Christic Force Initiation Manual v2

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CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® is property of Armand-Manuel Ratundu © 2006-2007
All rights reserved.
CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® is a free spiritual system meant for spiritual
development and the attunements works on DIY basis absolutely free of any master
or any charging. Anyone claiming this attunement, charging or pretending money for
this attunement will be considered in violation of system spiritual purpose, not
anymore part of the system or representing CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® or the
founder purpose.
CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® it is not meant to replace any medical treatment or
medication and has created for spiritual purposes.

This 2nd version of CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® Manual is the latest up to date,
available from March 2007.

The efforts of the Sokaisi group and other Initiates
have changed the spiritual and energetic landscape
of Mother Gaia. The increasing new conditions,
energies and new spiritual conscience that were born
allowed new manifestations and one of them is

The church monopolized Christ from the beginning

but this doesn’t mean that these two concepts could
be associated. In fact they are definitely antagonist,
or it is better to say that Christ has never had
something in common with the church! The real
Living Christ spirit is being set in motion, while
church is something dead. For the church, Christ
represents a sterile concept that seems to be
impenetrable even for its insiders. They created a
supernatural aura around Jesus Christ, saying that
everything he was doing could not be done by
anyone else. This was done in order to pervert the
original teachings and his message and accentuate
the slavery you were supposed to live in! The church
deliberately creates this confusion through God and
Jesus Christ who they are also calling God, in order to
justify his supernatural powers. Christ was branded
as one of the “church mysteries” and this restricted
knowledge was granted only to certain leaders. This
was done in order to bury in dogmatism the new
concept that Jesus brings to this world. This is one of
the reasons that the church hides from centuries,
deep in its cellars all the original spiritual
manuscripts of this Planet. The actual Bible version
we have today is the version that the church wants
you to read, according to their plans. They are
guarding secretly every document that could lead

anyone to discover their conspiracy. Now a hundred
years after the end of the church mission, on the last
days of its life, the ironic thing is that the church has
revealed itself as one of the biggest barricades for
those who search for Truth. In fact, almost every
healthy spiritual practice or religion of this Earth was
drained of essences, assimilate or destroyed. This is
what they did centuries ago in Europe, with the
Viking and North European populations. In the name
of the God they later killed many Native Americans,
South American Indians, African people and many
innocent and faithful people just to implement
Christianity. And today the excuses that we hear
were that those people were barbarians. Which
dogma shares responsibility for those killings? It
seems that the Christian religion is all stained with
blood, everywhere they go. Bowing at the knees of
those priests is similar to agreeing to all of the
crimes of the institution they represent. And the
Christian religion is not the only one in this situation.
In fact so-called humanity is nothing but a long chain
of crimes and abuses. The fact that you were born in
this world is not enough to accept it as it is and to
believe that it is perfect. Not for me. I don’t like to
share the medieval beliefs of any religion only just
because “that is”. And if God were as He is described
by religions, believe me, it would be tragic.

Christic Force is not related with the church or any

religious manifestation. The church still remains an
instrument of power and control over people as it
always was and religion a way of avoiding
spirituality! From ancient times the church played a
major role in implementing wrong concepts and

manipulating people through fear. Through those
times war and crime was covered by “faith”! Now
they are covered by terror – not a big difference.
Territorial interests and control were exercised
through a church whose interests were always
financial and political.
Two thousands years ago Jesus Christ came on this
planet bearing Christic Force according to his mission
to bring Light and to expand the planet’s conscience.
That was the new hope that was seeded here on
Planet Earth. The church intentionally misinterpreted
Jesus and distorted his image creating a suffering
pattern as a spiritual way (???) in order to extend it’s
power over the people and control them. Jesus
intended none of this that became later the revolving
philosophy of church. What is so hard to realize is
that the church always makes you feel like a crawling
creature in the eyes of God, as opposed to what
Jesus Christ had said-- the Father always loves
equally all of His sons? In medieval times the church
through oppression and crimes succeeded to impose
all the wrong concepts that would later play a major
role in removing all the elements of a healthy spirit
and brings people into mental and spiritual slavery.
From those times the church implanted in the
collective sub-consciousness the fear of contestation
religion, a thing that even today can be found in form
of manifestation of a strong rejection for what does
not fit their religious dogma. The truth is that you
were manipulated and you enjoyed that. Many are
enjoying this even today -- a spiritual affiliation to
any dogma makes them feel comfortable and
protected – an enjoyable feeling that makes them
believe that even if they would do nothing spiritual

they would be enlightened; the other reason is the
primitive spiritual need for gathering, believing that if
there are many sharing the same beliefs, those
beliefs are true or legitimate. I may repeat myself,
but as lies are repeated constantly, the truth should
be repeated also. Just the fact that I was born under
a certain religion does not automatically legitimatize
that religion! And it will not make me better than any
other individuals, born under other religions! In fact
all religions are manipulators and a lie isn’t better
than another lie! And these religions implemented in
the collective sub-conscious mind the idea that the
church is headed by spiritual individuals specially
chosen by The Divinity.
Did you ever ask yourself why religions always
violently blame, and still blame the ones that do not
share their views? And why crime and oppression is
standardly used against those that have the courage
not to share those religious views? Not sharing my
beliefs that will be your problem. At least you have
found out that there is a different way. How can I be
upset? I know that everyone has their own spiritual
evolution. In fact that could only make me unhappy
to see someone still believing in something as dead
as religion, which is nothing but a spiritual
That religion is totally antagonist to Truth, and now
as many of you can see through spiritual dimensions,
you can check the True Heart of all the church
leaders, religious leaders or political rulers from
Ancient Times to present days. True Heart always
reflects their real intentions and the spiritual
affiliation of any individual. Just be aware whom you
credited until now.

And a final question: are you prepared to give your
life for your religion? Do you think it’s worthy?

Anyway Jesus brings for the first time the Christic

Force on this planet, as a manifestation outside The

CHRISTIC FORCE is a principle in manifestation, is

living and always in motion, a fountainhead from God
himself and animating all of Creation. It is a form of
God manifestation and the very principle that
emerges from It. Christic Force places outside, not
inside The Divinity and should not be confused with
God. Christic Force will be God Itself if it will be
inside, but it is outside and represents the capacity
of condensation of The Divine which has the power of
action. The Divinity Itself cannot proceed and
therefore acts on through Christic Force. Christic
Force is action! It is the power of Love of The Divinity
that emerges from Itself. Christic Force only
manifests outside The Divine, because if it will be
within, It will be The Divine Itself.

A long process of evolution which started long ago

on Planet Earth now is accelerating. Jesus will never
come back in the form of the Messiah because this
time Christic Force could and will manifest in
everyone prepared to carry Christic Force in their
heart. This will be “the second coming”! Some more
than others, but this time millions and millions of
people will be animated by Christic Force. This is an
aspect of superior spiritual levels of existence and
the future of Planet Earth. By receiving Christic Force
and expanding this Love you could reach the level of

conscience that God could see through your eyes.
Christic Force gives you the power to ignite the
Divine Fire which will brighten everything, as the
Divine could reach all around and through you.

This capacity shouldn’t be manifested by only one

man and therefore Christic Force started to come to
those already prepared and will come to more. Just a
single drop of Christic Force and this Force will flow
and act through you giving you the power of action.
Christic Force conjugates with your soul and
then will become active.

Christic Force is available through initiation, but

obviously will not manifest at the same level in
everyone. The spiritual background of every
individual and his/her actions will determine the
amount of Christic Force that will flow through, and
this current will increase due to good auspices. This
is a living initiation that will upgrade constantly
under facilitative conditions. The initiation should
take place on five consecutive days due to the
restoration and balance of some functions that might
occur. To receive the initiation, sit comfortable
and in a meditation state use a phrase like
that: “I call upon me Christic Force Initiation
from Armand, until the process is completed”.
That should be done on 5 (five) consecutive
days. Based on an agreement between The Source,
and myself anyone asking the Christic Force Initiation
on my behalf will receive it automatically.

Using Christic Force is exclusively mental and it is

similar to the other Sokaisi energies. Just concentrate

Christic Force and program it to work on anything
you wish, until the job is done. Please review
suggestions of all my previous methods. You can use
it on a cellular level, molecular, atomic or sub-atomic
level and quantum level.
Quantum Particles are the smallest particles that
are the basis of every energy or manifestation.
Basically every substance of the Universe even if it is
energetic or material is composed of Quantum
Particles whose providence is Divine. Projecting or
concentrating Christic Force on Quantum Particles
increases their overall spiritual condition and
vibration. Concentrating Christic Force in the
Quantum Particles of our Solar System, Sun, Planets
and its satellites will increase their frequency, and
those Quantum Particles could be re-programmed to
carry Christic Force from now on or to function
further fueled by CF and at the CF frequency.

You can also use the Radiating Nucleus of Christic

Force to open portals, to link with Christic Force or
just send Christic Force to all the areas you wish.

Another method of using Christic Force is

amplifying CF through the Central Sun. It is supposed
that you are already attuned to Kosoo from Sokaisi
System. Kosoo is also known as ‘Black Sun’ because
of the fact that it is a Spiritual Sun, not a physical
one that radiates photons. So the Black Sun
emissions are invisible to our physical eyes, because
its emission is exclusively spiritual. Every galaxy has
its own Black Sun and the Universe of course has a
Black Sun also. What just a very few knew until now
is that the Black Sun or Central Sun acts like a

spiritual lens or amplifier for higher energies. Christic
Force is one of them. To use it you just need to direct
Christic Force to the Central Sun and specify a
magnification factor and program Kosoo to send
magnified Christic Force to the purpose you intended
for, until the job is done. Amazing method, indeed!
Experiment and use this method from micro to macro
levels and from spiritual to physical level, and on all
your projects.

It’s your time of discovery and the New Era of Planet

Earth. Have fun!

Please check also the next ascensional energies as

Vril Force®
and others available on

CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® is property of Armand-Manuel Ratundu © 2006-2007
All rights reserved.
CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® is a free spiritual system meant for spiritual
development and the attunements works on DIY basis absolutely free of any master
or any charging. Anyone claiming this attunement, charging or pretending money for
this attunement will be considered in violation of system spiritual purpose, not
anymore part of the system or representing CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® or the
founder purpose.
CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® it is not meant to replace any medical treatment or
medication and has created for spiritual purposes.

This 2nd version of CHRISTIC FORCE Initiation® Manual is the latest up to date,
available from March 2007.


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