol is an important stress hormone, secreted by the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Circulating levels of free cortisol are reliably
assessed from saliva samples, enabling researchers to assess cortisol levels in
the natural environment multiple times per day, sometimes over multiple days.
Such data have given us a good understanding of the typical diurnal pattern of
cortisol during waking hours: a relatively high level at wakeup, a further rise
of about 50% during the first 30-60 minutes after awakening, and a fairly
steady decline during the rest of the day (with a modest bump at lunchtime).
However, there is evidence of substantial individual differences in the diurnal
pattern (e.g., differences in average level, the magnitude of the morning rises,
and the steepness of the diurnal slope) that are somewhat to moderately
reproducible across days. This said, the field does not yet have a good grasp of
1) how much variability there is among individuals in their average diurnal
patterns, 2) the extent of day-to-day fluctuations in diurnal patterns, 3) the
extent to which some individuals are more consistent across days than others,
4) the number and timing of cortisol samples needed to reliably assess the
diurnal slope for a single day, or 5) the number of days that should be sampled
in order to reliably estimate different aspects of a person s average diurnal
pattern. This presentation will address these issues, using data from studies
that collected salivary cortisol samples over multiple days, and offer
guidelines for the collection of salivary cortisol in future studies.
The past decade has witnessed a steadily increasing interest in and use of
noninvasive hormone measurements as tools in laboratory and field studies
with a special emphasis on salivary cortisol. From small case studies over
typical lab stress experiments to large-scale epidemiological research projects,
salivary cortisol measures are now employed with several 100,000 samples
obtained annually worldwide. The ease of sampling, storage, and shipping of
saliva samples has prompted many research groups to include those wet
measures despite only limited prior experience in endocrine research. This
symposium will provide state-of-the-art presentations on the methodological
and technical aspects of cortisol research in psychosomatic medicine that are
indispensable for both the advanced and the novice researchers in this field. A
first presentation will provide a theoretical and historical background of
salivary cortisol measurement. It will comment on technical issues including
assay technology and compliance assessment. Next, data from large-scale
field studies with over 19,000 samples will be shared with the audience. From
these and other data sources, normal values and technical aspects of saliva
sample generation and storage conditions will be discussed. Among the most
frequently studied aspects of the circadian rhythm in ambulatory studies, the
cortisol morning rise will receive special attention by a third presentation. It
will cover methodological aspects of the morning rise, discussing moderating
factors such as gender, age and compliance. Finally, a forth talk will provide
the audience with an in-depth analysis of within and between subject
variability with regard to salivary cortisol measures. How reliable or stable are
cortisol levels obtained under ambulatory conditions? How many samples at
what intervals are required to capture the individual cortisol status? Those and
a number of related questions with high practical relevance to the researcher
will be answered.
express emotion promotes adaptation, IBS patients with lower LEA should
experience more adverse health outcomes than indviduals with higher LEA.
65 normals (M age = 38 yrs, 51 females) and 50 Rome II diagnosed IBS
patients (M age = 44, 39 females) completed measures of emotional
awareness (LEAS), pain severity (SF-36 Pain scale), distress (Brief Sympom
Inventory Global Severity Index), fear of arousal symptoms (Anxiety
Sensitivity Index), worry (Penn State Worry Questionnaire), and interpersonal
problems (Inventory of Interpersonal Problems). Partial correlations
(controlling for age, gender) indicate that Total LEAS scores were inversely
associated with somatic complaints (e.g., pain r =-.38, p < 01) in IBS patients
and positively associated with emotional complaints (e.g., overall distress r =
.26, p < .05) in controls. Secondary analyses indicate that the ability to
recognize and describe emotion in others (LEAS-Other) correlated inversely
with overall distress (r=-.34), somatization (r=-.31), interpersonal problems
(r=-.38, p < .01), fear of arousal symptoms (r=-.36), and worry (r=-.33) in IBS
but not in healthy subjects, with all p values < .05 except as noted. Data
dovetail with the notion that IBS is a problem of emotion dysregulation
marked by a deficit in the conscious awareness of emotional experiences.
Symposium 1083
Richard D. Lane, Psychiatry, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Jeffrey M.
Lackner, Medicine, UB, SUNY, Buffalo, NY, Silla M. Consoli, C-L Psychiatry,
European Georges Pompidou Hospital, Paris, France, Paris, France, Richard
D. Lane, Psychiatry, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ, Claudia SubicWrana, Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, University of
Cologne, Wolfgang Linden, Psychology, The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Emotional disorders in obese people have already widely been described. Our
aim was to study the emotional impact and the factors modulating the social
consequences of morbid obesity in a population of candidates for gastric
banding surgery. Data collected included self-reports of quality of life (MOSSF36), alexithymia (TAS), levels of emotional awareness (LEAS), depressive
mood (BDI) and social anxiety (SIB). Population consisted of 16 men and 83
women (mean age 36.6 11.1). Mean body mass index (BMI) was 46.1 6.3.
SF36 scores were significantly impaired in comparison with data available in
the general population. Only 25% of the subjects could be considered as
alexithymic on the TAS. LEAS scores were lower than those observed in the
general population (52.5 10.4 vs 65.3 6.2 ; p < 0.001). None of the
emotional scores was correlated with BMI. Scores of social anxiety as
measured by SIB were higher than those available in a general population.
Contrary to data published regarding phobic patients, our obese subjects did
not show any impairment in assertiveness. The correlation between two scores
of SIB questionnaire (the social anxiety and the assertiveness scores) was
positive in our population (r = 0.42 ; p < 0.001) whereas it was shown to be
negative in a social phobic population (r = -0.53). Finally, social anxiety
scores were positively correlated with LEAS (r = 0.28 ; p < 0.01). In
conclusion, morbidly obese patients seeking gastric banding surgery present
with poorer quality of life, lower levels of emotional awareness and higher
levels of social anxiety, compared with data derived from general populations,
without any significant alteration of assertiveness, stressing the burden of
social stigmatisation of obesity. The positive correlation between LEAS and
social anxiety scores suggests a protective role of an altered emotional
awareness against social anxiety, allowing the less emotionally aware obese
individuals to preserve more satisfactory social interactions.
The way emotion is experienced and regulated lies at the core of the mindbody connection. During the first half of the 20th century there was a major
focus on the pathogenic consequences of emotional responses that were not
experienced or reported. In recent years there has been a trend toward greater
acceptance of self-reported emotions as accurate information for research
purposes. The levels of emotional awareness model attempts to integrate these
perspectives by proposing that emotional experience emerges from a sensorimotor foundation just as Piaget proposed for conscious thought. According to
this model, lower levels of emotional awareness (e.g. less complex and
differentiated feelings) will be associated with dysregulated emotional states
and adverse health outcomes. The first speaker will provide an overview of
the theory, the properties of the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale
(LEAS), and the findings with the LEAS in healthy individuals, which suggest
that emotional awareness is a fundamental ingredient of emotional
intelligence. The second speaker will discuss the inverse relationship between
LEAS scores and both emotional distress and pain in patients with irritable
bowel syndrome. The third speaker will present evidence that obese women
score lower on the LEAS than controls but that among obese women higher
LEAS scores are associated with greater social anxiety. The fourth speaker
will present evidence that patients with somatoform disorders 1) score lower
on the LEAS than patients with other psychiatric disorders and 2) show
significant increases in LEAS scores after 3 months of treatment. The
discussant will focus on the broader clinical implications of the levels of
emotional awareness model.
Symposium 1132
Martica Hall, Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Michael
R. Irwin, Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology, Psychiatry, UCLA
Neuropsychiatric Institute, Los Angeles, CA, Joel E. Dimsdale, Department of
Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, Julian F.
Thayer, Gerontology Research Center, LPC, National Institute on Aging,
Baltimore, MD, Thomas G. Pickering, Medicine, Columbia University
Medical College, New York, NY, Martica Hall, Psychiatry, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Symposium 2000
Chairs: Thomas Ritz, Psychology, University of Hamburg , Hamburg,
Germany, Edith Chen, Psychology, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Gailen D. Marshall, Department of Medicine, The University of Mississippi
Medical Center, Jackson, MS, Robert B. Banzett, Harvard School of Public
Health, Boston, MA, Mary D. Klinnert, PhD, National Jewish Medical and
Research Center, Denver, CO, Paul Lehrer, UMDNJ -- Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School, Piscataway, NJ, Rosalind Wright. Medicine, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA
Respiratory diseases pose a major health problem with rising prevalence.
Asthma prevalence has increased considerably in the last 20 years in many
Symposium 1004
Kenneth E. Freedland, Psychiatry, Washington University School of
Medicine, St. Louis, MO, Michael A. Babyak, Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, Carlos
F. Mendes de Leon, Internal Medicine, Rush University Medical Center,
Chicago, IL, Helen C. Kraemer, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Maria M. Llabre, Psychology,
University of Miami, Miami, FL, David S. Sheps, Cardiovascular Medicine,
University of Florida School of Medicine, Gainesville, FL
Background: CAD patients with high vs. low trait anger are more prone to
myocardial ischemia and potentially fatal arrhythmia during mentally and
emotionally stressful events. The CNS correlates of this risk have not
previously been examined. Objective: To observe differences in cerebral
activation between hi and lo trait anger CAD patients during mental stress
(MS) vs benign counting condition (CC), with particular focus on regions
associated with cognitive and emotional processing and autonomic balance.
Methods / Results: 75 CAD patients completed Spielberger measures of trait
anger and anger control, and Cook-Medley measures of hostile affect and
aggressive responding immediately prior to MS testing during brain PET. The
CC task served as a control condition for brain activity associated with mental
manipulation of numbers and speech related neuromuscular activity.
Comparison groups were based on lower and upper quartiles for each anger
measure; lo and hi composite anger groups were based on consistent hi/lo
scores on all measures. These groups were compared on CNS activity during
MS, controlling for activity during CC. Cerebral hyperactivation was
observed among hi vs. lo anger groups in Brodmann's areas (BA) 9-11
(prefrontal association cortex), BA 24 & 32 (limbic association cortex), and
BA 45-47 (prefrontal association cortex/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex),
regions associated with thought/cognition, emotion processing, and behavior
planning. Conclusion: These data suggest that hi vs. lo trait anger CAD
patients experience MS as cognitively more challenging, with concomitant
arousal of emotion associated with fronto-limbic activation in the CNS. This
brain map indicates a high level of perceived challenge and noxiousness
associated with the task, and has been implicated in emotional arousal and
autonomic influences on cardiovascular control.
In one way or another, it has often been noted that sloppy language leads to
sloppy science. If well-trained, careful researchers can examine exactly the
same data and reach contradictory conclusions, the consequences include
inconsistent results in the research literature, results that are often misleading
and can misdirect subsequent research efforts, thus slowing research progress.
A major case in point has been the usage of terms like "risk", "risk factor",
"causal", and "moderators" and "mediators" in both observational risk
research and clinical trials. The "MacArthur Model" will be presented, an
effort to encourage precise use of such terms in such as way as to guide
research design, measurement and analysis decisions.
Individual Abstract Number: 1047
Maria M. Llabre, Psychology, University of Miami, Coral Galbes, FL
Two areas of statistical development that are particularly relevant to
psychosomatic medicine are techniques for handling missing data and
methods for analyzing change over time. Longitudinal studies in
psychosomatic medicine likely experience attrition and/or other sources of
missing data, and frequently anticipate nonlinear change in outcomes. Newer
methods for the analysis of data sets with missing observations can be shown
to surpass more conventional approaches in terms of bias and power. Growth
models for quantifying change over time are better suited that traditional
analysis of variance approaches for capturing the complexity of data from
longitudinal designs, including nonlinear trajectories. While the use of these
approaches can improve the quality of our research, it will take training of
new researchers and retraining seasoned investigators for our field to benefit
from these powerful tools. This presentation will illustrate models of change
that use all available data, and the advantages of these models over more
traditional approaches. The presentation will consider the quantitative training
required to properly use these methods in psychosomatic research.
Symposium 1197
Robert Soufer, Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Matthew M. Burg, Robert
Soufer, Aseem Vashist, Cardiovascular Medicine, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, CT, Richard Lane, Psychiatry, Psychology,
Neuroscience, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
The contribution of stress and emotional factors to the development of CHD
has been well described, with more recent efforts directed toward an
elucidation of pathways by which these factors are transduced into CHD
outcomes. The current symposium utlizes recent advances in neuro-imaging
technologies to contribute important insights into the role of the central
nervous system as a key element of the pathophysiological pathway, relying
on the administration of laboratory based stressful tasks to provide the context
for investigation. The first of three papers describes gender-based similarities
and differences in CNS activation among normal and CAD patients during
testing. The second paper elaborates the CNS activation observed during
mental stress as a function of standard psychological measures of anger and
hostility. The third paper describes differences in CNS activation observed
during mental vs. pharmacological demand related stress. These papers are
discussed in the context of their contribution to a greater understanding of
central nervous system influences on CHD.
Symposium 1592
Steven E. Locke, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Wayland, MA, Gail
Ironson, Psychology, University of Miami, Coral Cables, FL, Cheryl
Koopman, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, Charles Engel, Psychiatry, Uniformed Services University, Janice
Kiecolt-Glaser, Psychiatry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
The Global War on Terrorism has led to increased concern about the
capability of the US health care system to respond to casualties from a
chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) agent attack. Relatively little
attention, however, has focused on the potential, in the immediate aftermath,
for large numbers of casualties presenting to triage points with acute health
anxiety and idiopathic physical symptoms. This sort of mass idiopathic illness
is not a certain outcome of CBR attack. However, in the event that this
phenomenon occurs, resulting surges in demand for medical evaluations may
disrupt triage systems and endanger lives. Conversely, if continuous primary
care is not available for such patients after initial triage, many may suffer with
unrecognized physical and emotional injuries and illness. We report the
results of an expert planning initiative seeking to facilitate triage protocols
that will address the possibility of mass idiopathic illness and bolster health
care system surge capacity. Our report reviews knowledge regarding key
triage assumptions, gaps in knowledge, and offers a three-stage heuristic
triage model for further discussion and research. Optimal triage approaches
must offer flexibility and rely on a mix of empirical evidence, critical incident
modeling, lessons from simulation exercises, and case studies. Our triage
model emphasizes early identification of idiopathic physical symptoms,
avoidance of psychologizing labels and longitudinal follow-up for all patients
and active clinical collaboration between primary care and psychiatry for the
significant minority of patients that develop persistent symptoms and
Symposium 1359
John F. Todaro, Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, Brown
Medical School and The Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI, Jeanne M.
McCaffery, Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, Brown Medical
School and The Miriam Hospital, Provdience, RI, Edward C. Suarez,
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC, Wolfgang Linden, Psychology, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
John F. Todaro, Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, Brown
University and The Miriam Hosptial, Provdience, RI, Raymond Niaura,
Providence, RI
Symposium 1466
Edith Chen, Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,
Canada, Craig K. Ewart, Psychology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY,
Edith Chen, Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,
Canada, Rosalind J. Wright, Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge,
MA, Joanne Weinberg, Cellular & Physiological Sciences, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Symposium 1121
Wolfgang Linden, Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,
Canada, Jenny C. Koertge, Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,
Sweden, Gerdi Weidner, Preventive Medicine Research Institute, James A.
Blumenthal, James A. Blumenthal, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, NC, Johan Denollet, Medical Psychology,
Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, Francois Lesperance, Department of
Psychiatry, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
Symposium synopsis: This symposium will have four presenters who will
describe research that extends the knowledge base prior to ENRICHD (the
largest psychological depression trial for cardiac patients to date). Given that
ENRICHD results were disappointing for many, it is critical that the field of
psychological interventions for cardiac patients receives continued attention
and discussion and encourages creative new approaches. ENRICHD and
previous studies taught many lessons that will continue to strengthen the field
and these lessons require being paid attention to. Critical features are gender
differences, timing and design of intervention protocols, choice of control
group, and choice of endpoints. The first presenter will provide new insights
into ENRICHD's findings based on secondary analyses. The second presenter
will describe a successful psychological treatment program (and its effects)
specifically designed for cardiac women. The third presenter will describe
long-term results of clinical trials that target psychological endpoints other
than depression and social support; and finally, the last presenter will show
how psychological interventions can be embedded into larger risk factor
modification trials. This last presenter will also discuss evidence for the
importance of thoughtful choices of control group and endpoints.
Individual Abstract Number: 1232
Jenny C. Koertge, Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Women with coronary heart disease (CHD) have been poor responders to
psychosocial treatment and little is known of which treatment modality works.
This randomized controlled study evaluated the effect of a 1-year stress
management program, aimed at reducing stress in women with CHD. Patients
were 247 women (age 629 years) recruited consecutively during the event of
either acute myocardial infarction, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, or
coronary by-pass operation. Patients were randomly assigned to either stress
management (20 2-hour sessions during 1 year) and medical care of a
cardiologist, or to the control group obtaining usual care of the health care
system. Measurements were carried out at baseline (6-8 weeks after
randomization), after 10 sessions, after 1 year, and at 1-2 years follow-up.
Baseline levels of vital exhaustion were higher in the intervention group as
compared to the control group (p=0.036). For vital exhaustion, effects were
found for time (F=9.68, p<0.0001) and the time*treatment interaction
(F=4.44, p=0.005), suggesting that both groups improved over time. Vital
exhaustion was reduced by 18% after 1 year, and by 27% at 1-2 years followup (the corresponding decrease for the control group was 8% and 13%,
respectively). For depression, there was only a main effect for time reflecting
that both groups improved during the study period. The changes in vital
exhaustion and depression did not appear to relate to changes in serum lipids,
glucose, cortisol, or C-reactive protein at 1 year. In conclusion, women with
CHD who received stress management and were treated by a cardiologist
during 1 year had a significant decrease of vital exhaustion compared to
women receiving usual care.
The overall goal of our ongoing research program is to examine the role of
psychosocial stressors in a systems framework considering multiple biologic
pathways by which stress can contribute to asthma causation. We have tested
the notion that stressors can cumulatively influence immune system
development and airway inflammation in early life, thus making certain
populations more susceptible to other environmental factors (e.g., allergens,
air pollutants). This research program takes a multi-level approach, measuring
both individual-level stress (perceived stress, pregnancy anxiety) and
community-level stress (e.g., neighborhood disadvantage, high crime/violence
rates). In ongoing epidemiological studies, we have examined associations of
the above types of stress with asthma onset and morbidity. We have also
assessed the influence of stress on the hormonal stress response and on Thelper cell differentiation relevant to the expression of an atopic or
proinflammatory phenotype. In one recent study of a prospective birth-cohort
predisposed to atopy/asthma, caregiver stress was measured at 2-month
intervals for the first 2 years of life and biomarkers were ascertained from
children's blood (age range 18-32 months). Markers of early childhood
immune responses included: 1) immunoglobulin E (IgE) expression; 2)
mitogen-induced and allergen-specific [Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f 1)
and cockroach (Bla g 2)] proliferative response; and 3) subsequent cytokine
expression (INFg, TNF-a, IL-10, and IL-13). The relationship between stress
and the proliferative response and total IgE was examined using logistic
regression. In adjusted analyses, higher caregiver stress in the first 6 months
after birth was associated with high Der f 1 [OR=1.5, 95% CI (1.0, 2.3)].
Higher stress between ages 6 and 18 months was associated with a high total
IgE [OR=2.03, 95% CI (1.1,3.6)], increased production of TNF-a, and
reduced INFg. Thus increased stress in early childhood was associated with an
atopic immune profile in children predisposed to atopy/asthma.
(CAD); CAD with low left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF); > two risk
factors (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia), participated in the
intervention, with follow-ups ranging from 3 months to 5 years. Outcomes
included medical risk factors (lipid profiles, blood pressure, exercise capacity,
weight, cardiac events) and psychosocial variables (depression, hostility,
quality of life). The main findings were: (1) at baseline, women's prognostic
characteristics (sociodemographic: living alone, being unemployed; medical:
lipid profile, diabetes; psychosocial: spousal support; quality of life) were
significantly more adverse when compared to men. Analyses by diabetic
status revealed the same pattern, indicating worse health status among diabetic
patients; (2) by the end of three months, both sexes, regardless of diabetic
status and LVEF, evidenced significant improvements in lifestyle behaviors,
medical, and psychosocial risk factors, which were maintained through the
follow-up periods; (3) the magnitude of risk factor change observed in the
multisite studies was similar to that observed in the earlier randomized
controlled LHT; (4) fewer cardiac events were evident, even among high risk
(low LVEF) patients, and almost 80% of MLDP patients who were eligible
for bypass surgery or angioplasty at baseline were able to safely avoid it.
These findings demonstrate that a multi-component cardiac intervention
program can be successfully implemented in diverse regions of the USA, with
demonstrated benefits for both sexes and different levels of disease severity.
Symposium 1255
three papers examining the influence of SES on mood and health. Measures of
several dimensions of SES are included and both perceived and objective SES
ratings are employed in several of the papers. The first paper examines the
association of different components of SES (i.e.., income, education, and
occupational status) assessed at several different levels (individual, family,
and neighborhood) to negative mood and hostility. The findings indicate that
the relationship of SES to negative mood varies depending on the component
and level of SES assessed. The second paper examines the effects of both
objective and subjective assessments of SES on self-reported health in
Hispanic immigrants. The authors report that subjective assessments yield
closer relationships with perceived health than do objective assessments. The
final paper examines an important potential moderator of the relationship of
SES to health in an immigrant sample. Specifically, the authors examine the
degree to which achievement motivation increases the negative effects of low
SES on health. Together, these papers yield insights into the complex
relationship of both objective and subjective SES to health.
Individual Abstract Number: 1703
Elizabeth Brondolo, Department of Psychology, St. John's University,
Jamaica, NY, Karina Bienfait, Department of Psychology, St. John's
University, Jenni Atencio, Department of Psychology, St. John's University,
Jamaica, NY, Andrea Cassells, Carmen Rodriguez, Catherine Cubbin,
Jonathan N. Tobin, Clinical Directors Network
Socioeconomic status (SES) has been related to increased health risk, and
specifically increased cardiovascular risk. The mechanisms linking SES to
impaired health status are not well understood. Investigators have suggested
that the relationship of SES to health may be mediated by psychosocial factors
including negative mood and hostility. This study examines the association of
different components of SES to negative mood and hostility. Participants
included 64 men and 146 women (68% Black, mean age=39) drawn from
Community Health Centers in New York. Participants completed a detailed
interview assessment of education, income and assets, and occupational
prestige for the individual, parent and family. Measures of occupational
prestige were based on the Nakao and Treas Socioeconomic Index of
Occupations. Negative mood was assessed with the PANAS and hostile
attributions and cynicism were assessed using subscales drawn from the
Cook-Medley Ho scale. Results: The participants occupational prestige (r= .14, p < .04) as well as their mothers occupational prestige (r= -.17, p < .01)
and their fathers occupational prestige (r = -.20, p < .02) were all negatively
related to the participants current negative mood. In addition, the
participants education level was also related to negative mood (F(2,207) =
5.86, p < .01) such that those with less than a high school education had more
negative moods (mean = 2.36) than those with a high school diploma (mean =
1.94) or college degree (mean = 1.89). In contrast, household income (r = -.06,
pns) and household assets (r = -.11, p < .10) were not significantly associated
with negative mood, but were associated with hostile attributions (ps< .05).
Associations of neighborhood SES to mood and hostility were also examined.
Dimensions of SES influence different aspects of psychosocial functioning. In
turn, these variations may produce differences in health risk.
Individual Abstract Number: 1707
Marcus Green, Patrick Steffen, Department of Psychology, Brigham Young
University, Provo, UT
Symposium 1654
Elizabeth Brondolo, Psychology, Elizabeth Brondolo, Department of
Psychology, St. John's University, Jamaica, NY, Marcus Green, Patrick
Steffen, Department of Psychology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT,
Thomas Pickering, General Medicine, Columbia Presbyterian Medical
Center, New York, NY
greater education (r = .17, p < .05). When these measures were included
together in a regression model, only subjective social status remained
significant. Subjective social status was also negatively related to perceived
racism (r = -.17, p < .05). Subjective and objective measures of SES were not
related to somatic symptoms; however, perceived racism was related to higher
levels of somatic symptoms (r = .39, p < .0001). Number of years lived in the
US was positively related to perceptions of racism (r = .21, p <.01) and
negatively related to subjective social status (r = -.19, p < .05). Subjective
social status is a stronger predictor of self-reported health than objective SES
in Hispanic American immigrants, and low subjective social status predicts
increased perceptions of racism. Increased length of time in the US is related
to negative outcomes.
Symposium 1402
John J. Sollers III, Emotion & Quantitative Psychophysiology Section,
National Institute on Aging, NIH, Baltimore, MD, Redford Williams, Jr.,
Behavioral Psychiatry, Duke University, Durham, NC, Jeanne McCaffery,
Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, Brown Medical School and
The Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI, Andrey Anokhin, Department of
Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO,
Marcellus M. Merritt, Emotion and Quantitative Psychophysiology Section,
Julian F. Thayer, Emotion & Quantitative Psychophysiology Section,
National Institute on Aging, NIH, Baltimore, MD
The objective of this symposium is to examine genetic contributions related to
individual differences in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and morbidity.
There are large individual differences in both the genetic markers for CVD
and the psychosocial influences. The assessment of these differences are
important for psychosomatic medicine, and with advent of new techniques
and developments in the area of genetics, understand the relationships
between these complex factors has become more feasible. These talks will
highlight some of the recent findings in this emerging area. The first talk will
discuss the relationships between two hypertension related candidate genes
(eNOS; ACE) and heart rate variability (HRV) in African-Americans. The
next talk will examine the influence of education level on hypertension risk
using a classic twins design. The third presentation will assess the heritability
of HRV in a random sample of female twins. The final talk discusses the role
of the promotor polymorphism of the MAOa gene and its effect on the
The bi-directional effects of stress on the immune system and the regenerative
capacity of the organism have well been explored in animal experiments. The
first paper revisits the stress-suppression paradigm. Evidence suggests that
moderate stress exposure induces a large and long-lasting enhancement of
skin cell-mediated immune reactivity. The second paper investigates cytokine
secretion under mild to moderate acute psychosocial stress in humans. Data
reveal a time delayed increase in plasma concentrations of interleukin-6
towards the end of the post-stress observation at + 1.45 h. The third paper
relates to withdrawal of the parasympathetic activity - a mechanism that has
been implicated as a possible cause of immune modulation under moderate
stress. The study involved 24-hour heart rate variability recordings from 613
individuals. The paper reveals an inverse relation between plasma levels of Creactive protein and heart rate variability, supporting the existence of an antiinflammatory cholinergic pathway. The fourth presentation reports on an
inverse association between adverse psychosocial working conditions (effortreward-imbalance) and the organisms capacity to repair endothelial lesions
(endothelial progenitor cells), which is aggravated by adverse health
behaviour (smoking). The last paper shows that subclasses of cytotoxic Tcells are differentially affected by biological risk factors, health behaviour and
adverse psychosocial working conditions. In summary these data bridge the
gap from human laboratory evidence suggesting immunomodulatoryenhancing effects of moderate stress to field conditions.
Symposium 1640
Acute mental stress induces a significant increase in plasma interleukin (IL)-6
levels as a possible mechanism for how psychological stress might contribute
to atherosclerosis. We investigated whether the IL-6 response would habituate
in response to a repetitively applied mental stressor and whether cortisol
reactivity would show a relationship with IL-6 reactivity. Study participants
were 21 reasonably healthy men (mean age 467 years) who underwent the
Trier Social Stress Test (combination of a 3-min preparation, 5-min speech,
and 5-min mental arithmetic) three times with an interval of one week. Plasma
IL-6 and free salivary cortisol were measured immediately before and after
stress, and at 45 min and 105 min of recovery from stress. Cortisol samples
were also obtained 15 and 30 min after stress. IL-6 significantly increased
between rest and 45 min post-stress (p=.022) and between rest and 105 min
post-stress (p=.001). Peak cortisol (p=.034) and systolic blood pressure
(p=.009) responses to stress both habituated between weeks one and three. No
adaptation occurred in diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and IL-6 responses
to stress. The areas under the curve integrating the stress-induced changes in
cortisol and IL-6 reactivity were negatively correlated at visit three (r=-.54,
p=.011), but not at visit one. The IL-6 response to acute mental stress occurs
delayed and shows no adaptation to repeated moderate mental stress. The
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis may attenuate stress reactivity of IL-6.
The lack of habituation in IL-6 responses to daily stress could subject at-risk
individuals to higher atherosclerotic morbidity and mortality.
Symposium 1137
Jane Leserman, Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC, Deidre B. Pereira, Clinical and Health Psychology,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Jane Leserman, Psychiatry, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Gail Ironson, Conall
O'Cleirigh, Psychology, Univ. of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, Michael Antoni,
Department of Psychology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) are crucial for maintaining vascular
integrity. Low EPC counts are found in adults with a high cardiovascular risk index
and are associated with impaired endothelial function. It remains unknown whether
psychosocial risk factors and health behaviour affect circulating EPC counts. This
cross-sectional study enrolled a random sample of 548 predominantly male adult
industrial employees (mean age 41.9 years). Cardiovascular risk factors (blood
pressure, LDL, HDL, C-reactive protein), health behaviour (smoking, alcohol,
physical exercise), adverse psychosocial working conditions (effort-reward
imbalance) and psychological risk factors (depression, Type-D personality) were
assessed by medical examination and by validated questionnaires. Circulating
CD34+ CD31+ progenitor cells were enumerated by flow cytometry and served as
a proxy measure for true EPCs. Psychosocial risk factors, in particular violation of
reciprocity as evidenced by effort-reward imbalance showed an independent
association with progenitor cell counts after controlling for other risk factors. The
association with risk factors increased with age. In subjects older than 42 years, the
prediction model explained 27% of the variance in progenitor cell counts. A
powerful interaction between smoking and effort-reward imbalance emerged.
Participants who smoked 10 cigarettes or more per day and who reported effortreward imbalance had odds of 8-2 (95% CI 1.3 50.5) on their cell counts being in
the lowest quintile, as compared to non-smokers without effort-reward imbalance.
Thus, in working men of advanced midlife (> 42 years), the simultaneous presence
of adverse psychosocial working conditions and adverse health behaviour
(smoking) is associated with an impeded capacity to repair endothelial lesions.
Immunosuppressed HIV+ women with poorly controlled HIV viral load are at
risk for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) induced cervical dysplasia, the
precursor to cervical cancer. We previously reported high life stress increases
odds of progressive/persistent cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL)
in HIV+HPV+ women, possibly via effects on cellular immunity or health
behaviors. CBSM has positive effects on emotional/physical well being in
HIV and cancer. However, no research has examined CBSM effects on the
health and well being of HIV+ individuals with a premalignancy, e.g., cervical
dysplasia. We examined effects of a 10-wk CBSM intervention (n=12) vs a 1day CBSM workshop (n=16) on cervical dysplasia among 28 HIV+HPV+
women (M age=30 yrs,SD=7 yrs) with recent low-grade SIL. Ss underwent a
baseline psychosocial interview,blood draw,and colposcopic exam (Pap
smear,cervical biopsy,and cervical swab to assess for HPV). These procedures
were repeated 9 months post-baseline. Mean baseline CD4+CD3+ cell count
was 433 cells/mm3(SD=296 cells/mm3);13 Ss had a history of either a clinical
AIDS dx or a CD4+CD3+ cell count<200 cells/mm3. At baseline,23 Ss (10
CBSM,13 control) had evidence of low-grade SIL by Pap or biopsy-proven
mild dysplasia; 22 were positive for HPV DNA. At 9-month follow-up, 50%
of CBSM Ss experienced dysplasia regression or remained free of dysplasia
compared to 19% of control Ss. A multivariate logistic regression analysis
adjusting for CD4+CD3+ cell count,HIV viral load,presence of oncogenic
HPV DNA,and pack years of cigarette smoking demonstrated that CBSM Ss
were more likely to experience dysplasia regression or remain free of
dysplasia at 9-month follow-up than control Ss (OR: 10.77,95% CI for OR:
.97 to 119.27,p=.053). These preliminary results suggest stress management
interventions may buffer progression/persistence of cervical dysplasia among
women with HIV and HPV.
Symposium 1165
It is now well established that deficient dietary consumption of fish oil and
other sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is a modifiable
risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD). Increasing fish oil intake can
decrease CHD mortality, as well as have salutary effects on cardiac
arrhythmias, serum lipids, heart rate variability, endothelial function, and
hemostasis. Recent research also indicates that low dietary omega-3 PUFA
intake is associated with several psychological characteristics -- depression
and hostility -- that are themselves associated with heightened CHD risk.
However, the biological mechanism(s) through which omega-3 PUFAs relate
to CHD and psychological disorders remains poorly understood. PUFAs are
the essential precursors of the eicosanoids, important mediators of
inflammatory processes, and omega-3 fatty acid-derived eicosanoids are less
pro-inflammatory than those produced from omega-6 fatty acids.
Inflammation, in turn, is implicated in the pathogenesis of both CHD and
psychological disorders, particularly depression. This presentation will review
these findings and propose a path model in which the dual clinical effects of
omega-3 PUFAs on cardiovascular as well as psychological health are
mediated by reduction in chronic systemic inflammation.
Abstract 1616
Abstract 1684
Bonnie A. McGregor, Public Health Sciences Division, Shelby L. Langer, Karen
L. Syrjala, Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Center, Seattle, WA
Abstract 1040
Michael J. Forlenza, CCEP, UNC Lineberger, Chapel Hill, NC, Gregory E.
Miller, Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Abstract 1570
Abstract 1584
Abstract 1065
Scott C. Matthews, Richard A. Nelesen, Joel E. Dimsdale, Psychiatry,
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Abstract 1062
Abstract 1422
Abstract 1243
Abstract 1436
Depression is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic
inflammation may be a mechanism, but few controlled studies are available in
apparently healthy individuals. We examined 194 male twins aged 47 to 57
years, free of symptomatic CHD. Current depressive symptoms were
measured with the Hamilton Depression Scale (HamD), and lifetime history
of major depression (MD) with the Structured Clinical Interview for
Psychiatry Disorders (SCID). Interleukin-6 (IL-6) was measured by ELISA.
Data were log-transformed and expressed as geometric means. Mixed-effects
regression was used to account for intra-pair correlations. There was a graded
association between levels of depressive symptoms and IL-6, which persisted
after adjusting for CHD risk factors (Table). In contrast, lifetime MD was not
associated with IL-6 in absence of current symptoms. In conclusion, state
depression may be more important than trait depression for CHD risk.
MD (lifetime)
HamD Score
No. of Subjects
0.008 (trend)
We have proposed that threats to the social self (i.e., social evaluation,
rejection) can lead to increased proinflammatory cytokine production, and
these changes may occur in concert with the emotion of shame. The goal of
the study was to experimentally test if performance stressors characterized by
social-evaluative threat, where the self could be negatively judged by others,
provide one set of conditions that could elicit shame and proinflammatory
cytokine activity. Thirty-nine healthy females were randomly assigned to
deliver a speech and perform a math task in the presence or absence of an
evaluative audience (SET or non-SET). Emotion was assessed pre- and posttask, and LPS-stimulated proinflammatory cytokine production (Il-6, TNF)
was assessed at baseline, immediately post-task, and after a 40-minute
recovery. Consistent with hypotheses, those performing the tasks under socialevaluative threat showed greater increases in shame compared to those
performing in the absence of SET (time x condition interaction, p<.05).
However, sadness, anger and fear were not as sensitive to the social context;
the time x condition interaction was not significant for these emotions (p>.10).
The assays for the majority of participants (N=25) have been run to date. As
hypothesized, TNF and Il-6 production increased from pre- to post-task for
those in the SET condition (ps<.05), and tended to remain elevated 40 minutes
post-task (TNF, p=.093; Il-6, p<.05). However, there were no changes in
proinflammatory cytokine production for those in the non-SET condition
(ps>.20). Taken together, these findings underscore the importance of social
evaluation as a threat capable of eliciting proinflammatory cytokine activity,
and these immunological changes may hinge on the experience of shame.
Abstract 1196
Mark Hamer, Raisa Vuononvirta, Andrew Steptoe, Psychobiology, University
College London, London, UK
Abstract 1575
Michael R. Irwin, Tom Newton, Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology,
Psychiatry, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, Los Angeles, CA, Anthony
Butch, Department of Pathology, Gayle Baldwin, Department of Medicine,
Hematology and Oncology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, Luis Olmos, Cousins
Center for Psychoneuroimmunology, Psychiatry, UCLA Neuropsychiatric
Institute, Los Angeles, CA
High job demand has been associated with an increased risk of coronary heart
disease (CHD) in recent prospective cohort studies. The mechanisms may
involve exaggerated biological responses to repeated acute stressors. The
inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) is an established risk marker
for CHD although presently the effect of acute mental stress on circulating
CRP is undetermined. Repeated stress-induced increases in CRP may provide
a link between high job demands and CHD risk. Thus the aim of the present
study was to examine the relationship between job demand and circulating
CRP response to mental stress. Sixty-seven healthy, non-smoking, males
(mean age +/- SD: 32.4 +/- 8 yrs), in full-time employment were recruited.
Work characteristics were measured through self administered questionnaire
that contained items derived from the central components of the job strain
model. Following a baseline period, participants were required to complete a
3-min speech task followed by a 5-min mirror tracing task. Blood pressure
(BP) was monitored continuously using a Finapres BP device. Blood samples
were drawn from the antecubital fossa during baseline and immediately post
task for the assessment of CRP that was performed using a standard ELISA
kit. CRP was significantly elevated by 8.6% following the stress period [t
(1,60) = 3.67, p<0.01] and BP was significantly increased during both tasks
(p<0.001). Standard multiple regression analysis was employed to predict the
CRP stress response from the variables job demand, BMI, systolic BP
reactivity, and age. The model predicted 12.2% of the variance for the CRP
stress response, that was mainly accounted for by job demand [b=0.28,
p<0.05]. Neither job strain nor job control was associated with the CRP stress
response and there was no association between baseline CRP and any work
stress measures. Thus, in healthy men higher job demands predicted higher
CRP responses to acute mental stress. These findings support a link between
work stress and acute inflammatory responses.
Cocaine is the one of the most frequently abused substances in the United
States, and its use is a significant risk factor for the spread of HIV-1 infection.
However, few studies have examined the in vivo effects of cocaine on human
immune responses. In this study, the effect of acute cocaine administration on
the intracellular production of proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 (IL-6)
and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), was investigated. IL-6 and TNF play a
critical role in regulating differentiation of B cells and activation of T cells.
Subjects included 15 cocaine-dependent men (mean age 42.5 + 6.2 years); all
subjects were actively using cocaine and were not treatment seeking.
Following three days of monitored abstinence, cocaine (40 mg) vs. placebo
was administered in a randomized, double blind crossover design at 17:00 h
on days 1 and 3 of the protocol. Repeated blood sampling was taken every 3
hours over 48 hours during each infusion condition. Stimulated intracellular
production of IL-6 and TNF by monocytes was assayed by flow cytometry.
For production of TNF, a 2 condition (cocaine, placebo) x 17 (time) repeated
measures ANOVA showed a significant condition effect (F=31.5, p<0.001)
and a condition x time interaction (F=2.4, p<0.01). Cocaine administration
induced acute (within 30 minutes) and persistent (>15 hours) suppression of
TNF expression by monocytes. Similar results were found for monocyte
expression of IL-6 and monocyte co-expression of IL-6 and TNF. This is one
of the first controlled human studies showing that in vivo cocaine has acute
and protracted suppressive effects on immune responses. Given the central
role that monocytes/macrophages play in regulating cytokines and cellular
immune responses, these findings have implications for increased incidence of
HIV-1 and other infections in association with cocaine dependence.
Supported in part by grants AA13239, DA16541, T32-MH19925, GCRC
M01-RR00865, and the Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology
Abstract 1434
Abstract 1151
Abstract 1049
Abstract 1375
Laust H. Mortensen, Center for Alcohol Research, National Institute of Public
Health, Copenhagen, Denmark, Thorkild I. Sorensen, Danish Epidemiology
Science Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Morten Gronbaek, Center for Alcohol Reseach, National Insitute of Public
Health, Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract 1512
Abstract 1516
Henrit van Middendorp, Rinie Geenen, Marjolijn J. Sorbi, Lorenz J. P. van
Doornen, Health Psychology, Johannes W. J. Bijlsma, Rheumatology and
Clinical Immunology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Little is known about factors that initiate the decision to stop smoking.We aimed
to identify smokers completely unwilling to change smoking habits with those
who actively considered to quit and assessed the long term effect on subsequent
smoking status and total mortality. Data were derived from three population
based MONICA/KORA Augsburg surveys covering 13,428 persons aged 25 to
74 years, randomly drawn between 1984 and 1995. The follow-up smoking
status after an average of 7.6 years was available in 9276 (69.1%) participants.
Current regular smokers were defined as active contemplators (AC) when they
tried to stop smoking and to smoke less in the past year as well as planed to
change smoking habits in the future. In case of denying all items, smokers were
labeled as immotive (IS). Among 3,229 of current regular smokers in the study
population, a subgroup of 18.3% (n=592) were AC while 22.5% (n=726) totally
rejected any attempt to change smoking. No group differences were observed for
sex, age, education years, occupational status, somatic risk factors. However, AC
were suffering significantly more often from angina, from premonitory signs of a
disease and sleeping disturbance. They expressed an impaired self perception of
health and suffered significantly more often from a depressed and exhausted
mood. Cox regression revealed a hazard ratio of 1.44 (95% CI 0.98-2.12) for
total mortality for the IC compared to the AC group. Logistic regression
procedure revealed that the relative risk (chance) of contemplators compared to
immotives to stop smoking was 1.77 (95% CI 1.25-2.50). Perceived
susceptibility to a disease and the perceived threat of impaired health status seem
to be crucial triggers to perform health-protective behaviour. Conversely,
subjects who refuse any attempt to stop smoking habits may consider themselves
to be particularly healthy and thus be victims of a conceited healthy smoker
effect according to which the strong refusal to change behaviour is permanently
supported by the absence of disabling body symptoms.
Abstract 1343
Abstract 1373
Kathleen A. O'Connell, Health and Behavior Studies, George A. Bonanno,
Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Teachers College Columbia University,
New York, NY, Joseph E. Schwartz, Psychiatry, SUNY-Stony Brook, Stony
Brook, NY, Vanessa L. Hosein, Health and Behavior Studies, Teachers College
Columbia University, New York, NY
Abstract 1183
Abstract 1142
J. Richard Jennings, Christopher M. Ryan, Psychiatry, Matthew F. Muldoon,
Medicine, Carolyn C. Meltzer, Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA
Abstract 1697
Abstract 1459
Mary C. Davis, Alex Zautra, Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe,
AZ, John Allen, Psychology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Accruing data suggest that chronic pain patients with fibromyalgia (FM) show
a diminished capacity to mobilize sources of positive affect that can neutralize
their experiences of pain and stress. The current study was designed to
examine whether heart rate (HR) and facial EMG responses to standardized
affective stimuli show a similar pattern of deficits in positive affect among
FM patients relative to pain patients with osteoarthritis (OA). A sample of 63
women aged 38 to 72 years (M=57), with FM or OA (n=32 FM) was recruited
from the community to participate in laboratory testing. HR and facial EMG
activity were recorded during exposure to 36 standardized slides of different
affective valence (12 pleasant, 12 neutral, and 12 unpleasant). Each slide was
viewed for 6 seconds, and change scores for EMG and HR were computed by
subtracting the average value for the.5 sec just prior to slide onset from the
average value for each .5 second segment of the slide viewing period. Change
scores for each .5 sec increment were then averaged across slides of each
valence. Repeated measures ANCOVAs were conducted, with change scores
for each .5 second increment during slide viewing for EMG or HR changes as
the dependent measures and level of activity for the .5 seconds prior to slide
onset serving as the covariate. Diagnostic groups (Dx) were similar in facial
EMG during exposure to positive and negative slides (Period X Dx, Fs < 1, ps
> .5), and in their HR responses to the unpleasant slides (Period X Dx, F =
1.1, p = .44), with both groups exhibiting sustained deceleration. However, the
groups did show differences in their HR responses to pleasant slides (Period X
Dx, F = 4.42, p < .04). The OA group showed an initial HR deceleration,
followed by HR acceleration between 3 and 5 seconds into positive slide
viewing. In contrast, the FM group continued to show HR deceleration
throughout the positive slide viewing period, a pattern that was similar to the
one evident during display of the unpleasant slides. These data suggest that
FM and OA patients do not differ in their HR responses to aversive stimuli,
but do seem to vary in their ability to orient to pleasant stimuli, with FM
patients showing a deficit.
The present study used covariate analyses to examine the neural correlates of
arousal during a grief-eliciting paradigm. We attempted to isolate areas of the
demonstrated functional neural network that pertained to the arousal
dimension of grief. Eight bereaved participants were shown picture-word
composites in a 2x2 factorial design. The Person Factor contrasted
photographs of participants' deceased loved one and a stranger. The Word
Factor contrasted grief-related and neutral words. Respiratory sinus
arrhythmia (RSA), skin conductance responses (SCR), and subjective grief
ratings were entered as covariates. RSA correlated positively with fMRI
BOLD activity in bilateral cuneus and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), and
correlated negatively with BOLD activity in posterior cingulate cortex (PCC).
SCR correlated positively with BOLD activity in the pons, PCC and fusiform
gyrus and self-reported grief correlated positively with BOLD activity in the
right anterior insula. All clusters were significant at p<0.05, corrected, and all
Z scores were significant at p<0.001, uncorrected. This study provides
evidence for a functional neural network for emotional arousal during the
grief response, including areas that participate in generating emotional
arousal, visual imagery, establishing a new meaning of familiar stimuli in a
new context and the laying down of newly revised memories. As such, this
study demonstrates the neural correlates of the dynamic process of grief at
work in healthy individuals. Further imaging research may identify the
patterns of neural activation that distinguish grief in resilient bereaved
individuals, as in the present study, from those patterns that characterize
bereaved individuals who develop clinical depression, anxiety, or complicated
Abstract 1499
Abstract 1316
IBS patients show altered responses to visceral stimuli, which may be related
to altered response of the emotional motor system (EMS). The PAG (an EMS
structure) processes nociceptive input, is modulated by ACC and PFC, and
mediates responses to noxious stimuli. We contrasted IBS patients' and
controls' (Ctrls) responses to visceral distension by examining covariation of
PAG with ACC and PFC activity. 12 non-constipated, ROME+ IBS patients
(10 M; age=39) and 12 Ctrls were studied using H215O-PET. PET scans were
taken during rest and rectal distension (45mm Hg, 60 sec). SPM99 evaluated a
priori regions of interest for response to rectal distention, and did a random
effects assessment of covariation of PAG with dorsal ACC and PFC. Across
all subjects visceral distension activated PAG (t=4.91, p=.0005), PFC
(RVentroMedial: t=3.54, p=.03; LVentroLateral: t=3.62, p=.02;
RVentroLateral: t=4.76, p=.001; RDorsoLateral: t=3.29, p=.05), and ACC
(t=3.35, p=.03). Ctrls had stronger activation in VM PFC (L/R) & VL PFC
(L). Compared to IBS, Ctrls' PAG responses were more positively (+)
correlated with RVM PFC (p=.01), and dorsal ACC (p=.001). While the PFC
effect derived from a + correlation in Ctrls (p=.002), the ACC effect derived
from a + correlation in Ctrls (p=.003) and a - correlation in IBS (p=.01).
Altered perceptual and autonomic responses in IBS may be related to altered
CNS functional connectivity during visceral stimuli. In response to noxious
visceral sensation, Ctrls more effectively use dorsal ACC to activate PAG
when IBS patients may inhibit their antinociceptive brainstem centers. Greater
PAG connectivity with RV PFC in Ctrls is consistent with disruption theory
which posits right PFC subserves metacognitive functions that can inhibit
pain. Supported in part by NIH grants P50 DK64539 (EAM), R24
AT002681(EAM) and NR007768 (BN)
Abstract 1515
Abstract 1305
Maarit Gockel, Appraisal and Rehabilitation Department, Tapiola Pension,
Espoo, Finland, M. Tuomisto, Psychology, University of Tampere, Tampere,
Finland, H. Lindholm, Clinical Physiology, K. Risnen, Occupational
Health, M. Kivist, Psychology, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health,
Helsinki, Finland, H. Hurri, Rehabilitation, Centre Orton, Helsinki, Finland
Purpose of study Applied relaxation (AR) teach to relax rapidly in daily work.
We evaluated the effects of AR, used by occupational health care
professionals on physical symptoms reflecting stress and on autonomic
nervous system (ANS). Subject sample and statement of methods. The study
group of 234 white-collar workers (164 females/70 males), mean age 42.3
years (range 25-55) with no evidence of sickness or medication affecting the
ANS. The stress evaluation included MBI-GS exhaustion scale, GHQ 12-item
version, Modified Somatic Perception Questionnaire (MSPQ). ANS function
was evaluated from the continuous short-term ECG and blood pressure
recordings. The AR protocol included seven group sessions once a week.
Study subjects were randomly allocated to intervention (A), and control (B)
groups. Summary of results: 45.7 % of women and 50% of men were mildly
and 15.2% of women and 7.1% of men were strongly exhausted. Exhausted
men had reduced vagal tone. The mean power of log HF of the not exhausted
men was 5.5, in the mildly exhausted group 4.9 and in the strongly exhausted
group 4.3 (p=0.01). RMSSD was higher (p=0.01) among the not exhausted
men (33.7 ms) than among strongly exhausted (18.0 ms) and mildly exhausted
men (25.0 ms). After 6 months the hurry (F = 4.58, p <.03) and insecurity of
work (F = 9.58, p <.0001) were decreased in group A compared to B. The
male employees in group A showed less psychological distress after 6 months
by GHQ The proportion of employees with poor MSPQ profile and low
baroreflex sensitivity decreased from 21% to 9% in the A group and increased
from 7% to 13% in the B group. 95% of participants would recommend AR to
others. This intervention provided evidence of AR on distress and
neurocardiological determinants of stress.
Abstract 1450
Abstract 1163
Abstract 1275
Timothy W. Smith, Bert N. Uchino, Kathy Light, Angela Hicks, Rebecca
Campo, Justin MacKenzie, Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Abstract 1669
Abstract 1006
J.A. Skala, K.E. Freedland, W.B. Howells, R.M. Carney, Washington University,
St. Louis, MO, M.M. Burg, Yale, New Haven, CT, D. Catellier, UNC, Chapel
Hill, NC, H.S. Lett, J.A. Blumenthal, Duke, Durham, NC, S.M. Czajkowski,
NHLBI, Bethesda, MD, AS Jaffe, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Depression and low perceived social support (LPSS) are established risk factors
for morbidity and mortality after myocardial infarction. Few studies have
simultaneously investigated these factors in the same cohort. We hypothesized
that: 1) depression and LPSS independently predict the combined endpoints of
reinfarction and mortality, and 2) depression and LPSS interact such that patients
with both are at higher risk than expected if the effects are simply additive. The
sample consisted of 2,889 post-MI patients recruited for the Enhancing
Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease (ENRICHD)trial or for an ENRICHD
ancillary study. 978 patients had depression only, 647 had LPSS only, 856 had
both, and 408 had neither condition. Measures included the DISH interview for
depressive disorders, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the ENRICHD
Social Support Instrument (ESSI). Cox regression was used to model the effects
of depression and LPSS on time to reinfarction or all-cause mortality. All groups
were at elevated risk compared to controls; DEP-only HR=2.43 (p<0.0001),
LPSS-only HR=2.22 (p<0.0001), both DEP and LPSS HR=2.34 (p<0.0001).
Subsequent analyses revealed that the "both" group did not differ from the DEPonly group (p=0. 68) or the LPSS-only group (p=0. 62) A secondary analysis
utilizing continuous BDI and ESSI scores revealed that the patients with both
severe depression and severe LPSS are not at the highest risk; rather, those with
severe depression and high perceived social support are at the highest risk. This
surprising finding differs from other recent studies (e.g., Frasure-Smith et al.,
2000; Welin et al., 2000) and challenges longstanding assumptions about the
relationship between depression and social support in cardiac patients.
Abstract 1618
Abstract 1401
Michael A. Babyak, James A. Blumenthal, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, Robert M. Carney, Department
of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO,
Francis J. Keefe, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, R. Duane
Davis, Thoracic Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, Rick
LaCaille, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University
Medical School, Durham, NC, Priti Parekh, Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, Kenneth E. Freedland,
Department of Psychiatry, Elbert P. Trulock, III, Department of Surgery,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, Scott M. Palmer,
Department of Medicine/Pulmonary Medicine, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC
Abstract 1501
Abstract 1683
Abstract 1101
Vernon A. Barnes, Georgia Prevention Institute, Pediatrics, Surender
Malhotra, Cardiology, Frank A. Treiber, Georgia Prevention Institute, Dept
of Pediatrics, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Abstract 1631
Sonia A. Cavigelli, Biobehavioral Health, Pennsylvania State University,
State College, PA, Jason R. Yee, Martha K. McClintock, Human
Development, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Abstract 1145
Abstract 1696
Abstract 1314
Abstract 1347
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most prevalent (nonskin) cancer in men and
standard treatments are associated with psychosocial and physical
impairments. Past research has found that men who cope with PCa by
focusing on self to the exclusion of others report worse quality of life, an
effect mediated by reduced emotional expressiveness. Structural equation
modeling was used to test a model predicting emotional well-being and the
stress hormone cortisol from men s specific beliefs about social interactions
and use of emotional-support coping. Participants were 125 partnered men age
50 or older who underwent radical prostatectomy or external beam radiation
in the last 18 months for localized PCa. Beliefs about social interactions were
assessed with the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, emotion-focused
coping with the Brief Cope, Emotional Well-Being with the Functional
Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT), and free cortisol levels from 24-hour
urinary samples using radioimmunoassay. Indicators of model fit (n.s. chi
square, CFI>.95, RMSEA<.06) and path coefficients (all p s<.05) indicate
that among men recovering from treatment for prostate cancer, rating social
interactions as threatening and difficult was related to poorer emotional wellbeing and higher levels of cortisol, an effect partially mediated by the use of
emotional-support coping. Competing models, methodology, and treatment
implications are considered.
Abstract 1176
Robert Zachariae, Sren Christensen, Michael M. Jrgensen, Anders B.
Jensen, Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark, Joan
Ravnsbk, Section of Breast Surgery, Aalborg Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark,
Susanne Mller, Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group, Rigshospitalet,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Hans von der Maase, Oncology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Abstract 1241
Abstract 1607
Abstract 1250
Research suggests that stress and the subsequent rise in cortisol can affect
neurocognitive function, particularly memory. Human studies have generally
found a negative effect; however, these studies often manipulate cortisol
levels prior to encoding, consolidation and retrieval, confounding these
processes. The animal literature suggests that stress effects may be more
nuanced, possibly enhancing consolidation but impairing retrieval. The
purpose of the current study was to parse the effects of an acute psychosocial
stressor on separate memory processes in humans by varying the timing of the
stressor. 208 college students were randomly assigned to a no-stress control
group (n=51) or one of three groups stressed at different times: prior to stimuli
presentation (encoding+ consolidation, n=51), immediately after
(consolidation, n=56), or just before memory testing 48 hours later (retrieval,
n=50). Salivary cortisol was measured at baseline and 20 minutes after the
stressor. Both verbal and visual memory was measured at the 48-hr delay
using a film stimulus developed by the investigator and with the WMS-III
narrative. The group stressed prior to consolidation significantly outperformed
controls on the film recognition test at delay for verbal and total scores
(p<.05). This effect may have been related to cortisol response, as this was the
only stress group to exhibit a significant increase in cortisol (40%) following
the stressor. No significant differences in memory were found for the
encoding or retrieval groups compared with controls. Within-group
correlations between change in cortisol and memory were not significant, but
exploratory analyses revealed a small but significant positive correlation for
cortisol and verbal scores on the film recognition test across all groups
(r=.18). Results support the hypothesis that stress enhances consolidation of
new information, and provides the first evidence of this for verbal memory.
Abstract 1571
Abstract 1234
Links between chronic stress with risk for cardiovascular disease and poorer
immune function have been well established. The exact mechanism remains
elusive, and may be illuminated by examining cellular level markers of aging.
We tested whether stress impacts the rate of cellular aging, by examining
telomeric DNA length, telomerase activity (the enzyme that protects
telomeres), and oxidative stress, known determinants of cell senescence and
longevity, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 62 healthy
premenopausal women, caregivers and controls. Blood was drawn in a fasting
state during the follicular stage of menstrual cycle. Participants were then
exposed to a modified Trier Social Stress Test to examine autonomic
reactivity. Perceived life stress was significantly associated with lower
telomerase, shorter telomere length, and greater oxidative stress. Women with
the highest levels of perceived stress have telomeres shorter on average by the
equivalent of at least one decade of additional aging compared to low stress
women (Epel et al., 2004). Newer findings show that lower telomerase
activity is significantly associated with smoking, poorer lipid profile, greater
resting sympathetic arousal, fasting glucose, visceral adiposity, negative
mood, and exaggerated autonomic reactivity (heart rate variability and pulse
pressure) to laboratory stress. All reported findings have p's < .05, adjusted for
age. These novel findings have implications for understanding how, at the
cellular level, stress may promote earlier onset of age-related diseases.
Epel et al, Accelerated telomere shortening in response to exposure to life
stress. in press, PNAS 2004.
Abstract 1225
Heather M. Burke, Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, Lia C. Fernald, Paul J. Gertler, Public Health, University of
California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, Nancy E. Adler, Psychiatry, University of
California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
The purpose of this study was to examine the association between depressive
symptoms and salivary cortisol responses to stress in a high-risk population of
very poor Mexican women. Adult women (N = 1109) between the ages of 18
and 44 (mean age = 29) were identified in a house-to-house survey in lowincome areas (income < 20th percentile nationally) of urban Mexico. An
interview containing the Spanish version of The Center for Epidemiologic
Studies - Depression Scale (CES-D) was administered to all women. The
naturalistic stressor was defined as the unexpected arrival of a team of
researchers at the participants' homes. Saliva samples were taken at 0 minutes
(baseline), 25 minutes, and 50 minutes after arrival. The mean CES-D score
was 19.42 (range: 0 to 53). Results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM)
analyses revealed no effect of depressive symptoms on baseline salivary
cortisol levels. However, a significant depressive symptom by time interaction
(p < .05) revealed that women with elevations in depressive symptoms (CESD scores = 35) failed to exhibit a cortisol response to the stressor. In contrast,
in women with lower CES-D scores, cortisol levels significantly increased in
response to the stressor. Consistent with research on individuals with major
depressive disorder, results of this study demonstrate that women with very
high levels of depressive symptoms exhibit blunted cortisol responses to a
naturalistic psychological stressor. Results also contribute to prior research by
generalizing findings to a high risk, underserved population of women.
Abstract 1369
Abstract 1717
Abstract 1455
Abstract 1705
Abstract 1626
Abstract 1675
Abstract 1564
Abstract 1437
Laura E. McClelland, James A. McCubbin, Fred S. Switzer, Robin M.
Kowalski, Psychology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
The present study examined the interaction of social support and sex on pain
sensitivity. A total of 68 individuals (32 women, 36 men) were studied; 34
participated alone while 34 participated with a same sex friend. Individuals
were exposed to a cold pressor challenge, then rated pain sensitivity using the
Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), and rated Overall Social
Support (OSS). Results revealed significant sex main effects on the affective
and sensory subscales of the MPQ showing that females reported greater pain
than males (p<.05). A significant interaction on the present pain subscale of
the MPQ revealed females participating with a friend reported greater pain
than males (p=.05). Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) reactivity results revealed
a significant condition main effect, showing participants in the support
condition had significantly greater increases in SBP during the cold pressor
(p=.01). Further analyses revealed significant OSS main effects on each of the
four MPQ subscales and the MPQ total score, showing that individuals who
reported higher overall support in their lives also reported higher pain
sensitivity (p<.05). Significant interactions on the present pain and visual
analog subscales and the MPQ total score revealed that individuals who
reported higher OSS and participated with a friend indicated higher pain
sensitivity than individuals who reported lower OSS (p<.05). Blood pressure
results revealed a significant condition main effect where those who
participated with a friend had higher increases in SBP (p<.01). The significant
OSS main effect showed that individuals who reported lower overall support
had greater SBP reactivity (p<.05). These data indicate that greater OSS is
associated with higher reports of pain, but lower SBP reactivity. Moreover,
persons with greater OSS reported more pain with a friend present, than alone.
As in chronic pain, these results may reflect effects of social reinforcement on
pain behavior. Supported by NIH HL32738 to Dr. McCubbin.
Abstract 1444
Abstract 1338
Abstract 1053
Phillip J. Quartana, John W. Burns, Psychology, Rosalind Franklin
University of Medicine and Science, North Chicago, IL
Abstract 1419
Talissa A. Frank, Stephanie R. Fishel, Eric R. Muth, Psychology, Clemson
University, Clemson, SC
Chronic low back pain patients (CLBPs) often attempt to avert pain thoughts
and sensations through the use of a number of cognitive strategies (eg,
distraction, suppression). Findings provide mixed support for the effectiveness
of distraction and suppression, whereas focusing attention on pain sensations
may provide the most respite. Suppression may worsen pain by ironically
rendering pain thoughts and sensations hyperaccessible to consciousness, thus
leading to exaggerated 'symptom-specific' arousal (ie, lower paraspinal muscle
tension). CLBPs who catastrophize in reaction to pain thoughts and sensations
may not only be likely to use distraction or suppression, but may be especially
susceptible to the pernicious effects of the latter, creating vicious
catastrophize-suppress-catastrophize cycles. Sixty-eight CLBPs completed the
Pain Catastrophization Scale (PCS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and
underwent a cold-pressor task in 1 of 3 conditions: sensory focus; distraction;
suppression. Lower paraspinal (LP) and trapezius (TR) EMG were recorded.
Regressions revealed PCS x Condition effects on LP reactivity (p < .05), such
that PCS scores were significantly related to LP reactivity during paininduction only for those in the suppression condition (p<.05; Distraction:
p=.47; Sensory Focus: p=.27). PCS x Condition effects did not emerge for TR
reactivity (p =.71). Results remained significant after controlling for BDI
scores. Findings suggest that CLBPs who tend to catastrophize about pain and
attempt to avoid pain-related thoughts and sensations via suppression may
experience substantial LP muscle tension during painful episodes. This effect
was not significant for TR reactivity, supporting a symptom-specificity model.
Thus, vicious catastrophize-suppress-catastrophize cycles may characterize
such patients, leading to significant chronic pain severity via effects specific
to muscles of the lower back.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of psychological stress
on the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Ten subjects completed a control
condition and a mental arithmetic condition at least 1 week later. Following a
15 min. baseline period, participants ingested 10 g of lactulose, a marker for
small intestine transit, and 100 mg of sodium octanoate, a marker for stomach
emptying, dissolved in 12 oz of water. The State Trait Anxiety Inventory was
administered before the water load, after the mental arithmetic task in the
stress condition and 15 min following the water load in the control condition.
Heart rate variability, stomach electrical activity and emptying, and small
intestine transit time were recorded throughout. The number of subjects varied
for the measures because of missing data due to artifacts or experimenter
error. Participants reported a greater mean ( standard deviation) increase in
levels of anxiety following the stressor (6.4 6.4) than control session (-1.6
5.1; t(9) = -3.46, p<.01). Small intestine transit time, stomach lag time (the
time it took for the stomach to begin emptying), heart rate variability, and the
normal stomach electrical activity present were not significantly different
between the math and control conditions (t(5) = 1.09, p>.05, t(8) = -1.32
p>.05, t(8) = 1.15, p>.05, and t(5) = 1.05, p>.05 respectively). However, the
mean time for half of the water to empty was marginally longer in the math
condition (77 13 mins) than the control condition (70 6 mins; t(8) = -1.50,
p<.10). In addition, the trends for all measures were in the predicted direction
of an increase in stress causing a decrease in GI activity. This study used a
relatively small number of subjects, an easy meal for the stomach to process
and a moderate lab stressor. Future studies are needed to replicate this finding
with more subjects, more realistic meals and more severe stressors.
Nonetheless, this study demonstrates an effective paradigm for non-invasively
examining the effects of stress on the GI system.
Abstract 1644
Abstract 1041
Abstract 1198
Andre Arsenault, Nuclear Medicine, Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, QC,
CANADA, Simon L. Bacon, Nuclear Medicine, Psychology, Montreal Heart
Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canda, Kim L. Lavoie, Nuclear
Medicine, Psychology, Montreal Heart Institute, McGill University, Montreal,
QC, Canada, Bernard Meloche, Nuclear Medicine, Montreal Heart Institute,
Montreal, QC, Canada
Poor endothelial function (EF) is a risk factor for coronary heart disease
(CHD). EF has been shown to improve following behavioral interventions and
maybe responsive to acute stress. However, current methods of assessing EF
are problematic due to their invasive nature or poor test-retest reliability. The
current study describes a new method of measuring EF and shows its
sensitivity and specificity of predicting CHD. CHD patients (n=21) were
compared to low-risk (LR) participants (n=21). The hyperaemic response to 5
min of arm ischemia (in the right arm) was measured using a planar dynamic
one frame per second first-pass acquisition of 10 minutes. Two measures of
EF were derived from the first-pass activity-time curves (ATC). The Rate of
Uptake Ratio (RUR) compared the ATCs between the hyperaemic and nonhyperaemic arms, and the Elbow to Wrist Relative Uptake (EWRU) compared
the ATCs at the elbow and wrist within the hyperaemic arm. Discriminant and
ROC analyses were used to estimate the diagnostic performance of RUR and
EWRU. RUR (t=5.7, p<.001) and EWRU (t=3.6, p<.001) were significantly
higher in the LR group (6.1 0.4 and 23.2 2.2%) compared to the CHD
patients (3.4 0.3 and 11.7 2.4%). The correlation between RUR and
EWRU was low (r=0.3, p=n.s.). Both RUR (F=27.0, p<.001) and EWRU
(F=10.0, p<.004) were retained as independent predictors of CHD in the
discriminant analyses. The combination of the two parameters yielded an area
of 0.95 in the ROC analysis, with a sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 90%.
CHD patients had poorer EF compared to LR participants. The new measures
of EF, RUR and EWRU, both were independent predictors of CHD, with the
combination of the two providing CHD discrimination with high sensitivity
and specificity. This study suggests that RUR and EWRU maybe a reliable
tool to measure EF in behavioral research.
Abstract 1143
Abstract 1379
Atopic diseases such as allergic asthma (AA) and atopic dermatitis (AD) often
exacerbate when patients experience psychosocial stress. A decreased cortisol
response to stress has been discussed as a possible mediator, however the
underlying mechanisms are not fully understood so far. We therefore set out
to investigate the sensitivity of immune cells to the suppressive effects of
glucocorticoids.Twenty-four patients with atopic diseases (AA or AD) and 23
healthy controls were subjected to the psychosocial stress test TSST (Trier
Social Stress Test). Salivary cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine were
measured repeatedly before and after stress. Peripheral blood mononuclear
cells (PBMC) were obtained by density gradient centrifugation before, as well
as 10 and 60 min after stress. Proliferation was induced by incubation with
phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and subsequently inhibited by co-incubation with
different concentrations of dexamethasone (DEX; 0 M to 10-6 M). Stress
induced significant increases in cortisol in healthy subjects and male patients,
but not in female patients; E and NE also increased after stress but did not
differ between patients and controls. Glucocorticoid (GC) sensitivity of PHA
induced lymphocyte proliferation showed marked differences between
patients and controls: DEX suppression of proliferation was significantly
higher in patients with atopic diseases; GC sensitivity increased after stress in
all groups, but not in atopic men. In summary, there appears to be a different
picture in atopic men and women. While atopic women have a blunted
cortisol response to stress, their GC sensitivity further increases after stress,
similar to healthy controls. Atopic men in contrast do have a normal cortisol
response to stress, but fail to increase GC sensitivity. These data show that
different endocrine-immune dysregulations can be observed in male vs.
female patients suffering from atopic diseases.
Anecdotal and epidemiological evidence suggest that stressful events may act
as triggers for myocardial infarction (MI). Hemoconcentration, measured by a
decrease in plasma volume, in response to mental stress may mediate the
triggering of MI by stress. Although stress-induced hemoconcentration is well
documented, its underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Factors
influencing shifts in plasma volume are described by the Starling equation for
fluid movement across the vascular wall. This study explored the association
between stress-induced hemoconcentration and two factors of the Starling
equation: microvascular permeability and hydrostatic pressure, as estimated
by blood pressure reactivity. Microvascular permeability was assessed during
rest using venous congestion plethysmography. Seven plasma volume and
associated systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurements were taken during a
20-min rest, a 32-min mental arithmetic task, and a 30-min recovery in 17
healthy young men. The stress task elicited a decrease in plasma volume (M =
-6.7%, p<.001) and an increase in SBP (M = 13 mmHg, p<.05). Participants
with more permeable microvasculature tended to show greater
hemoconcentration (r = -.44, p=ns). Within-subject correlational analyses on
the task and recovery measurements indicated that SBP reactivity was
associated with hemoconcentration (average r = -.50, p<.001): the higher the
increase in SBP, the bigger the shift in plasma volume. In conclusion, stressinduced hemoconcentration was mediated by an increase in hydrostatic
pressure and, to a lesser extent, the permeability of the microvasculature.
Thus, large pressor responses to stress and a highly permeable
microvasculature might be risk factors for MI by exacerbating the rheological
effect of a stressful trigger.
Abstract 1554
Abstract 1425
Srikanth Ramachandruni, Clay Sizemore, Sue Mc Gorray, Roger Fillingim,
Amanda Pusey, David Sheps, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Lower socioeconomic status (SES) has a robust association with poorer health
outcomes. One way to better understand how SES impacts health is to
examine its influences at multiple levels, such as neighborhood, family, and
individual. The objective of this study was to investigate the relative
importance of neighbourhood, family, and subjective SES in predicting
physical health and psychological outcomes in youth. 315 adolescents from 3
public high schools (mean age 16.6) underwent assessments of body mass
index (BMI), cortisol levels, and blood pressure, and completed
questionnaires on psychological traits and subjective SES perception. Parents
were also interviewed to obtain family SES data on resources (income, assets)
and prestige (education, occupation). Corresponding neighborhood SES data
was obtained from 2000 U.S. Census data at the block-group level. Multiple
regression analyses revealed that both lower family and neighborhood
resources predicted higher BMI ('s from -.15 to -.27; p's <.05); however, only
lower neighborhood prestige predicted higher BMI ('s = -.34; p's <.001). All
measures of lower neighborhood SES, but not family SES, predicted lower
basal cortisol levels ('s from .14 to .17; p's <.05). Although subjective SES
was not significantly associated with any physical health outcomes, higher
subjective SES was correlated with positive psychological variables such as
optimism, self-esteem, and control (r's from .19 to .33, p's <.05). The strong
association between neighborhood characteristics and BMI and cortisol levels
suggests a mechanism through which social contexts may influence physical
health by determining community resource availability. Overall, results from
this study indicate the importance of deconstructing SES to target adolescent
health interventions at the appropriate SES level.
Abstract 1529
Abstract 1118
Vinod Kochupillai, Manisha Bhutani, Medical Oncology, Satya N. Das,
Biotechnology, Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, AIIMS, New Delhi, India,
Devender Singh, Medical Oncology, Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, AIIMS, New
Delhi, Indiq, Pratik Kumar, Medical Physics, Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital,
AIIMS, New Delhi, India
Tobacco consumption and stress are known risk factors for cancer. SK&P rhythmic
breathing processes, introduced through a structured 24-hour (spread over 6 days)
Art of Living program (AOL), are known to eliminate stress. We studied the effect
of SK&P on immune system in normal individuals and cancer patients, and on
smoking habits. Immune study: Natural killer (NK) cells in the peripheral blood
were compared among 17 AOL teachers (regular practitioners for atleast 2 years),
17 cancer patients in remission, and 63 normal subjects using 2-color flowcytometer. Subsequently 21 cancer patients (in remission or having stable response,
who had practiced SK&P for 6 months) and 6 cancer patients (controls) underwent
serial NK cell estimation at day 0, day 8, week 12 and week 24. The tobacco study
included 82 current tobacco users who underwent AOL. NK cells were
significantly higher (p<0.05) in AOL teachers compared to normal controls and
cancer patients. In cancer patients who practiced SK&P, NK cells significantly
increased (p<0.05) at 12 and 24 weeks compared to baseline; increase in NK cells
at 24 weeks was significant (p<0.05) compared to controls. Majority(62%) of
smokers were 15 to 25 years of age. All were aware of the harmful effects of
smoking, 83% initiated because of peer-group pressure and 42% because of funsake. In the past 83% had attempted once and 73% twice or more to quit smoking.
At the end of the program 53 subjects (65%) quit smoking completely and 35%
reported decreased tobacco use by more than half. Despite the fact that subjects had
not practiced SK&P regularly, at 6 months follow-up, 16(20%) continued to be
tobacco-free. Tobacco cessation in 20% individuals and significant increase in NK
cells in regular practitioners indicates that inexpensive, easy to practice and
harmless breathing processes (SK&P) may be used as a cancer preventive strategy.
Abstract 1613
Youngmee Kim, Behavioral Research Center, American Cancer Society, Atlanta,
GA, David Wellisch, Psychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, CA
The buffering effect of social support (SS) against the adverse effect of stress has
been well-documented. However, the unique contribution of each SS source
(relative SS from family, friends, significant others), compared to that of total SS
source (global SS) in the context of cancer care remains unknown. Thus, this study
investigated the effects of SS on the relations between care-related burden and
mental and physical functioning among cancer caregivers. An Implementation Pilot
Caregiver Survey was mailed to family caregivers nominated by survivors who
participated in a national longitudinal study of cancer survivors. The caregiver
survey included measures of social support (MSPSS), care-related burden (a stressoverload subscale of the Pearlin Stress Scale), and mental functioning (MF) and
physical functioning (PF: MOS SF-36). A total of 667 caregivers provided valid
information on these measures, which underwent two sets of general linear
modeling. Results from the 1st set of analyses including the global SS score
revealed no significant main or interaction effects of global SS. In the 2nd set of
analyses, the global SS score was replaced with 3 individual scores of relative SS.
The significant moderating effects of each relative SS indicated that receiving
support relatively more from friends or significant others buffered the adverse
impact of care-related burden on PF (Fs=7.38, 7.42, ps<.01). However, receiving
support relatively more from family aggravated the adverse impact of care-related
burden on PF (F=7.72, p<.01). Furthermore, the moderating effect of relative
support from family was more prominent among spousal caregivers (F=11.95,
p<.001), whereas the moderating effect of relative support from friends was more
prominent among non-spousal caregivers (F=4.03, p<.05). The findings highlight
the importance of the unique contributions of each source of SS relative to that of
global SS on caregiver s PF. Caregivers may benefit from community-based
programs designed to facilitate the involvement of non-family members in cancer
care by reducing their physical burdens of providing care.
Abstract 1342
Abstract 1458
All the elements required for classical conditioning are present during cancer
chemotherapy. Repeated outpatient infusions are administered in a distinctive
clinic environment (conditioned stimulus); the cytotoxic agents used
(unconditioned stimuli) have multiple consequences including fatigue, nausea,
and emotional distress (unconditioned responses). Conditioned responses,
evident when patients return to the clinic environment, have been extensively
documented in previously separate lines of research. Our purpose was to
examine the specificity of such conditioned responses within a single study.
Breast cancer patients (n=65; 80% white; 75% married; 62% Stage I)
scheduled for a standard chemotherapy regimen (77% CMF) were recruited.
Post-infusion side effects were assessed across infusions with the Memorial
Symptom Assessment Scale. Fatigue, nausea, and distress levels in the clinic
prior to the 5th infusion were assessed with visual analog scales. Consistent
with selective conditioning effects, general linear modeling analyses revealed
significant (p<.05) relationships between patients' previous experiences of the
specific unconditioned response (mean post infusion fatigue, nausea, or
emotional distress) and the specific conditioned response (fatigue, nausea, or
emotional distress) even after controlling for: 1) levels of each symptom in the
clinic prior to the first infusion (baseline), 2) patients' experiences of the other
unconditioned responses, 3) concurrent levels of the other conditioned
responses in the clinic, 4) the experience of the other symptoms on the night
before the 5th infusion (possible residual effects of treatment). These results
reveal selective specific conditioned responses for distinct side effects of
chemotherapy treatment and bear eloquent witness to the power of classical
conditioning in clinical medicine.
Abstract 1617
Abstract 1594
Kristin M. Kilbourn, Community and Behavioral Health, AMC Cancer
Research Center, Denver, CO, Patricia E. Durning, Clinical and Health
Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Despite the fact that there are 10 million cancer survivors, we know very little
about the psychosocial impact of treatment on cancer survivorship. This study
examined 211 mixed diagnosis cancer patients (mean age 60; 94% Caucasian,
72% married, 59% male) who underwent radiotherapy (RT) at the University
of Florida. Participants completed the Psycho-Oncology Screening Tool
(POST) prior to beginning RT and after completing RT. Comparisons of pre
and post-RT measures showed significant decreases in anxiety (t = 3.81;
p<.001) and anger (t = 2.14; p<.05) and increases in fatigue (t = -2.68; p <
.01) and depressive symptoms (t = -2.67; p < .01). The number of patient
concerns was significantly associated with the number of post-RT depressive
symptoms after controlling for pre-RT number of symptoms (r = .42, p<.001).
Pre-treatment psychosocial factors (anxiety, anger, pain, fatigue, social
support) were not significantly associated with post-treatment depressive
symptoms. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine the
contribution of demographic variables, medical factors, and patient concerns
to post-treatment depression. Pre-treatment depressive symptoms (Beta = .34,
p < .001), gender (Beta = .17, p<.01) and the number of patient concerns (Beta
= .41, p<.001) were significant predictors of the number of post-treatment
depressive symptoms and accounted for 39% of the variance. Our findings
indicate that cancer survivors may experience an increase in depression and
fatigue and a decrease in anxiety and anger following the completion of
treatment. Additionally, high levels of pre-treatment depressive symptoms,
being female, and a high number of post-treatment concerns may contribute to
post-RT depression. Interestingly, post-treatment depressive symptoms were
not associated with some of the physical (i.e. fatigue and pain) or psychosocial
variables (anxiety, social support) believed to hinder post-treatment recovery.
Fatigue is one of the most common complaints in breast cancer patients and
might affect responses to standard treatment. We examined potential
differential effects of fatigue on psychological functioning and sleep measures
during chemotherapy. Twenty-seven high and low fatigued stage I-IIIA breast
cancer patients were studied before chemotherapy and during weeks 1, 2 and
3 of the first and fourth cycles of chemotherapy. Fatigue was measured using
the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory short form (MFSI-sf);
cutoff scores for pre-chemotherapy high and low fatigue groups were based
on studies with normative data (above 16 = high fatigue). Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index (PSQI) & Functional Outcomes of Sleep Quality (FOSQ) as
well as objective (daytime napping and night Total Sleep Time (TST) & Wake
After Sleep Onset (WASO), based on actigraphy) sleep data were collected, as
well as measures of depression (Center for Epidemiological Studies
Depression) & quality of life (Functional Outcomes of Cancer TherapyBreast). Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA over six
timepoints. Patients with high fatigue prior to chemotherapy reported higher
fatigue, higher depression and lower quality of life as well as lower total
FOSQ scores and higher PSQI daytime disturbance throughout chemotherapy
(p<.004 in all cases). A significant group x time of chemotherapy interaction
was found for WASO; high fatigued patients showed increased WASO during
the fourth cycle of chemotherapy (p<.04). This effect remained significant
even when controlling for concurrent depression and QOL ratings. There was
also a significant interaction for TST; high fatigued patients showed a steeper
decline in TST in response to both cycles 1 and 4 of chemotherapy (p<.02).
High fatigued patients also reported more daytime napping throughout
chemotherapy (p<.03). Results indicate that highly fatigued breast cancer
patients show poorer psychological outcome as well as more disrupted sleep
patterns during chemotherapy. Supported by NCI CA 85264.
Abstract 1604
Abstract 1560
The purpose of this study was to examine coping and control as predictors of
psychological and physical distress in women undergoing adjuvant
chemotherapy for breast cancer. Fifty-two women currently undergoing
adjuvant chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer completed a mailed
comprehensive questionnaire on control, coping, and distress. Results
indicated that there was no difference in the level of distress reported as a
function of age, stage of breast cancer, type of surgery, or type of
chemotherapy protocol. However, older women reported using less problemfocused coping (PFC) than younger women (p < .05). As predicted, emotionfocused coping (EFC) positively related to depression (BDI: F (1, 51) = 4.10,
p < .05, pr = .28), anxiety (BAI: F (1, 51) = 6.28, p < .05, pr = .33), perceived
stress (PSS: F (1, 51) = 5.58, p < .05, pr = .32), distressed mood (POMS: F
(1,51) = 6.94, p = .01, pr = .35), and fatigue (BFI: F (1,51) = 4.40, p < .05).
Unexpectedly, PFC did not relate to any measure of distress. A predicted
relation for perceived control and coping was also supported. Perceiving
control over cancer positively related to PFC (Internal MHLC: F (1,51) =
5.16, p < .05, pr = .31) and negatively related to EFC (personal control over
cancer outcome: F (1,51) = 5.34, p < .05, pr = .32; and a combined index of
internal control: F (1,51) = 4.47, p < .05, pr = .28). These findings support
Lazarus and Folkman's theory of stress and coping and related research. This
was the first study to examine both control and coping for chemotherapy
treatment and breast cancer. Coping and control offer two ideal entries for
clinical intervention and both are included in many current cognitivebehavioral therapies.
We report from one of the first prospective studies on the prevalence and
influence of religiosity, spirituality and personal faith among prostate cancer
(PRCA) patients. At PRCA diagnosis we collected: emotional well-being,
negative affect, worry about PRCA, perceived disease severity, perceived life
expectancy and PRCA-related symptoms (N=371). Twelve months postdiagnosis, we collected extent that PRCA patients increased in religiosity
since diagnosis, and strength of their personal faith. Eighteen months postdiagnosis, we collected the extent of worry about PRCA recurrence (N=262).
We also gathered personal faith information from an age and race-matched
male sample (N=351) randomly drawn from national survey respondents.
Compared to national sample, PRCA patients reported stronger religious
intensity (beta=.10, p=.04); more pervasive spiritual experience (beta=.09,
p=.04); higher reliance on God (beta=.08, p=.04). Patients at diagnosis with
higher negative affect (beta=.14, p<.05), lower life-expectancy beliefs (beta=.14, p<.05), and elevated levels of PRCA-related symptoms (beta=.14, p<.05)
were more likely to report a diagnosis-related increase in religiosity. Neither
becoming more religious since diagnosis nor strength of personal faith
predicted recurrence worry, but the interaction between them did (delta
R2=.02, p<.05). ANOVA revealed that among men who reported increasing
their religiosity since diagnosis, those with a strong vs weak personal faith
worried less about recurrence (F(1,72) 3.9, p<.05). Patients not reporting postdiagnosis increases in religiosity and having weak personal faith also had low
recurrence worry, but not lower than those turning to God with a strong
personal faith (F(1,146) 0.1, p=.94).
Abstract 1076
K. N. DuHamel, Onc. Sci., Mt. Sinai Sch of Med., New York, NY, S. Manne,
Fox Chase Cancer Ctr, Cheltenham, PA, C. Rini, Onc. Sci., Mt. Sinai Sch of
Med, New York, NY, J. Austin, Onc. Sci., Mt. Sinai Sch of Med., New York,
NY, J.. Ostroff, Behavioral Sci., Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr, New
York, NY, S. Parsons, Tufts-NEMC, Dana Farber Cancer Inst., Boston, MA,
R. Martini, Children's Mem Hosp., Northwestern Univ. Med Ctr, Chicago, IL,
S. Williams, Packard Children's Hosp., Stanford Univ. Med. School, Stanford,
CA, L. Mee, Medical Ctr., S. Sexton, Medical Center, Emory Univ., Atlanta,
GA, G. Winkel, Onc. Sci., Mt. Sinai Sch of Med., New York, NY, F. Boulad,
Pediatric Day Hosp., Memorial Sloan-Kettering, New York, NY, W. Redd,
Onc. Sci., Mt. Sinai Sch of Med., New York, NY
Abstract 1566
Shawna L. Ehlers, Henrietta Logan, Operative Dentistry, Glenn Turner,
Prosthodontics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Tobacco and alcohol use are leading etiologies of head and neck cancer
(HNC). Continued use post-treatment increases the risk of recurrence,
secondary tumors, and death. Furthermore, evidence suggests that continued
use during cancer treatment is related to higher patient anxiety and fear of
recurrence. Evidence examining these factors in survivors is limited. We
hypothesized that HNC survivors who continued to use tobacco and alcohol
would experience higher fear of recurrence when compared to patients who
abstained. We used a stratified, random sample of 89 HNC survivors who
participated in a larger quality of life study 2-3 years post-treatment. The
participants reported a mean age of 64 years. The sample can be described as
52% female, 52% high school education or less, and 87% white race (9%
black, 4% other). A history of smoking and alcohol use was respectively
reported by 56% and 73% of participants. Approximately 1 of 4 patients
reported continued smoking and 1 of 5 reported continued alcohol use (with
and without imputed data). Approximately half of survivors reported some
fear of recurrence. Preliminary analyses indicated trends for higher fear of
recurrence associated with specific cancer sites and patient education levels
(p< .10), but not stage. In multivariate primary analyses, no effect was found
for continued tobacco and alcohol use (p> .05). A history of alcohol use, but
not tobacco, was related to higher fear of recurrence (p< .05). Given the crosssectional nature of this study, patients with higher fear of recurrence may have
quit tobacco and alcohol use closer to time of treatment; lessening any
potential relationship between continued use and fear of recurrence in
survivors. However, providers should ensure that patients understand the link
between HNC and tobacco and alcohol use. If possible, future studies should
include biochemical validation of continued substance use status.
Additionally, the relationship between alcohol history and fear of recurrence
cannot be interpreted as causal. This finding might reflect a history of selfmedication by anxious patients who generally fear negative events (such as
Our research has found that mothers' fear during their child's hematopoietic
stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is associated with their distress. This
longitudinal study investigated the associations of prior negative life events,
optimism, and event characteristics with mothers' fear during their child's
HSCT. 140 mothers were interviewed at 3 time points: during their child's
hospitalization for HSCT, and approximately 3 and 6 months later. A path
model of hypothesized relations among negative life events, optimism, and
fear was tested using EQS. Based on standard parameters, the study model
provided a good fit, X2 (37) = 50.28, p = .07, CFI = .96, and RMSEA = .05.
Results indicated that a greater number of negative life events prior to the
child's HSCT was associated with greater maternal fear during the child's
hospitalization. Higher maternal optimism was associated with less fear at the
same time point. Mothers' fear during the child's hospitalization was, in turn,
associated with mothers' fear at the follow-up assessments. Mothers' sociodemographic characteristics, the number of other children in the family, and
the child's age and disease status were also related to mothers' fear. These
results suggest that negative life events and maternal optimism play a critical
role in mothers' fear and have implications for interventions with mothers
during this stressful time.
Abstract 1186
Abstract 1482
Distress is an important marker of quality of life and has been associated with
poorer recovery from surgery. The current study examined distress in 138
women undergoing surgery for a potential ovarian malignancy. Surgical
diagnosis indicated that 70 women had ovarian cancer and 68 had benign
disease. Prior to surgery, participants completed measures of distress (IES,
POMS), depression (CES-D), life events (LES), physical well-being (FACT),
social support (SPS), and perceived control. Distress and depression measures
were also completed by 88 healthy women at routine gynecology visits.
Women undergoing surgery had significantly elevated distress on all measures
as compared to healthy women, ps<.05. There were no differences in
intrusion, avoidance, or distressed mood between women who were ultimately
diagnosed with malignant versus benign disease. However, women with
ovarian cancer reported significantly elevated depressive symptomatology as
compared to women with benign disease, F(1,135)=4.1, p<.05, despite
findings that benign patients were twice as likely to have a history of
depression and reported twice as many stressful life events. Among ovarian
cancer patients, poorer physical well-being, more stressful life events, and less
perceived control over disease and treatment, but not social support or a
history of depression, were significant predictors of exceeding the CES-D cutoff score for major depression after adjusting for stage, ps<.05. Physiological
processes associated with tumor development or poorer physical well-being
may account for findings that ovarian cancer patients, while reporting similar
levels of presurgical distress as benign patients, experience more depression.
Physical problems and stressful life events may be risk factors for depression
in ovarian cancer patients while a sense of control may be protective.
Abstract 1634
Abstract 1408
Abstract 1725
Abstract 1704
Abstract 1398
Mustafa al'Absi, Behavioral Sciences, University of Minnesota Medical
School, Duluth, MN, Christopher France, Ohio University, Athens, OH, Angie
Harjue, University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth, MN, Janis France,
Ohio University, Athens, OH
Abstract 1547
Jessica M. Boarts, Eve M. Sledjeski, Psychology, Kent State University, Kent,
OH, Laura M. Bogart, Behavioral/Social Science, RAND Corporation, Santa
Monica, CA, Jacqueline Figler, Violet's Cupboard, Akron, OH, Douglas L.
Delahanty, Psychology, Kent State University, Kent, OH
Abstract 1115
Abstract 1295
Abstract 1294
Abstract 1532
The subjects were 31 patients who visited the psychiatric outpatient clinic of
Samsung Medical Center in Seoul and met the criteria of the International
Headache Society for migraine headache. They were randomly assigned to
either treatment group(n=15) or control group(n=16). The treatment group
received 8 sessions of biofeedback treatment including temperature trainings
for 4 weeks, whereas the control group received no therapeutic intervention.
We used the McGill pain questionnaire sensory and affective(MPQ-S, MPQA), visual analogue scale(VAS), and clinical global impression scale(CGI) to
assess the headache severity, and used the Hamilton depression and anxiety
rating scales(HAM-D, HAM-A), and Spielberger state and trait anxiety
inventory(STAI-S and T) to assess mood symptoms before and after
treatment. Before treatment, there were no significant differences in
demographic variables and psychological mood states and mean scores of
VAS and CGI between the two groups, but mean score of MPQ-S and MPQA was significantly higher in the treatment group (Z=-2.8036, p=0.0051 and
t=2.84, p=0.0077). After treatment, patients in the treatment group showed
significant improvement in all pain severity scales such as VAS(t=2.70,
p=0.0115), CGI(Z=3.7250, p=0.0002), MPQ-S(t=4.39, p=0.0003), and MPQA(t=3.40, p=0.0020) compared with those in the control group. Patients in the
treatment group also showed significant improvement in all mood scales such
as HAM-D(t=2.57, p=0.0156), HAM-A(t=2.95, p=0.0063), STAI-S(t=3.24,
p=0.0030), and STAI-T(Z=2.8311, p=0.0046). These results suggest that
biofeedback treatment is effective not only for the reducing pain severity, but
also improving mood symptoms in patients with migraine headache.
Abstract 1301
Abstract 1693
Abstract 1538
Abstract 1569
Log(Alb:Creatinine Ratio)
BMI * Zung
Abstract 1215
Abstract 1598
Abstract 1357
Paul S. Ciechanowski, Joan E. Russo, Wayne J. Katon, Psychiatry, University
of Washington, Seattle, WA, Gregory E. Simon, Evette Ludman, Michael Von
Korff, Center for Health Studies, Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, WA,
Young Bessie, Primary & Specialty Medical Care Service, VA Puget Sound,
Seattle, WA, Elizabeth H. Lin, Center for Health Studies, Group Health
Cooperative, Seattle, WA
Abstract 1597
Abstract 1520
High comorbidity exists between asthma and panic disorder (PD). Approximately
10% of asthmatics have panic disorder. This symptomatic overlap leads to
misidentification, improper interventions and exacerbations of either comorbid
condition, sometimes with deadly consequences. The study examines the use of a
combined psychoeducational treatment for the comorbid asthma and PD,
comgining materials from the National Asthma Education Program and Barlow's
Panic Control Therapy. The purpose of the study was (1) to teach patients to
differentiate between asthma and panic symptoms (2) to assist patients in managing
asthma to avoid exacerbations with both medical and behavioral methods (3) to
provide self care skills for panic symptoms, and (4) to prevent symptomatic
interference with daily functioning. We began using a 14-week protocol, for which
10 subjects were accepted. Data were collected on sessions 1, 5, 10, 14, and 2
follow-up sessions. Five participants completed the entire protocol. Problems with
attrition (i.e., a high drop out rate after session 8) persuaded us to reduce the length
of the protocol to 8 weekly sessions and 2 follow-up sessions, with data collected
on sessions 1, 4, 8, 9 and 10. Six participants have completed the modified protocol
to date, with no dropouts. Participants for both groups met NHLBI criteria for
asthma and DSM-IV criteria for panic disorder. Daily documentation included:
self-report ratings of physical symptoms, mood symptoms, number of panic and
asthma attacks, daily peak flow readings and daily dosage of medication. Testing
sessions included structured interviews, self- rated questionnaires and pulmonary
function assessment. A decline in panic severity occurred with both protocols, as
assessed by the Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS): 85% decrease (14-week
protocol) and 80% decrease (8-week protocol). There was a drop in albuterol
usage: 72% under 14-week and 77% under the 8-week protocol. Use of oral
steroids and levels of pulmonary function remained approximately constant. Thus
our protocol appears to be effective for treating this comorbid population. A
controlled trial is warranted.
Abstract 1218
Background: Exhaled nitric oxide (NO) has recently been used as a
noninvasive measure of airway inflammation in respiratory disease.
Measurements have been shown to be sensitive to changes in the
inflammatory status of the airways. However, an evaluation of spontaneous
variability or temporal stability of values is critical if short- or long-term
psychosocial influences on the inflammatory status of the airways are to be
explored. Measurements can be taken from a single breath with a standard
flow rate, but typically repeated measurements are recommended for a valid
assessment. Therefore, we sought to study the stability of exhaled NO
measurements within and between sessions, as well as the potential influence
of climate and air pollution levels on the assessment day, and the relationship
with more common indices of lung function assessment. Methods: We
measured exhaled NO on two separate occasions 3-8 days apart in a mixed
sample of healthy and asthmatic individuals using a chemiluminescence gas
analyzer. On each occasion, NO was measured from 9 separate standard
breaths. Outside climate and air pollution indices were recorded for the hour
before arrival at the laboratory. Lung function was measured from forced
expiratory maneuvers using spirometry. Results: Exhaled NO levels showed a
wide variation between individuals, which contributed to a good to excellent
(>.90) stability of measurements within and between sessions. Mean levels
were higher in asthma patients than in healthy individuals. No significant
relationship was found with climate, levels of air pollution, or lung function.
Conclusion: Exhaled NO measurements show an excellent repeatability within
and between sessions even between single breaths. Influences of climate and
air pollution are not substantial. Individual differences in exhaled NO are not
reflected in other indices of airway status such as mechanical lung function
Abstract 1456
Abstract 1131
Abstract 1356
Wilma I. Castilla-Puentes, Ob-Gyn Department, San Rafael Hospital,
Pedagogic and Tech. University, Sandra Castilla-Puentes, School of
Medicine, Department of Anesthesia, Pedagogic and Technologic University
of Colombia, Tu, Ivan Gomez, School of Medicine and School of Law,
Rosario's University of Colombia, Bogota, Columbia, Ruby Castilla-Puentes,
Psychiatry and Epidemiology, UNC School of Medicine and GSK,
Abstract 1130
Kim L. Lavoie, S. L. Bacon, Chest Medicine; Psychology, Hopital du SacreCoeur; McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, A. Cartier, M. Labrecque,
Chest Medicine, Hopital du Sacre-Coeur, Montreal, QC, Canada, B. Ditto,
Chest Medicine; Psychology, Hopital Sacre-Coeur; McGill University,
Montreal, QC, Canada
Objective: This study examined the relationship between childhood abuse and
symptom reporting, functioning and psychosocial characteristics in
Colombian middle-aged women . Method: Data on traumatic lifetime
experiences, Sociodemographic information, Symptoms (Physical and
psychological, Vasomotor), Health/Behavior Characteristics (Smoking,
Drinks, Physical activity, use of over-the-counter medication and BMI),
Quality of Life and Functioning Psychosocial ( Anxiety, depression CES-D >
16, Perceived stress, and Stressful life events) was completed for 408 women
(45-55 years) during their annual gynecological visit in an out-patient clinic in
Duitama, Boyaca, Colombia. We compared between abused and non-abused
women: Results: The prevalence of reported childhood abuse was 19.1%
(N=78) . Among women reporting abuse, physical abuse was reported by 48
(11.9%), sexual abuse by 20 (2.7%) and both sexual and physical abuse were
reported by a total of 10 women (2.2%). There was an overall statistically
significant difference between abused and non-abused women. Middle-aged
women who report childhood abuse compared to those who do not have
showed: More severe physical and psychological symptoms, more sleep
problems, greater bodily pain, more bothersome incontinence, are less
physically active and poor function and low quality of life. Middle-aged
women who report childhood abuse: are more anxious and pessimistic, have
lower self-esteem, have more chronic problems in relationships or in family
members are more likely to have a history of recurrent depression.
Conclusion: Women's childhood experiences with abuse influences their longterm health and may have implications for their menopausal transition
Abstract 1691
Abstract 1261
Prenatal stress is associated with poor birth outcomes such as prematurity and
low birthweight. Despite clinical literature documenting this, no prospective
studies have identified how these effects occur. This study explored the
hypothesis that stress alters neural-immune parameters during pregnancy in a
manner which may contribute to poor outcome. A sample of 79 pregnant
women and 43 nonpregnant women was recruited though the University of
Colorado. Pregnant subjects completed assessments of stress, coping, and
social support and provided blood samples at 12-16, 22-26, and/or 36-40
weeks of pregnancy, and control subjects were assessed one time. Serum
levels of TNF-a, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 were determined via ELISA (Biosource
Europe). Estriol was assessed via an EIA (DSL, Webster, TX). Independent ttests revealed increases in TNF-a for all trimesters, and IL-6 and IL-4 for the
3rd trimester in pregnant women compared to controls. Stress measures
revealed that pregnant women had higher stress levels in the 2nd trimester
only compared to the nonpregnant group, although low stress was reported for
all subjects overall. Correlational analyses showed a negative relationship
between stress and IL-4 (r = -.511, p = .011) for the 1st trimester and a
positive relationship between stress and IL-6 during the 3rd trimester of
pregnancy (r = .335, p = .038), although these were the only significant
relationships between the psychosocial and immune variables in this sample.
Our prior work showed not only that high stress is related to high IL-6 but
also to high TNF-a and to poor pretgnancy outcome. Differences in the
populations of women studied may account for this discrepancy; our prior
work was conducted in a high-stress, low SES population and the present
sample of women had very low stress and was high SES. These data suggest a
complex relationship between stress, neural-immune factors, subject
characteristics, and pregnancy outcome which require further careful study.
Abstract 1266
Bernd Lwe, Ute Schulz, Kerstin Grfe, Stefanie Wilke, General Internal and
Psychosomatic Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Abstract 1260
Abstract 1141
Intramuscular antipsychotics are often first line treatment for acute agitation in
hospitalized patients with schizophrenia. After patients are stabilized, they are
transitioned to oral medication. The objective of this analysis was to assess the
relationship between total 24-hour intramuscular (IM) olanzapine (OLZ) or
haloperidol (HAL) dose and subsequent daily oral dosing. This was a post hoc
analysis of subsequent daily oral antipsychotic dose per IM dose group in a
double-blind, randomized study. Over 24 hours, agitated inpatients with
schizophrenia received 1, 2, or 3 injections of IM OLZ 10 mg (n=92, 26,3,
respectively), HAL 7.5 mg (n=82, 32, 1, respectively), or placebo (PBO,
n=24, 21, 2, respectively) followed by 4 days of oral treatment with 5-20 mg/d
OLZ for IM OLZ and PBO patients and 5-20 mg/d HAL for IM HAL patients.
Treatment subgroups were also assessed for continued reduction in agitation
measured by Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale-Excited Component
(PANSS-EC). Group median/means of mean oral daily doses in patients
receiving 1, 2, and 3 injections, respectively, were 10.0/12.0 mg, 13.8/13.8
mg, and 20.0/18.3 mg OLZ for OLZ IM patients; 10.0/9.9 mg, 11.3/11.8 mg,
and 10.0/10.0 mg HAL for HAL IM patients; and 10.0/10.6 mg, 11.3/12.5 mg,
and 8.8/8.8 mg OLZ for PBO IM patients. Reduction in agitation continued
during the transition to oral antipsychotic for each IM dose subgroup. OLZ
patients who received >1 injection had no significant change in PANSS-EC
during the oral treatment phase, while mean PANSS-EC scores were
significantly further reduced during oral treatment phase (p<.05) for all HAL
and PBO patients and for OLZ patients receiving 1 IM dose. Reduction in
agitation was maintained following the transition from IM to oral therapy.
Transitional oral doses increased with the number of OLZ injections. This
trend was less apparent in patients treated with HAL and PBO.
Abstract 1315
Marijke A. Bremmer, Aartjan T. Beekman, Dorly J. Deeg, Brenda W. Penninx,
Psychiatry, Miranda G. Dik, Extramural Medicine, Erik E. Hack, Clinical
Chemistry, Witte J. Hoogendijk, Psychiatry, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract 1252
Yoshiyuki Takimoto, Psychosomatic Medicine, Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi,
Psychosomtic Medicine, Hiroaki Kumano, Tomifusa Kuboki, Psychosomatic
Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract 1129
Abstract 1042
Abstract 1217
Diana Koszycki, Psychiatry, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada,
Peter Zwanzger, Psychiatry, Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich,
Germany, Zul Merali, Jacques Bradwejn, Psychiatry, University of Ottawa,
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Abstract 1290
Maida J. Sewitch, Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, Regis
Blais, Health Administration, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada,
Elham Rahme, Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, Sophie
Galarneau, Brian Bexton, Medicine, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC,
Abstract 1099
Abstract 1200
Abstract 1093
Sandra K. Johnston, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, Jerry C. Parker, Research and Development, Harry
S. Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital, Columbia, MO, Karen L. Smarr,
Behavioral Health, Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital, Columbia,
MO, Patricia Prinz, Basia Belza, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Abstract 1226
Jennifer L. Francis, Risa Weisberg, Kristin Maki, Ingrid Dyck, Martin B.
Keller, Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University, Providence, RI
Panic disorder and asthma are significant health problems that share many
overlapping symptoms. Rates of panic disorder in asthma populations range
from 6.5% to 24% and are higher than the rates of panic disorder in the
general population. Little is known about how asthma impacts panic disorder.
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of asthma on the clinical
course of panic disorder. This study reports on data from the Primary Care
Anxiety Disorders Project, an on-going naturalistic, longitudinal study of
anxiety disorders in primary care patients. Participants were admitted into the
study if they met SCID-IV diagnostic criteria for at least one anxiety disorder.
Subjects were assessed at 6, 12, and 24 months post intake to evaluate
psychiatric diagnoses, psychosocial functioning, and other clinical variables.
Intensity of panic symptoms were assessed at intake using the Sheehan Patient
Rated Anxiety Scale (SPRAS). A total of 539 subjects were enrolled into the
study. At intake, 235 patients were diagnosed with panic disorder or panic
disorder with agoraphobia. An asthma diagnosis was self-reported in 57
(24%) of these patients and 35 (54%) indicated that asthma was onset prior to
panic disorder. Mean SPRAS scores were 78.75 (SD = 24.4) for those with
panic and asthma and 72.9 (SD = 23.5) for those without asthma (t = -1.55
(230), ns). Survival analyses indicated that the probability of remitting from
panic disorder with asthma at the end of two years (.17) was significantly less
than panic without asthma (.39; Wilcoxon chi-square = 9.27, df = 1, p = .002).
Tobacco use was not related to course of illness. Results indicate that presence
of asthma in panic disorder was associated wtih a more chronic course of
illness in this primary care sample.
Abstract 1246
Abstract 1199
Abstract 1150
Suzi Hong, Richard A. Nelesen, Patricia L. Krohn, Psychiatry, University of
California San Diego, San Diego, CA, Paul J. Mills, Psychiatry, University of
California San Diego, San Diego, California, Joel E. Dimsdale, Psychiatry,
University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA
Vascular inflammation often accompanies high blood pressure (BP) and is
shown to have clinical implications for future development of cardiovascular
diseases including atherosclerosis. Elevated plasma levels of soluble
intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (sICAM-1) are a reliable indicator of
vascular inflammation and strongly predictive of future clinical events.
Although several psychosocial factors are shown to influence BP and vascular
inflammation, the association between social status and sICAM-1 levels is not
known. We have examined the associations of blood pressure and social status
with sICAM-1 levels in 121 European American and African American men
and women (mean age of 36 8 years). Social status was determined by using
the Hollingshead Two Factor Index of Social Position scale. Plasma levels of
sICAM-1 were assessed using ELISA. Correlation analyses revealed positive
correlations between plasma sICAM-1 levels and BP, sICAM-1 levels and
social status, and blood pressure and social status (p's< 0.01). When subjects
were categorized into three social classes, levels of sICAM-1 were
significantly higher in the lower social class as compared to the upper (p<
0.05) or middle (p< 0.01) social class. More importantly, even after
controlling for demographic characteristics (gender, ethnicity, and smoking)
and blood pressure using multiple hierarchical regression analyses, social
status still accounted for significant additional variance (R2 change= 0.048) of
plasma sICAM-1 levels (p< 0.05). These results suggest that low social status
individuals may incur risk for future vascular diseases through elevated
vascular inflammation regardless of gender and ethnicity.
Abstract 1448
Elin A. Bjorling, Nursing Science, Marcia Killien, Family and Child Nursing,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
A great deal of stress-related symptom research involves the use of self-report
daily logs. However, the feasibility and validity of this method of
measurement may be negligible for certain populations. The purpose of this
study was to compare the usefulness and feasibility of an online daily log
versus a paper daily log for a daily measure of stress and headache in the
adolescent population. Nineteen adolescents from a public high school were
enrolled in the study investigating the relationship between headaches and
stress, and were given the choice to complete six consecutive weeks of either
a paper or online daily log measuring perceived stress and headaches. Overall,
participants who chose the online format completed more daily logs. Of the 42
possible daily entries, paper log participants (N=13) completed more daily log
entries (M=12.7) than online participants (N=6) (M=18.3). Participants who
neglected to complete any daily logs (N=3) were all in the paper log group. In
addition, possible threats to the validity of the paper logs were identified such
as hoarding, missing data, and invalid and illegible entries. Although the paper
method was preferred by most study participants, using an online daily log
greatly increases the validity of a daily measure in this population. By
discouraging hoarding, validating time of entry, and reducing participant error
it appears that an online data collection method is more feasible and enforces
greater adherence to study protocols in this population. Further research
investigating the use and accuracy of paper daily headache logs for clinical
and diagnostic use is recommended, specifically in the adolescent population.
Abstract 1333
Abstract 1139
Abstract 1039
Abstract 1443
Abstract 1680
Prior research has shown that different patterns of brain organization were
significantly related to the prevalence of migraine. The present study
investigates the relationships between patterns of brain organization, family
history of migraine, and the prevalence of migraine with and without aura.
Different patterns of brain organization were defined by the presence of
different numbers of anomalous brain conditions or phenomena (ABCP).
ABCP are behavioral phenomena clearly associated with CNS functioning
(e.g. left or mixed handedness, dyslexia) which deviate from the statistical
mean for the general population. Eighteen ABCP were used in this study.
Each was considered to be a "marker" for the particular pattern of brain
organization with which it is associated. The study group (N=426) were
female non-bipolar I patients who had one or more lifetime major depressions
and were derived from the author's private psychiatric practice (l961-2003).
The diagnosis of depression, migraine with and without aura, and number of
ABCP were derived from data obtained from the patients during their initial
clinical interviews. The number of ABCP were significantly related (p<.001),
in the predicted direction, with the prevalence of migraine with aura (Pearson
correlation=.36 ,CL .26,.46) and migraine without aura (r=.32 ,CL .22,.41).
The number of ABCP and family history of migraine were both found to
make significant (p<.001) independent contributions to the prediction of
migraine, both with and without aura, but do not distinguish between them.
Abstract 1416
Larissa N. Felt, Laura J. Julian, David C. Mohr, Psychiatry, UC San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Abstract 1591
Ten Lewis, Susan Everson-Rose, Kelly Karavolos, Lynda Powell, Preventive
Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Karen Matthews,
Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Findings from animal models suggest that various forms of "stress" may be
associated with the accumulation of adipose tissue over time; however few
studies have prospectively examined these effects in humans. We examined
the longitudinal association between negative life events assessed at baseline
and weight gain over 4 years in a middle-aged sample of 2,017 AfricanAmerican and Caucasian women from 4 sites of the Study of Women's Health
Across the Nation (SWAN). At baseline, negative life events were highest in
African-American women (p<.0001), women with "some college" education
(p=.008), and women who were obese (p=.002). Baseline weight was highest
in women who were African-American (p<.0001) or reported their highest
level of education as a HS degree or less (p<.0001). Negative life events were
significantly associated with baseline weight (b=.34, p=.03) and increased
weight gain over follow-up (b=.05, p=.003) after adjusting for age, education,
parity, menopausal status, and chronic health conditions. Further adjustments
for behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity, total caloric intake, and
percent fat intake), did not alter these associations. Although there were
significant demographic differences in the occurrence of negative life events,
the effects of life events on weight and weight gain did not differ by race,
education, or baseline BMI category. Findings suggest that negative life
events may be an important contributor to weight gain in middle-aged women,
independent of their effects on behavioral risk factors such as smoking, diet
and exercise. Reducing the emotional impact of life events and improving
coping techniques may prevent the weight gain associated with mid-life aging.
Acknowledgements: SWAN is funded by the National Institutes on Aging and
Nursing Research (U01 AG012495, U01 AG012505, U01 AG012531, U01
AG012546, U01 AG012553, U01 NR04061) and the NIH Office of Research
on Women's Health.
Abstract 1057
Abstract 1411
Electrocardiography (ECG) is the most commonly used test for the assessment
of ischemic heart disease. This test appears to be less accurate in women due
to an increased rate of false positives. The factors associated with this are still
unknown. This study sought to determine the profile of gender differences in
socio-demographic variables, cardiac history, exercise parameters, and
psychological factors in 1367 patients (n = 420 women) undergoing standard
treadmill exercise stress testing with SPECT imaging. Psychiatric interview
(PRIME-MD), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Anxiety Sensitivity Index
(ASI), and standard demographic data were collected. Though there were no
differences in the proportion of men and women with ECG ischemia
(M=46%, F=45%, p=.69) or reported chest pain (M=21%, F=17%, p=.10),
women were less likely to have ischemia on SPECT (M=55%, F=19%,
p<.01). Women also had a greater rate of ECG false positives (M=18%,
F=36%, p<.01). Although women exercise for less time (M=450s, F=375s
p<.01) they were more likely to reach target heart rate (M=52%, F=72%,
p<.01). Compared to men, women were more likely to be unemployed and
living alone but less likely to have a history of smoking, high cholesterol,
myocardial infarction, and taking cardiac medication (all ps<.05). Finally,
women exhibited more psychiatric morbidity than men, with higher
prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders, and higher BDI and ASI scores (all
ps<.05). Results suggest a greater pattern of socioeconomic and psychological
morbidity among women, but less classical cardiac risk factors and disease
severity. These findings may partially explain the lack of positive SPECT
results among women, though the reason for the high rate of false positive
ECG results remains unclear.
Abstract 1147
Abstract 1567
Simon L. Bacon, Nuclear Medicine/Psychology, Montreal Heart
Institute/McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, Kim L. Lavoie, Nuclear
Medicine/Psychology, Montreal Heart Institute, McGill University, Montreal,
QC, Canada, Blaine Ditto, Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, QC,
Canada, Andre Arsenault, Nuclear Medicine, Montreal Heart Institute,
Montreal, QC, CANADA
Abstract 1542
Abstract 1521
The ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) has been associated with functional
status, but factors associated with impaired quality of life (QOL) and
depression in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), are not fully
understood. We therefore examined the role of PAD severity and personality
as predictors of these clinically significant outcomes. Participants were 150
PAD patients from a teaching hospital. ABPI and treadmill-walking distance
were used to assess PAD severity, and the DS14, WHOQOL and CES-D
scales to assess "distressed" (Type D) personality, QOL and depressive
symptoms, respectively. After six months follow-up, the patients completed
the QOL/depression scales again. The six-month follow-up indicated that
Type D personality predicted poor physical health (OR=3.94;CI=1.609.67;p=.003), decreased level of independence (OR=4.26;CI=1.6910.73;p=.002) and increased risk of depressive symptoms (OR=8.95;CI=3.2124.97;p<.001), after controlling for age, sex, and cardiovascular risk factors.
Indices of PAD severity (ABPI, walking distance) did not predict QOL or
depressive symptoms at follow-up. Type D personality, but not ABPI,
independently predicted individual differences in QOL and depressive
symptoms in patients with PAD. Psychological factors may be associated with
inadequate response to treatment in patients with PAD.
Abstract 1579
Natalia S. Erazo, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Technical
University of Munich, Munich, Germany, Martin R. Karch, Electrophysiology
Department, German Heart Center Munich, Munich, Munich, Ildika Dobran,
Claus Schmitt, Electrophysiology Department, German Heart Center Munich,
Munich, Germany, Karl H. Ladwig, Psychosomatic Medicine Department,
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Abstract 1500
Kurt Fritzsche, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, Florian Forster, Psychosomatic Medicine and
Psychotherapy, University Hospital of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Abstract 1066
Abstract 1120
Abstract 1102
MS Index = 0
MS Index >= 1
Abstract 1113
Tina L. Harralson, Center for Urban Health, Albert Einstein Healthcare
Network, Philadelphia, PA
Anxiety symptoms are associated with elevated coronary heart disease (CHD)
risk, but it is not known whether such associations extend to anxiety disorders
or if anxiety effects are independent of depression. We sought to determine if
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is associated with elevated CHD risk, and
whether this association is independent of or interacts with major depressive
disorder (MDD). Generalized anxiety and major depressive disorders were
assessed via structured clinical interview in a cross-sectional survey of a
representative sample of U.S. adults aged 25-74 (N=3032). An aggregate
coronary heart disease risk score was derived from self-reported smoking
status, body mass index, and recent medication use for hypertension,
hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes. After adjusting for gender, age, education
level, marital status, ethnicity, MDD, and the GAD by MDD interaction,
participants with GAD (N=89; 72% female) had significantly elevated CHD
risk (F(1, 3018)=5.14, p<0.05; b=0.39; 95% CI=0.05-0.72). The interaction
term revealed that GAD denoted the greatest risk in the absence of comorbid
major depressive disorder (p=0.065). This increased CHD risk among GAD
cases was explained primarily by elevated hypertension medication use (p <
.05) and smoking prevalence (p < .05), individual risk factors previously
shown to be associated with anxiety. Generalized anxiety disorder appears to
be associated with elevated CHD risk in the general population, and this risk
is not explained by comorbid major depressive disorder.
Abstract 1105
Abstract 1495
Hostility has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) and allcause mortality and incident coronary heart disease. Emerging evidence suggests
hostility also may be related to subclinical CV disease. The majority of studies have
been limited to Caucasian men; thus, less is known about the impact of hostility on
CV risk or subclinical disease in women or minority populations. This study
examined the association between low, moderate and high scores on a 13-item
measure of cynical hostility and carotid atherosclerosis, assessed by B-mode
ultrasonography, in a middle-aged sample of Caucasian and African-American
women (N=553) from the Chicago and Pittsburgh sites of the Study of Women's
Health Across the Nation (SWAN). SWAN is an ongoing, multi-ethnic, multi-site,
longitudinal study of the impact of the menopausal transition on CV risk and other
health outcomes. With adjustment for age, study site, race, and education, high
hostile women had higher levels of overall intimal-medial thickening (IMT) and
maximal IMT compared to low hostile women (overall IMT means=0.693 and
0.671 mm, respectively, p=0.044; maximal IMT means=0.902 and 0.863 mm,
respectively, p=0.014). Moderately hostile women did not differ from low hostile
women. Further adjustment for body mass index and standard CV risk factors, as
indexed by the Framingham Risk score, did little to diminish the observed
associations. African-American women had significantly higher hostility scores
and greater IMT than Caucasians but no race by hostility interactions were noted.
Findings indicate that high levels of cynical hostility are related to greater
subclinical atherosclerosis in women at mid-life.
Acknowledgments: Funded by the NIA (U01 AG012505, U01 AG012546) and
NHLBI (R01 HL065581, R01 HL065591) and the NIH Office of Research on
Women's Health.
Coping BDI
F (1, 77)
Abstract 1502
Abstract 1493
Although depression following acute coronary syndrome (ACS) has been widely
reported, neither the natural course of depression nor any indication of temporal
fluctuations of depression in this population has been measured. It appears that
depression following an ACS is not a transitory phenomenon. Up to half of those
depressed after an AMI remain depressed 12 months later, especially if initial
levels of depression are high. Of the published longitudinal studies, depression has
been measured on 1 to 3 time points only, without any indication of the natural
fluctuation of depression between these assessments. These fluctuations might have
implications for the treatment of depression following an ACS. A 6-item Cardiac
Depression Visual Analogue Scale (CD-VAS) was developed as a rapid method of
assessing depressed mood. 13 females and 45 males, whose mean age was 59 11
years (range 38-79), participated in the study. 60% were Australian born and 40%
were overseas born. Participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory-II
(BDI) and the Cardiac Depression Scale (CDS) 2 weeks post-ACS and then
completed the CD-VAS for 14 consecutive days. Using mean weekly scores, the
CD-VAS had strong internal reliability (.91) and strong test-retest reliability (85 .97). Principal components analyses of CD-VAS extracted one component,
accounting for 55% of the variance. The 6 items had loadings > .67. The CD-VAS
had strong concurrent validity with the BDI (r = .81) and the CDS (r = .82), and
was able to differentiate between depressed and non-depressed groups, F(7,47) =
8.26, P < .0001. The CD-VAS has strong reliability and adequate construct,
concurrent, and predictive validity. The CD-VAS is a global measure of
depression. Thus, it appears to be a suitable instrument for the repeated
measurement of depression following an ACS. It provides a rapid, sensitive, and
reliable subjective measurement of depressed mood in longitudinal studies of
depression in ACS populations. The CD-VAS could be valuable for monitoring
patients at risk of unfavourable physical and psychological prognostic outcomes
following a major cardiac event.
Abstract 1413
Abstract 1284
Abstract 1201
Abstract 1310
The Heart Failure Adherence and Retention Trial (HART) is a single site,
multi-hospital, partially blinded, randomized behavioral clinical trial of 902
participants with moderate heart failure. Four hundred and fifty-one
participants were randomized to receive a Self-Management intervention of
18 group sessions aimed at preventing heart failure progression. This paper
describes barriers to retention and strategies implemented to retain
participants in the intervention arm of the trial. Midway through the study,
several problems with retention of participants in the intervention arm of the
study had emerged. A Case Manager (CM) worked to identify retention
barriers and develop strategies that were implemented and evaluated in
weekly Intervention meetings. We identified barriers at two stages: (1)
barriers to placing participants into a group; (2) barriers to retaining
participants once assigned to a group. First, we developed a personal
connection by initiating and maintaining a relationship with participants and
family members. Secondly, we problem-solved with participants to identify
and overcome personal barriers to attendance. Following group assignment,
the CM maintained a relationship with the participant via follow-up phone
calls until the participant was actively engaged and logistical issues resolved.
A supportive network of group leaders, physicians, nurses, and family
members provided additional help with treatment adherence and retention.
After we started using a CM, there was a significant decline in wait time until
initiation of treatment (6.6 vs 14.2 weeks, p<.001), and a marginally
significant improvement in group attendance during treatment (74.6% vs
70.1%, p=.10). Active participation and retention in a behavioral clinical trial
requires ongoing, individually-tailored case management. This strategy
appeared particularly important to placing individual patients in a group, and
reducing the time until the first group session. It may also benefit adherence to
group-based interventions.
Abstract 1358
Abstract 1406
Abstract 1320
Marie-Louise Gander, Roland von Kanel, General Internal Medicine,
University Hospital, Berne, Switzerland
Abstract 1432
Abstract 1524
Little is known about psychological factors that may modulate the impact of
negative emotions on cardiac prognosis. This sub-study of the Rapamycin-Eluting
Stent Evaluated At Rotterdam Cardiology Hospital (RESEARCH) registry
investigated the modulating effect of social inhibition (inhibition of self-expression
in social interaction) on prognosis following PCI. 875 consecutive PCI patients
undergoing bare or sirolimus-eluting stenting completed the HADS
depression/anxiety scales and DS14 negative affectivity/social inhibition scales 6
months post-treatment. The endpoint was major adverse cardiac events (MACE death, myocardial infarction, CABG or PCI) 9 months post-psychological
assessment. At follow-up, there were 100 MACE. Factor analysis confirmed that
social inhibition represented a psychological factor that was distinctly different
from general negative affect (depression, anxiety, negative affectivity). The rate of
MACE was significantly higher in patients who were high in both negative
affectivity and social inhibition (i.e., Type D personality; HR=1.64, 95%CI 1.092.47, p=.018) as compared to patients who were high in negative affectivity but low
in social inhibition. HADS scores of depression (p=.23) or anxiety (p=.63) did not
explain away this association between high negative affectivity/inhibition and
MACE. The final Cox regression model retained high negative affectivity/high
inhibition (HR=2.11, 95%CI 1.28-3.48,p=.004), history of CABG (p=.017) and
diabetes (p=.06) as independent predictors of MACE; high negative affectivity/low
inhibition was not significantly associated with outcome (HR=1.22, 95%CI 0.632.39,p=.56). These findings indicated that social inhibition is a distinctly different
psychological factor that modulates the impact of negative emotions on cardiac
prognosis in post-PCI patients.
Abstract 1543
Abstract 1440
Abstract 1453
Abstract 1525
Abstract 1510
Abstract 1685
Before the age of 65, mortality in coronary heart disease (CHD) is 3 to 5 times
higher in men than in women. Once a woman of this age has a heart attack,
however, she has a worse prognosis than a man. Standard coronary risk
factors do not provide an explanation and specific psychosocial influences in
women are implicated. In the Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study we
demonstrated the need to alleviate the effects of marital- and work stress, to
strengthen social supports and to improve the capacity for coping with both
the daily stressors and with chronic life threatening illness. However, woman
patients are less likely to be offered a rehabilitation program and available
programs have proven less beneficial, sometimes even harmful, in women.
We have developed an intervention program for women with CHD. The
program was based on previously reported experiences from the north of
Sweden but tailored for urban and professionally active women. We have
initiated a randomised Behavioral Intervention Trial for Coronary Health in
Women (the BITCH-STUDY). Subjective reports from women patients, who
attended the ten-month group based stress reduction program, suggest their
improved quality of life and reduction of symptoms. After the two-year
follow-up, the rate of re-hospitalisations in the intervention group was about
half of that of the control group. In a five-year follow-up of the first 94
patients' mortality was 4.3% in the intervention and 21.3% in the control
One of the leading deterrents for blood donor retention is the experience of
vasovagal reactions (e.g., faintness, dizziness, weakness) while giving blood.
Recent evidence suggests that pre-donation hydration and applied muscle
tension may help prevent such reactions, and therefore may increase the
likelihood of donors returning in the future. Using a 2 Tension (no tension,
applied muscle tension) X 2 Hydration (no water, 500 ml of water) within
subjects design, the present study examined systolic and diastolic blood
pressure (SBP; DBP), heart rate (HR), and regional cerebral oxygen saturation
(rSO2) responses to the combination of muscle tension and acute hydration in
37 healthy young men and women. Physiological responses were measured at
rest and during a 3 min applied muscle tension period both before and 30 min
after hydration with 500 ml of bottled water. Analyses revealed significant
increases in SBP, DBP, HR, and rSO2 in response to muscle tension (all
p's<.01). Hydration also produced significant changes in all variables (all
p's<.05), with water consumption associated with higher blood pressure and
lower HR and rSO2. Most importantly, significant Tension X Hydration
interactions were found for HR, F(1, 42) = 10.63, p < .01, and rSO2, F(1, 42)
= 7.62, p < .01, indicating that the combination of water and applied muscle
tension produced the greatest increases in HR and rSO2. These findings
suggest that a combination of pre-donation hydration and applied muscle
tension can elicit physiological adaptations that can reduce the risk of
vasovagal reactions in blood donors.
Abstract 1662
Abstract 1523
Abstract 1650
Birgit A. Shanholtzer, Stephen M. Patterson, Psychology, Ohio University,
Athens, OH
It is widely accepted that acute laboratory stress alters both quantitative and
functional aspects of cellular immunity. However, the majority of studies have
focused on young, healthy populations and it remains unclear whether these
findings generalize to older populations who are more vulnerable to immunerelated disease. To evaluate effects of acute psychological stress on aspects of
cellular immunity among an older population, lymphocyte populations,
phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated T-cell proliferation and serum levels of
interleukin 6 (IL-6) were measured in 20 healthy volunteers between the ages
of 40 and 60 years, before, during and for 30 minutes following a 5 minute
laboratory speech task. Consistent with findings from younger populations,
the speech task was associated with an increase in circulating numbers of Tcytotoxic (CD8+) and NK (CD56+) cells (p<.01 &.0001). In contrast to prior
findings showing no reliable stress-induced change in numbers of B cells
(CD+19), we found a significant increase in numbers of B cells from baseline
to task measures (p<.02). There were no stress-related changes in T-helper
(CD4+) cell numbers. During the recovery period, T-cytotoxic cell numbers
rapidly returned to baseline while NK and B cell numbers, although in
decline, remained elevated 30 minutes following the end of the task(p<.02
&.03). In regard to functional measures, we observed the expected decrease in
PHA-stimulated proliferative responses from baseline to task periods
(p<.001). Interestingly, this measure continued to decline over the course of
the 30 minute recovery period. Finally, while there was no change in
circulating IL-6 levels from baseline to task measures, we observed a
significant increase in IL-6 during the recovery period (p<.04). Overall, these
data raise the possibility that older individuals may demonstrate an immune
response to laboratory challenge that continues beyond the stress period and
may have implications for susceptibility to immune-related disease.
The purpose of this study was to determine if hydration status changes during
the menstrual cycle are related to changes in cardiovascular parameters at rest
and during psychological stress. Forty healthy adult women participated in the
study which included sessions during the follicular and luteal phases of the
menstrual cycle. Participants hydration status was assessed during each
phase. The study protocol included a 10-min baseline period, a 6-min serial
subtraction math task, and a 10-min recovery period. Heart rate, systolic blood
pressure, diastolic blood pressure, cardiac output, and stroke volume were
measured during the stress protocol. All p's <.05. Repeated measures ANOVA
were conducted to determine whether resting cardiovascular means differed
across the menstrual cycle phases. Results revealed that heart rate
[F(1,39)=5.631] and systolic blood pressure [F(1,39)=4.476] increased during
the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Change in hydration status was then
used as a covariate and only SBP varied over the menstrual cycle as a function
of hydration status [F(1,38)=5.259]. Participants with large changes in
hydration status also showed large changes in baseline SBP during the
menstrual cycle. Repeated measures ANOVAs were also conducted to
determine whether cardiovascular reactivity differed across the menstrual
cycle phases. The results indicated that diastolic blood pressure
[F(1,39)=4.43] and cardiac output [F(1,29)=4.03] reactivity was greater
during the follicular phase than the luteal phase. The results also indicated
larger decreases in stroke volume [F(1,29)=5.05] reactivity during the luteal
phase than the follicular phase. Again, change in hydration status was used as
a covariate, however it was not a significant factor in the relationship between
menstrual cycle phase and cardiovascular reactivity. Overall, the results
indicate that resting systolic blood pressure changes over the menstrual cycle
and hydration status may be an important contributing factor in this
Abstract 1209
Abstract 1214
Abstract 1563
Abstract 1632
In the immune and central nervous systems, significant increased autoimmune and inflammatory responses have been reported in patients with
neurodegenerative diseases. These include increases in the activities of Tlymphocytes and macrophages (microglia), the release of proinflammatory
cytokines, the synthesis of antibodies and prostaglandin (PG) E2.
Furthermore, a reduced risk of developing neurodegeneration, such as
Alzheimer's disease (AD), is associated with the previous use of antiinflammatory drugs or fish intake. Recently, many studies have shown that n3 fatty acids can modulate both cellular and humoral immunities and improve
the symptoms of depression and AD. The aim of this serious of studies was to
determine the role of inflammation in neurodegeneration and therapeutic
mechanism of n-3 fatty acid treatment in a brain inflammation model of
rodents. Results from these studies have shown that central and sub-chronic
administration of proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1beta (IL-1) directly
induces the gene expressions related to brain inflammation, increases the
synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and PGE2 and reduced IL-10. These
changes are associated with the impairment of cognitive performance. Chronic
feeding animals with an n-3 fatty acids, ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),
enriched diet are able to reverse IL-1-induced anxiety-like behavior, improved
learning and memory in Morris water maze and radial arm maze, significantly
increased IL-10 release and prevented PGE2 elevation in both the brain and
the blood. In an in vitro study, EPA incubation with hippocampal neurons
largely increases neuronal proliferation and blocks lipopolysaccharideinduced hippocampal cell death. In an in vivo microdialysis study, IL-1induced changes in the release of noradrenergic, serotonergic and
dopaminergic monoamines and their metabolites from the hippocampus, were
also modulated by EPA diets. These results suggest that a new therapeutic
option for neurodegenerative diseases could be n-3 fatty acid EPA. (Author's
work was supported by Laxdale Ltd, UK and CIHR, Canada)
Abstract 1505
Abstract 1185
Alex H. Harris, Center for Health Care Evaluation, VA Palo Alto Health Care
System, Menlo Park, CA
Research on the effects of written emotional expression has increased
dramatically in recent years. Most influential has been the experimental
protocol developed by Pennebaker and Beall (1986), in which participants are
randomly assigned to write about either stressful/upsetting experiences or to a
neutral-writing control group, typically for 20 minutes for three or four days.
The most commonly reported longer-term effect of this simple and
inexpensive intervention has been reduced health care utilization (HCU), often
framed as a proxy for better health. The studies in this literature vary greatly
in the nature of the samples examined, methodological and reporting quality,
operationalization of HCU, and statistical significance of findings.
Quantitative synthesis, therefore, may aid meaningful evaluation of this
evidence. Accordingly, this meta-analytic review examined whether writing
about stressful experiences affects health care utilization (HCU) compared to
writing on neutral topics or no-writing control groups. Randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) of 31 independent samples representing 1780 participants were
located that contained sufficient information to calculate estimates of effect
magnitude. The effects were combined within three homogeneous groups:
healthy samples (13 studies), samples with pre-existing medical conditions (6
studies), and samples pre-screened for psychological criteria (11 studies).
Combined effect sizes (Hedgess g) and 95% confidence intervals were 0.24
[95%CI: 0.09, 0.38], 0.26 [95%CI: 0.02, 0.50], and 0.04 [95%CI: -0.15, 0.23]
respectively. Writing about stressful experiences reduces health care
utilization in healthy and medical samples, but not in samples defined by
exposure to stress, high somatization, or other psychological factors. Because
decreases in HCU cannot be considered a proxy for better health, the
significance of these effects for individuals health is unknown.
Abstract 1302
Marzio E. Sabbioni, Psychosomatic Medicine, Lindenhofspital, Berne,
Switzerland, Susanne von Ah, Internal Medicine, University of Berne, Berne,
Switzerland, Stefan M. Goetz, Internal Medicine, University of Berne, Berne,
Berne, Switzerland
Patients with psychosomatic disorders and a history of migration have less
satisfactory treatment outcomes than native Swiss patients. Socio-cultural
factors are supposed to play an important role. We investigated whether
migrant patients who have a higher degree of integration in Switzerland
respond more favourably to the treatments offered.745 consecutive in-patients
(mean age 46.7, range 16-88, 55.4% females, 43.5% Swiss) suffering from
psychosomatic disorders such as somatoform disorders, bodily symptoms
related to mood, or anxiety disorders were enrolled in the study. Quality of
life (QOL) was prospectively assessed using the WHO-QOL bref
questionnaire at the beginning and end of the in-patient treatment, and after
half a year. The WHO-QOL bref assesses global quality of life, general
health, and four domains of quality of life, i.e. physical, psychological, social
relations and environment. Socio-demographic data including a possible
history of migration and integration were collected at the beginning of
treatment. The degree of integration was estimated by a score based upon
knowledge of the local language, type of residence permit, having a job,
having the family in Switzerland and satisfaction with the environment.
Native Swiss patients showed the highest satisfaction with their QOL. Better
integrated migrant patients showed higher satisfaction with their QOL.
However, treatment outcome at the six months follow up was predicted by the
satisfaction with QOL at discharge (all p<.001) but not by the degree of
integration (all n.s.) {i.e. physical component score of the WHOQOL bref
[F(3,148)=55.5; p<.001], psychological [F(3,144)=48.8;p<.001], social
[F(3,154)=32.7;p<.001]}. Quality of Life seems to be associated with the
degree of integration of patients in their country of residence. However,
treatment outcome seems not to be affected by the degree of integration
leaving the question unanswered how socio-cultural factors may interfere with
treatment outcome. Consecutive in-patients (mean age 46.7, range 16-88,
55.4% females, 43.5% Swiss) suffering from psychosomatic disorders such as
somatoform disorders, bodily symptoms related to mood, or anxiety disorders
were enrolled in the study. Quality of life (QOL) was prospectively assessed
using the WHO-QOL bref questionnaire at the beginning and end of the inpatient treatment, and after half a year. The WHO-QOL bref assesses global
quality of life, general health, and four domains of quality of life, i.e. physical,
Abstract 1054
Teresa Seeman, Arun Karlamangla, Sharon Merkin, Geriatrics, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA, Eileen Crimmins, Andrus Center, USC, Los Angeles, CA
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
III were used to examine socio-economic and ethnic gradients in cumulative
biological risks based on measures of cardiovascular (SBP, DBP, pulse),
metabolic (lipids, glycosylated hemoglobin, waist/hip ratio), and inflammation
(CRP, albumin) risk. Clinical guidelines were used to define 'high risk' values
for each parameter. Summary indices of cardiovascular, metabolic and
inflammation risk were created, reflecting the number of parameters with high
risk values in each category. Lower education and income were associated
with significantly higher levels of cumulative risk for each of these indices
and for overall cumulative risk (adjusted for age, all p<0.001). All major
ethnic groups exhibit these same SES gradients, though the patterns are
strongest among Whites (see tabled data for education). These results
underscore the cumulative burden of biological risk associated with lower
SES, highlighting the range of biological systems which exhibit increased
evidence of dysregulation among those with lower SES for all major ethnic
groups examined.
% = 2+
Abstract 1368
Abstract 1334
Kevin T. Larkin, Psychology, Solveig G. Ericson, Oncology, Cara F.
O'Connell, Brandie K. Taylor, Andria Doyle, Andrea K. Shreve-Neiger,
Matthew Whited, Psychology, Charles Beall, Oncology, West Virginia
University, Morgantown, WV
The goal of the study was to examine how the traditional method of
measuring individual coping with chronic illness (i.e., problem- and emotionfocused coping) captures the involvement of significant others through social
support. In this study 59 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and their healthy
wives completed a 2-week daily diary. Each day both husbands and wives
reported their most stressful event, listed strategies they used to cope with the
event (coded for problem-focused, emotion-focused, and social support
strategies), indicated how their wife was involved in coping with their daily
stressor (uninvolved, supportive, or collaborative), and reported their daily
mood. Each day husbands also reported on 14 prostate cancer-related
symptoms. Analysis of these data showed that the distribution of problemfocused, emotion-focused, and social support strategies differed across the
wives' involvement, X2(4, N=567)=.193, p=.000. The contingency table
displayed a pattern of spouses being supportively and collaboratively involved
in their husbands' individual problem- and emotion-focused coping efforts that
was not captured by the social support classification. Problem- and emotionfocused coping had different effects based on the involvement of wives. When
patients were using high levels of problem-focused coping, they experienced
more positive emotion when their wives were involved in their coping efforts
(p=.036). When patients were using high levels of emotion-focused coping,
they experienced more positive mood (p=.016), marginally less negative
emotion (p=.068), and less symptoms (p=.004) when their wives were
involved in their coping efforts. These results suggest that the traditional
method of measuring problem and emotion-focused coping may not
adequately capture the ways in which significant others are involved in the
coping efforts of patients, which have important implications for adjustment
to chronic illness.
Abstract 1698
Marejka H. Shaevitz, Krista Reed, Katherine Fortenberry, Deborah Wiebe,
Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Abstract 1433
Kevin T. Larkin, Psychology, Solveig G. Ericson, Oncology, Cara F.
O'Connell, Brandie K. Taylor, Andria Doyle, Andrea K. Shreve-Neiger,
Matthew Whited, Psychology, Charles Beall, Oncology, West Virginia
University, Morgantown, WV
Patients with chronic illness often report their illness disrupts valued social
roles and generates negative self-perceptions (e.g., I'm weak, dependent, etc.),
both of which may impair psychosocial well-being. The present study
examined whether a structural feature of the self-system -- namely differential
importance (i.e., the tendency to rate negative self-perceptions as less
important and positive self-perceptions as more important to one's identity) -buffers the adverse aspects of illness intrusiveness. Adults with various
cancers that have similar prognoses, symptoms, and treatments (n=73; mean
age=55 yrs; mean duration=14 months) completed measures of illness
intrusiveness, psychosocial adjustment, and well-being. They also generated
self-descriptors in their role as "a person with cancer," and rated each
descriptor's valence and importance; differential importance scores (DI)
reflected within-subject correlations between valence and importance ratings.
Intrusiveness was correlated with more negative self-descriptors (r=.36.
p<.01), higher depression and negative affect (rs>.48; ps<.01), and lower
positive affect, self-esteem, and well-being (rs>|.27|; ps <.05). Conversely, DI
was associated with lower depression (r=-.30; p<.05), and with higher positive
affect well-being (rs>.28; ps<.05). Consistent with the buffering hypothesis,
illness intrusiveness interacted with DI to predict depression (p<.05) and
negative affect (p<.01); these variables did not interact to predict positive
adjustment. Thus, illness intrusiveness may contribute to negative self-views
that are reflected in patients' negative emotional experiences. Differentially
Abstract 1614
Janet Sterner, Society, Human Development, and Health, Harvard School of
Public Heatlh, Boston, MA, M. David Low, Lemuel Moye, University of Texas
School of Public Health, Houston, TX, Lorenzo Cohen, The University of
Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Abstract 1281
Aliza Weinrib, Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, Nan Rothrock,
Center on Outcomes, Research & Education, Evanston Northwestern
Healthcare, Evanston, IL, Erica Johnsen, Psychology, Barrie Anderson,
Gynecologic Oncology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, Joel Sorosky, OBGynecology, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT, Susan K. Lutgendorf,
Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Sixty women with breast cancer were asked to complete measures of distress
(Brief Symptom Inventory 18/Perceived Stress Scale), sleep disturbance
(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), and pain intensity and interference (Brief
Pain Inventory)and measures of psychosocial and demographic characteristics
at the end of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and before surgery. Participants were
then assigned to one of two writing groups and asked to write for 20 minutes
per day for 4 consecutive days. The expressive writing (EW) group wrote
about their cancer experience while the neutral writing (NW) group wrote
about health behaviors. Participants were reassessed 3 days before and 2
weeks after surgery. Use of analgesics was recorded and recovery time (time
from the end of surgery to drain removal) was measured. Forty nine women
who contributed at least one writing were included in the analysis. Results
from the mixed model analyses indicated that the intervention was not
associated with a change in overall distress, perceived stress, sleep
disturbance, or pain. Multivariate linear regression analyses suggested that the
groups did not differ in their use of analgesics or recovery time. Exploratory
mixed model analyses testing for an effect on aspects of distress and sleep
disturbance suggested that the EW group reported better sleep quality than the
NW group (p=0.04), after controlling for psychosocial and clinical covariates.
Descriptive statistics and graphical display of the data suggested that the
difference in sleep quality was most pronounced at the presurgical assessment.
Overall, these data do not support the use of expressive writing as a
presurgical stress management intervention for women with breast cancer.
The main effect of the intervention on sleep quality should be interpreted
cautiously because of the exploratory nature of the analysis.
In spite of the stress of illness, many cancer patients report the ability to find
benefits. This study explored the uniqueness of benefit finding in cancer
patients, as compared to women who experienced other adverse life events.
Three years after diagnosis, gynecologic cancer patients (n=52) completed
measures of benefit finding (PTGI) and distress (POMS) and wrote an essay
on the impact of cancer on their lives. Medical information was obtained from
records. Community residing women (n=113) completed the same
assessments with reference to a self-selected life event occurring in the past 3
years; their life events were rated for seriousness using the PERI Life Event
Scale. Essays were rated for the depth of emotional and cognitive processing
of the experience (alpha=.88). Both groups reported substantial benefit
finding on the PTGI and did not differ in PTGI or processing (p's>.15).
Among cancer patients, higher cancer stage (p=.02) and more intensive
treatment (p=.045) predicted higher PTGI; treatment intensity also predicted
greater processing (p=.01). Among community women, more serious events
predicted higher PTGI and processing (p's=.03). Distress was not a significant
predictor of PTGI or processing in either group (p's>.05). However, greater
processing predicted higher PTGI scores in both groups (p=.01); there was no
difference between groups in the relation of processing to PTGI. Extent of
benefit finding from stressful events is similar in cancer survivors and
community residents. More serious events are associated with greater
processing and benefit finding. Greater emotional and cognitive processing of
serious events, independent of distress, appears to promote benefit finding.
Abstract 1159
Janet M. Sterner, Society, Human Development and Health, Harvard School
of Public Health, Boston, MA, Carl A. de Moor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, Karen Basen-Engquist, Behavioral Science, The
University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, Andrzej
Kudelka, Regional Medical and Research Specialists, Pfizer Oncology,
Katonah, NY, Lorenzo Cohen, Behavioral Science, The University of Texas,
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Abstract 1240
Derek G. Turesky, Susan Lutgendorf, Psychology, U. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,
Anil Sood, Gynecologic Oncology, MD Anderson, Houston, TX, Heena
Maiseri, Psychology, U. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, Joel Sorosky, OBGynecology, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT, Koen DeGeest, Barrie
Anderson, Gynecologic Oncology, U. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Sleep disturbances are common among cancer patients. However, risk factors
for poor sleep and persistence of these disturbances in ovarian cancer are not
known. This study examined sleep quality among 134 patients awaiting
surgery for a potential ovarian malignancy. Surgical diagnosis confirmed 67
patients with ovarian cancer and 67 with benign masses. At 1 year, 27 ovarian
cancer patients not currently on chemotherapy were reassessed. Patients
completed scales for sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: PSQI),
depression (CES-D), avoidance and intrusion (IES total), and the Physical
Well Being (PWB) subscale of the FACT. Medical data was obtained from
patient records. Pre-surgery, both patient groups reported poor sleep (global
PSQI: Ovarian: M=7.60, 4.13; Benign: M=7.17, 4.09; PQSI norms:
M=2.67, 1.70), but the 2 patient groups did not differ on global PSQI or on
any subscale (all p's >0.25). Pre-surgery, among all patients, greater
depression, IES, poorer PWB (all p's <.001), and presence of ascites (p=.06)
independently predicted poorer global sleep quality. A regression model
indicated that controlling for PWB (n.s.), a distress composite (CESD+IES)
predicted poorer sleep (=.54, p<.001). At 1 year post-surgery, mean PSQI of
ovarian cancer patients remained elevated (M=7.58, 4.34). Poorer PWB
(p=.015), greater depression (p=.035), and higher IES (p=.02) but not number
of chemotherapy cycles (p>.70) independently predicted poorer sleep. At 1
year, distress and PWB together contributed 24.9% to the variance of global
PSQI (p=.037), but neither independently predicted sleep when both were
modeled together. Poor sleep quality persists at 1 year even in ovarian cancer
patients not currently receiving treatment. These findings may allow for better
identification of sleep disturbances during treatment.
Abstract 1648
Abstract 1656
The central goal of genetic counseling for women with family histories of
breast cancer is to improve their knowledge about the disease and its genetic
transmission. However, little is known about patient factors that may be
related to increased knowledge following counseling. Accumulating evidence
indicates that emotional expression in talking about stressful life events can
affect both emotional and cognitive processes. Based on this literature we
hypothesized that: 1) women with high levels of social constraints (perceived
social barriers to expressing their emotions about breast cancer concerns) will
benefit less from genetic counseling, and 2) that this effect will be mediated
by their higher levels of intrusive thoughts about cancer (IES). Women
(n=169) seeking genetic counseling for breast cancer susceptibility completed
the IES and a social constraint measure approximately two weeks before their
counseling. They completed a breast cancer knowledge questionnaire at that
time and again approximately four weeks after their counseling. Results
indicated that: 1) women with higher levels of social constraints had smaller
improvements in knowledge and they had higher levels of intrusive thoughts
(p s<.01); and 2) higher levels of intrusive thoughts were associated with
smaller improvements in knowledge (p<.01. Consistent with the mediational
hypothesis social constraints were no longer significantly related to increases
in breast cancer knowledge when intrusive thoughts was entered into the
equation (p=.08). Findings indicate the importance of psychological factors to
the effectiveness of counseling and suggest that interventions facilitating
emotional expression may increase retention of complex genetic information.
Abstract 1655
Abstract 1283
Shelby L. Langer, Nick J. Hillyer, Karen L. Syrjala, Biobehavioral Sciences,
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
Female caregivers are at risk for elevated levels of distress and marital
dissatisfaction (Langer, 2003). Is such negative affect or felt emotion
behaviorally expressed? Spousal caregivers may inhibit the expression of
negative emotion for interpersonal reasons. Protective buffering is a coping
style whereby spouses hide their concerns from the patient. This study sought
to examine gender differences in the facial expression of emotion among
caregivers both within the presence of the patient and in the absence of the
patient (an experimental test of protective buffering). Cancer survivors and
their caregivers (42 couples) were recruited one year following the patient s
stem cell transplant for a hematologic malignancy. Participants were, on
average, 50 years old; 91% Caucasian; 6% Hispanic; 50% male. In a repeated
measures design, caregivers engaged in two 10-minute emotional expression
exercises: one, in the presence of their patient and the other, in the absence of
their patient. Caregivers described their deepest thoughts and feelings
regarding the transplant. Expressions were videorecorded, affording
examination of facial behavior. Videorecordings were edited into 30-second
segments. Three coders independently watched each segment and rated the
valence of caregivers facial expressions on a 1 (extremely negative) to 7
(extremely positive) scale. Inter-rater reliabilities exceeded .80. The valence
of male caregivers facial expressions did not differ as a function of patient
presence, p > .05. Female caregivers facial expressions, in contrast, were
judged more positive when the patient was present versus absent, M (SD) =
3.55 (.58) and 3.38 (.60), p = .044. These findings highlight gender
differences in protective buffering efforts, at least with respect to the facial
modality. The consequences of such buffering have yet to be elucidated.
Abstract 1706
Abstract 1599
Past research has shown that aspects of ego resiliency, including the
experience of positive emotions, speed physiological recovery following
stress (Fredrickson et al., 2000; Fredrickson & Levenson, 1998). This study
examined the relation between trait positive affectivity and one aspect of
mood regulation, mood clarity (MC), and heart rate (HR) reactivity during
acute stress in a sample of chronic pain patients. We hypothesized that a
propensity to experience positive affect and to experience emotions clearly
would be related to dampened HR reactivity during stress. Participants were
46 female Arizona residents between the ages of 40 and 70 years (M = 57, SD
= 8.15) recruited from the community, who had a diagnosis of Osteoarthritis
(N =23) and/or Fibromyalgia (N =23). The majority of participants were
Caucasian (91%) and married (60%), and the average income of the sample
was $30K. Participants completed assessments of demographic data and trait
mood clarity, 30-daily diary questionnaires assessing daily negative and
positive affect (NA and PA, respectively), and laboratory measures of HR
during rest and a stressful interview about an interpersonal conflict. MC was
assessed using the Trait Meta-mood Scale (Salovey et al., 1995) and PA and
NA were assessed using the PANAS-X form (Watson & Clark, 1999).
Average PA and NA scores were computed by aggregating these scores for
each participant across their 30-daily reports. Stress-related change in HR was
computed by subtracting scores of average HR at rest from average HR during
the stressor. MC was significantly positively correlated with average level of
PA (r = .47, p < .01) and negatively correlated with average level of NA (r = .39, p <.05) over the 30 diary reports. Yet the main regression analyses
indicated that higher levels of MC predicted less HR reactivity (t = -2.23, p <
.03), over and above average level of PA (t = 1.57, p = .13) or NA (t = .40, p =
.69). These effects were maintained in a model that included resting HR,
diagnosis, and age.
Abstract 1308
Abstract 1481
Christina A. Kraft, Mark Lumley, A. Radcliffe, D. Macklem, Psychology, A.
Mosley-Williams, Internal Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, J.
Leisen, Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, J. Huffman, Psychology,
Wayne State Univeristy, Detroit, MI, P. D'Souza, M. Gillis, T. Meyer, L.
Rapport, Psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
African Americans (AA) with chronic pain disorders often report greater pain
severity than do Caucasians (C), but the psychosocial factors responsible for
this discrepancy are not known. Alexithymia-difficulty identifying and
describing one's feelings and paying attention externally rather than
introspecting-is a risk factor for pain. Alexithymia may contribute to this
ethnic group difference in pain, but ethnic differences in negative affect (NA)
and alexithymia's relationship to NA may confound this relationship. We
conducted cross-sectional, correlational studies on 3 separate samples of
patients with chronic pain disorders: rheumatoid arthritis (n=155), migraine
headaches (n=160), or systemic lupus erythematosus (n=123); each sample
included only C or AA. The Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 assessed
alexithymia. Pain severity, functional disability, or symptoms were assessed
with measures appropriate for each sample, and a measure of NA was
available for each sample. Similar findings were found across all three
samples. AA had slightly higher levels of alexithymia and NA than did C,
although this was partly accounted for by socioeconomic differences between
groups. More importantly, alexithymia correlated only weakly with pain or
symptom severity for each full sample; however, the two ethnic groups
showed different patterns. Alexithymia correlated positively with pain
severity among AA, but was uncorrelated with pain among C. Controlling for
NA attenuated but did not fully eliminate the ethnic group differences in the
alexithymia/pain relationships. We conclude that alexithymia is more
correlated with pain severity among AA than among C, in part due to the
influence of NA, and that both alexithymia and NA potentially contribute to
the elevated pain reports among AA.
Abstract 1694
Abstract 1177
Doerte U. Junghaenel, Psychology, Joan E. Broderick, Psychiatry, Stony
Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Abstract 1353
Abstract 1097
Mark D. Sullivan, Psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Mark J.
Edlund, Diane Steffick, Psychiatry, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR,
Jurgen Unutzer, Psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
In response to campaigns to improve treatment of patients with chronic nonmalignant pain through liberalization of access to opioids, prescription opioid
use has doubled between 1980 and 2000. Treatment guidelines have suggested
that opioid use in patients with current mood, anxiety and substance use
disorders may not be appropriate. We analyzed the association of regular use
of prescribed opioids with these disorders in a population-based sample using
cross-sectional data from the 1998 and 2002 waves of the Health Care for
Communities Study (N=14,113). 435 (3%) of these respondents reported that
they took an opioid medication "at least several times a week for at least one
month or more." These respondents were more likely meet DSM-IV criteria
for: Major Depression (OR=4.4), Dysthymia (OR=4.2), Generalized Anxiety
Disorder (OR=3.4), and Panic Disorder (OR=4.9). They were also more likely
to report problem use of prescription(OR=4.1)or illicit drugs (OR=4.4), but
not problem drinking (OR=0.9). Those receiving opioids were more likely to
report a need for mental health treatment (OR=2.3), but this became nonsignificant (OR=1.0) after adjusting for these mental disorders. Other
significant univariate predictors of regular opioid use were: age, education,
income, work disability, self-rated health, physical-component score from the
SF-12, and chronic pain conditions including back pain and headaches. After
adjusting for these variables, those on opioids were still more likely to meet
criteria for at least one of these common psychiatric disorders (OR=1.8).
These data suggest that some opioid prescribing is not meeting current
standards of appropriateness. Many patients receiving regular prescribed
opioids have unmet needs for mental health and substance abuse care.
Abstract 1096
Abstract 1184
Abstract 1321
Paula M. Trief, Psychiatry, Philip C. Morin, Roberto Izquierdo, Medicine,
SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, Jeanne Teresi, Research,
Hebrew Home for the Aged, New York, NY, Steven Shea, Epidemiology,
Columbia University, New York, NY, Ruth S. Weinstock, Medicine, SUNY
Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY
Abstract 1652
Abstract 1487
Previous studies suggest that anxiety may be associated with poor glycemic control
in adults with diabetes. The goal of this study was to determine the demographic,
behavioral and clinical characteristics of diabetes associated with panic symptoms
among a large cohort of multiethnic persons with diabetes. A survey was mailed to
4,385 patients with diabetes who receive care at nine primary care clinics of a
health maintenance organization. Surveys provided self-report data on symptoms
of panic, depression, smoking, BMI, and demographic characteristics. Automated
pharmacy, laboratory and diagnostic records were used to determine HbA1c levels,
number of diabetic complications and medical comorbidity. Three groups were
formed based on panic status; 91.9% of participants reported no panic symptoms,
3.7% reported having spells of panic in the prior 2 weeks, and an additional 4.4%
reported panic plus change in behavior due to panic in the prior 2 weeks. Chisquares for categorical data and F-tests for continuous data were used to examine
the relation between report of none, one or two symptoms of panic and each of the
demographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics. Significant differences (p<.
001) among the three groups were observed in rates of participants with BMI >30
(47% of those with no panic had BMI > 30, vs. 63% of those with panic, vs. 69%
of those with panic plus behavior change) and rates of smoking (41% vs. 55% vs.
53%). Patients with panic symptoms were more likely to have major depression
(9% vs. 42% vs. 55%) and dysthymia (23% vs. 53% vs. 60%). Demographic
factors that were associated with self-reported panic symptoms (p<. 001) included
female gender (47% vs., 66% vs. 64%), younger age (64 vs. 57 vs. 55), and current
employment (41% vs. 55% vs. 53%). Panic symptoms were associated with
HBA1c levels > 8% (37% vs. 41% vs. 50%), but not with number of diabetic
complications or medical comorbidity. These data suggest that panic symptoms are
associated with depressive disorders, obesity, smoking, and poor glycemic control
among persons with diabetes.
Diabetes Mellitus(DM) is the most common endocrine disease and has been
known as a psychosomatic disorder that was affected by emotional stress during
the course. We wondered how DM would relate to depressive symptoms & if
this differed by coping strategies. 72 patients with DM (27 men, 45 women;
average age of 56.7 years) and 67 healthy subjects (30men, 37 women; average
age of 57.3 years) completed the Korean version of the Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI) and the Korean version of the Ways of Coping Checklist.
Patients' medical records were reviewed also. DM patients showed significantly
higher BDI score (p=0.001) and higher percentage of depression when using cut
off point > 16 in BDI than healthy control (33.8% vs. 10.4%, p=0.001).
Regarding coping strategies, in DM patients the scores of problem-focused
coping, emotional-focused coping and wishful thinking were significantly lower
than those of control subjects (p=0.000, p=0.003, p=0.008, respectively).
Moreover, both active coping and passive coping were less useful in DM
patients (p=0.000, p=0.012). Univariate analysis revealed that in DM patients,
BDI score were significantly associated with numbers of physical complication
(r=0.231) and the score of problem-focused coping (r=-0.251). In the
hierarchical linear regression analysis using BDI score as the dependent variable,
four factors of coping strategies, which were problem-focused coping, seeking
social support, emotional-focused coping, and wishful thinking, could account
for 30.8 % of the variance in BDI significantly (p=0.000). Results suggest that
one third of DM patients suffer from depressive symptoms and coping strategies
were associated with depressive symptoms. Therefore, facilitating healthier
coping strategies might lessen depressive symptoms experienced by DM
Abstract 1051
Michael Robinson, Neuroscience, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, Joel
Raskin, Medical, Eli Lilly Canada, Scarborough, ON, Canada, Fujun Wang,
Jeffrey W. Clemens, Neuroscience, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN
Abstract 1158
Sarah Wessinger, Internal Medicine, Michael P. Jones, Gastroenterology,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Many pts with IBS report symptoms referable to the upper digestive tract or
have abnormalities of upper digestive motility and sensation. To better
understand multi-organ symptoms in IBS pts, we evaluated 96 pts with IBS by
Rome II criteria, 48 pts with IBD and 67 healthy subjects. Participants used a
Likert scale to rate 15 common dyspeptic symptoms restricted to the upper
abdomen. Evaluated symptoms included: abdominal pain, discomfort and
burning; chest pain, burning and regurgitation; upper abdominal bloating;
pressure; early satiety; inability to finish a meal; cramps; nausea;
vomiting;belching/burping and bad breath. Pts also completed the SCL-90-R
(SCL), the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) and Somatosensory Amplification
Scale(SSAS). Comparisons across groups were made by ANOVA with
Bonferroni's posttest. Data expressed as meanSDEV. Pts with IBS had
significantly higher dyspepsia symptom scores (4736)than IBD pts
(2928)who were significantly more symptomatic than controls (69). As
symptom scores in IBS pts showed a bimodal distribution, we compared 3
groups: IBS pts with symptom scores >70 (n=29); IBS pts with symptom scores
<50 (n=59); and IBD pts with symptom scores <50 (n=39). IBS and IBD pts
with symptom scores < 50 did not differ with respect to symptom, SCL, TAS or
SSAS scores. In contrast, IBS pts with symptom scores > 70 had significantly
greater scores than IBD and IBS pts with symptom scores < 50 for total
symptoms (9425 vs. 2015 vs. 2313; p<0.0001), SCL (8044 vs. 6237 vs.
4933; p=0.002)and TAS (4813 vs. 4212 vs. 3910; p=p=0.004) but not
SSAS. We conclude that upper digestive symptoms are common in pts with IBS
and IBD and a subset of IBS pts (29%) reports high levels of upper digestive
symptom severity. This group demonstrates greater psychiatric distress and
alexithymia than IBD and IBS pts reporting fewer upper digestive symptoms.
Abstract 1119
Abstract 1109
Coping strategies (CS) are used to manage conflict and illness and have both
adaptive or maladaptive effects on health status. Perceived availability and
quality of social support (SS) also influences health status. CS and SS are not
well studied in IBS. We evaluated CS, SS and psychiatric distress in consec.
pts with RomeII IBS and IBD recruited from clinic and ctrls recruited by
advertisement. Subjs completed the Ways of Coping Questionnaire, a
validated instrument measuring 8 common CSs. Subjs also completed the
Interpersonal Support Evaluation (ISEL; a measure of perceived availability
and quality of social support), SCL-90-R (SCL; a measure of psychiatric
distress), IBS and IBD-QOL, the Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS)
and 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS). Comparisons across groups
were made by ANOVA with Bonferroni's posttest.We studied 55 ctrls, 74 IBS
and 48 IBD pts. IBS and IBD pts had significantly greater scores on the SCL,
TAS and SSAS than ctrls but did not differ from one another. For IBD pts,
IBD-QOL and IBS-QOL were highly correlated (r=0.83; p<0.0001). IBSQOL scores did not differ btwn IBS and IBD groups suggesting similar
symptom impact. Patients with IBS and IBD had significantly lower ISEL
scores than ctrls but did not differ from one another. Total scores for all CS
did not differ btwn ctrls, IBD and IBS. Compared with controls, IBS and IBD
pts were less likely to endorse strategies for planful problem solving or
positive reappraisal. They were more likey than ctrls to endorse strategies of
escape-avoidance. We conclude that IBS and IBD patients differ significantly
from ctrls with respect to psychiatric distress, CS and SS. IBS and IBD
patients do not differ greatly from each other. These data suggest that
observed differences in CS strategies reflect general illness behavior rather
than a disorder-specific process.
Abstract 1621
Abstract 1278
Leighann Litcher-Kelly, Arthur A. Stone, Psychiatry, Stony Brook University,
Stony Brook, NY
Abstract 1657
Abstract 1396
Children of parents with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are more likely to
exhibit illness behavior than are children of control parents. School
absenteeism is one form of illness behavior in children. Aims: Determine the
influence of child demographic and psychosocial factors (age, academic selfesteem and pain catastrophizing) on absenteeism among both children of
IBS parents and children of control parents. Methods: 208 mothers with IBS
(cases), with 296 children (mean 11.9 years; 48.6% male; 94.9% Caucasian),
and 241 non-IBS mothers (controls) with 335 children (mean 11.8 years; 49%
male; 99.7% Caucasian) completed measures of child academic self-esteem
(Harter), child catastrophizing (Pain Response Inventory - PRI), and school
attendance. Results: Univariate regressions indicated that academic selfesteem (Beta=-.135, p=.033), age (Beta=.167, p=.006) and catastrophizing
(Beta=.168, p=.008) predicted school absences among case, but not control,
children. In a stepwise regression (conducted solely on case children), child
catastrophizing and age predicted school absences (p=<.01); academic selfesteem was not entered into the model. Conclusions: Findings offer
implications for children of parents with IBS, with attention to age and
maladaptive cognitions (catastrophizing) as risk factors for disability.
Abstract 1404
Karin Meissner, Helmut Gluender, Ulla Mitzdorf, Medical Psychology,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
The specific effect of placebo therapies on organs has been rarely studied
using experimental approaches. However, as early as 1964, Sternbach had
reported that subjects (n = 6) may show an acceleration of stomach activity
(compared to control condition) following the administration of a presumed
stimulant but a deceleration when the placebo was presumed to be a relaxant.
We tried to replicate this study as closely as possible by using cutaneous
electrogastrography (EGG). In three randomized conditions 18 volunteers
(ages 21-34) received a lactose pill. They were told to receive a drug which
either stimulates, or relaxes stomach activity, or has no effect (stimulant,
relaxant, or control condition, respectively). Stomach activity was recorded
during 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after placebo administration. Raw
EGG-signals were bandpass-filtered and half-periods of gastric slow waves
determined as mean intervals between successive zero-crossings. The mean of
the half-periods (n = 17) increased significantly by 0.22 sec during the
stimulant condition and decreased by 0.12 sec during both, the relaxant and
the control condition, when compared to the corresponding pre-administration
values (single-factor ANOVA, p < 0.05). The pair wise Bonferroni/Dunn post
hoc test indicated significant (p < 0.05) differences between stimulant and
relaxant as well as stimulant and control conditions. Thus, compared to the
control condition, gastric slow waves decelerated during the stimulant
condition but did not change during the relaxant condition. Although our
results generally confirm Sternbach's report of placebos affecting gastric slow
wave activity we found such changes only in the stimulant condition, and in
the opposite direction.
Abstract 1082
Philippe Persoons, Koen Demyttenaere, Benjamin Fischler, Joris
Vandenberghe, Lukas Van Oudenhove, Liaison Psychiatry, Paul Rutgeerts,
Gastroenterology, UZ Gasthuisberg, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven,
OBJECTIVE:There is evidence of an association between psychological
factors and the course of Crohn's Disease (CD). This prospective study
assessed the relationship between major depressive disorder (MDD) and the
short- and long-term outcome of CD after treatment with infliximab, taking
other psychosocial, demographic and disease-related variables into account.
METHODS: A consecutive sample of patients who were treated with
infliximab for a flare of CD, were followed up prospectively for 9 months. At
baseline, psychosocial, demographical and disease-related variables, as well
as biological and clinical parameters were evaluated. Four weeks later, a reevaluation of relevant psychological variables and disease activity was done.
When patients needed retreatment for a relapse of CD, the follow-up ended.
MDD was diagnosed with the Patient Health Questionnaire. RESULTS:A
total of 100 patients participated in the study. Seventy-eight percent responded
to infliximab and in 60% remission was achieved. Psychosocial variables did
not predict response, whereas MDD was associated to non-remission
(OR=.166, 95%CI=.049-.567, p=.004). Retreatment within 9 months was
necessary in 88% of the patients. A univariate Cox regression analyses
showed that, among other variables, MDD was significantly associated to the
time until retreatment (p=.001). A multivariate Cox regression confirmed
MDD as an independent determinant when present at baseline and at reevaluation (respectively hazard ratio=2.27, 95%CI=1.36-3.79, p=.002 and
hazard ratio=3.22, 95%CI=1.71-6.05, p<.001), after adjustment for significant
covariates.CONCLUSIONS: MDD is an risk factor for failure of remission
and earlier need for retreatment in CD patients after infliximab. Therefore,
assessment and management of MDD should be considered in clinical follow
up of patients with CD.
Abstract 1085
Abstract 1548
Abstract 1254
Kosuke Narita, Tetsuhito Murata, Neuropsychiatry, Tosihiko Hamada,
Clinical and Laboratory, Tetsuya Takahasi, Masao Omori, Yuji Wada,
Neuropsychiatry, Fukui Medical University, Matuoka, Fukui, Japan
Abstract 1055
G Moser, W Miehsler, Internal Medicine IV, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria
Background: In our recent study, 1/3 of patients with IBD had demand for
psychotherapy (PT). We followed up (FU) the bio-psycho-social course of
this cohort after 30 months. Methods: 199 (66%) of the original 302 patients
(Crohn's disease 157, ulcerative colitis 42; m/f: 82/117) answered FUquestionnaires assessing the demand for PT ("ADAPT", score 0-100;
demand>50), anxiety and depression (HAD: 0-21), social support (SOZUK22: 1,0-5,0) and quality of life (QOL; Rating Form of IBD Patient Concerns:
0-100). Additionally the course of IBD including operations, medication and
history (PT) was assessed. Results: 67/199 FU patients (34%) had demand for
PT at baseline, demand remained stable in 43/67 patients (64%). At baseline
these patients did not differ clinically from patients without demand for PT,
but had higher levels of anxiety (8.3 3.5 vs. 5.6 3.4; p < 0.01), depression
(5.5 3.6 vs. 3.6 3.1; p < 0,01), lower QOL (50 18 vs. 31 21; p < 0.01)
and less social support (4.2 0.6 vs. 4.4 0.6; p = 0.02). 16/67 patients (24%)
with demand for PT started PT within 30 months, 51 did not. These subgroups
were comparable regarding number of flares, operations and medication.
Patients having PT improved significantly concerning depression (5.8 3.6
vs. 3.8 2.7; p = 0.049) and QOL (52 15 vs. 39 24; p < 0.01). 36/43
patients with anxiety (84%) at baseline needed immunosuppression compared
to 103/156 (66%) without (p = 0,037); 5/20 patients with depression (25%)
underwent bowel resection compared to 18/179 (10%) without (p = 0,047).
Conclusion: Demand for PT remained stable in 2/3 of IBD patients, being
associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression, worse QOL and less
social support. IBD patients with need for PT who had PT showed a
significant improvement concerning depression and QOL. Anxiety and
depression were associated with a higher need for immunsupression and
bowel resections, respectively. Assessing patients' psychosocial status and
demand for PT seems mandatory.
Abstract 1279
Abstract 1309
Abstract 1100
Vernon A. Barnes, Georgia Prevention Institute, Pediatrics, Medical College
of Georgia, Augusta, GA, Virginia P. Williams, Williams LifeSkills, Inc.,
Durham, NC, Redford B. Williams, Behavioral Medicine Research Center,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
The Williams LifeSkills Workshop (WLS) has been adapted for adolescents
and provides training in stress-related coping skills. These include strategies
which enhance awareness and evaluation of thoughts and feelings in stressful
situations, determination of whether to change them or the situation,
deflection strategies (if decision is to change thoughts and feelings),
assertiveness, and problem solving skills (if decision is to change the
situation). Stress-prevention skills include speaking clearly, listening, empathy
and building supportive relationships. The purpose of this pilot study was to
determine the impact of school-based Williams LifeSkills training on blood
pressure in adolescents. Thirty-six adolescents (mean age 161.5 years,
approximately 50% males were randomized to WLS (n=16) or CTL (n=20)
groups. The WLS group engaged in twelve 50-min training sessions at school.
Resting (seated) systolic BP (SBP) measurements were obtained pre- and
posttest in the classroom setting on three consecutive school days using
Dinamap 1846SX BP monitor at pre- and 10 weeks post-intervention.
Changes in estimated least squared means from pretest to posttest were
statistically significant between the WLS (-2.3 mmHg) and CTL (+2.7
mmHg) groups for resting SBP (p<.03). Changes for DBP and HR were not
statistically significant. These findings demonstrate the potential beneficial
impact of WLS upon SBP in the school environment in healthy normotensive
youth. Importantly, these findings were observed over a relatively short
intervention period.
Abstract 1341
Abstract 1247
Abstract 1362
Ekin Blackwell, Gregory E. Miller, Psychology, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canda, Cinnamon A. Stetler, Psychology,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Relatively little research has been conducted to directly study the placebo
effect. Based on the goal activation model of placebos, we hypothesized that
the placebo effect is most likely to occur when individuals have a
nonconscious goal that can be fulfilled by confirming a placebo expectation.
To test this hypothesis, 57 psychology undergraduates were randomly
assigned to receive either a caffeine placebo capsule or no caffeine placebo.
Orthogonal to this caffeine-placebo manipulation, participants were also
nonconsciously primed to hold a goal of cooperation or were primed with no
cooperation goal using the Scrambled Sentence Test. Participants then took
part in a Stroop task in which their blood pressure was recorded as well as
their reaction time. In addition, participants nonverbal behavior during the
Stroop task was videotaped and subsequently coded for anxiety-related
behavior. Finally, after the Stroop task was completed, participants reported
on the caffeine-related symptoms they were experiencing. The results on all
four dependent measures supported our prediction that the placebo effect is
enhanced when individuals hold a cooperation goal. Specifically, participants
given the caffeine placebo reported experiencing more caffeine symptoms and
displayed more anxiety-related nonverbal behavior when they held the
cooperation goal than when they did not hold this goal, ps<.05. Participants
given the caffeine placebo also responded faster on the Stroop task and had
greater increases in systolic blood pressure when they held the cooperation
goal than when they did not hold this goal, ps<.05. These data provide the
strongest evidence to date that current goals moderates the placebo effect.
These findings add to our conceptual understanding of the placebo effect and
have important implications for clinical practice as well as medical research
employing randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Abstract 1245
Abstract 1417
Susan M. Barry-Bianchi, Behavioural Cardiology, University Health
Network, Toronto, QC, Canada, Kimberly M. Corace, Psychology, York
University, Toronto, ON, Canada, Robert P. Nolan, Behavioural Cardiology,
University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
Video game play has increased dramatically in the last two decades, with
growing concern about potential negative health and social effects. The advent
of console and computer gaming, and emerging networking capabilities, have
changed video games from a solitary activity into large, thriving social
networks. One type of social gaming, massively multiplayer online
roleplaying games [MMORPGs], involves thousands of players in online
games that can persist for years. This study is the first randomized
longitudinal study on the effects of playing various types of video games
(arcade, console, solo play on computer, and MMORPG) on game usage,
reported health, well-being, sleep, socializing, and academic performance.
Participants were 100 student volunteers (73% male, 68% Caucasian, mean
age 19.2). Participants were randomly assigned to play one of the four game
types a minimum of one hour each week, and to play more as desired, for a
period of one month. Significant group differences existed at follow-up in
usage, with the MMORPG group reporting more hours played per week (14.4)
than other groups (range 2.1-6.2; p<.01). The MMORPG group also reported
worse overall health (p<.05) and worse sleep quality (p<.05) than other
groups. No group differences existed for academic performance over the
month, overall ratings of social life, or overall ratings of quality of life
(p>.10). The MMORPG group reported that video game play interfered more
in their real life socializing (p<.05) and academic work (p<.05), yet that they
had made new friendships to a greater degree (p<.01). These randomized,
prospective data indicate that online, socially-engaging video games produce
different responses than conventional video games, including dramatically
higher usage and reports of poorer health and sleep. Participation in these
online worlds reduced real-life social interactions, yet increased the likelihood
of forming new virtual relationships. Online social video games may pose
both unique risks (e.g., for problem usage) and opportunities (e.g., social
Abstract 1367
Abstract 1020
Abstract 1376
Abstract 1485
Abstract 1244
Richard A. Nelesen, Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla,
CA, Jose S. Loredo, Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla,
CA, Joel E. Dimsdale, Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La
Jolla, CA
Sleep apnea impacts cardiac autonomic and hemodynamic functioning. In
previous work, treating apneics for one week with continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) resulted in normalization of cardiac contractility. This study
examined the effects of CPAP and nocturnal O2 supplementation (OS) before,
after 1 day and after 2 weeks of treatment. Sixty-eight individuals with sleep
apnea were enrolled in the study. Reactivity testing was performed before
randomization and after the 1st night and after 2 weeks of treatment.
Reactivity was determined as the responses to a public speaking stressor.
Dependent variables were mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR),
Heather index (HI), and stroke volume (SV). Subjects were randomly
assigned to placebo-CPAP, CPAP, or OS. Data were analyzed by a 3
(treatment) X 3 (study days) X 3 (stress period) mixed model MANOVA.
Both CPAP and OS increased mean O2 saturation (p < .01). Apneas were
abolished by CPAP alone (p < .01). The MANOVA showed an overall
treatment X day X period interaction (p = .008). MAP and HR had a
significant stress effect (p < .001); levels increased from baseline to
preparation to speaking. HI and SV had a treatment X day X period
interactions (p's < .04). At baseline, there was no group difference or in
response to the challenge. After 1 day of treatment, the baseline HI and SV
were significantly lower in the CPAP (p = .021); there were no significant
changes in response to speaking. After 2 weeks of treatment with CPAP,
baseline HI and SV were significantly lower at baseline and increased
significantly in response to the speech challenge; no changes were observed
for the OS or placebo. In this study we replicated our finding that CPAP
improves cardiac contractility in people with sleep apnea. This effect might be
related to the abolishment of the apnea and not just to the normalization of O2
Abstract 1678
Abstract 1081
Abstract 1664
Takakazu Oka, Yuko Kaneda, Masaki Takenaga, Sota Hayashida, Yoko
Tamagawa, Naoki Kodama, Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Neurology,
Sadatoshi Tsuji, Neurology, University of Occupational and Environmental
Health, Kitakyushu, Japan
Abstract 1555
Abstract 1091
Abstract 1553
Abstract 1454
Deborah E. Polk, Behavioral Sciences, Robert J. Weyant, Dental Public
Health, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA,
Daniel W. McNeil, Psychology, Richard J. Crout, Periodontics, John G.
Thomas, Pathology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, Mary L.
Marazita, Oral Biology, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine,
Pittsburgh, PA
Abstract 1471
Abstract 1372
Purpose of study: A state of exhaustion is an independent risk factor of nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) in apparently healthy subjects, and of
recurrent cardiac events in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI). Pathophysiological mechanisms that may underlie this
association include an increased pro-inflammatory status and a decreased
immunosuppressive activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical
(HPA) axis. A marker of HPA-activity not yet studied in the association
between exhaustion and future coronary artery disease (CAD) is macrophage
migration inhibitory factor (MIF). Locally, MIF is secreted as a proinflammatory cytokine by cellular sources (e.g. monocytes, macrophages) at
inflammatory loci and systemically by the anterior pituitary gland. The
objective was to study the association between exhaustion and MIF and the
prognostic value of MIF for new cardiac events. Subject sample and methods:
The subject sample consisted of 194 exhausted PCI patients. Follow-up for
recurrent cardiac events was 24 months. Plasma samples collected six weeks
after PCI (baseline) and 18 months after baseline were analyzed for MIF. At
18 months, the difference in MIF concentrations between exhausted and nonexhausted patients was tested (Mann-Whitney U). Furthermore, MIF
concentrations at baseline were categorized in quartiles and tested for their
association with new cardiac events (Chi-square). Summary of results: At 18
months, MIF concentrations of exhausted patients (median 63.4 ng/ml) versus
non-exhausted patients (median 79.1 ng/ml) were significantly lower
(p=0.024). No association was found between the four quartiles of MIF and
new cardiac events (Chi-square = 2.20, df=3, p=0.53). Although these results
suggest a hypoactivity of the HPA-axis in exhausted patients, no prognostic
value of MIF for CAD was found.
Abstract 1189
Abstract 1465
Reiko Hori, Health & Psychosocial Medicine, Aichi Medical University
School of Medicine, Aichi, Aichi, Japan, Junichiro Hayano, Nagoya City
Univerrsity, Nagoya, Japan, Kazuhiro Kimura, Koga, Shiga, Japan, Hirokazu
Monou, Psychosomatic Medicine, Fukushima Rosai Hospital, Iwaki,
Fukushima, Japan, Fumio Kobayashi, Health & Psychosocial Medicine, Aichi
Medical University School of Medicine, Aichi, Aichi, Japan
Abstract 1160
Abstract 1219
Bypass surgery has a high overall success rate and improves function but
recovery rates vary greatly and some patients continue to be impaired. To
better understand recovery, known gender differences in cardiac disease
deserve attention. Given that the male/female ratio of bypass patients is about
3:1, few studies to date had sufficiently large samples to draw meaningful
conclusions about gender differences. We systematically recruited a sample
where 42% were female (total n = 293; n=122 women). Patients were
recruited 3-5 days post-surgery and retested after one year. Attrition was 22%.
Results are reported only for patients with partners because we were interested
in support processes and emotional adjustment. Analyses were stepwise
regressions and included demographic, medical, and psychological predictors.
In Step 1, only demographic and medical predictors were entered (age, sex,
NYHA classification, number of vessels diseased), and in step 2, we added the
psychological predictors: social support, depression, marital adjustment at
time 1. Neither the demographic nor medical variables obtained at time 1
significantly predicted functional impairment after one year for either sex
(although step 1 predictors approached significance for women with p=.06).
The addition of psychological predictors in analysis step 2, however,
amounted to an overall significant predictor model where social support had a
clear attenuating effect on impairment in women but not in men (R2 change
from .095 to .202, p=.01), and depression explained additional variance in
impairment in men (R2 change from .03 to .09, p=.04) but not in women. We
conclude that psychological factors are important predictors of functional
recovery and that interpersonal variables are particularly important for female
Abstract 1122
Abstract 1365
Abstract 1374
Abstract 1679
In this study we hypothesized that high trait anxious patients with a congenital
heart disease show an exaggerated perception of heart symptoms and not of
non-heart symptoms during stress as compared to low trait anxious patients. In
addition we hypothesized that trait anxiety and disease history and not
changes in heart rate predicted increased perception of heart symptoms during
stress. Twenty-five patients with congenital heart disease (16 men, 9 women;
M = 32,34 years, SD = 12,22) and 24 healthy controls (11 men, 13 women; M
= 27,11 years, SD = 10,28) participated in the experiment. The sample was
split into a high (14 patients, 10 controls) and low (11 patients, 14 controls)
trait anxious group based on a median split of the STAI-trait. All participants
received respectively a relaxation period, a mental stress task, and a second
relaxation period. After each period 3 heart symptoms and 7 non-heart
symptoms were measured. Heart rate was measured continuously. As
expected the results showed a significant four-way interaction ( p = .007).
Follow-up analysis showed that high trait anxious patients showed a higher
increase in heart symptoms during stress as compared to non-heart symptoms
( p = .03) and as compared to low trait anxious patients ( p = .02). High trait
anxious patients did not differ from high and low trait anxious healthy
controls in increased self-reported heart symptoms during stress ( p < .05).
Two multiple regression analysis, one with trait anxiety and one with changes
in heart rate entered first into the regression, showed that only trait anxiety
predicted increased self-reported heart symptoms during stress ( R2 = .15, p =
.006). The results suggest that high trait anxiety and not changes in heart rate
or a history of heart disease result in an exaggerated increase in perceived
heart symptoms during stress.
Omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids have been shown to substantially reduce cardiac
risk. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the predominant plant-based n-3 fatty acid
in the diet, yet few studies have examined the cardiovascular effects of ALA.
We tested the effects of replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats from
walnuts, walnut oil, and flaxseed oil on lipids, C-reactive protein, and
hemodynamic responses to the speech and cold pressor tasks. We used a
randomized, three-period, crossover design and enrolled 19 adults (37 to 63
years of age) with hypercholesterolemia. All meals were prepared by a
metabolic kitchen. Diets were matched for fat (36 %en), protein (16 %en),
carbohydrates (50 %en) and cholesterol (300 mg/d). Participants consumed
one meal at the diet center on weekdays; other meals were packaged for offsite consumption. Diets included a control diet with an n-6/n-3 ratio of 10:1; a
Linoleic Acid with a 4:1 ratio (LA diet); and an ALA diet with a 2:1 ratio.
Calories were provided to maintain body weight. BP, heart rate, cardiac
output, and total peripheral resistance were measured at the end of each diet.
Relative to the control diet, the two n-3 diets reduced diastolic BP and
peripheral vascular resistance by 3-4% (Ps < 0.01); these changes were
evident at rest and during stress. Fasting concentrations of LDL cholesterol
were reduced by 11-12% on the LA and ALA diets (P < 0.001). Although
both the LA and ALA diets reduced C-reactive protein substantially, this
effect was only significant during the high ALA diet (P < 0.01). These results
suggest that plant-based omega-3 fatty acids have significant beneficial effects
on blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and inflammation in adults at high risk of
cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, these data support the use of fat
substitution (rather than fat restriction) in adults with hypercholesterolemia.
Abstract 1681
Abstract 1659
In 2000, congestive heart failure (CHF), which affects more than 5 million
people, was the leading cause of hospitalization in those 65 years or older with
costs totaling more than $24 billion in the U.S. The impact of depression on
overall morbidity, mortality, and hospitalization has recently been
demonstrated in CHF. This project examined the association of depressive
symptoms and somatic factors on length of hospitalization in individuals with
CHF. Potential psychosocial and somatic correlates of length of
hospitalization such as anxiety, depression, dyspnea, rating of overall health,
sleep, pain, and physical functioning were obtained from self-rating
questionnaires. 39 individuals consented to participate in the project during a
hospitalization for CHF exacerbation. Presence of significant depressive
symptoms (found in 38% of patients) were defined by HADS-Depression
subscale score >7. Correlational analysis was performed to examine
relationships among these variables and length of stay. Length of
hospitalization significantly correlated with dyspnea (r = 0.45, p=0.04),
perception of overall health (r = -.49, p= 0.03), and presence of depressive
symptoms (r = 0.39, p=0.04). Dyspnea correlated with depressive symptoms
(r=0.43, p=0.04) and perception of overall health (r = -0.42, p=0.03). Further
analysis found that factors such as sleep, physical functioning, anxiety, and
pain did not correlate with depressive symptoms or length of hospitalization.
In summary, somatic factors have variable association with depressive
symptoms and length of hospitalization in this admittedly small sample. An
individual s experience of dyspnea and perception of health appear related to
depressive symptoms. The role of depressive symptoms is intriguing in the
perception of dyspnea. Length of hospitalization reflects symptom control
where dyspnea is routinely used to judge efficacy of treatment.
Abstract 1643
Abstract 1491
Purpose: Advanced heart failure has a high mortality rate. Several studies
have demonstrated an association between depression and heart failure
mortality. The REMATCH trial demonstrated that left ventricular assist
device (LVAD) therapy alters course for patients with severe, chronic heart
failure, with improved survival and mortality due to device-related
complications rather than heart failure. We examined the association of
depression symptoms measured prior to randomization with mortality in
patients treated with optimal medical management vs. LVAD therapy in the
REMATCH trial. Methods: Patients (n = 129) with New York Heart
Association Class IV heart failure for over 90 days despite management with
digoxin, diuretics, and ACE inhibitors or angiotensin 2 receptor blockers were
randomized to therapy with the Thoratec Heartmate I LVAD (n = 68) vs.
optimized medical management (n = 61) and followed longitudinally. Patients
completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) prior to randomization. Low,
intermediate, and high depression symptom score groups were defined by BDI
<10, 10-16, and >16, respectively. The effect of BDI on survival was
measured using Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimates with significance
assessed by log-rank tests. Results: The median baseline BDI score was 16 in
both treatment groups. In medical management and LVAD groups, BDI <10
occurred in 21% and 10%, BDI 10-16 in 29% and 44%, and BDI >16 in 50
and 56% of patients, respectively. Two-year survival was 11% in medical
management- and 31% in LVAD-treated patients. There was no effect of BDI
on survival in either medical therapy (p = .262) or LVAD-treated (p = .149)
patients. Conclusion: In patients with severe, chronic heart failure, depression
symptoms are not associated with mortality.
depression (SCL-90)
vital exhaustion
depressive coping (FQCI)
fatalistic copin (KKG)
"playing down" (FQCI)
overall impact of event
Abstract 1633
Jennifer E. Phillips, Serina A. Neumann, Psychology, J. Richard Jennings,
Psychiatry, Matthew F. Muldoon, Clinical Pharmacology, Janine D. Flory,
Stephen B. Manuck, Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
p > .01
p = .04
age X gender
p = .02
p < .05
p = .02
p = .01
p > .05
p = .03
p = .01
Abstract 1490
Karl H. Ladwig, Psychosomatic Medicine Department, Jens J. Baumert,
Psychosomatic Medicine Department, Technical University of Munich, Munich,
Germany, Claus Schmitt, Electrophysiology, German Heart Center Munich,
Munich, Germany
Diminished heart rate variability (HRV) and physical inactivity are associated
with increased coronary heart disease risk. Physical activity may also improve
HRV, though most prior studies are limited to Caucasian men. Here, we
examine physical activity (PA) in relation to HRV in a healthy, heterogeneous
sample of adult men and women (N=744; ages 30-54 (M=43.5 yrs); 52%
women; Caucasian (C): n=612; African American (AA): n=132). Selfreported exercise (kcal/wk) was measured by the Paffenbarger Physical
Activity Questionnaire. Respiratory rate and HRV, indexed by natural log
transformed root mean square of successive differences of inter heartbeat
intervals (RMSSD) and high-frequency (HF) spectral power [respiratory
frequency (Hz) +/- .015], was derived from 5-min, continuous ECG
recordings. RMSSD covaried with HF-HRV (r=.71, p<.0001). Participants
were classified into low (<1000 kcal), moderate (1001-2000 kcal), and high
(>2001 kcal) PA groups. Men reported more PA than women (p<.001).
MANCOVA was performed to examine the effect of PA groups, sex and race
on HRV measures (covarying for age, body mass index, and smoking status
(non/ex-smoker v. smoker)). This analysis showed a significant main effect
for PA grouping on RMSSD and HF-HRV (p<.001). Among the strongest
effects, high PA subjects had significantly greater RMSSD (3.6.04) than low
PA's (3.4.05) (p<.018), with intermediate values among moderate PA's
(3.5.04). RMSSD and HF-HRV were both greater in men than in women
(p's<.001), and in AA's than in C's (p's<.024). These findings suggest that
physical activity greater than 2000 kcal/week may enhance HRV.
Supported by NIH grants HL-40962 and HL-65137
Abstract 1430
Abstract 1441
Cheryl S. Rucker-Whitaker, Lynda H. Powell, Daniel P. Gibson, Diane L.
Downs, Glenda Kravitz, Preventive Medicine, Rush University Medical
Center, Chicago, IL
Abstract 1426
Thomas Mller-Tasch, Dieter Schellberg, Dept. of General Internal and
Psychosomatic Medicine, Christian Zugck, Dept. of Cardiology, Georg
Raupp, Wolfgang Herzog, Jana Jnger, Dept. of General Internal and
Psychosomatic Medicine, Medical University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany,
Markus Haass, Dept. of Cardiology, Theresienkrankenhaus, Mannheim,
NYHA-class (%):
LVEF (%)
peakVO2 (ml/kg/min)
Abstract 1384
Abstract 1168
Abstract 1224
Roland von Kanel, General Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Berne,
Switzerland, Brigitte M. Kudielka, Daniel Preckel, Lilian Zgraggen,
Katharina Mischler, Dirk Hanebuth, Joachim E. Fischer, Behavioral
Sciences, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract 1167
Roland von Kanel, Paul J. Mills, Karen A. Adler, Joel E. Dimsdale, Thomas
L. Patterson, Sonia Ancoli-Israel, Igor Grant, Psychiatry, University of
California San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Abstract 1354
Abstract 1319
Abstract 1010
Abstract 1304
Mark W. Ketterer, Walter Knysz, Behavioral Health, Steven J. Keteyian,
Sanjay Khanal, John Schairer, Adam Greenbaum, Mohsin Alam, Amjad
Farha, Internal Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital/Wayne State University,
Detroit, MI
Abstract 1288
Abstract 1276
Abstract 1286
Abstract 1273
Teresa J. Marin, Gregory E. Miller, Psychology, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Abstract 1410
Abstract 1371
Abstract 1637
Ulrike Ehlert, Katja Erni, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, University
of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Gundula Hebisch, Ultrasound & Obstetrics,
Gynosuisse, Uster, Switzerland, Urs M. Nater, Clinical Psychology &
Psychotherapy, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Chronic stress has been prospectively linked to adverse health outcomes. The
allostatic-load-model posits that one possible biological pathway mediating
this association is the loss of habituation to everyday challenges in chronically
distressed individuals. There is a paucity of data elucidating the relationship
between chronic distress and the reactivity of the hypothalamus-pituitaryadrenal axis to acute stress. We investigated the impact of exhaustion, a
common sequela of chronic stress, on the habituation of the HPA-axis
response to repeated acute stress. The sample comprised 25 healthy male
subjects (38-59 yrs) who were confronted three times with the Trier-SocialStress-Test. Exhaustion was assessed by the Maastricht-Vital-ExhaustionQuestionnaire by Appels and coworkers. ANOVA results showed the wellknown habituation effect in cortisol responses across sessions. At the second
and third stress exposure, higher cortisol stress responses emerged with
increasing exhaustion. Furthermore, we identified 21 individuals showing a
response habituation (negative slope for area-under-the-cortisol-secretioncurve) and 4 individuals showing a response sensitization over the three
sessions (positive slope). The latter participants reported significantly higher
exhaustion scores. Linear regression models revealed a relevant dose-response
relationship between exhaustion and the degree for habituation (standardized
beta=.46, R2=.21). The observed loss of a normal habituation to repeated
exposure to the same stressor in exhausted individuals suggests a state of
increased vulnerability for allostatic load. Such impaired habituation might be
one potential mechanism how exhaustion relates to increased disease
Abstract 1336
Abstract 1588
Abstract 1463
Paul S. Ciechanowski, Joan E. Russo, Wayne J. Katon, Psychiatry & Behavioral
Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Purpose of Study. Patients with chronic illness can optimize their self-care and
disease outcomes by actively collaborating with providers, family members and
peers. However, individuals vary in their capacity to rely on others and the
number of individuals in one's social network may depend on one's attachment
style, i.e. perceptions and expectations of relationships based in large part on
prior caregiving experiences. We hypothesized that diabetic patients with an
insecure attachment style would report having fewer social supports and be less
satisfied with these supports as compared to those with secure attachment style.
Subject Sample and Statement of Methods. In 371 primary care type 1 and 2
diabetic patients we determined patient attachment style, demographic
characteristics, SCL-20 depression score, number of diabetes complications and
medical comorbidity. Using the SSQ-6 (Sarason et al., 1983) we determined the
mean number of social supports reported by patients and their level of
satisfaction from these supports. We used ANCOVA to determine if insecure
attachment styles (secure attachment style as the reference group) were
associated with number of, and satisfaction with social supports after adjusting
for demographics, SCL-20 depression score, diabetes complications and medical
comorbidity. Summary of Results. Attachment style was significantly associated
with reported number of social supports (p<.001) with patients with secure
attachment style having a greater number of mean social supports (4.4, SD=2.3)
compared to patients with fearful (2.6, SD=1.5; p<.001), preoccupied (3.1,
SD=2.1; p<.001) and dismissing (2.8. SD=1.8; p<.001) attachment styles.
Satisfaction with support was significantly lower in patients with fearful (p<.01)
and preoccupied (p<.05) attachment styles as compared to those with a secure
attachment style. Conclusion. It may be clinically useful to assess patient
attachment style when assessing social networks and predicting the ability of
patients to work with important others in carrying out self-care for chronic
Abstract 1272
Abstract 1514
Abstract 1439
Michael M. Roy, Psychology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla,
CA, Peter Dirksing, Psychology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla,
CA, Nicholas J. Christenfeld, Psychology, University of California, San
Diego, La Jolla, CA
Abstract 1239
Abstract 1544
Abstract 1242
Abstract 1517
Abstract 1647
Abstract 1715
Abstract 1562
Prior research on age, emotions, and physiological function suggests that older
adults may show lower physiological responses to general emotional stimuli
(Levenson, Cartensen, & Gottman, 1994). However, the stress and reactivity
literature suggests that age is associated with higher cardiovascular reactivity
to laboratory stress (Jennings et al., 1997; Uchino et al., 1999). The primary
aim of this study was to further examine the influence of age on stress
responses as indexed by ambulatory blood pressure (ABP). Participants in the
study were 384 men and women between the ages of 40 to 70 from a larger
study on aging, hostility, and health in married couples. Participating
individuals were free from most major heart and blood pressure medications.
All participants wore a SunTech Medical Accutraker II ABP monitor that was
set to take a random reading every 45 minutes during the course of a day.
Participants completed a corresponding diary assessment that included
questions related to their affective states and whether or not they were dealing
with an everyday hassle. They also completed a standard set of control
questions that need consideration in ABP studies (e.g., posture). We identified
outliers (Kamarck et al., 1998; Marler et al., 1988) and statistically controlled
for significant standard control factors in the analysis of ABP. Proc Mixed
(SAS institute; Littell, Milliken, Stroup, & Wolfinger, 1996) was used to
examine the association between age, diary responses, and ABP. Results
revealed that older individuals felt lower levels of negative emotions (e.g.,
sadness - p < .05; stress - p < .001). Importantly, we also found a significant
age X daily hassles interaction in predicting DBP (p < .01). Plotting predicted
values revealed that relatively young individuals showed no difference in DBP
when dealing with problems. However, older adults showed relatively high
levels of DBP when dealing with a problem compared to instances when they
were not. The results of this study suggest that although older adults
experience less negative emotions in daily life, when hassles are experienced
they tend to have a stronger influence on cardiovascular function.
Although positive factors such as personal and social resources may have
protective effects on health, little is known about the physiological
mechanisms that may mediate such relationships. Life satisfaction, a positive
view of one s overall life experience, may be salutogenic and slower blood
pressure (BP) recovery after a stressful event may increase the risk for
cardiovascular disease. Hence, associations between life satisfaction and faster
BP recovery may provide links between positive well-being and health. Our
goal was to test such a hypothesis using 195 community-residing elderly
individuals. Ninety-six spouse caregivers (57% women, 6.3% African
Americans, mean age = 71.9) of Alzheimers patients and 99 comparison
subjects (67% women, 6.1% African Americans, mean age = 69.7) completed
a life satisfaction questionnaire and underwent a cardiovascular reactivity
protocol with a stressful expressed emotion task, followed by a 10-minute
recovery period. BP was measured periodically based on a pre-set schedule.
The task BP measure and four BP measures during the recovery period were
modeled using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). At Level 1 model, the
intercept was used as a measure of BP reactivity, whereas the linear slope was
used as a measure of BP recovery speed. At Level 2, BP reactivity and
recovery were predicted by life satisfaction and common covariates of BP,
such as body mass index, smoking, beta-blocker medication use, diagnosis of
hypertension, family history of hypertension, gender, age, and ethnicity. SBP
and DBP were analyzed separately. The HLM analysis showed that higher life
satisfaction predicted faster recovery of both SBP and DBP (betas = -.06 and .05, p = .008 and .02, respectively), after controlling for covariates. In
contrast, life satisfaction was not predictive of either SBP or DBP reactivity.
These associations were not different between caregivers and non-caregivers.
These results suggest that life satisfaction may be a protective factor for
cardiovascular health. More research is needed to elucidate further
mechanisms underlying these associations.
Abstract 1438
Abstract 1457
Abstract 1475
Abstract 1688
Sheila G. West, Andrea Likos Krick, Hye-Won Lee, Paul Wagner,
Biobehavioral Health, Mosuk Chow, Statistics, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA
Flow mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery is a widely used test for
measuring vascular endothelial dysfunction, and impaired FMD is a predictor
of increased risk of coronary events. There is inconsistent evidence about
whether acute stress impairs FMD, and only one previous study tested
whether subjects with low FMD scores exhibited exaggerated hemodynamic
responses to stress. We examined the effects of an impromptu speech task (5
min) on FMD and hemodynamics in 29 healthy adults. FMD was measured at
baseline and at 10, 45, and 90 min post-stress. A subset (n = 9) had an
additional testing session (counterbalanced order) during which they
underwent the same measurement protocol in the absence of the stressor task.
FMD was measured as the percent change in brachial artery diameter
following an increase in flow, using an Acuson Aspen ultrasound, and arterial
diameters were measured using customized software. In the group as a whole,
there was no significant change in FMD in the 90 min post-stress. However,
for subjects who underwent both testing sessions, mean FMD on the stress
day was lower than the mean value during the resting test session (4.5% vs.
5.5%, respectively). Subjects with FMD above the median score (> 4.0%)
exhibited significantly lower systolic BP (mean group difference = 12 mmHg,
P = 0.006) and this pattern was apparent at rest and during stress. In
conclusion, although we did not observe acute changes in FMD following a
stressor, average FMD was significantly lower during the session that
included the speech stressor. This study is the first to report that individuals
with low FMD scores exhibit exaggerated SBP levels during a speech task.
These results suggest that careful study design is required to detect effects of
acute stress on endothelial function.
Abstract 1702
Abstract 1271
Abstract 1332
Tetsuya Takahashi, Tetsuhito Murata, Masao Omori, Neuropsychiatry,
University of Fukui Faculty of Medical Sciences, Matsuoka, Fukui, Japan,
Koichi Takahashi, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University,
Higashi-Osaka, Osaka, Japan, Yuji Wada, Neuropsychiatry, University of
Fukui Faculty of Medical Sciences, Matsuoka, Fukui, Japan
Abstract 1449
Abstract 1277
Abstract 1478
Sandra E. Sephton, Psychiatry; JG Brown Cancer Center, University of
Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, KY, Inka Weissbecker, Andrea
Floyd, Eric Dedert, Paul Salmon, Psychological and Brain Sciences,
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Abstract 1179
Stephen J. Morewitz, Research, Stephen J. Morewitz, Ph.D., & Associates, IL
& CA, Chicago, IL
Low back pain can be a disabling and costly health problem. Work-related
physical factors, such as lifting more than 25 kg, and work-related
psychosocial factors, such as dissatisfaction with work, high job demands and
low control over work, are some of the conditions that are associated with an
increased prevalence of low back pain among workers. However, little is still
known about the risk factors for low back pain, especially in the general
population. Several occupational studies have found that female workers are
more at risk of suffering low back pain than male workers. More research
needs to be done to determine the extent to which there are gender differences
in low back pain in the general population as well as the risk factors for low
back pain in the general population. The following study tests the null
hypothesis that there are no gender differences in low back pain, after
adjusting for other income and other possible predictor variables. The findings
from the population-based 1998 National Health Interview Survey (N=30,534
adults) were used. Descriptive and correlational procedures evaluated possible
gender differences in low back pain in the past 3 months after adjusting for
income and other predictors. The null hypothesis was rejected. Women had a
higher prevalence of low back pain in the past 3 months (.30%) than men
(.26%) (Chi-Square=75.79, df=2, p<.000). These gender differences in low
back pain remained significant after controlling for occupation, age, race,
income, and other predictor variables. These findings highlight the need to
screen women for low back pain.
Abstract 1324
Abstract 1726
Abstract 1052
Michael Robinson, Neuroscience, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN,
Lesley Arnold, Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,
Cincinnati, OH, Yili Lu, Deborah D'Souza, Joachim Wernicke, Smriti Iyengar,
Neuroscience, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN
Abstract 1112
Abstract 1265
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was sufficient evidence
that the mind-body treatment mode called Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS)
could effectively treat persistent back pain to justify further serious study of
its effectiveness. Methods--85 patients treated for TMS between 1995 and
2000 in Dr. Schechter's office were interviewed on the telephone by trained
medical students at least a year after treatment was initiated. It was not a
randomized, placebo controlled trial. Results: Of those 85 patients, over 60%
fell into the A and B outcome groups that showed clinically significant
improvement. Eighteen percent improved some (C), and 21% failed to
improve (F). Evaluation criteria included presence of pain, activity
restrictions, and medication use, both before and after treatment. Nearly all the
patients had tried a variety and often a combination of typical treatments
including medication, physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc. without
long-term relief. Patients were also classified by pain duration before
diagnosis, with those in pain over a year (72 patients or 85%) defined as
chronic, and less than a year (13 patients or 15%), acute. Eleven (85%) of
the acute patients and 41 (57%) of the chronic ones fell into Groups A or
B. Conclusions--Our most significant finding is the 57% success rate among
the chronic patients. Moreover, the treatment is relatively inexpensive, noninvasive, and non-pharmacological. At the very least, the effectiveness of
TMS treatment for back pain merits further study as a way to address the
chronic pain problem. This symposium will discuss the conceptual model of
Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) and the specifics of the treatment program
described above including the use of journaling, home educational program,
office-based seminar, psychotherapy, etc. The results of the outcome study
will be analyzed and a description of additional studies that have been done or
are planned will be presented. Opportunities for input from the attendees on
the neuroscientific correlations, brain imaging implications, research
methodology, and clinical methods will be emphasized.
Abstract 1029
Abstract 1480
Although past traumas are associated with chronic pain, the cognitiveaffective processes in this relationship have not been explored in newly
injured back pain patients. In this prospective study of acute back pain
patients, we examined cumulative DSM-IV (Criterion A) traumas and traumarelated schemas as predictors of pain and disability 3 months later, the IASP
criterion period for chronicity. Eighty-four patients referred to an acute back
pain clinic completed measures of lifetime traumas (TLEQ), maladaptive
schemas (TCIS), pain (DDS), and disability (PDI) at baseline and follow-up.
Multiple regression analyses, controlling for baseline pain and disability and
demographic and medical factors, indicated that more traumas directly
predicted greater subsequent pain severity (B = .23, sr2 = .05, p < .05) and
indirectly predicted more subsequent disability, via pain (B = .32, sr2 = .08, p
< .001). Cumulative traumas, however, were not related to trauma schemas.
Negative trauma-related schemas did not predict baseline pain or disability but
positively predicted 3 month pain (B =.25, sr2 = .06, p < .05) and disability (B
=.34, sr2 = .11, p < .01), controlling for initial levels. Cumulative past trauma
experience is directly, positively related to chronic pain, independent of initial
pain and cognitive-affective reactions. Separately, trauma-related schemas are
associated with both more severe pain and greater functional impairment at 3
months. Both high past trauma exposure and maladaptive schemas are
possible red flags for chronicity and should be evaluated early to guide
treatment. A biopsychosocial approach to treating newly injured back pain
patients is indicated to prevent development of chronic pain syndrome.
Abstract 1666
Abstract 1506
The aim of the study was to investigate the association between physical
/emotional /sexual abuse and neglect in the family of origin with the presence
of alexithymia, suicidal ideation and health problems in adult life. The sample
consisted of 365 college students (mean age 21.9; 71% female) who
completed a self-administered battery of questionnaires examining current
health problems, suicidal ideation, and alexithymia (TAS-20). The Greek
Family Dysfunction scale was specifically developed to elicit information
about emotional rejection (a=.77), emotional neglect (a=.66) and physical
abuse/punishment (a=.79). Results indicate that 12% of the sample reported
sexual abuse, 37% suicidal ideation and 31% more than two health problems.
The first factor of TAS-20, inability to identify feelings, was positively related
to emotional rejection (p<.001),emotional neglect (p<.01), sexual abuse (p<
.05), suicidal ideation (p<.001) and the presence of more than 2 health
problems (p<.001). The second factor of alexithymia, the inability to express
feelings, was positively related to emotional rejection (p<.01), emotional
neglect (p<.05) and suicidal ideation (p<.001). Cluster analysis was used to
classify the sample in two groups: a) subjects who reported family
dysfunction (N=158) and b) subjects who did not report family dysfunction
(N= 157). As expected, the first group reported more health problems (p<.01),
suicidal ideation (p<.001) and higher scores in the first factor of TAS-20 (p<
.05). Results support the hypothesis that students who have experienced one
or more types of family abuse and neglect, tend to have problems identifying
and expressing their feelings, and present higher frequency of suicidal
ideation and health problems. Finally, physical abuse and external orientation
did not relate to poor health outcomes or suicidal ideation in adult life.
Abstract 1701
Abstract 1518
Written emotional disclosure (ED) of personal trauma has been shown to yield
psychological and health benefits in several medical populations.
Stress is one of the common, important issues related to health, disease, and
the quality of life. There are variable strategies in the stress reduction and
prevention. But, few integrated therapy systems are practiced. Therefore, we
performed this study to investigate the effects of Integrated Therapy System
on the stress reduction. In 50 healthy medical school students (male 25,
female 25), psychophysiolo- gical measures(percent alpha, electromyogram,
skin conductance, finger temperature, blood volume pulse, heart rate,
respiratory rate, etc.), psychosocial measures and hormonal measures were
evaluated. We used the Integrated Therapy System (EMOsystech, Korea;
therapy system consisted of video, music, aroma, and color therapies; ITT) as
the stress reduction method. After non-recording adaptation
period(15minutes), psychophysiological measures were recorded during preITT period(5 minutes), ITT period(16 minutes), and post-ITT
period(5minutes). During ITT, percent alpha power(p<0.05), finger
temperature(p<0.005) were significantly more increased, and EMG(p<0.001),
skin conductance(p<0.05) significantly more decreased comparing pre-ITT,
but blood volume pulse, heart rate, and respiratory rate were no significance.
This results suggest that our subjects showed significantly more relaxed state
during ITT period than pre-ITT period. ITT is a comprehensive, non-invasive,
near-natural, easy-to-use, wide spectrum, and effective strategy for stress
reduction and prevention. This therapy has the potential for the other many
indications as well as stress(for example, insomnia, mood disorders, etc.).
Abstract 1421
Abstract 1624
Written emotional disclosure can have positive health effects. Yet almost all
disclosure studies have participants submit their writings to the researchers,
whereas in actual practice, writing is likely to remain private and unshared.
Also, disclosure studies typically use placebo writing controls, but the effect
of placebo writing against no writing, which is the practical alternative, has
not been tested. We hypothesized that the health benefits of writing follow
this pattern: submitted disclosure > private disclosure > placebo writing > no
writing. Undergraduates (n = 139; 80% women; 55% white, 28% African
American, 8% Asian) who were screened to have an unresolved stressful
experience were randomized to one of two Disclosure conditions (4 days of
writing about stress either submitted or kept private) or one of two Control
conditions (placebo writing for 4 days or no-writing). The Impact of Events
Scale (IES), Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) and Brief Symptom
Inventory (BSI) were completed at baseline and 3-month follow-up.
ANCOVA first compared combined disclosure groups with combined
controls. Disclosure led to significantly improved IES intrusion (p=.001) and
avoidance (p=.004), PTGI relating to others (p=.012) and spiritual change
(p=.020), and BSI depression (p=.001) and global severity (p=.001). When the
four separate groups were compared, only submitted disclosure, but not
private disclosure, led to significant improvements on intrusion, avoidance,
and depression, compared with either placebo writing or no-writing; effects
were somewhat larger when compared with no writing. Public or social
disclosure rather than private, unshared writing appears to augment the
benefits of expressive writing. It is not known whether writing with a recipient
in mind changes one's writing, or whether simply knowing that one's secrets
are shared is important. Benefits of shared disclosure occur compared with
placebo writing, but are stronger compared with no writing.
Abstract 1674
Abstract 1699
Introduction: Research has suggested that both anxious attachment style and
sleep disturbance are predictive of health problems, however, few studies have
examined the impact of anxious attachment on sleep disturbance, and if
measures of distress mediate this relationship. It was hypothesized that
anxious attachment would predict increased distress and higher levels of sleep
disturbance, and that increased distress would mediate the relationship
between anxious attachment and sleep disturbance. Methods: 129 participants
(48% female; mean age 30; 92% European American, 3% Hispanic, 5% other)
were administered the Experiences in Close Relationships scale, the Perceived
Stress Scale, the Weinberg Adjustment Inventory (depressive symptoms), and
the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Results: Controlling for age and gender,
anxious attachment was positively correlated with sleep disturbance (r = .24, p
< .01). Perceived stress (r = .41, p < .0001) and depressive symptoms (r = .32,
p < .001) were also positively correlated with sleep disturbance controlling for
age and gender. When controlling for perceived stress and depressive
symptoms, the relationship between anxious attachment and sleep disturbance
was no longer significant (r = .03, ns). Conclusion: Anxious attachment is
related to increased distress and sleep disturbance, and distress mediated the
relationship between attachment and sleep. Distress and sleep disturbance may
pathways through which attachment is related to health outcomes.
Abstract 1695
Abstract 1690
Abstract 1692
Lynne M. Rochette, Stephen M. Patterson, Psychology, Ohio University,
Athens, OH
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of hydration status on
cardiac function at rest and during psychological laboratory stressors.
Volunteers (23 male, 22 female) participated in an initial physiological
assessment (Session 1), a pre fluid-load assessment (Session 2), and a post
fluid-load/stress manipulation assessment (Session 3). At each session, blood
pressure (SBP, DBP), heart rate (HR), total body water (TBW), intracellular
water (ICW), extracellular water (ECW), and percentage of TBW by weight
(%TBW) were obtained. During Session 2, participants were assigned to
either a Hydration Enhanced (HE) condition or a Non-Enhanced (NE)
condition. The HE Group (n=23) drank 2 liters of water a day for 3 days
proceeding Session 3. The NE Group was not given any water. At Session 3,
cardiac measurements were recorded during a lab protocol: 10-min seated
baseline, 6-min math task, 13-min intermediate baseline, and a 3-min cold
pressor task. Change scores (task-baseline) were computed for Session 3
cardiac measurements. Session 1 t-test analyses revealed males exhibited
significantly greater TBW, ICW, ECW, and %TBW than females (p's < .01).
Session 1 correlational analyses revealed significant inverse relationships for
males between DBP and TBW, r = -.579, ICW, r = -.575, and ECW, r = -.537
(p's < .05). At Session 2 and 3, t-test analyses again revealed males displaying
greater TBW, ICW, ECW, and %TBW relative to females (p's < .01). Session
3 correlational analyses revealed significant inverse relationships for HE
males between SBP and ECW, r = -.698, and %TBW, r = -.625, (p's < .05).
Resting cardiac assessments at Session 3 revealed participants in the HE
Group showed greater HR at rest (M=68.6) compared to the NE Group
(M=63.2), t(43) = -2.14, p < .05. Stress-reactivity analyses for Session 3 math
task revealed the NE Group displayed greater DBP reactivity (M=17.4)
compared to the HE Group (M=13.3), F(1, 43) = 5.18, p < .05. These results
indicate differential effects of hydration status on cardiac function both at rest
and during psychological stress.
Abstract 1583
Wayne Y. Ensign, Naval Health Rsch Ctr, San Diego, CA, Wayne A. Bardwell,
UCSD, San Diego, CA, Lindy M. Castell, Oxford, UK, Paul J. Mills,
Psychiatry, UCSD, San Diego, CA
Several studies have shown that military personnel experience stress from
military operations, but most have focused on short-term changes. We
previously observed mood changes in a cohort of Marines conducting hialtitude winter field training exercises (FTX) that persisted 90-days post-FTX.
We extend these findings by evaluating serum stress markers & their relation
to mood in the same cohort during the same FTX. Blood samples & Profile of
Mood States (POMS) were collected from 60 male Marines (mean age=19yrs,
range=18-28) at baseline (23 days prior to deployment), upon arrival at the
FTX site, 1-day post-FTX, 30- & 90-days post-FTX. Stress markers were
elevated at the conclusion of the FTX with some related to hypothalamicadrenal & gonadal function remaining elevated up to 30-days post-FTX.
Significant positive associations were noted for changes in cortisol vs. POMS
tension, depression, anger & vigor at the end of the FTX (p<.05). Testosterone
levels & cortisol:testosterone ratio were positively associated with vigor
(p<.05). At 30-days post-FTX a significant association was observed between
vigor & sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) (p<.05). Results imply that
certain mood states may reflect stress hormonal & biochemical changes in
response to military operations. (See Table: *=p<.05)
Cortisol-microg/ml 19.3
Testosterone-ng/ml 5.9
Free Testosterone
Abstract 1687
Abstract 1660
Abstract 1670
Paula G. Williams, Heather E. Gunn, Psychology, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, UT
Neuroticism (N) is related to both physical and mental well-being and is a risk
factor for anxiety disorders, clinical depression, and hypochondriasis.
However, little research has examined the role of gender in these links. The
purpose of the current study was to examine the moderating role of gender on
relations between N and both subjective well-being and objective health
indices. Of particular interest was whether gender affects the relationship
between N and interpersonal stress. 37 male and 40 female college students
(mean age=19.5 years) completed measures of N, and physical and depressive
(BDI-II) symptoms at the beginning of the academic year. Measures of stress
(Inventory of College Students Recent Life Experiences; ICSRLE), physical
and depressive symptoms, sick days, health center visits, and immune cell
counts (CD4, CD8) were obtained 2 months later. N was related to physical
and depressive symptoms, total daily hassles, interpersonal hassles, sick days,
and health center visits, ps<.05, but was unrelated to immune cell counts.
Women had more health center visits and higher depression compared to men,
whereas men had lower CD4 and higher CD8 counts. Gender moderated the
relationship between N and daily hassles: N was related to interpersonal stress
for women, p<.0001, but not for men, ns. Additionally, daily hassles were
related to increases in depression from baseline for women, p<.0001, but not
for men, ns. Daily hassles were related to lower CD8 cells for men, p<.05, but
not for women, ns. N was more strongly related to 2-month depression for
women, p<.0001, than for men, p<.05. Findings suggest that gender affects
the types of stressors to which high-N individuals are most vulnerable.
Although the strength of the N-depression relationship was stronger for
women, N effects on other measures of well-being were similar for males and
females. Findings also provide preliminary evidence that gender may
moderate the effects of daily stress on emotional vs. physical health outcomes.
Abstract 1714
Abstract 1348
Abstract 1565
Katherine T. Fortenberry, Deborah J. Wiebe, Psychology, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, UT
Abstract 1447
Andrea S. Vincent, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Kristen H. Sorocco,
Geriatric Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center,
Oklahoma City, OK, William R. Lovallo, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
VA Medical Center, Behavioral Sciences Labs, Oklahoma City, OK
Abstract 1344
Abstract 1407
The association between panic disorder (PD) and acute myocardial infarction
(AMI) among men was examined in the Integrated Healthcare Information
Services National Managed Care Benchmark Database (IHCIS). The IHCIS is
a fully de-identified, HIPAA-compliant database and includes complete
medical history for more than 17 million managed care lives; data from more
than 30 US health plans, covering seven census regions; and patient
demographics, including morbidity, age and gender. A total of 39,920 PD
patients and an equal number of patients without PD were included in the
retrospective cohort study. Logistic regression analyses were performed to
assess the adjusted risk of AMI that accounted for age at PD diagnosis,
smoking, obesity, depression and medications including ACE inhibitors, beta
blockers and statins. The cohort of patients with PD were observed to have a
two-fold increase in the risk for AMI (HR=1.87, 95% CI=1.80, 1.91) after
adjusting for age at PD diagnosis, smoking, obesity, and use of ACE
inhibitors, beta blockers and statins. Some evidence of a possible trend toward
increased risk was detected by depression diagnosis group. After controlling
for the aforementioned covariates and compared to patients without a
diagnosis of depression, it was noted that patients with a comorbid diagnosis
of depression were almost three times more likely to develop an AMI
(OR=2.6, 95% CI=2.30, 3.0). The risk of AMI associated with a diagnosis of
PD suggests close monitoring by cardiologists and internists of these patients
in order to ensure a reduction in the risk of AMI.
Abstract 1355
Abstract 1503
Estefania De Aguas, Psychiatry, Santa Clara University Hospital, Bogota,
Columbia, Ruby Castilla-Puentes, Psychiatry and Epidemiology, UNC School
of Medicine and GSK, WWEpidemiology
Abstract 1642
Abstract 1511
Given links between depression and alterations along the HPA axis, we
propose that sex differences in HPA regulation over puberty may be one
mechanism underlying the emergence of sex differences in depression over
puberty. We examined sex differences in cortisol responses to CRH challenge
across pubertal stages in carefully screened controls pooled from three phases
of the Pittsburgh Psychobiologic Studies. Participants ranged in age from 716, were physically healthy with no current, personal, or family history of
psychiatric disorder. 211 afternoon CRH challenge sessions were completed,
including 30-40 minutes pre-infusion baseline, 1 g/kg CRH infusion, 90-180
minutes of post-infusion measures, and 9-10 plasma cortisol samples.
Physician-rated Tanner staging was also conducted. We developed a nonlinear
mixed model to fit the data then examined the influence of gender and Tanner
stage on model parameters. Although no significant gender by Tanner
interactions emerged for baseline slope, we found significant gender by
Tanner interactions for time to peak response and total cortisol response to
CRH (p's < .05). Girls showed slower time to peak cortisol response over
Tanner stages 1/2, 3, and 4/5 (30, 35, and 41 min), while boys showed little
change over puberty (33, 32, 31 min). Overall, however, girls showed
increasing total cortisol responses to CRH across Tanner stages (709, 819, and
945 g/dl/min), explained by slower recovery from peak cortisol levels. Boys
showed similar total responses across Tanner stages (898, 881, 865
g/dl/min). Results show subtle sex differences in the influence of puberty on
HPA regulation at the pituitary level. Given sex differences in carefully
screened adolescents, future research should examine whether more or less
pronounced sex differences emerge in depressed or high-risk adolescents.
Abstract 1477
Tetsuro Ishizawa, Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi, Yoshiyuki Takimoto, Psychosomatic
Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Gaku
Yamanaka, Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Arakawaku, Tokyo, Japan, Hiroaki Kumano, Tomifusa Kuboki, Psychosomatic
Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract 1537
Harriette Riese, Judith G. Rosmalen, Psychiatry, University of Groningen,
Groningen, The Netherlands, Arie M. van Roon, Internal Medicine, University
Hospital of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, Albertine J. Oldehinkel,
Johan Ormel, Psychiatry, University of Groningen, Groningen, The
Netherlands, Fruhling V. Rijsdijk, Social, Genetic & Developmental
Psychiatry (SGDP), Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK
Anorexia nervosa (AN) has a significant risk for sudden death because of
cardiac complications. Previous studies show AN has abnormalities of the
autonomic nervous system and these abnormalities may be one of the reason
of cardiac dysfunction. Bulimia nervosa (BN) is also reported abnormalities of
the autonomic nervous system. However, few studies investigated heart rate
variability (HRV), blood pressure variability (BPV) and baroreflex sensitivity
(BRS). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate autonomic nervous
function in AN and BN patients by analyzing HRV, BPV and BRS.
The subjects were 19 AN patients (22.6 +/- 6.3 yr; body mass index (BMI),
13.5 +/- 1.6 kg/m2), 24 BN patients (23.6 +/- 3.8 yr; BMI, 20.6 +/- 2.4 kg/m2)
and 18 healthy controls (24.6 +/- 2.7 yr; BMI, 19.6 +/- 1.5 kg/m2). Beat-tobeat R-R interval and systolic blood pressure were measured for 10 minutes in
the supine position. HRV and BPV were analyzed with the fast Fourier
Transform. Power of each spectrum was calculated for the low (LF, 0.04-0.15
Hz) and the high (HF, 0.15-0.40 Hz) regions. Cross-spectrum between R-R
interval and systolic blood pressure in the LF region was used to calculate the
magnitude of the transfer function between systolic blood pressure and R-R
interval as an index of BRS when coherence exceeded 0.5. Each variable was
compared among the three groups. Using one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA), and Tukey's multiple comparison test, BMI in AN patients was
significantly lower than BN patients and controls (p < 0.01, p < 0.01,
respectively). BPV in the LF region were significantly lower both in AN and
in BN patients than in controls (p = 0.04, p = 0.02, respectively). In
conclusion, cardiovascualr sympathetic nervous activity might be reduced not
only in AN but also in BN in the supine position.
Abstract 1645
Abstract 1479
Abstract 1677
Abstract 1620
Abstract 1394
Abstract 1391
Abstract 1638
Daniel Preckel, Diana Andrae, Brigitte M. Kudielka, Karl Frey, Behavioral
Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland,
Hans-Joachim Haug, Psychiatric Department, University of Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, Joachim E. Fischer, Behavioral Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
Previous research found that anger, hostility, and certain anger expression
styles were associated with coronary heart disease (CHD), but the
physiological mechanisms under the association is not clear. Obesity is a
known risk factor for CHD. Hence, obesity may be potentially a mediator of
the relationship between anger/hostility/anger expression styles and CHD. The
relationship between anger expression and obesity, however, has been
inconsistent in the literature. The present study examined the potential
relationship between anger expression styles and obesity. Two hundred and
one college students (mean age = 23.8, 78% Caucasian, 77% women) at a
large urban university in the Midwest completed Spielberger s Anger
Expression Inventory, physical activity and food intake questionnaires.
Subjects then had their height, weight, and waist and hip circumferences
measurements taken, based on which body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip
ratio (WHR) were calculated. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that
anger-in (a measure of inward expression of anger or anger suppression) was
positively predictive of both BMI and WHR after controlling for covariates,
but anger-out (a measure of outward anger expression) was not associated
with either BMI or WHR. Interestingly, the association between anger-in and
BMI and WHR was significant only among women subjects. Further research
is being conducted to examine possible mediators of this relationship.
Abstract 1280
Abstract 1282
Health risk in old age arises in part from dysregulation of the neuroendocrine
system, which can be exacerbated by psychosocial stress. Environmental
disruptions are commonly studied as sources of stress, but few have
investigated the effects of cognitive styles. Higher levels of negative repetitive
thought (RT), an uncontrollable and repetitive focus on negative topics, have
the potential to create or enhance subjective stress and contribute to
neuroendocrine dysregulation. Married older adults (n = 26; mean age = 76;
62% female) completed questionnaires at baseline and collected salivary
samples at 6-month intervals (1 wave = 4 samples/day over 3 days; median =
3 waves). Eleven had spouses diagnosed with dementia (median months since
diagnosis = 17). Multi-level models tested the effects of spousal illness and
negative RT on cortisol dynamics across waves. Both spousal illness (p < .05)
and negative RT (p < .02) significantly predicted lower diurnal intercept, but
not diurnal slope or area under the curve. Examination of sampling times
showed that spousal illness and negative RT were specifically and
significantly associated with lower waking cortisol. Those with ill spouses and
high levels of negative RT had predicted waking cortisol of 0.245 ug/dl, less
than half that for those with well spouses and low levels of negative RT, 0.542
ug/dl. This effect was independent of age, sex, passage of time, and
depression. Spousal illness and negative RT predisposed older adults to
morning hypocortisolemia. Furthermore, the effect of RT (22% of waking
cortisol variance) exceeded that of spousal illness (13%), demonstrating that
cognitive style is an important influence on physiology. Hypocortisolemia in
older adults may be permissive for proinflammatory cytokines and processes
that could increase health risk, and negative repetitive thought styles appear to
exacerbate that risk.
Abstract 1144
Sonja van Well, Annemarie M. Kolk, Nicole Oei, Psychology, University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract 1461
Thomas Rutledge, Psychiatry, Matthew Weinger, Anesthesiology, UC San
Diego, San Diego, CA, Mike Borrego, Timothy Dresselhaus, VA Medical
Center, San Diego, CA
Abstract 1641
Abstract 1451
Dieting, one of the most common treatments for obesity, is effective for
weight losses of up to 10% in the short-term. However, dieting (defined as the
restriction of caloric intake) has not proved effective in maintaining these
losses over the long-term. The purpose of this study was to determine whether
or not dieting, instead of being an effective treatment for obesity, might
actually be a chronic stressor. Chronic stress leads to prolonged activation of
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis, which then leads to
hypercortisolism, which in turn leads to increased insulin resistance, which
finally leads to increased visceral obesity. Thus, if dieting is indeed a chronic
stressor, dieting may lead not only to negative health outcomes associated
with chronic stress, but also ironically back to weight gain. To investigate the
relationship between dieting and chronic stress, a longitudinal study was
conducted. We hypothesized that dieting at baseline would predict future
stress. In exchange for course credit or payment, 114 female undergraduate
participants visited the lab at baseline and nine weeks later. At both time
points, dieting was measured using the Dietary Restraint Scale, the most
commonly used measure of dieting (Polivy, Herman, & Howard, 1988). The
outcome measure used was the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the most
commonly used measure of chronic stress (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein,
1983). The Social Readjustment Ratings Scale (SRRS; Holmes & Rahe, 1967)
was also used to assess the number and severity of all stressors of participants.
Participants' weight was also measured. Dieting and perceived stress were
correlated at baseline (r = .28, p = .001). In addition, dieting at baseline
predicted perceived stress nine weeks later, controlling for baseline stress and
the total number of stressors (B = .40, t(112) = 3.20, p = .002). The mean
weight change was not significant at an increase of .83 pounds. This study
offers evidence that supports the hypothesis that dieting is a chronic stressor.
As chronic stress leads to a host of negative health outcomes including
visceral obesity, further research testing a causal relationship between dieting
and chronic stress is warranted.
Abstract 1636
Kenneth P. Sausen, Walter Carr, Warfighter Performance, Naval Health
Research Center, San Diego, CA, Sean P. Drummond, Bart D. Phillips, Dept
of Psychiatry, UCSD School of Medicine, San Diego, CA, Matthew A. Yanagi,
Warfighter Performance, Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA
Abstract 1568
Francesca Sampogna, Angelo Picardi, Paolo Pasquini, Eva Mazzotti, Ornella
De Pit, Damiano Abeni, and the IMPROVE Investigators, Istituto
Dermopatico dell'Immacolata IDI-IRCCS, Rome, Italy
Actigraph Pearson Correlation R = 0.811
Sig. (1-tailed)
p = .001
Pearson Correlation R = .792
Sig. (1-tailed)
p = .001
R = 0.515
p = .008
R = .532
p = .007
Abstract 1431
Abstract 1385
Abstract 1223
Abstract 1169
Abstract 1111
Abstract 1709
Research suggests that cardiac patients who assume a more active role in their
health care have better post-surgical outcomes and show better compliance to
medical regimens. Less is known about how these factors influence
cardiovascular risk in initially healthy samples. The purpose of the present
study was to examine the association between preferences for information and
behavioral involvement in medical care (assessed via the Krantz Health
Opinion Survey; KHOS) and subclinical carotid disease. Participants were
370 middle-aged women from the Healthy Women Study, a prospective
investigation of health during and following the menopausal transition. The
KHOS was administered 3 years following study entry. B-Mode ultrasound
measures of intima-media thickness (IMT) and plaque in the carotid arteries
were performed approximately 8-yrs later when all women were postmenopausal. Women who reported greater behavioral involvement in health
care had lower IMT ( = -.14, p < .01) and marginally less plaque (OR = .94,
CI: .88, 1.01) compared to women who reported lesser behavioral
involvement. The results for IMT persisted after statistically controlling for
education, age, duration of follow-up, pulse pressure, smoking history, and
triglycerides. Moreover, these results were independent of a general
personality measure of instrumentality. Mediation analyses revealed that
lifestyle factors including physical activity level and weight gain over the
follow-up period partially attenuated the effect of behavioral involvement on
IMT, but the effects were still significant. These results highlight the
importance of the present trend in health care to encourage patients to be
active participants in their health and well-being.
Depression is an important risk factor for cardiac morbidity and mortality following
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Less is known about specific
predictors of post-surgical depressive symptoms amongst CABG patients. The aim of
the current study was to examine pre-surgical optimism as a predictor of post-surgical
depressive symptoms in a sample of CABG patients. Participants were 309 (215 men,
94 women) patients scheduled for CABG. Patients completed the LOTand CES-D
measures prior to surgery and at 6 and 18-month follow-ups. The LOT pessimism
items and optimism items were summed separately and a total LOT Optimism score
was also calculated. We expected that higher pre-surgical total optimism and higher
optimism subscale scores would predict less depressive symptoms and higher presurgical pessimism subscale would predict more depressive symptoms over time.
Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression. Pre-surgical depressive
symptoms were entered in the first block, pre-surgical optimism in the second block,
and the gender X optimism interaction in the third. Total optimism, optimism and
pessimism subscales were analyzed separately. Higher pre-surgical total optimism
predicted fewer depressive symptoms at the 6 month, but not at the 18 month, followup. Higher pre-surgical optimism subscale predicted fewer depressive symptoms at
the 6 month follow-up. An interaction between gender and pre-surgical optimism
subscale was found for 18 month depressive symptoms such that males reporting
more optimism prior to surgery reported fewer post-surgical depressive symptoms.
Finally, higher pre-surgical pessimism predicted more depressive symptoms at the 6
month follow-up. These findings suggest that pre-surgical optimism and its
components are important to short-term emotional adaptation following CABG and
may have lasting effects for males.
Abstract 1700
John M. Ruiz, Psychology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Karen
A. Matthews, Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Michael F.
Scheier, Jeremy Wortman, Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, Richard Schulz, Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA
Abstract 1134
Angelique A. Schiffer, Johan Denollet, Psychology and Health, Tilburg University,
Tilburg, The Netherlands
Type D
Male Gender
OR= 2.95
(p= .03)
OR= 1.74
OR= 1.00
OR= 1.61
OR= .52
OR= 6.31
OR= 1.42
OR= .99
OR= 1.52
OR= 1.17
OR= 3.13
(p= .02)
OR= 1.27
OR= 1.01
OR= .87
OR= .63
OR= .30
(p= .03)
OR= .24
OR= .95
OR= 2.56
OR= 2.80
Abstract 1653
Abstract 1161
Abstract 1106
Susanne S. Pedersen, Medical Psychology, University of Tilburg, Tilburg, The
Netherlands, Johan Denollet, Medical Psychology, Tilburg University,
Tilburg, The Netherlands, Priya R. van Vooren, Medical Psychology,
University of Tilburg, Tilburg, The Netherlands, Pedro A. Lemos, Andrew T.
Ong, Patrick W. Serruys, Ruud A. Erdman, Thoraxcentre, Ron T. van
Domburg, Thoraxcenter, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The
Abstract 1519
Susanne S. Pedersen, Johan Denollet, Medical Psychology, Tilburg University,
Tilburg, The Netherlands, Andrew T. Ong, Pedro A. Lemos, Ruud A. Erdman,
Patrick W. Serruys, Ron T. Van Domburg, Thoraxcenter, Erasmus Medical Center,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Little is known about the impact of psychological risk factors on cardiac prognosis
in the drug-eluting stent era. We examined the relative impact of anxiety,
depressive symptoms, and Type D personality on the occurrence of adverse clinical
outcome 2 years post percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Consecutive
patients (n = 875) with ischemic heart disease undergoing PCI with sirolimuseluting or bare metal stents, who participated in the Rapamycin-Eluting Stent
Evaluated At Rotterdam Cardiology Hospital (RESEARCH) registry, completed
the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Type D Personality Scale postPCI. The endpoint was a composite of death and non-fatal myocardial infarction
(MI) 2 years post-PCI. At follow-up, there were 49 events. In a stepwise
multivariate cox regression analysis entering anxiety, depression, Type D
personality and their interaction terms with sex, and all demographic and clinical
variables, we found that depressive symptoms (p = 0.008), Type D x male sex (p =
0.006), older age (p = 0.02), and previous cardiac history (p = 0.02) were associated
with adverse outcome. A stepwise procedure was adopted in order to avoid overlap
between psychological constructs. In a subsequent analysis, we entered all
psychological constructs and their interaction effects significant at p < 0.05 together
with all demographic and clinical variables. Depressive symptoms [HR: 2.24; 95%
CI: 1.20 to 4.16], the interaction term Type D x male gender [HR: 2.47; 95% CI:
1.29 to 4.71], and previous cardiac history [HR: 2.26; 95% CI: 1.21 to 4.23] were
independent predictors of adverse outcome adjusting for all other factors including
stent type. Depressed patients and male patients with a Type D personality were at
increased risk of death or MI 2 years post-PCI despite recent advances in
interventional cardiology. The role of psychological risk factors as determinants of
hard clinical outcome, and that some risk factors may be sex-specific, should not be
overlooked in clinical practice.
Abstract 1676
Abstract 1464
Abstract 1157
Lawson R. Wulsin, Psychiatry, Family Medicine, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, OH, Mary A. Whooley, Internal Medicine, University of California
- San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, Dominique Musselman, Erica Bruce,
Psychiatry, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Abstract 1349
Mark D. Sullivan, Paul S. Ciechanowski, Psychiatry, James H. Caldwell,
Laurie Soine, Nuclear Medicine, Joan E. Russo, PSychiatry, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, John A. Spertus, Cardiology, University of
Missouri- Kansas City, Kansas City, MO
The relationship between myocardial ischemia and angina is highly variable and
poorly understood. In accord with an interpersonal model of symptom
perception, we hypothesized that daily angina frequency would be related to
attachment style. 245 patients, age 60.5+11.5, 58% male underwent radionuclide
myocardial perfusion imaging (64% with exercise; 36% with pharmacological
stress) to assess for coronary heart disease at the University of Washington
Medical Center or the Seattle VA Medical Center. Patients were asked to
complete a set of questionnaires prior to their imaging test. Angina over the past
4 weeks was assessed using the angina frequency scale of the Seattle Angina
Questionnaire. Attachment style was assessed by combining scores on the
Relationship Scales Questionnaire and the Relationship Questionnaire as: secure
(34%), preoccupied (27%), fearful (24%) or dismissing (15%). Rest perfusion
image scores were subtracted from stress image scores to calculate a perfusion
difference score as the measure of myocardial ischemia. In a linear regression
model including age, gender, perfusion difference score, and continuous
measures of the four attachment styles, secure attachment style was associated
with significantly less angina (t= 2.1, p=.04). If attachment styles were entered
individually (due to collinearity), secure (t= 3.1, p=.002) was associated with
less and fearful (t= -2.6, p=.01) with more angina. If analyzed in terms of main
effects, both positive view of self (t=2.1, p=.03) and positive view of others (t=
2.0, p=.05) are associated with less angina. Attachment effects remain significant
if depression (SCL-20) is added to the regression model. These results suggest
that interpersonal factors such as attachment style may help determine angina
Abstract 1602
Abstract 1460
Trait anger, anxiety, and depressive symptoms predict coronary heart disease
(CHD), perhaps through associations with coronary artery disease (CAD).
These negative affects are correlated components of neuroticism or negative
affectivity, but few studies test their combined and independent effects.
Further, few studies have examined their association with asymptomatic
CAD. We examined associations of NEO Personality Inventory spouse ratings
of anger, anxiety, and depression with the severity of CAD as measured by
CT scans of coronary artery calcification (CAC) in 125 couples (age 60 -70)
without serious health problems. For womens CAC, husbands ratings of
their wives anger, anxiety, and depression considered together accounted for
7% of the variance in log transformed calcification scores, F(3, 120) = 3.2,
p<.03, controlling for age. Considered separately, both anxiety (p<.01) and
anger (p<.05), but not depression were related to CAC severity. Considered
simultaneously, only husbands rating of their wives anxiety were
independently related to wives CAC, p<.025. For husbands CAC, wives
ratings of their husbands anger, anxiety, and depressive symptoms considered
together accounted for 8% of the variance in transformed calcification scores,
F(3,120) = 3.5, p<.02, controlling for age. Considered separately, both anxiety
(p<.05) and anger (p<.005), but not depression were related to CAC severity.
Considered simultaneously, only wives ratings of their husbands anger were
independently related to husbands CAC, p<.02. Hence, collectively, trait
negative affects are associated with CAD severity in otherwise healthy older
adults. For women, anxiety was the best predictor, whereas for men it was
anger. Therefore, anxiety and anger could contribute to incident CHD through
effects on CAD, though perhaps differently for men and women. Null findings
for depression might indicate that the well-established association between
depressive symptoms and CHD incidence does not involve an association with
Abstract 1551
Richard P. Sloan, Peter A. Shapiro, Psychiatry, Ronald E. DeMeersman,
Rehabilitation Medicine, Emilia E. Bagiella, Biostatistics, Paula S. McKinley,
Psychiatry, Gillian S. Duncan, Rehabilitation Medicine, Michael M. Myers,
Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY
Abstract 1711
Robert P. Nolan, Toronto, ON, Canada, Philip Jong, John S. Floras,
University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada, Jill Stanley, York
University, Toronto, ON, Canada, Tim Tanaka, Pacific Wellness Centre,
Toronto, ON, Canada, Nour Schoueri, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Abstract 1345
Abstract 1380
Abstract 1378
Abstract 1323
Abstract 1220
Abstract 1625
Abstract 1545
Jesse C. Stewart, Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, PA, Denise L. Janicki, Psychology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, Matthew F. Muldoon, Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, Thomas W. Kamarck, Psychology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Abstract 1251
Cross-sectional studies have shown that depression, anxiety, and hostility are
associated with elevated concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines (e.g.,
interleukin-6; IL-6). Because these findings have yet to be replicated using a
prospective design, we examined the relationships between depression,
anxiety, and hostility and 3-year changes in serum IL-6. Participants were 331
healthy, older adults (49% male, 85% white, mean age=60.5 years) involved
in the Pittsburgh Healthy Heart Project, an ongoing prospective study. At
baseline, participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II),
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Cook-Medley Hostility Scale (CMHS).
Blood draws were performed at baseline and 3-year follow-up. Serum IL-6
was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Regression
analyses revealed that higher scores on the BDI-II (p=.04), BAI (p=.06), and
CMHS (p=.02) at baseline were each associated with greater 3-year increases
in serum IL-6, even after adjustment for significant covariates (baseline IL-6,
body-mass index, hormone replacement therapy, and tobacco use). A single
principal component combining the BDI-II, BAI, and CMHS was positively
related to 3-year changes in serum IL-6 (p=.01). After including this factor
score in the model, BDI-II, BAI, and CMHS scores were no longer predictors
(all p's>.35). Because this study was prospective, our results cannot be
accounted for by the effects of proinflammatory cytokines on the central
nervous system (e.g., mood changes). Instead, our findings suggest that
depression, anxiety, and hostility may bring about increased production of
proinflammatory cytokines. Shared variance between these psychological
factors may explain the observed associations. This research was supported by
NIH HL56346 and HL07560.
Abstract 1661
Abstract 1535
Negative emotions, such as depression and anxiety, have been associated with
the development and recurrence of coronary heart disease (CHD). Although
the prevalence of depressive disorders is well documented in patients with
CHD, considerably less attention has been focused on the prevalence of
anxiety disorders in cardiac populations. One hundred and fifty men and
women with established CHD and enrolled in a phase II cardiac rehabilitation
program were evaluated via a psychiatric, structured interview to assess
lifetime and current history of anxiety disorders. A total of 68 (45.3%)
patients met the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for at least one anxiety disorder in
their lifetime, and 54 (36.0%) presented with at least one current anxiety
disorder at the time of the interview. Specifically, social phobia and
generalized anxiety disorder had the highest prevalence among patients, both
demonstrating a lifetime prevalence rate of 26.0% and a current prevalence
rate of 21.3% and 18.7%, respectively. In addition, the lifetime prevalence of
specific phobia was approximately 15.3%, while 14.7% met criteria for a
current diagnosis during the interview. Finally, lower prevalence rates for
panic disorder (lifetime = 5.3%, current = current = 4.7%), agoraphobia
(lifetime = 4.7%, current = 3.3%), PTSD (lifetime = 1.5%, current = 0%), and
OCD (lifetime = 0.7%, current = 0%) were observed. With respect to sex
differences across prevalence rates, women evidenced significantly higher
lifetime and current prevalence rates of anxiety disorders. Specifically, 70.8%
of female patients met criteria for at least one anxiety disorder in their
lifetime, while 58.3% were diagnosed with at least one anxiety disorder upon
entry into the program. In contrast, a significantly lower percentage of male
participants met criteria for an anxiety disorder (lifetime = 33.3%, current =
25.5%) (p < .001). The results of this study suggest that a substantial number
of CHD patients reported a significant history of anxiety. Efforts to assess and
treat anxiety are needed in the cardiac rehabilitation setting and may be
associated with better medical and quality of life outcomes for men and
women with CHD.
Long standing physical health disparities exist between social classes and
racial groups. To evaluate the effects of lifecourse SES and race on
physiological reactivity to anger arousal, measures of SBP, DBP, and HR
were taken at one-minute intervals in 165 healthy black and white participants
during a 5-min rest period and followed by a 5-min anger recall task. Subjects
whose father had less than a high school diploma had a larger increase in SBP
(p = .03) and DBP (p = .05) than subjects whose father completed high school
or more education. Ss current SES was only marginally associated with HR
(p = .07) reactivity and mothers education was only marginally associated
with SBP (p = .075) and DBP (p = .059) reactivity. High SES Ss whose father
had a high education level exhibited smaller changes in SBP (8.6 +/- .95) and
DBP (6.0 +/- .56) than the other three Ss SES X father's education groups (all
p <.01; means > 10.3 for SBP and >7.3 for DBP). Low SES Ss whose mother
had a low education level exhibited greater SBP reactivity to stress than all
other Ss SES X mother s education groups who did not differ from each
other (all p<.05). After controlling for lifecourse SES, blacks had significantly
higher SBP (p = .01), DBP (p = .005), and HR (p = .046) reactivity. There was
a race by lifecourse SES interaction for DBP when childhood SES was
measured by mothers education (p = .053) such that being high SES
throughout the life course was associated with lower reactivity for whites but
not for blacks. These findings suggest that the combination of low SES in both
adulthood and childhood is associated with a heightened CV reactivity during
anger related stress. Furthermore, blacks experience greater reactivity to stress
than whites, an effect that appears not to be mediated by differences in life
course SES.
Abstract 1713
Tonya Johnson, Psychology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, Jeffrey
W. Janata, Psychiatry And Obstetrics/Gynocology, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, Leslie Swanson, Kellee Bivens, James Hamilton,
Psychology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Abstract 1285
Thorsten Scherf, Jan C. Schuller, Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland, Julian F. Thayer,
Emotions and Quantitative Psychophysiology Section, National Institute of
Aging, Baltimore, MD, Dirk Hagemann, FB I - Psychology, University of
Trier, Trier, Germany, Joachim E. Fischer, Institute of Behavioral Sciences,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
Patients with chronic unexplained medical complaints may qualify for one of
six psychiatric diagnoses (somatization disorder, hypochondriasis, pain
disorder, conversion disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, and
factitious disorder with physical symptoms). Despite the assumption that these
diagnostic groups are supported by empirical evidence of their reliability and
validity, little proof exists. Low rates of these diagnoses are one reason that
few studies have been able to make comparisons between them. The present
study examined persons aged 65 or older in the United States' Medicare health
insurance system between 1984 and 1997. The objective was to evaluate the
rates of somatoform, factitious and other target diagnoses, and to secure
sufficient numbers of patients with each specific target diagnosis to allow for
meaningful comparisons between them. A related objective was to evaluate
the co-occurrence of the target diagnoses. The incidence of any target
diagnosis was 129 per 100,000. The incidence of somatoform and factitious
disorders was 58 per 100,000. Thus the majority of persons with a target
diagnosis (55%, 71 per 100,000) received a non-psychiatric diagnosis (e.g.,
306.x Physical Condition with Psychological Cause). The rates of all target
disorders were higher among females than males (RR=1.98). Contrary to
previous reports there was no evidence of higher levels of target diagnoses
among African American beneficiaries. Patients with target diagnoses had
more admissions during the study period than patients without a target
diagnosis, however, average length of stay was the same, and patients with
target diagnoses underwent fewer procedures. On all study variables the
individual diagnoses were similar, and co-occurrence rates ranged from 4.6%
to 11%. Our results suggest low rates of official recognition of DSM
somatoform and factitious disorders. Patients diagnosed with these different
disorders do not differ on demographics or health care use, and co-occurrence
is high given that the disorders are, by definition, mutually exclusive.
Abstract 1710
Abstract 1048
Abstract 1202
Alex H. Harris, Center for Health Care Evaluation, VA Palo Alto Health Care
System, Menlo Park, CA, Carl E. Thoresen, School of Education, Stanford
University, Los Gatos, CA
Abstract 1399
Abstract 1366