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John Macarthur False Prophecies

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It should come as no surprise to the diligent student of the Bible that to

whom much is given, much is required. MacArthur enjoys the adulation of
countless English-speaking disciples. As such, his responsibility to teach the
truth is much more grave. Punishment for a leader not carrying out his
responsibilities will also be the more severe.

In this short treatise we wish to summarize the heretical positions which

MacArthur takes in teaching the Revelation. Though he claims to be of the
Reformed Protestant school, he blatantly denies the Historic Protestant position
of prophetic interpretation. Instead, he drinks from the cup of the Jesuits,
spreading their poison worldwide. Sources used for the summary are his Study
Bible and a sermon, A Jet Tour Through the Book of Revelation .

Despite the promise of the Lord that in the world ye shall have tribulation,
(John 16:33), as well as the prayer of the Lord not to take His disciples out of the
world, (John 17:15), MacArthur teaches a ‘secret’ Rapture escape of the saints
from tribulation – Rev. 4-19 comprise the last 7 years of the world, neglecting
centuries and centuries of essential Church history:

“Now we come to [Revelation] chapter 4 and we leave the church age. People
always say, Well where does the Rapture come in? It's in the white spaces
between chapter 3 and 4. You have the church on earth in chapter 2 and 3. And
all of a sudden we appear in heaven.” (Jet Tour) “[Rev. 4:1] begins the third and
final section of the book, describing the events that will follow the church age.”
(Study Bible)

MacArthur teaches a sealing of a literal 144,000 literal Jews out of literal Israeli
tribes, though the Jewish people have inter-married outside their race and
religion for centuries upon centuries, negating the possibility of maintaining tribal
purity, let alone spiritual purity.

“And we find in chapter 7 that there is in the midst of all of this some protection
going on. There's going to be some blessing. There are going to be some people
spared from this judgment. And everybody is not going to be under the altar,
some believers are going to be spared. Who are they? They're 144 thousand
Jews out of every tribe.” …………….”You know, this is one of the marvelous
statements about God's sovereignty in salvation. God will choose to be saved
144 thousand Jews and He'll choose 12 thousand out of every tribe of Israel. And
only He knows where people connect up with their tribes. They lost all the
records in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. but He doesn't lose the
records. God will literally elect 12 thousand out of every tribe so there will be 144
thousand redeemed Jews in that second half. And they will be the evangelists.
And out of their ministry will come an innumerable number of people from every
tribe and tongue and nation and people praising the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Jet

MacArthur takes the absurd position that the judgments of God are all
literal………..The first trumpet is a judgment on literal vegetation, though plants
have done nothing to deserve God’s wrath. Furthermore, the Lord promised not
to curse the ground anymore for man’s sake, (Gen. 8:21):
“So here come the seven trumpet judgments, another way to signify judgment.
The Lord has rolled out the seal and at the end of it come trumpets announcing
judgment. Verse 6, seven angels, had seven trumpets ready to sound. The first
trumpet sounded and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, cast on the earth
a third of the trees and all green grass was burnt up. That's a judgment on
vegetation. A judgment on vegetation is a judgment on man because he can't live
without vegetation in many places, and a judgment on animals because they
can't live without vegetation either. And it may be some kind of a judgment on the
oxygenation of the world as well...where vegetation is needed.” (Jet Tour)

Next, he teaches God’s wrath upon the literal creatures of the sea and fishes of
the rivers, which would ultimately the adversely affect the drinking water, though
the Lord has promised not to use water as a means of mass destruction upon the
earth, (Gen. 9:8-17):

“And so we see the third part of the creatures that were...the third part and the
second trumpet in verse 8, the third part of the sea became blood and the third
part of the creatures in the sea that had life died, a third part of the ships were
destroyed. God does a judgment...and imagine, one third of all vegetation is
gone and one third of the sea becomes blood like and a third part of the
creatures in the sea die and you've got floating around on one third of the seas of
the world the stinking rotten putrefying mess. In other words, man failed to
recognize the gift of God in creation and so God takes it away. Man failed to give
God glory for the wonderful things that He had made, the green grass, the plants
and the trees, the sea and all the life that's in it. Man wouldn't glorify God and so
God takes it away. And then you have the third trumpet in verse 10, and it fell on
the third part of the rivers, did the judgment. And the fountain of waters, it was
called wormwood. And it became bitter and this is the judgment on the fresh
water, all the fresh water sources are struck with bitterness. And a third of them
destroyed like the rest.” (Jet Tour)

Incredibly, he teaches 1/3 part of the literal sun and solar system will disappear,
though the Lord promises seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer
and winter, and day and night, shall not cease while the earth remaineth, (Gen.

“The fourth trumpet blows in 12, a third part of the sun was smitten. Do you know
what that will do to the calendar? Do you know what that will do to the schedule?
Do you know what that will do to day by day? You lose a third of the sun? I don't
know what kind of chaos that will cause in heaven. A third part of the moon is
gone, a third part of the stars are gone. A third part of them is darkness and the
day shone not for a third part of it and the night likewise. Amazing, the whole
calendar is wiped out, it's gone whacko. You've got all kinds of screwball eclipses
going on all over everyplace. And I heard an angel flying around in the middle of
all this, in verse 13, saying, Woe, woe, woe. I can identify with that angel. And
what that angel says is, you think this is bad, wait till you hear the next three. You
haven't heard anything. Whew!” (Jet Tour)

MacArthur has been watching too many Hollywood horror films. He now
prophesies literal demons bound for thousands of years will be loosed by Satan,
who has just fallen from Heaven. But the fallen star cannot be Satan, for he was
already fallen in Genesis 3, when he cunningly lied to Eve. Furthermore, Jesus
alone holds the keys of Hell, relinquishing them to no one, (Rev. 1:18):

“And then in 9 the fifth trumpet sounds. And a star fall. Oh, who is that? Lucifer.
And he got the key to the bottomless pit. You know who is in the bottomless pit?
Bound demons, demons that are bound down there by God. There are demons
right there bound in the pit, they can't get out. But the key is going to get in the
hands of Lucifer in the Tribulation in the fifth trumpet, he's going to go down,
unlock the bottomless pit. And you know what's going to happen? All the bound
demons that have been bound down there, some of them have been bound for
centuries and centuries and thousands of years and finally they're going to get
out and they're going to gush out of there and it says in verse 2, "Smoke out of
the pit like the smoke of a furnace and the sun and the air darkened by reason of
the smoke of the pit," and they're like locusts, it says in verse 3. Just like a
plague, they just sweep the earth. You know why the Tribulation is going to be a
terrible time? Because all the bound demons in hell are going to be turned loose
to add to the ones that are already running all over the earth……. Have you
noticed that the church isn't around all this time?” (Jet Tour)

MacArthur admits not knowing the identity of the witnesses which, he swears, are
literally two left-behind Christians who did not get raptured with the rest of their
brethren. These two mystery men will preach Christ in literal Israel, converting a
literal 144,000 Jews to Christianity, though Jesus was only able to convert 120
while He taught and preached there.

“Now before that seventh trumpet sounds, there's another glimpse of God's
grace in chapter 11. Oh this is powerful, watch this. These are my two favorite
people in the Bible and I don't even know who they are, apart of course from our
Lord. I just think these two guys are terrific. I don't know who they are and if the
Lord's looking for volunteers, I volunteer. Now listen. Remember I told you a little
while ago that at the mid point of the Tribulation time there would be a 144
thousand Jews who would go to preach the gospel? They would have had to
have been converted. Here are the two guys I believe that God will use to bring
them to conversion. Now the visions are taking us back again to fill in some more
details about the Tribulation. You can ask the question...how did the 144
thousand get saved? Well how does anybody get saved? By believing the Lord
Jesus Christ. Well how did they hear? How can they hear except there be a
preacher, right, Romans 10. And how can there be a preacher unless somebody
gets sent? So who is sent? Here they are, two witnesses. And I believe their
ministry is a thousand two hundred and three score days. That's a year...that's
three and a half years...1260 days, three and a half years. That is the first half of
the Tribulation, I believe.” (Jet Tour)

MacArthur believes the signs and wonders performed by the two witnesses are
literal ---- literal fire emanating from their mouths will kill their enemies. Yet Christ
taught us to love our enemies, not burn them to death, or kill them with plagues.
MacArthur believes these witnesses will literally control the weather, but Jesus in
John 3:8 teaches no man controls the weather or the Holy Spirit.

“But you know what happens? If any man hurts them, verse 5 says, fire proceeds
out of their mouth and devours their enemies. "Haaah!" I mean, you could get
used to that. You're being persecuted and antagonized and they don't believe
your message and they try to take your life...”Haaah!” And they have power to
shut heaven. In other words, they can go into a place, they want to preach the
gospel of Jesus Christ and as long as they preach they'll cause a draught to
happen. And they can control the weather. They have power over waters to turn
into blood, smite the earth with all the plagues as often as they want.

Now what do you think is going to be on the news each night? Next we have our
two witnesses report. This week they were in Cincinnati, it didn't rain, all the
rivers turned to blood and people were struck with plagues. We've got to do
something about these two guys but every time we try....we go up in smoke.” (Jet

Although the Israelis have never left the dead in the streets more than a few
hours when killed by Palestinian terrorists, MacArthur believes they will gladly
leave the corpses of the two witnesses in the streets for three days. He
concludes their bodies will be viewed worldwide via television. But due to the
drastic change in weather patterns caused by the literal destruction of the
heavens and the earth alleged by MacArthur, it is impossible television reception
will be normal, or that the people of earth will have nothing better to do than sit at
home watching television while all manner of life around them is being destroyed.
“And you know what will happen? Finally the Beast comes right out of the pit, the
Beast himself. And he overcomes them and he kills them and their dead bodies,
when they die, you know where they are when they die? They're in Jerusalem.
That's right. That great city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, verse 8 says,
where our Lord was crucified. So they're murdered in Jerusalem.

Can you imagine what the news will say? Finally, they're dead. And it says they
leave their bodies in the street. Now this is in our modern time. You don't leave
bodies in the street. They leave them in the street. The people and kindreds and
tongues and nations see their dead bodies three days and a half. Now how can a
whole wide world see three dead bodies in Jerusalem? Only one way, how's
that? Television. It couldn't be true a hundred years ago, they couldn't have seen
them all over the world. And they don't permit their bodies to be put in graves.
Why? Because they're so excited, they rejoice, make merry and send
presents...happy dead witnesses day, here's your gift. That's right, the world is so
happy that these guys are dead. And I can just see some reporter standing there
saying, "Well, they've been dead now for three and a half days and we are so
relieved that these men are removed from the earth..." and then in verse 11 it
says, "After three days and a half the Spirit of life from God entered into them
and they stood on their feet..." And I'd like to see the instant replay on that one.
"And fear fell on them who saw them." Don't you imagine it did? And that's what's
going to happen.” (Jet Tour)

MacArthur makes no mention of a papal Antichrist, but looks instead to another,

one who in an incredibly short time will rule the world, having risen out of
obscurity. He dismisses the idolatry of the Roman Catholic Church, speculating
the image to the Beast is a new idol which has an electronic voice or demon
literally speaking through it. He speculates the number 6 is the number of
mankind, but why not the number ten, representing the number of his fingers and
toes; or the number two, representing the number of eyes, ears and legs? He
speculates, as do all Futurists, on a cashless society which mandates a chip
placed in your literal forehead or right hand and every citizen of the world will
acquiesce without a struggle.

“Chapter 13 picks up another detail. It introduces us to the Antichrist, the world

ruler. And he's something. He leads all this attack on God's people. In verse 4 at
the end it says, "Who is like him? Who is able to make war with him? He has a
mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given to him to
continue 42 months." That's three and a half years. The last half of the
Tribulation again….. He also has a cohort. Chapter 13 verse 11 to the end
introduces the False Prophet. The Beast is the Antichrist, the False Prophet is his
cohort……… And his job is to point everybody to the Antichrist, tell them all to
worship the Antichrist. And he performs some lying wonders and lying signs and
he builds a big image to the Beast and makes it come alive through some
electronic ventriloquism or whatever it talks about in verse 15, or better yet, he
puts a demon right in that idol itself and it becomes a demon-possessed idol….
“….. And then he says in verses 16 to 18 that in this vision he saw that if you
didn't have a number you couldn't buy or sell, you couldn't operate in society.
And the number was 666. That isn't significant except that it represents man.
Man was created on the sixth day, seven is God's perfect number and no matter
how hard man tries he's always 666, he's short of perfection. So it's the number
of man's system. It's always curious to me that all the taxi cabs in Israel start with
the number 666 then a dash and then the rest of the numbers. I don't think that's
particularly significant, it's just interesting. But what is significant
is...(laughter)...what is interesting and what is significant is that you can't operate
in this society unless you have the number on your forehead or on your hand.
And we're getting to that, we already have credit cards and numbers. If you have
a bank card where you can go stick your bank thing in, punch your number in to
the deal, you've already got your number. Connected with your bank card
number, they know exactly who you are and they can find out everything about
you. And if they decided that you couldn't buy or sell, all they've got to do is
remove that number of you have a cashless society. And the problem with a
credit card is you lose it, so they're developing ways to put it on your hand and
your forehead because in a cold climate those are the two parts of your body that
are readily exposed and can be scanned easily. And so Antichrist will rule the
world and he'll accommodate it all and he'll control it all because of the power he

“I told you last time that they now have developed...and this is incredible to
me...they're trying to develop computer chip implants where they can put a chip
in an individual, right in your body that's compatible between your brain, the chip
and a computer system so that in whatever profession you're in, you can have
instant access to all material in a library that will come right from the computer
into your chip and into your brain. And if you just did that for a guy like Antichrist,
for sure he can control everything.” (Jet Tour)

In Chapter 17, though the Roman Catholic Church is clearly enumerated in

minute detail by the Holy Spirit, MacArthur omits sharing with his disciples the
compelling truth that the ancient Christians, Reformer and Puritans all believed
and taught it was the Roman Church described and her Pontiff identified as the

“Chapter 17 and 18 are very important. They go back over the second half. And
you know what they tell us? The question you ask here is this, "John, what about
religion in the Tribulation? Will there be religion?" Chapter 17 describes it. There
will be religion. The false church, you know what it's called? If the true church is a
bride, what is the false church? A harlot...a harlot. And it talks about the harlot
that sits on many waters that drinks wine of fornication, that sits on the beast.
The harlot rides the Antichrist. The Antichrist political leader and the false harlot
religious world system exist together. But the Antichrist is consumed by his own
power so finally he devours the harlot. He just gobbles it up. And he says the
whole world will now worship me.” (Jet Tour)

Had John MacArthur’s sphere of influence been relegated to a small local
church, we would not have take the time and effort to expose his false teachings.
But such is not the case. We pray the honest Christian will consider the
contradictions presented in this essay and leave the darkness of his false
teachings and enter into the glorious light of truth.


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