Statistical Correlation Between Geophysical Logs and Extracted Core

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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 73, NO. 3 MAY-JUNE 2008; P. E97E106, 16 FIGS.


Statistical correlation between geophysical logs and extracted core

David Price1, Andrew Curtis2, and Rachel Wood2

permeability within carbonate reservoirs. However, compared with

siliciclastic formations, carbonate rocks have complex porosity distributions as a result of both biologic genesis and subsequent diagenetic overprinting Choquette and Pray, 1970. The result of these
processes is a highly heterogeneous porosity network with length
scales of pore geometries that range over many orders of magnitude.
Most information used to quantify carbonate porosity comes from
geophysical logs or extracted core. Wireline logging tools do not
measure porosity directly, but measure another physical property
e.g., bulk density, neutron density, P-wave velocity, etc. which can
be converted to, or used as a proxy for, porosity. The tools typically
provide continuous data coverage in each well, but with insufficient
resolution to detect individual pores Rider, 2002.
However, porosity can be imaged directly in extracted core sections, in 2D using a scanning electron microscope SEM or in 3D
using computerized tomography CT. To image the smallest pores
in typical Middle Eastern reservoir rocks, which can be less than
1 m in diameter, currently require a maximum sample size on the
order of 1 mm Arns et al., 2005. Nevertheless, by using a range of
different-sized core samples, a library of fabric images with known
porosity distributions at multiple length scales can be constructed
Anselmetti et al., 1998. This information is limited to the regions of
extracted core, which is in turn limited by the significant cost of subsurface extraction.
If low-resolution logs and high-resolution data from extracted
core are available for the same interval of the well, statistical upscaling and downscaling relationships can be developed to predict relevant statistics of the detailed porosity distribution from the resolution-log data. These relationships can then be applied to regions of
the well with logs, but without extracted core, improving our understanding of porosity and therefore fluid flow prediction within heterogeneous reservoirs Delhomme et al., 1996; Tilke et al., 2006.
However, there is a significant barrier to creating such relationships:
relating statistics of high-resolution core information to lower-resolution log measurements requires that for each log measurement the
corresponding section of core can be identified. The spatial accuracy
of any correlation has to be equivalent to the resolution of log mea-

The precise correlation of extracted core to geophysical
borehole logs is often problematic in intervals in which no
sufficiently large or distinctive features span the gap between
the outer core surface and the borehole wall. This impairs our
ability to use techniques that require accurate correlation as a
prerequisite e.g., to develop field-based, upscaling and
downscaling relationships of porosity distributions at or below log resolution. We propose a new method for such situations in which we correlate a cascade of statistics of core features with those of image logs taken from the borehole wall.
Each statistic is used individually to calculate a likelihood
function of possible correlation locations. These results are
combined using a joint-likelihood function, and with other
prior information using Bayesian techniques, to bring all
available information to apply to the final correlation solution. The technique is demonstrated with computerized tomography for a core section and image-log data extracted
from a typical Middle Eastern carbonate reservoir. Using
lithologic criteria alone, the correlation was constrained to a
609.6 mm 2 ft region, which constitutes prior information.
Using the mean, variance, and geostatistical-range parameter, our method further constrains the correlation to
18.29 mm 0.72 in, only seven times larger than Fullbore
Formation MicroImager resolution. Thus our method allows
further interpretation to be based on correlation accuracies as
small as 25.4 mm 1 in.

Middle Eastern carbonate formations hold 60% of the earths remaining hydrocarbon reserves Ramakrishnan et al., 2001. Efficient recovery of these reserves requires an understanding of fluid
flow, which in turn requires a detailed understanding of porosity and

Manuscript received by the Editor 12 September 2007; revised manuscript received 14 December 2007; published online 31 March 2008.
ECOSSE Edinburgh Collaborative of Subsurface Science and Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K. E-mail: [email protected].
Formerly Schlumberger Cambridge Research, Cambridge, U.K., presently University of Edinburgh, ECOSSE Edinburgh Collaborative of Subsurface Science and Engineering, Edinburgh, U.K.; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected].
2008 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.



Price et al.

surements. In reality, other than well intervals with pronounced

marker horizons, or other features that are visible both in core and
logs, the accuracy with which the relative position of core and logs
can be matched typically deteriorates to 1 ft or greater. The task of
matching logs and core intervals in depth is called the correlation
We propose a solution to the correlation problem for depth intervals between marker features by matching a cascade of statistics of
core and log measurements. Statistics are calculated for each data set
individually and correlations between them are identified. The
matching of individual statistics produce multiple possible correlation locations. By combining the results from a number of statistics
using a joint-likelihood function, a powerful prediction tool is
We demonstrate the method using data from a borehole through
the Lower Cretaceous carbonate Shuaiba Formation, which holds
many prolific hydrocarbon reservoirs throughout the Middle East
Buchem et al., 2002. The Shuaiba was deposited in a shallow marine carbonate ramp setting and grades broadly from packstones and
wackestones to intermixed rudist grainstones and algal boundstones
Alsharhan, 1987; Pittet et al., 2002. Much of the lime mud has recrystallized as microrhombic calcite crystals 110 m, and a considerable proportion of the Shuaibas porosity lies between these
crystals with typical pore diameters of less than 2 m Budd, 1989;
Moshier, 1989.
We apply the developed method to correlate fullbore formation
microimager FMI log data with a section of carbonate reservoir
core scanned by CT. Although core and logs contain many more detailed features within their complex porosity distributions, these features do not span the interval between the outer core surface and
borehole wall an annulus of rock approximately 50.8 mm 2 in
thick is lost during the coring process, and hence cannot be used for
direct visual correlation. As a result, it was only possible to locate the
core section to within a 2-ft section of the log data using the standard
method of visually matching lithologic features. We attempted higher-resolution correlations using the following porosity statistics:
mean, variance, and spatial range. Each statistic was calculated over
a vertical interval rather than only a slice of data to ensure that it
was not influenced unduly by the presence or absence of vugs. As expected, these statistics produce relatively uncertain results when
applied on their own. However, when combined in a likelihood
function they enable the correlation to be constrained to within
18.29 mm 0.06 ft or 0.72 in.

We will demonstrate the method on the following data set: A section of extracted core was CT scanned to create a 3D volume representing variations in X-ray density. Log data were taken from a resistivity tool, the FMI. Because we use these data sets throughout this
paper, we begin by describing them in more detail.

Core data
The extracted core was 120 mm long and came from a section of
rudist rudstone. The only obvious large-scale features within the
core are rudist shell fragments, typically elliptical, as much as
25 mm 1 in long and 15 mm 0.6 in wide. Outer shells of the rudist valves are composed of low-magnesium calcite and hence are
generally preserved; The inner valves, originally composed of aragonite, are now represented by either recrystallized calcite or large

vugs. The core was CT scanned to produce a 3D volume made of volume elements known as voxels. The voxels are cubic with dimensions of 0.165 mm 0.006 in which represents the resolution of the
tomogram. CT assigns each voxel a value representing the average
linear X-ray attenuation of material bounded within that voxel. Because no siliciclastic material has been observed in the formation,
and the abundance of high-magnesium echinoderm debris is minimal, the core sample was assumed to be composed largely of lowmagnesium calcium carbonate. Because the carbonate core is essentially monomineralic, changes in linear attenuation reflect changes
in density Duliu, 1999; Ketcham and Carlson, 2001. It follows that
observed changes in CT value can be explained mainly by changes
in porosity of material within each voxel, which is caused by variations in the distribution of micropores with length scales beneath the
tomogram resolution.

Log data
The FMI has a series of electrode pads which press against borehole walls. Current is passed into the formation and measured at the
electrodes. These measurements are converted to local resistivity estimates and plotted as an image. The resolution of FMI data is defined by the electrode spacing and is 2.54 mm 0.1 in Safinya et al.,
1991. Note that this is more than one order of magnitude larger than
the CT data resolution.
FMI data from the borehole were converted to a measure of porosity. Porosity estimates were calculated using the following relationship from Tilke et al. 2006:




where is porosity, R is the resistivity of the borehole wall, m is the

cementation exponent, and the subscript ave indicates an average
value for a given depth. The relationship is derived from the classic
Archie saturation equation. The average porosity value for a given
depth was taken from a conventional porosity logging tool. The cementation exponent was taken from laboratory core measurements
Ragland, 2002. In this borehole, m was 2.0 for the interval of investigation, within measurement uncertainty Tilke et al., 2006.
FMI data were available for nearly 700 ft of the borehole and a
609.6 mm 2-ft interval had been identified previously as the region
from where the core was thought to have been extracted by using
bedding planes and other distinctive lithologic marker features. Although the FMI interval had been constrained, it remained uncertain
to within five times the length of the extracted core section.

Before any statistical methods could be used, a number of processing steps were applied to the CT scan of the extracted core to
make it comparable to FMI-derived data. There were artifacts created during the scanning process which were removed. Data had to be
converted to an estimate of porosity to match the FMI. Finally CT
data were averaged spatially to a resolution matching that of the
CT scanners measure the attenuation of an X-ray beam passed
through a sample. The sample is rotated and attenuation is measured
at regular angular intervals. A back-projection algorithm is applied
to the data to create a 3D-reconstruction tomogram of the samples
attenuation properties.

Statistical correlation of logs and core

This technique works well for scanners using single-energy frequency X-ray beams monochromatic signals. Most scanners, however, use X-ray beams that are composed of a range of energies,
which creates artifacts in the tomogram because X-ray attenuation is
energy dependent. High-energy X-rays are attenuated preferentially
compared with low-energy X-rays. The incident X-ray beam therefore changes energy composition as it passes through the sample.
Outer parts of the sample will be measured using the complete beam
when facing the source and an attenuated beam when facing the detector. If the sample is circular, the center of the sample will be measured by a beam of similar depleted energy composition at all rotations. The resulting artifact, known as beam hardening, is manifested as a gradient from high CT values at the edge to low CT values at
the center of the image. This gradient does not reflect actual heterogeneity within the material.
The artifact is reduced during the scanning process by using filters
to preattenuate high energies in the X-ray beam Curry et al., 1990.
However, some residual beam hardening remains in the tomogram
of the extracted core. It is most noticeable in a vertically averaged
profile through the core Figure 1.
To remove the artifact, the averaged vertical profile was fitted with
a second-order polynomial Figure 1. Horizontal slices were extracted from the CT volume and center of the core within each slice
determined. Then each voxel within the slice was assigned a correction factor from the polynomial, determined by its radial distance
from the center of the core.


these shell fragments have little or no porosity and correspond to

high CT values compared with the surrounding matrix.
However, the maximum overall CT value within the core was 150
and occurred in slice 359 Figure 3. This voxel does not correlate
with a fragment of rudist shell. It is an isolated and sharply defined
anomaly. This suggests that it was caused by an anomalous material,
probably a series of diagenetic pyrite framboids.
The presence of pyrite within the core sample threatens the assumption of monomineralic composition. However, similar peaks in
CT value are observed only in a limited number of slices. We therefore assume that pyrite is rare, and volumetrically insignificant,
within this section of core.



Conversion of X-ray density to porosity estimates

To enable statistics to be compared with different data sources
they must reflect a common property. The key to our analysis is the
assumption that the core sample can be considered essentially monomineralic. Under this assumption, differences in X-ray attenuation can be attributed to averaging over varying porosity below the
resolution of CT data. Therefore a method was devised to derive porosity estimates from CT data.
CT data were stored using 8 bits and hence lie in the range 0255.
The value 0 is assigned to the least attenuating voxel of the scan
whereas the value 255 is assigned to the most attenuating voxel. Using the assumption above, low attenuation areas low CT values
correspond to porous areas of the core. The lowest CT values,
Cx,y,z 0, will be assigned to large pores and the air surrounding
the core, and have porosity, x,y,z 1. The high attenuation areas high CT values will have low porosity, closer to 0.
The following relationship was used to convert CT values to porosity estimates. It assumes a dense carbonate region exists with zero
porosity at the length scale of CT data which has been assigned the
value Cmax:


Cmax Cx,y,z

Figure 1. a Vertical slice through the center of the CT volume. Gray

scale represents differences in CT value and hence X-ray attenuation. b Vertically averaged CT values from the slice solid with fitted polynomial dotted used to correct for beam hardening.

where Cx,y,z is a CT value at each location and Px,y,z is the corresponding porosity estimate.
The maximum CT value, corresponding to a carbonate voxel, correlates with the outer calcite layers of rudist shells large, oval features observed in Figure 1a. The low-magnesium calcite outer parts
of rudist valves possess a prismatic microstructure with virtually
zero porosity Figure 2. This made them resistant to the recrystallization process that created microporosity in the Shuaiba. Hence

2 m

Figure 2. SEM image of carbonate matrix with microporosity left,

and the outer part of a rudist valve composed of virtually zero porosity, prismatic, low-magnesium calcite right. The white bar lower
left is a 2 m length scale.


Price et al.

The background maximum was then taken as the maximum CT

value for a carbonate voxel. This was observed to be 144 2. This
range of values correlates with fragments of rudist shell.
The tomogram and CT data have resolutions of 0.165 mm
0.006 in and 2.54 mm 0.1 in, respectively. To enable statistical
comparison between data sets, they were converted to the same resolution. This was achieved by averaging CT data to the same resolution as FMI data using a 3D kernel of weights:

where i, j, and k are the discrete x-, y-, and z-coordinates of each
voxel in the kernel discretised by the CT data at 0.165 mm. The kernel size was 31 31 31 voxels. The choice of kernel size was determined to make the central section, with weights above 0.5, correspond to an FMI-sized pixel 15 15 CT voxels.

Kerneli, j,k

To compare individual statistical values, between either FMI inside and outside the targeted depth range or CT and FMI data, we
used a nondimensional misfit measure:

1 sin


1 sin


1 sin




Tx T2

where Mx is the misfit at depth x, Tx is the observed value of any

particular statistic in FMI data at depth x, is the standard deviation
of Tx, and T is the reference value of the statistic in the area of interest. For statistics other than the mean, the value of 2 is taken to be
the variance of each statistic Tx within the 2-ft region of the well
from where the core was extracted.
The misfit for statistic i is normalized to lie between 0 and 1 by
converting to a likelihood function Lix using Tarantola, 1994

Lix exp Mx2,

which is valid for Gaussian uncertainty. We therefore assume that

the uncertainty of the values of the statistics is Gaussian. The likelihood increases with improved fit unlike the misfit, and also can be
calculated for more than one statistic. A joint-likelihood function for
n independent statistics is given by:

Jx Lix.


Figure 3. Horizontal slice through the CT volume containing maximum CT value.



The proposed correlation method requires statistics to be identified

that have predictive power when used to correlate core data to geophysical data. These statistics were identified by calculating the entropy of normalized likelihood functions, using:

H K pi ln pi

Figure 4. Two likelihood functions showing different entropy values. a Low entropy large amount of information, b High
entropy small amount of information.

where pi is the normalized likelihood at location i and K is a constant

relating to the measurement scale. The entropy value is the negative
of the information represented by the normalized likelihood function. Low entropy values indicate that a likelihood function contains
more information than one with high entropy values Shannon,
1948. An example of two likelihood functions, each with different
entropy values, is shown in Figure 4. In Figure 4a, the likelihood
function has a low entropy value because the function has a single
strong signal. In Figure 4b, the likelihood function has a very high
entropy value because it is much broader and contains little or no information.
Finally, we always have prior information about the likely correlation of core and logs e.g., from the closest marker horizons, or operationally measured core and log depths. If this information is described by a probability distribution x, then our final uncertainty
in correlation depth is represented by Px xJx by Bayess
theorem. The prior is chosen to be uniform: constant within the

Statistical correlation of logs and core

609.6 mm 2 ft interval and 0 elsewhere. Hence, Px is proportional to Jx within the interval and Px 0 outside it.

A number of statistics were applied to the data sets. The first four
moments of data distributions were used, as well as the geostatistical-range parameter. Because the range parameter was calculated on
a curved surface instead of a plane, a new technique for its automatic
determination was developed.
The following equations 811 are the first four moments of the
distribution of values g1, . . . ,gN:

Mean: g g j
N j1


g j g2
N 1 j1




g j g

N j1



g j g
N j1



The mean and variance are well known. The skewness and kurtosis are nondimensional. Positive skewness values indicate a distribution with a longer asymmetric tail toward larger values and vice versa. Kurtosis describes the peaks or flats of a distribution compared
with a Gaussian distribution, with positive values being more
peaked.Apotential problem is that skewness and kurtosis are higherorder statistics and hence are known to have larger sampling errors
than others Bulmer, 1979.
The variogram is a measure of expected differences between pairs
of points as a function of the distance between them. The definition
of variogram used in this study is:


n gx h gx2,

to accurate estimates of the sill and range parameters. However, FMI

data were collected around circular surfaces and hence have a greater number of pairs of points separated by large distances than small
distances. Therefore, a new technique was required to estimate the
range and sill parameters. The new technique, described in Appendix A involves, essentially, smoothing the variogram and taking the
sill to be the average value at large distances and the range to be the
distance at which the variogram first reaches this value.
In our method, any statistic that can be calculated on both sets of
data can be used to improve the depth match. Another statistic considered was the correlation coefficient Lisiecki and Lisiecki, 2002.
This involved creating a vertical profile in both data sets and then
matching profiles. However, this required matching average results
taken from a 2D plane horizontal CT slice with those from a 1D
line horizontal FMI horizon. The 2D line was more likely to encounter large pores, vugs, than the 1D line making comparison difficult. We have used therefore statistics calculated using core length
sections of data to minimize the effect of large pores.



Testing the differentiation power of statistics

To test the power of various alternative statistics independently
from the FMI-CT correlation data methodology, we first tested the
ability of each statistic to differentiate the FMI-derived porosity distribution, within the targeted 2 ft depth interval, from the FMI-derived porosity distribution in the rest of the borehole. Thus we avoid
the circularity of argument of both testing and applying each statistic
to the FMI and CT correlation problem.
Each statistic was calculated for core length 116 mm windows
of FMI-derived porosity data. After each calculation, the window
was moved down the well by one row of data 2.54 mm 0.1 in.
This resulted in 80,478 windows and associated statistic values.
Mean estimates calculated for windows of FMI data are shown in
Figure 6 as a function of depth. The top plot shows results for available FMI data, whereas the bottom plot focuses on the region from
where the core was extracted. The 2-ft target interval is marked as
the CT interval. The average value of the mean, and its standard de-


where gx is the porosity data at position x, h is the separation between points, and n is the number of pairs of points with a separation
h Clark, 1979.
An example of a variogram calculated for a particular window of
FMI data is shown in Figure 5. The variogram follows the classic
shape, rising steeply at first then leveling off. The variance at which
the variogram levels off is termed the sill. The distance or lag at
which the sill value is attained is termed the range. Conventional
variogram analysis involves fitting a model variogram to the calculated variogram, which allows the variograms to be described and
compared by sill and range values.
Most least-squares model-fitting algorithms implicitly assume
that the number of points separated by short distances is far greater
than the number separated by larger distances this occurs when a
variogram is calculated for data distributed over a plane such as a
map. The assumption biases the model-fitting algorithms toward
fitting the initial rise and plateau of the variogram curve which leads

Figure 5. An example of a calculated variogram with key terms used

to describe its shape.


Price et al.

Figure 6. The calculated mean FMI-derived porosity values for windows of FMI, plotted against depth.

viation within the windows of the CT interval also was calculated

Figure 6: 99.7% of the values lie within the range 3 dotted
line, Figure 6. To test the differentiation power of the mean, a set of
likelihood functions equation 5 were calculated to compare each
core-length window within the CT interval against the rest of the
borehole. Likelihood values of 1 indicate regions with similar mean
values, whereas values close to 0 indicate regions with significantly
different mean values. A selection of four likelihood functions are
shown in Figure 7 for four core-sized windows within the CT interval.
To measure the depth differentiation offered by different likelihood functions, the entropy equation 7 was calculated for each. A
similar procedure was repeated for the other statistics and all calculated entropy values are shown in Figure 8 lines connecting values
using the same core-length window.
Likelihood functions with low entropy values contain more differentiation or correlation information than those with high entropy values. Therefore, the entropy results in Figure 8 show that the
variance generally contains the greatest depth differentiation, followed by the mean. The skewness, kurtosis, and range statistics contain roughly similar amounts of information.
The appropriate order to combine the likelihood functions was determined using the entropy of the functions. A range of joint-likelihood functions were calculated using different combinations of statistics. Each combination involved the variance because it contains
the most information. Resulting entropy values averaged across all
windows within the CT interval are shown in Figure 9. The results
show that when using two statistics, the combination of variance and
mean provides the most information. When using three statistics, the
addition of the range provides the most information.

CT results

Figure 7. The entropy for each likelihood function comparing the

core-sized windows within the CT interval and the rest of the core,
calculated for each statistic.

Figure 8. The entropy for each likelihood function comparing the

windows within the CT interval and the rest of the core, calculated
for different combinations of statistics V variance, M mean,
S skewness, K kurtosis, R range.

The first four moments also were calculated from the averaged CT
volume. The estimated value was determined using a maximum CT
value of 144 in equation 2, with values of 142 and 146 being used to
calculate upper and lower bounds, respectively. The estimated value
for the mean was 0.214% with an upper bound of 0.224% and a low-

Figure 9. Horizontal variogram calculated for the averaged CT volume, with the range estimate and its upper and lower bounds

Statistical correlation of logs and core

er bound of 0.203%. The variance estimate was 0.00126 with an upper bound of 0.00123 and a lower bound of 0.00130. Skewness was
estimated at 0.338 and kurtosis at 1.139. Skewness and kurtosis each
only have one calculated value because these statistics describe the
shape of the distribution and are independent of the choice of maximum CT value.
A horizontal variogram was calculated for the averaged CT data
using equation 12. For CT data, the horizontal distances were assigned to 35 2.54 mm 0.1 in bins with centers between 0.1 and
3.5 in. The calculated variogram is shown in Figure 10.
The variogram in Figure 10 is unlike the classic variogram shape
shown in Figure 5. It climbs steeply, initially, then levels off at about
a lag of 12.7 mm 0.5 in; it starts to climb again at a lag of 44.45 mm
1.75 in, the slope increasing with increasing lag. This behavior
suggests that at least two length scale processes are responsible and
this type of variogram is generally referred to as nested.
Unlike the FMI variograms previously, the averaged CT volume
variogram is better determined at short lags. This is because of the
larger number of pairs of points separated by short distances compared with pairs separated by larger distances within a volume.
Therefore, the calculation of the range, using the same algorithm as
FMI variograms, used data between 0 and 44.45 mm 1.75 in. The
estimated range for the averaged CT volume was 31.75 mm
1.25 in with a lower bound of 12.49 mm 0.49 in and an upper
bound of 32.26 mm 1.27 in.


The pair of statistics containing the most information was shown

to be the variance and mean. The joint likelihood between these statistics was calculated and shown in Figure 12. The plots were constructed using the best estimate of CT porosity solid line, Figure
11. The upper plot shows a great improvement in the number of possible correlation locations, with eight regions having likelihood values more than 0.5. Within the CT interval lower plot, the joint likelihood narrows the correlation locations to the region 2632.5
2632.7 m 8637.08637.6 ft.
To further improve the correlation, the range statistic was added.
The joint likelihood for mean, variance, and range values is shown in
Figure 13. The addition of the range to the likelihood has further constrained the number of possible correlations within the well, but at
the expense of a drop in likelihood strength. Within the CT interval,
the addition has constrained the correlation to a single region between 2632.5 and 2632.7 m 8637.0 and 8637.06 ft.

Likelihood functions
Using the likelihood function defined in equation 5, statistics from
the two data sets were compared. From the entropy results Figure
8, the variance was shown to be the statistic containing the most information. The likelihood function for the variance values is shown
in Figure 11. The three curves reflect the three estimates of porosity
derived using different maximum CT values. The curves are similar
and show strong likelihood values 0.5 in the region
2632.52632.7 m 86378637.6 ft and about 2632.882632.98 m
8638.05 and 8638.4 ft. These suggest that the core was extracted
from within one of these regions.

Figure 10. Comparison of CT and FMI variance values using likelihood function: top whole borehole; bottom CT interval.

Figure 11. Comparison of CT and FMI mean and variance values using a joint-likelihood function: top whole borehole; bottom CT

Figure 12. Comparison of CT and FMI mean, variance, and range

values using a joint-likelihood function: top whole borehole; bottom CT interval.


Price et al.

It was hoped that skewness and kurtosis results could be added to

the joint likelihood to further constrain the correlation. However,
there proved to be a mismatch between the FMI and CT data sets,
making these statistics unusable. For the averaged CT scan, the
skewness was calculated as 0.338 and kurtosis as 1.139. These values fail to match any FMI values within the CT interval. The mismatch is attributed to large sampling errors associated with the statistics as noted earlier. The lower plot in Figure 13 therefore represents our final state of information about the depth correlation of
core and FMI data because Px Jx within the CT interval and is 0

In demonstrating this method, we have used the mean, variance,
and range parameter because these statistics were shown to have
some predictive power within data sets. However, the method could
be applied using any combination of statistics and there is nothing in
the method which restricts its use to a specific rock types or formations. Hence the method can be applied to many different correlation
There are a number of sources of uncertainty with the study. These
mainly result from aspects of data processing, either in the choice of
maximum CT value or estimation of the range parameter.

modulus in limestone, the ratio L to L is calculated to be 0.0013 or

0.13%. We therefore discount decompression as a major source of

Error in maximum CT value

Another potential source of error is the conversion of CT values to
porosity estimates. The key to the conversion process was finding a
CT value representing a carbonate voxel with zero porosity. The
maximum CT value in the core section was 150, but this was shown
to correspond to noncarbonate features, probably pyrite. To ensure
the maximum value represented a carbonate voxel, a fragment of
outer rudist shell was chosen because these are known from SEM to
have little porosity. The resulting maximum CT value was 144 2.
The range in the joint mean, variance, and range likelihood corresponding to the choice of maximum CT value is shown in Figure 14.
The single strong correlation likelihood more than 0.5, found
around 2632.5 m 8637 ft Figure 13, is replicated for both the upper dotted line, Figure 14 and lower dashed line, Figure 14 maximum CT values. The lower bound also produces two strong correlations around 2632.8 and 2632.9 m 8638 and 8638.4 ft. The insensitivity of the correlation around 2632.5 m 8637 ft to the choice of
maximum CT value makes this the most likely correlation location.
The other peaks appear only for extreme values of maximum CT value.

Difference in measurement conditions

Error in range estimate

The FMI data were measured at a depth of around 2600 m

8600 ft and hence at considerable pressure. In contrast, the CT
scan was carried out at the earths surface at atmospheric pressure. It
is possible that the core sample underwent decompression as it was
brought to the surface, changing its porosity. To test the magnitude of
this effect, the change in dimensions between a standard limestone at
depth and at the earths surface was calculated using Youngs modulus Davis and Reynolds, 1996: E PL/L where P is pressure, L
is length, and L is length change. We assumed that the density of
limestone was 2611 kg/m3 and the overlying rocks had a similar
density. The estimated value of pressure at 2600 m 8600 ft was
then estimated at 67.8 MPa. Using a value of 53 GPa for Youngs

Another source of error lies in the estimation of the range parameter from variograms. To quantify this error, an upper and lower
bound also was estimated. The effect of using extreme values for the
range within the joint likelihood of the mean, variance, and range are
shown in Figure 15 for CT ranges and Figure A-1 for FMI ranges.
For CT range values Figure 15, the upper bound dotted agrees
well with the estimated value. This is expected given the similarity
between range values. The lower bound dashed is significantly different with no strong correlations. The difference in behavior is
caused by the shape of the variogram Figure 10. The sill does not
flatten completely so the range estimate and upper bound are similar.
The lower bound is much smaller and lies close to the point at which

Figure 13. Range of joint mean, variance, and range likelihood values caused by choice of maximum CT value.

Figure 14. Range of joint mean, variance, and range likelihood values caused by estimation of CT range value.

Statistical correlation of logs and core


This work was supported by Schlumberger Cambridge Research
SCR, Schlumberger Doll Research SDR, and the Natural Environmental Research Council NERC.


Figure 15. Range of joint mean, variance, and range likelihood values caused by estimation of FMI range values.
the variogram starts to flatten. Visual inspection of the CT variogram
would suggest that the range lies midway between the calculated estimate and lower bound at 21.6 mm 0.85 in. A joint likelihood was
calculated using this value dash-dot line, Figure 15. This plots between the estimate and lower bound curves but, importantly, has its
strongest values around 2632.5 m 8637 ft, consistent with the calculated estimate.
For FMI range values Figure A-1, the upper bound dotted line
is almost zero for the entire interval. The lower bound dashed line
produces a number of strong correlations, one of which matches the
best range estimate around 2632.5 m 8637 ft. The other strong locations occur only when using the extreme lower range value.
The likelihood plots using the extreme range values show that the
choice of range value is critical. We have used the same algorithm to
determine the range value for each variogram. Therefore, any bias or
procedural error should be the same for each result. Results might be
improved subjectively by visual inspection of each variogram, but
this approach would increase greatly the time required to apply the
method because of the enormous number of variograms considered.

Variograms calculated from FMI data are generally noisy so the

data were smoothed. The smoothing was done using a 1-in moving
average filter. An example of smoothed data is shown in Figure A-1
dotted line. The sill value was then taken from smoothed data by
averaging between lags 114.3160 mm 4.56.3 in, an interval chosen to span part of the steady-state region and be unaffected by edge
effects caused by smoothing. The range was then defined as the first
crossing point of the estimated sill value with the original nonsmoothed variogram Figure A-1.
The point pairs in FMI data used to find the sill are separated by
large distances relative to the size of the largest significant sedimentary features in the core rudist shell fragments. Hence the sill value
should be similar to half the calculated variance within each window. The variance statistic will be used independently from this fitted model equation 9 so the principal new statistic estimated by the
above process is the range. One advantage of using the range estimate is that it does not depend on the absolute linear scaling of porosity data. Hence the range is unaffected by any errors introduced by
that scaling.
To estimate the possible error in the range estimate R, the standard deviation R of the original variogram from R to the maximum
length scale 215.9 m 8.5 in was calculated horizontal dashed
lines, Figure A-1. The lower bound RL was then taken as the first
crossing of the sill minus one standard deviation with the original

A method has been proposed to constrain the correlation of geophysical logs with extracted core. A number of statistics are calculated for each data set and an entropy-based measure has been proposed
to find the most informative combination. Then individual statistical
correlations are combined using a joint-likelihood function and
these are combined with prior information using a Bayesian methodology. The method has been demonstrated using FMI logs and CT
scans of extracted core. Using mean and variance statistics proved
successful in constraining the depth of FMI data relative to CT data,
but failed to produce a unique depth range. Calculated higher-order
conventional statistics proved unmatchable between the two data
sets. A geostatistical approach using the range parameter from variograms constrained the correlation to a single depth interval of
18.29 mm 0.06 ft 0.72 in, or seven possible FMI window positions, allowing for the subsequent development of interpretation
techniques requiring accurate core-log correlation.

Figure A-1. Example of range fitting. The calculated variogram solid is smoothed dotted and then the average sill solid horizontal
and its bounds dashed horizontal are calculated. The range estimate is the lag at which the calculated variogram and average sill
first cross, RL the lag at which the calculated variogram and the lower
sill bound cross and RU is calculated from equation A-1.


Price et al.

A similar approach was tried for the upper bound RU but the results were erratic. Instead, RU was defined as the expectation of the
crossing between the sill S plus one standard deviation, and the original data, calculated

x exp
using: RU

x exp

fx S R2
2 R2

fx S R2
2 R2



where fx is the original variogram. An example of the lower and

upper bounds RL and RU, respectively, are shown in Figure A-1.

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