Academic Catalogue

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The College of The Bahamas

The College of The Bahamas











Programme Requirements
Programme Requirements
Programme Requirements


33 - 44
Programme Requirements
Programme Requirements

45 - 48

49 - 51
Programme Requirements

52 - 156


158 - 161

11 - 16
17 - 20



162 - 163

164 - 165


23 - 25
Programme Requirements
Programme Requirements

26 - 28

Programme Requirements

29 - 32

Catalogue Disclaimer
The information contained in this academic catalogue is current and correct at the time of publication. The College of The Bahamas, however, reserves the
right at its discretion to alter course content, policies, procedures and fees without prior notice.

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue

M E S S AG E F R O M C O L L E G E P R E S I D E N T: Dr. Betsy V. Boze

Thank you for choosing The College of The Bahamas for the pursuit
of your educational and life goals.
For 36 years we have been in the
business of national development, transforming the nation
through education. Education,
research, innovation, and service
are the tools with which we
achieve our goal of a knowledgeable, contributing citizenry,
exerting a positive inuence on
its community and world. When
you join us at The College of The
Bahamas, you become a partner
participant in our mission. You also begin the walk of thousands of
our accomplished graduates. Further, your walk begins in a context
of which we are so proud, the archipelagic Commonwealth of
The Bahamas, a priceless context of brilliant sun, pearl sands and
turquoise seas, a naturally rich marine laboratory.
Our programmes of study have been developed to prepare you
to assume a meaningful role in the future by providing the
knowledge and skills required to face the demands of your chosen
profession or the pursuit of even higher academic degrees. We are
proud of the legacy that The College of The Bahamas has built over
the years, a heritage supported by our comprehensive academic
programmes and internationally recognized faculty in a wide
range of disciplines.

When you browse through the programmes and courses outlined

in this academic catalogue, you will begin to realize the limitless
opportunities that await you on your road toward mastery of
your occupational calling. At The College of The Bahamas, you will
become immersed in the benets and joys of scholarship, research
and self-discovery. At The College of The Bahamas we also believe
in providing our students with international learning experiences
that enrich the undergraduate curriculum, such as our Study
Abroad programme.
Our graduates have taken prominent places as citizens of the
global village while providing their country with the competitive
edge necessary to be recognized as vital contributing members
of the world economy. These men and women have raised the
international prole of The Bahamas. They have enthusiastically
embraced the ideals of leadership, service and integrity. Now is
your time to join them and to realize the innite possibilities the
future holds for you and your nation. Now is your time to take
the walk to success.
Welcome to the national institution of higher learning within the 700
islands in the sun!

Academic plan:


The academic plan is an electronic Contract of Study that outlines

the courses a student is required to take while pursuing a degree
at The College of The Bahamas.

A prescribed set of courses normally requiring 66 80 credit hours

of study.

Academic standing:
A students ocial status of enrolment at the College as evaluated
at the end of each semester; used to assess whether students are
meeting the standards prescribed for continuing in the College
and/or their programmes of study.

A prescribed set of courses normally requiring 18 24 credit hours.

of study in a particular eld.

A course that must be successfully completed prior to
commencing a second course for which it is required.

A general term used to mean any presentation, monetary or
otherwise, made to a student.



A series of courses, the successful completion of which qualies

the student for a formal credential, provided all other academic
and nancial requirements are met.

A monetary award given to a student when the primary criterion is

not academic performance.

Quality points:

A course that must be taken concurrently with the course for

which it is required.

Grade points are assigned to every grade issued at the College and
are used in the calculation of the students GPA. For more on the
Grading Policy, please visit the Colleges website at



A unit of work in a particular subject normally extending through

one semester or session, the successful completion of which
carries credit toward the requirements of a degree.

The process of selecting, enrolling in, and paying for courses.


The measure used to reect the relative weight of a given course
toward the fulllment of degree requirements. A course normally
has a credit hour value of three.

Registration period:
In a semester, the period allotted for reserving and paying for

An instructional period of fourteen weeks in the Fall and Spring
plus 10 days for nal examinations.

Cumulative GPA:
A cumulative GPA is the weighted average of the grade points
awarded in all courses completed by a student at the university.

Summer session:



A credential awarded upon successful completion of a set of

required and elective courses as specied by a programme of

The complete report of a students academic record.


Seven weeks in the Summer plus two days for nal examinations.

Transfer credit:
Academic credit granted for work completed at an institution
other than COB.

Awarded on the basis of success on an internal examination or

prior learning or professional experience.

The abbreviation for grade point average. A semester GPA is the
weighted average of the grade points awarded on the basis of
academic performance during a single semester.

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue

T E L E P H O N E C O N TAC T S : New Providence


Accounts Payable: 302-4514

Admissions: 302-4499
Alumni Relations & Development Oce: 302-4359
Athletics: 302-4349

Libraries & Instructional Media Services: 302-4552

Bookstore (see Chapter One)
Business Oce: 302-4515

Media Department: 302-4460

Nurse: 302-4556

Campus Life: 302-4525

Centre for Continuing Education & Extension Services:
Chapter One Bookstore: 397-2650
Chapter One Bookstore (2nd oor): 397-2649
Communication Oce: 302-4366/4304
COBUS: 302-4562
Copy Center: 397-2651
Counselling Department: 302-4439
Culinary & Hospitality Management Institute: 323-5804

Oce of Research, Graduate Programmes & International Relations:

Oce of the President: 302-4318

Dean (Acting), Faculty of Business: 302-4434
Dean (Acting), School of Education: 302-4400
Dean, Faculty of Liberal and Fine Arts: 302-4308
Dean, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences: 302-4400
Dean (Acting), School of Social Sciences: 302-4313

Executive Vice President Academic Aairs: 302-4310
Exuma Centre: George Town: 242-336-2791

Financial Aid: 302-4371

Graduate Programmes: 397-2601/2

Housing: 302-4342

International Language & Cultures Institute (ILCI): 302-4584
IT Helpdesk: 302-4588

Records: 302-4312
Registrar: 302-4490

School of Business: 302-4421
School of Chemistry, Environmental & Life Sciences: 302-4436
School of Communication & Creative Arts: 302-4484
School of Education: 397-2604
School of English Studies: 302-4381
School of Mathematics, Physics & Technology: 302-4406
School of Nursing & Allied Health Professions: 325-5551
School of Social Sciences: 397-2607
Security Booth, Main Campus: 302-4566
Security Desk, Michael Eldon: 397-2647
Security Booth, Portia Smith Bldg.: 302-2000
Security Oce: 302-4203
Student Activities: 302-4525

UWI/COB: Law Programme: 328-3643

Vice President Student Aairs: 302-4342

Wellness Centre: 302-4573

T E L E P H O N E C O N TAC T S : Grand Bahama

Academic Aairs Oce: (242) 688-5908
Admissions: (242) 688-5911
Associate Vice President: (242) 352-9761

Bookstore (Northern Bahamas Campus): (242) 352-5926
Business Oce: (242) 688-5907

Campus Life Oce: (242) 688-5941, (242) 688-5912
COBUS: (242) 352-5927
Counselling: (242) 688-5917

Grand Bahama - Northern Campus: (242) 352-9761

Library: (242) 688-5914/5/6

Records: (242) 688-5932

Security Booth: (242) 688- 5945
Switchboard: 352-9761
Operator: Ext. 5900

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue



FALL 2011



FALL 2012

2 Jan, 2012

New student orientation

17 Aug, 2011

3 Jan, 2012

22 Aug, 2012

New student attachment begins

17 Aug, 2011

3 Jan, 2012

15 Aug, 2012

New student attachment ends

18 Aug, 2011

4 Jan, 2012

16 Aug, 2012

New student registration begins

18 Aug, 2011

4 Jan, 2012

16 Aug, 2012

New student registration ends

19 Aug, 2011

4 Jan, 2012

17 Aug, 2012

Classes begin

22 Aug, 2011

9 Jan, 2012

7 May, 2012

20 Aug, 2012

Late registration begins

23 Aug, 2011

5 Jan, 2012

8 May, 2012

21 Aug, 2012

Late registration ends

24 Aug, 2011

6 Jan, 2012

9 May, 2012

22 Aug, 2012

Last day for payment - late registration

2 Sept, 2011

13 Jan, 2012

11 May, 2012

31 Aug, 2012

Ocial classlists available on IQWeb

6 Sept, 2011

17 Jan, 2012

15 May, 2012

4 Sept, 2012

Deadline for graduation eval. forms to records

30 Sept, 2011

31 Jan, 2012

31 May, 2012

28 Sept, 2012

Mid-semester exam period begins

29 Sept, 2011

16 Feb, 2012

24 May, 2012

27 Sept, 2012

15 Oct, 2011

3 Mar, 2012

9 June, 2012

13 Oct, 2012

Advisement begins

12 Mar, 2012

22 Oct, 2012

Authorization for classes begins

12 Mar, 2012

22 Oct, 2012

Mid-semester break begins

6 Oct, 2011

23 Feb, 2012

4 Oct, 2012

Mid-semester break ends

8 Oct, 2011

25 Feb, 2012

6 Oct, 2012

12 Oct, 2012

Timetable uploaded to PowerCampus/IQWeb

18 Oct, 2011

6 Mar, 2012

16 Oct, 2012

Last day to withdraw without academic penalty

21 Oct, 2011

9 Mar, 2012

15 Jun, 2012

19 Oct, 2012

7 Nov, 2011

26 Mar, 2012

2 Apr, 2012

College closed - New Years Day Holiday

LLB classes begin

Mid-semester exam period ends

College closed - Discovery Day holiday

Course reservation begins

Calendar dates subject to change, please visit the Colleges webpage ( for the most current version of this calendar.


FALL 2011



FALL 2012

Advisement and authorization ends

26 Nov, 2011

13 Apr, 2012

13 Apr, 2012

23 Nov, 2012

Last day of classes

25 Nov, 2011

13 Apr, 2012

22 Jun, 2012

23 Nov, 2012

28 Nov, 2011

16 Apr, 2012

25 Jun, 2012

26 Nov, 2012

9 Dec, 2011

25 Apr, 2012

26 Jun, 2012

7 Dec, 2012

16 Dec, 2011

1 May, 2012

2 Jul, 2012

13 Dec, 2012

Transcripts sent to MOE & MOH-scholarship students 21 Dec, 2011

3 May, 2012

5 Jul, 2012

17 Dec, 2012

Transcripts available online

22 Dec, 2011

4 May, 2012

6 Jul, 2012

18 Dec, 2012

Course reservation ends @ 4:00 p.m.

27 Dec, 2011

27 Apr, 2012

31 Jul, 2012

14 Dec, 2012

Late fee applied for returning students @ 4:00 p.m.

27 Dec, 2011

30 Apr, 2012

31 Jul, 2012

19 Dec, 2012

Publish updated graduation list to the Web

Final examinations begin
Final examinations end
Deadline for submission of grades to records

Graduation activities New Providence

Graduation rehearsal

17 May, 2012

Baccalaureate service

22 May, 2012

Awards ceremony

23 May, 2012

Nursing pinning ceremony

23 May, 2012

Teachers commissioning ceremony

24 May, 2012

Commencement exercise

31 May, 2012

College closed - Whit Monday holiday

28 May, 2012

Graduation activities Grand Bahama

Graduation rehearsal

29 May, 2012

Baccalaureate service

30 May, 2012

Commencement exercise

31 May, 2012

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue

The College of The Bahamas is committed to preparing students
to become productive and thoughtful citizens by oering a broad
liberal arts education coupled with the development of competencies in elds of interest. The College, through its curricular and
extracurricular programmes, encourages students to think critically
and creatively and to express their thoughts in an articulate and
literate manner.

Bachelor Degree Programmes

Bachelor degree programmes provide disciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to the pursuit of knowledge and the solving
of problems. They are designed to build the students capacity to
respond to multiple perspectives in an ever-changing world and
embrace a greater sense of national identity and their responsibilities as citizens of The Bahamas, the region and the world.
Bachelor degree programmes at The College consist of three
main types of courses: General Education courses, electives
and major area courses. To fulll requirements for a bachelor
degree, students must complete all of the courses identied on a
programme of study and must maintain a minimum cumulative
GPA of at least 2.00.

Minor Programmes
A minor enhances the professional prole of students and
increases their career opportunities and opportunities for further
studies. Minors are available to bachelor degree students only;
however, professional programmes (for example, Education or
Nursing) which lead to certication or licensure may prohibit the
pursuit of a minor. A minor allows students to explore an area of
general interest and consists of a pre-dened sequence of courses
that takes a student well beyond the introductory level in an
academic eld, subject matter and/or discipline.

General Education Programme

The General Education programme cultivates critical, reective and
creative thought and helps students convey those thoughts articulately and condently in written and oral form. The programme
is designed to help students develop an appreciation for the
complexity of all knowledge, an understanding of the interrelationships among the various disciplinary branches of knowledge
and insight into the role they must play in the intellectual, cultural,
social and economic life of The Bahamas and the region.
In addition to helping students examine Bahamian culture, society
and/or environment, General Education courses contain at least
two of the following components:
Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary: integrating knowledge,
languages and methodologies across the disciplines.
Literacy: honing of oral and written communication skills, critical
thinking and problem solving.
Numeracy: mastery of analytic and computational skills.
To fulll the General Education requirement for a bachelor degree,
students complete a minimum of 37 credits, at least 28 of which
are at the lower level and 9 at the upper level. To fulll the General
Education requirement for an associate degree, students complete
a minimum of 28 lower-level credits.
Skills are honed through nine strands: Literacy, Numeracy,
Foreign Language, Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences,
Physical Education/Health/Nutrition, Computer Literacy and
Student Development. Courses that may be used to fulll General
Education requirements are:

Students may not pursue two minors and may not pursue a minor
in their major area of study. Minors are taken instead of electives.

Student Development (1 credit)

Associate Degree Programmes

Computer Literacy (1 credit)

The Associate of Arts degree is designed primarily to fulll requirements for university transfer to pursue baccalaureate degrees in
the arts, humanities, communication and social sciences.

CIS 100 Computer Literacy (1 credit)

The Associate of Science degree is designed primarily to fulll

requirements for university transfer to pursue baccalaureate
degrees in related scientic or technical elds.
The Associate of Applied Science degree provides students with
the skills and prociencies of a specic trade or industry essential
for entry into a skilled and/or paraprofessional occupation.
Although this degree is not intended for transfer into a baccalaureate degree programme, some courses may be accepted at
various institutions.
Students must earn a minimum of 60 credits with a major and
maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.00.

COUN100 First Year Seminar (1 credit)

Physical Education / Health / Nutrition (2 credits)

EDU 105 Introduction to Jujutsu (2 credits)
EDU 106 Introduction to Judo (2 credits)
EDU 107 Introduction to Karate (2 credits)
HLTH 100 Current Issues in Health (2 credits)
NUTR 100 Basic Principles of Nutrition (2 credits)
PED 100 Swimming (2 credits)
PED 101 Introduction to Volleyball (2 credits)
PED 102 Introduction to Football (Soccer) (2 credits)
PED 104 Introduction to Health-Related Fitness (2 credits)
EDU 211 Physical and Health Education (2 credits)

Literacy (9 credits)

Natural Sciences (6 credits)

ENG 119 College English Skills I (3 credits)

ENG 120 College English Skills II (3 credits)
ENG 300 Advanced Writing: Bahamian Culture and Society
(3 credits)

AGRI 229 Agricultural Economics (3 credits)

BIOL 109 General Biology (3 credits)
BIOL 116 Ecology (3 credits)
CHEM 100 Chemistry in the World Around Us (3 credits)
GEOG 100 Introduction to the Geography of The Bahamas
(3 credits)
MATH 168 Precalculus II: Trigonometry (3 credits)
PHYS 101 The Physics of Everyday Things I (3 credits)
PHYS 102 The Physics of Everyday Things II (3 credits)
PHYS 164 General Physics I (3 credits)
PHYS 301 Energy, Society and the Environment (3 credits)
SCI 171 General Science I (3 credits)
SCI 371 General Science II (3 credits)
BIOL 475 Bioethics (3 credits)

Numeracy (3 credits)
MATH 163 Finite Mathematics (for non-Science and
non-Technology majors) (3 credits)
MATH 167 Precalculus I - Algebra (for Science and Technology
majors) (3 credits)

Foreign Language (6 credits of the same language)

CRE 103 Introductory Creole I (3 credits)
CRE 104 Introductory Creole II (3 credits)
FRE 102 Introductory French for Hospitality and Culinary Arts
(3 credits) or FRE 103 Introductory French I (3 credits)
FRE 104 Introductory French II (3 credits)
SPA 103 Introductory Spanish I (3 credits)
SPA 104 Introductory Spanish II (3 credits)

Humanities (3 credits)
ART 107 Introduction to Bahamian Art (3 credits)
ART 207 Survey of Art II (3 credits)
COM 150 Introduction to Mass Communication (3 credits)
ENG 108 The Oral Tradition in Bahamian Literature (3 credits)
MUS 100 Introduction to Bahamian Music (3 credits)
MUS 201 Survey of World Music (3 credits)
ENG 208 Bahamian Literature (3 credits)
ENG 216 Introduction to Film Studies (3 credits)

Generally, students choose electives freely, as the purpose of
the elective requirement is to give students the opportunity
to explore areas of interest that fall outside the Major area of
concentration. However, in some programmes electives may be
prescribed. Students should refer to the Contract of Study/Student
Advisement Form for specic programme requirements.
To fulll the elective requirement, students complete at least 18
credits: 9 credits at the lower level and 9 credits at the upper level.

Social Sciences (6 credits)

HIS 112 History of The Bahamas I (3 credits)
HIS 113 History of The Bahamas II (3 credits)
SOS 111 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
POL 113 Government and Politics in The Bahamas (3 credits)
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology: Social Sciences Foundation
(3 credits)
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology: Natural Sciences Foundation
(3 credits)
PSY 105 Human Growth and Development (3 credits)
PUBA 201 Public Administration I (3 credits)
SOS 201 Social Structure in the Third World (3 credits)
HIS 325 Race, Class and Gender in the Late 19th and Early 20th
Century Bahamas (3 credits)
HIS 371 Topics in Twentieth Century Caribbean History (3 credits)
HIS 376 Women and Gender in the History of the English Speaking
Caribbean (3 credits)
HIS 471 Caribbean Migration Since the Eighteenth Century
(3 credits)
PSY 310 Consumer Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 340 Child and Adolescent Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 425 Psychology of Gender (3 credits)
PSY 440 Group Dynamics (3 credits)
PUBA 313 Political Economy of The Bahamas (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue

Bachelor Degrees
Administrative Oce Management
Banking and Finance
Biology (Minor in Chemistry)
Computer Information Systems
Economics and Finance
Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology: Electrical Engineering Technology
Hospitality Management
Human Resource Management
Media Journalism
Physics with Mathematics
Primary Education
Public Administration
Secondary Education
Small Island Sustainability
Social Work
Tourism Management

Bahamian and Caribbean Literature
Business Administration
Diversity Studies
Film and Drama Studies
Hospitality Management
Tourism Management

Associate Degrees
Business Administration (Family Islands only/not Northern
Bahamas Campus)
Civil Engineering Technology


Computer Information Systems (Northern Bahamas Campus only)

Culinary Arts
Engineering Physics
Hospitality Operations
Law and Criminal Justice Studies
Mechanical Engineering Technology
National Apprentice Cook
Religious Studies

Adult and Workforce Education and Training
Community Health Nursing
Critical Care Nursing
Environmental Health

Adult and Workforce Education and Training
Business Administration (Family Islands only/not Northern
Bahamas Campus)
Culinary Skills
Environmental Health
Food and Beverage Management
French (Advanced Prociency)
French (Intermediate Prociency)
Hospitality and Tourism Skills
Hospitality Management
Pre-School Auxillary
Spanish (Advanced Prociency)
Spanish (Intermediate Prociency)
Trained Clinical Nursing



Location: B-Block, Room B-20
Oakes Field Campus
Telephone: 302-4421
Dean: Mrs. Remelda Moxey
Chair: Mr. Daniel Thompson

Bachelor of Business Administration Degrees

Administrative Oce Management
Banking and Finance with a Foreign Language
Banking and Finance Option I: Commercial Banking
Banking and Finance Option II: Private Banking/Trust
Computer Information Systems Option A: Management
Information Systems
Computer Information Systems Option B: Application
Computer Information Systems Option C: Network Systems
Economics and Finance
Human Resource Management

Associate of Arts Degrees

Business Administration (Family Islands only/not Northern
Bahamas )
Computer Information Systems (Northern Bahamas Campus only)

Business Administration


Business Administration (Family Islands only/not Northern
Bahamas Campus)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting
(139 credits)
General Education Requirements (40 credits)
Electives (21 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BUSL 255 Business Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 355 Business Law II (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
FIN 314 Financial Management (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
ACCA 300 Intermediate Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 305 Intermediate Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
ACCA 310 Management Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 313 Cost Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 315 Accounting Theory (3 credits)
ACCA 318 Accounting Information Systems (3 credits)
ACCA 412 Advanced Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 413 Fund Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 414 Auditing I (3 credits)
ACCA 415 Auditing II (3 credits)
ACCA 420 Tax Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 421 Tax Accounting II (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


Bachelor of Business Administration in Administrative

Oce Management (131 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (76 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
BUSL 255 Business Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 355 Business Law II (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
KYB 112 Intermediate Keyboarding (2 credits)
KYB 211 Information Processing (2 credits) of Business
KYB 212 Machine Transcription (3 credits)
KYB 311 Desktop Publishing I (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 303 Organisational Behaviour (3 credits)
MGMT 304 Workforce Management (3 credits)
MGMT 401 Labour-Management Relations (3 credits)
MGMT 403 Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
MIS 310 Management Information Systems (3 credits)
TRS 111 Transcription Skills (3 credits)
AOM 211 Oce Procedures (3 credits)
AOM 225 Records Management I (3 credits)
AOM 325 Records Management II (3 credits)
AOM 405 Administrative Oce Management I (3 credits)
AOM 407 Administrative Oce Management II (3 credits)
AOM 408 Practicum (3 credits)
KYB 411 Desktop Publishing II (3 credits)
Students must take an additional 6 credits of upper-level major
area courses.

Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and

Finance Option I: Commercial Banking (138 credits)
General Education Requirements (39 credits)
Electives (21 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
FIN 211 Business Finance (3 credits)
FIN 312 Credit Analysis (3 credits)
FIN 314 Financial Management (3 credits)
INV 411 Investment Seminar (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits) or MGMT 203
Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MKTG 431 Marketing Financial Services (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)


BKGM 302 Money and Capital Markets (3 credits)

BKGP 301 Financial Institutions and Services (3 credits)
BKGP 416 Law and Practice of Banking I (3 credits)
BKGP 417 Law and Practice of Banking II (3 credits)
BKGI 303 Multinational Banking (3 credits)
BKGI 419 International Trade Finance (3 credits)
BKGL 430 Retail Lending (3 credits)
BUSL 256 Banking Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 356 Banking Law II (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and

Finance Option II: Private Banking/Trust (138 credits)
General Education Requirements (39 credits)
Electives (21 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
FIN 211 Business Finance (3 credits)
FIN 312 Credit Analysis (3 credits)
FIN 314 Financial Management (3 credits)
INV 411 Investment Seminar (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits) or MGMT 203
Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MKTG 431 Marketing Financial Services (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 450 Oshore Practice and Administration (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)
BKGI 303 Multinational Banking (3 credits)
BKGM 302 Money and Capital Markets (3 credits)
BKGP 301 Financial Institutions and Services (3 credits)
BUSL 256 Banking Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 356 Banking Law II (3 credits)
BUSL 418 Administration of Estates (3 credits)
BUSL 425 Trust Law (3 credits)
PADM 451 Trust Administration (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Finance with a Foreign Language (132 credits)
General Education Requirements (39 credits)
Electives (21 credits)
Major Area Courses (72 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 450 Oshore Practice and Administration (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)
BKGI 303 Multinational Banking (3 credits)
BKGM 302 Money and Capital Markets (3 credits)

BKGP 301 Financial Institutions & Services (3 credits)

BUSL 256 Banking Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 356 Banking Law II (3 credits)
BUSL 418 Administration of Estates (3 credits)
BUSL 425 Trust Law (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
FIN 312 Credit Analysis (3 credits)
INV 411 Investment Seminar (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MKTG 431 Marketing Financial Services (3 credits)
PADM 451 Trust Administration (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Foreign Language
FRE 203 Intermediate French I (3 credits) or SPA 203 Intermediate
Spanish I (3 credits)
FRE 204 Intermediate French II (3 credits) or SPA 204 Intermediate
Spanish II (3 credits)
FRE 252 French for Business (3 credits) or SPA 242 Spanish for
Business (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer

Information Systems Option A: Management Information
Systems (136 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (21 credits)
Major Area Courses (75 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
BUSL 255 Business Law I (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)
CISP 110 Introduction to Programming (3 credits)
CISE 240 Fundamentals of E-Commerce (3 credits)
CISE 460 E-Commerce Management (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
CIS 206 Computer Applications II (3 credits)
CIS 307 Database Fundamentals (3 credits)
CIS 309 Network Essentials (3 credits)
CIS 315 Business Data Communications (3 credits)
CIS 335 Structured Analysis and Design (3 credits)
CIS 340 Web Publishing (3 credits)
CIS 407 Database Design and Programming (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MIS 310 Management Information Systems (3 credits)
MIS 410 EDP Auditing Security and Control (3 credits)
MIS 433 Information Systems Resource Management (3 credits)
MIS 470 Information Technology Seminar (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer

Information Systems Option B: Application Programming
(127 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (72 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
CIS 120 Object Oriented Programming Visual Basic (3 credits)
CIS 206 Computer Applications II (3 credits)
CIS 305 Fundamentals of Operating Systems (3 credits)
CIS 307 Database Fundamentals (3 credits)
CIS 308 Advanced Visual Object Programming (3 credits)
CIS 315 Business Data Communications (3 credits)
CIS 335 Structured Analysis and Design (3 credits)
CIS 340 Web Publishing (3 credits)
CIS 407 Database Design and Programming (3 credits)
CISP 110 Introduction to Programming (3 credits)
CISP 375 JAVA (3 credits)
CISP 400 Web Programming (3 credits)
CISN 425 Web Server Management (3 credits)
CISP 471 Application Programming Seminar (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MIS 310 Management Information Systems (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer

Information Systems Option C: Network Systems
(130 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (75 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
CIS 120 Object Oriented Programming Visual Basic (3 credits) or
CISP 225 Object Oriented Programming (3 credits)
CIS 206 Computer Applications II (3 credits)
CIS 305 Fundamentals of Operating Systems (3 credits)
CIS 307 Database Fundamentals (3 credits)
CIS 315 Business Data Communications (3 credits)
CIS 335 Structured Analysis and Design (3 credits)
CIS 340 Web Publishing (3 credits)
CISN 309 Network Systems (3 credits)
CISN 329 Local Area Network I (3 credits)
CISN 419 Inter/Intra Networks (3 credits)
CISN 425 Web Server Management (3 credits)
CISN 429 Local Area Network II (3 credits)
CISN 472 Network Systems Seminar (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


CISP 110 Introduction to Programming (3 credits)

ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MIS 310 Management Information Systems (3 credits)
MIS 435 Network Management (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics

(139 credits)
General Education Requirements (40 credits)
Electives (21 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)
BKGP 301 Financial Institutions & Services (3 credits)
BUSL 256 Banking Law I (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 310 Quantitative Methods for Economics (3 credits)
ECON 312 Price Theory (3 credits)
ECON 313 Macroeconomic Analysis (3 credits)
ECON 314 Monetary and Financial System (3 credits)
ECON 320 Managerial Economics (3 credits)
ECON 411 International Economics (3 credits)
ECON 415 Economic Development Seminar (3 credits)
ECON 421 Comparative Economic Systems (3 credits)
ECON 431 Labour Economics (3 credits)
FIN 211 Business Finance (3 credits)
FIN 314 Financial Management (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MIS 310 Management Information System (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits) or MGMT 203
Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics and

Finance (139 credits)
General Education Requirements (40 credits)
Electives (21 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)
BUSL 256 Banking Law I (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)


ECON 310 Quantitative Methods for Economics (3 credits)

ECON 312 Price Theory (3 credits)
ECON 313 Macroeconomic Analysis (3 credits)
ECON 320 Managerial Economics (3 credits)
ECON 411 International Economics (3 credits)
ECON 415 Economic Development Seminar (3 credits)
FIN 211 Business Finance (3 credits)
FIN 312 Credit Analysis (3 credits)
FIN 313 Investment Analysis (3 credits)
FIN 314 Financial Management (3 credits)
FIN 411 International Finance (3 credits)
FIN 421 Security Analysis (3 credits)
INV 411 Investment Seminar (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits) or MGMT 203
Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance (139 credits)

General Education Requirements (40 credits)
Electives (21 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
ACCA 330 Financial Statement Analysis (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)
BKGI 419 International Trade Finance (3 credits)
BKGM 302 Money and Capital Markets (3 credits)
BUSL 256 Banking Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 356 Banking Law II (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 314 Monetary and Financial System (3 credits)
ECON 320 Managerial Economics (3 credits)
FIN 211 Business Finance (3 credits)
FIN 312 Credit Analysis (3 credits)
FIN 313 Investment Analysis (3 credits)
FIN 314 Financial Management (3 credits)
FIN 411 International Finance (3 credits)
FIN 421 Security Analysis (3 credits)
INV 411 Investment Seminar (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits) or
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource

Management (133 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)
BUSL 255 Business Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 340 Employment Law in The Bahamas (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 320 Managerial Economics (3 credits) or FIN 314 Financial
Management (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MATH 169 Calculus for Business, Social and Life Sciences (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 303 Organisational Behaviour (3 credits)
MGMT 304 Workforce Management (3 credits)
MGMT 310 Operations and Production Management (3 credits)
MGMT 401 Labour Management Relations (3 credits)
MGMT 435 International Human Resource Management (3 credits)
MGMT 440 Compensation Management (3 credits)
MGMT 445 Performance Management (3 credits)
MGMT 460 Strategic Human Resource Management (3 credits)
MIS 310 Management Information Systems (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
MKTG 301 Marketing Management (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management

(136 credits)
General Education Requirements (40 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BADM 461 Research Project (3 credits)
BUSL 255 Business Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 355 Business Law II (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 320 Managerial Economics (3 credits)
FIN 314 Financial Management (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 303 Organisational Behaviour (3 credits)
MGMT 304 Workforce Management (3 credits)
MGMT 310 Operations and Production Management (3 credits)

MGMT 401 Labour Management Relations (3 credits)

MGMT 403 Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
MGMT 404 Strategic Management (3 credits)
MGMT 420 International Management (3 credits)
MGMT 430 Business and Society (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
MKTG 301 Marketing Management (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing

(136 credits)
General Education Requirements (40 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
BUSL 255 Business Law I (3 credits)
BUSL 355 Business Law II (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 303 Organisational Behaviour (3 credits)
MGMT 310 Operations and Production Management (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
MKTG 301 Marketing Management (3 credits)
MKTG 302 Integrated Marketing Communications (3 credits)
MKTG 304 Marketing Research Applications (3 credits)
MKTG 310 Consumer Behaviour (3 credits)
MKTG 311 Personal Selling and Sales Management (3 credits)
MKTG 409 Services Marketing (3 credits)
MKTG 410 Hospitality Marketing (3 credits)
MKTG 412 International Marketing (3 credits)
MKTG 421 Strategic Marketing (3 credits)
MKTG 431 Marketing Financial Services (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
STAT 301 Intermediate Statistics (3 credits)

Minor in Business Administration (24 credits)

ACCA105 Financial Accounting 1 (3 credits)
BUSI 401 International Business (3 credits) or MGMT 430 Business
and Society (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 303 Organisational Behaviour (3 credits)
MIS 310 Management Information Systems (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


Associate of Arts in Business Administration (Family Island

Centres only) (61 credits)
General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (24 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
ECON 200 Principles of Economics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organization and Management (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)

Associate of Arts in Computer Information Systems (Northern Bahamas Campus only) (67 credits)
General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (30 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
CIS 206 Computer Applications II (3 credits)
CISE 240 Fundamentals of E-Commerce (3 credits)
CISP 110 Introduction to Programming (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)

Diploma in Accounting (36 credits)

This programme is designed for persons who do not have a degree
in Accounting but who wish to pursue the Uniform Certied
Public Accountants Examination and/or acquire the accounting
knowledge and skills essential for their work. This programme
helps students acquire specic knowledge and skills in accounting
to become more ecient in the workplace and prepares them for
the Certied Public Accounting Examination.
BUSL 355 Business Law II (3 credits)
ACCA 300 Intermediate Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 305 Intermediate Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
ACCA 310 Management Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 313 Cost Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 315 Accounting Theory (3 credits)
ACCA 412 Advanced Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 414 Auditing I (3 credits)
ACCA 413 Fund Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 415 Auditing II (3 credits)
ACCA 420 Tax Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 421 Tax Accounting II (3 credits)


Certicate in Business Administration (Family Island

Centres only) (31 credits)
General Education Requirements (13 credits)
COUN100 First Year Seminar (1 credit)
CIS 100 Computer Literacy (1 credit)
PE/Health/Nutrition (2 credits)
ENG 119 College English Skills I (3 credits)
ENG 120 College English Skills II (3 credits)
MATH 140 Basic College Mathematics (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (18 credits)

ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ECON 200 Principles of Economics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)


S C H O O L O F C O M M U N I CAT I O N & C R E AT I V E A R T S ( S C CA )
Location: S-Block, Room S-7
Oakes Field Campus
Telephone: 302-4484
Dean: Dr. Marjorie BrooksJones
Chair: Mr. Haldane Chase

Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Media Journalism


Associate of Arts Degrees



Advanced Prociency Certicates


Intermediate Prociency Certicates


Bachelor of Arts Degree in Media Journalism (120 credits)
This programme provides a focused view of journalism policy and
practice in the national and international arena. Students examine
and develop essential practical skills and develop an understanding of the cultural, political and economic signicance of the
press and its associated industries through critical reection on
professional practice. Students are exposed to a variety of media
platforms print, broadcast, photography and online; graduates
are equipped to enter the workplace and have the potential to
develop a range of generalist and specialist areas in the industry.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (65 credits)
JRN 100 Audio Production (3 credits)
JRN 110 News Reporting (3 credits)
JRN 120 Photojournalism (3 credits)
COM 150 Introduction to Mass Communication (3 credits)
JRN 200 Digital Video (3 credits)
JRN 210 Public Journalism (3 credits)
JRN 213 Copy Editing (3 credits)
JRN 220 Broadcast Writing and Delivery (3 credits)
JRN 300 Radio Production (3 credits)
JRN 310 Literary Journalism (3 credits)
JRN 313 Layout and Design1 (3 credits)
JRN 330 History of Journalism in The Bahamas (3 credits)
JRN 340 Media Law and Ethics (3 credits)
JRN 398 Introduction to Research (3 credits)
JRN 400 Radio Project (3 credits)
JRN 411 Media Internship (5 credits)
JRN 420 Video Production Project (3 credits)
JRN 430 Journalism, Society and Democracy (3 credits)
JRN 440 Bahamian Politics and the Press (3 credits)
JRN 498 Thesis I (3 credits)
JRN 499 Thesis II (3 credits)
The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


Bachelor of Arts Degree in Spanish (121 credits)

Minor in Music (24 credits)

In this programme, students gain a well-rounded education in the

Spanish language, culture and literature. The programme prepares
them to pursue graduate study and to work and communicate
eectively with people from diverse Hispanic cultural backgrounds. It also qualies them for employment in areas such as
international banking, the service and tourist industries, the public
service and education. During the third year of the programme,
students will be encouraged to spend a semester abroad in a
Spanish-speaking country.

This minor is designed for students who wish to improve their

musical skills and develop their artistic talents. It balances a
core curriculum of theory and music skills with applied music
instruction on a particular instrument while oering exibility in
the upper level courses. Hence this programme delivers the skills
foundation while providing students with the option for advanced
courses depending on their specic areas of interest.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (66 credits)
SPA 104 Introductory Spanish II (3 credits) or SPA 106 Introductory
Spanish II Study Abroad (3 credits)
SPA 200 Intermediate Spanish Grammar (3 credits)
SPA 203 Intermediate Spanish I (3 credits)
SPA 204 Intermediate Spanish II (3 credits)
SPA 207 Intermediate Listening and Speaking (3 credits)
SPA 208 Intermediate Reading and Writing (3 credits)
SPA 209 Topics in Spanish Language Studies (3 credits)
SPA 258 Introduction to Spanish Literary Texts (3 credits)
SPA 301 Advanced Spanish Listening and Speaking (3 credits)
SPA 302 Spanish Linguistics I (3 credits)
SPA 303 Spanish Linguistics II (3 credits)
SPA 310 Latin American Cultures (3 credits)
SPA 320 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition (3 credits)
SPA 330 Spanish Peninsular Culture (3 credits)
PSY 358 Spanish Peninsular Literature: Golden Age (3 credits) or
SPA 359 Contemporary Spanish Literature (1898-Present)
(3 credits)
SPA 401 Latin American Short Story (3 credits)
SPA 402 Latin American Womens Narrative (3 credits)
SPA 420 Spanish Texts Translation (3 credits)
SPA 458 Contemporary Latin American Literature (3 credits)
SPA 470 Advanced Spanish Communication (3 credits)
SPA 498 Senior Thesis I (3 credits)
SPA 499 Senior Thesis II (3 credits)

Minor in French (24 credits)

A minor in French provides students with the skills and prociencies necessary to communicate in a language other than their
own. This enhances their local and international opportunities and
makes them more marketable in our globalizing society.
FRE 103 Introductory French I (3 credits)
FRE 104 Introductory French II (3 credits)
FRE 200 Intermediate French Grammar (3 credits)
FRE 203 Intermediate French I (3 credits)
FRE 204 Intermediate French II (3 credits)
FRE 301 Advanced French Listening and Speaking (3 credits)
FRE 310 Francophone Cultures (3 credits)
FRE 420 French Texts Translation (3 credits) or FRE 458 Twentieth
Century French Literature (3 credits)


MUIC 100 Concert Choir I (1 credit) or MUIB100 Concert Band I

(1 credit)
MUIC 101 Concert Choir II (1 credit) or MUIB101 Concert Band II
(1 credit)
MUIN 153 Instrumental Studies I (1 credit) or MUIP153 Piano
Studies I (1 credit) or MUIV 153 Voice Studies I (1 credit)
MUIN 154 Instrumental Studies II (1 credit) or MUIP154 Piano
Studies II (1 credit) or MUIV 154 Voice Studies II (1 credit)
MUIN 253 Instrumental Studies III (1 credit) or MUIP253 Piano
Studies III (1 credit) or MUIV 253 Voice Studies III (1 credit)
MUIN 254 Instrumental Studies IV (1 credit) or MUIP254 Piano
Studies IV (1 credit) or MUIV 254 Voice Studies IV (1 credit)
MUS 133 Theory I (2 credits)
MUS 134 Theory II (2 credits)
MUS 143 Sight Singing and Ear Training I (1 credit)
MUS 144 Sight Singing and Ear Training II (1 credit)
MUS 201 Survey of World Music (3 credits)
MUS 300 Music in Bahamian Culture (3 credits) or MUS 302 Music
Technology (3 credits)

Students select TWO of the following:

MUS 301 Conducting and Choral Skills (3 credits) MUS 400 Band
Leadership (3 credits) MUS 404 Music of the 20th Century:
An Analytical Perspective (3 credits)

Minor in Spanish (24 credits)

A minor in Spanish provides students with the skills and prociencies necessary to communicate in a language other than their
own. This enhances their local and international opportunities and
makes them more marketable in our globalizing society.
SPA 103 Introductory Spanish I (3 credits)
SPA 104 Introductory Spanish II (3 credits)
SPA 200 Intermediate Spanish Grammar (3 credits)
SPA 203 Intermediate Spanish I (3 credits)
SPA 204 Intermediate Spanish II (3 credits)
SPA 301 Advanced Spanish Listening and Speaking (3 credits)
SPA 310 Latin American Cultures (3 credits)
SPA 420 Spanish Texts Translation (3 credits)

Associate of Arts Degree in Art (66 credits)

This programme develops the creative and artistic talents of art
majors. Students learn diverse methods, gain skills and competencies and acquire a foundation for understanding visual forms of
expression. They also come to understand art as an act of creative
self-discovery and expression as they develop their creativity and

experiment with various techniques and styles. The Pro Gallery,

upstairs the S-Block, provides an attractive space for student
exhibitions as well as for a wide range of art produced by nationally prominent artists.

General Education Requirements (28 credits)

Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (29 credits)
ART 100 Drawing I (3 credits)
ART 101 Drawing II (3 credits)
ART 102 2D Methods and Concepts I (2 credits)
ART 103 2D Methods and Concepts II (2 credits)
ART 104 3D Methods and Concepts I (2 credits)
ART 105 3D Methods and Concepts II (2 credits)
ART 106 Survey of Arts I: Pre-historic to Renaissance (3 credits)
ART 200 Painting I (3 credits)
ART 201 Painting II (3 credits)
ART 210 Ceramics/Sculpture I (3 credits)
ART 211 Ceramics/Sculpture II (3 credits)

Associate of Arts Degree in French (61 credits)

In this programme students acquire prociency in French, developing uency and writing skills, along with grammatical accuracy
and cultural knowledge. It equips students with the skills needed
to perform eciently in a number of key areas in the workplace
and is relevant for careers in tourism, business, foreign aairs,
immigration and related areas.

General Education Requirements (28 credits)

Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (24 credits)
FRE 104 Introductory French II (3 credits)
FRE 200 Intermediate French Grammar (3 credits)
FRE 203 Intermediate French I (3 credits)
FRE 204 Intermediate French II (3 credits)
FRE 207 Intermediate Speaking and Listening (3 credits)
FRE 208 Intermediate Reading and Writing (3 credits)
FRE 258 Introductory to French Literary Texts (3 credits)
FRE 260 Introduction to French Culture and Civilization (3 credits)

Associate of Arts Degree in Music (66 credits)

This programme provides quality instruction to Music majors
regardless of their ability. Major area courses focus on theory and
help students develop their musical talents. To further develop
their performance skills, students are required to join the COB
Concert Choir, which travels to the United States to attend
workshops and clinics, as well as the COB Concert Band which
performs regularly at College and community functions. Students
wishing to enter this programme must audition to determine their
level of prociency.

MUIB 101 Concert Band II (1 credit)

MUIB 200 Concert Band III (1 credit)
MUIB 201 Concert Band IV (1 credit)
MUIC 100 Concert Choir I (1 credit)
MUIC 101 Concert Choir II (1 credit)
MUIC 200 Concert Choir III (1 credit)
MUIC 201 Concert Choir IV (1 credit)
MUIN 153 Instrumental Studies I (1 credit) or MUIV 153 Voice
Studies I (1 credit)
MUIP 153 Piano Studies I (1 credit)
MUIN 154 Instrumental Studies II (1 credit) or MUIV 154 Voice
Studies II (1 credit)
MUIP 154 Piano Studies II (1 credit)
MUIN 253 Instrumental Studies III (1 credit) or MUIV 253 Voice
Studies III (1 credit) or MUIP 253 Piano Studies III (1 credit)
MUIN 254 Instrumental Studies IV (1 credit) or MUIV 254 Voice
Studies IV (1 credit) or MUIP 254 Piano Studies IV (1 credit)
MUIN 255 Small Ensemble (1 credit)
MUS 112 Music History I: The Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
Periods (2 credits)
MUS 113 Music History II: Classical Period Through the Late
Nineteenth Century (2 credits)
MUS 133 Theory I (2 credits)
MUS 134 Theory II (2 credits)
MUS 143 Sight Singing and Ear Training I (1 credit)
MUS 144 Sight Singing and Ear Training II (1 credit)
MUS 233 Theory III (2 credits)
MUS 234 Theory IV (2 credits)

Prociency Certicate in French: Advanced Level

(12 credits)
FRE 301 Advanced French Listening and Speaking (3 credits)
FRE 310 Francophone Cultures (3 credits)
FRE 420 French Texts Translation (3 credits)
FRE 458 Twentieth Century French Literature (3 credits)

Prociency Certicate in Spanish: Advanced Level

(12 credits)
SPA 301 Advanced Spanish Listening and Speaking (3 credits)
SPA 310 Latin American Cultures (3 credits)
SPA 420 Spanish Texts Translation (3 credits)
SPA 458 Twentieth Century Latin American Literature (3 credits)

Prociency Certicate in French: Intermediate Level

(18 credits)
FRE 103 Introductory French I (3 credits)
FRE 104 Introductory French II (3 credits)
FRE 200 Intermediate French Grammar (3 credits)
FRE 203 Intermediate French I (3 credits)
FRE 204 Intermediate French II (3 credits)
FRE 252 French for Business (3 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)

Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (29 credits)

Prociency Certicate in Spanish: Intermediate Level

(18 credits)

MUIB 100 Concert Band I (1 credit)

SPA 103 Introductory Spanish I (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


SPA 104 Introductory Spanish II (3 credits)

SPA 200 Intermediate Spanish Grammar (3 credits)
SPA 203 Intermediate Spanish I (3 credits)
SPA 204 Intermediate Spanish II (3 credits)
SPA 242 Spanish for Business (3 credits)

Certicate in Art (14 credits)

ART 100 Drawing I (3 credits)
ART 101 Drawing II (3 credits)
ART 102 2D Methods and Concepts I (3 credits)
ART 103 2D Methods and Concepts II (3 credits)
ART 104 3D Methods and Concepts I (3 credits)
ART 105 3D Methods and Concepts II (3 credits)

Certicate in Music (14 credits)

MUIB 100 Concert Band I (0 credit) or MUIC 100 Concert Choir I
(0 credit)
MUIB 101 Concert Band II (0 credit) or MUIC 101 Concert Choir II
(0 credit)
MUIN 153 Instrumental Studies I (1 credit) or MUIV 153 Vocal
Studies I (1 credit)
MUIN 154 Instrumental Studies II (1 credit) or MUIV 154 Vocal
Studies II (1 credit)
MKEY 101 Keyboard Skills I (3 credits)
MKEY 121 Keyboard Skills II (3 credits)
MUS 133 Theory I (2 credits)
MUS 134 Theory II (2 credits)
MUS 143 Sight Singing and Ear Training I (1 credit)
MUS 144 Sight Singing and Ear Training II (1 credit)




Location: A-Block, Room A-97
Oakes Field Campus
Telephone: 302-4381
Dean: Dr. Marjorie BrooksJones
Chair: Dr. Helean McPhee

Bachelor of Arts Degree


Bahamian and Caribbean Literature
Film and Drama Studies

Bachelor of Arts Degree in English (121 credits)
The BA in English provides students with a rigorous approach to
the study of literary texts and fosters an appreciation of the sociopolitical functions of literature in society through an emphasis on
the acquisition of theoretical, analytical and critical skills. Students
examine issues of identity, gender, race, ethnicity, class and
nationality and their inter-relations and develop a critical awareness of themselves and others and of their community as a whole.
They learn to understand, appreciate and eectively respond to
diering world-views, process the varied perspectives that exist
in our rapidly changing world and acquire skills and attitudes
essential for life in a complex and interdependent world.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (66 credits)
Core Courses
ENG 108 The Oral Tradition in Bahamian Literature (3 credits)
ENG 121 Elementary English Structure (3 credits)
ENG 124 Introduction to Criticism (3 credits)
ENG 212 Shakespeare: Desire, Deception, Death (3 credits)
ENG 213 West Indian Literature (3 credits)
ENG 305 Survey of British Literature I: 450-1785 (3 credits)
ENG 311 Literary Theory (3 credits)
ENG 318 Special Topics in Literature (3 credits)
ENG 400 Studies in the Bahamian Culture (3 credits)
ENG 405 Studies in Bahamian English (3 credits)
ENG 498 Senior Thesis I (3 credits)
ENG 499 Senior Thesis II (3 credits)

Prescribed List A
Students select ONE of the following:
ENG 209 Popular Fiction (3 credits)
ENG 216 Introduction to Film Studies (3 credits)
ENG 217 Introduction to Poetry (3 credits)
The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


Prescribed List B
Students select TWO of the following:
ENG 208 Bahamian Literature (3 credits)
ENG 214 Literature for Children (3 credits)
ENG 215 Contemporary African Literature (3 credits)
ENG 229 Survey of African-American Literature: 1700s-1930s
(3 credits)

Prescribed List C
Students select TWO of the following:
ENG 303 American Literature I: 1620-1865 (3 credits)
ENG 304 American Literature II: 1865-Present (3 credits)
ENG 306 British Literature II: 1785-Present (3 credits)
ENG 313 Issues in West Indian Discourse (3 credits)
ENG 326 Evolution of the African-American Novel (3 credits)

Prescribed List D
Students select TWO of the following:
ENG 309 The Short Story (3 credits)
ENG 312 Studies in Modern Drama (3 credits)
ENG 314 Historical Development of Childrens Literature (3 credits)
ENG 351 Genre Studies: The Novel (3 credits)

Prescribed List E
Students select ONE of the following:
ENG 416 Shakespeare: Tragedies and Histories (3 credits)
ENG 417 Shakespearean Comedy (3 credits)

Prescribed List F
Students select TWO of the following:
ENG 410 Caribbean Women Writers (3 credits)
ENG 412 The Western Tradition: Major Works in Translation
(3 credits)
ENG 413 Contemporary World Literature (Non-Western) (3 credits)
ENG 415 Post-colonial Literature (3 credits)

Minor in Bahamian and Caribbean Literature (21 credits)

This programme exposes students to the commonalities of
Bahamian and Caribbean literature and culture. It recognizes
dierences while simultaneously fostering in students a critical
awareness of themselves and others and their interconnections.
It improves students understanding and appreciation of local
and regional literature and Bahamian and Caribbean identity and
ENG 108 The Oral Tradition in Bahamian Literature (3 credits)
ENG 124 Introduction to Criticism (3 credits)
ENG 208 Bahamian Literature (3 credits)
ENG 213 West Indian Literature: Decolonisation, Regeneration,
Creolisation (3 credits)
ENG 313 Issues in West Indian Discourse (3 credits)
ENG 400 Studies in the Bahamian Culture (3 credits)
ENG 410 Caribbean Women Writers (3 credits) or ENG 415
Postcolonial Literature (3 credits)


Minor in Film and Drama Studies (21 credits)

This minor improves students understanding and appreciation of
lm and theatre and enhances their knowledge of the elements of
these genres and the methods available for creatively addressing
social issues, concerns and critique. It provides them with a greater
understanding of these elds and could allow them greater access
in these industries.
ENG 216 Introduction to Film Studies (3 credits)
ENG 124 Introduction to Criticism (3 credits)
ENG 201 Introduction to Theatre (3 credits)
ENG 212 Shakespeare: Desire, Deception, Death (3 credits)
ENG 312 Studies in Modern Drama (3 credits)
ENG 330 History of Film (3 credits)
ENG 419 Race and Film: The African American Image (3 credits)


S C H O O L O F C H E M I S T RY, E N V I R O N M E N TA L & L I F E S C I E N C E S ( S C E L S )
Location: G-Block, Room G-1
Oakes Field Campus
Telephone: 302-4381
Dean: Dr. Brendamae Cleare
Chair: Mr. Lionel Johnson

Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Small Island Sustainability: Ecotourism and Sustainable
Small Island Sustainability: Policy Studies

Bachelor of Science Degrees

Biology (Minor in Chemistry)
Small Island Sustainability: Environmental and Ecosystems

Associate of Science Degrees


Bachelor of Arts in Small Island Sustainability:
Ecotourism and Sustainable Development (127 credits)
This programme equips students with the skills to develop and
administer small island sustainable strategies in the private and
public spheres. Students acquire the condence and capacity to
nd ways to reverse unsustainable practices and processes that
contribute to the degradation of the local and global environment
and approach, in critical and innovative ways, the sustainable use
of resources.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (72 credits)
SIS 101 Small Island Sustainability Seminar I (1 credit)
SIS 110 History and Philosophy of Sustainable Living (3 credits)
SIS 130 Conservation Studies (3 credits)
SIS 200 Small Island Economies and Sustainability (3 credits)
SIS 201 Small Island Sustainability Seminar II (1 credit)
SIS 202 Local and Global Issues in Sustainability (3 credits)
SIS 225 Comparative Small Island Geography and Issues of
Sustainability (3 credits)
SIS 301 Small Island Sustainability Seminar III (2 credits)
ECOT 200 Foundations of Ecotourism (3 credits)
ECOT 333 Sustainable Site Facility and Design (3 credits)
MGMT 403 Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
SIS 398 Research Methods for Sustainable Living (3 credits)
SIS 400 Valuation of Natural Resources of Ecosystems (3 credits)
SIS 401 Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (4 credits)
SIS 450 SIS: Internship (6 credits)
SIS 499 SIS: Thesis/Capstone Project (4 credits)

Cognate Courses
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 200 Cultural and Heritage Tourism (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


TOUR 205 Tourism Marketing (3 credits)

ECOT 218 Current Trends and Best Practices in Ecotourism
(3 credits)
TOUR 305 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing (3 credits)
TOUR 418 Contemporary Tourism Management (3 credits)
TOUR 429 Global Tourism Policy Analysis (3 credits)
TOUR 434 Sustainable Tourism Management (3 credits)

Bachelor of Arts in Small Island Sustainability:

Policy Studies (124 credits)
This programme equips students with the skills to develop and
administer small island sustainable strategies in the private and
public spheres. The Policy Studies cognate area informs and
addresses the pressing need to understand linkages between the
human-relations context in which public policy operates in small
island settings, the existing public policy framework and resulting
pressures placed on the natural environment and its resources.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (69 credits)
SIS 101 Small Island Sustainability Seminar I (1 credit)
SIS 110 History and Philosophy of Sustainable Living (3 credits)
SIS 130 Conservation Studies (3 credits)
SIS 200 Small Island Economies and Sustainability (3 credits)
SIS 201 Small Island Sustainability Seminar II (1 credit)
SIS 202 Local and Global Issues in Sustainability (3 credits)
SIS 225 Comparative Small Island Geography and Issues of
Sustainability (3 credits)
ECOT 200 Foundations of Ecotourism (3 credits)
ECOT 333 Sustainable Site Facility and Design (3 credits)
MGMT 403 Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
SIS 301 Small Island Sustainability Seminar III (2 credits)
SIS 398 Research Methods for Sustainable Living (3 credits)
SIS 400 Valuation of Natural Resources of Ecosystems (3 credits)
SIS 401 Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (4 credits)
SIS 450 SIS: Internship (6 credits)
SIS 499 SIS: Thesis/Capstone Project (4 credits)

Cognate Courses
LAP 200 Issues in Law, Policy and Sustainable Living (3 credits)
LAP 201 Policy, Governance and Small Island Sustainability (3
LAP 202 Power-Knowledge, Authority and Sustainable Island
Practices (3 credits)
LAP 300 Small Island Living and Environmental Public Policy I (3
LAP 301 Sustainable Community Development Project I (3 credits)
LAP 302 Small Island Living and Environmental Public Policy II (3
LAP 303 Sustainable Community Development Project II (3 credits)

Bachelor of Science in Biology (Minor in Chemistry)

(128 credits)
General Education Requirements (38 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (72 credits)
BIOL 100 Principles of Biology I (3 credits)
BILB 100 Principles of Biology Laboratory I (1 credit)
BIOL 200 Animal Biology (3 credits)
BILB 200 Animal Biology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 201 Plant Biology (3 credits)
BILB 201 Plant Biology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 305 Research Methods (3 credits)
BIOL 310 Animal Physiology (3 credits)
BILB 310 Animal Physiology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 365 Plant Physiology (3 credits)
BILB 365 Plant Physiology Laboratory (2 credits)
BIOL 480 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
BIOL 490 Biology Seminar (1 credit)
CHEM 135 College Chemistry I (4 credits)
CHLB 135 College Chemistry I Laboratory (0 credit)
CHEM 225 College Chemistry II (4 credits)
CHEM 230 Organic Chemistry I (4 credits)
CHEM 330 Organic Chemistry II (3 credits)
CHLB 330 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory (2 credits)
CHEM 336 Principles of Biochemistry I (4 credits)
MATH 168 Precalculus II - Trigonometry (3 credits)
MATH 170 Calculus (4 credits)

Students select ONE of the following:

BIOL 216 General Ecology (4 credits)
BIOL 220 Genetics (4 credits) and BILB 220 Principles of Genetics
Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 223 Microbiology (4 credits)
ENSC 201 Environmental Science (3 credits) and ENSL 201
Environmental Science Laboratory (1 credit)

Students select 6 credits from the following:

BIOL 345 Animal Behaviour (3 credits) and BILB 345 Animal
Behaviour Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 350 Invertebrate Zoology (3 credits) and BILB 350
Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory (2 credits)
BIOL 380 Vertebrate Zoology (3 credits) and BILB 380 Vertebrate
Zoology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 390 Field Biology I (3 credits) or BIOL 391 Field Studies II (6
credits) or BIOL 392 Field Biology III (9 credits)
BIOL 445 General Entomology (3 credits) and BILB 445 General
Entomology Laboratory (2 credits)
BIOL 455 General Parasitology (3 credits) and BILB 455 General
Parasitology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 475 Bioethics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Science in Small Island Sustainability: Environmental and Ecosystems Management (126 credits)
This programme equips students with the skills to develop and
administer small island sustainable strategies in the private and


public spheres. Students acquire the condence and capacity to

nd ways to reverse unsustainable practices and processes that
contribute to the degradation of the local and global environment
and approach, in critical and innovative ways, the sustainable use
of resources.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (71 credits)
SIS 101 Small Island Sustainability Seminar I (1 credit)
SIS 110 History and Philosophy of Sustainable Living (3 credits)
SIS 130 Conservation Studies (3 credits)
SIS 200 Small Island Economies and Sustainability (3 credits)
SIS 201 Small Island Sustainability Seminar II (1 credit)
SIS 202 Local and Global Issues in Sustainability (3 credits)
SIS 225 Comparative Small Island Geography and Issues of
Sustainability (3 credits)
ECOT 200 Foundations of Ecotourism (3 credits)
ECOT 333 Sustainable Site Facility and Design (3 credits)
MGMT 403 Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
SIS 301 Small Island Sustainability Seminar III (2 credits)
SIS 398 Research Methods for Sustainable Living (3 credits)
SIS 400 Valuation of Natural Resources of Ecosystems (3 credits)
SIS 401 Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (4 credits)
SIS 450 SIS: Internship (6 credits)
SIS 499 SIS: Thesis/Capstone Project (4 credits)

Associate of Science in Agriculture (68 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (31 credits)
AGRI 101 Agricultural Geography (3 credits)
AGRI 126 Soil Science I (4 credits)
AGRI 127 Livestock Science (4 credits)
AGRI 228 Crop Protection (4 credits)
AGRI 229 Agricultural Economics (3 credits)
AGRI 237 Agricultural Botany (4 credits)
BIOL 100 Principles of Biology (3 credits)
BILB 100 Principles of Biology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 220 Principles of Genetics (4 credits)
BILB 220 Principles of Genetics Laboratory (1 credit)

Associate of Science in Chemistry (64 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (27 credits)
CHEM 135 College Chemistry I (4 credits)
CHLB 135 College Chemistry I Laboratory (0 credit)
CHEM 225 College Chemistry II (4 credits)
CHEM 230 Organic Chemistry (4 credits)
CHEM 235 Inorganic Chemistry (4 credits)
CHEM 240 Physical Chemistry (4 credits)
MATH 168 Precalculus II-Trigonometry (3 credits)
MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4 credits)

Cognate Courses
AGRI 220 Sustainable Soil Management (3 credits)
AGRL 220 Sustainable Soil Management Laboratory (1 credit)
AGRI 227 Sustainable Livestock Management (3 credits)
AGRL 227 Sustainable Livestock Management Laboratory (1 credit)
AGRI 330 Sustainable Plant Propagation (3 credits)
AGRL 330 Sustainable Plant Propagation Laboratory (1 credit)
AGRI 337 Sustainable Crop Production (3 credits)
AGRL 337 Sustainable Crop Production Laboratory (1 credit)
AGRI 338 Sustainable Crop Protection (3 credits)
AGRL 338 Sustainable Crop Protection Laboratory (1 credit)
AGRI 429 Agricultural Economics and Farm Management (3 credits)

Associate of Science in Agribusiness (66 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (29 credits)

Associate of Science in Geography (61 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (24 credits)
GEOG 100 Introduction to the Geography of The Bahamas
(3 credits)
GEOG 113 Human and Cultural Geography (3 credits)
GEOG 114 Climatology and Biogeography (3 credits)
GEOG 220 Economic Geography (3 credits)
GEOG 222 Landscapes and Soils (3 credits)
GEOG 223 Geography of Developing Countries (3 credits)

Students select TWO of the following:

GEOG 205 Geography of the West Indies (3 credits)
GEOG 206 Geography of Western Europe (3 credits)
GEOG 207 Geography of North America (3 credits)

ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)

ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
AGRI 101 Agricultural Geography (3 credits)
AGRI 127 Livestock Science (4 credits)
AGRI 228 Crop Protection (4 credits)
AGRI 229 Agricultural Economics (3 credits)
AGRI 237 Agricultural Botany (4 credits) or MGMT 203 Business
Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue



S C H O O L O F M AT H E M AT I C S , P H Y S I C S & T E C H N O L O G Y ( S M P T )
Location: T-Block, Room T-6
Oakes Field Campus
Telephone: 302-4406
Dean: Dr. Brendamae Cleare
Chair: Dr. Carlton Watson

Bachelor of Science Degrees

Engineering Technology: Electrical Engineering Technology
Physics with Mathematics

Associate of Science Degrees

Civil Engineering Technology
Engineering Physics
Mechanical Engineering Technology

Single Phase Electrical
Three Phase Electrical


Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology: Electrical
Engineering Technology (135 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (80 credits)
ELET 110 Electrical Circuits I (3 credits)
ELET 111 Circuits Laboratory I (2 credits)
ELET 120 Electrical Circuits II (3 credits)
ELET 211 Circuits Laboratory II (2 credits)
ELET 230 Digital and Integrated Circuits (3 credits)
ELET 231 Electronic Devices (4 credits)
ELET 235 Electronic Circuit Design (3 credits)
ELET 243 Electronic Communication I (3 credits)
ELET 300 Computer Aided Design (2 credits)
ELET 301 Electrical Devices I (3 credits)
ELET 302 Microprocessor Technologies (3 credits)
ELET 320 Advanced Linear Circuits (4 credits)
ELET 330 Electrical Installation (4 credits)
ELET 340 Technical C++ Programming (3 credits)
ELET 350 Electrical Devices II (3 credits)
ELET 400 Electronic Communications II (3 credits)
ELET 410 Linear Electronics (4 credits)
ELET 420 Automatic Control Theory (3 credits)
ELET 430 Power Electronics (3 credits)
ELET 440 Senior Design Project (3 credits)
ELET 450 Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines (3 credits)
ELET 460 Digital Signal Processing (3 credits)
MATH 168 Precalculus: Trigonometry (3 credits)
MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4 credits)
MATH 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4 credits)
TECH 400 Engineering Economics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (126 credits)

General Education Requirements (36 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (72 credits)
MATH 159 Introduction to Probability and Statistics I (3 credits)
MATH 168 Precalculus II - Trigonometry (3 credits)
MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4 credits)
MATH 210 Computer Programme Concepts (3 credits)
MATH 251 Linear Algebra (3 credits)
MATH 259 Statistical Inference with Application (3 credits)
MATH 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4 credits)
MATH 274 Dierential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 280 Multivariable Calculus (3 credits)
MATH 300 Introduction to Abstract Math (3 credits)
MATH 320 Numerical Methods (3 credits)
MATH 340 Geometry (3 credits)
MATH 350 Introduction to Number Theory (3 credits) or MATH 430
Introduction to Topology (3 credits) or MATH 411 Real Analysis II
(3 credits)
MATH 360 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics I
(3 credits)
MATH 370 Abstract Algebra I (3 credits)
MATH 380 Advanced Calculus (4 credits)
MATH 390 Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics (3 credits)
MATH 400 History and Development of Mathematics (3 credits)
MATH 410 Real Analysis I (3 credits)
MATH 420 Theory of Complex Variables (3 credits)
MATH 450 Advanced Dierential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 470 Abstract Algebra II (3 credits)

Bachelor of Science in Physics with Mathematics

(136 credits)
General Education Requirements (33 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (85 credits)
MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4 credits)
MATH 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4 credits)
MATH 274 Dierential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 280 Multivariable Calculus (3 credits)
MATH 300 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (3 credits)
MATH 320 Numerical Methods (3 credits)
MATH 370 Abstract Algebra I (3 credits)
MATH 380 Advanced Calculus (3 credits)
MATH 450 Advanced Dierential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 470 Abstract Algebra II (3 credits)
PHYS 176 College Physics I (4 credits)
PHYS 186 College Physics II (4 credits)
PHYS 276 College Physics III (4 credits)
PHYS 286 College Physics IV (4 credits)
PHYS 375 Medical Physics (4 credits) or PHYS 378 Energy Physics
(4 credits)
PHYS 376 Thermodynamics (4 credits)
PHYS 377 Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Relativity (4 credits)
PHYS 387 Electricity and Magnetism (4 credits)
PHYS 388 Electromagnetic Theory (4 credits)

Students select TWO courses from the following:

PHYS 476 Quantum Mechanics Particle Physics (4 credits)
PHYS 477 Atmospheric Physics (4 credits)
PHYS 478 Fluid Dynamics and Environmental Physics (4 credits)
PHYS 486 Solid State Physics (4 credits)

Associate of Science in Architecture (65 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (28 credits)
ARCH 110 Architectural Graphics I (3 credits)
ARCH 120 Architectural Graphics II (3 credits)
ARCH 210 History of Architecture I (3 credits)
ARCH 211 Architecture Studio I (5 credits)
ARCH 221 Architecture Studio II (5 credits)
ARCH 222 Introduction to Planning (3 credits)
CET 213 Construction Materials (3 credits)
CET 224 Construction Methods and Equipment (3 credits)

Associate of Science in Civil Engineering Technology

(79 credits)
General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (42 credits)
TCDP 125 Technical Computer Data Processing (3 credits)
TECH 122 Engineering Drawing Fundamentals (3 credits)
TECH 123 Statics (3 credits)
PHYS 164 General Physics I (4 credits)
PHYS 165 General Physics II (4 credits)
CET 213 Construction Materials (3 credits)
CET 214 Strength of Materials (3 credits)
CET 215 Determinate Structural Analysis (3 credits)
CET 221 Construction Surveying (4 credits)

Students select 12 credits from the following:

CET 222 Elementary Timber and Steel (3 credits)
CET 223 Elementary Reinforced Concrete Design (3 credits)
CET 224 Construction Methods and Equipment (3 credits)
CET 225 Construction Project Management (3 credits)
CET 226 Construction Cost Estimate (3 credits)
CET 227 Construction Contracts and Specication (3 credits)

Associate of Science in Engineering (75 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Prescribed Electives (10 credits)
CHEM 135 College Chemistry I (4 credits)
MATH 274 Dierential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 280 Multivariable Calculus (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (37 credits)

PHYS 176 College Physics I (3 credits)
PHYL 176 College Physics I Laboratory (1 credit)
PHYS 270 College Physics II (3 credits)
PHYL 270 College Physics II Laboratory (1 credit)
MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MATH 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4 credits)

ENGR 111 Engineering Graphics (3 credits)
ENGR231 Engineering Statics (3 credits)
ENGR 232 Introduction to Linear Electrical Circuits (3 credits) or
ENGR 233 Engineering Network Analysis I (3 credits)
ENGR 241 Engineering Dynamics (3 credits)
CDP 220 Fortran for Engineers and Scientists (3 credits) or ELET 340
Technical C++ Programming (3 credits)
ENGR 242 Mechanics of Materials (3 credits) or ENGR 243
Engineering Network Analysis II (3 credits)

Associate of Science in Engineering Physics (65 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (28 credits)
PHYS 176 College Physics I (3 credits)
PHYL 176 College Physics I Laboratory (1 credit)
PHYS 270 College Physics II (3 credits)
PHYL 270 College Physics II Laboratory (1 credit)
MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4 credits)
MATH 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4 credits)

Students select 12 credits from the following:

CDP 220 Fortran for Engineers and Scientists (3 credits)
ENGR 231 Engineering Statics (3 credits)
ENGR 233 Engineering Network Analysis I (3 credits)
ENGR 241 Engineering Dynamics (3 credits)
ENGR 243 Engineering Network Analysis II (3 credits)
PHYS 276 College Physics III (3 credits)
PHYS 277 College Physics IV (3 credits)
MATH 274 Dierential Equations (3 credits)

Associate of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology

(65 credits)
General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (28 credits)
TCDP 125 Technology Data Processing (3 credits)
TECH 122 Engineering Drawing Fundamentals (3 credits)
TECH 123 Statics (3 credits)
TECH 210 Dynamics (3 credits)
MATH 168 Trigonometry (3 credits)
MET 213 Materials Science (3 credits)
MET 224 Thermodynamics (3 credits)
MET 234 Mechanical Fabrication Technology (3 credits)
PHYS 165 General Physics II (4 credits)

Associate of Science in Pre-Engineering (72 credits)

General Education Requirements (29 credits)
Electives (14 credits)
Major Area Courses (29 credits)
CDP 220 Fortran for Engineers and Scientists (3 credits)
ENGR 011 Introduction to Profession (0 credit)
ENGR 111 Engineering Graphics (3 credits)
MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4 credits)


MATH 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4 credits)

MATH 274 Dierential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 280 Multivariable Calculus (3 credits)
ENGR 231 Engineering Statics (3 credits)
ENGR 232 Introduction to Linear Electrical Circuits (3 credits) or
ENGR 233 Engineering Network Analysis I (3 credits)
ENGR 241 Engineering Dynamics (3 credits)

Certicate in Pre-Technology (1 credit)

COUN 100 First Year Seminar (1 credit)
CHEM 071 College Preparatory Chemistry (0 credit)
ENG 016 Intermediate English I (0 credit)
ENG 017 Intermediate English II (0 credit)
MATH 047 College Preparatory Math II (0 credit)
MATH 048 College Preparatory Math III (0 credit)
TECH 019 Pre-Technology Seminar (0 credit)
TECH 025 Engineering Science I (0 credit)
TECH 028 Technical Drawing (0 credit)
TECH 035 Engineering Science II (0 credit)


S C H O O L O F N U R S I N G & A L L I E D H E A LT H P R O F E S S I O N S ( S N A H P )
Location: Room 207
Grosvenor Close Campus
Telephone: 325-5551
Dean: Dr. Brendamae Cleare
Chair: Mrs. Patricia MillerBrown

Bachelor of Science Degrees

Registered Nurse - Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programme (RN
Pharmacy (in conjunction with University of Technology, Jamaica)

Associate of Science Degree


Diplomas (oered on an as-needs basis for the Ministry of

Community Health Nursing
Critical Care Nursing
Environmental Health

Trained Clinical Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (RN BSN)
(77 credits)
This programme provides registered nurses with the opportunity
to attain a bachelor degree in Nursing and complete a nursing
programme which meets national, regional and international
standards. To be admitted into this programme, candidates must
be registered with the Nursing Council of the Commonwealth of
The Bahamas and hold a current First Aid and Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation Certicate. Candidates who graduated 10 years or
more prior to application will be required to pass six prociency

Bridge Requirements (16 credits)

ENG 119 College English Skills I (3 credits)
ENG 120 College English Skills II (3 credits)
MATH 140 Basic College Mathematics (3 credits)
MATH 163 Finite Mathematics (3 credits)
NURS 240 Epidemiology (1 credit)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)

General Education Requirements (9 credits)

ENG 300 Advanced Writing: Bahamian Culture and Society (3
Upper level Natural Science (3 credits)
Upper Level Social Science (3 credits)

Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (43 credits)
NURS 315 Professional Seminar (1 credit)
NURS 317 Health Assessment (2 credits)
NURS 319 Health Assessment Practicum (2 credits)
NURS 320 Teaching - Learning Process (3 credits)
NURS 324 Nursing Theories (3 credits)
NURS 402 Ethics and Issues in Nursing (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


NURS 404 Nursing Research (3 credits)

NURS 406 Management and Leadership in Nursing (3 credits)
NURS 407 Management and Leadership in Nursing Practicum
(1 credit)
NURS 409 Clinical Research Project (3 credits)
NURS 410 Advanced Nursing Practicum II (4 credits)
NURS 411 Complex Nursing Situations (3 credits)
NURS 412 Complex Nursing Situations Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 415 Professional Seminar II (2 credits)
NURS 416 Professional Seminar III - Rehabilitation Nursing (1 credit)
NURS 417 Health Care Systems (2 credits)
BIOL 475 Bioethics (3 credits)

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (136 credits)

General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (19 credits)
Major Area Courses (80 credits)
BIOL 131 Applied Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits)
BIOL 132 Applied Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
NURS 112 Basic Pharmacology and Lab (2 credits)
NURS 133 Principles of Nursing I (3 credits)
NURS 134 Principles of Nursing I Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 223 Principles of Nursing II (2 credits)
NURS 226 Principles of Nursing II Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 228 Adult Nursing I (5 credits)
NURS 229 Adult Nursing I Practicum (2 credits)
NURS 230 Maternal Child Health (2 credits)
NURS 231 Maternal Child Health Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 232 Child and Adolescent Health (2 credits)
NURS 233 Child and Adolescent Health Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 236 Clinical Internship I (2 credits)
NURS 304 Adult Nursing II (3 credits)
NURS 305 Adult Nursing II Practicum (2 credits)

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (76 credits)

Students complete 75 credits in New Providence then transfer to
the University of Technology in Jamaica to complete the remaining
credits for the programme.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (8 credits)
Major Area Courses (31 credits)
UCSP 101 Community Service Project (1 credit)
UCOM 102 Oral Communications (2 credits)
UPHA 102 Introduction to Pharmacy (2 credits)
UANP 201 Anatomy & Physiology II (4 credits)
UPHA 122 Pharmacognosy (3 credits)
UPHA 211 Pharmaceutics I (3 credits)
UHEA 212 Health Promotion/Community (2 credits)
UIMM 210 Immunology (2 credits)
UPHA 220 Pharmaceutics II (4 credits)
UPAT 220 Pathology (2 credits)
UPHA 221 Pharmacology I (3 credits)
UPHA 223 Professional Practice (3 credits)


Associate of Science in Nursing (80 credits)

This programme meets entry-level requirements for employment
in health care and related facilities. Students examine theories and
principles of nursing regarding maternal, child and adolescent
health, adult nursing, mental health, family and community
health and health management. Students participate in a series of

General Education Requirements (28 credits)

Electives (10 credits)
BIOL 131 Applied Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits)
BIOL 132 Applied Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits)
NURS 112 Basic Pharmacology and Lab (2 credits)

Major Area Courses (42 credits)

NURS 133 Principles of Nursing I (3 credits)
NURS 134 Principles of Nursing I Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 223 Principles of Nursing II (2 credits)
NURS 226 Principles of Nursing II Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 228 Adult Nursing I (5 credits)
NURS 229 Adult Nursing I Practicum (2 credits)
NURS 230 Maternal and Child Health Nursing (2 credits)
NURS 231 Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 232 Child and Adolescent Health Nursing (2 credits)
NURS 233 Child and Adolescent Health Nursing Practicum
(1 credit)
NURS 236 Clinical Internship I (2 credits)
NURS 243 Clinical Internship II Association Programme (2 credits)
NURS 304 Adult Nursing II (3 credits)
NURS 305 Adult Nursing II Practicum (2 credits)
NURS 306 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (3 credits)
NURS 307 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Practicum (1 credit)
NURS 313 Nursing and Health Management (2 credits)
NURS 314 Family and Community Health Nursing Practicum
(1 credit)
NURS 316 Family and Community Health Nursing (2 credits)
NURS 317 Health Assessment (2 credits)
NURS 323 Clinical Internship III (2 credits)
NURS 343 Clinical Internship IV (2 credits)

Diploma in Community Health Nursing (44 credits)

CHN 040 Community Health Nursing Seminar I (0 credit)
CHN 041 Community Health Nursing Seminar II (0 credit)
CHN 042 Community Health Nursing Seminar III (0 credit)
CHN 400 Fundamentals of Community Health Nursing and Health
Education (4 credits)
CHN 401 Applied Behavioural Science (2 credits)
CHN 402 Health Promotion, Protection and Maintenance I
(3 credits)
CHN 403 Epidemiology and Research (2 credits)
CHN 404 Family Health I (2 credits)
CHN 405 Community Health Nursing Practicum I (4 credits)
CHN 406 Environmental and Ecological Control (3 credits)
CHN 407 Disease Prevention and Control (2 credits)
CHN 408 Family Health II (3 credits)

CHN 409 Health Promotion, Protection and Maintenance II (2

CHN 410 Community Health Nursing Practicum II (4 credits)
CHN 411 Health Administration (3 credits)
CHN 412 Extended Clinical Practicum (10 credits)

Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (39 credits)

This programme meets the demands for advanced practice skills in
critical care and prepares nurses for the critical care environment.
Upon successful completion of this programme, graduates are able
to coordinate care in emergency rooms, trauma and critical care
facilities and provide highly specialised care in a safe and eective
CCN 300 Fundamentals of Critical Care (2 credits)
CCN 301 Pharmacology for Critical Care (3 credits)
CCN 302 Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credits)
CCN 303 ECG Interpretation and Management (2 credits)
CCN 304 Critical Care Nursing Management of Adults (4 credits)
CCN 305 Advanced Trauma Nursing (3 credits)
CCN 306 Critical Care Clinical Practicum I (4 credits)
CCN 307 Critical Care Nursing Management of Special Groups
(3 credits)
CCN 308 Critical Care Clinical Practicum II (2 credits)
CCN 309 Critical Care Seminar (2 credits)
CCN 400 Extended Critical Care Clinical Practicum (6 credits)
NURS 318 Health Assessment and Lab (3 credits)
NURS 319 Health Assessment Practicum (2 credits)

Diploma in Environmental Health (43 credits)

ENVR 300 Vector Control and Port Health (3 credits)
ENVR 301 Vector Control and Port Health Practicum (1 credit)
ENVR 302 Principles of Environmental Health (2 credits)
ENVR 303 Principles of Environmental Health Practicum (1 credit)
ENVR 304 Principles of Food Sanitation (3 credits)
ENVR 306 Waste Management Systems (4 credits)
ENVR 308 Institutional Health and Occupational Hygiene (3 credits)
ENVR 310 Water Technology and Water Quality (2 credits)
ENVR 311 Water Technology and Water Quality Practicum (1 credit)
ENVR 312 Meat Inspection (3 credits)
CHN 403 Epidemiology and Research (2 credits)
ENVR 314 Building Science and Technical Drawing (3 credits)
ENVR 402 Health Promotion (3 credits)
CHN 407 Disease Prevention and Control (2 credits)
ENVR 400 Environmental Administration and Legislation (3 credits)
ENVR 404 Internship (6 credits)
ENVR 406 Internship Seminar (1 credit)

Diploma in Midwifery (44 credits)

MID 030 Midwifery Tutorial I (0 credit)
MID 031 Midwifery Tutorial II (0 credit)
MID 032 Midwifery Tutorial III (0 credit)
MID 300 Fundamentals of Midwifery (4 credits)
MID 301 The Antepartum Period I (5 credits)
MID 302 The Antepartum Period II (2 credits)

MID 303 Midwifery Practicum I (4 credits)

MID 304 The Intrapartum Period (4 credits)
MID 305 The Newborn (4 credits)
MID 306 The Puerperium (3 credits)
MID 307 Midwifery Practicum II (2 credits)
MID 308 Midwifery Practicum III (2 credits)
MID 309 Abnormal Pregnancy (4 credits)
MID 310 Abnormal Labour and Delivery (3 credits)
MID 400 Extended Clinical Practicum (8 credits)

Certicate in Trained Clinical Nursing (45 credits)

This programme provides students with the knowledge and
skills necessary to assist registered nurses and other health care
professionals in the delivery of optimum patient care. Students are
introduced to the concepts and principles of health and nursing
care through the presentation of nursing theory, biological, social
and related sciences essential for attending to the basic health care
needs of clients.

General Education Requirements (7 credits)

Students should refer to the Contract of Study/Advisement Form
for details.

Major Area Courses (38 credits)

NURS 010 Nursing Tutorial I (0 credit)
TCN 010 Clinical Nursing Tutorial (0 credit)
TCN 100 Introduction to Foundations in Nursing and Laboratory
(4 credits)
TCN 101 Fundamentals of Clinical Nursing (3 credits)
TCN 102 Fundamentals of Clinical Nursing Practicum (3 credits)
TCN 103 Introduction to Maternal & Child Health Nursing
(3 credits)
TCN 104 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing I (3 credits)
TCN 105 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Practicum I
(3 credits)
TCN 106 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing II (3 credits)
TCN 107 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Practicum II
(2 credits)
TCN 108 Introduction to Psychiatric Nursing and Lab (4 credits)
TCN 109 Introduction to Community Health Nursing and Lab
(4 credits)
TCN 110 Trained Clinical Nurse Internship (6 credits)

Environmental Health Certicate (13 credits)

This programme is designed to provide graduates with the knowledge and technical skills necessary to carry out responsibilities in
agencies concerned with environmental quality. Usually, students
enrolled in this programme are employed with the Environmental
Health Department, Ministry of Health, Public Hospitals Authority
and public service areas concerned with environmental issues.

General Education Requirements (6 courses / 0 credit)

BIOL 071 College Preparatory Biology (0 credit)
CHEM 071 College Preparatory Chemistry (0 credit)
ENG 016 Intermediate English I (0 credit)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ENG 017 Intermediate English II (0 credit)

MATH 047 College Preparatory Mathematics II (0 credit)
MATH 048 College Preparatory Mathematics III (0 credit)

Major Area Courses (13 credits)

ENVR 100 Introduction to Environmental Health Practice (3 credits)
ENVR 101 Introduction to Environmental Health History and Law
(2 credits)
ENVR 102 Introduction to Vector Control (4 credits)
ENVR 103 Introduction to Principles of Meat Inspection (4 credits)



S C H O O L O F E D U CAT I O N ( S E D U )
Michael H. Eldon Complex
Room 307
Oakes Field Campus
Telephone: 397-2603
Dean: Dr. Brendamae Cleare
Chair: Dr. Beulah Farquharson

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication

Administrative Oce Management
Art: Mixed Media
Biology/General Science
Business Studies
Chemistry/General Science
Computer Studies Option A: Applications Programming
Computer Studies Option B: Network Systems
English Language and Literature
Family and Consumer Sciences Option A: General Studies
Family and Consumer Sciences Option B: Tourism and Hospitality
Music: Composition and Technology
Physics/General Science

Home Economics
Industrial Arts
Language Arts
Physical Education
Social Studies

Adult and Workforce Education and Training

Adult and Workforce Education and Training
Pre-School Auxiliary

Bachelor of Education K-12 Certication

Music: Composition and Technology
Physical Education

Bachelor of Education Primary Certication

Early Childhood
Special Education
Early Childhood Education K 3 Certication

Diploma in Secondary Education

Computer Information Systems

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Administrative Oce Management (131 credits)
In addition to preparing them to teach in the junior and senior
high school, students in this programme pursue a series of four
courses designed specically for information processing and
publishing. These courses provide the foundation for students to
successfully utilise various publishing software tools.

to educating others. Students are exposed to a broad range of

formal traditions in studio art as well as art history and criticism.
Art teacher certication course work completes the programme.
Students examine the foundations of education and its impact on
contemporary education, methods of teaching, instructional technology, working with diverse populations and the technological,
multicultural and interdisciplinary nature of art education.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Prescribed General Education Courses

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (17 credits)
Prescribed Electives

ART 207 Survey of Arts II: The Renaissance to Contemporary (3

EDU 211 Physical and Health Education (2 credits)

KYB 211 Information Processing (2 credits)

KYB 212 Machine Transcription (3 credits)
KYB 311 Desktop Publishing I (3 credits)
KYB 411 Desktop Publishing II (3 credits)

Electives (18 credits)

Prescribed Electives

Major Area Courses (77 credits)

ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
AOM 211 Oce Procedures (3 credits)
AOM 225 Records Management I (3 credits)
AOM 325 Records Management II (3 credits)
AOM 405 Oce Administration I (3 credits)
AOM 407 Oce Administration II (3 credits)
KYB 112 Intermediate Keyboarding (2 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
TRS 111 Transcription Skills (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 350 Business Studies in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 450 Business Studies in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication: Art Mixed

Media (131 credits)
This programme leads to a secondary certication in Art. Emphasis
is on students development as artists as well as their commitment


ART 100 Drawing I (3 credits)

ART 220 Commercial Art 1: Illustration or ART 230 Printmaking
(3 credits)
ART 305 Pottery: Wheel Throwing, Pottery and Glaze Techniques or
ART 360 Intermediate Drawing II (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (76 credits)

ART 101 Drawing II (3 credits)
ART 102 2D Methods and Concepts I (2 credits)
ART 103 2D Methods and Concepts II (2 credits)
ART 104 3D Methods and Concepts I (2 credits)
ART 105 3D Methods and Concept II (2 credits)
ART 106 Survey of Arts I: Pre-historic to Renaissance (3 credits)
ART 200 Painting I (3 credits)
ART 201 Painting II (3 credits)
ART 210 Ceramics (3 credits)
ART 300 Mixed Media (4 credits)
ART 400 Advanced Painting (4 credits) or ART 410 Advanced HandBuilding Techniques (4 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 370 Visual Arts in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 470 Visual Arts in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Biology /

General Science (136 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Business

Studies (133 credits)

This programme prepares science teachers for the junior and

senior high levels. To prepare them to teach at the junior high
level which focuses mainly on general science, students complete
foundation courses in all science disciplines as well as courses in
Biology that prepare them to teach this specialised discipline at
the senior high level. Teaching methodology specic to the junior
high school is emphasised.

The Accounting specialty strand of this programme prepares

teachers to provide instruction up to twelfth grade level and in
accelerated school-based programmes. Students are exposed to
accounting principles relating to the accounting cycle of a sole
trader involved in a service or merchandising enterprise, principles
of accounting for partnerships and corporations and related issues.
Students gain knowledge in management accounting, nancial
management and in the role of various systems and users.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (21 credits)
Prescribed Electives
BIOL 100 Principles of Biology I
BILB 100 Principles of Biology Laboratory (4 credits)
CHEM 135 College Chemistry I (4 credits)
PHYS 165 General Physics II (4 credits)

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 205 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
ACCA 210 Computerised Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 310 Management Accounting (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (78 credits)

GEOG 114 Climatology and Biogeography (3 credits)
BIOL 200 Animal Biology (3 credits)
BILB 200 Animal Biology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 201 Plant Biology (3 credits)
BILB 201 Plant Biology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 216 Ecology (3 credits)
BILB 216 Ecology Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 220 Principles of Genetics (3 credits)
BILB 220 Principles of Genetics Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 223 Microbiology (4 credits)
BIOL 325 Plant Taxonomy (3 credits)
BILB 325 Plant Taxonomy Laboratory (1 credit)
BIOL 475 Bioethics (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 361 Science in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 461 Science in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Major Area Courses (78 credits)

CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MKTG 200 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
BUSL 255 Business Law I (3 credits)
FIN 314 Financial Management (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 350 Business Studies in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 450 Business Studies in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Chemistry /

General Science (130 credits)
This programme prepares science teachers for the junior and
senior high levels. To prepare them to teach at the junior high

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


level which focuses mainly on general science, students complete

foundation courses in all science disciplines as well as courses in
Chemistry that prepare them to teach this specialised discipline at
the senior high level. Teaching methodology specic to the junior
high school is emphasised.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (21 credits)
Prescribed Electives
BIOL 100 Principles of Biology I and BILB 100 Principles of Biology
Laboratory (4 credits)
CHEM 135 College Chemistry I (4 credits)
PHYS 165 General Physics II (4 credits)

Major Area Courses (72 credits)

MATH 168 Pre-Calculus II: Trigonometry (3 credits)
MATH 170 Calculus with Analytical Geometry I (4 credits)
CHEM 225 College Chemistry II (4 credits)
CHEM 230 Organic Chemistry I (3 credits)
CHLB 230 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory (1 credit)
CHEM 235 Inorganic Chemistry (4 credits)
CHEM 330 Organic Chemistry II (3 credits)
CHLB 330 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory (2 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 361 Science in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 461 Science in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Computer

Studies Option A: Applications Programming (133 credits)
Computer Studies majors pursue introductory business management, accounting, economics, business statistics, web publishing
and computer information systems courses. In the third year,
students choose between two options: Applications Programming
or Network Systems. Students who pursue
Applications Programming examine the use of classes, objects
and menus for the design of a business application using visual
basic, an object-oriented programming language in a graphical
user-interface environment such as windows. Students also


examine programming language that facilitates the development

of Web applications, the programming of interactive web pages
and the use of Active Server Pages technology in database access
on the Web.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
CIS 308 Advanced Visual Basic (3 credits)
CIS 375 JAVA (3 credits)
CISP 400 Web Programming (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (78 credits)

ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
CISP 110 Introduction to Programming (3 credits)
CIS 120 Object Oriented Programming Lang VB (3 credits) or
CIS 225 Object Oriented Programming C (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
CIS 206 Computer Applications II (3 credits)
CIS 305 Fundamentals of Operating Systems (3 credits)
CIS 335 Structured Analysis and Design (3 credits) or CIS 340 Web
Publishing (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 401 Models for Teaching and Learning in Computer Studies
(3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Computer

Studies Option B: Network Systems (133 credits)
Computer Studies majors pursue introductory business management, accounting, economics, business statistics, web publishing
and computer information systems courses. During the third year,
students choose between two options: Applications Programming
or Network Systems. In Network Systems students focus on the
principal operating systems at the introductory programming

level, including an investigation of the features and applications of

several operating systems for multi-user and multitasking environments. Students design and explore various
network applications and examine the administration and services
fundamental to a network operating system.

written Bahamian literature and examine the inuence of factors

such as politics, religion, race, class and gender in the creation
of Bahamian cultural identity. Students also examine the sociohistorical and linguistic factors contributing to language varieties,
focusing on Bahamian Creole and dialect interference.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives

CISN 329 Local Area Network I (3 credits)

CISN 429 Local Area Network II (3 credits)
MIS 435 Network Management (3 credits) or CISN 425 Web Server
Management (3 credits)

ENG 208 Bahamian Literature (3 credits)

ENG 400 Studies in the Bahamian Culture (3 credits)
ENG 405 Studies in Bahamian English (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

Major Area Courses (78 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications I (3 credits)
CIS 120 Object Oriented Programming Lang VB (3 credits) or CIS
225 Object Oriented Programming C (3 credits)
CIS 206 Computer Applications II (3 credits)
CIS 305 Fundamentals of Operating Systems (3 credits)
CIS 335 Structured Analysis and Design (3 credits) or CIS 340 Web
Publishing (3 credits)
CISP 110 Introduction to Programming (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
STAT 201 Business Statistics (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 401 Models for Teaching and Learning in Computer Studies
(3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication English Language and Literature (130 credits)
In addition to preparing students to teach English Language
and Literature at the junior and senior high level, through the
prescribed electives, this programme comprises a Bahamian
Literature and Culture specialty strand. Students are introduced to

ENG 108 The Oral Tradition in Bahamian Literature (3 credits)

ENG 121 Elementary English Structure (3 credits)
ENG 124 Introduction to Criticism (3 credits)
ENG 212 Shakespeare: Desire, Deception, Death (3 credits)
ENG 217 Introduction to Poetry (3 credits)
ENG 305 British Literature I: 450-1785 (3 credits)
ENG 311 Literary Theory (3 credits)
ENG 312 Studies in Modern Drama (3 credits) or ENG 351 Genre
Studies: The Novel (3 credits)
ENG 410 Caribbean Women Writers (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 335 Language Arts in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 435 Language Arts in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Family and

Consumer Sciences Option A: General Studies (124 credits)
The Family and Consumer Sciences programme is an integrated
eld of studies that focuses on food and nutrition, textile and
clothing construction, housing, home management, family
relations, health and human development and consumer education. Students select one of two options. The General Studies
option prepares students to teach in all disciplines in Family and
Consumer Sciences from grades seven through twelve, with the
exception of Tourism and Hospitality Studies. However, graduates

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


will be able to teach the Food Preparation classes in the Tourism

and Hospitality Studies programmes.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
FCSE 204 Family Relationships and Management (3 credits)
FCSE 205 Consumer Economics (3 credits)
PSY 400 Group Dynamics (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (69 credits)

CULN 125 Basic Culinary Science (3 credits)
FCSE 101 Clothing Construction and Needle Craft (3 credits)
FCSE 202 Clothing Construction II (3 credits)
FCSE 206 Introduction to Food and Nutrition (3 credits)
FCSE 301 Food Science (3 credits)
FCSE 302 Textile Science (3 credits)
FCSE 303 Housing and Interior Design (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 362 Family and Consumer Sciences in the Secondary School I
(3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 462 Family and Consumer Sciences in the Secondary School II
(3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Family and

Consumer Sciences Option B: Tourism and Hospitality Studies (125 credits)
The Family and Consumer Sciences programme is an integrated
eld of studies that focuses on food and nutrition, textile and
clothing construction, housing, home management, family relations, health and human development and consumer education.
Students select one of two options. The Tourism and Hospitality
Studies prepare students to teach Tourism and Hospitality Studies
from grades seven through twelve.


General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (19 credits)
Prescribed Electives
FSMG 105 Sanitation (3 credits)
TOUR 209 Internship (4 credits)
HOSP 401 Advanced Hospitality Financial Management (3 credits)
HOSP 417 Hospitality Management (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (69 credits)

CULN 125 Basic Culinary Science (3 credits)
CULN 115 Principles of Dining Room Service (3 credits)
CULN 235 Contemporary Nutritional Cuisine (3 credits)
FSMG 110 Menu Planning and Nutrition (3 credits)
HOSP 210 Front Oce Operations (3 credits)
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 434 Sustainable Tourism Management (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 362 Family and Consumer Sciences in the Secondary School I
(3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 462 Family and Consumer Sciences in the Secondary School II
(3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication French

(130 credits)
In addition to preparing students to teach French at the junior and
senior high level, this programme comprises a French experience
specialty strand in which students integrate French content knowledge with practical experience in Francophone culture applying
requisite listening and speaking skills for communication.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
FLE 200 Foreign Language Experience (3 credits)
FRE 301 French Listening and Speaking (3 credits)
FRE 310 Francophone Cultures (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

FRE 103 Introductory French I (3 credits)
FRE 104 Introductory French II (3 credits)
FRE 200 Intermediate French Grammar (3 credits)
FRE 203 Intermediate French I (3 credits)
FRE 204 Intermediate French II (3 credits)
FRE 252 French for Business (3 credits)
FRE 258 Introduction to French Literary Texts (3 credits)
FRE 420 French Texts Translation (3 credits)
FRE 458 Twentieth Century French Literature (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 375 Modern Languages in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 475 Modern Languages in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication History/

Geography (130 credits)
Graduates of this programme enter the teaching profession having
completed a Natural Environment specialty strand in which they
examine the earths atmosphere, climate, economic land use, crust
and soil. Students also examine the environmental impact on and
by humans.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
GEOG 114 Climatology and Biogeography (3 credits)
GEOG 220 Economic Geography (3 credits)
GEOG 222 Landscapes and Soils (3 credits)
GEOG 320 Geography and the Environment (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

GEOG 113 Human and Cultural Geography (3 credits)
GEOG 207 Geography of North America (3 credits)
GEOG 400 Advanced Bahamian Geography (3 credits)
HIS 160 History of the United States (to 1865) (3 credits)
HIS 172 Caribbean History I (1400-1833) (3 credits)
HIS 225 The Nature of History (3 credits)
HIS 280 History of Africa (Since 1850) (3 credits)

HIS 302 The Atlantic World II (1600-1800) (3 credits)

HIS 405 Research in History (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 345 Social Studies in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 445 Social Studies in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Mathematics

(129 credits)
Calculus is regarded as an essential component of an advanced
mathematics programme. Consequently, students who pursue this
degree programme complete calculus courses designed to meet
the needs of mathematics educators.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (20 credits)
Prescribed Electives
MATH 170 Calculus I (4 credits)
MATH 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4 credits)
MATH 280 Multivariable Calculus (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (72 credits)

MATH 159 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3 credits)
MATH 168 Precalculus: Trigonometry (3 credits)
MATH 251 Linear Algebra (3 credits)
MATH 274 Dierential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 300 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (3 credits)
MATH 320 Numerical Methods (3 credits)
MATH 340 Geometry (3 credits)
MATH 400 History and Development of Mathematics (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)

EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 365 Mathematics in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 465 Mathematics in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Physics/

General Science (133 credits)
This programme prepares science teachers for the junior and
senior high levels. To prepare them to teach at the junior high
level which focuses mainly on general science, students complete
foundation courses in all science disciplines as well as courses in
Physics that prepare them to teach this specialised discipline at the
senior high level. Teaching methodology specic to the junior high
school is emphasised.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (21 credits)
Prescribed Electives
BIOL 100 Principles of Biology I and BILB 100 Principles of Biology
Laboratory (4 credits)
CHEM 135 College Chemistry I (4 credits)
PHYS 165 General Physics II (4 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

MATH 170 Calculus I (4 credits)
MATH 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4 credits)
MATH 274 Dierential Equations (3 credits)
PHYS 176 College Physics I (3 credits)
PHYL 176 College Physics I Laboratory (1 credit)
PHYS 270 College Physics II (3 credits)
PHYL 270 College Physics II Laboratory (1 credit)
PHYS 276 College Physics III (3 credits)
PHYL 276 College Physics III Laboratory (1 credit)
PHYS 277 College Physics IV (3 credits)
PHYL 277 College Physics IV Laboratory (1 credit)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)


EDU 361 Science in the Secondary School I (3 credits)

EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 461 Science in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Religion

(130 credits)
This programme certies students to teach Religion at the junior
and senior high levels. Additionally, students focus on a Family Life
and Ethics strand which examines the family in society and the
impact of religious institutions and traditions on social attitudes
and problems. Students also examine topics such as auence,
alienation, work, leisure, aging and others as well as contemporary
trends and issues within and outside major religious traditions as
they relate to religious thought and life.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
REL 201 Marriage and Family (3 credits)
REL 213 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Societal) (3 credits)
REL 214 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Personal) (3 credits)
REL 300 Religion Today (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

REL 104 Introduction to Biblical Studies I (3 credits)
REL 105 Introduction to Biblical Studies II (3 credits)
REL 113 Introduction to Religion (3 credits)
REL 203 Religious Cults and Sects (3 credits)
REL 211 Sociology of Religion (3 credits)
REL 212 Religion in Bahamian Life (3 credits)
REL 215 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion (3 credits)
REL 400 World Faiths I (3 credits)
REL 401 World Faiths II (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 340 Religious Education in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 440 Religious Education in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)

EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners

(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Secondary Certication Spanish

(130 credits)
In addition to preparing students to teach Spanish at the junior
and senior high level, this programme comprises a Spanish
Experience specialty strand in which students integrate Spanish
content knowledge with practical experience in Latin American
culture applying requisite listening and speaking skills for

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
FLE 200 Foreign Language Experience (3 credits)
SPA 301 Advanced Spanish Listening and Speaking (3 credits)
SPA 310 Latin American Cultures (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

SPA 103 Introductory Spanish I (3 credits)
SPA 104 Introductory Spanish II (3 credits)
SPA 200 Intermediate Spanish Grammar (3 credits)
SPA 203 Intermediate Spanish I (3 credits)
SPA 204 Intermediate Spanish II (3 credits)
SPA 242 Spanish for Business (3 credits)
SPA 258 Introduction to Spanish Literary Texts (3 credits)
SPA 420 Spanish Texts Translation (3 credits)
SPA 458 Twentieth Century Latin American Literature (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 375 Modern Languages in the Secondary School I (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 475 Modern Languages in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education K 12 Certication Music: Composition and Technology (137 credits)

General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
MUS 241 Form and Analysis (3 credits)
MUS 277 Composition (3 credits)
MUS 302 Music Technology (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (82 credits)

MUIC 100 Concert Choir I (1 credit) or MUIB 100 Concert Band
(1 credit)
MUIC 101 Concert Choir II (1 credit) or MUIB 101 Concert Band II
(1 credit)
MUIC 200 Concert Choir III (1 credit) or MUIB 200 Concert Band III
(1 credit)
MUIC 201 Concert Choir IV (1 credit) or MUIB 201 Concert Band IV
(1 credit)
MUIN 153 Instrumental Studies I (1 credit)or MUIV 153 Voice
Studies I (1 credit)
MUIN 154 Instrumental Studies II (1 credit) or MUIV 154 Piano
Studies II (1 credit)
MUIN 253 Instrumental Studies III (1 credit) or MUIV 253 Voice
Studies III (1 credit)
MUIN 254 Instrumental Studies IV or MUIV 254 Voice Studies IV
(1 credit)
MUIP 153 Piano Studies I (1 credit)
MUIP 154 Piano Studies II (1 credit)
MUIP 253 Piano Studies III (1 credit)
MUIP 254 Piano Studies IV (1 credit)
MUS 112 Music History I: The Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
Periods (2 credits)
MUS 113 Music History II: Classical Period through the Late
Nineteenth Century (2 credits)
MUS 133 Theory I (2 credits)
MUS 134 Theory II (2 credits)
MUS 143 Sight Singing and Ear Training I (1 credit)
MUS 144 Sight Singing and Ear Training II (1 credit)
MUS 233 Theory III (3 credits)
MUS 234 Theory IV (3 credits)
MUS 301 Conducting and Choral Skills (3 credits)
MUS 400 Band Leadership (3 credits)
MUS 404 Music of the Twentieth Century: An Analytical
Perspective (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)

EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 355 Music Methods for Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 455 Music in the Secondary School II (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)

Bachelor of Education K 12 Certication Physical

Education (130 credits)
The four-course Games strand of this Physical Education K-12
programme allows students to move from the examination of
team sports to the examination of individual and dual sports and
to adapting these sports to accommodate persons with disabilities.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
PED 173 Team Games I (3 credits)
PED 174 Team Games II (3 credits)
PED 175 Individual and Dual Sports (3 credits)
PED 347 Adaptive and Corrective Physical Education (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

PED 143 Swimming (3 credits)
PED 157 Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 credits)
PED 204 Tests and Measurement in Physical Education (3 credits)
PED 210 Sports Ociating (3 credits)
PED 240 History of Physical Education (3 credits)
PED 245 Health Education (3 credits)
PED 246 Track and Field (3 credits)
PED 400 Management of Physical Education and Sports (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 210 Advanced First Aid (3 credits)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 308 Physical Education in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 329 Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDU 430 Physical Education in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 432 Kinesiology (3 credits)
EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 492 Workshop in Education: Educating Exceptional Learners
(3 credits)


Bachelor of Education Early Childhood Education K 3

Certication (130 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (75 credits)
GEOG 113 Human and Cultural Geography or GEOG 114
Climatology and Biogeography (3 credits)
ECED 303 Creating and Managing Learning Environments for
Young Children (3 credits)
ECED 304 Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education (3 credits)
ECED 305 Curriculum Planning for Early Childhood Environments
(3 credits)
ECED 335 Reading and Writing K3 Grade 3 (3 credits)
ECED 354 Mathematics Teaching in Early Childhood (3 credits)
ECED 362 Science Teaching for Early Childhood (3 credits)
ECED 426 Teaching Techniques for Early Childhood Environment
(3 credits)
ECED 434 Teaching Language Arts in the Primary School (3 credits)
ENG 214 Literature for Children (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 220 Child Development and Learning (3 credits)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 228 Music, Art and Drama in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 234 Early Literacy Development (3 credits)
EDU 250 Geography Skills (3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 356 Religious Education in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
MATH 310 Mathematics Foundations for Primary Teachers
(3 credits)
SPED495 Inclusive Education Principles and Practices (3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Primary Certication Option A:

General (130 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (75 credits)
GEOG 113 Human and Cultural Geography or GEOG 114
Climatology and Biogeography (3 credits)
ENG 214 Literature for Children (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)

EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)

EDU 220 Child Development and Learning (3 credits)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 228 Music, Art and Drama in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 234 Early Literacy Development (3 credits)
EDU 250 Geography Skills (3 credits)
EDU 271 Mathematics in the Lower Primary School: Numeracy I
(3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 334 Developing Independent Readers and Writers (3 credits)
EDU 351 Social Development (3 credits)
EDU 356 Religious Education in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 363 Science Teaching in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 434 Teaching Language Arts in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 471 Mathematics in the Upper Primary School: Numeracy II
(3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 494 Exceptional Learner in the Primary School (3 credits)

EDU 351 Social Development (3 credits)

EDU 356 Religious Education in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 363 Science Teaching in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 434 Teaching Language Arts in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 471 Mathematics in the Upper Primary School: Numeracy II
(3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)
EDU 494 Exceptional Learner in the Primary School (3 credits)

Bachelor of Education Primary Certication Option C: Special Education (130 credits)

General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
SPED 300 The Exceptional Learner (3 credits)
SPED 301 Curriculum Development for the Exceptional Learner
(3 credits)
SPED 302 Strategies for Teaching Exceptional Learners (3 credits)
SPED 410 Managing Resource and Support Programmes and
Services for Inclusion (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

Bachelor of Education Primary Certication Option B: Early
Childhood (130 credits)
General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Prescribed Electives
ECED 304 Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education (3 credits)
ECED 305 Curriculum Planning for Early Childhood Environments
(3 credits)
ECED 426 Teaching Techniques in Early Childhood (3 credits)

Major Area Courses (75 credits)

GEOG 113 Human and Cultural Geography (3 credits) or GEOG 114
Climatology and Biogeography (3 credits)
ENG 214 Literature for Children (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 220 Child Development and Learning (3 credits)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 228 Music, Art and Drama in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 234 Early Literacy Development (3 credits)
EDU 250 Geography Skills (3 credits)
EDU 271 Mathematics in the Lower Primary School: Numeracy I
(3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 334 Developing Independent Readers and Writers (3 credits)

GEOG 113 Human and Cultural Geography or GEOG 114

Climatology and Biogeography (3 credits)
ENG 214 Literature for Children (3 credits)
SPED 303 The Exceptional Learner: The Family, the School and
Community (3 credits)
EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I (0 credit)
EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II (0 credit)
EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III (0 credit)
EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV (0 credit)
EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V (0 credit)
EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI (0 credit)
EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII (0 credit)
EDU 220 Child Development and Learning (3 credits)
EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers (3 credits)
EDU 228 Music, Art and Drama in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 234 Early Literacy Development (3 credits)
EDU 250 Geography Skills (3 credits)
EDU 271 Mathematics in the Lower Primary School: Numeracy I
(3 credits)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 328 Introduction to Educational Research Methods (3 credits)
EDU 334 Developing Independent Readers and Writers (3 credits)
EDU 351 Social Studies in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 356 Religious Education in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 363 Science Teaching in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 434 Teaching Language Arts in the Primary School (3 credits)
EDU 471 Mathematics in the Upper Primary School: Numeracy II
(3 credits)
EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice (15 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


Diploma in Secondary Education (39 credits)

CIS 100 Computer Literacy (1 credit)
EDD 300 Diploma in Education Professional Seminar I (1 credit)
EDU 301 Information Technology for Teachers (3 credits)
EDD 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDU 3.. Methods I ... (3 credits)
EDU 4... Methods II ... (3 credits)
EDD 400 Diploma in Education Professional Seminar II (1 credit)
EDU 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDU 429 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDD 436 Literacy in the Secondary School (3 credits)
EDU 493 Diploma in Education Practicum (12 credits)
SPED 495 Inclusive Education Principles and Practices (3 credits)

Diploma in Education Adult and Workforce Education and

Training (31 credits)
CIS 100 Computer Literacy (1 credit)
EDU 301 Technology in Education (3 credits)
EDU 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)
EDD 418 Educational Assessment (3 credits)
EDD 481 Adult Learning and Literacy (3 credits)
EDD 489 Methods of Teaching in Adult and Workforce Education
and Training (3 credits)
EDU 429 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 credits)
EDD 497 Adult and Workforce Education and Training Internship II
(12 credits)

Certicate in Adult and Workforce Education and Training

(13 credits)
CIS 100 Computer Literacy (1 credit)
EDD 481 Adult Learning and Literacy (3 credits)
EDD 489 Methods of Teaching in Adult and Workforce Education
and Training (3 credits)
EDD 496 Adult and Workforce Education and Training Internship (6

Pre-School Teachers Auxiliary Certicate Programme

(6 credits / 12 courses)
ENG 016 Intermediate English I (0 credit)
ENG 017 Intermediate English II (0 credit)
GEOG 012 College Preparatory Geography (0 credit)
MATH 047 College Preparatory Mathematics II (0 credit)
MATH 048 College Preparatory Mathematics III (0 credit)
SCI 070 Introduction to General Science (0 credit)
SCI 171 General Science I (3 credits)
ECED 003 Integrated Course - Other Issues in Early Childhood
Education (0 credit)
ECED 004 Strategies in Early Childhood Development (0 credit)
ECED 005 Practicum (0 credit)
EDUC 021 First Aid (0 credit)
EDU 120 Survey of Child Development (3 credits)




Michael H. Eldon Complex
Room 308
Grosvenor Close Campus
Telephone: 397-2607
Dean: Dr. Earla Carey-Baines
Chair: Mr. Stephen Aranha

Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Law (in association with the University of the West Indies)
Public Administration
Social Work

Associate of Arts Degrees

Law and Criminal Justice Studies
Religious Studies

Diversity Studies

Bachelor of Arts in History (124 credits)
This programme allows for the development of analytical and
research skills necessary for the legal profession, journalism,
heritage tourism, museum studies, public administration and the
civil service. The programme helps students develop an awareness
of global issues and current regional problems through a retrospective analysis of the regions past. It also helps students develop
a comparative context for studying The Bahamas in relation to
the Caribbean region and its history. Students gain a concrete
knowledge base in four core areas: Caribbean, African, European
and American History.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (69 credits)
HIS 100 World Civilization I (3 credits)
HIS 112 History of The Bahamas I (3 credits)
HIS 113 History of The Bahamas II (3 credits)
HIS 160 History of the US (to 1865) (3 credits) or HIS 115
Introduction to African Studies (3 credits)
HIS 172 Caribbean History I (3 credits)
HIS 201 World Civilization II (3 credits)
HIS 225 The Nature of History (3 credits)
HIS 260 History of US (1865 to Present) (3 credits) or HIS 280
History of Africa (since 1850) (3 credits)
HIS 272 Caribbean History II (3 credits)
HIS 325 Race, Class and Gender in the Late 19th and Early 20th
Century Bahamas (3 credits)
HIS 371 Topics in Twentieth Century Caribbean History (3 credits)
HIS 405 Research in History (3 credits)
HIS 407 Caribbean History and Methodology (3 credits)
HIS 410 Public History Practicum (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


Prescribed List A Upper Division-Year III

Students select FIVE courses from the following:

Semester I

HIS 301 The Atlantic World I (1400-1600) (3 credits)

HIS 302 The Atlantic World II (1600-1800) (3 credits)
HIS 310 Haitian History: From Revolution to the Present (3 credits)
HIS 312 Nation, Race and Identity in Europe (3 credits)
HIS 316 History of West Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries
(3 credits)
HIS 321 African-American History 1 (3 credits)
HIS 374 Modern Europe (1900-1950) (3 credits)
HIS 376 Women and Gender in the History of the English Speaking
Caribbean (3 credits)

LAW 201 Law of Torts II

LAW 210 Law of Contract II
LAW 221 Real Property I
LAW 230 Public International Law I
LAW 250 Jurisprudence

Prescribed List B Upper Division-Year IV

Students select FOUR courses from the following:
HIS 400 Race Relations: A Comparative Course (3 credits)
HIS 402 Pan-Africanism: Politics of the Black Atlantic World
(3 credits)
HIS 412 Science, Religion and Society: The Enlightenment in
Europe (3 credits)
HIS 420 The Cold War: Crisis Conict and Containment (3 credits)
HIS 421 African-American History II (3 credits)
HIS 462 American Civil War and Reconstruction (3 credits)
HIS 471 Caribbean Migration Since the 18th Century (3 credits)

Bachelor of Law (in conjunction with the University of the

West Indies)
The LL.B. programme is divided into three parts. Students are
required to complete each part successfully before being allowed
to enrol in the subsequent part. The degree may be awarded in the
following categories:
First Class Honours
Upper Second Class Honours
Lower Second Class Honours
Courses may be taught in a semester other than as indicated

Semester I
LAW 100 Law and Legal Systems
LAW 110 Criminal Law I
LAW 125 Legal Methods, Research and Writing
ENG 111 Language Argument
LWFD 110 Caribbean Civilization

Semester II
LAW 225 Real Property II
LAW 235 Public International Law II
LAW 270 Administrative Law
LAW 285 Equitable Remedies
LAW 370 Commonwealth Caribbean Human Rights Law

Students select nine courses from the following list of Optional
Courses and complete the compulsory Independent Research
LAW 278 Alternative Disputes Resolution
LAW 290 Revenue Law
LAW 280 The Law of Trusts
LAW 312 Industrial Relations Law
LAW 313 Employment Law
LAW 315 Discrimination in Employment
LAW 316 Dismissal Law
LAW 317 Company Law
LAW 318 Law of Corporate Management
LAW 319 Law of Corporate Finance
LAW 320 Family Law I Law Relating to Husband and Wife
LAW 321 International Mooting
LAW 325 Family Law II - Law Relating to Children
LAW 330 Trade Relations Law I
LAW 340 Insurance Law
LAW 348 Caribbean Environmental law
LAW 349 International Environmental Law
LAW 355 General Principles of Private International Law
LAW 351 Introduction to Oshore Law
LAW 375 International Law of Human Rights
LAW 376 Independent Research Paper (compulsory)
LAW 378 Gender and the Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean
LAW 382 Intellectual Property
LAW 387 Poverty Law I and LAW 388 Poverty Law II
LAW 395 Law of International Organisations
LAW 398 The Administration of Trusts and Estates
LAW 399 Caribbean Integration Law

Semester II
LAW 105 Constitutional Law
LAW 115 Criminal Law II
LAW 125 Legal Methods, Research and Writing
LAW 120 Law of Contract I
LAW 130 Law of Torts I


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (121 credits)

This programme focuses on the scientic study of thought and
behaviour and deals with virtually all aspects of life such as behaviour, cognition, emotion and social interaction. Students focus on
the individual and address issues relevant to The Bahamas and
the world at large. Graduates of this programme can be employed
in areas such as government, industry, national security, sports
and recreation, entertainment and advertising, universities and

research institutions, medicine and pharmacology, social planning

and private practice.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (66 credits)
Core Courses
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology: Social Sciences Foundation (3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology: Natural Sciences Foundation
(3 credits)
PSY 201 Diversity in Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 245 Introduction to Behavioural Statistics (3 credits)
PSY 248 Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences (3 credits)
PSY 305 Introduction to Research Methods (3 credits)
PSY 315 Research Applications in Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 325 History and Systems of Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 455 Special Topics in Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Practicum (6 credits)

Four Strands of Psychology

Students select TWO courses from each strand in consultation
with their academic advisors. The remaining THREE courses may
be selected from any of the Strands. One of the courses must be a
Service-Based (S) course.

Strand A: Applied/ Vocational

PSY 255 Industrial Organisational Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 330 Tests and Measurement (3 credits)
PSY 310 Consumer Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 420 Counselling in Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 440 Group Dynamics (3 credits)

Strand B: Diversity
PSY 301 Indigenous Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 350 Culture and Behaviour (S) (3 credits)
PSY 360 Personality Theory (3 credits)
PSY 400 Caribbean Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 425 Psychology of Gender (3 credits)

Strand C: Clinical
PSY 202 Abnormal Psychology (S) (3 credits)
PSY 251 Adult Adjustment (3 credits)
PSY 300 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 405 Child Psychopathology (S) (3 credits)
PSY 445 Drugs and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSY 450 Seminar in Clinical Psychology (3 credits)

Strand D: Developmental/Social
PSY 266 Social Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 340 Child/Adolescent Psychology (S) (3 credits)
PSY 345 Cognitive Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 410 Applied Social Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 430 Adulthood and Aging (S) (3 credits)

Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration (133 credits)

This programme prepares students for leadership roles in government with a focus on development policy and management.
Students acquire technical, managerial and political skills that help
them develop and implement public programmes in professional,
accountable and multidisciplinary ways. Once in the workplace,
they are able to accelerate and sustain economic growth while
promoting social, educational, environmental, health and other
appropriate public objectives.

General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (78 credits)
CIS 105 Introduction to Business Application (3 credits)
SOS 111 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
POL 113 Government and Politics in The Bahamas (3 credits)
POL 313 Political Economy of The Bahamas (3 credits)
LAW 200 Constitutional and Administrative Law (3 credits)
LAW 311 Public Law and Development (3 credits)
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
PSY 245 Introduction to Behavioural Statistics (3 credits)
COM 250 Communication for Public Administrators (3 credits)
BADM 300 Techniques of Research (3 credits)
MGMT 303 Organizational Behaviour (3 credits)
PUBA 201 Public Administration (3 credits)
PUBA 204 Administrative Principles and Practices (3 credits)
PUBA 210 Economics of Public Finance I (3 credits)
PUBA 301 Personnel Management and Industry Relations in the
Public Sector (3 credits)
PUBA 302 Development Administration (3 credits)
PUBA 304 Analytic Techniques for Public Administrators (3 credits)
PUBA 312 Public Policy (3 credits)
PUBA 315 Seminar in Public Administration (3 credits)
PUBA316 The Practice of Public Management (3 credits)
PUBA 317 Public Sector Budgeting and Finance (3 credits)
PUBA 320 Research Paper on the Public Sector (3 credits)
PUBA 400 Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation (3 credits)
PUBA 401 Professionalism and Ethics in the Public Sector (3 credits)
PUBA 410 Governance; Municipal and Local Perspectives (3 credits)
PUBA 420 Strategic Planning and Management in Public
Organisations(3 credits)

Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (125 credits)

In this programme students develop skills to assist in the prevention and amelioration of social problems and to enhance the
quality of human life. They develop professional social work
skills that enable them to help people focus on the transactions
between themselves and their environment, their ability to
accomplish life tasks and to realise individual and collective aspirations. Graduates of this programme are employed in government
and private agencies, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, courts,
police departments, funeral homes, private practice and other

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


General Education Requirements (37 credits)

Prescribed General Education Courses
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology: Social Sciences Foundation
(3 credits)
SWK 311 Diversity in a Multicultural Society (3 credits)

Electives (18 credits)

Major Area Courses (70 credits)
PSY 105 Human Growth and Development (3 credits)
SWK 111 Foundations of Social Work (3 credits)
POL 113 Government and Politics in The Bahamas (3 credits)
PUBA 201 Introduction to Public Administration l (3 credits)
PSY 202 Abnormal Psychology (S) (3 credits)
SWK 203 Social Welfare Policies and Services (3 credits)
SWK 216 Interviewing Skills (3 credits)
SWK 219 Social Issues (3 credits)
PSY 245 Introduction to Behavioural Statistics (3 credits)
PSY 305 Introduction to Research Methods (3 credits)
SWK 305 Methods of Micro Social Work (3 credits)
SWK 307 Methods of Mezzo Social Work Practice (3 credits)
SWK 308 Treatment Modalities: Theories and Techniques (3 credits)
SWK 309 Methods of Macro Social Work Practice (3 credits)
SWK 313 Ethical and Professional Issues in Human Services
(3 credits)
SWK 400 Field Work Practicum I (4 credits)
SWK 401 Field Work Practicum II (5 credits)
SWK 404 Social Dimensions of HIV/AIDS (3 credits)
SWK 406 Integrative Seminar I (2 credits)
SWK 407 Integrative Seminar II (2 credits)
SWK 408 Domestic Violence (3 credits)
SWK 412 Gerontology (3 credits)
SWK 499 Senior Capstone Project (3 credits)

Minor in Diversity Studies (24 credits)

PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology: Social Sciences Foundation
(3 credits)
PSY 201 Diversity in Psychology (3 credits)
SOS 215 Race and Ethnic Group Relations (3 credits)
SOS 218 Sociology of Human Sexuality (3 credits)
SWK 311 Diversity in a Multicultural Society (3 credits)
PSY 301 Indigenous Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 350 Culture and Behaviour (3 credits) or PSY 425 Psychology of
Gender (3 credits)
PSY 400 Caribbean Psychology (3 credits) or PSY 440 Group
Dynamics (3 credits)

Minor in History (18 credits)

HIS 112 History of The Bahamas I (3 credits) or HIS 113 History of
the Bahamas II (3 credits)
HIS 225 The Nature of History (3 credits)
HIS 101 World Civilisations I (3 credits) or HIS 201 World
Civilisation II (3 credits)
HIS 325 Race, Class and Gender in the Late 19th and Early 20th
Century Bahamas (3 credits) or HIS 302 Atlantic World II (3 credits)
or HIS 371 Topics in 20th Century Caribbean History (3 credits)


HIS 405 Research in History (3 credits)

HIS 402 Pan-Africanism: Politics of the Black Atlantic (3 credits) or
HIS 407 Caribbean Historiography and Methodology (3 credits)

Associate of Arts Degree in Law and Criminal Justice Studies

(66 credits)
General Education Requirements (24 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (33 credits)
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology: Social Sciences Foundation
(3 credits) or PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology: Natural Sciences
Foundation (3 credits)
SOS 111 Introduction to Sociology I (3 credits)
PSY 245 Introduction to Behavioural Statistics (3 credits)
CRIM 200 Criminology (3 credits)
CRIM 201 Criminal Justice (3 credits)
LAW 200 Elements of Constitutional and Administrative Law (3
SOS 200 Social Research (3 credits)
PUBA 201 Public Administration (3 credits)
LAW 205 Bahamian Legal Systems (3 credits)
SWK 219 Social Issues (3 credits) or PSY 266 Social Psychology (3

Associate of Arts Degree in Religious Studies (61 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (24 credits)
PHIL 100 Introduction to Logic (3 credits)
REL 104 Introduction to Biblical Studies I (3 credits)
REL 105 Introduction to Biblical Studies II (3 credits)
REL 113 Introduction to Religion (3 credits)
REL 203 Religious Cults and Sect (3 credits)
REL 212 Religion in Bahamian Life (3 credits)
REL 213 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Societal) (3 credits)
REL 214 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Personal) (3 credits)

Associate of Arts Degree in Sociology (61 credits)

General Education Requirements (28 credits)
Electives (9 credits)
Major Area Courses (24 credits)
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology: Social Sciences Foundation
(3 credits) or PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology: Natural Sciences
Foundation (3 credits)
SOS 111 Introduction to Sociology I (3 credits)
SOS 200 Social Research (3 credits)
SOS 201 Social Structure in the Third World (3 credits)
PSY 245 Introduction to Behavioural Statistics (3 credits)

Students select THREE courses from the following:

SOS 216 Sociology of Development (3 credits)
SOS 217 Crime and Society (3 credits)
SOS 218 Sociology of Human Sexual Behaviour (3 credits)
SOS 203 Sociology of the Family (3 credits)
SOS 215 Race and Ethnic Group Relations (3 credits)


C U L I N A RY & H O S P I TA L I T Y M A N AG E M E N T I N S T I T U T E ( C H M I )
Bahamas Tourism Training
Center (BTTC)
Oakes Field Campus
Executive Director:
Mrs. Remelda Moxey (Acting)

Bachelor of Science Degrees

Tourism Management
Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management
Tourism Management

Associate of Applied Science Degrees

Culinary Arts
Hospitality Operations
National Apprentice Cook

Culinary Skills
Food and Beverage Management
Hospitality and Tourism Skills
Hospitality Management: Accounting
Hospitality Management: Supervision
Hospitality Management: Travel & Tourism

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
(126 credits)
General Education Requirements (39 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (69 credits)
ACCA 201 Hospitality Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 301 Hospitality Management Accounting (3 credits)
CULN 115 Principles of Dining Room Service (3 credits)
CULN 225 Advanced Dining Room Service (3 credits)
CULN 317 Food and Beverage Purchasing and Cost Control
(3 credits)
FSMG 105 Sanitation (3 credits)
HOSP 217 Facilities Management (3 credits)
HOSP 302 Hospitality Leadership and Management (3 credits)
HOSP 310 Lodging Management (3 credits)
HOSP 315 Management Information Systems for Hospitality and
Tourism (3 credits)
HOSP 320 Hospitality and Travel Law (3 credits)
HOSP 401 Advanced Hospitality Financial Management (3 credits)
HOSP 417 Hospitality Management (3 credits)
HOSP 439 Hospitality Strategic Management (3 credits)
HOSP 442 Revenue Management (3 credits)
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 209 Hospitality and Tourism Industrial Internship/
Externship I (4 credits)
TOUR 305 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing (3 credits)
TOUR 318 Hospitality Human Resources (3 credits)
TOUR 441 Hospitality Management Seminar (3 credits)
TOUR 450 Hospitality and Tourism Advanced Industry Internship/
Externship II (8 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (127 credits)

General Education Requirements (37 credits)
Electives (18 credits)
Major Area Courses (72 credits)
ACCA105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
ACCA 201 Hospitality Accounting (3 credits)
ACCA 301 Hospitality Management Accounting (3 credits)
HOSP 320 Hospitality and Travel Law (3 credits)
HOSP 439 Hospitality Strategic Management (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Math (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 200 Culture and Heritage Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 205 Tourism Marketing (3 credits)
TOUR 209 Hospitality and Tourism Industrial Internship/
Externship I (4 credits)
TOUR 215 Tourism: An Economic Perspective (3 credits)
TOUR 302 Tourism and International Travel (3 credits)
TOUR 316 Special Events, Meeting and Convention Planning
(3 credits)
TOUR 318 Hospitality Human Resources (3 credits)
TOUR 418 Contemporary Tourism Management (3 credits)
TOUR 420 Leadership Training (3 credits)
TOUR 429 Global Tourism Policy Analysis (3 credits)
TOUR 434 Sustainable Tourism Management (3 credits)
TOUR 441 Hospitality Management Seminar (3 credits)
TOUR 450 Hospitality and Tourism Advanced Industry Internship/
Externship II (8 credits)

Minor in Ecotourism (18 credits)

ECOT 200 Foundations of Ecotourism (3 credits)
ECOT 218 Current Trends and Best Practices in Ecotourism
(3 credits)
ECOT 333 Sustainable Site Facility and Design (3 credits)
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 434 Sustainable Tourism Management (3 credits)
TOUR 429 Global Tourism Policy Analysis (3 credits)

Minor in Hospitality Management (21 credits)

TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
FSMG 105 Sanitation (3 credits)
CULN 115 Principles of Dining Room Service (3 credits)
HOSP 217 Facilities Management (3 credits)
HOSP 310 Lodging Management (3 credits)
HOSP 417 Hospitality Management (3 credits)
HOSP 439 Hospitality Strategic Management (3 credits)

TOUR 322 Casino Management (3 credits)

TOUR 418 Contemporary Tourism Management (3 credits)
TOUR 429 Global Tourism Policy Analysis (3 credits)

Associate of Applied Science in Culinary Arts (70 credits)

General Education Requirements (24 credits)
Major Area Courses (46 credits)
CULN 115 Principles of Dining Room Service (3 credits)
CULN 125 Basic Culinary Science (3 credits)
CULN 150 Food Preparation (3 credits)
CULN 200 Baking and Pastry (3 credits)
CULN 215 Garde Manger (3 credits)
CULN 220 Advanced Pastry and Desserts (3 credits)
CULN 235 Contemporary Nutritional Cuisine (3 credits)
CULN 240 International Cuisine (3 credits)
CULN 280 Classical Cuisine (3 credits)
CULN 285 Advised Culinary Application (3 credits)
FRE 102 Introduction to French for Hospitality and Culinary Arts
(3 credits)
FSMG 105 Sanitation (3 credits)
FSMG 110 Menu Planning and Nutrition (3 credits)
FSMG 225 Purchasing and Storeroom Operations (3 credits)
TOUR 209 Internship/Externship (4 credits)

Associate of Applied Science in Hospitality Operations

(74 credits)
General Education Requirements (18 credits)
Electives (12 credits)
Major Area Courses (44 credits)
ACCA 201 Hospitality Accounting (3 credits)
CULN115 Principles of Dining Room Service (3 credits)
CULN 125 Basic Culinary Science (3 credits)
FSMG 105 Sanitation (3 credits)
FSMG 110 Nutrition and Menu Planning (3 credits)
HOSP 209 Housekeeping Operations (3 credits)
HOSP 210 Front Oce Operations (3 credits)
HOSP 222 Food and Beverage Control (3 credits)
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 205 Tourism Marketing (3 credits)
TOUR 206 Customer Relations (3 credits)
TOUR 209 Hospitality and Tourism Industrial Internship/
Externship I (4 credits)
TOUR 220 Hospitality Law in The Bahamas (3 credits)
TOUR 207 Internship I (4 credits)

Minor in Tourism Management (21 credits)

Associate of Applied Science in National Apprentice Cook

(78 credits)
General Education Requirements (27 credits)
Major Area Courses (51 credits)

TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)

TOUR 200 Culture and Heritage Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 205 Tourism Marketing (3 credits)
TOUR 215 Tourism: An Economic Perspective (3 credits)
TOUR 316 Special Events, Meeting and Convention Planning (3
credits) or TOUR 302 Travel and International Tourism (3 credits) or

FRE 102 Introduction to French for Hospitality and Culinary Arts (3

ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)
CULN 115 Principles of Dining Room Service (3 credits)
CULN 125 Basic Culinary Science (3 credits)
CULN 150 Food Preparation (3 credits)


CULN 200 Baking and Pastry (3 credits)

CULN 215 Garde Manger (3 credits)
CULN 220 Advanced Pastry and Desserts (3 credits)
CULN 225 Advanced Dining Room Service (3 credits)
CULN 235 Contemporary Nutritional Cuisine (3 credits)
CULN 240 International Cuisine (3 credits)
CULN 280 Classical Cuisine (3 credits)
CULN 285 Advanced Culinary Application (3 credits)
FSMG 105 Sanitation (3 credits)
FSMG 110 Menu Planning and Nutrition (3 credits)
FSMG 225 Purchasing and Storeroom Operations (3 credits)
HOSP 222 Food and Beverage Control (3 credits)

Certicate in Hospitality Management: Accounting

(30 credits)

Certicate in Culinary Skills (9 credits)

General Education Requirements (6 courses / 0 credit)
Students should refer to the Contract of Study/Student
Advisement Form for details.
Major Area Courses (9 credits)

Certicate in Hospitality Management: Supervision

(30 credits)

CA 015 Introduction to Baking (0 credit)

CA 062 Basic Garde Manger (0 credit)
CULN 115 Principles of Dining Room Service (3 credits)
CULN 125 Basic Culinary Science (3 credits)
CULN 150 Food Preparation (3 credits)
FSMG 002 Personal Health Safety and Hygiene (0 credit)

ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)

ACCA 201 Hospitality Accounting (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications (3 credits)
COM 207 Oral Communication (3 credits)
ENG 119 College English Skills I (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Management Fundamentals (3 credits)
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
HOSP 222 Food and Beverage Control (3 credits)

ACCA 105 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)

CIS 106 Computer Applications (3 credits)
ENG 119 College English Skills I (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
MGMT 204 Human Resource Management (3 credits)
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 220 Hospitality Law (3 credits)
TOUR 206 Customer Relations Management (3 credits)

Certicate in Food and Beverage Management (33 credits)

ACCA 105 Financial Accounting (3 credits)
CA 210 Wines and Spirits (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications (3 credits)
CULN 115 Principles of Dining Room Service (3 credits)
ENG 119 College English Skills I (3 credits)
FSMG 105 Sanitation (3 credits)
FSMG 110 Menu Planning and Nutrition (3 credits)
FSMG 225 Purchasing and Storeroom Operations (3 credits)
HOSP 222 Food and Beverage Control (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)

Certicate in Hospitality and Tourism Skills (8 credits)

CIS 100 Computer Literacy (1 credit)
COUN 100 First Year Seminar (1 credit)
ENG 016 Intermediate English I (0 credit)
ENG 017 Intermediate English II (0 credit)
GEOG 012 College Preparatory Geography (0 credit) or HIS 012
Topics in Twentieth Century World History (0 credit)
HOSP 011 Housekeeping Skills (0 credit)
HOSP 012 Front Oce Skills (0 credit)
MATH 047 College Preparatory Mathematics II (0 credit)
MATH 048 College Preparatory Mathematics III (0 credit)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
TOUR 050 Principles of Hospitality (0 credit)

Certicate in Hospitality Management: Travel and Tourism

(30 credits)
Elective (3 credits)
Foreign Language (Spanish, French or German) (3 credits)
Major Area Courses (27 credits)
ACCA 105 Financial Accounting (3 credits)
CIS 106 Computer Applications (3 credits)
ENG 119 College English Skills I (3 credits)
MATH 132 Business Mathematics (3 credits)
MGMT 101 Business Fundamentals (3 credits)
MGMT 203 Business Organisation and Management (3 credits)
TOUR 100 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits)
TOUR 204 Travel Agency Management (3 credits)
TOUR 302 International Travel and Tourism (3 credits)

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue



ACCA105 Financial Accounting I
3 credits
This course covers the application of generally accepted
accounting principles relating to the accounting cycle of a
sole trader involved in a service or merchandising enterprise.
Concentration will be on preparation and understanding of three
nancial statements.
Prereq: MATH132

ACCA201 Hospitality Accounting

3 credits
This course covers the presentation of nancial statements, source
documents and internal reports unique to the Hospitality Industry,
using the Uniform System of Accounts for Hotels. Accounting for
partnerships and corporations will also be presented.
Prereq: ACCA105

ACCA205 Financial Accounting II

3 credits
This course covers accounting for partnerships, corporations,
the treatment of long-term liabilities and investments, the cash
ows statement, nancial statement analysis, cost-volume-prot
relationships, budgeting and standards costing, responsibility
accounting and introductory managerial accounting.
Prereq: ACCA105

ACCA210 Computerised Accounting

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to computerised accounting
through the use of accounting software. Focus is on the procedures of the accounting cycle for service and merchandise entities
of a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation.
Prereq: ACCA205

ACCA300 Intermediate Financial Accounting I

3 credits
This course is a comprehensive study of accounting theory and
procedures regarding nancial statements. Accounting procedures
for various income statement and balance sheet items are covered.
Prereq: ACCA205

ACCA301 Hospitality Management Accounting

3 credits
A further exploration of accounting in the Hospitality Industry, this
course follows on from the principles and procedures presented
in Hospitality Accounting (ACCA 201). Managerial and planning
aspects of hospitality accounting are discussed.
Prereq: ACCA201


ACCA305 Intermediate Financial Accounting II

3 credits
This course is a continuation of Intermediate Financial Accounting
I with emphasis on share capital, investments, nancial statement
analysis and relevant reports, accounting for taxes, post retirement
benets, leases, changes and corrections.
Prereq: ACCA300

ACCA310 Management Accounting

3 credits
This course introduces the students to Management Accounting
and its denition, purpose and role in the decision-making
process. Various techniques to evaluate products and capital projects will be covered. Cost behaviour will be studied and students
will generate and implement various budget models.
Prereq: ACCA205

ACCA313 Cost Accounting

3 credits
This course covers accounting procedures and techniques with
a focus on determining and analysing relevant costs in business
decision-making processes and operating eciency. Topics include
cost-volume-prot analysis, job and process costing, budgeting,
inventory costing methods, activity-based costing and cost
Coreq: ACCA412
Prereq: ACCA310

ACCA315 Accounting Theory

3 credits
This course exposes the student to the broader views of
accounting theory by critically examining generally accepted
accounting principles and concepts. It further provides a descriptive interpretation of opinions and standards issued by the
Accounting Principles Board (APB) and the Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB).
Prereq: ACCA305

ACCA318 Accounting Information Systems

3 credits
In this course, students focus on acquiring the knowledge to
create and manage eective Accounting Information Systems that
minimise risks and improve eciency. This specialised accounting
course covers documentation and design of Accounting
Information Systems (AIS), evaluation and impact of computers
on internal control.
Prereq: ACCA205

ACCA330 Financial Statement Analysis

3 credits
This course teaches the techniques used to analyse the four types
of nancial statements. The accounting tools used to evaluate
business enterprises are also reviewed. The focus is on the analyses
and evaluation from the viewpoints of lenders and investors.
Prereq: ACCA205

ACCA411 Auditing

ACCA421 Tax Accounting II

3 credits
This course is designed to expose the student to the conceptual,
theoretical and practical procedure applicable to auditing, both
internally and externally. In addition, students plan and execute
audit programmes to conform with Generally Accepted Auditing
Standards (GAAS).
Prereq: ACCA305

3 credits
This course is designed to cover tax accounting for corporations,
partnerships and trusts. Taxation liability is the prime focus
concentrating on types of business organisation, depreciation,
capital gains and tax practices.
Prereq: ACCA420

ADT 121 Architectural Drawing I

ACCA412 Advanced Accounting
3 credits
This course links theory and practice in dealing with accounting
topics at an advanced level. Topics covered are partnerships,
business combinations, consolidated statements, multinational
accounting, interim and segmental reporting, the Securities and
Exchange Commission and insolvency.
Coreq: ACCA313
Prereq: ACCA305

ACCA413 Fund Accounting

3 credits
In this course, students focus on accounting procedures and nancial reporting for governmental units and non-prot organisations.
Focus is on budgeting, various funds and nancial statements.
Prereq: ACCA305

ACCA414 Auditing I
3 credits
This course is the rst of a two-course sequence which covers
auditing a companys nancial reports, internal control and
control risk, professional ethics, legal liability, audit planning
and documentation, materiality and risk, and the overall audit
plan and programme. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
(GAAS), Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS) and International
Standards on Auditing (ISA) are examined.
Prereq: ACCA305

3 credits
This course is designed to develop the students skills in doing
basic working drawings. The student has enough knowledge to
work on a one-storey residential project.
Prereq: TECH208

ADT 131 Architectural Drawing II

3 credits
This course consists of preliminary design drawings, architectural
models and architectural working drawings of a commercial
Prereq: ADT 121

ADT 132 Elementary Surveying

3 credits
An introductory course covering theory, methods, equipment and
techniques of eld measurement of distance, angles, elevations,
eld calculations, note taking and reporting.
Prereq: First-year standing

ADT 220 Building Code Regulations

3 credits
This course deals with the restrictions and limitations of the
various agencies concerned with the building industry. Provisions
of the Building Code are stressed.
Prereq: Second-year standing

ADT 244 Building Services

ACCA415 Auditing II
3 credits
This course is the second in a two-course sequence which covers
auditing a companys nancial statements, gathering audit
evidence, application of tests of controls, analytical procedures
and substantive testing. Audits are conducted in accordance with
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), Statements on
Auditing Standards (SAS) and International Standards on Auditing
Prereq: ACCA414

ACCA420 Tax Accounting I

3 credits
This course is designed to introduce the student to the principles,
denitions and history of the political economy of the United
States tax system. It will serve as a nucleus for more advanced
studies in taxation.
Prereq: ACCA305

3 credits
A study of the mechanical and electrical systems of buildings.
Topics will include: lectures with discussions, eld trips, principles
and practices of electrical installation, public water supply, sanitation and air conditioning.
Prereq: PHYS071

AGRI016 Principles of Plant Science

0 credit
This course provides fundamental information in plant science.
It covers morphology, classication, reproduction, utilisation and
cultivation of plants.
Prereq: None

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


AGRI017 Introduction to Soil Science

AGRI229 Agricultural Economics

0 credit
This course introduces students to basic concepts in soil science.
It deals with soil composition, its formation, physical, chemical
and biological properties and its management. Emphasis is on the
study of Bahamian soils.
Prereq: None

3 credits
In this course, students focus on the application of economic
principles to agriculture. Students also survey factors and costs of
production and marketing of agricultural products with examples
from The Bahamas.
Prereq: Second-year standing

AGRI101 Agricultural Geography

AGRI237 Agricultural Botany

3 credits
An examination of the environmental, social and economic factors
aecting Bahamian agriculture and the response both historically
and present, to these factors. This includes the role of structure,
infrastructure and crops in agricultural production as well as the
study of agricultural production itself.
Prereq: BIOL071 or BGCSE Biology Grade C

4 credits
This course consists of a full description of the major families of
plants in agriculture, including morphology of roots, stems, leaves,
owers and fruits; important aspects of ecology, physiology and a
study of methods of cultivation of each crop.
Prereq: BIOL071 or BGCSE Biology Grade C

AGRI330 Sustainable Plant Propagation

AGRI126 Soil Science
4 credits
The formation and classication of Bahamian soils, their physical
and chemical properties, management and preparation, etc.
Prereq: First-year standing

AGRI127 Livestock Science

4 credits
Anatomy, physiology and management of the ve major livestock:
cow, sheep, pig, goat and poultry. The course includes eld trips.
Prereq: First-year standing

AGRI220 Sustainable Soil Management

3 credits
This course examines the fundamentals of soil science with
emphasis on the physical, chemical and biological properties
of soil. Emphasis is placed on sustainable management of soils.
Coreq: AGRL220
Prereq: Second-year standing

AGRI227 Sustainable Livestock Management

3 credits
In this course, students are introduced to the management of
various breeds of livestock, the eects of genetic engineering and
the nutritional feed value. Types of livestock diseases and disease
management will also be examined.
Coreq: AGRL227
Prereq: Second-year standing

AGRI228 Crop Protection

4 credits
A study of the pests and their prevention in crops, with particular
attention to relevant crops in The Bahamas.
Prereq: Second-year standing


3 credits
In this course students examine the environmental factors
required for sustainable plant propagation and the principles and
techniques of seed selection, testing and storage. The biology and
techniques of propagation including cuttings, grafting, budding
and micro propagation are examined.
Coreq: AGRL330

AGRI337 Sustainable Crop Production

3 credits
In this course students will examine and study important aspects
of ecology and physiology and study sustainable methods of
cultivation of major crops grown in The Bahamas.
Coreq: AGRL337

AGRI338 Sustainable Crop Protection

3 credits
In this course students will analyze the pernicious eects of
pesticides on humans and the soil ecosystem. They will also
examine sustainable control measures for the management of
pathogenic pests.
Coreq: AGRIL338

AGRI429 Agricultural Economics and Farm Management

3 credits
In this course students examine factors of production and the
governments role in policy and agricultural development.
It emphasises the application of principles and concepts of
economics for the operation of farms.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

AGRL220 Sustainable Soil Management Laboratory

AOM 211 Oce Procedures

1 credit
This course is the practical component of AGRI 220 (Sustainable
Soil Management) and involves conducting experiments by
students for the determination of various components and
physical and chemical properties of soil.
Coreq: AGRI220
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
This course covers topics such as teamwork, problem-solving,
human/public relations, communication, time management,
reprographics, telephone technique, electronic messaging,
data/word processing, minute/report/letter writing consideration,
dictation/transcription eciencies, travel and meeting preparation
and legal, nancial and materials inventories.
Prereq: ENG 119 and TRS 111

AGRL227 Sustainable Livestock Management Laboratory

1 credit
In this course, students are exposed to techniques in weighing,
weaning, tagging, Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking,
deworming, embryo extraction, articial insemination feed and
milk analysis.
Coreq: AGRI227
Prereq: Second-year standing

AOM 225 Records Management

3 credits
This course covers the history of records and information management. Traditional and current, standardised alphabetical, numeric,
geographical, chronological and subject rules and methods for
ling are examined and practised.
Coreq: KYB 112
Prereq: MGMT101 and AOM 211

AGRL330 Sustainable Plant Propagation Laboratory

1 credit
This course is a practical component of AGRI 330 Sustainable Plant
Propagation. It involves demonstration of various technical skills
in seed selection, leaf, stem and root cuttings, budding, grafting
and micro propagation of selected plants found in the Bahamian
Coreq: AGRI330

AOM 325 Records Management II

3 credits
This course covers the use, types and concepts of electronic
records management and control, including le management,
database use and concepts.
Prereq: AOM 225 and CIS 105 or CIS 106

AOM 405 Administrative Oce Management I

AGRL337 Sustainable Crop Production Laboratory
1 credit
This course is the practical component of AGRI 337 (Sustainable
Crop Production) in which students get hands on experience in
land preparation, crop planting and fertilizer, water, pest and soil
Coreq: AGRI337

AGRL338 Sustainable Crop Protection Laboratory

1 credit
This course is the practical component of AGRI 338 Sustainable
Crop Protection. Students gain practical skills in isolating pathogens and direct inoculation. Students also learn to identify, classify
and diagnose pathogenic diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, virus
and nematodes plus insect infestations that may be found on plant
Coreq: AGRI338

ANT 100 Introduction to Anthropology I: Society

3 credits
This course provides students with a historically rooted introduction to the classical concepts employed by social anthropologists.
Beginning with specic denitions of the concept of society and
human beings as social animals, it examines the concepts of
kinship, subsistence, economic systems, and politics.
Prereq: ENG 119

3 credits
This course covers the principles of administrative oce management, management of the environment and supervision of
Prereq: AOM 211

AOM 407 Administrative Oce Management II

3 credits
This course covers the supervision of oce employees in relation
to evaluation of jobs, administering salaries, measuring output and
improving productivity. It also covers the management of oce
systems and functions.
Prereq: AOM 405

AOM 408 Practicum

3 credits
This course provides an opportunity for students to be placed in an
organisation to practice their oce administration skills. Emphasis
is placed on production, supervision, critical thinking and decisionmaking.
Prereq: AOM 407

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ARCH110 Architectural Graphics I

ARCH222 Introduction to Planning

3 credits
This is the rst course in a two-course sequence which is designed
to provide the architectural student with exposure to the various
tools, conventions and techniques that will form the basis of work
in Architectural Design.
Prereq: TECH028 or BGCSE Technical Drawing Grade C or BGCSE
Graphical Communication Grade C

3 credits
A course in planning which introduces students to various factors
that inuenced the urban and regional planning process as well
as provides them with the means to deal with the impact of these
Prereq: ARCH120

ART 100 Drawing I

ARCH120 Architectural Graphics II
3 credits
This is the second course of a two-course sequence which will
provide students with an exposure to the appreciation of simple
structural and design conventions, tools and techniques that form
the basis for work in Architectural Design.
Prereq: ARCH110

3 credits
This is a foundation course in drawing with emphasis on vision and
its relationship to the two-dimensional surface. Technical skills are
developed in areas of placement, value and space, including linear
Prereq: First-year standing

ART 101 Drawing II

ARCH210 History of Architecture I
3 credits
This course deals with the chronological development of
Architecture. This covers primitive through Gothic Architecture
stressing the inuences that led to those cultures. Factors such
as geographical location, climate, materials, limitations, inventions
and discoveries are examined in relation to mans approach to
problems of shelter.
Prereq: ARCH120

ARCH211 Architecture Studio I

5 credits
The course provides an introduction to environmental design
analysis, decision-making and evaluation methodologies for use in
the solution to problems of human scale.
Prereq: ARCH120

ARCH220 History of Architecture II

3 credits
This course is a follow-up to ARCH210. The Renaissance Period to
the present day is considered in the same context as in History of
Architecture I.
Prereq: ARCH210

ARCH221 Architecture Studio II

5 credits
The course consists of a series of studio exercises designed to
develop skills in the determination and communication of
architectural forms, fundamental activities and site analysis, spatial
organisation, structural clarity and formal composition.
Prereq: ARCH210 and ARCH211 and CET 213


3 credits
This course encompasses a basic study of the human gure as
artistic anatomy. Students develop fundamentals necessary to
render the gure accurately and artistically.
Prereq: ART 100

ART 102 2D Methods and Concepts I

2 credits
This course introduces students to elements and principles of twodimensional design in black and white. Emphasis is on technical
prociency and conceptual problem-solving through a variety of
Prereq: First-year standing

ART 103 2D Methods and Concepts II

2 credits
This course addresses elements and principles of two-dimensional
design with emphasis on colour theory. It is a continuation of ART
102 (2D Methods and Concepts I) with a focus on visual-problem
solving and exposure to a variety of media.
Prereq: First-year standing

ART 104 3D Methods and Concepts I

2 credits
This course introduces students to three-dimensional design by
exploring elements and principles. It develops their art vocabulary
and exposes them to areas of three-dimensional design.
Prereq: First-year standing

ART 105 3D Methods and Concepts II

2 credits
In this course students explore the characteristics and qualities
of various materials utilised in the creation of three-dimensional
design projects.
Prereq: ART 104

ART 106 Survey of Arts I: Pre-Historic to Renaissance

ART 211 Ceramics/Sculpture II

3 credits
The focus of this course is on historical perspectives in the visual
arts from the pre-historic to the Renaissance period. Students
explore the visual arts as a fundamental human experience.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
In this course students build on the knowledge and skills
developed in ART 210 (Ceramics/Sculpture I). They focus on wheelthrowing techniques and architectural and sculptural ceramics.
Further glaze testing, glaze discrimination and decoration of forms
are explored.
Prereq: ART 210

ART 107 Introduction to Bahamian Art

3 credits
In this course students examine the development of art in The
Bahamas from the pre-Colombian to the contemporary period and
explore regional and international inuences that have contributed to its development.
Prereq: First-year standing

ART 200 Painting I

3 credits
This introductory course in painting focuses on materials and
techniques. Students develop the elements and principles of
design through direct observation and creative expression with
a variety of painting media. Historical content is explored with an
emphasis on the modern movement on art.
Prereq: ART 101 and ART 103

ART 220 Commercial Art I: Illustration

3 credits
In this course, students are introduced to the fundamentals of
illustration. Students develop elements of drawing with specic
emphasis on stylization and explore concepts of commercial art
Prereq: ART 103

ART 221 Commercial Art II: Graphic Design

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to fundamentals of graphic
design using a predominantly manual technique. Focus is on icon
development, basic typography and visual literacy. Students are
exposed to computer graphic applications.
Prereq: ART 220

ART 201 Painting II

3 credits
This course furthers the progression in painting begun in ART
200 (Painting I). Focus is on content and the renement of studio
techniques, larger format paintings and the development of a
personal painting style.
Prereq: ART 200

ART 230 Introduction to Printmaking

ART 207 Survey of Arts II: From the Mid-Renaissance to the


ART 300 Mixed Media

3 credits
In this course students examine the historic development of
painting, sculpture and architecture from the mid-Renaissance to
the present. Students analyze works by major European, American,
African and Bahamian artists.
Prereq: First-year standing

ART 210 Ceramics/Sculpture I

3 credits
In this course students explore the processes and techniques
associated with ceramics and sculpture from ancient to contemporary civilisations.
Prereq: ART 105

3 credits
This course introduces students to fundamentals of printmaking
methods. Students develop technical skills in the areas of relief
printing, monoprinting and screen printing.
Prereq: ART 103

4 credits
This course explores non-traditional methods of creating art.
Focusing on the work and techniques of contemporary artists,
students will combine conventional approaches to printmaking,
painting, drawing and three-dimensional areas to produce mixed
media works of art.
Prereq: ART 250 and ART 251 or ART 253 and ART 254 and ART 298

ART 305 Pottery: Wheel Throwing, Pottery and Glaze Techniques

4 credits
This course focuses on developing pottery and glazing skills.
Consideration is given to the principles and mechanics involved in
the technique of throwing. Emphasis is placed on clay manipulation, assemblage of thrown ware, independent research and
experimentation with the medium.
Prereq: ART 253 and ART 254 or ART 295

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ART 360 Intermediate Drawing II

BADM461 Research Project

4 credits
This course focuses on the development and enhancement of
drawing skills with specic emphasis on visual conceptual relationships. More advanced compositions and ideas relating to drawing
and contemporary abstractions are included.
Prereq: ART 250 or ART 251

3 credits
This courses uses the techniques of research developed in BADM
300 to present a completed research project on a topic selected
by the student in collaboration with the Instructor, Chair or
Department Head.
Prereq: BADM300

ART 400 Advanced Painting

BILB100 Principles of Biology Laboratory

4 credits
This course focuses on the development of a distinct personal
painting style at an advanced level. It integrates both conventional
and non-conventional approaches to contemporary visual art to
create a body of work for the purpose of exhibition.
Prereq: ART 251 and ART 300

1 credit
This course is the laboratory component of BIOL 100 - Principles
of Biology. The subject matter focuses on standard laboratory
protocols and fundamental concepts in biology. The laboratory
work will emphasize the proper use of the laboratory techniques
and the interpretation and presentation of data.
Coreq: BIOL100
Prereq: BIOL071 or BGCSE Biology Grade C

ART 410 Ceramics: Advanced Hand-building Techniques

4 credits
This course focuses on hand-building techniques of coil, slab,
pinch and mould-making. Students experiment with glaze making
and kiln rings and document their work through photography.
It encourages the development of individual styles.
Prereq: ART 305

ASTR242 Modern Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies and

3 credits
Students survey basic concepts and discoveries in modern
astronomy and cosmology. They examine topics such as star
formation and evolution, quasars, galaxies, the Big Bang and the
Steady State Theories, black holes, time travel and the search for
extraterrestrial life.
Prereq: MATH140 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade B

BADM300 Techniques of Research
3 credits
A course in research methods, making full use of reference materials, group and individual work formats. The course emphasises
the nature and purpose of research variables, sampling procedures
and methodology to be used in the various types of research.
Prereq: STAT201 and ENG 300 or ENG 301

BADM450 Oshore Practice and Administration

3 credits
A study of the practice and administration of oshore banking
business, with particular reference to taxation, company
registration, trust accounting, administration and management
Prereq: BUSL425


BILB131 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab

0 credit
This is the lab component to Anatomy and Physiology I -- a study
of the normal organisation, structure and function of the human
body as a whole, (including the cell, tissues, meiosis, mitosis, the
skeleton - landmarks, transport systems, the respiratory system,
resuscitation, CPR, immunological response, the gastro-intestinal
system); and the total eect that the above systems have upon the
human individual.
Coreq: BIOL131

BILB132 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab

0 credit
This is the lab component to Anatomy and Physiology II, which
continues the study of the normal structure and function of the
human body, the systems as a whole, (including urinary, integumentary, nervous, endocrine; muscle - skeletal and male and
female reproductive systems); and the total eects that the above
systems have upon the human individual.
Prereq: BIOL131

BILB200 Animal Biology Laboratory

1 credit
This course is the laboratory component of BIOL 200 - Animal
Biology. Laboratory sessions will introduce students to the structure, function and diversity of animals, providing reinforcement
of materials covered by the lectures.
Coreq: BIOL200
Prereq: BIOL100 and BILB100

BILB201 Plant Biology Laboratory

1 credit
This is the practical component of BIOL 201 and involves closer
examination of local ora and prepared slides. Field trips are also
made to study plants in their natural environment.
Coreq: BIOL201
Prereq: BIOL100 and BILB100

BILB220 Principles of Genetics Laboratory

BILB445 General Entomology Laboratory

1 credit
This course, the laboratory component of BIOL220 - Principles
of Genetics, is designed to provide the student with the practical
experiences to reinforce the concepts of transmission genetics,
molecular genetics and studies on variation.
Coreq: BIOL220
Prereq: BIOL200 and BILB200 and BIOL201 and BILB201

2 credits
This course is the laboratory component of BIOL 445 - General
Entomology. Students examine the external structural components of the insect body and identify the major insect groups.
Insect collection and museum curation skills are practised.
Coreq: BIOL445
Prereq: BILB350

BILB345 Animal Behaviour Laboratory

BILB455 General Parasitology Laboratory

1 credit
This course gives students practical experience in the methods
used to study animal behaviour in both laboratory and eld
settings. It exposes the students to specic experiments on
selected behaviour topics and to the application of statistics to
experimental data.
Coreq: BIOL345
Preq: Third-year standing

1 credit
This course, the laboratory component of BIOL455 - General
Parasitology, surveys the basic techniques in the eld of
parasitology. It investigates simple diagnosis, identication and
techniques in exploring parasites and vectors and other arthropods of medical and veterinary importance.
Coreq: BIOL455
Prereq: Third-year standing

BILB310 Animal Physiology Laboratory

BIOL100 Principles of Biology

1 credit
This course is the laboratory component of BIOL 310 - Animal
Coreq: BIOL310
Prereq: BILB100

3 credits
This course deals with basic biological concepts. Discussed are
principles of biochemistry and inheritance, theories of origin and
classication of organisms, community interactions and ecosystems.
Coreq: BILB100
Prereq: BIOL071 or BGCSE Biology Grade C

BILB350 Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory

2 credits
This course is the laboratory component of BIOL 350. The subject
matter focuses on the phylogeny, ecology, morphology and
physiology of invertebrates.
Coreq: BIOL350
Prereq: BIOL100

BIOL101 Introduction to Human Biology for Health

3 credits
This course, designed for health professionals, is an introduction to
the organization, structure and function of the human body.
Prereq: First-year standing

BILB365 Plant Physiology II Laboratory

BIOL109 General Biology

2 credits
This course is the laboratory component of BIOL 365. Experiments
will be conducted on the physiological processes of plants to help
in the understanding of the coursework.
Coreq: BIOL365

3 credits
This course is a general course which surveys selected topics in
biology and is intended for non-science majors.
Prereq: First-year standing

BIOL116 Ecology
BILB380 Vertebrate Zoology Laboratory
1 credit
This course is the laboratory component of BIOL 380 - Vertebrate
Zoology. The subject matter focuses on the systematic, histology,
anatomy and physiology of vertebrates. The work is designed to
reinforce material covered in BIOL 380.
Coreq: BIOL380
Prereq: BIOL100

3 credits
A study of the ecology of The Bahamas from a theoretical and
practical perspective. The study includes primitive organisms, soil,
marine, atmospheric, plant and animal life as well as problems of
conservation and pollution.
Prereq: First-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


BIOL131 Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL223 Microbiology for Health Care Personnel

4 credits
A study of the normal organization, structure and function of
the human body as a whole, (including the cell, tissues, meiosis,
mitosis, the skeleton - landmarks, transport systems, the respiratory systems, resuscitation, CPR, immunological response, the
gastro-intestinal system); and the total eect that the above
systems have upon the human individual.
Prereq: BIOL071 or BGCSE Biology Grade C

4 credits
This course introduces students to the study of microorganisms
and their relationships to man in health and disease. It also
provides students with knowledge and skills which they will utilize
to maintain a safe environment for individuals and families (within
the community) throughout the health-illness continuum.
Prereq: CHEM115 and BIOL100 or BIOL131 or BIOL132

BIOL300 Environmental Studies

BIOL132 Anatomy and Physiology II
4 credits
This course continues the study of the normal structure and
function of the human body as a whole, (including urinary,
integumentary, nervous, endocrine; muscle - skeletal and male and
female reproductive systems); and the total eect that the above
systems have upon the human individual.
Prereq: BIOL131

3 credits
This interdisciplinary course provides in-service teachers with
an opportunity to study island ecosystems from an interactive
systems perspective within a residential eld studies programme
at the Bahamian Field Station on San Salvador. Classroom activities,
guest lectures and eld work are incorporated.
Prereq: Certied teacher/permission of Instructor

BIOL305 Research Methods for the Life Sciences

BIOL200 Animal Biology
3 credits
This course investigates the general principles of animal biology.
The systematic histology and anatomy and physiology of animals
are discussed. Emphasis is placed on diversity following a system
Coreq: BILB200
Prereq: BIOL100 and BILB100

BIOL201 Plant Biology

3 credits
This course examines the morphological structures of the plant
which include the stem, root, leaf and ower. It focuses on
classication, plant tissues, photosynthesis, and reproduction
of the spermatophytes.
Coreq: BILB201
Prereq: BIOL100 and BILB100

3 credits
In this course, students are introduced to the concepts and
principles of biological research. They apply this knowledge to the
development of a research proposal based on archival materials,
case studies and laboratory or eld research.
Prereq: Third-year standing

BIOL310 Animal Physiology

3 credits
Topics covered in the course are neurophysiology, endocrinology
and the physiology of major organ systems. Emphasis is placed on
the importance of control, regulatory and integrative processes
involved in maintaining homeostasis and sustaining life.
Coreq: BILB310
Prereq: BIOL100

BIOL345 Animal Behaviour

4 credits
This course covers major ecological principles which are used
to address current and historical environmental issues. A major
component of the course is laboratory and eld studies.
Prereq: BIOL100

3 credits
This course introduces students to the science of ethnology.
Students examine patterns of animal behaviour and the roles that
biological and environmental factors play in aecting behaviour.
Emphasis is placed on current topics in animal behaviour research.
Coreq: BILB345
Prereq: Third-year standing

BIOL220 Principles of Genetics

BIOL350 Invertebrate Zoology

4 credits
This course is a survey of the basic concepts and recent developments in the eld of genetics. It investigates simple Mendelian
genetics, molecular genetics, genetic engineering and simple
statistical analysis of experimental ndings. It serves as a foundation for further studies in the area of cell and molecular biology.
Coreq: BILB220
Prereq: BIOL201 and BILB201 or BIOL200 and BILB200

3 credits
This course will provide an overview of the diversity of invertebrates. It takes an integrative approach to learning about
invertebrates that will involve phylogeny, ecology, morphology
and physiology.
Coreq: BILB350
Prereq: BIOL100

BIOL216 Ecology


BIOL365 Plant Physiology II

BIOL455 General Parasitology

3 credits
This course deals with various life processes in higher plants and
the eect of various environmental factors on these processes.
Coreq: BILB365

3 credits
This course examines the basic concepts and relevant developments in the eld of parasitology. It investigates various aspects of
the eld including epidemiology and control, biology and ecology
of parasites and vectors of medical and veterinary importance.
Coreq: BILB455
Prereq: Third-year standing

BIOL380 Vertebrate Zoology

3 credits
This course is an investigation of the biology of vertebrates,
including systematics, diversity and structural and functional
adaptations of the shes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Coreq: BILB380
Prereq: BIOL100

BIOL390 Field Studies I

3 credits
This course exposes students to the planning, preparation,
conduct and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
agriculture, biology, environmental studies and geography.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld are
Prereq: Third-year standing

BIOL391 Field Studies II

6 credits
This course exposes students to the planning, preparation,
conduct and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
agriculture, biology, environmental studies and geography.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld are
Prereq: Third-year standing

BIOL475 Bioethics
3 credits
This course covers the ethical and philosophical implications
of certain technologies and biological and medical procedures.
Emphasis is on models of ethical analysis, self-knowledge, religious
ethics and ethics in science.
Prereq: Third-year standing

BIOL480 Independent Study for the Life Sciences

3 credits
In this course students engage in biological research under the
supervision of a faculty member. The student, assisted by the
supervisor, denes the research problem, conducts the study and
prepares a research paper.
Prereq: BIOL305

BIOL490 Biology Seminar

1 credit
In this course students develop skills in preparing scientic
information for audiovisual and poster presentations. They
practice speaking techniques and methods to maximise audience
participation. Students edit, revise and critique presentations.
Prereq: BIOL305

BIOL392 Field Studies III

9 credits
This course exposes students to the planning, preparation,
conduct and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
agriculture, biology, environmental studies and geography.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld are
Prereq: Third-year standing

BIOL445 General Entomology

3 credits
This is a survey course of the major groups of insects, their diversity
and niches. Emphasis is placed on morphology, anatomy,
classication, identication, general physiology, general principles
of insect ecology, biological adaptations to the environment and
the concept of pest management.
Coreq: BILB445
Prereq: BIOL350

BKGI303 Multinational Banking

3 credits
This course covers the many methods of nancial international
trade. It focuses on the international economy and nancial
system, the importance of international trade, the payments
systems/mechanism, international nancial institutions and
markets. Emphasis is also placed on trade agreements and blocs
such as the European Community, NAFTA and the FTAA.
Prereq: BKGP301 or FIN 211

BKGI419 International Trade Finance

3 credits
This course covers the many methods of nancial international
trade. It focuses on the international economy and nancial
system, the importance of international trade, the payments
systems/mechanism, international nancial institutions and
markets. Emphasis is also placed on trade agreements and blocks
such as the European Community, NAFTA and the FTAA.
Prereq: ECON314

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


BKGL430 Retail Lending

BUSI430 Business Ethics

3 credits
A study of the various techniques of credit analysis and assessment required of a lending ocer working in a commercial banks
credit/loan department in a Bahamian retail nancial institution.
Prereq: ACCA330 and BUSL356

3 credits
This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of
the universal concepts of ethics, morality and values in a global
environment. Through discussion and case analyses, students learn
to recognise ethical dilemmas, respond to dicult moral issues
and gain the skills to resolve them with integrity and professionalism.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

BKGM302 Money and Capital Markets

3 credits
This course is a study of the principles of banking operations,
including the services oered by banks, the practice of banking in
major economic systems, with special reference to banking in The
Bahamas and the evolution of banking in relation to the economy.
Prereq: BKGP301 or FIN 211

BKGP301 Financial Institutions and Services

3 credits
This course is a study of the principles of banking operations,
including the services oered by banks, the practice of banking in
major economic systems, with special reference to banking in The
Bahamas and the evolution of banking in relation to the economy.
Prereq: ECON211

BKGP416 Law and Practice of Banking I

3 credits
A study of the relationship between the banker and customer,
banking operations and the nancial services industry. Law
and practice of bank account management and bank/customer
Prereq: ACCA330 and BUSL356

BKGP417 Law and Practice of Banking

3 credits
A continuation of BKGP416 focusing on the types of securities
used for collateral in the lending process. Evaluation of securities,
analysis of lending techniques with respect to bank/customer
relationships. Group work and case studies employed, using local
and international employees.
Prereq: BKGP416

BUSI301 Business of Real Estate

3 credits
This course covers the principles and practices of real estate as
a means of enhancing wealth. It emphasises decision-making
processes, implementation strategies and the legal aspects of
Prereq: Third-year standing

BUSI401 International Business

3 credits
An examination of multinational enterprises (MNEs), their inuence on the competitive international nancial, economic, legal,
socio-political and ethical environments, and the implications of
trade policies to global strategy.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing


BUSL255 Business Law

3 credits
A course designed to expose students to laws that provide for the
smooth ow of business transactions. The major topics to be
covered include: contracts, agency, mercantile agreement,
negotiable instruments, securities, bankruptcy, company law, torts,
and the Bahamas Business Licence Act.
Prereq: ENG 119

BUSL256 Banking Law I

3 credits
This course covers the legal relationships of banks, ocers and
customers, focusing on the Bahamian legal system. Negotiable
instruments, accounts, securities, nancing and related services are
Prereq: ECON211

BUSL340 Employment Law in The Bahamas

3 credits
In this course students examine the relevant statutes, principles,
rules and concepts of common law governing the relationship
between employees and employers. Students focus on employment-related statutes and their applicability in an employment
Prereq: BUSL255

BUSL355 Business Law II

3 credits
This course is a continuation of Business Law I. It is designed
to explain the legal environment of and expose the students
to concepts and principles of contract law, third party liability,
negotiable instruments, sales contact and agency.
Prereq: BUSL255

BUSL356 Banking Law II

3 credits
An in-depth review and analysis of legislation relevant to the
nancial services industry in The Bahamas, covering law related to
commercial banks, trust companies and mutual funds, including
the Banks and Trust Companies Regulations Act,1965, Trustee Act,
Pension Act and Securities Industry Act, 1999.
Prereq: BUSL256

BUSL418 Administration of Estates

CA 200 Baking and Pastry

3 credits
This course covers common problems in the law of succession
and the administration of estates, wills, executors, guardians and
trustees. Devolution of property, grants of administration and
use of agents are also covered. Revision in the law and practice of
estate administration is emphasised.
Prereq: BUSL356

3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the preparation
of pastry products, including breads, cakes, cookies, pastries, ice
creams, candies, and restaurant deserts.
Prereq: CULN150

BUSL425 Trust Law

3 credits
A study of the categories of trusts, powers, duties and liabilities
of trusts and the rights of beneciaries under trusts. Variations
in trusts and their eect on trust administration in an oshore
nancial centre such as The Bahamas are also covered.
Prereq: BUSL356

CA 210 Wines and Spirits

3 credits
A study of the classication, production, identication and service
of alcoholic beverages, with an emphasis of wines. A systematic
approach to tasting and evaluating wines and spirits will be
Prereq: Second-year standing

CA 220 Advanced Patisserie

3 credits
This course will provide students with advanced knowledge and
techniques of pastry products.
Prereq: CULN200

CA 015 Introduction to Baking

CA 235 International Cuisine

0 credit
This course is designed to introduce students to the preparation of
baking products inclusive of cakes. Emphasis will also be placed on
calculation of ingredients, tools and equipment identication.
Prereq: None

3 credits
Menus reecting European, American, Asian and Caribbean
cuisines are produced. Production focuses on indigenous ingredients and cooking methods.
Prereq: CULN150

CA 020 Basic Modern Cuisine

CCN 300 Fundamentals of Critical Care Nursing

0 credit
This course will introduce students to principles of Modern Cuisine.
Emphasis will be placed on the preparation and the production of
dishes using modern current techniques and trends.
Prereq: None

2 credits
This course explores the complexities of the critical care environment from the perspective of the patient, family and health
professional. Relevant ethical, legal and practice issues in critical
care are addressed.
Prereq: Third-year standing

CA 059 Cake Baking and Decorating

0 credit
Students are introduced to skills, concepts and techniques of
quality cake decorating. The course includes preparation of icings
and butter creams, use of pastry tips, paper cones and pastry bags;
cake preparation and icing; borders, owers and piping.
Prereq: None

CA 062 Basic Garde Manger

0 credit
A basic course in the preparation of the cold buet with an
emphasis on salads, sandwiches, ice carvings, lard sculptures, hors
doeuvres, pates, poultry and meats.
Prereq: None

CCN 301 Pharmacology for Critical Care

3 credits
This course focuses on the principles and physiological mechanisms related to pharmacology. Emphasis is on a comprehensive
understanding of major drug categories and current medications
frequently used for critically ill patients.
Prereq: Third-year standing

CCN 302 Advanced Pathophysiology

3 credits
This course addresses advanced pathophysiological concepts
as applied to body systems. Emphasis is on the maladaptive
processes occurring as a result of critical illness and injury.
Prereq: Third-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


CCN 303 ECG Interpretation and Management

CCN 308 Critical Care Clinical Practicum II

2 credits
This course addresses advanced pathophysiological concepts
as applied to body systems. Emphasis is on the maladaptive
processes occurring as a result of critical illness and injury.
Prereq: CCN 302 minimum Grade C- and CCN 300 Minimum Grade
C- and CCN 301 Minimum Grade C-and NURS318 Minimum
Grade C-

2 credits
This practicum course provides students with the opportunity to
integrate and apply critical care theory skills and skills in clinical
practice to the management of trauma patients and special
groups. Emphasis is on enhancing the assessment, monitoring,
critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills gained in CCN
Prereq: CCN 306 minimum Grade C- and CCN 305 minimum Grade
C- and CCN 304 minimum Grade C- and CCN 303 minimum Grade

CCN 304 Critical Care Nursing Management of Adults

4 credits
This course addresses the principles and concepts of the Nursing
Process applied to the management of critically ill adult patients.
Prereq: CCN 302 Minimum Grade C- and CCN 301 Minimum Grade
C- and CCN 300 Minimum Grade C- and NURS318 minimum
Grade C-

CCN 305 Advanced Trauma Nursing

3 credits
This course addresses the principles and concepts of the Nursing
Process applied to the management of critically ill trauma patients.
Emphasis is on the Trauma System in relation to current nursing,
medical and legal guidelines.
Prereq: CCN 302 Minimum Grade C- and CCN 301 Minimum Grade
C- and CCN 300 minimum Grade C- and NURS318 minimum
Grade C-

CCN 306 Critical Care Clinical Practicum I

4 credits
This practicum provides students with the opportunity to integrate
and apply critical care theory and skills in the management of the
adult patient. Emphasis is on developing comprehensive critical
thinking and clinical decision-making skills in the application of
the nursing process.
Prereq: CCN 302 minimum Grade C- and CCN 301 minimum Grade
C- and CCN 300 minimum Grade C- and NURS318 minimum
Grade C-

CCN 307 Critical Care Nursing Management of Special

3 credits
This course addresses the principles and concepts of the Nursing
Process applied to the management of the critically ill pediatric,
geriatric and obstetric patients.
Prereq: CCN 306 minimum Grade C- and CCN 305 minimum Grade
C- and CCN 304 minimum Grade C- and CCN 303 minimum Grade


CCN 309 Critical Care Seminar

2 credits
This course explores the advanced practiced roles of the critical
care nurse as manager, researcher, educator and practitioner.
Prereq: CCN 306 minimum Grade C- and CCN 305 minimum Grade
C- and CCN 304 minimum Grade C- and CCN 303 minimum Grade

CCN 400 Extended Critical Care Clinical Practicum

6 credits
This clinical practicum involves extensive supervised practice of
40 hours per week. It provides the student with the opportunity to
develop in-depth skills in the assessment and management of all
types of critically ill patients.
Prereq: CCN 309 minimum Grade C- and CCN 308 minimum Grade
C- and CCN 307 minimum Grade C-

CET 212 Structures and Strength of Materials

3 credits
A two-part introductory course in structures and strength of
materials. Concepts in statistics are applied in the solution of
simple beams and frames. Topics include shear force, bending
moment, stress analysis and deection in structures. The second
part addresses stress and strain relations in elastic materials,
bending of beams, torsion, shear and buckling of columns.
Prereq: TECH123 and MATH170

CET 213 Construction Materials

3 credits
This course provides an introduction to the various types of materials used in civil engineering and building construction. Materials
to be considered include concrete and its components, wood and
its derivatives, iron and steel, aluminum, glass, plastic and asphalt.
Emphasis will be placed on the physical and mechanical properties
and how these aect the use of the material.
Prereq: CHEM071 and PHYS164

CET 214 Strength of Materials

CET 225 Construction Project Management

3 credits
A course intended to equip the student with knowledge of the
physical behaviour of materials under load, the models used to
develop theory and the application of such theory in analysing
engineering components under the axial load, shear, bending,
torsion and combined loading.
Coreq: CET 215
Prereq: MATH168

3 credits
This course exposes the student to the business aspects of the
construction process. Issues to be considered include the functions
of a manager, motivational theories and leadership styles, site
layout, contracts, bid preparation and analysis, planning and
scheduling including the use of CPM and PERT construction
economics, safety, industrial relations, quality and cost control,
work improvement. To be supplemented by trips to construction
Prereq: CET 213

CET 215 Determinate Structural Analysis

3 credits
A course intended to equip the student with knowledge of theory
and application of structural analysis as it applies to statically
determinate structures including trusses, beams and frames, and
to lay the foundation for the future analysis of indeterminate
Coreq: CET 214
Prereq: MATH168

CET 226 Construction Cost Estimating

3 credits
This course is intended to provide students with the ability to cost
a complete construction project. Issues to be considered include
contract administration, types of estimates, breakdown of project,
methods of take-o for various elements, production notes, direct
and indirect charges, unit costs, preparation of estimates.
Prereq: CET 213 and CET 224 and TECH122

CET 221 Construction Surveying

CET 227 Construction Contracts and Specications

4 credits
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of
surveying and their use in the preparation of topographic maps
and plans by linear, traverse and triangulation methods. Students
will also be exposed to the application of these concepts in surveys
for the construction of building and other civil engineering works.
Coreq: TECH122
Prereq: MATH167 and MATH168 and PHYS165

3 credits
This course exposes students to the legal principles and practices
governing the construction process. Issues to be considered
include constructions, types of contracts and contract documents.
The student will be instructed in the preparation and interpretation of civil engineering specications.
Prereq: CET 213

CET 222 Elementary Timber and Steel Design

CHEM100 Chemistry in the World Around Us

3 credits
An introductory course in elastic design in timber and steel. The
course covers design of beams, struts and ties, columns and
connections. Design codes relevant to timber and steel will be
Prereq: TECH210

3 credits
This course is intended for non-science majors. It introduces the
student to a wide variety of natural phenomena and deals with
many contemporary environmental issues.
Prereq: First-year standing

CHEM115 Introductory Chemistry

CET 223 Elementary Reinforced Concrete Design
3 credits
An introduction to limit of ultimate load design of reinforced
concrete structural elements. Analysis and design will include
exural analysis, shear and torsion. Elements to be discussed will
include beams, one-way slabs, simple foundation and columns.
Prereq: TECH210

4 credits
An introduction to chemistry designed to prepare students with
some background in the subject to enter College Chemistry
Prereq: CHEM071 or BGCSE Chemistry Grade D and MATH048 or
BGCSE Mathematics Grade D or MATH140

CHEM135 College Chemistry I

CET 224 Construction Methods and Equipment
3 credits
This course involves a study of the various methods used in
building and civil engineering construction as well as of the
equipment that relate to these methods. Issues to be considered
include excavation, dewatering, loading and hauling, compacting,
foundations, frame construction, concreting, masonry construction. The course will be supplemented by organised eld trips to
construction sites.
Prereq: CET 213

4 credits
This course introduces the student to some fundamental principles
of Chemistry, which are necessary for further studies in physical,
organic and inorganic chemistry and the Biological Sciences.
Prereq: CHEM115 or BGCSE Chemistry Grade B and MATH140 or
BGCSE Mathematics Grade B

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


CHEM136 College Chemistry for Health Science

CHEM330 Organic Chemistry II

4 credits
This course provides health scientists with a basic understanding
of important chemical concepts and their relationship to life
Prereq: CHEM115

3 credits
This course explores the major groups of organic chemicals. It
guides students through an in-depth investigation of functional
group reactions, structures and properties. Also, it seeks to
encourage students to consider the role of organic chemicals in
the world around us and to explore environmental and industrial
eects and applications.
Coreq: CHLB330
Prereq: CHEM230

CHEM225 College Chemistry II

4 credits
A continuation of the fundamental principles of Physical Chemistry
encountered in Chemistry 135. In addition, students will be
introduced to the main functional groups of organic compounds
and to IUPAC principles of nomenclature of these compounds.
Prereq: CHEM135

CHEM230 Organic Chemistry

4 credits
Topics covered include the chemistry of carbon compounds,
structure and structure determination, a systematic study of
various functional groups, reaction mechanisms and the role of
carbon compounds in living systems.
Prereq: CHEM225

CHEM235 Inorganic Chemistry

4 credits
A study of periodicity, chemical bonding, the main groups of
the periodic table and the rst transition series, emphasising
the application of physical-chemical principles encountered in
previous chemistry courses and relating chemical reactivity to
chemical structure.
Prereq: CHEM225

CHEM240 Physical Chemistry

4 credits
A course intended to prepare students for the GCE A level
examination in Chemistry, both general and physical. It includes
the following topics: the Kinetic theory of matter, an introduction
to thermodynamics, phase equilibrium, chemical kinetics and the
solid state.
Prereq: CHEM225 and MATH170

CHEM325 Analytical Chemistry

3 credits
This course presents theoretical information covering gravimetric,
potentiometric, spectrophometric and chromatographic techniques. Experimental data will be subjected to critical analysis.
Coreq: CHLB325
Prereq: CHEM225


CHEM331 Modern Methods of Determining the Structure of

Organic Compounds
3 credits
This course introduces students to the process of interpretation
of spectra produced by modern analytical instruments. Forensic,
medical, pharmaceutical and other industrial applications are
Prereq: CHEM230

CHEM336 Principles of Biochemistry

4 credits
This course explores the essential macromolecules and metabolic
pathways encountered in BIOL 200 - Animal Biology and BIOL 201
- Plant Biology. Emphasis is placed on relating chemical structure
to biology activity of molecules and on the role of various factors
in energy generation and regulation.
Prereq: CHEM230 and BIOL200 and BIOL201

CHEM430 Advanced Organic Synthesis

3 credits
In this course, students explore advanced organic synthetic procedures taken from the primary chemical literature. Students prepare
synthetic protocols based on course and literature procedures.
Prereq: CHEM330 and CHLB330 and CHEM331

CHEM436 Principles of Biochemistry II

4 credits
This course focuses on the eects of metabolic defects arising from
genetic and environmental factors. Students will analyse clinicalchemical assessments of selected health related conditions.
Prereq: CHEM336 and BIOL200

CHLB115 Introductory Chemistry Lab

0 credit
This is the lab component for Introductory Chemistry - CHEM115,
which is designed to prepare students with little background in
the subject to enter College Chemistry courses. Upon completion
of this course students should be ready for entry into CHEM135
College Chemistry I.
Coreq: CHEM115
Prereq: CHEM071

CHLB135 College Chemistry I Lab

0 credit
This is the lab component for College Chemistry I - CHEM135,
which introduces the student to some fundamental principles of
Chemistry which are necessary for further studies in the physical,
inorganic and organic chemistry and in the Biological Sciences.
Coreq: CHEM135
Prereq: CHEM115

CHLB325 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

2 credits
This course is the laboratory component of CHEM 325. This course
presents experiments covering gravimetric, potentiometric,
spectrophometric and chromatographic techniques. Experimental
data will be subjected to critical analysis.
Coreq: CHEM325
Prereq: CHEM225

CHLB330 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory

2 credits
This laboratory course complements the theory introduced in
CHEM 330 (Organic Chemistry II). It focuses on the development of
skills in extraction and purication procedures, synthesis, analysis
and identication of organic compounds.
Coreq: CHEM330
Prereq: CHEM230

CHN 040 Community Health Nursing

0 credit
This course is designed to give the Community Health Nursing
student the opportunity to integrate and consolidate information gained from the courses in Semester I. The student will gain
additional knowledge about the development and operation of
the Community Health Nursing Services within the Department of
Public Health.
Coreq: CHN 400, CHN 401 CHN 402 CHN 403
Prereq: Admission to Programme

CHN 400 Fundamentals of Community Health Nursing and

Health Education
4 credits
This course is designed to give the students an overview of the
historical development of Community Health Nursing. It provides
for attainment of knowledge and skills relating to the practice of
Community Health Nursing in achieving comprehensive care of
individuals, families and groups in community settings.
Coreq: CHN 040
Prereq: Admission to programme

CHN 401 Applied Behavioural Science

2 credits
This course deals with interpersonal relationships, psycho-social
concepts and trends and traditional practices. It concentrates
on the eects of individual, family and group behaviours on the
planning and delivery of eective health care.
Coreq: CHN 040
Prereq: Admission to programme

CHN 402 Health Promotion, Protection and Maintenance

3 credits
This course focuses on the principles of home economics, nutrition, oral health, accident prevention and screening of high risk
groups to promote, protect and maintain health of the family and
Coreq: CHN 040
Prereq: Admission to programme

CHN 403 Epidemiology and Research

2 credits
This course examines the methodology of epidemiology and post
disaster surveillance. It further studies bio-statistics and research in
relation to prevention and control of disease and health.
Coreq: CHN 040
Prereq: Admission to programme

CHN 404 Family Health I

CHN 041 Community Health Nursing Seminar II
0 credit
This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity
to integrate and consolidate information gained during Semester
II. It allows the Community Health Nursing student to further
develop and improve skills and attitudes for practice in a variety of
community settings.
Coreq: CHN 406, CHN 407, CHN 408, CHN 409, CHN 410
Prereq: CHN 040 minimum Grade C-

CHN 042 Community Health Nursing Seminar III

0 credit
This course is designed to give the Community Health Nurse
student the opportunity to integrate knowledge and develop
prociency in skills for practice in a variety of settings.
Coreq: CHN 411 and CHN 412
Prereq: CHN 041 minimum Grade C-

2 credits
This course is the rst of a two-part series on the family as a client.
It emphsises the pregnant and post partum woman, the infant and
pre-school child and the nursing process as the principal tool in
meeting identied needs.
Coreq: CHN 040
Prereq: Admission to programme

CHN 405 Community Health Nursing Practicum I

4 credits
This course is a supervised practicum designed to give the
Community Health Nursing student the opportunity to apply the
knowledge gained in Semester I to the management of the health
of individuals, families and groups in the community. Emphasis is
on beginning clinical skills.
Coreq: CHN 040
Prereq: Admission to programme

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


CHN 406 Environmental And Ecological Control

CHN 412 Extended Clinical Practicum

3 credits
This course focuses on basic ecological and environmental
determinants of health. It provides information on ecological
concepts, housing, sanitation, vector control, food/milk hygiene
and occupational health. It emphasises preventive measures to
ensure a healthy environment.
Coreq: CHN 041
Prereq: CHN 403 minimum Grade C-

10 credits
This clinical course is designed to further develop skills gained
from courses in Semester I and II of the programme. It focuses on
clinical activities which the Community Health Nursing student is
expected to practice with prociency and competence on completion of the programme.
Coreq: CHN 042
Prereq: CHN 410

CHN 407 Disease Prevention And Control

CIS 100 Computer Literacy

2 credits
This course focuses on factors that may inuence disease
occurrence and the methodology of studying communicable and
non-communicable diseases. It further emphasises the role of the
Community Health Nurse in prevention and control of disease.
Coreq: CHN 041
Prereq: CHN 403 minimum Grade C-

1 credit
This self-paced course introduces students to computer software,
hardware, input and output processing, storage and basic
applications. Concepts and terminology related to computer
information processing are emphasised.
Prereq: First-year standing

CIS 105 Introduction to Business Applications

CHN 408 Family Health II
3 credits
This course is the nal of a two-part series in the family as a client.
It emphasises the develoment of the school child, adolescent,
young adult, adult and the elderly. It identies the common health
problem of these groups highlighting health promotion and
Coreq: CHN 041
Prereq: CHN 404 minimum Grade C-

CHN 409 Health Promotion, Protection And Maintenance II

2 credits
This course highlights the role of the Community Health Nurse
in health and family life education, community health education,
mental health and disaster preparedness for the promotion,
protection and maintenance of health.
Coreq: CHN 041
Prereq: CHN 402 minimum Grade C-

CHN 410 Community Health Nursing Practicum II

4 credits
This practicum course is designed to give students an opportunity
to integrate and consolidate knowledge and skills gained from
courses in Semester II and build on previously acquired skills for
the improvement of care to individuals, families and communities.
Coreq: CHN 041
Prereq: CHN 405 minimum Grade C-

CHN 411 Health Administration

3 credits
This course focuses on administrative and managerial concepts,
techniques and their application to community health nursing
practices. It highlights current trends which create a culture for
eective managerial functions.
Coreq: CHN 042
Prereq: CHN 401 minimum Grade C-


3 credits
This course gives an overview of computer hardware, software,
data processing techniques, and terminology. The course should
equip the student to participate in the eective use of existing
computer systems and selection and development of new systems
for particular job situations.
Prereq: MATH048

CIS 106 Computer Applications I

3 credits
This course introduces students to computer software, data
processing techniques and terminologies. Students use computer
applications for various projects.
Prereq: CIS 100

CIS 120 Object Oriented Programming Visual Basic

3 credits
This programming course provides the students with an opportunity to understand object-oriented programming using the Visual
Basic event-driven programming language. Programming
applications will be undertaken and applied to the business
Prereq: CISP110 and CIS 106

CIS 206 Computer Applications II

3 credits
Students further develop their skills in the use of computer applications for various projects. Emphasis is on advanced concepts
in wordprocessing, spreadsheets, database, presentations and
webpage creation.
Prereq: CIS 106 and CIS 120 or CIS 105 and CIS 120

CIS 302 Advanced Computer Applications in Business


3 credits
This course deals with the examination, installation and use of
standard workplace tools related to such subjects as accounting,
nance, human resource management, economics, and problems
for which the software is appropriate. Major workplace tools
include accounting, communications and graphics.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

3 credits
This course introduces the students to programming using the
JAVA language. Web applications are developed utilising the
various JAVA tools.
Prereq: Third-year standing

CIS 305 Fundamentals of Operating Systems

3 credits
A study of the principal operating systems at the introductory
programming level. The course investigates the features and
applications of several operating systems such as DOS, Windows
NT, UNIX and OS/2, including multi-user-tasking environments.
Prereq: CIS 205 or CIS 206

CIS 407 Database Design and Programming

3 credits
A study of the technical, managerial and ethical issues associated
with computer-based data management. The course emphasises
the design and programming considerations for constructing
the database. This course focuses on the use of Structured Query
Language for personal and mainframe systems such as the AS/400.
Prereq: CIS 307

CIS 420 Computer Information Security

CIS 307 Database Management Fundamentals
3 credits
In this course, students focus on the development of a client
side/desktop Database Management System (DBMS) application
utilising state-of-the-art applications.
Prereq: CIS 206

CIS 308 Advanced Visual Object Programming

3 credits
This course examines the use of classes, objects and menus for
the design of a business application system using Visual Basic, an
object-oriented programming language in a graphical user-interface environment such as Windows.
Prereq: CIS 120

CIS 315 Business Data Communications

3 credits
This course is designed to develop the students general perspectives on data communication technology and concepts for solving
organisational problems. Emphasis is placed on data communication topology and protocols, network architecture and issues
relating to installing and managing inter-organisational systems.
Prereq: CIS 205 or CIS 206

CIS 335 Systems Analysis and Design

3 credits
This course covers the analysis of various systems within an organization. Students develop skills in designing and implementing
computerised information systems.
Prereq: CIS 205 or CIS 206

CIS 340 Web Publishing

3 credits
This course focuses on planning, building and maintaining
websites. Internet technologies to design and construct web pages
are explored.
Prereq: CIS 206 or CIS 205

3 credits
This course expands on the principles and techniques of information security on all categories of computer information systems.
It explores business conceptual and technological aspects of
information security for voice and data networks. Key concepts
include risk assessment and analysis, physical security, virus
analysis, wireless security, security protocols, network security
architecture and policy development.
Prereq: CIS 305

CIS 423 Client/Server Applications Development

3 credits
This course provides a practical introduction to client/server
systems with emphasis on an event-driven graphical user environment. Students are exposed to the use of client/server systems
tool to design and implement a business application using project
techniques and object-oriented analysis and design.
Prereq: CIS 308 and CIS 315

CISE240 Fundamentals of E-Commerce

3 credits
This course introduces the student to the concept of Electronic
Commerce (e-commerce) and how it is used to conduct business.
The positive and negative impact of e-commerce on global
and local societies are explored. Various e-commerce business
models, identication of revenue streams and associated payment
methods are discussed.
Prereq: CIS 206

CISE460 E-Commerce Management

3 credits
This course examines E-Commerce from a management
perspective. Management strategies are analysed and discussed.
Approaches necessary for the long-term survival of any company
in the E-Commerce arena are covered.
Prereq: MIS 310 and ENG 301

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


CISN309 Network Systems

CISP225 Object Oriented Programming C

3 credits
This course builds on fundamental networking concepts and
provides an in-depth study of various networking systems and
architecture. Focus is on the physical infrastructure, topology,
various operating systems and network security.
Prereq: CIS 206

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to fundamental computer
programming concepts using the latest version of the C language.
Emphasis is on business applications and game programming
Prereq: CISP110

CISN329 Local Area Network I

CISP320 Visual C++

3 credits
This is the rst in a two-course sequence on Local Area Network
(LAN) systems. Students design and explore various network
applications. Focus is on standards, hardware, wide area network
and inter-networking.
Prereq: CIS 305

3 credits
This course focuses on the design and implementation of
Windows programmes using C++, object-oriented techniques and
Windows programmes, employing Document/View architecture
and creating and manipulating the standard graphical interface
Prereq: CIS 230 or CISP225

CISN419 Inter and Intra Networks

3 credits
In this course students are exposed to inter and intra network
systems, including local area networks (LAN) and wide area
networks (WAN). Emphasis is on network communication via
routing, switching and encryption technologies.
Prereq: CIS 329


CISN425 Web Server Management

CISP400 Web Programming

3 credits
In this course students are exposed to web server management
technologies. Web server platforms, their installation, implementation and administration are emphasised. Best practices and tools
are discussed.
Prereq: CISN329

3 credits
In this course, focus is on programming of interactive web pages.
Students examine the use of Active Server Pages (ASP) technology
in database access on the Web.
Prereq: CISP320 or CISP375

3 credits
This course introduces students to programming using the JAVA
language. Web applications are developed utilising the various
JAVA tools.
Prereq: CISP225

CISP405 Wireless Applications

CISN429 Local Area Network II
3 credits
This is the second in a two-course sequence on Local Area Network
(LAN) systems. Students examine the administration and services
fundamental to a network operating system.
Prereq: CISN329

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to wireless programming
languages. Emphasis is on using Wireless Application Protocol
Prereq: CISP400

CISP471 Application Programming Seminar

CISN472 Networks Systems Seminar
3 credits
In this course students explore and discuss current issues in
computer network systems utilising research data, networking
techniques and innovations.
Prereq: MIS 435

3 credits
In this course students explore and discuss current issues in
application programming utilising research data, programming
techniques and innovations.
Prereq: CISP400

COM 106 Introduction to Communication

CISP110 Introductory Computer Programming
3 credits
This course introduces students to fundamental computer
programming concepts. Students focus on problem solving,
algorithm development and programming standards.
Prereq: First-year standing


3 credits
In this course students explore the dynamics of human communication. They also focus on cultural and language inuences and the
impact of interpersonal and group interactions.
Prereq: First-year standing

COM 150 Introduction to Mass Communication

COM 310 Communication Law and Ethics

3 credits
This course is the study of the media by which entertainment and
information messages are delivered. It develops an understanding
of the interrelationship of the mass media in society and includes
an overview of the mass media: their functions, structures,
supports and inuences.
Prereq: ENG 119

3 credits
This course focuses on communication law and ethical considerations as they relate to the media and media professionals. It
provides a strong background in defamation, contempt of court,
crime and court reporting, and rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the media.
Prereq: Third-year standing

COM 207 Oral Communication

COUN100 First Year Seminar

3 credits
In this course students prepare oral presentations for various
organisational settings. Emphasis is on speech preparation and
presentation through audience analysis, organisational techniques
and eective vocal and physical delivery.
Prereq: ENG 119

1 credit
This course focuses on helping students make a successful transition to College life. Students explore and practice methods useful
for academic success and personal and social development. They
learn about college policies and procedures and the importance of
establishing supportive relationships with peers and faculty.
Prereq: None

COM 211 Business Communication

3 credits
This course utilises an integrated approach, focusing on both the
nature of communication in a business context and on the art of
writing. Aspects emphasised include the simulation of various
communication situations and stylistic devices necessary to
achieve eective writing.
Prereq: ENG 120

CR 004 Customer Handling Skills

0 credit
A course designed to expose students to customer handling skills,
techniques and behaviours that are essential to the hospitality
Prereq: First-year standing

CRE 100 Conversational Haitian Creole I

COM 250 Communication for Public Administrators
3 credits
This course provides public service ocers with direct training in
the analysis, interpretation and preparation of documents associated with public administration.
Prereq: ENG 120

COM 300 Dynamics of Public Speaking

3 credits
This is an analytical and practical speech course which focuses on a
variety of speeches for dierent public speaking occasions as well
as voice and diction for broadcasters.
Prereq: COM 207

COM 305 Public Relations and Publicity

3 credits
This course establishes a critical framework for assessing public
relations principles, practices and decision-making, emphasizing
ways to handle media relations, publicity campaigns and image
problems. Students will examine case studies of Bahamian public
relations activities and suggest alternative approaches.
Prereq: JRN 212

3 credits
This course develops conversational skills and uency in Haitian
Creole for general purposes.
Prereq: First-year standing

CRE 101 Conversational Haitian Creole II

3 credits
A course to continue the development of conversational skills and
uency in Haitian Creole for general purposes.
Prereq: CRE 100

CRE 103 Introductory Haitian Creole I

3 credits
In this course students develop language skills at a basic level.
They practise speaking, listening, reading, and writing. (Not open
to native speakers.)
Prereq: First-year standing

CRE 104 Introductory Haitian Creole II

3 credits
This course is a continuation of CRE 103 (Introductory Haitian
Creole I). Students further develop communicative prociency
in Haitian Creole at a basic level. Students practise speaking,
listening, reading, writing and develop grammatical accuracy. (Not
open to native speakers.)
Prereq: CRE 103

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


CRE 203 Intermediate Haitian Creole I

CRIM 210 Introduction to Corrections

3 credits
This is the rst in a sequence of two intermediate courses designed
to develop students ability to express themselves in Haitian Creole
orally and in written form. Students expand their reading and
listening comprehension skills. (Not open to native speakers.)
Prereq: CRE 104

3 credits
This course is designed to guide the student seeking to explore the
underlying purposes and the practices of the Prison System in The
Prereq: CRIM200 and CRIM201

CRIM219 Juvenile Delinquency

CRE 204 Intermediate Haitian Creole II
3 credits
This is the second in a sequence of two intermediate courses
designed to further develop students ability to express themselves
in Haitian Creole orally and in writing. Students continue to
develop reading and listening comprehension skills and are introduced to works by Haitian authors. (Not open to native speakers.)
Prereq: CRE 203

CRE 210 Introduction to Haiti, Its People and Culture

3 credits
Students develop an understanding of Haiti, its people and culture.
Haitis socio-cultural situation is analyzed in light of the colour and
class distinctions that characterize Haitian society and politics.
Students examine the historical connection between Haiti and The
Bahamas and the impact of Haitian migration. (Course is taught in
Prerequisite: Second-year standing

CRIM200 Criminology
3 credits
This course provides a general overview of the entire eld of
criminology while highlighting the dominant perspectives within
the discipline.
Prereq: Second-year standing

CRIM201 Criminal Justice

3 credits
Designed to provide the student with a clear survey of the Criminal
Justice System in The Bahamas, the course attempts to equip the
student with conceptual language necessary to perceive and
articulate the obstacles and needs of the Criminal Justice System.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
This course provides the student with a socio-legal perspective
with which to understand the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency in The Bahamas.
Prereq: CRIM200 and CRIM201 or SWK 219

CRIM220 Domestic Violence

3 credits
Students in this course will employ labeling theory and symbolic
interaction methodology in explaining the phenomenon of
Domestic Violence in The Bahamas.
Prereq: None

CULN115 Principles of Dining Room Service

3 credits
Students focus on the basic skills of table service and social skills
required for dining room personnel. The course emphasises the
selection of appropriate equipment, furniture and service items for
various styles of food and beverage services.
Prereq: First-year standing

CULN125 Basic Culinary Science

3 credits
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of food
preparation. Skills and procedures used in the kitchen are
Prereq: First-year standing

CULN150 Food Preparation

3 credits
This course focuses on the production and presentation of a fourcourse meal. Students utilise basic knife and mise en place skills in
the execution of selected menus.
Prereq: CULN125

CRIM 208 The Police, State and Society

3 credits
This course will examine the political, scientic and philosophical
insights concerning the constitutional status of the modern police
force in society. It will also attempt to relate this knowledge to the
local relationship existing between the police institution, the state
and the Bahamian society.
Prereq: Second-year standing


CULN200 Baking and Pastry

3 credits
This course provides students with the practical and theoretical
foundation in baking practices. Emphasis is on calculating baking
formulas, measuring ingredients and mixing and baking
Prereq: CULN150

CULN215 Garde Manger I

CULN285 Advanced Culinary Application

3 credits
This course is an introduction to the artistic preparation of cold
cuisine. Focus is on the fundamentals of preparing salads, sauces,
appetizers, galantines, basic forcemeats, garnishes and food
Prereq: CULN150

3 credits
This capstone course evaluates students culinary, organisational
and management skills. Students also apply culinary techniques to
selected menus and mystery baskets (in accordance with American
Culinary Federation requirements).
Prereq: CULN235

CULN220 Advanced Pastry and Desserts

CULN317 Food and Beverage Purchasing and Cost Control

3 credits
This course provides students with the skills and techniques of
advanced pastry production. Emphasis is on accuracy, proportions
and procedures in the preparation of icings, creams, tortes, petite
fours, specialty desserts and breads. Students decorative and
dessert presentations are enhanced throughout this course.
Prereq: CULN200

3 credits
In this course students develop knowledge of concepts associated
with the purchasing and control of food and beverage. They
examine managerial approaches to food and beverage purchasing
and cost control.
Prereq: MATH163

CULN225 Advanced Dining Room Service

3 credits
This course provides the knowledge required to operate various
styles of food and beverage establishments and the skills necessary to perform tasks eectively in American, French, Russian,
Banquet and Room Service.
Prereq: Second-year standing

CULN235 Contemporary Nutritional Cuisine

3 credits
This course introduces students to nutritional principles used to
evaluate and modify menus and recipes. Emphasis is on applying
these principles to healthy food selection, cooking and menu
design for restaurants and food services through a practical
Prereq: CULN125 or FSMG110

CULN240 International Cuisine

3 credits
This course focuses on the production and presentation of cuisines
from various countries. Students utilize knowledge gained in
prerequisite classes to develop menus and research recipes; they
apply classical knife skills and kitchen management procedures to
execute the preparation.
Prereq: CULN125 or CULN150

CULN280 Classical Cuisine

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of menus for Classical
Cuisine as well as its preparation, cooking and presentation.
Students are provided the opportunity to present dishes in
Classical Cuisine in a restaurant setting.
Prereq: CULN150

DRA 100 An Introduction to the Theatre

3 credits
This course equips students with skills for assessing drama as
literature as well as a performing art. Emphasis is placed on the
creative and technical aspects of play production.
Prereq: ENG 119

ECED003 Integrated Course - Other Special Issues In Early
Childhood Education
0 credit
This course aims to expose participants to the needs of children
in the areas of speech and drama, music, infant/toddler care and
special needs children.
Prereq: Admission to Pre-School Auxiliary Programme

ECED004 Strategies in Early Childhood Development

0 credit
This course exposes participants to a variety of techniques which
aid in fostering a love for learning in children. Students explore
the eectiveness of such teaching strategies as storytelling,
questioning and learning through play.
Prereq: Admission to Pre-School Auxiliary Programme

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ECED005 Practicum

ECED354 Mathematics Teaching In Early Childhood

0 credit
Emphasis is placed on scheme preparation, lesson planning and
techniques which are developmentally appropriate for young
children. The practicum is divided into three phases to facilitate
student teachers assuming full responsibility for pre-schoolers in
their care.
Prereq: Completion of all courses in the Pre-School Auxiliary

3 credits
This course prepares students to teach mathematics in the early
years. It focuses on teaching techniques, methods and current
theories that impact learning and behaviour in mathematics.
Prereq: MATH163 and MATH310

ECED303 Creating and Managing the Learning Environment

3 credits
This course focuses on designing, planning, implementing and
evaluating developmentally appropriate environments that
encourage and engage active learning and growth of preschoolers
and early aged children.
Coreq: ECED304
Prereq: EDU 220 and EDU 325

ECED304 Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education

3 credits
This course outlines developmentally appropriate skills needed
by teachers to be eective communicators, classroom managers,
planners and organisers. It will also provide an overview of the
history of early childhood education.
Prereq: EDU 120 or EDU 200 or EDU 220

ECED305 Curriculum Planning for Early Childhood Environments

3 credits
This course provides an overview of curriculum planning for young
children. It focuses on the dierent needs, interests and developmental levels of each child. Emphasis is on learning as
an integrative process.
Prereq: ECED304

ECED306 Topics in Early Childhood Education

3 credits
This course is intended to provide the student with an overview
of current topics in the eld of Early Childhood Education. It will
serve as a practical guide for students who will be working in Early
Childhood classrooms.
Prereq: None

ECED335 Reading and Writing K3- Grade 3

3 credits
This course prepares students to implement age-appropriate,
evidence-based practices to support young childrens reading
and writing. It focuses on emergent literacy and developmentally
appropriate practices which provide rich literacy experiences.
Prereq: EDU 234


ECED426 Teaching Techniques in Early Childhood

3 credits
This course is designed to assist early childhood teachers to reect,
conceptualize, plan and implement learning experiences for each
student, through the use of a thematic/integrative approach.
Prereq: ECED304 and ECED305

ECON200 Principles of Economics

3 credits
In this course students focus on fundamental principles of
economics and acquire the basic tools to apply these principles to
the many domestic and global economic problems. This course is
not intended for economics or nance majors.
Prereq: ENG 119 and MGMT101

ECON211 Principles of Macroeconomics

3 credits
This course examines basic economic concepts, theories and
policies in relation to the overall performance of an economy.
GNP, employment, aggregate demand and supply, interest rates,
savings and investments are covered. The Bahamian economy and
economies of Caribbean countries are reviewed in the relevant
topic areas.
Prereq: ENG 119 and MGMT101

ECON212 Principles of Microeconomics

3 credits
Analysis of the economic behaviour of the individual decisionmaking units in the economy such as consumers, resource owners
and business rms. Types of economies such as free enterprise,
socialist, focusing on the major areas of production, costs, theory
of consumer behaviour and demand, theory of the rm, market
structures and distribution.
Prereq: ECON211

ECON310 Quantitative Methods for Economics

3 credits
This course provides the skills needed in economic and nancial
analysis, including mathematical tools, models, programming and
decision theory. Game theory and econometrics are introduced,
as well as advanced statistical models and their use in economic
Prereq: ECON212 and STAT201

ECON312 Price Theory

ECON421 Comparative Economic Systems

3 credits
Price Theory or Intermediate Microeconomics covers the concepts
and tools used to evaluate the individual units of the economy. It
focuses on the analysis of rms, industries and the microeconomy.
Special emphasis is placed on the importance of eciency, cost,
productivity, demand analysis and microeconomic policy.
Prereq: ECON212 and STAT201

3 credits
This course compares various economic systems and organisational arrangements for the allocation of scarce resources. The
focus is on the comparison of economic performance of various
countries with similar and dierent economic systems.
Prereq: ECON212

ECON431 Labour Economics

ECON313 Macroeconomic Anyalsis
3 credits
A study of the macroeconomy, emphasising national income and
gross national product, economic theory and models, economic
policy, with special examples of the Bahamian economy. In-depth
analysis of savings, investment, Keynesian theory (IS-LM models),
and concludes with a review of macroeconomic theory and policy
relating to international trade and the eect of globalisation.
Prereq: ECON212 and STAT201

3 credits
This course uses economic tools to analyse the impact of labour
on the economy. It examines demand and supply of labour,
labour markets, wage structures and policies, and investments in
human capital. Alternative compensation policies, labour unions,
collective bargaining, wage discrimination and unemployment in
the economy are also covered.
Prereq: ECON212

ECOT100 Foundations of Ecotourism

ECON314 Monetary and Financial System
3 credits
This course focuses on monetary and scal policy issues in the
international economy. Balance of payments, interest rates,
exchange rate dynamics, economic cooperation and nancial
regulations are covered. Interpretation of contemporary economic
trends and policies as they relate to the global nancial markets
and use of modern economic theories are also covered.
Prereq: ECON212

3 credits
This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction
to ecotourism. Aspects of adventure tourism along with other
experientially-based tourism activities are covered. Local and
global issues surrounding ecotourism development are examined,
emphasizing the need to plan and manage the natural and cultural
environments and resources.
Prereq: TOUR100 and BIOL116

ECOT200 Foundations of Ecotourism

ECON320 Managerial Economics
3 credits
The study and application of economic tools and techniques used
in the decision-making process of business. Traditional economics
and decision sciences are applied with the objective of maximising
economic eciency and output.
Prereq: ECON212 and STAT201

3 credits
This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction
to ecotourism. Aspects of adventure tourism along with other
experientially-based tourism activities are covered. Local and
global issues surrounding ecotourism development are examined,
emphasizing the need to plan and manage the natural and cultural
environments and resources.
Prereq: TOUR100 and BIOL116

ECON411 International Economics

3 credits
This course focuses on the relevance of international trade to the
global economy, placing emphasis on multinational institutions
such as IMF, World Bank, BIS. Regional institutions such as the
IDB, CDB, are also examined in addition to economic integration,
groups such as G1, G3, G10, G20 and comparisons between small
and large economies.
Prereq: ECON313

ECOT218 Current Trends and Best Practices Ecotourism

3 credits
Students review critical issues and benchmarks in ecotourism. They
examine various ecotourism models, research methodologies and
regional and global paradigms to determine best practices and
policies in local environments.
Prereq: TOUR100 and ECOT200

ECOT333 Sustainable Site Facility and Design

ECON415 Economic Development Seminar
3 credits
Reviews the tools of economic analysis and uses them to formulate policy for sustainable economic growth and development
programmes. Foreign investment, regional and international
integration are covered, as well as case studies of developed,
developing and underdeveloped economies.
Prereq: ECON313

3 credits
This course uses a systems approach to review site and facility
changes in typical hospitality/tourism establishments. Sustainable
environmental design principles that involve modern contextual
construction practices and natural systems-based approaches and
other conservation strategies are analysed.
Prereq: Third-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


EDD 300 Diploma in Education Professional Seminar I

1 credit
This course prepares Diploma in Education pre-service teachers for
the successes, challenges and issues of teaching and learning in
The Bahaman school system. Students gain exposure in targeted
school settings, and assume responsibility as teachers aides, to
foster professional readiness for teaching and learning.
Coreq: EDD 325 and EDU 429

EDD 301 Technology in Education

3 credits
In this course students are exposed to a variety of technological
tools available for teaching and learning. They explore and use
traditional educational media and new instructional technologies
for achieving learning objectives.
Prereq: Admission to programme

EDD 325 Foundations and Fundamentals of Education

3 credits
The aim of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the beginning of education, the stage of development
in contemporary society, its direction in the future, and the
principles that guide the planning and practice of education.
Prereq: Admission to programme

EDD 418 Educational Assessment

3 credits
Students will be introduced to the basic principles of educational
assessment including the techniques and strategies used in
the assessment of the outcomes of learning. They will also be
introduced to some of the basic principles and techniques of
research methodology.
Prereq: Admission to programme

EDD 489 Methods of Teaching in Adult and Workforce

Education and Training
3 credits
In this course students acquire the techniques, skills and
procedures for eective teaching and planning for instruction in
post-secondary education and workforce training environments.
Students develop basic skills in planning and designing instructional programmes. This course explores current methods of adult
learning, instructional methods and techniques.
Prereq: Admission to programme

EDD 496 Adult and Workforce Education and Training

Internship I
6 credits
This culminating internship assesses students understanding
of general principles and applications of human performance
improvement, occupational needs assessment and analysis. It also
assesses students competencies in teaching and learning strategies, communication skills, instructional and programme planning, methodology, management, assessment and programme
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

EDD 497 Adult and Workforce Education Training

Internship II
12 credits
This culminating internship assesses students understanding
of general principles and applications of human performance
improvement, occupational needs assessment and analysis. It also
assesses students competencies in teaching and learning strategies, communication skills, instructional and programme planning, methodology, management, assessment and programme
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

EDD 436 Literacy in the Secondary School

3 credits
This course provides an overview of the foundations of literacy
development and teaching strategies in various content areas.
Students will be exposed to demonstrate relevant instructional
strategies, integrating a variety of texts and disciplines.
Prereq: Admission to programme

EDD 481 Adult Learning and Literacy

3 credits
In this course students explore current practices that facilitate
literacy growth in adult learners in workforce environments.
Students gain a basic understanding of the principles and theories
of adult development and how they impact learning.
Prereq: Admission to programme


EDU 001 Professional Seminar in Education I

0 credit
This is the rst in a series of courses designed to better prepare
pre-service teachers by introducing them to the successes,
challenges and issues of teaching and learning in the Bahamian
school system. Students gain exposure in four designated regular
public education facilities.
Prereq: Admission to programme

EDU 002 Professional Seminar in Education II

0 credit
This is the second in a series of courses designed to better prepare
pre-service teachers by introducing them to the successes, challenges and issues of teaching and learning in the Bahamian school
system. Building on the experiences of the rst seminar, students
gain exposure in four designated educational facilities, including
special education all-age and non-public facilities.
Prereq: EDU 001

EDU 003 Professional Seminar in Education III

EDU 101 The Teaching Profession

0 credit
This is the third in a series of courses designed to better prepare
pre-service teachers by introducing them to the successes,
challenges and issues of teaching and learning in the Bahamian
school system. Students assume responsibility as teachers aides
assisting with clerical tasks, classroom activities, monitoring and
individualized instruction.
Prereq: EDU 002 or EDU 101

3 credits
This course introduces students to the dynamics of the teaching
profession. It provides them with a theoretical foundation, an
overview of the Bahamian Educational System and observational
Prereq: Admission to programme

EDU 004 Professional Seminar in Education IV

0 credit
This is the fourth in a series of courses designed to better prepare
pre-service teachers by introducing them to the successes,
challenges and issues of teaching and learning in the Bahamian
school system. Students continue in their roles as teachers aides
assisting with supervision, classroom management and small
group instruction.
Prereq: EDU 003

EDU 005 Professional Seminar in Education V

0 credit
This is the fth in a series of courses designed to better prepare
pre-service teachers by introducing them to the successes,
challenges and issues of teaching and learning in the Bahamian
school system. Students prepare and engage in limited teaching
activities and make connections with teaching methodology
across content areas.
Prereq: EDU 004

EDU 006 Professional Seminar in Education VI

0 credit
This is the sixth in a series of courses designed to better prepare
pre-service teachers by introducing them to the successes,
challenges and issues of teaching and learning in the Bahamian
school system. It further develops students professional readiness
for teaching and learning.
Prereq: EDU 005

EDU 007 Professional Seminar in Education VII

0 credit
This is the seventh in a series of courses designed to better prepare
pre-service teachers by introducing them to the successes,
challenges and issues of teaching and learning in the Bahamian
school system. Participants engage in micro teaching utilising best
Prereq: EDU 006

EDU 020 Computer Literacy for Teachers

0 credit
An introduction to computer concepts and a practical understanding of computer applications.
Prereq: Admission to programme

EDU 105 Introduction To Jujutsu (Self Defense)

2 credits
In this course, students are introduced to the fundamentals of
Jujutsu, a Japanese martial art adopted for modern day selfdefense applications. Developments in Jujutsu nationally and
internationally; components of Jujutsu related tness; and training
methods and principles are discussed.
Prereq: First-year standing

EDU 106 Introduction to Judo

2 credits
In this course students are introduced to the fundamentals
of Kodokan Judo, a modern day Japanese martial art derived
from the martial art of Jujutsu. Developments nationally and
internationally; components of tness, and training methods and
principles pertaining to Judo are discussed.
Prereq: First-year standing

EDU 107 Introduction to Karate

2 credits
In this course, students are introduced to the traditional martial
art of Okinawan Go Ju Ryu Karate. Strategies and techniques
including kicking and striking, specialised breathing methods and
self-defense applications are presented.
Prereq: First-year standing

EDU 120 Survey of Child Development

3 credits
An overview of the sequences of childrens growth in the physical,
cognitive, emotional and social domains and an introduction
to the principles of development and psychological theories.
Students will gain a basic understanding of human development
as it relates to the teaching-learning process.
Prereq: First-year standing

EDU 121 Early Childhood Development and Learning

3 credits
In this course, students focus on the nature of development of
young children and how their mind, body and social skills develop.
Students will gain a basic understanding of the principles and
theories and how development aects learning.
Prereq: First-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


EDU 200 The Exceptional Learner

EDU 230 Developmental Reading

3 credits
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of Special
Education and to acquaint students with the methods for identifying, planning for and working eectively with the special needs
population in the regular primary educational setting.
Prereq: EDU 120

3 credits
This course examines the role development plays in literacy
acquisition. It seeks to assist students in establishing a philosophy
of literacy based on developmentally appropriate principles
supporting literacy growth, including language development,
reading/writing connection and integration of literacy across the
Prereq: EDU 120 and ENG 120

EDU 210 Advanced First Aid

3 credits
An Advanced First Aid course which focuses on the history of the
Red Cross Society and on the skilled applications of accepted
principles of treatment required to deal with casualties until placed
in the care of certied/qualied health personnel.
Prereq: Second-year standing

EDU 211 Physical and Health Education

2 credits
This courses aim is to give students a basic understanding of
human behaviour as it relates to the teaching-learning process.
Emphasis is on the developmental, cognitive, aective and
psychomotor aspects of behaviour.
Prereq: Second-year standing

EDU 220 Child Development and Learning

3 credits
In this course student teachers focus on the nature of developmental change in the physical, cognitive, social and emotional
domains and the principles of developmental and psychological
theories. Student-teachers explore child development as it relates
to the teaching and learning process.
Prereq: Second-year standing

EDU 227 Speech and Drama for Teachers

3 credits
This practical course is designed to provide basic experiences in
speech and drama through literacy for pre-service and in-service
teachers. It stresses the role and value of speech and drama in
literacy through practical mastery and application in the
Prereq: ENG 119

EDU 228 Music and Art in the Primary School

3 credits
This course introduces prospective teachers to the discipline of
Music, Art and Drama in an integrated environment. Focus is on
the development of strategies for utilizing each, in concert with
each other, in ways, which can contribute to the education and
development of children.
Prereq: EDU 101 or EDU 002 and ENG 119


EDU 234 Early Literacy Development

3 credits
In this course students examine the foundations, development
of early literacy and theories in cognitive psychology and child
development. Basic assessment procedures and strategies to
promote early literacy acquisition are explored.
Prereq: Second-year standing

EDU 240 Literacy Development

3 credits
This course focuses on literacy acquisition of learners. Students
will explore the use of appropriate instructional strategies and
practices that facilitate the development of literacy through
concept development using reading and writing as processes to
help learners construct meaning.
Prereq: EDU 230 and EDU 227

EDU 250 Geography Skills

3 credits
This course, specically designed for prospective primary school
teachers, is an introduction to fundamental practical skills in
geography. It focuses on the location, acquisition, organisation,
analysis and interpretation of geographic data.
Prereq: GEOG113 or GEOG 114

EDU 271 Mathematics in the Early Primary School Numeracy I

3 credits
This is the rst course designed to prepare student teachers to
teach Mathematics in the Primary School system. Subject matter
includes the content and methodology needed to teach grades
K through 3. Emphasis is on problem-solving, investigation and
thematic approaches.
Prereq: MATH140

EDU 301 Technology in Education

3 credits
In this course, students are exposed to a variety of technological
tools available for teaching and learning. They explore and use
traditional educational media and new instructional technologies
for achieving learning objectives.
Prereq: Third-year standing

EDU 308 Physical Education In the Primary School

EDU 324 Education Foundations

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques methods and current theories as they impact student
learning and behaviour in Physical Education. Student teachers
personal and professional development will be enhanced so as to
deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 329

3 credits
For teachers to become active participants and productive
members of the education system of which they are a part, it is
necessary that they understand its beginning, how it was developed, the factors and forces inuencing its development as well
as the functions and goals toward which it is directed.Additionally,
it is also important that teachers develop the habit of examining
the system in order to clarify and thus to fully understand the
concepts, theories and principles that guide education as well as
the problems which operates to inhibit the system.
Prereq: Third-year standing

EDU 310 Fundamentals of Education

3 credits
An overview of the origins and history of educational systems. The
characteristics of learners and various approaches of teaching, the
role of curriculum, goals of education, teacher professionalism
and school organisations in The Bahamas will be investigated.
Observation and eldwork constitute an important element of the
Prereq: EDU 120 and EDU 200 and EDU 240

EDU 311 Physical and Health Education for Teachers

3 credits
This course deals with current practices in physical education,
personal, school and community health. It provides students
with an understanding of health lifestyles upon which they can
build sound principles of instruction. Ways of integrating such an
understanding in the teaching of Physical Education are explored.
Prereq: SCI154 and SCI253 or EDU 120

EDU 318 Techniques and the Teaching Experience I

3 credits
This course focuses on the nature of teaching and learning and
its eect on students behaviour. It is designed to allow studentteachers freedom to explore the art and science of teaching and
the diverse ways that learners acquire understanding in a variety of
Prereq: Third-year standing

EDU 323 Music Methods for the Primary School

3 credits
This course provides a practical and creative approach to the
teaching of music in kindergarten through grade six. It explores
the development of musical growth in children and techniques of
teaching music eectively within the classroom situation.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 329

EDU 325 Foundation and Fundamentals of Education

3 credits
The aim of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the beginning of education, stage of development in
contemporary society, its direction in the future, and the principles
that guide the planning and practice of education.
Prereq: EDU 101 and ENG 120 or EDU 002 and ENG 120

EDU 326 Sociology of Education

3 credits
This course focuses on the role of education generally, and
schooling specically, in reproducing and changing prevailing
social structures and cultures. Students examine the function of
the school, its environment, and the formal and contemporary
policy issues from sociological perspectives.
Prereq: EDU 325

EDU 328 Introduction to Education Research Methods

3 credits
This course will introduce the rich variety of methods, which are
available to the educational researcher and illustrate the importance of research for educational knowledge and practice. It will
seek to develop skills of comprehension, analysis, interpretation
and synthesis in a research setting.
Prereq: ENG 300 and EDU 325

EDU 329 Educational Psychology

3 credits
An introductory course whose main aim is to give students a basic
understanding of the nature of human behaviour as it relates to
the teaching learning process. Students will be expected to relate
to psychological theories and issues to local environmental issues.
Prereq: Third-year standing

EDU 330 Physical Education in the Secondary Schools

3 credits
A preparation for teaching physical education in the secondary
school. The course includes planning, teaching methods, class
organization and management in physical education. Special
attention is given to the principles of coaching and teacher
Prereq: EDU 101 or EDU 002 and EDU 329

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


EDU 334 Developing Independent Readers and Writers

EDU 352 Values Development

3 credits
In this course students focus on the development of independent
readers and writers in the primary school. The way learners
construct meaning and various approaches to literacy instruction
are examined. Students work individually with primary school
Prereq: EDU 234

3 credits
This course explores the interpretations given to central human
values. The response of religious traditions (and other secular
alternatives) to these issues and the role of the values clarication
in the educational process are examined.
Prereq: Third-year standing

EDU 355 Music in the Secondary School I

EDU 335 Language Arts in the Secondary School
3 credits
The teaching of writing and reading as integrated and practical
perspectives on teaching English, exploring writing/reading
workshops, experiencing and reecting own writing/reading
processes and cultivating a broad repertoire of teaching strategies
will be addressed.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 329

3 credits
This course provides students with an understanding of the development of children, especially adolescents, and its implications
for music teaching. Students will gain skills in class management
and the designing of a listening programme, which will include
Bahamian music forms.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 325 and EDU 329

EDU 356 Religious Education in the Primary School

EDU 340 Religious Education in the Secondary School I
3 credits
This course is the rst in a two-part sequence that provides
students with the knowledge and skills which will equip them to
teach Religious Education to adolescents in the secondary school.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 325 and EDU 329

3 credits
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills,
which will equip them to teach the National Religious Curriculum
to students in the primary school.
Prereq: REL 102

EDU 360 Home Economics In The Secondary School I

EDU 345 Social Studies, Geography and History Secondary
School I
3 credits
This course is the rst of a two-part sequence that provides
students with skills to teach Social Studies, Geography and History
in the secondary schools. The focus includes an investigation of the
nature of Social Studies, Geography, and History and the construction of learning packages of these areas.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 325 and EDU 329

EDU 350 Business Studies in the Secondary School I

3 credits
This course covers the foundation for teaching business education. It deals with the history, development and purposes for the
learning processes, principles and systems underlying instruction
in the eld, research and the related areas of work of study
programmes and professionalism.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 325 and EDU 329

EDU 351 Social Development

3 credits
This course is designed to prepare participants for their role in
nurturing the social development of students in the primary
school. They will be introduced to the goals of and strategies for
teaching the subjects of Social Studies and Family Life.
Prereq: HIS 112 or HIS 113 and EDU 220 and EDU 318


3 credits
The rst of a two-part methodology sequence covering the history
of Home Economics in The Bahamas. The course will focus on food
and nutrition, human growth and development, management and
consumerism, housing, furnishings and equipment, textile and
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 325 and EDU 329

EDU 361 Science in the Secondary School I

3 credits
This course is the rst in a two-part sequence designed to prepare
student teachers for teaching science in the secondary school.
Subject matter includes understanding the nature of science and
the role of science in nation building. The development and utilisation of strategies, techniques and resources are explored.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 325 and EDU 329

EDU 362 Family and Consumer Science in the Secondary

3 credits
This course is the rst of a two-part methodology sequence in
which students are exposed to best planning and instructional
practices in Family and Consumer Sciences Education. Field experience is mandatory.
Prereq: EDU 005 and EDU 325 and EDU 329

EDU 363 Science Teaching in the Primary School

EDU 387 Technology Education in the Secondary School I

3 credits
The course introduces student teachers to the nature of science
through lively integration of content, process and scientic
attitudes. It also seeks to develop among the participants a greater
condence in working meaningfully in science with children in an
inter-disciplinary context.
Prereq: SCI 154 and SCI 253 and SCI 371 and EDU 318

3 credits
This course is the rst in a two-part sequence. Students are
exposed to an historical development of technology education, its
continued development, the role of the teacher, learning theory,
instructional methods, classroom management, planning and
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 329

EDU 365 Mathematics in the Secondary School - Part I

EDU 401 Models for Teaching and Learning in Computer


3 credits
This course is the rst in a two-part sequence designed to prepare
student teachers for teaching mathematics in the secondary
school. Focus is on a variety of teaching techniques, methods and
current theories as they impact student learning and behaviour in
mathematics at the junior secondary level.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they inuence
student learning and behaviour in Computer Studies. The student
teachers personal and professional development will be enhanced
so as to deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: EDU 325

EDU 370 Visual Arts in the Secondary School I

3 credits
This is the rst course in a two-part sequence that explores
modern art education theory and methodology. Appreciation for
the visual arts and ones culture are also important aspects along
with learning the visual language.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 329

EDU 375 Modern Languages in the Secondary School I

3 credits
This course is designed to provide background information on
language learning theory, practices and approaches to language
teaching. Important themes, developments and concerns are
presented with a view to provide an integrated perspective of
language learning and teaching.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 329

EDU 380 Dance in the Secondary School I

3 credits
This course is the rst in a two-part sequence that aims to provide
basic theoretical and physical dimensions of dance and learning
opportunities that present the multidimensional nature of dance.
Students will have the opportunity to explore the theory of various
dance methodologies for use in the secondary school.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 329

EDU 385 Computer Studies in the Secondary School I

3 credits
The course prepares students to teach computing and also
addresses the need for appropriate software throughout education. Students will develop appropriate educational software
and implement patterns of use for computers at various levels of
formal education.
Prereq: EDU 101 and EDU 329

EDU 403 Models for Teaching and Learning in Home

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Home Economics. The student teachers
personal and professional development will be enhanced so as to
deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme

EDU 404 Models for Teaching and Learning in Language

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Language Arts. The student teachers
personal and professional development will be enhanced so as to
deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme

EDU 405 Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Mathematics. The student teachers
personal and professional development will be enhanced so as to
deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


EDU 406 Models for Teaching and Learning in Music

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Music. The student teachers personal
and professional development will be enhanced so as to deliver
their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme

EDU 415 Models for Teaching and Learning in Business

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Business Education. The student
teachers personal and professional development will be enhanced
so as to deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme

EDU 410 Models for Teaching and Learning in Foreign


EDU 418 Educational Assessment

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Foreign Languages. The student
teachers personal and professional development will be enhanced
so as to deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme

3 credits
Students will be introduced to the basic principles of educational
assessment including techniques and strategies used in the assessment of the outcomes of learning. They will also be introduced to
some of the basic principles and techniques of research methodology.
Prereq: EDU 120 or EDU 325 or EDU 220 or EDU 329 or EDU 328

EDU 412 Models for Teaching and Learning in Religious


EDU 420 Classroom Techniques and Management II

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Religious Studies. The student teachers
personal and professional development will be enhanced so as to
deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme

9 credits
This course provides trained teachers with the opportunity to
reect upon their experiences in the eld with respect to teaching
and learning. Participants will be required to demonstrate their
understanding of the diverse ways that learners acquire knowledge and to implement best practices in classroom techniques
and management.
Prereq: Completion of all courses in the Advanced Placement

EDU 413 Models for Teaching and Learning in Science

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Science. The student teachers personal
and professional development will be enhanced so as to the
deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme

EDU 414 Models for Teaching and Learning in Geography,

History and Social Studies
3 credits
This course focuses on the development of a variety of teaching
techniques, methods and current theories as they aect student
learning and behaviour in Geography. The student teachers
personal and professional development will be enhanced so as to
deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: Admission to Diploma in Education programme


EDU 421 Man and the Environment - An Integrated Process

3 credits
This course is designed to equip students for careful examination of their environment-past and present-in order to develop
decision-making and thinking skills. Strategies to enhance values
for good citizenship using science, social studies and family life will
be integrated.
Prereq: Third-year standing

EDU 425 The School Curriculum

3 credits
This course introduces students to the notion of curriculum as
a concept and the place it holds in the school setting. Students
will be exposed to dierent views of curriculum elements,
inuences on the curriculum and the nature of the curriculum
process- formulation assessment, setting of priorities, developing
goals and objectives selecting from alternatives, action planning
implementation, evaluation. They will also be introduced to
various conceptual framework that can be used in the analysis of
curriculum documents and the making of curricular decisions.
Prereq: EDU 324

EDU 429 Advanced Educational Psychology

EDU 435 Language Arts in the Secondary School II

3 credits
This course explores developmental aspects of human psychology
relating to educational practice. Emphasis is placed on the application of domains of learning to plan, instruction and assessment.
Within this context, exceptional students will be addressed.
Prereq: EDU 325

3 credits
This is second part of a two course sequence in the teaching
of Language Arts. Participants experience and reect on their
own writing and reading processes and cultivate a repertoire of
teaching strategies based on actual instructional experience with
children in the classroom.
Prereq: EDU 335

EDU 430 Physical Education in the Secondary School II

3 credits
This course is the second of a two-part sequence which prepares
Physical Education majors to teach in secondary schools.
Additional emphasis is placed on the organisation, management
and implementation of the Physical Education Programme in the
secondary school.
Prereq: EDU 330

EDU 436 Literacy in the Secondary School

EDU 431 Literacy Development II

EDU 437 Literacy Strategies For The Classroom

3 credits
This course assists student teachers in acquiring appropriate
development reading instructional strategies and practices that
facilitate literacy growth of learners. Student teachers are expected
to demonstrate relevant instructional practices through the
integration of a variety of texts and disciplines.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

3 credits
This course, designed for in-service teachers, explores current
practices that facilitate literacy growth of all learners. Students will
be expected to demonstrate appropriate instructional strategies,
integrating a variety of texts and disciplines.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

3 credits
This course provides an overview of the foundation of literacy
development and teaching strategies in various content areas.
Students will be expected to demonstrate relevant instructional
strategies, integrating a variety of texts and disciplines.
Prereq: ENG 120 and EDU 329 and ENG 301 or ENG 300

EDU 440 Religious Education in the Secondary School II

EDU 432 Kinesiology
3 credits
This course focuses on a study of muscular action and the
mechanics of body movements involved in a variety of actions.
Selected physical activities are reviewed and the eect of muscular
and gravitational forces is examined.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

EDU 433 Recreation and Leisure

3 credits
This course is the second in a two-part sequence that provides
students with the knowledge and skills, which will equip them to
teach Religious Education to adolescents in the secondary school.
Prereq: EDU 340

EDU 445 Social Studies, Geography and History in the

Secondary School II

3 credits
This course is designed to meet the needs of students pursuing
an interest in recreational services. It gives a general survey of the
outdoor services and recreational movement.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

3 credits
This course is the second in a two-part sequence that provides
students with the skills, which will equip them to teach Social
Studies, Geography and History in the secondary school. Greater
focus is placed on practicum opportunities.
Prereq: EDU 345

EDU 434 Teaching Language Arts in the Primary School

EDU 450 Business Studies in the Secondary School II

3 credits
In this course students focus on the acquisition of appropriate
instructional methods, strategies and resources for teaching
language arts in the primary school. National, regional and
international standards and benchmarks for teaching the language
arts in the primary school are examined.
Prereq: EDU 334

3 credits
This course applies the principles of Business Education to
various business subjects. It covers specic teaching methods
and techniques, curriculum, course, unit and lesson planning, and
the preparation of teaching materials including construction of
eective visual aids and bulletin boards.
Prereq: EDU 350

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


EDU 455 Music in the Secondary School II

3 credits
This course provides a practical and creative approach to the
teaching of music in the secondary schools. It further provides a
study of the Bahamas Junior Certicate and the Bahamas General
Certicate in Secondary Education curriculum and the importance
of Bahamian music in the music programme.
Prereq: EDU 355

EDU 460 Home Economics in the Secondary School II

3 credits
This second course in a two-course sequence focuses on teaching
skills, evaluative processes and strategies relevant to eective
delivery of the BGCSE Home Economics syllabus. It promotes
the personal and professional development of students through
eldwork incorporating journal presentations.
Prereq: EDU 360

EDU 471 Mathematics in the Upper Primary School: Numeracy II

3 credits
The second of a two-part sequence, this course is designed to
prepare student teachers to teach mathematics in the primary
school system. Subject matter includes the content and methodology needed to teach grades K - 6, with emphasis on grades
4 - 6 highlighting problem solving, investigations and thematic
Prereq: EDU 271

EDU 475 Modern Language in the Secondary School II

3 credits
This course is designed to provide practice in using a variety
of strategies, techniques and methods in teaching a foreign
language. The goal is for students to develop a bank of activities
and ideas for teaching in the classroom.
Prereq: EDU 375

EDU 461 Science in the Secondary School II

3 credits
This course is the second in a two-part sequence designed to
prepare student teachers for teaching science in the secondary
schools. Focus is on the fundamentals of experimenting and
reporting, assessment in science, administration of the science lab
and eld experience.
Prereq: EDU 361

EDU 480 Dance in the Secondary School II

EDU 462 Family and Consumer Sciences in the Secondary

School II

EDU 485 Computer Studies in the Secondary School II

3 credits
The focus of this second course in a two-part sequence is to
provide students with the opportunity to examine and experience
a variety of teaching methods and approaches currently used in
secondary schools.
Prereq: EDU 380

3 credits
This course is the second of a two-part methodology sequence
in which students explore competency based education, display
media, assessment, and technology in Family and Consumer
Sciences Education. Field experience is mandatory.
Prereq: EDU 006 and EDU 362

3 credits
This course prepares teachers to teach computing. Students will
develop appropriate educational software and implement patterns
of use for computers by individuals with special needs. Students
will develop and implement school-wide consultant programmes
and national networking plans for computer teachers.
Prereq: EDU 385

EDU 465 Mathematics in the Secondary School II

EDU 487 Technology Education in the Secondary School II

3 credits
The course is the second in a two-part sequence designed
to prepare student teachers for teaching Mathematics in the
secondary school. Subject matter includes teaching mathematics
within a six-week practicum, review of content of 10, 11 and 12
grades for BGCSE and forces which determine the Mathematics
Prereq: EDU 365

3 credits
This course is the second in a two-part sequence. Students are
exposed to the current trends in technology, education,
computers, extended practicum experiences, creation of audio/
visual aids, facilities management, teaching various elds of study,
course development and review.
Prereq: EDU 387

EDU 488 Models for Teaching and Learning in Technology

EDU 470 Visual Arts in the Secondary School II
3 credits
This is part two of a two-part sequence of courses that explores
modern Art education theory and methodology. Appreciation for
the visual arts and ones culture are also an important aspect along
with learning the visual language.
Prereq: EDU 370


3 credits
This course focuses on the development of teaching techniques,
methods and current theories which impact student learning
and behaviour in technology at the secondary level. The student
teachers personal and professional development will be enhanced
so as to deliver their subject matter eectively.
Prereq: EDU 388

EDU 490 Final Teaching Practice

ELET111 Circuits Laboratory I

15 credits
This practicum for prospective B.ED. Primary/ Secondary/K-12
teachers provides an opportunity for participants to demonstrate
appropriate learning and teaching strategies. Emphasis is on the
development of skills and strategies including communication,
methodology, classroom management and assessment.
Prereq: Completion of all courses in the programme

2 credits
In this introductory laboratory course, students are exposed to test
equipment, measurement, data analysis, verication of DC circuit
analysis theorems and the use of the laboratory notebook.
Prereq: ELET110

EDU 492 Workshop In Education: Educating Exceptional

3 credits
The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the
methods for indentifying, planning for and working eectively
with the special needs populations (i.e., handicapped, gifted and
talented, learning disabled, social-behavioural disabled) in the
regular secondary educational setting.
Prereq: EDU 329 and EDU 325

EDU 493 Diploma in Education Practicum

3 credits
Students, through this culminating practicum, will be expected to
demonstrate understandings of appropriate learning and teaching
strategies, and skills in communication, methodology, classroom
management and assessment. Professional ethics and conduct are
also stressed.
Prereq: Completion of all courses in the programme

EDU 494 Exceptional Learner Primary School

3 credits
This course provides an overview of Special Education to acquaint
students with the methods for identifying, planning for and
working eectively with the special needs population in the
regular primary school educational setting.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

EDU 495 Introduction to Audiology

3 credits
This course is an introduction to the eld of audiology. Emphasis
is on the anatomy and physiology and the pathologies of the
hearing mechanism. Students are introduced to basic audiometric
techniques and procedures and learn to interpret hearing test
Prereq: None

ELET110 Electrical Circuits I

3 credits
This is the rst in a two-course sequence designed to provide
students with the necessary foundation in direct current circuit
analysis. Topics include network theorems, combination of circuit
elements, rst-order transient response and simple magnetic
circuits. An introduction to PSpice computer simulation is
Prereq: MATH048 and PHYS071 or TECH035 or BGCSE Physics
Grade C

ELET120 Electrical Circuits II

3 credits
This is the second in a two-course sequence designed to provide
students with the necessary foundation in alternating current
circuit analysis. Topics include network theorems, dependent
sources, mutually coupled networks, AC power, resonance and
phasor analysis.
Prereq: ELET110 and MATH140

ELET211 Circuits Laboratory II

2 credits
In this second laboratory course, students verify the behaviours of
electronic devices and circuits with laboratory experiments along
with PSpice simulation.
Prereq: ELET120

ELET230 Digital and Integrated Circuits

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to digital logic analysis and
design. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, switching
functions, Karnaugh maps, combinational circuit design, ip-ops,
counters, registers, integrated-circuit logic families, MSI circuits,
memory and programmable logic.
Prereq: ELET120 and MATH167 or MATH168

ELET231 Electronic Devices

4 credits
In this course students are introduced to the principles and
concepts of the active devices used in electronic circuits. Topics
include semiconductor theory, diodes, BJT, FET and UJT transistors,
four layer semiconductors and optoelectronic devices. PSpice is
used to simulate circuits based upon the aforementioned devices.
Prereq: ELET120 and MATH167 or MATH168

ELET235 Electronic Circuit Design

3 credits
This course introduces students to the principles and methods
related to the analysis and design of electronic circuits and
systems. Topics include AC modeling of BJTs and FETs, small signal
analysis, frequency response, multi-stage ampliers, operational
ampliers, power ampliers, feedback and oscillators. PSpice is
used to simulate circuits.
Prereq: ELET231 and MATH167 and MATH168

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ELET243 Electronic Communications I

ELET340 Technical C++ Programming

3 credits
This is the rst of a two-course sequence that introduces students
to analog communications systems and circuits. Topics include
amplitude, phase and frequency modulations, spectra, oscillators,
noise and transmitter and receiver circuits.
Prereq: ELET231 or ELS 225 and MATH167 and MATH168

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to structured and object
oriented programming using the C++ language. Emphasis is
placed on C++ programming, which aids in solving engineering,
scientic and mathematical problems. Data types, decisionmaking, loops, functions, arrays, pointers, structures, classes and
data abstraction are covered.
Prereq: MATH270

ELET300 Computer-Aided Design

2 credits
This course integrates the students knowledge of electrical/electronic circuitry with computer graphic skills to facilitate the design
of electrical/electronic layout and to produce working drawings in
accordance with industrial standards.
Prereq: ELP 210 and ELS 235 and TCDP125 and TECH028

ELET301 Electrical Devices I

3 credits
In this course, students focus on the fundamentals, construction,
theory, operation and application of electrical devices. Emphasis is
placed on direct current devices, single phase devices and single
phase transformers. Topics include torque, speed, frequency and
power loss.
Prereq: ELET231

ELET302 Microprocessor Technologies

3 credits
This course is a study of major industrial microprocessor
manufacturers products. It reviews the history of microprocessors, beginning with a brief history up to the present technology.
Emphasis is on component design, interfacing, programming and
specications which aid in product identication.
Prereq: ELS 220 and ELP 211

ELET320 Advanced Linear Circuit Analysis

4 credits
A calculus-based circuit analysis course incorporating topics such
as: waveform analysis, time-domain transient and steady-state
analysis, Laplace transform analysis, transfer functions, frequency
response and Bode plots, Fourier series and transform, and an
introduction to discrete-time system analysis via the z-transform.
Prereq: MATH170 and ELS 235 or ELP 225

ELET330 Electrical Installation

4 credits
In this course students are introduced to the theory and practice
of Single Phase and Three Phase electrical installation and
maintenance. Emphasis is on the calculation, analysis, application,
design and construction of electrical installation work based on
the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1.
Prereq: ELP 210


ELET350 Electrical Devices II

3 credits
In this course students focus on the fundamentals, construction,
theory, operation and application of three phase electrical devices.
Emphasis is placed on induction motors, synchronous motors,
synchronous generators and three phase transformers. Topics
include torque, speed, frequency, slip, excitation, starting current,
wye connection, delta connection, synchronisation, load characteristics and eciency.
Prereq: ELET301

ELET400 Electronic Communications II

3 credits
This is the second in a two-course sequence that introduces
students to digital, satellite and optical communications systems.
Topics include pulse and digital modulation, bandwidth considerations, coding, digital modems, error probabilities, spread
spectrum, satellite access techniques, light propagation in glass
bers and optical transmitter receiver devices and circuits.
Prereq: MATH270 and ELET243 and ELET320

ELET410 Linear Electronics

4 credits
This course is an upper-level treatment of linear electronics with
major emphasis on linear integrated circuits. It includes the
following topics: operational amplier characteristics and application, timers, multipliers, regulators, active lters, and A/D and D/A
Prereq: ELET320

ELET420 Automatic Control Theory

3 credits
This course provides a thorough study of linear control systems.
Topics include transfer functions, signal ow graphs, steady-state
and transient responses, stability analysis of closed loop systems
using root locus, Routh Criterion and Bode diagrams and design
of controllers such as PI, PD, PID and Phase-Lead and Phase-Lag
Prereq: ELET320 and MATH270

ELET430 Power Electronics

ELP 211 Electrical Control Systems

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to the use of electronic
devices and systems for the control and conversion of electrical
power. Emphasis is on the analysis, design and application of
switching devices and conversion methods.
Prereq: ELET320

3 credits
A course dealing with the selection, design, installation and
maintenance of the various types of control mechanisms available
in electrical installation, electric motors and other equipment.
Coreq: ELP 210
Prereq: ELT 120

ELET440 Senior Design Project

ELP 223 Electrical Power Generation Distribution

3 credits
This capstone course provides students with an opportunity to
apply knowledge and engineering skills gained in earlier courses
to design and implement a product, a prototype, or a research
project. A comprehensive technical report will be required along
with an oral presentation.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

3 credits
This course deals with the various sources of energy and their
conversion to electrical energy, the elements of a power station
and the transmission and distribution of electrical energy to the
Prereq: ELP 210

ELP 225 Electrical Installation Lab III

ELET450 Electromagnet Waves and Transmission Lines
3 credits
In this course, students are introduced to electromagnetic propagation in free-space, waveguides and transmission lines. Topics
include transient and steady-state responses on transmission
lines, utilisation of the Smith Chart to design matching networks,
Maxwells equations, waveguide transmission, antenna fundamentals and radio wave propagation.
Prereq: ELET400

ELET460 Digital Signal Processing

3 credits
This course covers the analysis and design of digital signal
processing systems. Topics include sampling, aliasing, the
sampling theorem, the Z-transform, recursive and non-recursive
digital lters, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete
time Fourier transform (DTFT) and fast Fourier transform (FFT),
analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion and eects
of quantisation.
Prereq: ELET410

3 credits
A third course in the design, calculation, application and installation of commercial and industrial electrical equipment.
Prereq: ELP135 and ELP 210 and ELP 211

ELP 226 Power Systems Protection

3 credits
This course deals with the various protective systems aorded
transformers, generators, transmission and distribution lines,
nuclear complexes, power stations and sub-stations. The instrumentation associated with these systems is also considered.
Prereq: ELS 225

ELP 235 Electrical Installation Lab IV

3 credits
The fourth course in the design, calculation, application and installation of commercial, public and industrial electrical installations.
Prereq: ELP 225

ELS 232 Consumer Electronics

3 credits
A rst course in the theory and practice of residential electrical
installation and maintenance.
Prereq: MATH048

3 credits
A course designed to expose the student to consumer audio and
video electronic equipment. Study of hi- equipment, television
systems and components, video cassette recorders and satellite
television reception systems will be included.
Prereq: Second-year standing

ELP 135 Electrical Installation Lab II

ELS 234 Electronics Research Project

3 credits
The theory and practice of residential electrical installation and
maintenance. A second-semester course.
Prereq: ELP 125

3 credits
This course is intended to allow students to apply their knowledge
of electronics theory to the practicalities of the design and
production of useful electronic circuits and systems. The course
is developed to reect the hands-on philosophy of the Applied
Science Programme.
Prereq: ELS 220 and ELS 225

ELP 125 Electrical Installation Lab I

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ELS 235 Electronic Circuits and Application

ENG 111 Language Argument

4 credits
Principles and methods related to the analysis and design of
various types of electronic circuits and systems.
Coreq: ELS 243
Prereq: ELS 220 and ELS 225

3 credits
This course acquaints students with the methods and purposes
which can control the use of language, familiarizing them with
dierent techniques of persuasion and inculcating a capacity
for reasoned and coherent argument and discussion. Students
are trained to improve the quality of their written expression
and develop critical thinking and reading skills. (Bachelor of Law
students only).
Prereq: ENG 019

ELS 240 Television Technology

3 credits
A study of the principles and operation of monochrome and colour
television systems. Stage-by-stage analysis of transmitting and
receiving equipment as well as related servicing techniques will be
Prereq: ELS 220 and ELS 225

ELS 243 Electronic Communication Systems

4 credits
A comprehensive introduction to an extensive coverage of all
facets of electronic communication systems. Includes topics on
modern communication principles and techniques.
Coreq: ELS 235
Prereq: ELS 220 and ELS 225

ENG 119 College English Skills I

3 credits
In this course students develop critical thinking, reading and
expository writing skills. Students are introduced to text-based
expository writing using the drafting process and the principles of
research and documentation. They examine Bahamian texts and
cultural productions.
Prereq: BGCSE English Language Grade C or placement at ENG 119
or ENG 017

ENG 120 College English Skills II

4 credits
This course provides comprehensive exposure to electricity and
electronics for students who do not intend to major in Electronics
or Electrical Power Engineering Technology.
Prereq: PHYS165 and MATH167 and MATH168

3 credits
ENG 120 reinforces the critical reading, writing and analytical
skills taught in ENG 119 with an added focus on argumentation.
Students are encouraged, through exploration of complex issues
and textual analysis, to become independent writers, readers,
speakers and thinkers.
Prereq: ENG 119

ENG 019 Fundamentals of Written English

ENG 121 Elementary English Structure

0 credit
This course focuses on the development of students writing
abilities for the following purposes: pursuit of academic work at
university level; ecient functioning in the world of work; and
personal improvement. (Bachelor of Law students only.)
Prereq: Placement at ENG 019

3 credits
An elementary linguistics course which focuses on the similarities
and dierences of Standard English and Bahamian Dialect. It
provides a theoretical background for language majors.
Prereq: ENG 119

ELT 220 Electrical Technology (Non Majors)

ENG 122 Creative Writing I

ENG 108 The Oral Tradition in Bahamian Literature
3 credits
In this course students explore the oral tradition in Bahamian
literature and focus on creative forms such as ring play, songs,
folktales, riddles and proverbs. They examine the socio-cultural
and historical background of Bahamian oral tradition and analyse
the structure and content of oral literary forms.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
A course designed to involve students in reading, discussion,
appraisal, writing and rewriting of aspects of poetry, short story,
the one act play in order to explore, dene and activate their
literary talents.
Prereq: ENG 119

ENG 124 Introduction to Criticism

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to the analysis of three
literary genres - ction, poetry and drama - and are exposed to
literary terms essential for the close reading of texts.
Prereq: ENG 119


ENG 130 Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry and Prose

ENG 214 Literature for Children

3 credits
In this course students analyze the elements, styles and techniques
of poetry and creative prose by examining major works of prominent writers. They also develop their craft as writers of various
forms of poetry, ction and creative non-ction through exercises
and workshops, editing, re-writing and journaling.
Prereq: ENG 119

3 credits
This course provides students with a comprehensive overview
of some of the best literature for children, a brief history of the
literature and the criteria for selecting quality books. Consideration
is given to literature suitable for Bahamian primary schools and to
criteria for its selection.
Prereq: ENG 120

ENG 201 Introduction to Theatre

ENG 215 Contemporary African Literature

3 credits
In this course students analyse drama as literature and as
performed art. They study theatre history and the collaborative
processes that take plays from page to stage. They critique plays
and stage productions based on their artistic merit and examine
the growth of Bahamian theatre.
Prereq: ENG 119

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to the eld of contemporary
African literature in English and in translation. Students examine
the literary, cultural, political and sociolinguistic contexts of African
literature through a reading of works by the continents major
Prereq: ENG 120

ENG 208 Bahamian Literature

ENG 216 Introduction to Film Studies

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to the written literature of
The Bahamas post Majority Rule and are provided with a critical
framework for the study of Bahamian literature that addresses
social, cultural and political dynamics in the contemporary
Prereq: ENG 120

3 credits
This course introduces students to the study of lm as text and as
a form of dramatic expression. Students examine the history of
lm and the methods used to analyse lm technique and interpret
Prereq: ENG 120

ENG 217 Introduction to Poetry

ENG 209 Popular Fiction
3 credits
In this course, students focus on short stories and novels by
prominent authors from ve genres of popular ction - detective,
science, fantasy, horror and romance. Emphasis is on themes, forms
and the literary conventions of each genre; consideration is given
to pertinent socio-cultural and aesthetic inuences.
Prereq: ENG 120

ENG 212 Shakespeare: Desire, Deception, Death

3 credits
In this course, students are introduced to the plays of Shakespeare
and their historical and theatrical contexts. Students examine three
representative plays.
Prereq: ENG 124

ENG 213 West Indian Literature: Decolonisation,

Regeneration, Creolisation
3 credits
This course introduces students to selected West Indian authors
and their works. An overview of the major historical, social and
cultural experiences that have shaped the regions literature
grounds the examination of both thematic and stylistic elements
in West Indian ction, poetry and drama.
Prereq: ENG 120

3 credits
This course focuses on a critical and analytical approach to the
appreciation of poetry, with particular reference to the nature and
eectiveness of the style and intrinsic value of the content.
Prereq: ENG 124

ENG 222 Creative Writing II

3 credits
An advanced course of writing in four genres: poetry, short ction,
prose and the one-act-play. Emphasis is on the continued development of techniques and styles through readings and the students
own writing.
Prereq: ENG 122

ENG 223 Writing for Travel and Tourism

3 credits
This course focuses on the teaching of a variety of writing formats
applicable to the tourism industry including brochures, newspapers, and magazine articles. A general interest course, this elective
is of particular interest to marketing, journalism, tourism, and
business students.
Prereq: ENG 120

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ENG 229 Survey of African American Literature

ENG 309 The Short Story

3 credits
In this course students examine major African-American writers
from the colonial period to the 1930s. They explore the historical,
social and political contexts from which the African-American
literary tradition emerged. Students examine the stylistic,
ideological and thematic features of African-American literature
across genres.
Prereq: ENG 120

3 credits
This course introduces students to the short story as a literary
genre. Emphasis is on the development of analytical skills
and critical idiom pertinent to an understanding of forms and
techniques of the genre.
Prereq: Third-year standing

ENG 300 Advanced Writing: Bahamian Culture and Society

3 credits
In this advanced writing course students analyse and produce
writing that addresses issues of national importance in The
Bahamas. They conduct research into the cultural, political, social,
economic and environmental factors that shape the Bahamian way
of life.
Prereq: ENG 120 and third-year standing

ENG 303 American Literature I: 1620-1865

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to American literature from
its colonial beginnings to 1865. Students examine the origins and
development of American literature focusing on its sociocultural,
historical, political, religious, intellectual and aesthetic inuences
through representative readings from the Colonial through the
Civil War periods.
Prereq: Third-year standing

ENG 304 American Literature II: 1865 - Present

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to the intellectual, historical
and cultural currents in American literature from 1865 to the
present. Students examine works and authors representative
of important trends in American literary development.
Prereq: Third-year standing

ENG 305 British Literature I: 450 - 785

3 credits
In this course students examine the origins and developments of
British literature focusing on its sociocultural, historical, political,
religious, intellectual and aesthetic inuences. They examine
representative genres from the Middle Ages to the late eighteenth
century for changes in form, theme and style.
Prereq: Third-year standing

ENG 306 British Literature II: 1785 - Present

3 credits
In this course student examine developments in British literature
focusing on various forms and genres of the Romantics, the
Victorians and writers of the twentieth century. Students study
representative texts from 1785 to the present for changes in form,
theme and style.
Prereq: Third-year standing


ENG 311 Literary Theory

3 credits
In this course students examine the major critical approaches
to literature from those of the Greek philosophers to the major
schools of contemporary literacy criticism. Students apply a range
of approaches to representative texts to understand how literature
produces meaning, aects readers, reects and shapes society.
Prereq: Third-year standing

ENG 312 Studies in Modern Drama

3 credits
In this course students examine modern world theatre from the
1890s to the present. They become familiar with the philosophies,
aesthetics and ideologies that have informed modern drama.
Modern plays are critiqued on the basis of form and content.
Prereq: ENG 311

ENG 313 Issues in West Indian Discourse

3 credits
In this course students examine issues in West Indian discourse
through the analysis of poetry, short ction, novels, plays and
essays. Students use the perspectives of the regions major literary
theorists and critics to inform their analyses.
Prereq: Third-year standing

ENG 314 Historical Development of Childrens Literature

3 credits
In this course students examine themes, forms and techniques of
childrens literature from its folk origins to the present through
a reading of representative works. They also examine the concomitant philosophical and social forces that inuenced and continue
to inuence writers and young readers.
Prereq: Third-year standing

ENG 318 Special Topics in Literature

3 credits
This course oers a detailed examination of a special topic
focusing on a theme, author, period, or genre. Using close
readings, it provides an in-depth analysis of the topic and an
understanding of social and cultural factors that inuence the
creation of literature.
Prereq: ENG 311

ENG 326 Evolution of the African American Novel

ENG 412 The Western Tradition: Major Works in Translation

3 credits
In this course, students focus on major African American novelists from slavery to the present. Students explore the historical,
cultural, social and political contexts in which the African American
novel has evolved. They examine the stylistic, ideological and
thematic features of the African American novel.
Prereq: ENG 311

3 credits
In this course students examine a range of major works from
non-English classical and contemporary writers. Emphasis is on
works and writers who have had the most inuence on Western
philosophies of literature and on the writers place in the social
historical milieu.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

ENG 330 History of Film

ENG 413 Contemporary World Literature (non-Western)

3 credits
In this course students explore the development of the cinematic
arts. They examine the historical milestones in lm technology,
groundbreaking techniques of directors and cinematographers
and analyze the relationship between lm and their historical
contexts. They also critique the thematic and stylistic aspects of
cinema as art.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course focuses on non-Western literatures post 1945. It
surveys poetry, drama and prose by critically acclaimed authors
from Latin America, the non-Anglophone Caribbean, Africa, the
Middle East and Asia. These literatures are analysed according
to form and content and are placed in their socio-historical and
cultural contexts.
Prereq: LIT 311

ENG 351 Genre Studies: The Novel

ENG 415 Post-Colonial Literature

3 credits
In this course students examine various theories of the novel and
their application to a practical criticism of specic novels. The
emphasis is on a comprehensive view of the theory of the novel
from the nineteenth century to the current post-colonial linguistic
and feminist revisions of the received form of the genre.
Prereq: ENG 311

3 credits
In this course students examine various responses to colonialism
and post-colonialism through analysis of representative literary
works from former British colonial territories: the Indian subcontinent, Africa, Australia and the Caribbean. Students apply a range
of post-colonial theories to the analysis of literary texts within
historical, cultural and political contexts.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

ENG 400 Studies in the Bahamian Culture

3 credits
This course takes a broad, multidisciplinary approach to the study
of Bahamian cultural identity through the reading of various texts.
Students examine the inuence of region, politics, religion, race,
ethnicity, gender and social class in the creation of Bahamian
cultural identity.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

ENG 416 Shakespeare: Tragedies and Histories

3 credits
In this course students examine a selection of Shakespeares tragedies and history plays within the context of their production and
reception. They examine literary and dramatic elements common
to both genres and apply critical approaches to the reading of the
plays to arrive at a variety of interpretations.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

ENG 405 Studies in Bahamian English

3 credits
In this course students consider the socio-historical and linguistics
factors which contribute to the formation and establishment of
language varieties, particularly Bahamian Creole (popularly known
as Bahamian Dialect). Students examine the socio-linguistic implications for Creole-speaking countries with distinct national and
ocial languages and receive training in linguistic eld methods.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

ENG 410 Caribbean Women Writers

3 credits
This course is an in-depth study of writing by and about Caribbean
women. It highlights womens contributions to literature in the
region in the context of the historical forces that shaped their
social, political, ethnic and cultural experiences.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

ENG 417 Shakespearean Comedy

3 credits
This course focuses on Shakespeares comedic art as entertainment
and social criticism. Students examine this art within the historical,
social and cultural context of the period.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

ENG 418 Gender and Literature

3 credits
In this course, students focus on the relationship between gender
and literature. They analyse the inuence of gender on literary
texts and examine the ways literature reects, creates and challenges gender transhistorically and cross-culturally.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ENG 419 Race and Film: The African American Image

ENGR232 Introduction to Linear Electrical Circuits

3 credits
In this course students examine the socio-cultural, political and
economic factors inuencing black representation in 20th
century American lms. They analyse lms that represent African
Americans both stereotypically and atypically and consider ideologies that inform the style and content of each lm.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

3 credits
An introductory course to be taken by all Pre-Engineering students
not aspiring to specialisation in Electrical Engineering. It exposes
the student to linear circuit analysis in the time and the frequency
domains. Exposure will be given to the PSpice simulation package.
Prereq: MATH170 and PHYS165

ENGR233 Engineering Network Analysis I

ENG 498 Senior Thesis I
3 credits
In this course students focus on research and analytic skills essential for undertaking a substantial piece of independent work in a
specic area of literary studies. Students acquire skills necessary for
writing a thesis proposal by emphasizing research methods, critical
approaches and analytic techniques.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

ENG 499 Senior Thesis II

3 credits
In this course students build on research and analytic skills
emphasised in ENG 498 (Senior Thesis I). Students deepen their
understanding of literature and critical theory by producing a
substantial piece of independent research. Under the guidance
of a faculty advisor, students complete a thesis that demonstrates
original critical thought.
Prereq: ENG 498

ENGR011 Introduction to the Profession

0 credit
This course will consist of a series of seminars providing an
overview of the creative profession of engineering. Topics will
include: the branches of engineering, career preparation, duties,
ethics and responsibility of the engineer. It is compulsory for all
Pre-Engineering students.
Prereq: None

ENGR111 Engineering Graphics

3 credits
This course develops the students skills in the subject emphasising
the application of these in engineering situations. Topics will
include: orthographic projection, auxiliary plans, developments,
sections, oblique and pictorial views, vector geometry design
concepts, working drawings and the introduction to computeraided drafting.
Prereq: TECH028

ENGR231 Engineering Statics

3 credits
A rst course in engineering mechanics aimed at developing the
ability of the student to analyse problems in statics in a simple
and logical manner and to solve these problems using a few basic
scientic principles.
Prereq: PHYS176 and PHLB176 and MATH170


3 credits
This is the rst course in a two-course sequence which is designed
to expose Electrical Pre-Engineering students to circuit analysis in
the time domain. Exposure to the PSpice simulation package will
also be given.
Prereq: MATH170 and PHYS165

ENGR241 Engineering Dynamics

3 credits
A sequential course to Engineering Statics, drawing on the
principles acquired there from and adapting these to the solution
of engineering problems involving motion of particles, systems of
particles and rigid bodies.
Prereq: ENGR231

ENGR242 Mechanics of Materials

3 credits
A rst course in the mechanics of deformable bodies designed
to provide aspiring students in Civil, Structural and Mechanical
Engineering with the foundation for subsequent specialised and
advanced work in their particular areas of specialisation.
Prereq: ENGR231

ENGR243 Engineering Network Analysis II

3 credits
This is the second course in a two-course sequence which is
designed to expose Electrical Pre-Engineering students to circuit
analysis in the frequency-domain. Exposure to the PSpice simulation package will also be given.
Prereq: ENGR233

ENGR244 Engineering Thermodynamics

3 credits
An introductory course in thermodynamics suitable for students
in Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Focus is on
simple gas and vapour processes with illustrative applications in
the production of power and in the use of refrigeration plants and
Prereq: CHEM135 and PHYS176 and PHLB176 and MATH170

ENSC201 Environmental Science

ENVR140 Vector Control and Port Health

3 credits
This course deals with the impact of human activities on the
environment. Topics include agricultural pollution, water pollution,
air pollution, solid and hazardous wastes, sewage, coastal erosion
and land use.
Coreq: ENSL201
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
This course deals with the biological economics and medical
importance of vectors and their method of surveillance and
Prereq: First-year standing

ENSL201 Environmental Science

1 credit
This is the practical component of ENSC 201. A number of eld
trips to various sites of environmental concerns and experiments
on soil and water analysis and water treatment are conducted in
this course.
Coreq: ENSC201
Prereq: Second-year standing

ENVR100 Introduction to Environmental Health Practice

3 credits
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of environmental health practice. Specic emphasis is placed on housing and
building regulations, general sanitation, sewage treatment and
disposal, water and the management of solid waste.
Prereq: First-year standing

ENVR101 Introduction to Environmental Health History and

2 credits
This course introduces students to the legal framework of environmental health and addresses the pertinent acts and regulations
which guide the practice of the environmental health ocer in
The Bahamas.
Prereq: First-year standing

ENVR102 Introduction to Vector Control

4 credits
This course introduces students to vectors and their impact on
humans and their environment. Emphasis is on the lifecycle,
habitat and measures of control of vectors such as rodents,
mosquitoes, ies and roaches.
Prereq: ENVR101

ENVR103 Introduction to Principles of Meat Inspection

4 credits
This course introduces students to the process of meat inspection.
Emphasis is on anti-mortem and post-mortem inspection of
animals for human consumption.
Prereq: ENVR101

ENVR141 Environmental Health I

3 credits
This course introduces students to the eects of pollution on
human health and welfare and explains the major types of pollution and their control. The orientation of the course will be more
theoretical than practical.
Prereq: First-year standing

ENVR240 Introduction to Epidemiology

1 credit
This course introduces students to the nature and scope of
epidemiology and provides basic knowledge of statistics used in
epidemiology, disease surveillance methods, the procedure for
investigation of epidemics, disaster preparedness planning and
Prereq: MATH140 and NURS205 and BIOL223

ENVR241 Environmental Health II

3 credits
This course provides the practical backup to the theory covered
in ENVR141. It covers laboratory and eld analysis of water, waste
water and air using standard procedures and the instrumentation
used to maintain and control environmental quality.
Prereq: ENVR141

ENVR242 Environmental Health Law and History

3 credits
This course provides the student with the historical development
of environmental health legislation and includes a study of the
legal powers available for implementing environmental health
Prereq: ENG 120

ENVR243 Food Sanitation Principles

3 credits
This course teaches students the fundamentals of food preservation and inspection and emphasises sanitation relating to the
standards and codes of food service operations.
Prereq: BIOL109 and ENVR141

ENVR244 Management of Solid Waste System

3 credits
This course examines the various means of solid waste management available in todays society. Structured primarily for students
specialising in Environmental Health as a career, it includes
sections on the storage, collection and disposal of various types
of solid waste.
Prereq: ENVR140 and ENVR141 and ENVR243

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


ENVR245 Institutional Health and Industrial Hygiene

3 credits
This course is designed for Environmental Health Inspectors,
to enable them to carry out inspection procedures as they relate
to educational, penal health care and industrial institutions.
Prereq: ENVR140 and ENVR141 and ENVR243

ENVR246 Epidemiology
3 credits
This course covers the principles and methodology in the
epidemiological analysis of diseases. It may be taken as an elective
for Natural Science majors.
Prereq: Second-year standing

ENVR300 Vector Control and Port Health

3 credits
This course is designed to emphasize the methods of vector
control and the importance of public and environmental health.
It also highlights the importance of port sanitation as it relates to
vectors, meat and poultry imports and exports and international
regulations and its relation.
Coreq: ENVR 301
Prereq: Acceptance into programme

FCSE101 Clothing Construction and Needle Craft
3 credits
In this course, students focus on garment construction and needle
craft using basic sewing and needle craft techniques. It exposes
students to the selection of fabrics, commercial patterns, sewing
and needle craft equipment and tools.
Prereq: First-year standing

FCSE202 Clothing Construction II

3 credits
In this course students draft patterns and construct sleeves, collars,
necklines and hems.
Prereq: FCSE101

FCSE203 Food Production, Planning, Management

3 credits
In this course students focus on cooking principles, pantry
products, stocks, soups and sauces as well as fruits, vegetables,
cereals, meats, sh and poultry.
Prereq: CULN125

ENVR301 Vector Control and Port Health Practicum

FCSE204 Family Relationships and Management

1 credit
This clinical course provides students with the opportunity to
utilize concepts taught in ENVR 300 to assist individuals, families
and communities to live healthier lives protected from disease
Coreq: ENVR 300
Prereq: Acceptance into programme

FCSE205 Consumer Economics

ENVR302 Principles of Environmental Health

2 credits
This course exposes students to the principles of Environmental
Health. Emphasis will be placed on the acquisition of knowledge
and skills necessary to comprehend environmental health
concepts involved in the relationship between humankind and the
Coreq: ENVR 302
Prereq: Acceptance into programme

ENVR303 Principles of Environmental Health Practicum

1 credit
This practical course provides students with the opportunity to
develop practical skills. It enables students to form relationships
with ministry partners and stakeholders in order fulll their roles
as Environmental Health Ocers.
Coreq: ENVR 302
Prereq: Acceptance into programme


3 credits
In this course students focus on family and relationship skills in the
global society. Emphasis is on parenting, including nurturing and
guiding children in the family structure.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
In this course students focus on the basic economic inuences
which impact consumer choices and practices. Emphasis is on the
complexity of the market place and goods and services.
Prereq: Second-year standing

FCSE206 Introduction to Food and Nutrition

3 credits
In this course, students explore the basic concepts of food and
nutrition. They plan, prepare and serve healthy dishes and meals
with the utilization of the food guide pyramid and food drum.
Prereq: CULN125

FCSE301 Food Science

3 credits
In this course, students focus on scientic evaluation, production
and preservation of food. Students examine the chemical and
physical changes that take place when food is prepared, stored
and ingested.
Prereq: CHEM115 or FSMG110

FCSE302 Textile Science

FIN 411 International Finance

3 credits
In this course students focus on the structure of bers for selection
in garment preparation. Students assess the properties, production and quality of natural and synthetic bres according to their
aesthetics, performance and price.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
The international nancial system and its operations, regulations,
and impact on the global economy. Global markets and their use
in management of assets of multinational corporations, governments, etc. Euro and Asian currency markets, international nancial
centres and oshore banking are covered.
Prereq: FIN 314

FCSE303 Housing and Interior Design

3 credits
In this course students focus on consumer-based housing and
interior design. Emphasis is on housing and the home as an
environment for human growth and development.
Prereq: Third-year standing

FIN 211 Business Finance

3 credits
An overview of the nancial system and its operation, with special
emphasis on nancial markets, institutions, management, and
their role in the economy. Methods of nancing the corporate,
government and personal sectors are covered, as well as the
regulation and supervision of the nancial system and careers in
the nancial services sector.
Prereq: ACCA205 and ECON211

FIN 312 Credit Analysis

3 credits
A survey of credit management and collection procedures for both
commercial and consumer credit. Emphasis is placed on the role
of the credit analyst and manager and the credit. These concepts
are adapted to the Bahamian nancial system to cover consumer
nance, credit analysis, policies and special problems of credit
management in The Bahamas.
Prereq: ACCA205 and ECON211

FIN 313 Investment Analysis

3 credits
A survey of investment theory and the practice of investment
analysis and portfolio management, emphasising the role of equity
and debt market securities, investment information, analysis
and policy. Institutional investment, personal investment and
investment management in The Bahamas and the global nancial
system are covered.
Prereq: ACCA205 and ECON211

FIN 421 Security Analysis

3 credits
This course covers the theory and analytical tools of security
analysis, focusing on methods applied to the study of government
debt securities, corporate debt and equity securities and derivative
securities. Analytical techniques employed to evaluate company,
industry, market and the economy are included, as are security
pricing, investment technique and the application of portfolio
management theory.
Prereq: FIN 314

FLE 200 Foreign Language Experience

3 credits
This course helps students to improve their uency in French or
Spanish. Students spend at least four weeks living in a country
where French or Spanish is spoken, and develop a better understanding of that countrys social, political, economic, and cultural
Prereq: SPA 104 or FRE 104

FRE 102 Introductory French for Hospitality and Culinary

3 credits
In this course students develop language skills for the hospitality
industry at a basic level. They practice speaking, listening, reading
and writing. Intended primarily for Hospitality and Culinary Arts
students. (Not open to native speakers).
Prereq: First-year standing

FRE 103 Introductory French I

3 credits
In this course students develop language skills at a basic level.
They practice speaking, listening, reading and writing. (Not open
to native speakers).
Prereq: First-year standing

FIN 314 Financial Management

FRE 104 Introductory French II

3 credits
This course covers the role of nancial management in the
operation of business, utilising tools of nancial analysis, planning
and evaluation. The role of nancial markets, institutions and
professionals are covered as well as use of selected computer
programmes that stimulate nancial scenarios.
Prereq: ACCA205 and ECON211

3 credits
This course is a continuation of FRE 103 (Introductory French I).
Students further develop communicative prociency at a basic
level. They practice speaking, listening, reading, writing and
develop grammatical accuracy. (Not open to native speakers).
Prereq: FRE 103 or BGCSE French Grade B

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


FRE 200 Intermediate French Grammar

FRE 251 Advanced French II

3 credits
This course is a comprehensive study of the fundamentals of
French grammar. It is designed to reinforce and improve grammatical accuracy with particular emphasis on written competence.
(Not open to native speakers.)
Prereq: FRE 104

3 credits
This advanced French course is designed to develop communicative skills with accuracy and uency. It includes composition,
reading, translation, morphology and syntax, phonetics, listening,
oral practice and cultural awareness.
Prereq: FRE 250

FRE 203 Intermediate French I

FRE 252 French for Business

3 credits
This is an intermediate course designed to develop students ability
to express themselves orally and in written form, and to expand
students reading and understanding skills, while introducing them
to literary texts by French and Francophone authors.
Prereq: FRE 104 or BGCSE French Grade A

3 credits
This course provides students with the vocabulary and skills
needed to conduct business transactions in French and to translate
into English basic business documents written in French.
Prereq: FRE 200 and FRE 203

FRE 258 Introduction to French Literary Texts

FRE 204 Intermediate French II
3 credits
This is the second intermediate course designed to further develop
students ability to express themselves orally and in written form,
and to expand students reading and comprehension skills, while
introducing them to literary texts by French and Francophone
Prereq: FRE 203

FRE 207 Intermediate Listening and Speaking

3 credits
In this course students develop their listening comprehension
skills and expand their vocabulary and speaking skills through
intensive listening and discussion about topics related to the
French-speaking world. Material is presented in audio and video
Prereq: FRE 200 and FRE 203

3 credits
Students are introduced to basic concepts and techniques of
literacy analysis of literary texts through close readings and
discussion of works by selected Francophone writers from dierent
genres and historical periods.
Prereq: FRE 203

FRE 260 Introduction to French Culture and Civilization

3 credits
Students are introduced to French metropolitan culture and
civilization through the study of selected aspects of the geography, history, politics, music and art of France. Students examine
the nature of French society as well as the attitudes, behaviours
and values of French people. Readings and discussions are in
Prereq: FRE 203

FRE 301 Advanced French Listening and Speaking

FRE 208 Intermediate Reading and Writing
3 credits
In this course students develop their reading comprehension and
writing skills through intensive reading and writing about topics
related to the French-speaking world.
Prereq: FRE 200 and FRE 204

3 credits
In this course, students further develop their listening and
speaking skills, pronunciation and uency. They also expand their
cultural awareness through intensive listening and discussion
about topics related to the French-speaking world. Material is
presented in audio and video formats.
Prereq: FRE 207

FRE 250 Advanced French I

3 credits
This advanced French course is designed to develop communicative skills with accuracy and uency. It includes composition,
reading, translation, morphology and syntax, listening, oral
practice and cultural awareness.
Prereq: FRE 204


FRE 310 Francophone Cultures

3 credits
In this survey course, students explore Francophone cultures and
regions beyond metropolitan France. Students examine selected
aspects of the history, geography, literature, arts, religions, politics
and contemporary social issues of the French-speaking regions of
North America, the Antilles, North Africa and West Africa.
Prereq: FRE 258

FRE 420 French Texts Translation

3 credits
This course provides intensive practice in translating texts from
French into English and from English into French. Students rene
their skills in manipulating the French language and gain insight
into how to identify, analyse and resolve translation problems.
Prereq: FRE 301 or FRE 310

FRE 458 Twentieth Century French Literature

3 credits
This course examines the major movements of twentieth century
French literature through the study of representative novels, plays
and poems by major authors. Students analyse the literary texts
with reference to their historical, political, cultural and philosophical contexts. This course is taught in French.
Prereq: FRE 301 or FRE 310

FSMG002 Personal Health Safety and Hygiene

0 credit
A course that focuses on basic microbiology, personal hygiene and
the proper handling of food and the local regulations that govern
the food service industry.
Prereq: Admission to programme

FSMG105 Sanitation
3 credits
This course focuses on the avoidance of food contamination in
the hospitality industry and its connection with the human and
physical environment. Safety at work and accident prevention are
also covered.
Prereq: None

FSMG110 Menu Planning and Nutrition

3 credits
This course provides students with information necessary to plan,
design and price menus of various types and styles. Information is
provided on relevant nutritional concerns and nutrients.
Prereq: CULN125

FSMG225 Purchasing and Storeroom Operations

3 credits
This course provides students with the knowledge and techniques
required in purchasing food, beverages, materials and equipment
for hospitality establishments of various sizes and types.

GEOG100 Introduction to the Geography of The Bahamas
3 credits
This course teaches the geographical resources of The Bahamas,
its agricultural development, manufacturing and tourism in the
economy and the size, growth and distribution of population cities
and settlements.
Prereq: None

GEOG102 Introduction to the Geography of Tourism

3 credits
This course is an introduction to geographical aspects of tourism
including demand and supply areas, transport links and types
of tourist developments, impacts and planning. The course is
designed for students of tourism, geography and for general
Prereq: None

GEOG113 Human and Cultural Geography

3 credits
This course is an introduction to the main elements of geography
involving mans primary activities including mining, shing,
farming; secondary activities including manufacturing and tertiary
activities including service industries.
Prereq: None

GEOG114 Climatology and Biogeography

3 credits
Students study the atmosphere and its processes, world climates,
urban climates, air pollution, world ecosystems and mans impact
on these systems.
Prereq: None

GEOG204 The Developed World-North America

3 credits
This course is a systematic review of an industrialised region,
dealing with population, agriculture, natural resources, industrial
development and location settlement and migration. Exemplied
by case study in the U.S.A. and Canada.
Prereq: GEOG113

GEOG205 Geography of the West Indies

3 credits
In sequence with GEOG 223, this course focuses on the West Indian
nations; plantation and peasant agriculture; mineral resources and
industrial development as well as tourism and its impact.
Prereq: GEOG113

GEOG206 Geography of Western Europe

3 credits
As GEOG 204, but applies to the countries of Western Europe, especially the UK and members of the European Economic Community.
Prereq: GEOG113 and GEOG114

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


GEOG207 Geography of North America

GEOG320 Geography and the Environment

3 credits
This course examines the complex mosaic of people and places
that make up North America. It looks at both the physical and
cultural attributes of this region.
Prereq: GEOG113 and GEOG114

3 credits
An examination of the natural environment, and the way humans
aect and are aected by the environment, and the tools used to
combat current environmental problems. Socio-economic and
political factors are stressed.
Prereq: Third-year standing

GEOG217 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

3 credits
Students are introduced to geographic information systems with
emphasis on the use of environmental, population, agriculture,
historical and other data.
Prereq: Second-year standing

GEOG220 Economic Geography

3 credits
An in-depth study of economic principles of location exemplied
by studies of agricultural land use, industrial location, environmental perception and resource management.
Prereq: GEOG113

GEOG221 Population and Settlement

3 credits
A detailed study of population distribution, growth and migration.
Demographic characteristics and statistics. Rural and urban settlement. Urbanisation, city form and function, new towns.
Prereq: GEOG113

GEOG360 Introduction to Cartography

4 credits
This course is a theoretical and practical introduction to the basic
elements of map design and cartographic drawing techniques.
Both conventional and computer-assisted cartography will be
examined, although the former will be emphasised at this level.
Prereq: Third-year standing

GEOG400 Advanced Bahamian Geography

3 credits
The creation of new geographic material on The Bahamas through
the utilization of knowledge and techniques gained in other
courses, including computer graphics, statistical techniques,
data collection, archival research and eld observations. Individual
students strengths will be harnessed to produce a group
Prereq: Third-year standing

GER 103 Introductory German I

GEOG222 Landscapes and Soils
3 credits
A study of landscapes and soils, their global distributional patterns
and the processes which form them and continue to shape them.
Marine landscapes are also presented as well as the impact of
humans on geomorphology.
Prereq: GEOG114

GEOG223 Geography of Developing Countries

3 credits
An examination of the characteristics and the economy of less
developed countries and a study and application of development
theories to the historical, cultural and economic development of
these countries. A variety of agricultural, industrial and settlement
landscapes will also be presented.
Prereq: GEOG113

3 credits
This is a course for beginners and is designed to develop communicative competence at a basic level in German. It provides practice
in conversation, understanding the spoken language, reading,
writing and grammar (Not open to native speakers).
Prereq: First-year standing

HIS 100 World Civilization I
3 credits
A comparative study of the political, economic, social and religious
development of World Civilisation to 1500 A.D.
Prereq: First-year standing

GEOG300 The Geography of Africa

HIS 101 World Civilisations I

3 credits
A regional geography of Africa including its basic physical features,
ora and fauna, cultural diversity and economic prospects.
Problems of tribalism, desertication and rapid population growth
are examined, as are recent developments in African political
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
In this survey course, students investigate the social, political,
economic and religious developments of the worlds civilisations
from the beginnings of human history to the Ages of Renaissance
and Reformation, utilising a comparative, non-centric approach.
Students focus on the interconnectedness of world history.
Prereq: First-year standing


HIS 110 Survey of the History of Africa I

HIS 225 The Nature of History

3 credits
A study of the peoples of Africa and historical trends from prehistory to the 16th century.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
An introduction to the discipline of history in both a theoretical
and practical manner. The elements of historical thinking, research
and writing, the methods and sources of the historian and some
philosophical questions about the nature of history are examined.
Prereq: ENG 119

HIS 112 History of The Bahamas I (1400-1838)

3 credits
In this course students focus on the history of The Bahamas from
aboriginal times up to 1838. Major themes include the Lucayans,
European colonization and slavery. Political, social and economic
developments are examined.
Prereq: First-year standing

HIS 113 History of The Bahamas II

3 credits
A study of the history of The Bahamas from 1838 to 1980. Major
themes include the development of modern Bahamian society,
Bahamian nationalism and new modes of economic survival.
Prereq: First-year standing

HIS 115 Introduction to African Studies

3 credits
An introduction to the African contribution to world civilisation.
Video presentations and lectures will focus on the indigenous
traditions of Africa, Islamic inuences and the Western impact.
Attention will also be given to the relationship between Africa and
its diaspora.
Prereq: First-year standing

HIS 160 History of The United States I

3 credits
A review of United States history from the colonial period to the
end of the Civil War. A study of the national leaders, political, social
and economic development to 1865. Nationalism and expansion,
origins and events of the Civil War.
Prereq: First-year standing

HIS 172 Caribbean History I

3 credits
This course examines the development of Caribbean societies from
1400 to 1833. It begins with the indigenous peoples and the
genocidal impact of European colonisation. It then focuses
on colonialism, creolisation, the plantation complex and slave
societies, mercantilism, slave resistance, the Haitian Revolution and
Prereq: First-year standing

HIS 201 World Civilization II

3 credits
A comparative study of the political, economic, social and religious
developments of World Civilisation since 1500 AD.
Prereq: HIS 100

HIS 260 History of the United States II

3 credits
From reconstruction in the South to involvement in South Vietnam.
A general survey of the basic forces shaping American life;
industrialisation, organisation of labour, immigration; Progressive
Era; Depression and New Deal; World War I; and the U.S.A. as a
world power.
Prereq: HIS 160

HIS 272 Caribbean History II (1836-1961)

3 credits
This course explores the development of societies and peoples in
the english speaking Caribbean from 1833-1961. It examines the
process of social and economic adjustments and transformations
at all levels and traces the growth of nationalism, unionism and the
impact of the United States of America and Cuba.
Prereq: HIS 172

HIS 280 History of Africa (Since 1850)

3 credits
In this course, students examine the events and processes leading
up to the colonization of Africa and subsequent changes in African
societies under colonial rule. Liberation struggles, nationalist
movements, decolonization, the changing role of women and
gender relations, urbanization and migration are some of the
themes addressed.
Prereq: HIS 115 or HIS 172

HIS 301 The Atlantic World (1400-1600)

3 credits
An examination of how Europe, Africa, and The Americas became
integrated into a network of exchange rooted in the long distance
movement of people, plants, animals, commodities and ideas.
Emphasis is given to the demographic, economic and cultural
consequences of interaction.
Prereq: Third-year standing

HIS 302 The Atlantic World II (1600-1800)

3 credits
An examination of key seventeenth and eighteenth century
developments in the Atlantic World namely the expansion of the
plantation complex. European expansion into North America,
international rivalry and the conicts which European denomination engendered among the colonial populations, such as the
American and Haitian Revolutions.
Prereq: Third-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


HIS 310 Haitian History from Revolution to Present

HIS 374 Modern Europe (1900-1950)

3 credits
This course is a survey of the post independence period in Haitian
history. The revolution, post independence adjustments, the U.S.
occupation and the more recent totalitarian regimes are analysed.
Recent problems resulting in the mass exodus of Haitian nationals
to The Bahamas are discussed from an historical perspective.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course highlights the main political, economic and social
developments in European history from 1900 to 1950. Topics
include European imperialism, nationalism, World Wars I and II, the
Great Depression, the Holocaust and the challenges of Fasciam,
Nazism and Communism to Liberal Democracy.
Prereq: Third-year standing

HIS 312 Nation, Race and Identity in Europe (1789-1914)

HIS 376 Women and Gender in the History of the English

Speaking Caribbean

3 credits
In this course students examine the development of competing
concepts of nationality and race in Europe since the French
Revolution to the early twentieth century, relating their evolution
to state formation, imperialism, socialism and nationalism.
Prereq: HIS 201

HIS 316 History of West Africa in the Nineteenth and

Twentieth Centuries
3 credits
In this course students are introduced to important themes in the
historical development of West African societies in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. Emphasis is on major economic and
social trends of the region during European colonial rule and after
Prereq: HIS 280

3 credits
In this course students examine theoretical and historiographical
problems in the study of women, gender and history. They focus
on a history of the social, economic and political roles and activities of women in the English speaking Caribbean from pre-colonial
times to the present.
Prereq: Third-year standing

HIS 390 Field Studies I

3 credits
This course focuses on the planning, preparation, conduct
and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history and social work.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld are
Prereq: Third-year standing

HIS 321 African-American History I (To 1865)

3 credits
In this course students examine the history of African-Americans in
the United States. They analyse the political, economic, and social
history of African-Americans up to the U.S. Civil War.
Prereq: Third-year standing

HIS 325 Race, Class and Gender in the Late Nineteenth and
Early Twentieth Century Bahamas.
3 credits
In this course students explore issues of race, class and gender in
the post emancipation period in The Bahamas. Emphasis is placed
on how a small white agro-commercial oligarchy retained its
position of power over the coloured and black classes.
Prereq: HIS 112 and HIS 113

HIS 371 Topics in Twentieth Century Caribbean History

3 credits
In this course, students examine the events that shaped the
Caribbean in the twentieth century. They focus on major trends
and movements and examine the impact of forces such as racism,
anti-colonialism, integration and nationalism on the regions
Prereq: Third-year standing


HIS 391 Field Studies II

6 credits
This course focuses on the planning, preparation, conduct
and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history and social work.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld are
Prereq: Third-year standing

HIS 392 Field Studies III

9 credits
This course focuses on the planning, preparation, conduct
and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history and social work.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld are
Prereq: Third-year standing

HIS 402 Pan-Africanism: Politics of the Black Atlantic World

3 credits
In this course, students examine the evolution of pan-African ideas
and political movements in societies of the Atlantic World during
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Slavery, colonialism,
struggles for Black liberation, back to Africa initiatives, Garveyism,
Negritude, class conicts and gender relations are among the
topics discussed.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

HIS 405 Research in History

3 credits
This course examines theoretical and methodological issues faced
by historians. Current historiography is discussed as well as general
themes that shape the work of historians. Skills related to archival
research are examined in an eort to prepare students for the
production of an original thesis.
Prereq: HIS 225

HIS 462 The American Civil War and Reconstruction (18611877)

3 credits
In this course students examine the military, political, social and
economic divisions brought about by the Civil War. The dismantling of slavery and amendments to the United States constitution
during the war, Andrew Johnsons presidency, Congressional
Reconstruction and Black Republicans are discussed.
Prereq: HIS 260

HIS 407 Caribbean Historiography and Methodology

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to the forces that shape
the writing of history in the Caribbean. Emphasis is on current
methodology employed by practitioners of Caribbean history.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

HIS 410 Public History Practicum

3 credits
In this eld-based course, students are exposed to the practical
skills of librarianship, archival preservation, restoration work and
museum studies. Additionally, students examine Public History as
a profession.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

HIS 412 Science, Religion and Society: The Enlightenment in

Europe (1700-1800)
3 credits
In this course students explore ways in which the Enlightenment
in Europe challenged, altered and structured views of religion,
sciences, politics and society. Topics are examined within a
comparative intellectual and social context.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

HIS 420 The Cold War: Crisis, Conict and Containment

3 credits
In this course students explore the rise and fall of the Cold War
from its roots at Yalta and Potsdam in 1945 through the collapse
of the U.S.S.R. in 1991.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

HIS 421 African-American History II (1865 - present)

3 credits
In this course students examine a variety of issues in the history of
African-Americans from 1865 to the present. Focus is on philanthropy and self-help organizations, freedom and democracy, race
relations and gender relations, and the current economic, social,
and political status of African- Americans.
Prereq: HIS 321

HIS 471 Caribbean Migration Since the Eighteenth Century

3 credits
In this course students examine Caribbean migration from the late
Eighteenth Century to the present. They explore various phases
of migration to, from and within the Caribbean and evaluate the
experiences of migrants and their contributions to the development of host countries and the Caribbean region.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

HLTH100 Current Issues in Health

2 credits
Students focus on current issues related to psychological, physical
and social health. Topics such as substance abuse, sexuality, stress
and communicable diseases are explored.
Prereq: First-year standing

HOSP011 Housekeeping Skills

0 credit
This course exposes students to the practical aspects of a
housekeeping department and its importance to the ecient
functioning of a hospitality establishment. Emphasis is on cleaning
procedures for guestrooms and front and back areas of hospitality
Prereq: Acceptance into programme

HOSP012 Front Oce Skills

0 credit
This course exposes students to the role the front oce plays in a
hotel. Emphasis is on hotel organisation, the role of the front oce
and its respective departments, the relationship between the front
oce and other guest contact departments and the back-of-thehouse departments.
Prereq: Acceptance into programme

HOSP209 Housekeeping Operations II

3 credits
A course designed to expose students to the managerial aspects of
the housekeeping department and its importance in the ecient
functioning of a hotel. Practical exercises, including industry
exposure will provide students with hands-on techniques in the art
of housekeeping.
Prereq: TOUR100

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


HOSP210 Front Oce Operations

HOSP320 Hospitality and Travel Law

3 credits
This course exposes students to operations of the hotel front oce
department, roles of the front oce sta and interdepartmental
relations. Emphasis is placed on industry methodology, techniques
and computer applications.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
Students analyse aspects of the law that govern operators in
the hospitality industry. They evaluate potential problems and
consequences of failure to satisfy legal obligations using the case
method format.
Prereq: Third-year standing

HOSP217 Facilities Management for the Hospitality


HOSP401 Advanced Hospitality Financial Management

3 credits
Students explore the operations of hospitality facilities. They
examine the management of the physical plant of a hotel or
restaurant as well as the responsibilities of the engineering
maintenance department.
Prereq: TOUR100

3 credits
This course provides students with an understanding of the role
nancial management plays in business. This course includes an
overview of nancial management and examines areas such as
the nancial risk analysis, time-value of money, stock and bond
valuation, cost of capital, capital budgeting, and nancial planning
and forecasting.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

HOSP222 Food And Beverage Control

3 credits
This course completes the study of accounting for food and
beverage products as it relates to contemporary industry practices.
Emphasis is on how these products relate to the overall operation
of restaurants and bars by requiring students to analyse, cost and
price typical menu items and prepare daily and monthly costing
documents and reports.
Prereq: MATH132 and ACCA105

HOSP302 Hospitality Leadership and Management

3 credits
Students examine leadership and management for the hospitality
industry. They explore dierent levels of leadership, from
a traditional role as company head to the more personal aspect
of self-leadership. They analyse leadership theories and styles and
their application to motivating employees, managing a diverse
workforce, dicult people and situations.
Prereq: Third-year standing

HOSP310 Lodging Management

3 credits
In this course students examine the interrelated systems in
lodging operations. They evaluate areas such as the front desk,
housekeeping, guest services, reservations, telecommunications
and security. They also examine the scope of the hospitality
organizational structure.
Prereq: TOUR100

HOSP315 Management Information Systems for the

Hospitality Industry
3 credits
Students analyse and discuss the impact and application of various
technology systems in the hospitality and tourism industries. They
scrutinize front and back of the house accounting control and
physical plant systems. They gain hands-on experience with these
software packages.
Prereq: CIS 106


HOSP417 Hospitality Management

3 credits
In this capstone course students synthesize organizational theory,
problem solving and hospitality ethics in hospitality and tourism
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

HOSP439 Hospitality Strategic Management

3 credits
This course integrates and applies the strategic management
process to hospitality decision-making frameworks in human
resources, marketing and nancial management. Applications of
the experience economy and other relevant concepts are covered
in a semester-long eld project.
Prereq: TOUR305 and TOUR318 and TOUR418

HOSP442 Revenue Management

3 credits
Students apply the principles of revenue management in the
hospitality industry. They utilise revenue management techniques
to develop prot capacity within the hospitality industry. Emphasis
is placed on maximizing revenue in prot centers.
Prereq: MATH163 and ACCA301

INV 411 Investment Seminar
3 credits
This course covers advanced concepts in investment theory,
focusing on risk and return analysis. It emphasises the analysis of
companies, industries, economies and markets. Portfolio management theory and techniques are used, performance measurement
standards for portfolio are reviewed, placing emphasis on
investing in a global market.
Prereq: BKGM302 or FIN 211

JRN 100 Audio Production
This course introduces students to modern audio production
techniques and technologies. Students use microphones, mixers,
speakers, music and sound eects to make digital audio productions with appropriate audio software.
Prereq: Admission to programme

JRN 110 News Reporting

JRN 300 Radio Production

In this course students develop journalistic skills in the broadcast
and digital arenas. Focus is on the radio as a media instrument
which stimulates imagination and creativity including recognition
and development of eective journalistic ideas. Students use
appropriate equipment, analyse content and develop key production processes and practices.
Prereq: JRN 200

JRN 310 Literary Journalism

This course takes a skills oriented approach to training and

educating students in news gathering and reporting. Students
research, develop and write news stories for newspapers.
Prereq: ENG 119

In this course students focus on the study, critique and practice

of literary journalism, also known as creative nonction. They
conduct in-depth research and gather and organize large amounts
of information to produce a substantial piece of literary journalism.
Prereq: JRN 200

JRN 120 Photojournalism

JRN 313 Layout and Design

Students are introduced to the history and basic elements of

photography in journalism. They explore the use of digital cameras
and Adobe Photoshop to manipulate photographs for publication. Composition, creative subject selection and photographic
techniques are also highlighted. (Students are required to provide
their own digital camera.)
Prereq: ENG 119

JRN 200 Digital Video

In this course students apply digital video production technology
to produce a variety of videos. They use hand-held cameras,
microphones, basic video production techniques and editing
applications and learn image composition and various shooting
Prereq: JRN 100

JRN 210 Public Journalism

The course further develops students expertise in researching,
generating and writing news articles, enabling them to produce
a cohesive portfolio of articles with a social campaigning theme.
Students develop a critical understanding of issues surrounding
public and campaign journalism.
Prereq: JRN 100

JRN 213 Copy Editing

Principles of editorial process and practice are covered in this
hands-on course which focuses on the fundamental concepts that
produce well-edited journalistic copy.
Prereq: JRN 110

JRN 220 Broadcast Writing

In this course students write, report and produce stories for
broadcast media (radio and television). They conduct studio and
eld interviews and produce newscasts.
Prereq: JRN 110

This course equips students with the fundamental skills necessary

for the production of print media in preparation for work in the
industry. These skills will include typography, headline writing
and formatting, page design and layout for newspapers and
Prereq: JRN 213

JRN 330 History of Journalism in The Bahamas

In this course students analyze the development of journalism
in The Bahamas and explore the role of media in the Bahamian
society and its eect on social development and politics. They
assess current challenges and trends in mass media.
Prereq: ENG 300

JRN 340 Media Law and Ethics

In this course students assess communication law and ethics
as they relate to the media and media professionals. Within the
context of journalism in The Bahamas, they examine crime and
court reporting, the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the
media and analyse the concepts of defamation and contempt of
Prereq: COM 150

JRN 398 Introduction to Research

In this course students are introduced to research methods and
methodologies that are used to explore issues in the eld of
Prereq: ENG 300

JRN 400 Radio Project

Students develop radio projects with story ideas, assign stories,
write, edit, line up and perform newscasts, host talk shows, prepare
documentaries and conduct studio and eld interviews for radio.
Prereq: JRN 300

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


JRN 411 Media Internship

The internship provides an opportunity for students to hone
their skills in areas of reporting, analysis of news and information,
management and production. The internship may take place at a
print or electronic media related organization. Course is open to
majors only.
Prereq: JRN 313

JRN 420 Video Production Project

Students develop story ideas and assign stories; write, edit, line up
and perform newscasts; host, prepare documentaries; and conduct
studio and eld interviews for video cast, streaming and television.
Prereq: JRN 200

KYB 111 Fundamentals of Keyboarding
2 credits
This course is designed to teach the alphabet and numeric keys
using proper techniques. Proof-reading skills, editing techniques
and basic formatting are applied to short letters, memos, reports
and tables. Minimum, straight-copy completion speed is 30 net
words per minute with a maximum of ve errors.
Prereq: First-year standing

KYB 112 Intermediate Keyboarding

In this course students examine the place of journalism in society

and analyse the role media plays in the architecture of democracy
and the political process. Themes include the eect of political,
economic, cultural and technological factors on the operation of
the media.
Prereq: JRN 330

2 credits
This course is designed to reinforce and improve ecient and
eective preparation of mailable business documents. Microsoft
Word software is used. Language Arts skills are reinforced.
Minimum, straight-copy completion speed is 35 net words per
minute for ve minutes with four errors maximum.
Coreq: AOM 225
Prereq: KYB 111 and ENG 119 and TRS 111

JRN 440 Bahamian Politics and the Press

KYB 211 Information Processing

JRN 430 Journalism, Society and Democracy

In this course students analyse the historic and contemporary

role of the press in political reporting. They examine the relative
freedom or suppression of the press in reporting political issues in
colonial and post independent Bahamas; journalistic bias; and the
continuing public reliance on a responsible free press.
Prereq: JRN 340

JRN 498 Thesis I

This course builds on foundation skills established throughout
the degree and focuses on a specic in-depth academic thesis
developed independently. Students acquire skills necessary for
writing a thesis proposal in a specic area of journalism studies by
emphasising research methods, critical approaches and analytic
Prereq: JRN 398

JRN 499 Thesis II

In this course students build on research and analytical skills
developed in JRN 498 Academic Research Thesis I. Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, students produce a substantial piece of
independent research that demonstrates original critical thought
and synthesizes knowledge and understanding of a journalismrelated issue.
Prereq: JRN 498


2 credits
An advanced oce automation simulation to integrate all business
document formats is used. Decision-making and Language Arts
skills are applied. Students work in various industry settings
assuming total responsibility for quality documents. Minimum
straight-copy speed is 45 wpm with a maximum of three errors.
Prereq: KYB 112

KYB 212 Machine Transcription

2 credits
Students are prepared to function eectively and eciently in a
word processing environment. Emphasis is on skills required to
increase productivity. Computers and transcribing machines are
used. An international standards error chart prepared by business
persons is used for evaluating completed work.
Prereq: KYB 211

KYB 311 Desktop Publishing I

3 credits
This course introduces the students to desktop publishing,
vocabulary and concepts. A sequential building and production
of projects ranging from simple, personal situations to complex,
business applications will be done. Students create and import
compositions such as graphs and charts.
Prereq: KYB 212

KYB 411 Desktop Publishing

LAP 301 Sustainable Community Development Project I

3 credits
In this advanced desktop publishing course, students enhance
their creativity, critical thinking and decision-making skills.
Emphasis is on collaborative learning in planning, designing,
creating and evaluating business and personal documents in
simulated situations.
Prereq: KYB 311

3 credits
In this course, students examine ways urban communities in
small-island settings address the issue of sustainability. Students
develop practical interventions in collaboration with community
stakeholders to build communal capacity in response to complex
environmental and natural-resource issues.
Prereq: LAP 300

LAP 200 Issues in Law, Policy and Sustainable Living
3 credits
In this course, students examine the role of law in relation to policy
responses to complex environmental and natural resource issues
in small-island or archipelagic settings. Students examine the legal
context within which environmental and natural resource policies
are formulated and operate.
Prereq: ENG 120

LAP 201 Policy, Governance and Small Island Sustainability

3 credits
In this course, students examine decision-making, structures and
processes relating to the formulation and implementation of
public policies aimed at sustainable small-island development.
This examination is conducted within the context of ideas relating
to governance and governmentality at the local, regional and
global level.
Prereq: ENG 120

LAP 202 Power-Knowledge, Authority & Sustainable Island

3 credits
Students examine the relationship between sustainable practices
and the rise of economic, social and political exploitative practices
locally and internationally that have displaced traditional practices.
Using The Bahamas as a case study, students examine the function
of power-knowledge in relation to this process of displacement.
Prereq: ENG 120

LAP 300 Small Island Living and Environmental Public

Policy I
3 credits
This course examines the evolution of environmental and naturalresource related laws, institutions, policies and social practices in a
small-island setting from the 20th Century to the present. Students
use The Bahamas as a case study to chart this evolution.
Prereq: LAP 200

LAP 302 Small Island Living and Environmental Public

Policy II
3 credits
Using The Bahamas as a case study, students examine capacity
needs assessments based on integrated assessments of the impact
of development on the environment and natural resources.
Prereq: LAP 200

LAP 303 Sustainable Community Development Project II

3 credits
This course considers various ways rural, outer-island communities
within small island settings address the issue of sustainability.
Students develop practical interventions in collaboration with
community stakeholders to build communal capacity in response
to complex environmental and natural resource issues.
Prereq: LAP 300

LAW 100 Law and Legal Systems

3 credits
The fundamental objective of this course is to provide students
with knowledge of the historical, institutional and legal context
of law in the Commonwealth Caribbean, including the important
comparative law dimension. The issues dealt with in the course
cover not only institutions within the legal system, but also
signicant legal functionaries within it.
Prereq: First-year standing

LAW 105 Constitutional Law

3 credits
All of the independent states of the Commonwealth Caribbean
have written constitutions which represent their basic law. It is
therefore crucial that students be exposed very early in their law
course to a study of this basic law. The aim of the Constitutional
Law course, then, is to provide such exposure.
Prereq: First-year standing

LAW 110 Criminal Law

3 credits
This course is intended to expose students to a critical appreciation
of the nature and purpose of the Criminal Law and to the general
principles of criminal responsibility which are or may be applicable
in the context of specic crimes.
Prereq: First-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


LAW 115 Criminal Law II

LAW 200 Elements of Constitutional and Administrative Law

3 credits
This course is intended to complement Criminal Law I by a close
study of specic crimes.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
This course will explore the issues of constitutional and administrative law with special reference to the constitutional and legal
systems in the Commonwealth Caribbean and The Bahamas.
It will also provide a legal and historical background for the many
administrative functions performed by mid-level management in
the Public Service.
Prereq: None

LAW 120 Law of Contract I

3 credits
The primary objective of this course is to examine the purpose and
scope of the legal protection accorded to agreements. To achieve
this, the course attempts to deal with the general principles applicable to the types of bargain transactions found in contemporary
West Indian society.
Prereq: First-year standing

LAW 125 Legal Writing and Research

3 credits
The basic objectives of this course are to introduce students to
the methodology of legal research and to lay a foundation for
the understanding of legal concepts and the eective written
presentation of legal argument and analysis.
Prereq: First-year standing

LAW 130 Law of Torts I

3 credits
The law of Torts is essentially concerned with regulating the
means of redressing losses incurred by a person where the person
does not rely on a contractural relationship with that person who
caused the loss. The issues considered in this course therefore
concern the type of loss for which the law grants compensation.
The course analyses the legal concepts which the court uses and
the public policy implicit in these concepts.
Prereq: First-year standing

LAW 140 Computer Technology in Society, Law, Medicine,

3 credits
At course completion, the student should be able to identify
and describe the components of a computer system; dene and
communicate basic computer terms; discuss current technology
application; work comfortably in a Windows-based environment;
understand the document lifecycle; prepare word processed
documents related to law; use the computer to undertake
electronic legal research; use the computer for information and
time management; and discuss the legal (regional) challenges
presented by information technology.
Prereq: First-year standing


LAW 201 Law of Torts II

3 credits
This course builds on the knowledge developed in Law of Torts
I and introduces the student to other specic torts. It will be
assumed in this course that students have sucient knowledge
of the basic principles of Negligence.
Prereq: Second-year standing

LAW 203 Child Welfare And Family Law

3 credits
This course will deal with the practices and procedures involved
in the formation of a civil marriage and also those involved in the
break-up of a marriage.
Prereq: LAW 200

LAW 205 Bahamian Legal System

3 credits
This course examines the ideas and social processes underlying the
law-making process in The Bahamas and challenges the student to
think critically about the legal system of The Bahamas.
Prereq: Second-year standing

LAW 208 Criminal Law

3 credits
This course examines the general principles of criminal law
shaping the structure of Criminal Law in The Bahamas and
inuencing its function in society.
Prereq: CRIM200 and CRIM201
LAW 210 Law of Contract II
3 credits
The primary objective of this course is to examine the purpose and
scope of particular areas of the Law of Contract.
Prereq: Second-year standing

LAW 212 Law of Evidence

3 credits
This course covers the main legal principles and social processes
which determine the criteria used by the criminal courts in
allowing certain evidence to be used as proof of some fact or
Prereq: CRIM200 and CRIM201

LAW 214 Criminal Court Procedure

LAW 278 Alternative Disputes Resolution

3 credits
A study of the rules and practices governing the procedures
followed by the criminal courts in The Bahamas.
Prereq: CRIM200 and CRIM201

3 credits
This course aims to enable students to appreciate the nature of
ADR; to examine particular applications of ADR techniques to
public law issues; and to provide students with a comparison with
court based dispute resolution on public law issues.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 221 Real Property I

3 credits
The purpose of this course is to examine the fundamental
principles governing the holding, use and disposition of land in
the Commonwealth Caribbean.
Prereq: Second-year standing

LAW 225 Real Property Law II

3 credits
This course builds on the knowledge conveyed in Real Property
I and introduces the student to the ve most important areas of
modern land law.
Prereq: Second-year standing

LAW 230 Public International Law I

3 credits
The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the
principles, customs and rules of International Law. Students after
completing this course should be able to tackle most advanced
International law topics.
Prereq: Second-year standing

LAW 235 Public International Law II

3 credits
This course builds on the knowledge acquired in Public
International Law I and introduces advanced topics in international
Prereq: Second-year standing

LAW 280 Law of Trusts

3 credits
This primary objective of the course is to provide students with
an in-depth knowledge of the modern trust. This knowledge
is believed to be especially useful in estate planning and tax
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 285 Equitable Remedies

3 credits
The gamut of equitable remedies is very wide and growing. The
objective of this course, therefore, is to expose students to the
subject by focusing on specic equitable remedies which reect
recent developments in the area and by analysing the modern
approach to their application.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 311 Public Law and Development

3 credits
This course explores elements of constitutional and public law
practices aecting national development by examining the impact
of these practices on public policy and administration in The
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 313 Employment Law

3 credits
The general objective of this course is to examine the theories of
jurisprudence and provide students with a philosophical approach
to understanding the nature of law.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
The general objective of this course is to introduce students to the
major principles of law which govern industrial relations and trade
unions. The course aims at breadth without sacricing depth and
prepares students interested in Employment Law for advanced
courses in this area.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 270 Administrative Law

LAW 316 Dismissal Law

3 credits
This course surveys the legal principles of governance by administrative agencies. It emphasises judicial control of administrative
action but also explores other controls of administrative action.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
This course is designed to explore the law and practice governing
the termination of private individual employment at the initiative
of the employer in the Commonwealth Caribbean. In particular, it
examines the historical evolution of the law governing dismissals
and analyses the impact of international conventions, statute and
judicial activism on the common law.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 250 Jurisprudence

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


LAW 317 Company Law

LAW 349 International Environmental Law

3 credits
The main objective is to introduce students to the concept of the
Company and to equip students for in-depth study in the Law of
Corporate Finance and/or the Law of Corporate Management.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
The main objective of this course is to explore the major legal and
related problems of Corporate Management. Particular emphasis
will be placed on the competing interests of shareholders, creditors and management on the aairs of the company.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course examines the evolution and content of International
Law rules which limit human activity having adverse impacts on
the global environment. An important objective is to highlight the
relevance of international environmental law solutions to general
international law problems. International Environmental Law is
complementary to LAW 348 - Caribbean Environmental Law, but
may be studied independently of that other option. The course
presumes knowledge of Public International Law; familiarity
with International Development and Economic Law and the
International Law of Human Rights would be an advantage but is
not required.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 320 Family Law I (Husband and Wife)

LAW 351 Introduction to Oshore Law

3 credits
This course explains the principles and policies which guide the
law relating to domestic relationships in the Commonwealth
Caribbean as well as proposals for reform.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
The course aims to give an appreciation of the legal aspects
of new, diverse and contemporary subject areas of oshore investment. It straddles several other legal disciplines such as the law of
banking, scal law, the law of trusts and the conict of laws. Still,
the study is a unique and holistic subject in itself as several legal
concepts are innovative and distinct. Students taking this course
should have a background in either revenue law, the law of trusts
or the conicts of law.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 318 Law of Corporate Management

LAW 325 Family Law II

3 credits
This law explains the principles and policies which guide the law
relating to children in the Commonwealth Caribbean, including
proposals for reform.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 330 Trade Relations Law I

3 credits
This course is designed to provide an introduction to the special
legal problems of private law associated with foreign trade. It
forms a pair with Trade Relations Law II, which examines the public
international law aspects of foreign trade law. The content of each
of the two courses is nevertheless designed so that each course is
capable of being studied independently of the other.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 355 Private International Law

3 credits
The fundamental objective of this course is to provide students
with insight into the ways in which Caribbean courts deal with
legal problems that are connected with foreign jurisdictions.
The problems considered are drawn from those aecting private
individuals as well as states acting in their private capacity. The
course forms an essential basis for advanced work in all forms of
transnational litigation.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 370 Commonwealth Caribbean Human Rights Law

LAW 340 Insurance Law
3 credits
This course is designed to explore basic principles of modern
Insurance Law and to introduce students to specialised problems
in particular areas of the subject.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
The aim of this course is to strengthen the students understanding
of constitutional law and the importance of bill of rights as part of
the system of democratic governance and constitutionalism in the
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 375 International Human Rights Law

3 credits
The Commonwealth Caribbean Bill of Rights and International
Law; Selected Problems in the International Law of Human Rights;
The (American) Regional Rights Regime; European Convention on
Human Rights.
Prereq: Third-year standing


LAW 382 Intellectual Property

LIN 205 Seminar in Bahamian Dialect

3 credits
The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the
general principles of intellectual property law.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
A survey of the historical, social and linguistic factors which
contribute to the formation and establishment of a language or a
dialect, particularly Bahamian Dialect. This course includes training
in eld methods with emphasis on the collection and analysis of
linguistic data.
Prereq: LIN 200 and LIN 121

LAW 387 Poverty Law I

3 credits
The programme is designed to promote an understanding of
varied experiences and perspectives in the inter-relationship of law
and social deprivation and of legal, ethical and social dilemmas in
the context of poverty. It seeks to promote fundamental inquiries
into the nature, function and suitability of laws in the context of
poverty within the developing societies of the Commonwealth
Prereq: Third-year standing

LIN 210 Language Development

3 credits
This course focuses on the major factors that determine and
inuence child language development. It examines the predictable
stages of language acquisition with some attention to a typical
language development.
Prereq: ENG 120

LAW 388 Poverty Law II

LIN 220 Introduction to Sociolinguistics

3 credits
The programme is designed to promote an understanding of
varied experiences and perspectives in the inter-relationship of law
and social deprivation and of legal, ethical and social dilemmas in
the context of poverty. It seeks to promote fundamental inquiries
into the nature, function and suitability of laws in the context of
poverty within the developing societies of the Commonwealth
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course examines the relationship between language and
society, and explores language diversity within and across speech
communities. It focuses on dierences in speech and various social
contexts, the social functions of language, and how language
conveys social meaning.
Prereq: ENG 120

LAW 395 Law of International Organizations

3 credits
This course presents an overview of the role of international
organizations in the maintenance of international peace and
security and in the promotion of other world values including
those associated with social, economic and political justice.
An overriding objective of the course is to evaluate the extent
to which such institutions can be seen as alternatives to the state
system rather than as extensions of it.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LAW 398 Administration of Trust and Estates

3 credits
The primary objective of this course is to provide students with an
in-depth knowledge of the administration of trusts, including the
duties and powers of trustees and of the administration of estates
of deceased persons, including the duties and powers of executors
and administrators.
Prereq: Third-year standing

LWFD110 Caribbean Civilization

3 credits
To develop an awareness of the main processes of cultural
development in Caribbean societies, highlighting the factors,
problematic, and creative output that have fed the emergence of
Caribbean identities; to develop a perception of the Caribbean as
wider than island nations or linguistic blocks; to stimulate students
interest in and commitment to Caribbean civilizations, and to
further their self-determination.
Prereq: First-year standing

MARI100 Introduction to Oceanography
4 credits
This course gives a broad overview of the biological, chemical,
physical and geological processes that interact within the marine
environment and discusses the impact of human activities upon it.
The course designed for non-science majors.
Prereq: First-year standing

LIN 200 Language in Society

3 credits
An examination of the structure of language and its function in
society. Various areas within the eld of linguistics are explored,
including the origin, acquisition and neurological foundations of
Prereq: ENG 120 and LIN 121

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MARI105 Bahamian Sea Exploration

MATH167 Precalculus I: Algebra

3 credits
A major part of this course involves a week of intensive work on
board a sailing/research vessel. Students are expected to participate fully in the sailing of the ship as well as to attend lectures and
carry out oceanographic practical work.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
Topics include real numbers and the number line, exponents,
radicals, logarithms, algebraic fractions, solving equations and
systems of equations, function concepts, algebraic and graphical
analysis and polynomial and rational functions, and an introduction to matrix tools.
Prereq: MATH140 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade B

MATH110 Mathematical Foundations for Primary Teachers I

3 credits
A course aimed at improving problem-solving and basic mathematical skills while gaining deeper understanding of human use
of numbers, numeration systems and numerical data. Activity
based learning approach. Open only to Primary Education majors.
Prereq: MATH048

MATH132 Business Mathematics

3 credits
A review of basic computational skills, simple algebraic equations
and the application of percentages, decimals and fractions to
business problems. Introduction of concepts terminology and
principles of bank reconciliation, instalment buying, interest,
insurance, corporate ownership and basic statistical summaries.
Prereq: MATH048 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade D

MATH168 Precalculus: Trigonometry

3 credits
Topics include right triangle trigonometry with applications, unit
circle denition of the trigonometric functions, graphs of
trigonometric functions and their inverses, solutions of trigonometric equations, parametric representations of curves, polar
co-ordinates, Eulers formula and Demoivres Theorem, conic
sections, binomial theorem.
Prereq: MATH140 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade B

MATH169 Calculus for Business, Social and Life Sciences

3 credits
This course focuses on mathematical functions as applied to the
business environment. It emphasises calculus techniques used to
solve business and managerial problems.
Prereq: MATH163 or MATH167

MATH140 Basic College Mathematics

3 credits
A course in mathematical tools for problem-solving including sets,
descriptive statistics, sequences, algebraic notation and algebraic
Prereq: MATH048 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade C

MATH159 Introduction to Probability and Statistics

3 credits
A foundation study of the concepts and applications of probability
and statistics. Topics include: descriptive statistics; basic probability, including Bayes Theorem; continuous and discrete random
variables and their distributions; sampling distribution; Central
Limit Theorem. Introduction to statistical inference.
Prereq: MATH140

MATH170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I

4 credits
This is a rst course in college calculus. Topics include limits,
continuity, derivatives of functions, applications of the derivatives,
antiderivatives and indenite integrals, denite integrals and
applications of the integrals.
Prereq: MATH167 and MATH168

MATH251 Linear Algebra

3 credits
This course includes matrices, their transformations and determinants, vectors and vector spaces, linear independence and bases,
dimension, kernel, spaces, sub-spaces, inner product spaces,
eigenvalues, eigenvectors, eigenspaces and diagonalisation.
Prereq: MATH167

MATH163 Finite Mathematics

3 credits
This survey course in mathematics is designed for non-science
majors. Topics include linear models, matrices, linear programming, sets and counting, basic probability and statistics.
Prereq: MATH140 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade B


MATH259 Statistical Inference with Application

3 credits
A continuation of MATH 159. Topics include inference about the
dierence of two populations; goodness of t tests; and two-way
ANOVA; linear regression and correlation analysis principles of
research design. Students will use statistical software and produce
and present research reports.
Prereq: MATH159

MATH270 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

MATH350 Introduction to Number Theory

4 credits
This is the second course in calculus. Topics include: techniques of
integration, intermediate forms and LHopitals Rule, approximating
areas under the curve, innite sequences and series and methods
to check for convergence, Taylor series and polynomials, conic
sections, parameters and polar co-ordinates.
Prereq: MATH170

3 credits
This course provides an overview of the theory of real numbers
(especially integers). Topics covered include divisibility, mathematical induction, prime numbers, numerical functions, the
algebra of congruence classes, the number theory of real numbers
and Diophantine equations.
Prereq: MATH300

MATH274 Dierential Equations

MATH360 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics I

3 credits
This is the rst course in ordinary dierential equations. Topics
include solving functions by direct integration, exact equations,
integrating factors and exact dierential forms, Wronkskians,
reduction of orders, auxiliary equations, superposition, Taylor
series and approximation methods, Eulers, Laplace transform, and
Prereq: MATH270

3 credits
A foundation for advanced work in Mathematics, Statistics and
Probability Theory. Topics include laws of probability, combination
probability; properties of set functions; random variables, functions of random variables; universal and multivariate distributions;
random walks and Markov chains.
Prereq: MATH259 and MATH270

MATH370 Abstract Algebra I

MATH280 Multivariable Calculus
3 credits
This is the third course in the Calculus series. Topics include: vectorvalued functions and their derivatives, double and triple integrals,
Greens, Stokes and The Divergence Theorems.
Prereq: MATH270

3 credits
This is the rst of two courses in Abstract Algebra. Topics covered
are: methods of proof; congruence; groups; homomorphism; rings;
elds; integral domains; quotient groups; and polynomials in F[x]
and their factorization.
Prereq: MATH251

MATH300 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics

MATH380 Advanced Calculus

3 credits
A study of theory and practice of mathematical proof and its
foundations in symbolic logic and set theory. Applications to basic
number theory and algebra.
Prereq: MATH270

3 credits
This course is an intense study of the foundation of calculus. The
topics include the real number system, continuity, dierentiation,
Riemann integration and sequences and series of real numbers.
Students are exposed to the knowledge and technical expertise
necessary for advanced studies in analysis and topology.
Prereq: MATH280

MATH310 Math Foundations For Primary Teachers II

3 credits
A course aimed at improving problem-solving and basic mathematical skills while exploring geometric and algebraic concepts
and the fundamentals of logical thinking. Open only to Primary
Education majors.
Prereq: MATH110 or MATH140

MATH320 Numerical Methods

3 credits
A course aimed at examining various numerical approximation
techniques: location of roots, interpolation, numerical dierentiation, numerical integration, and solutions of systems of linear
Prereq: MATH270

MATH340 Geometry
3 credits
A survey of Euclidean geometry with an introduction to nonEuclidean geometries. Additional topics include transformations
and tesselations, constructions and analytical geometry.
Prereq: MATH300

MATH390 Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics

3 credits
This course comprises a study of the fundamentals of discrete
mathematics and basic problems and techniques of combinatorics.
Topics include basic counting principles, permutations and combinations, the principles of inclusion and exclusion, The Pigeonhole
Principle, basic graph theory, trees and circuits, generating
functions and recurrence relations and a survey of problems that
illustrate the three main concerns of combinatorics.
Prereq: MATH300

MATH400 History and Development of Mathematics

3 credits
A survey of the historical development of Mathematics over the
centuries from origins in Egypt and Mesopotamia to the twentieth
century. Research projects and presentations are integral components of the course.
Prereq: MATH270

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MATH410 Real Analysis I

MET 213 Materials Science

3 credits
This is the rst of two courses in Real Analysis. Topics covered are
number systems; real Euclidean n-space; cardinal numbers; open,
closed, compact and connected sets; sequences and series in Rn;
Hausdor spaces; metric spaces; continuity; uniform continuity;
and equicontinuity.
Prereq: MATH380

3 credits
This course is a study of the structure, manufacture, properties
and applications of engineering materials including iron, steel,
non-ferrous metals, alloys, plastics and ceramics. It also covers the
corrosion process and material failure prevention.
Prereq: CHEM071 and PHYS165 and MATH167

MET 221 Fluid Mechanics

MATH411 Real Analysis II
3 credits
This is the second of two courses in Real Analysis for mathematics
majors. Topics covered include derivatives, mapping theorems,
the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, Lebesgue measure, measurable
functions, the Lebesgue integral, Lp spaces, mean convergence
and applications to Fourier series.
Prereq: MATH410

MATH420 Theory of Complex Variables

3 credits
This course begins with the algebra and geometry of the complex
number system and covers three major areas of complex calculus
- dierentiation, integration and innite series. It also explores the
relationships among properties of each of these areas.
Prereq: MATH300

MATH430 Introduction to Topology

3 credits
This course introduces students to Point-Set Topology. The topics
covered include open and closed subsets or R; topological
spaces; homeomorphisms and embeddings; connectivity; closure
and limit points; and compact sets.
Prereq: MATH300

MATH450 Advanced Dierential Equations

3 credits
This course extends the theory of dierential equations introduced
in MATH 274 and explores additional solution techniques. Topics
include systems of second order linear dierential equations
and eigenvalues; Fourier, Bessel and Legendre Series; the heat,
wave, and Laplace equations; partial dierential equations and
boundary-value problems.
Prereq: MATH251 and MATH274

MATH470 Abstract Algebra II

3 credits
The is the second of two courses in Abstract Algebra. Topics
covered are: direct products; the Sylow Theorems, arithmetic
in integral domains; eld extensions; Galois theory; lattices and
Boolean algebra.
Prereq: MATH370


3 credits
An introductory course in uid mechanics. Applications to ow
measurement, prep ow, pumping systems, turbines, propellers
and ow about airfoils are considered.
Prereq: TECH210

MET 224 Thermodynamics

3 credits
A non-calculus based introductory course in thermodynamics suitable for technologists. The course addresses, among other things,
the rst and second laws of thermodynamics, the properties of
liquids and gases and the cycles for power and refrigeration.
Prereq: PHYS165

MET 231 Strength of Materials

3 credits
Materials testing methods, various stress and strain applications,
the bending of beams, buckling, torsion and shear.
Prereq: TECH123

MET 234 Mechanical Fabrication Technology

3 credits
An introductory course describing fabrication and processing
methods for metals and plastics for engineering technology
students. The course includes a major fabrication project using
machine tools and other fabrication equipment.
Prereq: TECH122 and MET 213

MET 310 Applied Mechanics

4 credits
This course covers the statics of particles and rigid bodies and the
dynamics of particles. The focus is on principles and techniques
required for logical solution of problems. Topics include particle
and rigid body equilibrium, analysis of trusses and frames,
linear and rotational kinematics, dynamic equilibrium, impulsemomentum and work-energy principles.
Prereq: PHYS165 and MATH270

MET 320 Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

MGMT303 Organisational Behaviour

3 credits
This course covers the principles of thermodynamics and their
applications in power and refrigeration devices and equipment.
The focus is on energy and energy conservation. Topics include
properties of thermodynamic uids, the First and Second Laws of
Thermodynamics, gas and steam power cycles, refrigeration, fuels
and combustion.
Prereq: PHYS165 and MATH270

3 credits
This course analyses the human behaviour and applies selected
theories to people working in organisations. Factors which
contribute to individual personalities and group behaviour,
motivation, learning theories, job design, organisational dynamics,
perception and decision-making power and politics, and job
stresses are examined.
Prereq: MGMT203

MGMT101 Business Fundamentals

MGMT304 Workforce Management

3 credits
This is a foundation course introducing a broad area of business
topics, such as business systems, international business, forms
of business ownership, management and organisation, labour
management relations, marketing, money, securities market and
Prereq: ENG 017 or BGCSE English Language Grade C

3 credits
In this course, students focus on the philosophy, principles and
strategic relevance of the workforce management function to
organization. Emphasis is on the employers obligations and the
employees rights as they relate to representation, laws, policymaking, recruitment, selection, training, evaluation, wage and
salary administration, benet programmes and safety.
Prereq: MGMT203

MGMT203 Business Organisation and Management

3 credits
This course explores both traditional and contemporary
applications of management ideas, and focuses on emerging
management paradigms in leadership that serve as guiding
principles, to help managers and employees understand the
dicult and complex business environment.
Prereq: MGMT101 and ENG 119

MGMT310 Operations and Production Management

3 credits
This course is designed to expose students to the basic concepts of
factory operations and management. They are also exposed to the
techniques used in determining manufacturing costs, productivity
and product quality. Case studies will test students understanding
of concepts.
Prereq: MGMT203 and STAT201

MGMT204 Human Resource Management

3 credits
A study of those activities and functions in a business as they relate
to the individual and the group in the work situation. Emphasis is
given to the concepts of motivation, communication, leadership
and manpower development.
Prereq: MGMT101 and ENG 119

MGMT205 Small Business Management

3 credits
A study of the theoretical and conceptual processes in the development and maintenance of small business entities. An analytical
approach will be taken through the integration of the tools of
accounting, nance, management, marketing and production into
the course.
Prereq: ACCA205 and MGMT203

MGMT207 Administrative Oce Management

3 credits
This course focuses on those functions and activities which are
typical of an oce manager. Emphasis is placed on managing
human resources in an oce, managing administrative services
and controlling administrative operations.
Prereq: MGMT101

MGMT315 Bank Management

3 credits
A study of the purpose and nature of management theory,
concepts and tools applied to the nancial services sector, with
special emphasis on The Bahamas. Management of commercial
and savings banks, trust companies and mutual funds, insurance
companies and securities brokerage rms are covered using case
Prereq: MGMT203

MGMT401 Labour Management Relations

3 credits
This course will examine the origin and developments of the
labour movement, the role of the labour law, collective bargaining
processes and case histories of labour movements, with particular
references to The Bahamas.
Prereq: MGMT303

MGMT403 Entrepreneurship
3 credits
Entrepreneurship is a course providing information regarding the
initiation, creation and development of new growth ventures.
Focus will be on the dynamics of being an employer through an
examination of the tools of accounting, nance, management,
marketing and production.
Prereq: MGMT303

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MGMT404 Strategic Management

MGMT460 Strategic Human Resource Management

3 credits
This course is structured to develop the students general perspective on management and on the role of general manager-strategist
in a variety of domestic and international situations. The student
is taught to make decisions, to identify major issues in complex
situations, and to propose alternative solutions.
Prereq: MGMT303

3 credits
In this course students examine the Human Resource
Departments role in the strategic planning process in organizations. Students focus on the alignment of the organizations
strategic objectives with its human capital through the human
resource management functions of planning, stang, training,
performance management, compensation, labour relations and
Prereq: MGMT304

MGMT420 International Management

3 credits
An exploration and research of modern trends in global hiring,
training and human resource development; the varying immigration policies when borders are crossed; strategic decision-making
and practices of ethical behaviour in foreign markets.
Prereq: MGMT303

MGMT430 Business and Society

3 credits
This course explores the ethical and moral perspective of company
management and its responsiveness to the legitimate expectations of the stockholders. Focus will be on the role of business
organisations as responsible corporate citizens in their interactions
with the environment.
Prereq: MGMT303

MID 030 Midwifery Tutorial I

0 credit
A compulsory fourteen (14) week seminar designed to provide
students with general information about the midwifery
programme. It aords the student midwife the opportunity
to consolidate information taught in the co-requisite courses.
Prereq: Admission to programme

MID 031 Midwifery Tutorial II

0 credit
This tutorial is a compulsory fourteen (14) week seminar which
aords students the opportunity to consolidate information
taught in the co-requisite courses.
Prereq: MID 030 minimum Grade C-

MGMT435 International Human Resource Management

MID 032 Midwifery Tutorial III

3 credits
In this course students assess Human Resource Management
(HRM) functions from an international perspective. Students focus
on the procurement, allocation and utilization of human resources
in multinational rms.
Prereq: MGMT304

0 credit
This tutorial is a compulsory fourteen (14) week seminar which
aords students the opportunity to consolidate information
taught in the co-requisite courses.
Prereq: MID 031 minimum Grade C-

MID 300 Fundamentals of Midwifery

MGMT440 Compensation Management
3 credits
In this course students examine compensation programmes that
support strategic plans and actions of organizations. Students
focus on the reward system, job analysis, description and evaluation, pay for performance, incentives and benets.
Prereq: MGMT304

4 credits
This course deals with the historical development of midwifery,
maternal and child health, primary health care, communication,
interviewing and counselling needs of the pregnant woman and
family, research methodology, health information and epidemiological methods used in midwifery practice.
Prereq: Admission to programme

MGMT445 Performance Management

MID 301 The Antepartum Period I

3 credits
In this course students examine performance management as a
continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the
performance of individuals and teams in organizations. Students
focus on activities that align performance to strategic goals in an
eective and ecient manner.
Prereq: MGMT304

5 credits
This course focuses on anatomy and physiological changes during
pregnancy and intrauterine fetal growth and development. It
provides the basis for management of the pregnant woman during
the antepartum period dealt with in the co-requisite courses.
Prereq: Admission to programme


MID 302 The Antepartum Period II

MID 308 Midwifery Practicum III

2 credits
This course focuses on the aims, objectives and scope of antepartum care, the nursing process applied to midwifery, diagnostic
tests, investigational needs of the pregnant woman, parent
education and monitoring of fetal well being.
Prereq: Admission to programme

2 credits
This practicum focuses on the management of postpartum clients
including minor and major complications and subsequent care of
the new-born.
Prereq: MID 303 minimum Grade C-

MID 309 Abnormal Pregnancy

MID 303 Midwifery Practicum I
4 credits
A clinical practicum course which focuses on the organisation
of maternal and child health facilities and the assessment of the
pregnant woman. Clinical practice in the antenatal clinics allows
the student midwife to develop appropriate attitudes and skills
necessary for the management of the pregnant woman.
Prereq: Admission to programme

4 credits
This course deals with the needs of the woman with abnormal
pregnancy, the disorders of pregnancy and associated medical
conditions. Emphasis is placed on the inter-dependent roles of the
midwife and the protocols for managing normal pregnancy.
Prereq: MID 304 minimum Grade C- and MID 305 minimum Grade

MID 310 Abnormal Labour and Delivery

MID 304 The Intrapartum Period
4 credits
The knowledge, skills and attitudes that the student midwife
requires to completely manage the woman and fetus during
normal labour and delivery in a hospital setting are covered in this
Prereq: MID 302 minimum Grade C- and MID 303 minimum Grade

MID 305 The Newborn

4 credits
This course introduces the student midwife to the physiological
adaptation of the new-born and pre-term infant, as well as
complications that can occur during the new-born period of life.
Management protocols for normal conditions in the new-born are
Prereq: MID 302 minimum Grade C- and MID 303 minimum Grade

3 credits
This course deals with the factors which cause complications
during labour and delivery. The midwifes interdependent role and
protocols for managing labour and delivery are emphasised.
Prereq: MID 305 minimum Grade C- and MID 304 minimum Grade

MID 400 Extended Clinical Practicum

8 credits
This eight week clinical practicum involves extensive supervised
practice of 40 hours per week which include a two hour weekly
clinical conference. It gives the student midwife an opportunity to
develop more in-depth skills in the management of women with
abnormal pregnancies, normal/abnormal labour and delivery as
well as management of the high risk new born.
Prereq: MID 310 minimum Grade C- and MID 309 minimum Grade

MIS 310 Management Information Systems

MID 306 The Puerperium
3 credits
This course focuses on the physiological changes, specic
needs and management of the mother and family during the
post-partum period in hospital and home. The minor and major
complications are emphasised.
Prereq: MID 302 minimum Grade C- and MID 303 minimum Grade

3 credits
This course analyses the principles of management information
systems and how they can lead to distinct competitive advantage
in ways that support appropriate strategies. Emphasis is also
placed on the interrelation among components of information
technology and their use in an organisational setting.
Prereq: CIS 105 or CIS 106

MIS 433 Information Systems Resource Management

MID 307 Midwifery Practicum II
2 credits
A clinical course which emphasises the application of the nursing
process in the management of the patient during the rst, second,
third and fourth stages of labour and the immediate care of the
Prereq: MID 303 minimum Grade C-

3 credits
This course provides a broad overview of the information systems
management function, with particular attention to information
resource impact on strategic planning, organising and controlling user services, managing the computer information systems
development process and strategies for implementing information
Prereq: MIS 403

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MIS 410 EDP Auditing, Control and Security

MKTG202 Advertising

3 credits
An introduction to Electronic Data Processing (EDP) auditing.
Emphasis is placed on EDP controls, types of EDP audits and
concepts and techniques used in EDP audits. It also addresses
security issues, exposure to risk assessment and professional
standards in the eld of EDP auditing.
Prereq: CIS 335

3 credits
Broad survey of basic advertising in marketing contexts. Includes
advertising management, social and buyer issues, creative and
media strategy, agency, and domestic and global aspects.
Prereq: MKTG200

MIS 435 Network Management

3 credits
An examination of local area network and wide-area network
management systems and protocols. Relationship between
telecommunication facilities and the strategic and operational
objectives of the organisation is explored from an economic and
network management perspective.
Prereq: CIS 415 or CISN329

MIS 470 Information Technology Systems Seminar

3 credits
In this course students focus on current issues in management
information systems. Software and hardware innovations are
explored and discussed.
Prereq: MIS 433 or MIS 410 or CIS 407 or CISE460

MKTG203 Merchandising
3 credits
Involves the introduction and development of issues relating to
store location and layout decisions; merchandising and promotional practices, buying and control procedures; pricing decisions;
and retail strategy foundation.
Prereq: MKTG200

MKTG 204 Applied Marketing Research

3 credits
The role of marketing research, the techniques for obtaining
marketing information, determinations of research strategy;
analysis, interpretation, and application of the data. Students will
be required to complete a research project relevant to a Bahamian
marketing situation.
Prereq: MKTG200

MKTG301 Marketing Management

MKEY101 Keyboard Skills I
3 credits
This is the rst in a sequence of two introductory courses in
keyboard techniques. Students develop skills in performance,
sight-reading and keyboard harmony.
Prereq: Acceptance into the programme

3 credits
A broad survey of the eld of marketing will be pursued. The
course emphasises marketing planning, control and data based
Prereq: MKTG200

MKTG302 Integrated Marketing Communications

MKEY121 Keyboard Skills II
3 credits
This is the second in a sequence of two introductory courses in
keyboard techniques. Emphasis is on further developing skills in
performance, sight-reading and keyboard harmony.
Prereq: MKEY101

MKEY131 Keyboard Skills III

2 credits
This is the nal course in a three-semester accelerated series in
keyboard techniques. The aim is to provide more advanced skills in
sight-reading, performance, accompanying and aurals.
Prereq: MKEY121

MKTG200 Principles of Marketing

3 credits
This course introduces the fundamentals, concepts, issues and
strategies in modern marketing. Participants analyse the major
external forces that confront organisations and suggest the most
appropriate marketing strategies-product, price, place and promotion that organisations operating in The Bahamas may utilise in
order to achieve their objectives.
Prereq: ENG 119 and MGMT101


3 credits
In this course students explore strategies of integrating marketing
communication elements within an organisations marketing
plan. Focus is on planning, developing and executing integrated
marketing communications programmes, using tools of advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, special
events marketing, online advertising and personal selling.
Prereq: MKTG200

MKTG304 Marketing Research Applications

3 credits
In this course students explore the theory and practice of
marketing research. Focus is on research methodology as applied
to marketing problems and opportunities.
Prereq: MKTG200 and STAT201

MKTG310 Consumer Behaviour

MKTG431 Marketing Financial Services

3 credits
This course focuses attention on the mental, emotional and
physical activities people engage in when purchasing goods and
services. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to the consumption-related activities for individuals, as it investigates consumer
motivation, perception, attitude, learning, culture and other
inuences on consumer behaviour.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
A study of the theory and practice of marketing nancial services
oered by nancial institutions. A Bahamian component makes
use of case studies.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

MKTG311 Personal Selling and Sales Management

3 credits
In this course students explore the planning and implementation
of personal selling and sales management activities. Focus is on
developing the sales presentation, customer relationships and
managing the sales force.
Prereq: MKTG200

MKTG409 Services Marketing

3 credits
This course integrates traditional and modern marketing management concepts as they relate to services. Students develop an
appreciation for the uniqueness of the services industry and are
exposed to the dierent strategies and challenges of applying the
marketing mix to the services sector.
Prereq: MKTG301

MKTG410 Hospitality Marketing

3 credits
Hospitality Marketing is a course designed to provide an understanding of the marketing principles, practices and techniques
necessary to the successful marketing of hospitality properties.
There will be discussion of cost eective marketing programmes,
through the design, promotion, pricing and delivery of wantfullling goods and services.
Prereq: MKTG301

MKTG412 International Marketing

3 credits
This course examines the global perspective to marketing. It
analyses the impact of dierent international market conditions,
and how corporations may reach in various markets. The interactions between governments and businesses are also explored.
Prereq: MKTG301

MKTG421 Strategic Marketing

3 credits
This course focuses on schools of thought and concepts in strategy
formulation in marketing. It makes use of the constructs in the
eld with respect to companies analyses of their competitors,
customers, environments, strengths, weakness, goals and
Prereq: MKTG301

MUIB100 Concert Band I

1 credit
This is the rst in a series of courses that introduces students
to band performance and technique. Emphasis is on rehearsal
pedagogy, performance skills and literature for wind and percussion instruments.
Prereq: First-year standing

MUIB101 Concert Band II

1 credit
This is the second in a series of four courses on band performance
and technique. Emphasis is on rehearsal pedagogy, performance
skills and literature for wind and percussion instruments. Students
are given leadership roles within the ensemble.
Prereq: MUIB100

MUIB200 Concert Band III

1 credit
This is the third in a series of four courses in which students
develop band performance and technique skills. Emphasis is on
advanced pedagogy and performance literature for wind and
percussion instruments. Students are given leadership roles within
the ensemble.
Prereq: MUIB101

MUIB201 Concert Band IV

1 credit
This is the nal in a series of four courses in which students
develop band performance and technique skills. Emphasis is on
advanced pedagogy and performance literature for wind and
percussion instruments. Students are given leadership roles within
the ensemble.
Prereq: MUIB200

MUIC100 Concert Choir I

1 credit
This is the rst in a series of four courses that introduces students
to the skills of choral ensemble singing, sight-reading and
performance. Students are introduced to the physiology of voice.
Emphasis is on basic music reading and musical theory as well as
diction, proper breathing and posture for healthy singing.
Prereq: First-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MUIC101 Concert Choir II

MUIN141 Intermediate Instrumental Studies I: Part I

1 credit
This is the second in a series of four courses that provide
opportunities for students to further develop the skills of choral
ensemble singing, sight-reading and performance. Emphasis is on
basic music reading and musical theory as well as diction, proper
breathing and posture for healthy singing.
Prereq: MUIC100

1 credit
This is the rst in a two-part practical course which further
develops the techniques of playing an instrument. Students
will develop condence in playing scales and pieces, develop
competence in aural awareness, sight-reading and study the skills
of performance. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN132

MUIC200 Concert Choir III

MUIN142 Intermediate Instrumental Studies I: Part II

1 credit
This is the third in a series of four courses in which students
develop choral ensemble singing, sight-reading, performance and
basic ensemble management skills. Emphasis is on music reading
and theory as well as diction, proper breathing and posture
for healthy singing. Students may be asked to lead sectional
Prereq: MUIC101

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part practical course, which further
develops the techniques of playing an instrument. Students
will develop condence in playing scales and pieces, develop
competence in aural awareness, sight-reading, and study the skills
of performance. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN141

MUIN151 Intermediate Instrumental Studies II: Part 1

MUIC201 Concert Choir IV
1 credit
This is the nal in a series of four courses in which students
develop choral ensemble singing, sight-reading, performance and
ensemble management skills. Emphasis is on music reading and
theory, diction, proper breathing and posture for healthy singing.
Students may be asked to provide administrative assistance to the
Prereq: MUIC200

MUIN100 Instrumental Group Ensemble I

2 credits
This is the rst of a practical course in two parts designed to
improve the playing and reading skills of beginning instrumentalists. Students will demonstrate proper stand discipline and
perform music in various styles including symphonic, popular,
junkanoo (regional), jazz. Students must be in possession of an
appropriate musical instrument.

MUIN101 Instrumental Group Ensemble II

2 credits
This is the second of a practical course in two parts designed to
improve the playing and reading skills of beginning instrumentalists. Students will demonstrate proper stand discipline and
perform music in various styles including symphonic, popular,
junkanoo (regional), jazz. (Students must be in possession of an
appropriate musical instrument).
Prereq: MUIN100


1 credit
This is the rst in a two-part practical course which develops
the techniques of playing an instrument. Students will build
condence and competence in a greater range of scales and pieces
and will further skills in aural awareness, sight-reading, musical
phrasing and performance. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN141

MUIN152 Intermediate Instrumental Studies II: Part II

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part practical course, which develops
the techniques of playing an instrument. Students will build
condence and competence in a greater range of scales and pieces
and will further skills in awareness, sight-reading, musical phrasing
and performance. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN151

MUIN153 Instrumental Studies I

1 credit
This is the rst in a series of four courses in instrumental technique
and performance. Emphasis is on scales, technical exercises, sightreading and performance skills.
Prereq: BGCSE Music Grade B

MUIN154 Instrumental Studies II

1 credit
This is the second in a series of four courses in instrumental technique and performance. Students develop technique in playing
scales and pieces and performance skills.
Prereq: MUIN153

MUIN253 Instrumental Studies III

MUIN272 Advanced Instrumental Studies II: Part II

1 credit
This is the third in a series of four courses in instrumental technique and performance. Students continue to develop techniques
in playing scales and pieces and performance skills.
Prereq: MUIN154

1 credit
This is the second part of a two-part course which leads to competence in performance on an instrument. Students will establish a
comprehensive knowledge of scales and high-level performance
skills. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN271

MUIN254 Instrumental Studies IV

1 credit
This is the nal in a series of four courses in instrumental technique
and performance. Students further develop techniques in playing
scales and pieces and hone their performance skills. Emphasis is on
stage performance.
Prereq: MUIN253

MUIN255 Small Ensemble

1 credit
Students focus on the study and performance of chamber music.
They develop rehearsal and performance skills in small ensembles
and become familiar with works from the chamber music
repertoire. They focus on creativity, musicianship and eective
Prereq: MUS 134

MUIN261 Advanced Instrumental Studies I: Part I

1 credit
This is the rst in a two-part practical course which develops the
techniques leading to competence in performance on an instrument. Students will begin to show mastery of scales and pieces
and will develop more advanced skills in aural awareness and
musical phrasing. (Musical majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN252

MUIN381 Advanced Instrumental Studies III: Part I

1 credit
This is the rst of a two-part advanced practical course which
renes the techniques leading to the competence in performance
on an instrument. Students will be expected to apply their understanding of performance and general musicianship to produce
accomplished performances. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN272

MUIN382 Advanced Instrumental Studies III: Part II

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part advanced practical course which
renes the techniques, leading to competence in performance
on an instrument. The students will be expected to apply their
understanding of performance and general musicianship to
produce accomplished performances. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN381

MUIP153 Piano Studies I

1 credit
This is the rst in a series of four courses that introduces students
to piano technique and performance. Emphasis is on scales, sightreading, aural awareness, technical and performance skills.
Prereq: BGCSE Music Grade B

MUIN262 Advanced Instrumental Studies I: Part II

MUIP154 Piano Studies II

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part practical course which develops
the techniques leading to competence in performance on an
instrument. Students will begin to show mastery of scales and
pieces and will develop more advanced skills in aural awareness
and musical phrasing. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN261

1 credit
This is the second in a series of four courses in which students
further develop piano technique and performance. Emphasis is on
scales, sight-reading, aural awareness, technical and performance
Prereq: MUIP153

MUIP253 Piano Studies III

MUIN271 Advanced Instrumental Studies II: Part I
1 credit
This is the rst of a two-part course which leads to competence
in performance on an instrument. Students will establish
a comprehensive knowledge of scales and high-level performance
skills. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUIN262

1 credit
This is the third in a series of four courses on piano technique and
performance. Emphasis is on scales including thirds and sixths,
dominant sevenths and diminished sevenths, sight-reading, aural
awareness, technical and performance skills.
Prereq: MUIP154

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MUIP254 Piano Studies IV

1 credit
This is the last in a series of four courses on piano technique and
performance. Emphasis is on major, harmonic and melodic minor
scales, scales a third and sixth apart, sight-reading, aural awareness, technical and performance skills.
Prereq: MUIP253

MUS 112 Music History I: The Medieval, Renaissance and

Baroque Periods
2 credits
In this course students analyse the historical development of
European music from the Medieval through the Baroque Periods
and explore the social, religious and cultural contexts within which
music evolved.
Prereq: First-year standing

MUIV153 Voice Studies I

1 credit
This is the rst in a series of four courses that introduces students
to vocal technique. Emphasis is on physiology of the voice, technical exercises, sight-singing, aural awareness and performance
Prereq: BGCSE Music Grade B

MUIV154 Voice Studies II

1 credit
This is the second in a series of four courses in which students
further develop vocal technique. Emphasis is on technical
exercises, sight-singing, aural awareness and performance skills.
Prereq: MUIV153

MUIV253 Voice Studies III

1 credit
This is the third in a series of four courses in vocal technique.
Students develop prociency in technique, sight-singing, aural
awareness and performance skills. They also develop musical style.
Prereq: MUIV154

MUS 113 Music History II: Classical Period through the Late
Nineteenth Century
2 credits
In this course students analyse the historical development
of Western music from the Classical Period through the late
Nineteenth Century and explore the social, religious and cultural
contexts within which music evolved.
Prereq: MUS 112

MUS 133 Theory I

2 credits
This is the rst in a series of four courses that introduces students
to the fundamentals of music theory. Emphasis is on basic
traditional, melodic and harmonic writing including dominant
seventh, eight-bar phrases and musical dictation in simple rhythms
and melodies.
Prereq: BGCSE Music Grade B

MUS 134 Theory II

1 credit
This is the nal in a series of four courses in vocal technique.
Students further develop technical prociency, sight-singing, aural
awareness, performance skills and musical style.
Prereq: MUIV253

2 credits
This is the second in a series of four courses that introduces
students to additional aspects of music theory. Emphasis is on
melodic writing including two-part melodic writing, harmonic
writing including suspensions and musical dictation of rhythms
and diatonic melodies.
Coreq: MUS 144
Prereq: MUS 133

MUS 100 Introduction to Bahamian Music

MUS 141 Piano Lab IV: Intermediate Piano Skills IV: Part I

3 credits
In this course students examine the music of The Bahamas,
focusing on Bahamian composers and performers. They discuss
the musical styles of major Bahamian composers and performers.
Prereq: First-year standing

1 credit
This is the rst in a two-part sequence in the basic principles and
techniques of the piano. It continues to provide the students with
an intermediate level of skills acquired in MUS 132. (Music majors
Prereq: MUS 132

MUIV254 Voice Studies IV

MUS 111 Piano Lab I Intro Piano Skills II

1 credit
This is the second course in a two-part sequence in the basic
principles and techniques of the piano. It builds on the techniques
acquired in MUS 110.
Prereq: First-year standing


MUS 142 Piano Lab IV: Intermediate Piano Skills: Part II

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part sequence in the principles and
techniques of the piano. It continues to provide the students with
intermediate level skills acquired in MUS 141. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 141

MUS 143 Sight-Singing and Ear Training I

MUS 179 Inter Music Theory

1 credit
This is the rst in a series of two courses designed to train the
students musical ear through exercises in solfege, sight-singing
and harmony.
Prereq: BGCSE Music Grade B

4 credits
The rst part of a two-semester programme designed to further
the students knowledge and understanding of the theoretical
aspects of music. Four-part harmony to include all major and
minor chords and the Dominant Seventh in all inversions. It also
provides a study of music history from 1500-1750. (Music majors
Prereq: None

MUS 144 Sight Singing and Ear Training II

1 credit
This is the second in a series of two courses designed to train the
students musical ear through exercises in solfege, sight-singing
and harmony. Emphasis is on the aural study of rhythms, intervals
and chords.
Coreq: MUS 134
Prereq: MUS 143

MUS 151 Piano Lab V: Intermediate Piano Skills V: Part I

1 credit
This is the rst in a two-part sequence in the principles and
techniques of the piano. Emphasis is placed on intermediate level
skills in scales, performance, sight-reading and aural awareness.
(Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 142

MUS 152 Piano Lab V: Intermediate Piano Skills V: Part II

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part sequence in the principles and
techniques of the piano. Emphasis is on intermediate level skills
in scales, performance, sight-reading and aural awareness. (Music
majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 151

MUS 175 Transitional Music Theory and History I

4 credits
This rst part of a two-semester programme devised for students
wishing to major in music. Harmony, dictation, composition, and
history are studied in detail. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: None

MUS 181 Intermediate Practical Music I

3 credits
The rst part of a two-semester programme designed to further
the students knowledge of the practical aspects of musical
training, involving keyboard harmony, percussion work, piano and
vocal work. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: None

MUS 201 Survey of World Music

3 credits
In this course students explore music from diverse cultures
throughout the world, including The Bahamas, the Caribbean, the
Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe. They examine the historical and
cultural context of various types of music and the role and function
of music.
Prereq: ENG 119

MUS 233 Theory III

2 credits
This is the third in a series of four courses in which students focus
on advanced aspects of music theory. Emphasis is on melodic
and harmonic writing, word setting including three-part melodic
writing, harmonic writing up to dominant thirteenths and musical
dictation in four parts.
Prereq: MUS 134

MUS 234 Theory IV

4 credits
A continuation of MUS 175. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 175

2 credits
This is the last in a series of four courses in which students focus on
more advanced aspects of music theory. Emphasis is on chromatic
harmony leading to the augmented sixth and musical dictation in
four parts including modulations.
Prereq: MUS 233

MUS 177 Transitional Music Practical I

MUS 241 Form and Analysis

3 credits
The rst part of a two-semester programme designed to cover all
the basic aspects of musical training, involving keyboard harmony,
percussion work, piano, and vocal work. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: None

3 credits
In this course students analyse selected musical works focusing
on compositional techniques, harmonic structure and form.
Students examine the periods in which the works were written
and the social and cultural factors that inuenced the creation of
the works.
Prereq: MUS 134

MUS 176 Transitional Music Theory and History II

MUS 178 Transitional Music Practical II

3 credits
A continuation of MUS 177.
Prreq: MUS 177

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MUS 261 Piano Lab VI: Advanced Piano Skills: Part I

MUS 277 Composition

1 credit
This is the rst in a two-part sequence in the principles and
techniques of the piano. It emphasises advanced level skills in
scales, performance, sight-reading and aural awareness. (Music
majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 152

3 credits
In this course students study the fundamentals of music composition. They apply skills such as sequences, modulation, harmonic
development, imitation and cadences to compose works up to
thirty-two bars for large and small ensembles.
Prereq: MUS 134

MUS 262 Piano Lab VI: Advanced Piano Skills: Part II

MUS 280 Intermediate Music Theory and History II

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part sequence in the principles and
techniques of the piano. It emphasises advanced level skills in
scales, performance, sight-reading and aural awareness. (Music
majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 261

4 credits
A continuation of MUS 179. Four-part harmony to include suspensions, the use of Appoggiatura passing note, the harmonic aspect
of the melodic minor scale. It also provides a study of the period in
music history from 1750 to 1850, form analysis or orchestral works,
dictation of melody and two-part work.
Coreq: MUS 282
Prereq: MUS 179 and MUS 175 and MUS 176 and MUS 177 and
MUS 178

MUS 270 Music Through the Ages

3 credits
This course provides a general understanding of and appreciation
for the development of music from the medieval to the present,
including aspects of Bahamian music. It explores the relationship
of the Arts and provides an historical overview of each period and
its impact on the development of music.
Prereq: ENG 119

MUS 282 Intermediate Music Practical II

3 credits
A continuation of MUS 181. (Music majors only.)
Coreq: MUS 280
Prereq: MUS 181

MUS 271 Piano Lab VII: Advanced Piano Skills: Part I

MUS 300 Bahamian Music and Folk Culture

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part sequence in the advanced
principles and techniques of the piano. It emphasises advanced
skills in scales, performance, sight-reading and aural awareness.
(Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 262

3 credits
This course examines the music and rich folk culture of The
Bahamas emphasising the factors that impact it. It provides
practical work and research to instill a deeper understanding
of and appreciation for the culture of The Bahamas.
Prereq: None

MUS 272 Piano Lab VII: Advanced Piano Skills VII: Part II

MUS 301 Conducting and Choral Skills

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part sequence in the advanced
principles and techniques of the piano. It emphasises advanced
skills in scales, performance, sight-reading and aural awareness.
(Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 271

4 credits
A practical, introductory course in conducting and working with
groups of singers. It investigates dierent schools of conducting,
score reading, choral repertoire, arrangement of music for choirs,
use of the voice as a teaching instrument and aspects of choral
singing. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: None

MUS 275 Advanced Music I

6 credits
This is the rst part of a two-semester programme in which
students cover all aspects of music, including the study of song
writing with piano accompaniment, orchestration, analysis, study
of set works, keyboard harmony, and dictation. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: None

MUS 276 Advanced Music II

6 credits
A continuation of MUS 275. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 275


MUS 302 Music Technology

3 credits
This practical course in music technology introduces software for
the computer. It investigates composing on the computer software
to produce a portfolio of compositions and arrangements. (Music
majors only.)
Prereq: AA Music or equivalent or third-year standing (Music)

MUS 381 Piano Lab VII: Advanced Piano Skills: Part I

1 credit
This is the rst in a two-part sequence in advanced piano techniques and interpretation. It builds upon the skills acquired in MUS
272 to instill performance techniques. (Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 272

MUS 382 Piano Skills VII: Advanced Piano VII: Part II

1 credit
This is the second in a two-part sequence in advanced piano
techniques and interpretation. It builds upon the skills acquired
in MUS 381 to instill advanced performance techniques. (Music
majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 381

MUS 400 Band Leadership

4 credits
This is a practical course in band leadership which investigates the
skills and knowledge required to lead a wind band. Orchestration
and arranging; conducting; score analysis and band repertoire;
and leadership and management provide the core areas for
investigation during the course.
Prereq: MUS 301

NURS105 Pharmacology and Lab
3 credits
Presents information about current medication therapy relevant
to the needs of clients/patients in a variety of settings. Focus is on
the technical aspects, chemical composition, administration and
principles for use and misuse of specic drugs.
Prereq: MATH140 minimum Grade C- and BIOL131 minimum
Grade C-

NURS110 Foundations of Nursing and Lab

4 credits
An introductory course which focuses on the evolution of nursing
and health concepts, primary health care, current trends and
issues in health care, ethical and legal aspects of nursing. Also
emphasises nursing theories and processes, health assessment and
nursing research methodology.
Coreq: NURS010

NURS112 Basic Pharmacology and Lab

3 credits
This is the rst in a two-part sequence in advanced performance
techniques. It provides technical knowledge and expertise
necessary for the professional stage. (Music majors only).
Prereq: MUS 382

2 credits
In this course students examine the general principles of pharmacology, actions and major classications of drugs. Students apply
mathematical concepts necessary for calculating intravenous
uids and medication dosages. Emphasis is on the utilisation of the
nursing process, ethical and legal obligations of the nurse while
providing holistic care to clients.
Prereq: BIOL132 minimum Grade C-

MUS 402 Advanced Performance Skills II

NURS133 Principles of Nursing I

MUS 401 Advanced Performance Skills I

3 credits
This is the second of a two-part sequence in advanced performance techniques. It prepares students for the professional stage
and provides techniques in all areas of performance planning.
(Music majors only.)
Prereq: MUS 401

MUS 404 Music of the Twentieth Century: An Analytical

3 credits
This course examines specic developments in twentieth century
music in relation to period, style, and genre; promotes familiarity
with a wide range of analytical techniques appropriate to the study
of music; and examines the relationships between music, culture
and society.
Prereq: None

3 credits
This is the rst of two sequential courses. Students are introduced
to the historical, legal, ethical and cultural aspects of nursing.
Basic nursing concepts and theories and skills fundamental for
professional practice are examined with emphasis on the nursing
Coreq: NURS134
Prereq: BIOL132 minimum Grade C- and PSY 105 minimum Grade

NURS134 Principles of Nursing I Practicum

1 credit
Students apply fundamental nursing concepts and theories introduced in NURS 133 in medical-surgical clinical settings. Emphasis is
on the acquisition of nursing behaviours, skills and techniques and
the use of the nursing process to provide care to clients.
Coreq: NURS133
Prereq: BIOL132 minimum Grade C- and PSY 105 minimum Grade

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


NURS205 Pathophysiology

NURS221 Medical Surgical Nursing Part II

4 credits
This course focuses on basic pathophysiological changes in the
body system with emphasis on the external and internal forces
that contributes to maladaptation.
Prereq: BIOL132 minimum Grade C- and BIOL223 minimum Grade
C- and CHEM115 minimum Grade C-

4 credits
This course focuses on medical and surgical disorders/diseases
occurring in all age groups and is a continuation of NURS216.
It utilises the need and system approaches with application of
nursing theories, nursing process and health teaching in the
delivery of care.
Coreq: NURS021 Lab
Prereq: NURS216 minimum Grade C- and NURS217 minimum
Grade C-

NURS216 Medical Surgical Nursing Part I

6 credits
This course focuses on medical and surgical health problems
occurring in all age groups. It utilises the need and system
approaches and applies nursing theories, nursing processes and
health teaching in the delivery of care.
Prereq: NURS105 minimum Grade C- and NURS205 minimum
Grade C- and NURS224 minimum Grade C- and NURS225
minimum Grade C- and NUTR200 minimum Grade C- and
BIOL223 minimum Grade C-

NURS217 Medical-Surgical Nursing Practicum I

3 credits
This clinical course emphasises the application of selected nursing
theories, nursing process and health assessment and teaching in
the delivery of care for clients/patients with specic medical and
surgical diseases/disorders in a variety of settings, introduced in
Prereq: NURS216 minimum Grade C-

NURS218 Pediatric Nursing

2 credits
This course introduces the historical development of pediatric
nursing and focuses on primary health care and the nursing
management of common diseases/disorders seen in children
from infancy to adolescence. Laboratory experience is gained
in a variety of clinical settings.
Prereq: NURS216 minimum Grade C-

NURS219 Emergency Nursing

1 credit
This course focuses on emergency/ambulatory nursing practice
and focuses on specic nursing skills and protocols utilised in
emergency situations. Laboratory: Experiences gained in a variety
of clinical emergency settings.
Prereq: NURS216 minimum Grade C-

NURS220 Gerontology and Geriatric Nursing

2 credits
This course focuses on development of gerontology and geriatric nursing and on primary health care needs of the elderly
with emphasis on maintenance of optimal health. Laboratory:
Experience gained in a variety of health care settings.
Prereq: NURS216 minimum Grade C-


NURS222 Medical Surgical Practicum II

3 credits
This clinical course allows students to apply knowledge gained in
NURS221. It enables students to continue practice of managing
patients/clients with various medical-surgical conditions by
utilising skills gained in NURS217.
Coreq: NURS021
Prereq: NURS216 minimum Grade C- and NURS217 minimum
Grade C- and NUTR200 minimum Grade C-

NURS223 Principles of Nursing II

2 credits
This course is a continuation of NURS 133. Students build upon
the knowledge, skills and techniques acquired in NURS 133 and
NURS 134. They focus on higher level nursing concepts, skills and
techniques to provide care to clients with medical and surgical
Coreq: NURS226
Prereq: NURS133 minimum Grade C- and NURS134 minimum
Grade C-

NURS224 Fundamentals of Nursing and Lab

4 credits
This course deals with application of the principles of primary
health care, the nursing process and selected nursing theories
in providing basic nursing care to patients/clients and management of individuals with specic needs interference, as required,
throughout their life cycle.
Coreq: NURS020 and NURS225
Prereq: NUTR200 minimum Grade C- and NURS110 minimum
Grade C- and NURS105 minimum Grade C-

NURS225 Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum

1 credit
This course provides students with the opportunity to apply
concepts and principles learned in NURS110 and 224 in order to
develop clinical skills necessary for assisting patients/clients of all
age groups in a variety of settings to meet basic or specic health
Coreq: NURS020, NURS224
Prereq: NURS110 minimum Grade C- and NUTR200 minimum
Grade C- and NURS105 minimum Grade C-

NURS226 Principles of Nursing II Practicum

NURS232 Child and Adolescent Health Nursing

1 credit
This course is a continuation of NURS 134. Students build upon
the knowledge, skills and techniques acquired in NURS 133 and
NURS 134. They focus on higher level nursing concepts, skills and
techniques applied from NURS 213 to provide care to clients with
medical and surgical conditions.
Coreq: NURS223
Prereq: NURS133 minimum Grade C- and NURS134 minimum
Grade C-

2 credits
In this course students are introduced to concepts in health
promotion and nursing management of children and adolescents.
Emphasis is on the development of knowledge and skills in the
management of common disorders and health problems seen
from infancy to adolescence.
Coreq: NURS233
Prereq: NURS112 minimum Grade C- and NURS223 minimum
Grade C- and NURS226 minimum Grade C-

NURS228 Adult Nursing I

NURS233 Child and Adolescent Health Nursing Practicum

5 credits
This is the rst of a two course sequence. Students are introduced
to nursing care of adults and elderly experiencing a variety of
health disturbances related to neurological, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, metabolic and endocrine and renal and
urological systems. Emphasis is on the nursing process and tertiary
Coreq: NURS229
Prereq: NURS223 minimum Grade C- and NURS226 minimum
Grade C-

1 credit
In this course students utilise the nursing process in the application of concepts of health promotion and nursing management to
children and adolescents. Emphasis is on the application of skills in
the management of common disorders and health problems seen
from infancy to adolescence.
Coreq: NURS232
Prereq: NURS112 minimum Grade C- and NURS223 minimum
Grade C- and NURS226 minimum Grade C-

NURS236 Clinical Internship I

NURS229 Adult Nursing I Practicum
2 credits
This is the rst of a two course sequence. Students use the nursing
process to provide holistic care to adults and elderly experiencing
a variety of health disturbances related to neurological, respiratory,
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, metabolic and endocrine and renal
and urological systems. Emphasis is on tertiary prevention.
Coreq: NURS228
Prereq: NURS223 minimum Grade C- and NURS226 minimum
Grade C-

2 credits
In this course students participate in supervised nursing practice
in the areas of medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology.
Under faculty supervision, they apply the nursing process in the
management of patients and demonstrate competency in previously learned skills.
Prereq: NURS228 minimum Grade C- and NURS229 minimum
Grade C- and NURS230 minimum Grade C- and NURS231
minimum Grade C- and NURS232 minimum Grade C- and
NURS233 minimum Grade C-

NURS230 Maternal and Child Health Nursing

NURS243 Clinical Internship II Association Programme

2 credits
In this course, students focus on utilising the nursing process and
integrated aspects of pediatrics in the promotion of health and the
management of illnesses in the childrearing family. The learning
experience will include caring for the family across the developmental stratum in culturally diverse populations/communities.
Coreq: NURS231
Prereq: NURS112 minimum Grade C- and NURS134 minimum
Grade C- and BIOL223 minimum Grade C-

2 credits
Students participate in supervised nursing practice, assuming
more responsibilities of the registered nurse.
Prereq: None

NURS231 Maternal and Child Health Practicum

1 credit
In this course, students focus on utilising the nursing process and
knowledge gained in caring for the family across the developmental stratum in culturally diverse populations/communities. This
experience will take place in acute care settings and community
clinics under the supervision of the faculty.
Coreq: NURS230
Prereq: NURS112 minimum Grade C- and NURS134 minimum
Grade C- and BIOL223 minimum Grade C-

NURS300 Community Health Nursing

3 credits
An introductory course which emphasises primary healthcare
strategies, concepts and principles of Community Health
Nursing and Environmental Health; a review of prevention and
control measures for common communicable diseases; relevant
community resource agencies facilitating client referrals and
delivery of health care to individuals and families in community
settings. Laboratory: Clinics, hospitals, private homes and selected
community agencies.
Prereq: NURS224 minimum Grade C- and NURS225 minimum
Grade C- and ENVR240 minimum Grade C-

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


NURS301 Psychiatry Nursing I

NURS306 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing

4 credits
An introductory course which focuses on theories and concepts
of mental illness, family and community mental health promotion
strategies, self awareness and helping relationship concepts and
common psychiatric disorders occurring throughout the life cycle
and management protocol.
Laboratory: Psychiatric ward and selected mental health agencies.
Prereq: NURS216 minimum Grade C- and NURS217 minimum
Grade C-

3 credits
This course provides an introduction to the care of individuals
experiencing psychiatric/mental health problems throughout their
lifespan. The nursing process and therapeutic communication
techniques are used as guides to provide holistic care to clients
across the health-illness continuum.
Coreq: NURS307
Prereq: Junior-year standing

NURS307 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Practicum

NURS302 Nursing Management
3 credits
The principles of management, eective leadership, management
practice and research in nursing management are the primary
focus of this course. The professional expectations and adjustments necessary for assuming the role of a Registered Nurse are
also emphasised. Laboratory: Selected health care settings.
Coreq: NURS030
Prereq: NURS221 minimum Grade C- and NURS222 minimum
Grade C-

NURS303 Internship Period

8 credits
Nursing practice supervised by clinical preceptors in general and
specialised wards of teaching hospital and selected health care
Prereq: None

NURS304 Adult Nursing II

3 credits
This is a continuation of NURS 228 - Adult Nursing I. Students are
introduced to nursing care of adults and the elderly experiencing
a variety of health disturbances related to musculosketal, sensorineural, integumentary, immunological and reproductive systems.
Emphasis is on the nursing process and tertiary prevention.
Coreq: NURS305
Prereq: NURS228 minimum Grade C- and NURS229 minimum
Grade C-

NURS305 Adult Nursing Practicum II

2 credits
This is a continuation of NURS 229 - Adult Nursing Practicum I.
Students use the nursing process to provide holistic care to adults
and the elderly experiencing a variety of health disturbances
related to musculoskeletal, sensorineural, integumentary,
immunological and reproductive systems. Emphasis is on tertiary
Coreq: NURS304
Prereq: NURS228 minimum Grade C- and NURS229 minimum
Grade C-


1 credit
This clinical course provides the opportunity for students to utilise
theoretical knowledge and skills gained to provide holistic nursing
care to clients with mental health needs. The nursing process
approach will be applied while providing therapeutic interventions
for clients across the health-illness continuum.
Coreq: NURS306
Prereq: Junior-year standing

NURS314 Family and Community Health Nursing Practicum

1 credit
In this course, students gain clinical practice at selected community health clinics and relevant community resource agencies.
They use the nursing process to apply primary, secondary and
tertiary prevention strategies to the care of individuals and
families experiencing actual and potential problems in a variety
of community settings.
Coreq: NURS316
Prereq: NURS236 minimum Grade C-

NURS315 Professional Seminar I

1 credit
Professional Seminar I focuses on contemporary issues that impact
the nursing profession and health care delivery system in todays
society. Topics will vary from year to year.
Prereq: None

NURS316 Family and Community Health Nursing

2 credits
In this course, students are introduced to primary, secondary
and tertiary prevention strategies, concepts and principles of
community health nursing and environmental health. Emphasis is
on care of individuals and families as part of the social structure of
the community.
Coreq: NURS314
Prereq: NURS236 minimum Grade C-

NURS317 Health Assessment

NURS322 Nursing and Health Management Practicum

2 credits
In this course, students focus on theoretical knowledge relevant
to history taking and health assessment methods. Emphasis is on
the assessment process including techniques for comprehensive
physical examination of body systems across the life span, therapeutic communication, interviewing skills and documentation.
Coreq: NURS319
Prereq: Junior-year standing

1 credit
In this clinical course, students apply concepts and skills related
to management and leadership, while providing care services to
clients across the lifespan, in a variety of settings.
Coreq: NURS321
Prereq: NURS304 minimum Grade C- and NURS305 minimum
Grade C- and NURS236 minimum Grade C-

NURS323 Clinical Internship III Association Programme

NURS318 Health Assessment and Lab
3 credits
In this course, focus is on theoretical knowledge relevant to history
taking and health assessment methods. Emphasis is placed on
assessment techniques for comprehensive physical examination
of body structures and systems across the life span. Students
will examine therapeutic communication, interviewing skills and
documentation used in history taking and data collection.
Prereq: None

NURS319 Health Assessment Practicum

2 credits
Students utilise knowledge and skills of data collection, history
taking and physical examination in laboratory and practicum
settings. Emphasis is on physical examination techniques and the
application of the theoretical knowledge relevant to history taking
and assessment.
Coreq: NURS317
Prereq: Junior-year standing

NURS320 Teaching and Learning Process

3 credits
In this course, students examine concepts, theories and principles
of the teaching-learning process relevant to health and nursing.
Emphasis is on health education of clients and family in a variety
of health care settings.
Prereq: Third-year standing

NURS321 Nursing and Health Management

2 credits
In this course students explore concepts of nursing leadership and
management applicable to the delivery of optimum standards of
health care services to clients across the lifespan.
Coreq: NURS322
Prereq: NURS236 minimum Grade C- and NURS305 minimum
Grade C- and NURS304 minimum Grade C-

2 credits
Students continue to participate in supervised nursing practice.
They apply the nursing process and critical thinking skills in the
management of patients with acute and chronic illnesses while
practicing the principles of leadership.
Prereq: Third-year standing

NURS324 Nursing Theories

3 credits
In this course students examine dierent theoretical frameworks
and study the contributions of selected nurse theorists. Concepts
of person, health, nursing and environment are explored from a
variety of theoretical perspectives.
Prereq: Third-year standing

NURS325 Advanced Nursing Practicum I

4 credits
A course in which students integrate knowledge of conceptual
nursing models, health assessment, teaching and professional
practices as they provide direct and indirect nursing care to
individuals, families and the community.
Prereq: NURS318 minimum Grade C- and NURS319 minimum
Grade C- and NURS320 minimum Grade C- and NURS324
minimum Grade C- and NURS315 minimum Grade C-

NURS343 Clinical Internship IV Association Programme

2 credits
In this course students complete the transition process from
student to graduate nurse through the application of nursing
principles. Students gain experience in counselling, teaching,
management of diverse nursing situations, health promotion and
disease prevention while applying interpersonal and communication skills.
Prereq: NURS323 (May be taken concurrently)

NURS346 Clinical Internship II

2 credits
In this course students participate in percepted clinical experience
of previously learned nursing skills. Students will experience
280 hours of nursing practice. It is designed to help the student
assume responsible roles and facilitate the transition from student
to graduate nurse.
Prereq: Third-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


NURS400 Advanced Clinical Nursing Science

3 credits
An advanced clinical course with focus on high acuity nursing
utilizing the nursing process and the delivery of eective nursing
care in disaster situations.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

NURS401 Advanced Clinical Nursing Science Practicum

3 credits
An advanced clinical nursing practicum in which the students
focus on critically ill patients, signicant others and disaster
situations utilizing the nursing process in the delivery of eective
nursing care.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

NURS402 Ethics and Issues in Nursing

3 credits
In this course, students focus on ethics and issues that impact the
profession of nursing and health care delivery systems. Students
analyse and evaluate historical perspectives, leadership, socioeconomic conditions, legal and ethical responsibilities, nursing
organizations, role transition, research and education relevant to
The Bahamas.
Prereq: Third-year standing

NURS404 Nursing Research

3 credits
In this course students focus on the theoretical knowledge
relevant to the process and methods of nursing research.
Emphasis is on critical analysis and outcomes research. Students
apply scientic principles to planning, data collection, analyses
and dissemination of research in nursing practice and education.
Prereq: STAT201 minimum Grade C-

NURS405 Leadership in Nursing

4 credits
This course focuses on the knowledge, principles and theories
necessary to enhance eective nurse leadership skills in todays
health care delivery systems.
Prereq: NURS324 minimum Grade C- and NURS318 minimum
Grade C- and NURS319 minimum Grade C-

NURS406 Management and Leadership in Nursing

3 credits
This course focuses on developing the students leadership skills
for the nursing profession. Principles and theories are examined
that enhance eective nurse leadership and management in
todays health care delivery systems.
Coreq: NURS407
Prereq: Junior-year standing


NURS407 Management and Leadership in Nursing

1 credit
In this course, students demonstrate nursing leadership and
management skills within a variety of healthcare settings.
Principles of communication, decision-making, motivation and
management of change are emphasised.
Coreq: NURS406
Prereq: Junior-year standing

NURS409 Clinical Research Project

3 credits
In this course, students focus on the application of scientic
principles to planning, data collection, analysis and dissemination
of research in nursing practice and education. Students utilise
the knowledge and techniques gained from NURS 404 - Nursing
Research to conduct clinical research for problem identication,
proposal writing, research implementation and dissemination.
Prereq: NURS404 minimum Grade C-

NURS410 Advanced Nursing Practicum II

4 credits
In this course, students focus on community programme development, drawing upon community resources/input. The student
is actively involved in identifying, designing and implementing
projects and seminars in community settings.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

NURS411 Complex Nursing Situations

3 credits
In this course, students examine concepts of complex nursing
while integrating therapeutic and restorative care of clients
requiring intensive care. Students collaborate with members of
the health care team in critical and emergency care settings in
planning, implementing and evaluating care.
Coreq: NURS412
Prereq: Senior standing

NURS412 Complex Nursing Situations Practicum

1 credit
In this clinical course, students apply knowledge gained in NURS
411 to patient care in a variety of critical and emergency care
settings. Emphasis is on collaborating with members of the health
care team in planning, implementing and evaluating care.
Coreq: NURS411
Prereq: Senior standing

NURS415 Professional Seminar II

2 credits
This course is designed to enhance students knowledge of the
social and cultural dierences in clients/patients. Emphasis is on
trans-cultural nursing.
Prereq: NURS315 minimum Grade C-

NURS416 Professional Seminar III - Rehabilitation Nursing

1 credit
This course is designed to enhance the students knowledge to
assist individuals who are functionally challenged in restoring,
maintaining and promoting his/her maximum health in a variety
of health care settings. Skills to treat alternations in functional
ability and lifestyle are improved.
Prereq: NURS415 minimum Grade C-

NURS417 Health Care Systems

PADM451 Trust Administration
3 credits
A course covering the various types of trust, how they are created,
the administration of trust accounts, dealing with taxation of
trusts, and variation of trusts. The role of trust companies in the
nancial services industry, especially oshore nancial centres
such as The Bahamas is emphasised.
Prereq: BUSL425

2 credits
In this course, students focus on national and international health
care delivery systems. They examine current health care delivery,
nancial systems and current health policy issues. They also
examine social, economic, political, technological and legal forces
that inuence public and private health care delivery systems.
Prereq: NURS406 and NURS407 minimum Credits:

2 credits
Students develop and improve the front crawl, sidestroke, breaststroke and back crawl. Basic life-saving techniques are introduced.
Prereq: First-year standing

NURS436 Clinical Internship III

PED 101 Introduction to Volleyball

2 credits
In this course students continue to apply the nursing process
and critical thinking skills in nursing practice. They demonstrate
accountability and responsibility while practicing the principles
of leadership. The student uses previously learned nursing skills
to make informed decisions in complex nursing situations.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

PED 102 Introduction to Football (Soccer)

NURS446 Clinical Internship IV

2 credits
In this course students complete the transition process from
student to graduate nurse, through the application of nursing
principles. Students gain experience in counselling, teaching,
management of complex nursing situations, health promotion
and disease while applying interpersonal and communication
Prereq: NURS436 minimum Grade C-

NUTR100 Basic Principles of Nutrition

2 credits
In this course students are introduced to the principles of nutrition
and their relationship to health and well-being.
Prereq: First-year standing

NUTR200 Nutrition
3 credits
This course presents basic nutrition information essential to
understanding fundamental concepts of human nutritional needs.
Emphasis is placed on the source of nutrients, the relationship of
diets to health throughout the life cycle, the Caribbean diet and
diet-related conditions prevalent in The Bahamas. Laboratory
experience is gained in various nutrition related agencies, hotels,
Prereq: CHEM115 minimum Grade C- and BIOL132 minimum
Grade C- and NURS110 minimum Grade C-

PED 100 Swimming

2 credits
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of volleyball.
Developments in the sport nationally and internationally, as well as
safety issues, are explored.
Prereq: First-year standing

2 credits
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of football.
Developments in the sport nationally and internationally, as well as
safety issues, are explored.
Prereq: First-year standing

PED 104 Introduction to Health-Related Fitness

2 credits
In the course students are introduced to the fundamentals of
health-related tness. Benets of maintaining health-related
tness as well as problems associated with inactivity are discussed.
Prereq: First-year standing

PED 143 Swimming

3 credits
The course is designed to improve swimming strokes and water
competence and to introduce basic life saving techniques.
Swimming teaching methods are also presented.
Prereq: First-year standing

PED 157 Human Anatomy and Physiology

3 credits
This course studies the structure of various systems of the body
and how they function individually and collectively. The functions
are related as much as possible to the conduct of exercise at
varying intensities.
Prereq: BIOL109

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


PED 173 Team Games I

PED 246 Track and Field

3 credits
A review of the theoretical and practical nature of softball,
basketball and volleyball from a teacher preparation perspective.
Topics covered for each sport are: historical development, basic
training and conditioning basic skills and play strategy, rules and
skill testing.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
This course examines the mechanical principles governing
Olympic events in Track and Field as well modern techniques for
the performer, basic and specic methods of training and conditioning for each event and the safety procedures and teaching
techniques for each. Additionally, the historical development of
track and eld, internationally and locally, is studied.
Prereq: PED 210

PED 174 Team Games II

3 credits
A review of the theoretical and practical nature of eld hockey,
soccer and American football from a teacher preparation perspective. Terms of play, mechanical principles, injury prevention and
playing strategy will be studied. Skills testing provides an added
feature to this course.
Prereq: PED 173

PED 347 Corrective and Adaptive Physical Education

PED 175 Individual and Dual Sports

PED 400 Management of Physical Education and Sports

3 credits
This course reviews certain sports of a recreational nature with
a special design to develop a carry-over interest. Options include
table tennis, badminton, bowling, golf, lawn, tennis.
Prereq: PED 174

3 credits
This course is designed to meet the needs of students who will
plan, direct, supervise and construct Physical Education
programmes. Special emphasis is placed on organisation, supervision and administration.
Prereq: PED 347

3 credits
This course addresses the causes of various disabilities, including
common physical, sensory and mental disabilities, methods and
fundamental principles considered in the selection and adaptation
of activities used in corrective environments.
Prereq: BIOL132

PED 204 Tests and Measurements in Physical Education

3 credits
The course examines the purpose of testing and evaluating in
Physial Education, the construction, selection and administration
of tests to measure and evaluate physical tness, motor performance and sports knowledge. Simple statistical techniques are
studied for their value in analyzing test data and awarding grades
in Physical Education.
Prereq: MATH140

PHIL100 Introduction to Logic

3 credits
This is an introductory course in basic principles and methods or
correct reasoning. Topics include: (I) distinction and relationship
between logic and language, formal and informal logic, traditional
and symbolic logic: (II) detection and avoidance of formal and
informal fallacies: (III) evaluation of deductive arguments; and (IV)
Prereq: First-year standing

PED 210 Sports Ociating

3 credits
A study of the job of the sports ocial including the philosophy
and mechanics of ociating. The course will present an overview
of the jobs of the ocials in team and individual sports.
Prereq: PED 175

PED 240 History of Physical Education

3 credits
This course follows the development of physical education from
the beginning of civilization to modern day.
Prereq: EDU 101

PED 245 Health Education

3 credits
This course review modern concepts of health knowledge,
attitudes and practices. Such concepts are related to the health
needs of elementary and junior secondary school students.
Prereq: BIOL131 and BIOL132


PHYL176 College Physics I Laboratory

1 credit
This is the laboratory component of PHYS 176. Emphasis is on
experimental techniques and development of skills in data
analyses and graphical analysis.
Coreq: PHYS176
Prereq: PHYS164 or BGCSE Physics Grade B

PHYL270 College Physics II Lab

1 credit
This is the laboratory component of PHYS 270. Emphasis is on
experimental techniques and development of skills in data
analyses and graphical analyses.
Coreq: PHYS270
Prereq: PHYL176 and MATH170

PHYL276 College Physics III Lab

PHYS164 General Physics I

1 credit
This is the laboratory component of PHYS 276. Emphasis is on
experimental techniques and development of skills in data
analyses and graphical analyses.
Coreq: PHYS276
Prereq: PHYL176 and MATH170

4 credits
This is the rst of a two-semester sequence suitable for students
majoring in Biology, Education, or Technology and can serve as a
science requirement for non-science majors. It is of college level
maturity; nevertheless, it does not require a pass in school Physics
or its equivalent. Topics covered include: basic concepts, vector
qualities, Newtons Laws of Motion with applications, Momentums,
energy hydrostatics, gas laws, and heat.
Prereq: PHYS071 or BGCSE Physics Grade C and MATH140 or
BGCSE Mathematics Grade C

PHYL277 College Physics IV Lab

1 credit
This is the laboratory component of PHYS 277. Emphasis is on
experimental techniques and development of skills in data
analyses. Selected experiments of historical scientic signicance
are included.
Coreq: PHYS277
Prereq: PHYL270 or PHYL276

PHYL375 Medical Physics Laboratory

1 credit
This is a practical course designed to complement and augment
the material covered in the theoretical component of the course.
Coreq: PHYS375
Prereq: Third-year standing

PHYL376 Thermodynamics Laboratory

1 credit
This is a practical course designed to compliment and augment
the material covered in the theoretical component of the course.
Coreq: PHYS376
Prereq: Third-year standing

PHYS165 General Physics II

4 credits
This is a continuation of PHYS 164 sequence and covers topics in
electricity, electromagnetism, geometrical optics, wave characteristics of sound and an introduction to modern physics.
Prereq: PHYS164 and MATH140 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade C

PHYS176 College Physics I

3 credits
This is the rst in a series of calculus-based physics courses. It
covers the following topics in mechanics: units and dimensions,
motion in one- and two-dimensions, Newtons Laws, impulse
and momentum, mechanical energy, rotational dynamics, static
equilibrium, circular motion and gravitation.
Coreq: PHYL176
Prereq: PHYS164 or BGCSE Physics Grade B and MATH167 and

PHYS186 College Physics II

PHYL377 Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Relativity
1 credit
This is a practical course designed to complement and augment
the material covered in the theoretical component of the course.
Coreq: PHYS377

PHYS101 Physics of Everyday Things I

3 credits
In this course, students investigate the physics of everyday things.
Special focus is given to objects that operate using principles of
mechanics, uid dynamics, heat, thermodynamics and waves.
Students will examine objects such as bicycles, sling-shots, and
rake n scrape instruments.
Prereq: First-year standing

PHYS102 Physics of Everyday Things II

3 credits
In this course, students investigate the physics of everyday things.
Special focus is given to devices that operate using principles of
electromagnetism, optical and nuclear physics. Students examine
the physics of objects such as cellular phones, microwave ovens,
compact disc players, solar cells and computers.
Prereq: First-year standing

Replaced by PHYS270 (College Physics II) and PHYL270 (College

Physics II Lab)

PHYS270 College Physics II

3 credits
This is the second in a series of calculus-based physics courses.
It covers topics in oscillations and waves, temperature and kinetic
theory of gases, thermodynamics, elasticity and uid mechanics.
Coreq: PHYL270
Prereq: PHYS176 and MATH170

PHYS276 College Physics III

3 credits
This is the third in a series of calculus-based physics courses.
It covers topics in electricity, magnetism, circuits, electromagnetic
waves and physical optics.
Coreq: PHYL276
Prereq: PHYS176 and MATH170

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


PHYS277 College Physics IV

PHYS378 Physics of Energy Resources

3 credits
This is the fourth in a series of calculus-based physics courses. It
covers topics in relativity, quantum physics, atomic and molecular
physics, nuclear physics, elementary particles and solid state
Coreq: PHYL277
Prereq: MATH270 and PHYS270 or PHYS276

4 credits
This course is a survey of energy resources and the technologies by
which they can be exploited. It presents a mainly qualitative look
at renewable and non-renewable resources, energy conversation
strategies, reduction in ineciencies and the problem of environmental pollution.
Prereq: Third-year standing

PHYS286 College Physics IV

PHYS488 History and Philosophy of Physics

Replaced by PHYS277 (College Physics IV) and PHYL277 (College

Physics IV Lab)

3 credits
The course examines the nature, aims and philosophy of physics.
It traces the historical development and the philosophical suppositions of astronomy and mechanics from antiquity to Newton.
It also examines the works of modern scientic philosophers in
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

PHYS301 Energy, Society and the Environment

3 credits
In this course, students survey the physics principles underlying
energy production, consumption and conservation. Students
examine the economic and political impact of energy-related
practices locally and globally.
Prereq: Third-year standing

PHYS375 Medical Physics

3 credits
This is an advanced, but mostly qualitative course. It covers topics
in Medical Physics such as radio telemetry, ultrasonics, X-rays in
diagnostic and therapeutic radiography, radioisotopes in nuclear
medicine, dosimetry, magnetic resonance imaging and transport
through membranes.
Coreq: PHYL375
Prereq: Third-year standing

PIL 111 Introduction to Philosophy

3 credits
This course focuses on theories of knowledge, philosophy of
science, metaphysics, ethics aesthetics, and religion.
Prereq: None

PIL 160 Philosophy I

3 credits
Designed for beginners, the purpose of this course is to stimulate
the students intellectually, to introduce them to philosophical
terminology and the history of philosophy, and to cultivate their
powers of logical and critical thinking.
Prereq: ENG 017

PHYS376 Thermodynamics
3 credits
This is a rigorous calculus-based course covering topics such as
the rst and second laws of thermodynamics, reversible engines,
entropy, equations of state for gases, phase transformation,
Joule-Thompson eect, free energy, and related thermodynamic
Coreq: PHYL376
Prereq: Third-year standing

PIL 161 Introduction to Philosophy II

PHYS377 Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Relativity

POL 110 Introduction to Comparative Politics

3 credits
This is an introductory course in atomic and nuclear physics
dealing with Relativistic Kinematics and dynamics. Additionally it
deals with Compton eect treated relativistically, Schrodingers
equation and its application to simple one dimensional (1D)
systems, atomic nucleus, radioactivity, interaction with matter and
nuclear reactions.
Coreq: PHYL377
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course will introduce students to the eld of Comparative
Politics through a critical examination of the central political problems facing state actors in selected Developed, Communist and
Post-Communist, and Developing societies in the new millennium.
Prereq: None


3 credits
Central to this course is a study of Platos famous book The
Republic in addition to The Art of Wondering. The course provides
a most useful foundation for students taking Natural Science,
Social Sciences or Education because fundamental questions
regarding these subjects are raised in The Republic.
Prereq: PIL 160

POL 111 Introduction to Political Thought I

3 credits
An introduction to the basic concepts of Political Science.
Emphasis will be placed on the approaches to the study of Political
Science, theoretical frames of reference and methodology of the
Prereq: None

POL 112 Introduction to Political Thought II

3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic
concepts of Political Science. Emphasis is on the approaches to
the study of Political Science, theoretical frames of reference,
methodology of the discipline, political behaviour, political parties
and interest groups, comparative government and political and
international relations. Eorts will be made to give examples from
Latin American Political Science, the U. K., the USSR, France, West
Germany and some developing countries to illustrate the dierent
concepts of the course.
Prereq: POL 111

POL 214 Comparative Government: The Political Economy

of the Caribbean
3 credits
The course analyses the domestic and international environments
within which trade, nance and development of three small
developing states, Cuba, The Commonwealth of The Bahamas and
Jamaica are implemented, and focuses on the theoretical and practical interrelationships between the cognate elds of international
political economy, policy analysis, and development studies.
Prereq: POL 113

POL 220 Modern Political Ideology

3 credits
This course focuses upon political ideologies that have marked
modern political life across the past Two centuries. It will examine
the classic ideologies of liberalism, Conservatism, and Marxism,
as well as the new ideologies of Ecologism, Feminism, and
Prereq: POL 110

POL 313 Political Economy of The Bahamas

POL 113 Government and Politics in The Bahamas
3 credits
In this course students are introduced to the dynamics of domestic
political issues, international relations and the relationship
between the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and the international community. Emphasis is on historical, geographical, social
and economic factors impacting the nations development.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
This course elaborates on the interface between politics and
economics in the Bahamian context focusing on the historical,
geographical, economic, political and social frames of reference
as these relate to the national development project against the
backdrop of the White Paper on Independence and the FNMs
Prereq: Third-year standing

POL 210 Comparative Politics of Developing States

POL 314 Field Seminar in Policy Studies

3 credits
This course will survey the current political economy, political
structures and important political issues of a cross-section of
developed and developing states.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
Detailed examination and evaluation of decision-making structures and processes as they relate to the making and implementation of domestic and foreign policy in The Bahamas. The course
compares and contrasts competing philosophies and ideologies
of development as expressed in governmental policies and
Prereq: Third-year standing

POL 211 Politics and Society in the Third World

3 credits
An introduction to the interdisciplinary eld of Political Sociology.
Emphasis will be placed on the dynamics of Social and Political
change in the Third World. Appropriate examples will be drawn
from the experience of the Commonwealth Caribbean.
Prereq: POL 113

POL 213 Introduction to International Relations

3 credits
This course is designed as an introduction to international relations. It aims to raise and explore those questions which are central
to an understanding of the object and to provide students with
basic analytical tools to attempt to answer them.
Prereq: POL 113

POL 315 Project Management: Seminar and Colloquium

3 credits
This course focuses on the relationship between policy formulation, programme development and project management; paying
particular attention to civil society, community formation and
national development in The Bahamas.
Prereq: Third-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


POL 414 Field Seminar in Policy Studies

PSY 202 Abnormal Psychology

3 credits
Detailed examination and evaluation of decision-making structure
and processes as they relate to the making and implementation of
domestic and foreign policy in The Bahamas. The course compares
and contrasts competing philosophies and ideologies of development as expressed in governmental policies and programmes.
Prereq: PUBA 312 and POL 313

3 credits
Psychopathology and the various forms of mental disorders are
examined in the light of traditional and current perspectives on
mental health. Also treated are the origins of mental disturbance
and the problems of diagnosis and treatment.
Prereq: PSY 100 or PSY 101

PSY 230 Motivation and Emotion

POL 415 Project Management: Seminar and Colloquium
3 credits
This course focuses on the relationship between policy formations,
program development and project management; paying particular
attention to civil society, community formulation and national
Prereq: POL 313 and PUBA302

PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology: Social Sciences


3 credits
This course covers theories and principles of motivation and
emotion with equal attention to physiological, behavioural, cognitive and psychological perspectives. The emphasis is on research
issues, integrating the various perspectives and applying principles
to life experiences.
Prereq: PSY 100 or PSY 101

PSY 245 Introduction to Behavioural Statistics

3 credits
In this course students focus on psychology as a social science.
Topics include learning, personality, psychological disorders, social
psychology and human growth and development.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
This course introduces students to the nature of statistical data,
ordering, manipulation, measures of central tendency, variability,
elementary probability, the fundamental concepts of sampling
Prereq: CIS 100 and MATH163 or PSY 101

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology: Natural Sciences

PSY 248 Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences

3 credits
In this course students focus on psychology as a natural science,
with emphasis on subject areas that overlap with the biological
sciences. Topics include neuroscience, genetics, consciousness,
motivation and emotion, perception, sensation and cognition.
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
In this course students investigate the theory and practice of
psychological assessment. Topics include test construction and
validation, statistical techniques, legal and ethical issues. Students
are also exposes to major tests for measuring mental abilities,
achievement, personality and psychopathology.
Prereq: PSY 245

PSY 105 Human Growth and Development

3 credits
In this course students study human development across the life
span from a multidisciplinary perspective. The role of contextual
factors in development is emphasised with attention to global,
Caribbean and Bahamian contexts, issues and challenges.
Prereq: First-year standing

PSY 201 Diversity in Psychology

3 credits
This course examines the theoretical perspectives, strategies
for promoting diversity. And research processes that advance in
understanding of human behaviour across cultures, age, religion,
gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and other dimensions of
human diversity. In addition, it addresses the challenges and
consequences of diversity contemporary society.
Prereq: PSY 100 or PSY 101


PSY 251 Adult Adjustment

3 credits
In this course, students use the evolutionary psychological
perspective to examine adult functioning and personal management issues. They explore how psychological knowledge assists in
understanding, evaluating and shaping personal experiences and
Prereq: PSY 101 or PSY 100

PSY 255 Industrial/Organisational Psychology

3 credits
In this course students explore the applications of psychology
to human organizations. They examine the impact of workplace
organization, group communication and motivation on employee
behaviour and performance. Personnel selection, leadership, work
environments and employee stress are also explored.
Prereq: Second-year standing

PSY 266 Social Psychology

PSY 325 History and Systems of Psychology

3 credits
This course provides an overview of social psychological theory,
research ndings and ethics. It examines the application of social
psychological principles and promotes thought about human
action as it occurs in our day-to-day lives.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
In this course students explore the evolution of modern
psychology from its origins in philosophy and natural science.
They analyse the historical context of changes in scientic theory,
society and culture to trace developments in psychology as a social
Prereq: Third-year standing

PSY 300 Introduction to Clinical Psychology

3 credits
This introductory course surveys the science, theory, and practice
procedures that underlie the eld of clinical psychology. The
intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social, and behavioural aspects of human functioning across the life span, in varying
cultures and at all socio-economic levels will also be discussed.
Prereq: PSY 202

PSY 330 Tests and Measurement

3 credits
In this course students investigate the theory and practice of
psychological assessment. Topics include test construction and
validation, statistical techniques, legal and ethical issues. Students
are also exposed to major tests for measuring mental abilities,
achievement, personality and psychopathology.
Prereq: PSY 248

PSY 301 Indigenous Psychologies

3 credits
In this course, students examine psychologies emerging from
countries with a history of slavery and/or colonialism. They study
alternative paradigms, indigenous concepts and methodologies,
as well as the role of indigenous psychologies in national and
regional development.
Prereq: PSY 201

PSY 335 Bio-Psychology

3 credits
In this course students explore an integrated approach to an
examination of the biological basis of behaviour. They combine
evolutionary theory with current research ndings on brain
anatomy, function and chemistry to explore the links between
human consciousness, behaviour and psychological disorders.
Prereq: Third-year standing

PSY 305 Introduction to Research Methods

3 credits
This course examines theoretical and practical aspects of
conducting behavioural science research including formulating
research questions, identifying data analysis issues and principles
and interpreting and communicating ndings. It includes the use
of electronic sources to enhance research and SPSS software for
data analysis.
Prereq: PSY 248

PSY 340 Child and Adolescent Psychology

3 credits
In this course, students examine the complex and dynamic process
of development from conception through adolescence. Emphasis
is on research issues and application in the Bahamian and
Caribbean contexts, as well as those of other developing countries.
Prereq: Third-year standing

PSY 345 Cognitive Psychology

PSY 310 Consumer Psychology
3 credits
In this course students examine the theoretical and practical
ways in which psychologists approach consumer behaviour.
Topics include the thought processes utilised in decision-making,
advertising and other persuasive techniques, new technologies
and the consumption-related behaviour of diverse groups.
Prereq: Third-year standing

PSY 315 Research Applications in Psychology

3 credits
In this course students develop a psychological foundation of
research methodologies. Students apply quantitative and qualitative skills in appropriate and ethical design, statistical selection
and implementation, interpretation, evaluation and generalization
of conclusions. They write research reports utilizing current
professional format and statistical software.
Prereq: PSY 305

3 credits
In this course students explore scientic explanations of the mind,
its structure and function. They examine a wide range of psychological processes, cognitive theories and current research on how
people process and utilize information.
Prereq: Third-year standing

PSY 350 Culture and Behaviour

3 credits
In this course, students focus on human behaviour and experiences as they occur in dierent cultural context. They examine
traditional and emerging perspectives, research methodologies
and applications in cross-cultural psychology.
Prereq: Third-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


PSY 360 Personality Theory

PSY 430 Adulthood and Aging

3 credits
In this course students explore human behavioural patterns
through the examination of personality theories. They also explore
socio-cultural factors and scientic methods of personality.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
In this course students explore the psychological and physical
changes of adulthood and aging. Students assess diverse cultural
variations in adult development and aging as well as research
issues in adult psychology.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

PSY 400 Caribbean Psychology

3 credits
In this course, students use a thematic approach to examine the
development of psychology in the Caribbean Region. Traditional
psychological resources are integrated with interdisciplinary
resources from the region to gain a psychological understanding
of the peoples of the Caribbean.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

PSY 440 Group Dynamics

PSY 405 Child Psychopathology

PSY 445 Drugs and Behaviour

3 credits
This course builds on basic theories in abnormal psychology and
child development. Students use developmental theories and
research-based perspectives to explore the complex interplay
of factors that shape child psychopathology. Emphasis is on the
Bahamian and Caribbean contexts.
Prereq: PSY 340

3 credits
In this course students examine theories and research on the
physical and psychological eects of legal and illegal drugs. They
also examine socio-cultural inuences on drug consumption,
addictive behaviours and treatment modalities.
Prereq: PSY 335

3 credits
In this course, students use theoretical knowledge and research
ndings in examining group processes. Topics include interdependence, diversity issues, leadership, conicts and negotiation, use of
power and decision-making.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

PSY 450 Seminar in Clinical Psychology

PSY 410 Applied Social Psychology
3 credits
In this course students examine theories of social psychology.
Focus is on applications of social-psychological concepts and
research on human social behaviour in areas such as work environments, education, crime and conict.
Prereq: PSY 266

3 credits
In this course students practice the skills needed to become
a helping person. Through class observation, discussion and role
playing, they apply psychological concepts and theory to the
understanding of human interactions in diverse clinical settings.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

PSY 455 Special Topics in Psychology

PSY 420 Counselling in Psychology
3 credits
In this course students examine the role and scope of counselling
psychology in diverse populations. Fundamental concepts and
issues related to counselling research, professional practices and
interventions are explored. Treatment modalities, theoretical
orientations, cultural factors, ethical and legal issues and professional development are analysed and discussed.
Prereq: PSY 300

PSY 425 Psychology of Gender

3 credits
Students examine psychological theories, inherent controversies,
diversity and research issues regarding gender. Topics include the
impact of gender on personality, development, physiology, intellect, achievement and social roles. The inuence of history, politics
and culture, including Bahamian culture, are investigated.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing


3 credits
In this course students are exposed to a specic topic in
psychology. Students may take the course for credit twice,
providing the topic is dierent. Consultation with an advisor
is required.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Practicum

6 credits
In this course, students gain supervised experience in an applied
setting that is aligned with their area of specialisation in the major.
Students also integrate this experience with theory, research and
ethical issues in seminar settings.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

PUBA201 Public Administration I

PUBA300 Advanced Writing for the Public Sector

3 credits
In this course students are exposed to the principal concepts and
theories relating to the discipline of public administration. Focus
is upon clarity of investigation in areas such as development
administration, privatisation, bureaucracy, the ecology of public
administration and the Bahamian Public Service.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
In this advanced writing course students analyse and produce
writing in forms used by the public sector that address issues of
national importance in The Bahamas. They conduct research into
the cultural, political, social, economic and environmental factors
that shape Bahamian policy.
Prereq: ENG 120

PUBA203 Personnel Management and Industrial Relations

in the Public Sector

PUBA301 Personnel Management and Industry Relations in

the Public Sector

3 credits
A study of Personnel Management, its objectives, activities and
functions as they relate to the ecient and eective utilisation of
human resources in the public sector and, (b) Industrial Relations
in terms of past and present legislation, collective bargaining and
arbitration procedures.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
This course will provide students with an opportunity to appraise
various challenges confronting public managers. Through a better
understanding of the public choices that confront them, students
will be better prepared to make eective decisions to revitalise
public service.
Prereq: Third-year standing

PUBA204 Administrative Principles and Practices

PUBA302 Development Administration

3 credits
This course is concerned with administrative principles and
practices as they relate to the public sector. Attention will be
focused on management theories and the administrative/management process. Topics will include organisational development,
leadership styles, management information systems and the
management of change.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
The course seeks to examine critically the socio-economic and
political background of development in the context of economic
modernisation and other forms of state intervention. It will include
a study of theoretical models of development; the structure and
functions of development agencies; the development planning
process; administration for the development of education;
population, agriculture, industry and management of the public
enterprise sector.
Prereq: PUBA201 and PUBA202

PUBA210 Economics Of Public Finance I

3 credits
The course of study will provide the basic principles relating
to economics of public nance and will include macro and micro
principles relating to demand and supply, equilibrium, production
possibilities, private and public sector economics, international
trade theory and the national income, with special reference to
The Bahamas.
Prereq: Second-year standing

PUBA213 Elements of Constitutional and Administrative

3 credits
The course of study provides an analysis of constitutional and
administrative law with special reference to The Bahamas
and other Caribbean countries. It will include the evolution of
sovereignty of The Bahamas; constitutionals, judicial review and
interpretation of the constitutional rights and obligations of
citizens and the state; control of administrative power; the rule
of law and proceeding against the crown.
Prereq: Second-year standing

PUBA304 Analytic Techniques for Public Administrators

3 credits
This course is designed to sharpen the conceptual, analytical and
data analysis skills of public administrators as well as to provide
hands-on experience in the use of computers to analyse quantitative and qualitative data.
Prereq: PSY 113 and BADM300 and CIS 105

PUBA310 Economics of Public Finance II

3 credits
This course will provide an analysis of the macro performance
of the economy in relation to supportive scal, nancial and
monetary policies. It will include principles of taxation; social
security tax system; budgets and cost-benet analysis; income
redistribution and the welfare state; monetary theory; government
expenditure; theories of employment and unemployment; local
government nance with special reference to The Bahamas and
other developing countries.
Prereq: PUBA210

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


PUBA312 Public Policy

PUBA400 Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation

3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the conceptual,
theoretical and practical approaches to the public policy process
and explore the impact of socio-economic and political factors
which impinge on the resolution of public issues within the
Bahamian context.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course provides a detailed examination and evaluation of
decision-making structure and processes as they relate to the
analysis, formulation, implementation and evaluation of public
policies. Appropriate examples are drawn from the experience
of the Commonwealth Caribbean.
Prereq: PUBA312 and PUBA315

PUBA315 Seminar In Public Administration

PUBA401 Professionalism and Ethics in the Public Sector

3 credits
This course exposes the student to the public administration
as a eld of study and as the practice of Managing Public
Organisations. It deepens the students appreciation of concepts,
theories, and principles of public administration in The Caribbean
and The Bahamas as they relate to development.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course provides a detailed examination and evaluation of
professionalism and ethics as they relate to public administration processes. Strategies with which to combat unethical and
unprofessional behaviour will also be considered.
Prereq: LAW 200 and PUBA301

PUBA402 Foundations of Public Administration

PUBA316 The Practice of Public Management
3 credits
This course will provide students with an opportunity to appraise
various challenges confronting public managers. Through a better
understanding of the public choices that confront them, students
will be better prepared to make eective decisions to revitalise
public service.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course examines the theory and practice of public administration with special attention to the development of analytical and
problem-solving skills. Topics include the historical development
of public administration, the structure of public organizations,
leadership, decision-making and accountability.
Prereq: None

PUBA410 Governance: Municipal and Local Perspectives

PUBA317 Public Sector Budgeting and Finance
3 credits
This course examines the theory and practice of public budgeting
and its relationship to the administrativeness of control, management and planning - special emphasis will be given to the kinds
and scope of government revenues and expenditures.
Prereq: None

PUBA320 Research Paper on the Public Sector

3 credits
This subject comprises a dissertation of at least 7,000 words on
a sector or sub-sector of the Bahamian Public Service. The student
must display (a) familiarity with the main literature relevant to
this topic; (b) appreciable knowledge of scientic methods
of research, (c) appreciable contribution to the literature relating
to the eld of study and (d) appreciable knowledge of development administration. Students will normally register for this
Research Paper at the beginning of the third semester of the
programme and have the topic approved by his/her supervisor
before the end of the rst academic year.
Prereq: PUBA201 and PUBA312


3 credits
This course provides a detailed examination and evaluation of the
structure, administration, management, and performance of local
government. Attention is given to the role of public administrators
relative to local government operations in The Bahamas with a
view to improving service delivery.
Prereq: POL 113 and PUBA302

PUBA420 Strategic Planning and Management in Public

3 credits
This course examines the theoretical frames of reference and
methods of strategic planning and is designed to enhance the
students analytic and decision-making skills to develop strategies
to manage public policies and programmes.
Prereq: PUBA302 and PUBA315

REL 102 Understanding the Bible
3 credits
This course is designed to introduce the student to a working
knowledge of the Bible with a view to understanding the literature
of the Old Testament and the relationship between the Old and
New Testaments. It is specically designed for primary school
Prereq: Admission to the B.Ed Primary Certication Programme

REL 104 Introduction to Biblical Studies I

3 credits
A survey of the literature, history and religion of ancient Israel as
seen in its cultural background in the ancient Near East. This course
is an introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible), its translation, the many dierent scientic ways it is now studied and the
results of those studies.
Prereq: None

REL 105 Introduction to Biblical Studies II

3 credits
A survey of the literature, history and religious thought of the
Christian community during the New Testament period as seen in
its cultural setting in the Greco-Roman World. This course will draw
upon the work of historians, archeologists and scholars of rst
century Greek and Jewish religion to present a view of the world
in which the New Testament books were written. The gure of
Jesus, the role of Paul in Christianitys development and the special
features of each of the four gospels will be studied.
Prereq: None

REL 113 Introduction to Religion

3 credits
This course attempts to acquaint the student with a phenomenological and historical approach to religion and also to a general
outline of the religions of the world. The purpose of the course is
to enable the student to articulate and investigate questions about
the meaning and nature of religion. Problems to be discussed will
include the elements of religious experience, forms of religious
expressions and interpretation, religious communities and
practices and the questions raised by the contemporary interfaith
dialogue. Materials will be taken from a variety of religious traditions.
Prereq: None

REL 201 Marriage and the Family

3 credits
An exploration of the Christian foundations of marriage and family;
nature of love, purpose and future of the family in society.
Prereq: Second-year standing

REL 202 Exploring Christianity

3 credits
A survey of the historical development of Christianity from the
rst century to the present. Attention will focus on exploring the
development of Christianity through the centuries, focusing on the
major theological and institutional issues considered in their social
and cultural context.
Prereq: REL 105

REL 203 Contemporary Religious, Cults and Sects

3 credits
Basically, the approach is a sociological study of contemporary
Cults and Sects as alternatives to the Judaeo-Christian Tradition.
Emphasis will be placed on the emergence of Millenarian,
Messianic, Revival, Nativistic, and Revolutionary Cults and their
transformation into Sectarian Movements. These new movements
will be studied with a view to discovering their impact on the
society. The course will be limited to evaluating the central beliefs
and practices of each chosen group. The historical organisation,
methods, or secondary beliefs will only be considered where it is
specically related to these doctrines in a fashion that warrants
Prereq: Second-year standing

REL 211 Sociology of Religion

3 credits
This course analyses religions as social realities, examining the
variable interrelations between belief, experiences, rituals and
social settings in traditional, developing societies. Attention will
focus on some of the classical and contemporary studies in the
eld of Sociology of Religion. Secondly, we shall examine some of
the approaches which have traditionally shaped the sociological
analysis of religion. Using several theoretical perspectives, the class
will explore such classical and contemporary issues as: church,
sect, cult, etc.; the relationship of religion to society; religious
movements and individual religiosity.
Prereq: Second-year standing

REL 212 Religion in Bahamian Life

3 credits
This course explores the relationship between (Bahamian) man
and the religious institutions of which he is a part as it is portrayed
in Bahamian history. The student will be able to develop in depth,
after intensive research, an area of interest normally covered by
a regular history programme. The course seeks to bring to the
student a better understanding of the role of religion in Bahamian
society. Attention will also be given to the various religious movements in The Bahamas: Anglicans, Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals,
Evangelical and Protestant groups.
Prereq: None

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


REL 213 Contemporary Ethical Issues: (Societal)

REL 400 World Faiths

3 credits
This course will identify and analyse ethical issues arising from
social groups today. In discussing the issues, account will be
taken of the bearing of religious institutions and traditions upon
social attitudes and problems. Topics will vary from year to year,
but examples of problem areas that have evoked ethical and
religious debate are: economic and social inequality, race relations,
violence and war, hunger and poverty, population growth, etc.
This programme of studies is designed to foster interests in
contemporary ethical issues (societal) in the light of their antecedents, development and present day implications.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
This course will focus on the study of World Religions, giving a
balanced presentation covering the historical, ideological, and
cultural aspects of several religions of the world.
Prereq: REL 308 and REL 410

REL 214 Contemporary Ethical Issues: (Personal)

3 credits
This course will identify and analyse ethical issues arising at the
personal level today. Issues will be discussed in the context of the
interrelationship between moral values and religious convictions.
Topics will vary from year to year, and will focus on those areas that
raise ethical and religious questions for personal existence such as:
auence, alienation, work, leisure, aging, birth control, celibacy
and homosexuality.
Prereq: Second-year standing

REL 401 World Faiths II

3 credits
World Faith II is a general study of The Western Religious Traditions,
deliberately limited and selective in concept. Emphasis will be
placed upon a modem and concise picture of the more inuential
living religions of the west, with special emphasis on their
historical context.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

REL 410 Elements of Religion

3 credits
This course helps students understand the nature and functions of
religious experience, with the various expressions that the religious
life can take. Students will be introduced to some critical methods
by which religion is currently studied-phenomenological, philosophical, sociological, hermeneutical, and historical approaches,
among others.
Prereq: REL 113

REL 215 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion

3 credits
This course will attempt to analyse concepts such as God, Theism,
Existence, Salvation, Evil, Creation, etc., and to determine the
nature of religious utterance in comparison with those of everyday
life, scientic discovery, morality, and the imaginative expressions
of the arts. We shall concentrate upon the kind of religion that
has molded our culture and which still constitutes the most likely
option in this culture, namely the Judaeo-Christian tradition, with
special concentration on the Concept of God.
Prereq: Second-year standing

REL 300 Religion Today

SCI 171 General Science I
3 credits
This course exposes students to general science concepts.
Emphasis is on derived units of measurement, chemical reactions,
human interactions with the environment and functioning of plant
and animal systems.
Prereq: SCI 070 or BGCSE Combined Science Grade C

3 credits
This course covers contemporary trends and issues in religious
thought and life, within each of the major religious traditions as
well as outside of the major religions. Some of the topics that
will be covered in this course include: New Religious Thought
in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism; New
Religious Movements and Cults; the trend toward fundamentalism;
Liberation Theology; Feminist Theology, to name a few.
Prereq: None

SCI 253 General Science for Primary Teachers III

REL 308 The Islamic Religion Tradition

3 credits
This course exposes students to advanced general science
concepts. Emphasis is on aspects of physical and earth science.
Prereq: SCI 171 or SCI 154

3 credits
This course focuses on Islam as one of the major world religions.
It examines the historical development, articles of faith, a set of
practices, and relative theological debates.
Prereq: None


3 credits
This course is the second in two-part series designed to equipped
elementary student teachers with basic knowledge of general
science. This course focuses on the students ability to explain and
apply aspects of physical and earth science.
Coreq: SCIL253
Prereq: SCI 154

SCI 371 General Science II

SCIL253 General Science Lab For Primary School Teachers III

SIS 202 Local and Global Issues in Sustainability

1 credit
This course is the laboratory component of SCI 253.
Coreq: SCI 253
Prereq: SCI 154

3 credits
This course analyses key global and local problems, principles
and policy solutions in sustainability and the role of small islands
in the international and regional environmental agreements and
organisations. The interconnectedness of global and local issues
is emphasised.
Prereq: SIS 110

SIS 101 Small Island Sustainabilty Seminar I

1 credit
This is the rst in a series of three seminars designed to introduce
students to the language, key challenges and issues of
sustainability. Students explore and analyse current issues in
conservation, preservation and sustainable uses of resources to
develop an understanding of sustainability from a local and global
Prereq: Admission to programme

SIS 110 History and Philosophy of Sustainable Living

3 credits
This course provides an introduction to the critical analysis of
sustainability. Beginning with an overview of foundational Western
and non-Western notions of nature and culture, the course tracks
the practice and concept of sustainability from a variety of elds
and discipline from the 18th century to the present.
Prereq: First-year standing

SIS 225 Comparative Small Island Geography and Issues

of Sustainability
3 credits
This course compares human and physical geography of various
Small Island States. It also examines the related issues of sustainability and the development strategies that aect sustainable
development in such states.
Prereq: Second-year standing

SIS 301 Small Island Sustainability Seminar III

2 credits
This is the nal in a series of three seminars. Students develop
strategies to investigate, articulate and design research-based
proposals to address key questions they have identied for
Prereq: SIS 201

SIS 130 Conservation Studies

3 credits
This course provides a basic understanding of environmental
concepts and sustainability practices in small island settings.
It examines national and international resource problems and
related social issues as well as trends in ecological design which
impinge upon environmental sustainability.
Prereq: First-year standing

SIS 398 Research for Sustainable Living

SIS 200 Small Island Economies and Sustainability

SIS 400 Valuation of Natural Resources of Ecosystems

3 credits
This course introduces students to the emerging interdisciplinary
and comparative study of islands and archipelagos. Students
are exposed to the shared characteristics of small islands, including
their geography, economies, environmental concerns and systems
of governance within the context of sustainability and the challenges and opportunities facing Small Island States.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
This course examines, from a multi-disciplinary perspective, the
dierent methods of assessing benets and values that society
derives from the functions and services of ecosystems.
Prereq: SIS 398

SIS 201 Small Island Sustainability Seminar II

1 credit
This is the second in a series of three seminars. Using a multi-disciplinary perspective, students analyse research designs and data
collection instruments relevant to Small Island States.
Prereq: Second-year standing

3 credits
In this course students are introduced to quantitative and qualitative research modalities. They are exposed to data-gathering
techniques which assess and evaluate sustainable practices and
the monitoring of research and development projects.
Prereq: MATH163 or MATH167 and ENG 300

SIS 401 Environmental Impact Assessment Studies

4 credits
This course introduces students to the origins, processes and
fundamental issues involving Environmental Impact Assessments
(EISs). It focuses on the concerns related to sustainability and the
development of Small Island States (SIS).
Prereq: SIS 398

SIS 450 SIS: Internship

6 credits
This internship supports academic and theoretical learning by
enabling real life applications and practical experiences through
attachments in national, regional and/or global settings.
Prereq: SIS 301

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


SIS 499 SIS Thesis/Capstone Project

SOS 215 Race and Ethnic Group Relations

4 credits
Students integrate their understanding of the various cognate
areas of the Small Island Sustainability programme. Emphasis is on
planning, designing, implementing, documenting and evaluating
a major interdisciplinary research topic.
Prereq: SIS 301

3 credits
This course examines the concept of race and ethnic group
relations through the social-psychological perspective. Two
major sociological perspectives (conict and functionalism) will
be utilised. Application of these concepts will be made to the
historical and contemporary development of race/ethnic relations
in The Bahamas/Caribbean, the United States and South Africa.
Prereq: Second-year standing

SOS 100 Introduction to Basic Sociological and

Psychological Concepts for Health Professions
3 credits
This course, designed for health professionals, introduces students
to selected aspects of psychological and sociological concepts and
trends with emphasis on culture, socialization, groups, the family
and their application to health professions.
Prereq: First-year standing

SOS 111 Introduction to Sociology I

3 credits
In this course, students are introduced to the scope and methods
of sociology through an examination of human interactions in
Prereq: First-year standing

SOS 113 Human Relations in the Work Environment

3 credits
The course will give training in observation, analysis and behaviour
in relation to individuals, groups and organisations.
Prereq: First-year standing

SOS 200 Social Research

3 credits
The course introduces the student to the methodology of Social
Research. Topics discussed include the research process, data
collection, measurement and analysis of data.
Prereq: SOS 111

SOS 201 Social Structure in the Third World

3 credits
In this course, students examine the structure and function of
the basic institutions: family, economy, education, religion and
government of The Bahamas and other Third World countries.
Emphasis is on the eects of demography and social change on
these institutions in Third World countries.
Prereq: Second-year standing

SOS 203 Sociology of the Family

3 credits
This course examines the changing trends and choices in families,
marriages and other relationships. Topics covered include
variations in family structure and function; gender roles; dating,
premarital sex, tasks of marriage; child-rearing, empty nest
syndrome, marital dissolution; step-families and aging.
Prereq: Second-year standing


SOS 216 Sociology of Development

3 credits
This course is intended to examine sociological issues concerning
developing and underdevelopment, the role of structural, social,
psychological and cultural factors in development. Alternative
models of development and new directions in the dependency
debate will also be considered.
Prereq: SOS 111 or POL 113

SOS 217 Crime and Society

3 credits
In this course students examine crime from a sociological perspective. Emphasis is on the theories of crime, the diversity of crime,
criminal behaviours, crime control and prevention.
Prereq: Second-year standing

SOS 218 Sociology of Human Sexual Behaviour

3 credits
This course examines human sexual behaviour from the cultural,
biological, psychosocial, developmental and sexual health
perspectives. These perspectives are viewed in terms of Bahamian
and other contemporary societies.
Prereq: Second-year standing

SOS 219 Social Policy Analysis and Development

3 credits
The process of policy analysis and the translation of policy into
programmes. Programme implications of alternate policy
decisions. Political, economic, socio-cultural and ideology factors
as these determine policy decisions.
Prereq: Second-year standing

SOS 220 Social Policy, Planning and Evaluation

3 credits
This course is intended to enable students to develop an understanding of the social policy process. Students will be introduced
to the political, economic and socio-cultural factors as they
determine specic policy decisions. Problems of social policy
implementation and evaluation will also be addressed.
Prereq: POL 113

SOS 390 Field Studies I

SPA 106 Introductory Spanish II - Study Abroad

3 credits
This course focuses on the planning, preparation, conduct
and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history and social work.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld are
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
Students spend 4 weeks in a Spanish-speaking country where they
attend classes to develop further basic language skills. Students
practice speaking, listening, reading and writing in an authentic
Spanish language environment. They also experience selected
aspects of the culture of the host country. (Not open to native
Prereq: SPA 103 or SPA 105

SOS 391 Field Studies II

6 credits
This course focuses on the planning, preparation, conduct
and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history and social work.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld are
Prereq: Third-year standing

SPA 200 Intermediate Spanish Grammar

3 credits
In this course students focus on the fundamentals of Spanish
grammar. They improve their grammatical accuracy with particular
emphasis on writing skills.
Prereq: SPA 104 or SPA 106

SPA 203 Intermediate Spanish I

SOS 392 Field Studies III
9 credits
This course focuses on the planning, preparation, conduct
and evaluation of eld activities in specic areas including
anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history and social work.
Techniques specic to the particular discipline within the eld
are examined.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SPA 103 Introductory Spanish I

3 credits
In this course students develop language skills at a basic level.
They practice speaking, listening, reading and writing. (Not open
to native speakers).
Prereq: First-year standing

3 credits
This is the rst in a sequence of two intermediate courses designed
to develop students ability to express themselves orally and
in written form. Students expand their reading and listening
comprehension skills. (Not open to native speakers.)
Prereq: SPA 104 or BGCSE Spanish Grade C or SPA 106

SPA 204 Intermediate Spanish II

3 credits
This is the second in a sequence of two intermediate courses
designed to further develop students ability to express themselves
in Spanish orally and in writing. Students continue to develop
reading and listening comprehension skills and are introduced to
works by Spanish and Latin American authors. (Not open to native
Prereq: SPA 203

SPA 104 Introductory Spanish II

3 credits
This course is a continuation of SPA 103 (Introductory Spanish
I). Students further develop language skills at a basic level. They
practice speaking, listening, reading, writing and develop grammatical accuracy. (Not open to native speakers).
Prereq: SPA 103 or BGCSE Spanish Grade B

SPA 105 Introductory Spanish I - Study Abroad

3 credits
Students spend 4 weeks in a Spanish-speaking country where they
attend classes to develop basic language skills. Students practice
speaking, listening, reading and writing in an authentic Spanish
language environment. They also experience selected aspects of
the culture of the host country. (Not open to native speakers).
Prereq: First-year standing

SPA 207 Intermediate Listening and Speaking

3 credits
In this course students develop their listening comprehension
skills and expand their vocabulary and speaking skills through
intensive listening and discussion about topics related to the
Spanish-speaking world. Material is presented in audio and video
Prereq: SPA 200 and SPA 203

SPA 208 Intermediate Reading and Writing

3 credits
In this course students develop their reading comprehension and
writing skills through intensive reading and writing about topics
related to the Spanish-speaking world.
Prereq: SPA 200 and SPA 204

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


SPA 209 Topics in Spanish Language Studies

SPA 303 Spanish Linguistics II

3 credits
This course provides students with knowledge about the Spanish
language through extensive readings about selected aspects of
the language. The course will be taught in English and Spanish.
Prereq: SPA 204

3 credits
This is the second of two courses that introduce students to the
fundamentals of Spanish linguistics. Students examine basic
theoretical concepts in syntax, semantics and etymology and are
equipped with the skills necessary to apply theoretical concepts
to Spanish linguistic data.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SPA 240 Advanced Spanish I

3 credits
This course is designed to develop communicative skills with
accuracy and uency at the advanced level. It includes composition, reading, translation, morphology and syntax, listening,
oral practice and cultural awareness.
Prereq: SPA 204

SPA 310 Latin American Cultures

3 credits
This is a survey course of Latin American cultures and social issues
from Pre-Colombian period to the present focusing on history,
literature, arts and religion. (Readings and discussions in Spanish.)
Prereq: SPA 204

SPA 241 Advanced Spanish II

3 credits
This advanced Spanish course is designed to develop communicative skills with accuracy and uency. It includes composition,
reading, translation, morphology and syntax, phonetics, listening,
oral practice and cultural awareness.
Prereq: SPA 240

SPA 320 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition

3 credits
In this course students continue to develop their accuracy in the
Spanish language and their ability to express themselves in writing
through extensive reading and writing about relevant topics in the
Spanish-speaking world.
Prereq: SPA 200

SPA 242 Spanish for Business

3 credits
This course provides students with the vocabulary and skills
needed to conduct business transactions in Spanish and to
translate into English basic business documents written in Spanish.
Prereq: SPA 204

SPA 330 Spanish Peninsular Culture

3 credits
In this course students develop an awareness of Spanish culture
and history through extensive readings about historical and
current events in Spain.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SPA 258 Introduction to Spanish Literary Texts

3 credits
Students are introduced to literature in Spanish through close
reading and discussion of works and excerpts chosen from
dierent genres and dierent historical periods by selected
Hispanic writers.
Prereq: SPA 203

SPA 358 Spanish Peninsular Literature: Golden Age

3 credits
Students examine historical, social and cultural contexts and
literary movements that comprise Spanish Golden Age Literature
(16th and 17th centuries) through readings and discussions of
works of poetry, prose and drama by major writers.
Prereq: SPA 258

SPA 301 Advanced Spanish Listening and Speaking

3 credits
In this course, students further develop their conversational
and public speaking skills, uency and pronunciation. Listening
comprehension will be developed using audio and video sources
representing a variety of regional accents.
Prereq: SPA 204

SPA 359 Contemporary Spanish Literature (1898-Present)

3 credits
This course provides students with an overview of the literary
movements of the last two centuries. Students analyse dierent
features of each work in relation to the movement to which it
Prereq: SPA 258

SPA 302 Spanish Linguistics I

3 credits
This is one of two courses that introduce students to the
fundamentals of Spanish linguistics. In this course students
examine basic theoretical concepts in phonetics, phonology and
morphology and are equipped with the skills necessary to apply
theoretical concepts to Spanish linguistic data.
Prereq: Third-year standing


SPA 401 Latin American Short Story

3 credits
This course introduces students to the Latin American short story
as a literary genre. Emphasis is on the development of analytical
skills and critical idiom pertinent to an understanding of forms and
techniques of the genre.
Prereq: SPA 258

SPA 402 Latin American Womens Narrative

SPED300 The Exceptional Learner

3 credits
In this course students examine various literary strategies
employed in the works of selected twentieth-century Latin
American women writers. Students analyse thematic approaches
that are specic to national and regional realities.
Prereq: SPA 310

3 credits
An overview of the characteristics of various categories of exceptionalities, the history and the development of services for children
with special needs. Issues related to the family, community and the
school will be discussed.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SPA 420 Spanish Texts Translation

SPED301 Curriculum Development for the Exceptional


3 credits
In this course, students gain intensive practice in translating texts
from Spanish into English and from English into Spanish. Students
rene their skills in manipulating the Spanish language and
gain insight into how to identify, analyse and resolve translation
Prereq: SPA 301 or SPA 310

3 credits
This course presents an overview of curriculum development for
individuals with exceptional learning needs at dierent maturation
levels. Students engage in identication and critical analysis of
existing curricula, methods, and materials. Curriculum evaluation
models will be discussed.
Prereq: SPED303

SPA 458 Twentieth Century Latin American Literature

3 credits
In this course students examine the major movements in contemporary Latin American literature through the study of representative novels, plays and poems by major authors. Students analyse
literacy texts with reference to their historical, political, cultural
and philosophical contexts.
Prereq: SPA 310

SPED302 Strategies for Teaching Exceptional Learners

SPA 470 Contemporary Issues in Hispanic Societies

SPED303 The Exceptional Learner: The Family, the School

and Community

3 credits
In this course students further develop advanced communication
skills in Spanish. Students discuss, read and write about contemporary issues.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

SPA 498 Senior Thesis I

3 credits
In this course students focus on research and analytical skills
essential for undertaking a substantial piece of independent
work in a specic area of Hispanic studies. Students acquire skills
necessary for writing a thesis proposal by emphasizing research
methods, critical approaches and analytical techniques.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

SPA 499 Senior Thesis II

3 credits
In this course students build on research and analytical skills
emphasized in SPA 498 (Senior Thesis I). Students deepen their
understanding of a specic area of Hispanic studies by producing
a substantial piece of independent research. Under the guidance
of a faculty advisor, students complete a thesis that demonstrates
original critical thought.
Prereq: SPA 498

3 credits
This course is designed to provide practical understanding and
practice in implementing specic instructional strategies that have
proven to be eective with students special needs. Emphasis on
educational strategies using classroom-based model.
Prereq: SPED301

3 credits
An overview of the characteristics of various categories of exceptionalities, the history and the development of services for children
with special needs. Issues related to the family, community and the
school will be discussed.
Prereq: EDU 120 and EDU 200

SPED410 Managing Inclusive Education

3 credits
In this course, students gain knowledge about the roles and
responsibilities of school personnel in meeting the needs of
students with special needs in inclusive education settings. They
review general principles of resource-support programme development, implementation and management within the context
of the leadership role of the Resource-Support Teacher.
Prereq: SPED300 or EDU 492 or EDU 494

SPED495 Inclusive Education Principles and Practice

3 credits
In this course, students focus on general principles and practices
of inclusive education, as well as implications for teaching and
learning in dierentiated classrooms. They explore trends and
issues in special education and diversity. In addition, they apply
theory to practice in units covered throughout the course.
Prereq: Fourth-year Standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


STAT201 Business Statistics

SWK 212 Fieldwork Practice-Advanced Certicate

3 credits
An introductory course in statistics with particular applications to
business and economics. Designed to provide a systematic study
of descriptive and inferential statistics, emphasis is placed on the
solution of applied problems using the computer.
Prereq: MATH163 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade C

3 credits
This 320 hour, 8-week block, eld work experience will enable
students to enhance their prociency in the areas of interviewing,
psychosocial assessment and treatment modalities in the delivery
of direct services casework, group work and community organisation. The student will also utilise a scientic problem solving
approach in oering indirect services to individuals and groups
in the supervision, administration and development of eective
social service delivery systems.
Prereq: Second-year standing

STAT301 Intermediate Statistics

3 credits
A thorough review of statistical methods for data analysis and
model-building required in business and government. Topics
include hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression and
correlation, time series, forecasting and analysis of frequencies.
Computer applications are a part of this course.
Prereq: STAT201

SWK 101 Drug Awareness-Preparation for Serving

3 credits
A general interest course oered for credit to counsellors, social
workers, teachers, nurses, police, other persons in the human
services eld and the community at large. It is designed to educate
participants to eectively work with individuals with drug-related
Prereq: First-year standing

SWK 111 Foundations of Social Work

3 credits
In this course, students examine the development of social
work, professional Code of Ethics, components of the profession,
philosophical foundations, elds of practice and diverse practice
settings. Students spend 25 hours in an agency to become familiar
with the dynamics of social work in The Bahamas.
Prereq: First-year standing

SWK 200 Human Growth Development I

3 credits
A study of the normal growth and development of the human
organism from the prenatal stage to the adolescent years. This
course presents a multi-dimensional view of the physical, psychological, social and intellectual changes that occur throughout the
Prereq: Second-year standing

SWK 203 Social Welfare Policies and Services

3 credits
In this course, students examine the historical development of
social welfare, diverse human needs and the response of social
welfare institutions. Emphasis is on the analysis and evaluation of
social welfare policies, programmes and services in The Bahamas.
Prereq: SWK 111


SWK 216 Interviewing Skills and Techniques

3 credits
In this course, students acquire interpersonal communication skills
and apply them to the social work casework process. They develop
these skills by examining their personal values as well as casework
relationships with diverse populations.
Preq: ENG 120

SWK 219 Social Issues

3 credits
This course examines selected social issues that confront contemporary Bahamian society within a global context. Emphasis is on
evaluating proposals and programmes that have been developed
in an attempt to resolve social issues.
Prereq: Second-year standing

SWK 303 Treatment Modalities

3 credits
To introduce the student to the various treatment methods
involved in eectively working with clients in order to bring about
more ecient functioning. To enhance specic skills in counselling and therapy techniques as well as analysing case studies.
To develop an appreciation of self as a professional and private
person, and to recognise self biases and prejudices which should
not inuence decision-making and therapeutic approaches. To
emphasise innovative and open-ended approaches with regard
to issues from a trans-cultural viewpoint and to gain a sense of
security in handling non-experienced or cross-cultural situations.Prereq: Third-year standing

SWK 304 Social Work Administration and Supervision

3 credits
This course will introduce students to the principles, process and
techniques of Social Work administration and Supervision and
focus on the study of its practical implementation in social service
agencies in The Bahamas for eective service delivery. Students
will be involved in research on Social Work Administration and
Supervision from a global perspective - not limited to traditional
social work delivery systems, i.e. Governmental agencies.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SWK 305 Methods of Micro Practice

SWK 313 Ethical and Professional Issues in Human Services

3 credits
In this course, students develop strong interpersonal skills while
engaging clients in the change process. Students utilize interviewing knowledge and skills to move clients eectively through
all phases of the change process.
Prereq: SWK 216 and junior standing

3 credits
This course surveys the ethical, legal and professional issues
facing the human services worker. It is designed to teach a process
of ethical decision-making and to increase awareness of the
complexities in practice.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SWK 307 Methods of Mezzo Social Work Practice

SWK 315 Social Work with Adolescents

3 credits
This course provides students with a historical perspective of
group work. They examine theories, techniques and intervention
strategies and explore the roles of facilitators and the procedural
interactional skills vital for eective and ecient group work.
Prereq: Junior standing

3 credits
This course will explore the bio-psycho-social and ecological issues
confronting adolescents. Contemporary adolescent problems
will be analyzed and social work intervention strategies will be
Prereq: Third-year standing

SWK 308 Treatment Modalities: Theories and Techniques

SWK 316 Interviewing Skills and Techniques

3 credits
In this course, students examine various approaches to counselling
and psychotherapy. They explore intervention practices based on
the diagnostic and treatment needs of clients. Students identify
culturally appropriate practice skills when working with the
Bahamian population and diverse groups.
Prereq: SWK 111

3 credits
This course focuses on the development of social work interviewing skills and techniques and the application of these skills
in the casework process. Emphasis is placed on personal values,
eective communication, the casework relationship, case recordings, assessments, and other skills essential for an ethical and
competent practice with diverse populations.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SWK 309 Methods of Macro Social Work Practice

3 credits
In this course, students are introduced to social work practice with
communities and organisations. Students examine the role of the
community organiser, the processes of helping communities and
organizations and the use of community resources to help clients.
They develop and implement a community-based programme
Prereq: SWK 111

SWK 310 Social Work Practice and the Law

3 credits
This course is an overview of the legislation governing social
services in The Bahamas. Emphasis is on legal issues related to
social services to children and their families, the elderly and at-risk
Prereq: Third-year standing

SWK 311 Diversity in a Multicultural Society

3 credits
In this course, students use a diversity framework to examine the
lived realities of populations-at-risk in The Bahamas. Emphasis is on
the importance of enhancing diversity consciousness and cultural
competence and models for engaging dierent populations at the
personal, group and professional levels.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SWK 318 Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: Use, Abuse and

3 credits
This course examines substance addiction and its treatment with
an overview of macro and micro level issues. The organising principle of the course is the bio-social-spiritual model. Students are
exposed to community-based support groups, addicted persons in
recovery, treatment professionals and public policy makers.
Prereq: Third-year standing

SWK 400 Field Work Practicum I

4 credits
This course is the rst of two supervised eld placement practicum
in which majors gain experience through completing 224 hours of
service to individuals, families and groups in a community-based
agency. Majors develop and apply intervention skills necessary for
beginning level generalist social work practice.
Coreq: SWK 406
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

SWK 401 Field Work Practicum II

5 credits
This second supervised eld placement practicum provides an
opportunity for majors to continue their professional development. Majors achieve a higher level of prociency in the eld of
social work by completing 336 hours in a human service agency.
Coreq: SWK 407 and SWK 499
Prereq: SWK 400 and SWK406 and fourth-year standing

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


SWK 404 Social Dimensions of HIV/AIDS

SWK 418 Social Work with the Disabled

3 credits
In this course students examine current research on HIV/AIDS.
They explore personal and societal values and the social and
economic risk factors faced by persons with HIV/AIDS. They
develop and participate in research, educational and prevention
Prereq: Junior standing

3 credits
In this course students examine social work perspectives and
processes concerning individuals and families with physical,
mental, emotional, sensory and learning disabilities. All stages
of the life cycle are examined.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

SWK 420 Child Welfare Service and the Family

SWK 406 Integrative Seminar I
2 credits
This seminar analyses the eld experience gained in SWK 400
- Field Work Practicum I and integrates theory and practice. It also
provides a forum for students to examine various social service
programmes and their eectivesness.
Coreq: SWK 400
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

SWK 407 Integrative Seminar II

2 credits
This seminar analyses the eld experience gained in SWK 400
- Field Work Practicum I and integrates theory and practice. It also
provides a forum for students to examine various social service
programmes and their eectiveness.
Coreq: SWK 401 and SWK 499
Prereq: SWK 400 and SWK 406

SWK 408 Domestic Violence

3 credits
In this course, students examine global and local, past and current
responses to domestic violence. They analyse theories of abusive
behaviours and examine intervention and prevention models for
use with victims and perpetrators of abuse.
Prereq: Junior standing

3 credits
This course provides students with an overview of child welfare
with an emphasis on child maltreatment. Students are exposed to
intervention strategies and examine child welfare systems. Current
policies and implications for social work practices are explored.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

SWK 422 Senior Capstone Project

3 credits
This course provides an opportunity for students to identify,
analyse and document current trends and challenges in the eld
of social work. Students integrate classroom and eld experiences
culminating with a research paper or project on a particular issue
in social work practice.
Prereq: SWK 406

SWK 499 Senior Capstone

3 credits
This course provides students with the opportunity to integrate
the theories learnt with their eld experiences, current trends and
challenges in Social Work. Majors continue to build research and
analytic skills through the completion of a substantial piece of
independent work under the guidance of a faculty advisor.
Coreq: SWK 401 and SWK 407
Prereq: SWK 400; SWK 406 and fourth-year standing

SWK 412 Gerontology

3 credits
This course explores the biological, psychological and social factors
associated with aging and the aged. It utilises a multidisciplinary
approach to analyse aging and examines the role of the social
worker when working with the aged population.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

SWK 415 Grief and Loss

3 credits
In this course, students explore grief, separation and loss as a
universal human experience within the lifespan. They examine
ethical and cultural responses to death and analyse new trends in
intervention strategies relative to grief, loss and separation.
Prereq: Senior standing


TBL 200 Old Testament Hebrew I
3 credits
This introductory course in Old Testament Hebrew covers the basic
principles of grammar, syntax, reading and comprehension of
selected biblical texts.
Prereq: Admission to BA Theology Programme

TBL 250 New Testament Greek I

3 credits
This introductory course in New Testament Greek covers the basic
principles of grammar, syntax, reading and comprehension of
selected biblical texts.
Prereq: Admission to BA Theology Programme

TCH 440 The Reformation

TBL 300 Old Testament Hebrew II

3 credits
A sequel to TBL 200, Old Testament Hebrew I, this course further
equips students with the essentials of Hebrew grammar for the
reading, parsing and exegesis of selected texts from Genesis and
other books of the Old Testament.
Prereq: TBL 200

3 credits
This course addresses the upheaval and renewal in 16th and
17th century Europe in both its Protestant and Roman Catholic
dimensions, as well as the impact upon Christianity of the Scientic
Revolution and the beginnings of secularisation.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TBL 350 New Testament Greek II

TCH 450 Christianity in the Modern Era

3 credits
A sequel to TBL 250, this course further equips students with
the essentials of New Testament Greek grammar for the reading,
parsing and exegesis of selected texts from the New Testament.
Prereq: TBL 250

3 credits
This course reviews the period of history from the Scientic
Revolution to the present and analyses the growth of Naturalism
and Romanticism as alternative religions and the variety of
Christian responses to them.
Prereq: TCH 350

TBL 353 Intermediate New Testament Greek Reading

3 credits
This course focuses on a review of New Testament Greek grammar
and the rening of exegetical skills by a critical reading and study
of the Greek texts of the Synoptic Gospels.
Prereq: TBL 350

TBL 360 Biblical Theology

3 credits
In this course, students examine the unity and diversity of
Scripture, focusing on selected theological themes. Emphasis is
placed on teaching and preaching, with integrity, the manifold
wisdom in Scripture.
Prereq: TBL 350

TBL 400 Biblical Interpretation

3 credits
This course provides an in-depth study of Biblical criticism and
teaches students to read the Bible exegetically. Special attention
is given to methods of teaching the Bible, leading Bible Study
groups and the theory and history of hermeneutics.
Prereq: TBL 200 and TBL 250

TCH 100 Foundation in Church History

3 credits
This course provides an overview of the churchs past from
Pentecost to the present. It surveys individuals, events and ideas
in the history of the Church since the rst century A.D. and the
Christian witness in each century. Students are exposed to the
chronological framework of history and ideas.
Prereq: Admission to BA Theology Programme

TCH 350 The Patristic Era

3 credits
This course focuses on the Christian life and growth and the
development of doctrine, from the Apostolic Fathers through the
Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D..
Prereq: TCH 100

TCN 010 Clinical Nursing Tutorial

0 credit
This course will present students with an opportunity to integrate
theoretical knowledge and clinical skills through open discussions
and short presentations. Trends in the eld of nursing and health
care will be addressed focusing on how these factors impact
health care delivery.
Coreq: TCN 101

TCN 100 Introduction to Foundations of Nursing and

4 credits
This course focuses on the history of nursing, primary health care,
ethical legal issues and current trends in nursing. It provides the
student with additional skills that are necessary to deliver holistic
client care.
Prereq: None

TCN 101 Fundamentals of Clinical Nursing

3 credits
This course provides students with knowledge and skills necessary
for assisting patients/clients in a variety of settings. The emphasis
is on safety, interpersonal relationships, therapeutic reaction,
personal hygiene, body alignment, uid balance, nutrition, oxygen,
medical and surgical asepsis, elimination and grief and loss.
Coreq: TCN 010, TCN 102, TCN 104, TCN 105
Prereq: TCN 100 minimum Grade C-

TCN 102 Fundamentals of Clinical Nursing Practicum

3 credits
In this clinical course students will apply knowledge and skills
gained in Introduction to Foundations of Nursing and Laboratory
(TCN 100) and Fundamentals of Clinical Nursing (TCN 101) to
demonstrate beginning skills of basic nursing concepts and
principles necessary for the provision of quality nursing care.
Coreq: TCN 101
Prereq: TCN 100 minimum Grade C-

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


TCN 103 Introduction to Maternal and Child Health Nursing

TCN 108 Introduction to Psychiatric Nursing and Lab

3 credits
This course introduces students to basic concepts in health promotion and nursing management of women and children. Emphasis is
on health care needs of women during the child bearing years and
children from birth to adolescence.
Prereq: Second-year standing

4 credits
This course focuses on the concepts of mental health and mental
illness, the nurse/client relationship and the nursing management
of individuals experiencing psychiatric disorders within the health
care institutions and the community. Emphasis is also placed on
fostering self-awareness.
Coreq: TCN 109

TCN 104 Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing I

3 credits
This course introduces students to principles in the management
of the health care needs of patients/clients in all age groups with
medical-surgical disorders. It covers the respiratory, digestive,
musculo-skeletal, circulatory, endocrine, lymphatic, renal and
urinary systems.
Coreq: TCN 101
Prereq: BIOL101 minimum Grade C- and TCN 100 minimum Grade

TCN 109 Introduction to Community Health Nursing and


TCN 105 Introduction to Medical/Surgical Nursing


TCN 110 Trained Clinical Nursing Internship

3 credits
This clinical course emphasises the nursing process in the delivery
of care to patients with medical-surgical disorders of the respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic, digestive, musculo-skeletal,
endocrine and urinary systems.
Coreq: TCN 101
Prereq: BIOL101 minimum Grade C- and TCN 100 minimum Grade

TCN 106 Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing II

3 credits
This course, a continuation of TCN 104, highlights the principles in
the management of health care needs of patients/clients in all age
groups with medical-surgical disorders of the sensory, reproductive, nervous and integumentary systems. Emphasis is also placed
on the aging process.
Coreq: TCN 107
Prereq: TCN 104 minimum Grade C-

TCN 107 Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing

Practicum II
2 credits
This course, a continuation of TCN 105, emphasises the nursing
process in the delivery of care to patients with medical-surgical
disorders of the nervous, integumentary, female and male
reproductive systems and sensory organs. Emphasis is also placed
on the care of the elderly.
Coreq: TCN 106
Prereq: TCN 105 minimum Grade C-


4 credits
This course emphasises the multifaceted role of community
oriented practice and the fundamentals of promoting, preserving
and maintaining the health of individuals, families and groups in
community settings.
Coreq: TCN 108
Prereq: TCN 103 minimum Grade C-

6 credits
This capstone course provides the student with an opportunity
to apply nursing knowledge gained in prerequisite courses and
demonstrate basic clinical nursing skills in assisting with the safe
care of patients/clients at various stages of the life cycle in a variety
of health care settings.

TECH015 Introduction to Architectural Technology

0 credit
This course introduces students to the discipline of Architecture
and its practice. Topics covered include the role of architectural
personnel, the educational, training, professional requirements
and employment opportunities available. The course combines
lectures, electronic media presentations and eld trips.
Prereq: ENG 016

TECH016 Introduction to Civil Technology

0 credit
An exploratory course designed to expose students to Civil
Engineering and its practice. Topics covered include subdisciplines
of Civil Engineering, the educational, training and professional
requirements and employment opportunities. The course
combines lectures, utilizing electronic media and eld trips.
Prereq: ENG 016

TECH017 Introduction to Electrical Technology

0 credit
An exploratory course designed to expose students to the discipline of Electrical Engineering Technology. Topics such as awards
and scholarships, sub-elds, levels of employment, and available
programmes are covered. Basic circuit laws are demonstrated in
laboratory work.
Prereq: ENG 016

TECH018 Introduction to Mechanical Technology

TECH123 Statics

0 credit
This course introduces students to the discipline of mechanical
engineering. Roles of mechanical personnel, use of computers,
education and training, the importance of research, professional
practice and employment opportunities are discussed. Laboratory
work, eld trips and electronic media presentations are utilised.
Prereq: ENG 016

3 credits
A rst course in mechanics with a non-calculus, non-vector
approach. It covers topics such as equilibrium of concurrent and
non-concurrent forces, their applications and the techniques of
solution of static problems associated with them. It also addresses
the properties of area and solids.
Prereq: PHYS164 and MATH167

TECH019 Pre-Technology Seminar

TECH210 Dynamics

0 credit
This course is designed to expose students to various aspects
of architecture and civil, electrical and mechanical engineering
technology. Career opportunities and responsibilities are analysed.
The inuence of computers and society on engineering technology is discussed.
Prereq: ENG 016

3 credits
A second course in mechanics following Statistics for
Technologists. It covers kinematics and kinetics of particles in
rectilinear and rotational motion. Dynamics of rigid bodies and
oscillations are introduced.
Prereq: TECH123 and MATH170

TECH400 Engineering Economics

TECH 025 Engineering Science I
0 credit
A course in mechanical science intended for students with limited
background in physics and mathematics. The concepts and
principles of statistics, dynamics, material behaviour, uid statistics,
heat transfer and gas behaviour are covered.
Prereq: None

3 credits
This course emphasises the concepts and techniques of analysis
useful in evaluating the economic feasibility of engineering
systems and projects for decision purposes. Topics include the
concept of time-value for money, cash ow analysis, eects of
ination and choice among economic alternatives.
Prereq: MATH170

TECH028 Technical Drawing

TME 300 Evangelism

0 credit
An introductory drafting course covering the construction,
electrical and mechanical elds.
Prereq: None

3 credits
This course is an overview of the biblical basis for evangelism, with
practical instructions in personal, parish, larger programmes and
special models of outreach. Students are required to prepare for,
plan and implement witness during the course. Attention is given
to discipleship and multiplication of witnessing believers.
Prereq: Third-year standing

TECH035 Engineering Science II

0 credit
A course in electrical science intended for students with limited
background in physics and mathematics. Concepts and principles
of electricity, electrical circuits, magnetism and electromagnetism
and its applications are covered.
Prereq: None

TECH122 Engineering Drawing Fundamentals

3 credits
An introductory college level course in engineering drafting for
engineering technology students. Topics include orthographic
projection, pictorial sketching, intersections and developments,
threads, fasteners, working drawings and an introduction to CAD.
The course includes a major drawing project as an exercise in
standardised design.
Coreq: CET 221
Prereq: TECH028

TME 370 Principles of Church Growth and Church Planting

3 credits
This course is a survey of church growth theory and theology.
Emphasis is placed on examining strategies and programmes that
help students develop ministry plans for church planting.
Prereq: Third-year standing

TNT 100 Foundation in New Testament

3 credits
This course surveys the story of Gods self-revelation in Jesus
Christ and the formation of new covenant people in the Church.
Emphasis is placed on the mystery of biblical content, knowledge
of the historical framework of the New Testament period and
acquaintance with basic concepts of Biblical interpretation and
Prereq: Admission to BA Theology Programme

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


TNT 410 New Testament Exegesis

TOUR205 Tourism Marketing

3 credits
This course is an intensive study and exegesis of selected New
Testament texts. Students are exposed to skills requisite to
accurate and eective exegesis necessary for expository teaching/
preaching of the New Testament.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

3 credits
A course of study designed to examine the processes by which
destination areas and individual suppliers market their tourism
products and services to potential customers. A market orientation
approach will be emphasized to integrate tourism suppliers and
products to target markets using the Bahamian Tourism model
as an example.
Prereq: TOUR100

TOT 100 Foundations in the Old Testament

3 credits
This course surveys the major events of the Old Testament as Gods
revelation of Himself to His people, Israel. Emphasis is placed on
the mastery of biblical content, the historical framework of the
biblical period and acquaintance with biblical interpretation and
Prereq: Admission to BA Theology Programme

TOUR206 Customer Relations Management

3 credits
A course designed to provide the skills necessary for the courteous
delivery of quality service to customers. Students are required to
demonstrate competencies in behaviours associated with good
customer and employee relations.
Prereq: TOUR100

TOT 400 Old Testament Exegesis

3 credits
This course is an intensive study and exegesis of selected Old
Testament texts. Students are exposed to skills requisite to
accurate and eective exegesis necessary for expository teaching/
preaching of the Old Testament.
Prereq: TBL 300

TOUR050 Principles Of Hospitality

0 credit
This course presents an overview of the Bahamian travel, tourism,
hospitality and allied industries by tracing their growth and
development, and predicting future trends. Emphasis is placed on
the interrelationship of the various sectors of these industries.
Prereq: Admission to programme

TOUR100 Introduction to Tourism

3 credits
A course of study designed to examine concepts and perspectives
related to the dimensions of tourism. Various approaches from
a social sciences perspective will be discussed. Pedagogical issues
from the national (local) as well as international perspective will be
Prereq: Admission to programme

TOUR200 Cultural and Heritage Tourism

3 credits
This course introduces students to the ethical, political, economic,
community and national issues. Analysis of cultural tourism as a
distinct policy science, along with some related marketing strategies, will be reviewed.
Prereq: TOUR100


TOUR209 Hospitality and Tourism Industrial Internship/

Externship I
4 credits
This course provides students with opportunities to apply theoretical principles learned in the classroom. Students relate these
concepts to the marketplace as they rotate throughout several
hospitality and tourism settings.
Prereq: Second-year standing

TOUR214 Tourism Economics

3 credits
This course explores the complexities of tourism from an economic
perspective. Students examine issues surrounding the demand
for tourism, domestic, regional and international operations, the
eects of tourism on destination areas, and the sustainability of
tourism on economies that depend on the industry.
Prereq: ECON211

TOUR215 Tourism: An Economic Perspective

3 credits
Students examine the economic logic underlying the structure and
development of the tourism industry while analysing the impact
of continued expansion on the economy and environment of
The Bahamas. Business cycles, benets and costs associated with
sustainable development in small island states are reviewed.
Prereq: TOUR100 and MATH163

TOUR220 Hospitality Law in The Bahamas

3 credits
This course reviews the laws applicable to ownership and
operation of hotels, motels, resorts, restaurants and other places
of public hospitality. Contracts, agency, liability and torts together
with credit and collection practices are discussed.
Prereq: TOUR100

TOUR302 Tourism and International Travel

TOUR418 Contemporary Tourism Management

3 credits
This course examines international travel and the needs of the
tourist in the global market. Focus is on the economic, social,
political and environmental considerations of international tourism
management and development.
Prereq: TOUR205

3 credits
Students integrate theory, research and best practices in tourism
management. They explore current global advancements with an
examination of public sector management and reform of tourism.
The role of agencies with direct responsibility for tourism management is analysed.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TOUR305 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing

3 credits
A course of study designed to examine principles and concepts
that are supported by research and evidence from economics, the
behavioural sciences and modern management theory. A market
orientation approach is emphasized to integrate tourism suppliers
and products to target markets, using The Bahamas Tourism model
as an example.
Prereq: TOUR100 or TOUR205

TOUR420 Leadership Training

3 credits
A course designed to maximise the personal and professional
leadership skills of managers in the hospitality and tourism sector.
Leadership skills will be assessed, learned, analysed and applied
through the study and dierentiation of leadership models.
Prereq: MGMT303

TOUR429 Global Tourism Policy Analysis

TOUR316 Special Events, Meeting and Convention Planning
3 credits
An examination of special events, meetings and convention
management as they relate to the process of planning, management, and evaluating the quality of national, local and international events.
Prereq: TOUR205

3 credits
This course examines tourism planning and policy-making in
developing countries. Attention is given to public and private
sector roles in global tourism policy, planning and development.
Concepts of sustainability and its relevance to tourism research
and policy-making will be analysed.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TOUR318 Hospitality Human Resources

TOUR434 Sustainable Tourism Management

3 credits
This course reviews current human resources principles and
practices as they apply to the hospitality industry. Concepts and
techniques in leadership, supervision, strategic management
and the evolution of management theory are examined.
Prereq: TOUR100 or TOUR220

3 credits
In this course students develop an understanding of the eld of
Sustainable Tourism. They examine theories and best practices to
develop innovative strategies for the industry.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TOUR441 Tourism Management Seminar

TOUR322 Casino Management and Operations
3 credits
This course examines the casino industry. It provides an overview
of local and international gaming. Local regulatory bodies and
their governance are an integral part of the course.
Prereq: TOUR100 or TOUR220

TOUR417 Tourism Management

3 credits
In this course students integrate theory, research and best
practices in tourism management. Current advancements are
exposed along with local, regional and international issues such as
sustainability, planned development, the role of technology and
economies of scale.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

3 credits
This capstone course provides students with an opportunity
to explore and analyse current trends and challenges of the
tourism industry. Students strengthen research, development and
presentation skills of leading edge topics in tourism.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TOUR450 Hospitality and Tourism Advanced Industry

Internship/Externship II
8 credits
This nal internship/externship experience is designed for students
to receive the maximum exposure from selected mid-management
experiences within the hospitality, tourism or related industries.
Students relate theoretical concepts learned to the marketplace.
Prereq: Completion of all fourth-year programme requirements

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


TPM 300 Preaching, Worship and Parish Life

TST 420 Christology through the Centuries

3 credits
This is a eld-based course in the conduct of public worship,
preaching and the practical ramications of being an ordained
leader in the Church. Students are assigned to a local congregation
of their tradition in which they preach and assist in leading public
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course is a detailed study of Christian thought about the
person and work of Christ that includes an examination of primary
writings on Christology from the Patriastic Era and the Medieval,
Reformation and Modern Periods.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TST 430 Essentials of Evangelical Theology

TPM 320 Pastoral Care
3 credits
This course introduces students to the basic insights and skills
needed to meet the pastoral needs of a congregation. It examines
the pastoral role, basic counselling skills, common pastoral crises
and parish care-giving strategies.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course highlights the particular contribution of the evangelical tradition by focusing on its particular emphases within
the wider spectrum of Orthodox Christianity. Students will read
classic and contemporary writers and consider the implications of
evangelical distinctives for Church life and witness.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TPM 370 Pastoral Leadership

TST 450 Christian Ethics

3 credits
This course explores the Biblical nature of leadership. It covers a
broad range of practical topics such as stewardship, administration
and pastoral strategies for growth and renewal.
Prereq: Third-year standing

3 credits
This course applies Christian principles to contemporary ethical
issues. An overview of theoretical ethics, both philosophical and
religious, will lead to searching the New Testament for solutions to
specic contemporary ethical issues.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TR 200 Travel Agency Management

3 credits
This course introduces students, to travel agency operation,
techniques and services that are subsequently provided by the
travel agency. Emphasis is on knowledge of the travel process from
inception to the experience.
Prereq: Second-year standing

TRS 111 Transcription Skills

3 credits
Students review rules of grammar and punctuation and apply
these as editing/transcribing skills to proered and correct realistic
oce correspondence (letters, memos, reports), initiate relevant
sentences, and make verbal presentations.
Prereq: ENG 017 and KYB 111

TST 100 Foundations in Systematic Theology

3 credits
This course is an introduction to the basic categories of Christian
doctrine. Students are introduced to theological discourse through
critical reading of theological texts. Special emphasis is placed on
systematic theology and knowledge of fundamental theological
Prereq: Admission to BA Theology Programme


TST 470 Christian Apologetics

3 credits
This course examines the truth claims of historic Christianity in
the light of modern challenges to the faith; ways in which the
faith has been defended, the problem of miracles, the nality of
Christ versus the claims of other religions and the coherence of
Christianity in the light of the reality of evil.
Prereq: Fourth-year standing

TYM 300 Foundation in Youth Ministry

3 credits
This course is an overview of the Biblical and Theological roots
of incarnational ministry. Emphasis is placed on an examination
of scriptural frameworks and current models for evangelism and
disciplines of youths. Students examine issues of adolescent
development and ministry systems which evangelise, nurture and
mobilise young people.
Prereq: Third-year standing

UANP101 Anatomy and Physiology I
4 credits
The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of anatomy,
the science of body structure, and physiology, the study of body
functions. Each body system is adapted to carry out specic
functions. These functions are integrated with those other systems
to ensure a constant internal environment, or steady state, for the
body. Anatomy and Physiology will therefore provide a sound base
on which the student may build knowledge of pharmacology and
other relevant disciplines.

UANP201 Anatomy and Physiology II

4 credits
The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of anatomy,
the science of body structure, and physiology, the study of body
functions. Each body system is adapted to carry out specic
functions. These functions are integrated with those other systems
to ensure a constant internal environment, or steady state, for the
body. Anatomy and Physiology will therefore provide a sound base
on which the student may build knowledge of pharmacology and
other relevant disciplines.

UCOM102 Oral Communication

3 credits
The focus of this course is to help students improve speech habits
and develop strategies for eective oral communication. Students
will develop presentation skills with the appropriate use of
audio-visual aids. The course will also foster an appreciation of and
respect for others in the communication process.

UCSP101 Community Service Project

1 credit
An oral and written presentation of a study on an approved topic
in the students chosen disciplines. This project is designed to
inform other members of the health team about the nature of the
problem researched. It will specify how the project was enacted
and the results. The students are assigned advisors who provide
guidance at all stages of the project.

UHEA201 Health Promotion and Community Health Ca

2 credits
A seminar type course discussing the structure, direction and
future of community health as it ts into the total health care
systems. Students are exposed to guest lectures (professionals)
who occupy key positions in the health care delivery system.

UIMM201 Immunology
2 credits
Introduces the basic principles of immunology and its applications
to various disciplines in Medical Technology. Topics covered are
morphological aspects of the immune system, current concepts of
the immune response and common immuno-diagnostic techniques and their clinical applications.

UPAT203 Pathology
2 credits
The course teaches basic concepts of disease mechanisms and
disease processes of various organ systems.

UPAT220 Pathology
2 credits
The course teaches basic concepts of disease mechanisms and
disease processes of various organ systems.

UPHA101 Pharmaceutical Calculations

0 credit
Pharmaceutical mathematics is a prerequisite for year 2 dispensing.
It entails a review of certain arithmetic fundamentals with which
the student should be thoroughly acquainted. Also, various
systems of weights and measures are discussed. The greatest
portion deals with the dierent types of calculations commonly
used in pharmacy.

UPHA102 Introduction to Pharmacy

2 credits
This course is a basic introduction to pharmaceutical practice and
medical terminology. The history of pharmacy; modern pharmaceutical practice and ethics; the building of medical words from
Latin and Greek roots; with emphasis on disease, operative, and
drug terms are all covered.

UPHA111 Pharmaceutical Calculations

4 credits
Pharmaceutical mathematics is a prerequisite for year 2 dispensing.
It entails a review of certain arithmetic fundamentals with which
the student should be thoroughly acquainted. Also, various
systems of weights and measures are discussed. The greatest
portion deals with the dierent types of calculations commonly
used in pharmacy.

UPHA201 Pharmacognosy
3 credits
This course involves the study of drugs of both animal and plant
origin, with emphasis being placed on the active constituents,
chemical classication and pharmaceutical usage. In the laboratory
assignments, emphasis is placed on observation of biological
features of natural drugs and identication by chemical and
microscopic tests.

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


UPHA202 Pharmaceutics I

UPHA220 Pharmaceutics II

4 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental
concepts of pharmaceutical dosage forms and to help develop
prociency in their preparation. Topics covered include the study
of the characteristics of individual dosage, preparation of dosage
forms, the physical and chemical laws related to the manufacturing
of dosage forms and introduction to biopharmaceutics. The laboratory component, both extemporaneous compounding and small
manufacturing will be performed.

3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental
concepts of pharmaceutical dosage forms and to help develop
prociency in their preparation. Topics covered include the study
of the characteristics of individual dosage, preparation of dosage
forms, the physical and chemical laws related to the manufacturing
of dosage forms and introduction to biopharmaceutics. The laboratory component, both extemporaneous compounding and small
manfacturing will be performed.

UPHA203 Pharmaceutics II

UPHA221 Pharmacology I

4 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental
concepts of pharmaceutical dosage forms and to help develop
prociency in their preparation. Topics covered include the study
of the characteristics of individual dosage, preparation of dosage
forms, the physical and chemical laws related to the manufacturing
of dosage forms and introduction to biopharmaceutics. The laboratory component, both extemporaneous compounding and small
manfacturing will be performed.

4 credits
This course will cover a comprehensive and detailed account of
drug mechanisms. The following topics will be covered: general
principles, autonomic pharmacology, autocoids and their
antagonists, respiratory, endocrine, optical, and gastro-intestinal
and central nervous system.

UPHA204 Pharmacology I
4 credits
This course will cover a comprehensive and detailed account of
drug mechanisms. The following topics will be covered: general
principles, autonomic pharmacology, autocoids and their
antagonists, respiratory, endocrine, optical, and gastro-intestinal
and central nervous system.

UPHA205 Professional Practice

3 credits
This course will teach students to develop competence in communicating and counselling patients. The course will also cover the
following areas of pharmacy practice:OTC I and forensic pharmacy
review OTC II and alternative medicines and diagnostic aids.

UPHA211 Pharmaceutics I
3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental
concepts of pharmaceutical dosage forms and to help develop
prociency in their preparation. Topics covered include the study
of the characteristics of individual dosage, preparation of dosage
forms, the physical and chemical laws related to the manufacturing
of dosage forms and introduction to biopharmaceutics. The laboratory component, both extemporaneous compounding and small
manufacturing will be performed.


UPHA223 Professional Practice

3 credits
This course will teach students to develop competence in communicating and counselling patients. The course will also cover the
following areas of pharmacy practice:OTC I and forensic pharmacy
review OTC II and alternative medicines and diagnostic aids.

Location: Michael H. Eldon
Complex, Room 306
Oakes Field Campus
Telephone: 397-2602
Dean: Dr. Sonya Wisdom

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue



Master of Business Administration
Designed for the working professional, the MBA combines practical course work, research, experiential and team-based learning
into a 19-month programme that includes an o-island intensive
where students study at a host institution abroad. The programme
includes core study in areas of international business and management in a cross-cultural environment with special emphasis on the
Bahamian economy. Students choose a specialisation from one of
the following concentrations:
4Entrepreneurship and Innovation
4Financial Decision-Making

MBA 500 Financial/Managerial Accounting (3 credits)
MBA 510 Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources
Management (3 credits)
MBA 520 Marketing Management (3 credits)

MBA 530 Business/Data Analysis (3 credits)
MBA 540 Financial Decision-making (3 credits)
(Core course and nancial decision-making track option)
MBA 550 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3 credits)
(Core course and entrepreneurship and innovation track option)

Summer I
MBA 560 Information Systems across the Enterprise (3 credits)
MBA 570 Operations Management (3 credits)
MBA 580 Leadership (3 credits)
(Core course and leadership track option)

Summer II
MBA 590 Research Project (6 credits)

MBA 600 International Business (3 credits)
MBA 610 Understanding the Service Business (3 credits)

Track Options:
MBA 620 Venture Finance: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
(3 credits)
MBA 630 Leading Change: Leadership (3 credits)
MBA 640 Financial Policy: Financial Decision Making (3 credits)

MBA 650 Managing in a Cross-Cultural Environment (3 credits)
MBA 660 Strategic Management (3 credits)

Track Options:
MBA 670 Venture Management: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
(3 credits)
MBA 680 Project Leadership: Leadership (3 credits)
MBA 690 Financial Decision Making: Investment Strategies
(3 credits)

Summer I
MBA 699 O-Island Intensive (3 credits)


MBA 500 Financial/Managerial Accounting
3 credits
Introduces students to the nancial and managerial accounting
disciplines; develops nancial statement literacy grounded in
contemporary business issues and an understanding of how and
why economic events are recorded, communicated and evaluated.
Consideration is also given to the roles of tax and compensation
strategies in the business environment. The course also introduces
students to the preparation and interpretation of nancial information, with emphasis on the use of accounting information for
management decision-making. It highlights the guiding principles
by which accounting reects the underlying economic events.
It also focuses on reporting and measurement issues that help
managers make better decisions.

MBA 510 Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources

3 credits
Focuses on understanding and analyzing individual beliefs, values,
goals, perceptions, motivation, commitment, and decision making;
group structures and processes (interpersonal skills, communication, conict resolution, leadership, and team work); organizational
control systems (rewards, task design, performance appraisal);
outcomes (satisfaction and development of the person as well as
the organization); and organizational change. It also examines the
managerial skills required for eectively managing in the work
environment such as identifying and/or recruiting, motivating, and
retaining personnel especially in diverse organizations.

MBA 520 Marketing Management

3 credits
Examines the role of marketing as an organizational philosophy
and a business function, including its signicant as a set of
processes in creating, communicating, and delivering oerings
that provide superior value to customers. The course provides
the tools necessary to develop skills in market analysis, including
customer, competitor, and company analysis, as well as decisionmaking capabilities in both marketing strategy and implementation. It examines methods for the identication, acquisition, and
retention of customers in a way that provides mutual value to the
customer and the organization in the context of a global business

MBA 530 Business/Data Analysis

3 credits
Covers basic statistical skills employed in data analysis. The course
seeks to improve the analytical skills of students, to develop
knowledge and appreciation for models and other technical tools,
and to prepare students on how to be eective communicators
of their analyses and ndings to management. Business applica-

tions and computer software is used to teach students how to

evaluate, analyze, and interpret data and models and present their
ndings and conclusions to assist in rational decision making.
Topics include forecasting, capacity planning, optimization,
project scheduling, simulation and risk analysis, quality, inventory
management, and waiting lines.

MBA 540 Financial Decision-Making

3 credits
Provides an understanding of the fundamental methods by which
economic activity is measured and reported for decision making,
both by management and by external capital providers. The course
is designed to help students become procient in the analysis of
nancial statements for the purpose of predicting and reporting
the future performance and growth of a company. Areas of study
include contemporary methods of nancial reporting to external
capital markets; analytic approaches used by external capital
providers; and internal frameworks used to measure, analyze, and
allocate company resources to achieve strategic and operating

MBA 550 Entrepreneurship and Innovation

3 credits
Exposes students to the concept of venturing, including new
business start-ups and the development of new ventures within
an existing corporation. The courses aim is to provide insights into
the process, including how to identify and translate innovative
ideas into results. Students examine opportunity assessment, the
formation of venture teams, and how to best develop a business plan, including research and analysis and plan integration.
Students will also have an opportunity to develop and present a
new venture proposal.

MBA 560 Information Systems across the Enterprise

3 credits
Examines information and its role as a key resource in business.
Students are provided with the background to understand how
information systems are developed and used to support the
operations and decision making functions within an organization.
The course begins with a framework for understanding how these
systems are developed and used. It continues with an emphasis on
action learning where students build enterprise systems using
spreadsheets and relational database software. Students develop
these systems in groups and make several presentations during
the semester. Topics that are covered include the strategic uses of
information and information technology; the role of information
for transforming business processes; e-commerce; and the alignment of business processes, technology, and information.

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


MBA 570 Operations Management

3 credits
Examines decisions related to the design, running, and control of
agile operations systems. The course addresses issues confronting
operations managers whether in the service or the manufacturing
sectors of the economy. Operations are of primary importance
in the implementation of corporate strategy and fundamental to
supply chain strategies for competitive advantage. The course
also explores concepts, techniques, and models that support the
operations managers job and improve rm performance. These
include the eective and ecient allocation of resources, such as
technology, information, manpower, materials, and equipment at
dierent levels of the organization. Other areas of study include,
the analysis of dierent types of processes, capacity and quality
planning, project management, and materials management in a
collaborative supply chain environment.

MBA 580 Leadership

3 credits
The course deals with principles and models of leadership. Oers
a framework of action designed to enhance the eectiveness
of organizations as well as change within an organization. The
course will also examine the role of organizational diagnosis
and envisioning, along with the role of top leadership in driving,
coordinating, and maintaining organizational eectiveness.

MBA 590 Research Project

6 credits
Under the supervision of a faculty adviser, students will work with
an organizational sponsor to complete a project related to that
sponsors organization. . The project will focus on a specic functional area of business (e.g. marketing, operations, HR etc) and will
incorporate students understanding of principles and concepts
they would have learned up to that point in the programme.
Students are required to rst submit a project proposal which must
be approved by the MBA Programme Director and accepted by the
faculty advisor and organizational sponsor.

MBA 620 Venture Finance: Entrepreneurship and

Innovation (track option)
3 credits
Covers the nancial aspects of new venture creation. Areas of
study include nancing options for starting and growing the
venture, including bootstrapping, angel nancing and venture
capital; and covers nancing stages from the perspectives of
both the entrepreneur and the investor. The course places special
emphasis on U.S., European, and Asian markets.

MBA 670 Venture Management: Entrepreneurship and

Innovation (track option)
(3 credits)
Focuses on the special issues and challenges facing the entrepreneur who must grow and manage a new enterprise including
raising capital to grow, building the organization, stang the
venture team, managing an ecient operation, executing the


business plan, and determining the appropriate exit strategy for

the venture.

MBA 640 Financial Policy: Financial Decision Making (track

3 credits
Focuses on basic nancial policies as applied to real management
problems, including the areas of liquidity, capital management,
funding requirements, valuation, mergers and acquisitions, and
funding of new ventures.

MBA 690 Investment Strategies: Financial Decision Making

(track option)
3 credits
Focuses on the analysis of the theory and application of investments in relation to business cycles, institutional behaviour and
risk and return opportunities in the economics setting. The course
is presented from the investors viewpoint and incorporates
applied and empirical methodologies. It also covers investment
strategies and policies.

MBA 600 International Business

3 credits
Focuses on issues and problems confronting managers in the
international economy. Course emphasis will include problems of
working across national borders and understanding international
business from the point of view of management and leadership,
human resource management, and organizational structure
and change. The course will also examine the cultural impact
on management thinking, business practice, and the skills for
managing eectively in international and multicultural environments.

MBA 630 Leading Change: Leadership (track option)

3 credits
Familiarizes students with theories and models of eective change,
innovation and organizational alignment. The course explores
the leadership role in the change process and examines how
change initiatives to overcome internal resistance and win trust
are dened and communicated. Individuals in organizations are
continuously required to change their actions in response to
changes in the internal and external environment. Students in this
course will have the opportunity to examine and apply practical
tools for individual and organizational change through case
studies and class projects.

MBA 680 Project Leadership: Leadership (track option)

3 credits
In this course students will assess themselves as project leaders
and explore project leader competencies, roles, responsibilities
and stakeholder relationships. about the course focuses on the
development of leadership skills, dening the work environment
of project teams and team selection. Focus will be given to the
development of a team charter, dening the roles and responsibilities of project team members and setting team guidelines.

Emphasis is placed on learning methods to promote teamwork,

understanding the stages of development and managing
team dynamics. Additional areas of study include delegation,
managing dysfunctional teams, performance improvement, input
to performance appraisals, rewards, recognitions, celebrations,
critical path method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT).

marketing, and how these dierences inuence management and

marketing strategies. The course stresses understanding the dierences between tangible goods and services, dierences in the
consumer evaluation process between goods and services, special
management and marketing problems created by the dierences
between goods and services, and strategies that address the
unique problems in service marketing.

MBA 650 Managing in a Cross-Cultural Environment

MBA 591 Research Project II

3 credits
Focuses on managerial decision making in the global environment. Cultural and ethical dierences, politics and law, are major
factors in global management. The course covers issues of global
strategy, management, and organizational behaviour. Areas of
study also include, regional economic integration, motivations for
going global, foreign direct investment, mode of entry selection,
global organizational structure, Multi-national Corporation (MNC)
strategy, principles of global marketing, managing global operations, and global human resource management. Students read
selected global business works, analyze and discuss cases, conduct
global feasibility projects, and discuss current developments in the

3 credits
Under the continued supervision of a faculty advisor and organizational sponsor, students will complete an individual research
project begun in Research Project I on an applied business
or economic problem related to the sponsors organization.
Students will prepare a nal report for presentation to the wider

MBA 699 O-Island Intensive

3 credits
This is a 4-5 day, o-island intensive learning experience that is
required for all students. Students will travel to a host institution
and will be taught by distinguished professors and business
executives with regard to state-of-the-art business practices in
various functional areas such as nance, innovation, and leadership. Students will be required to participate in exercises and cases
during the programme, and upon their return, complete a paper
on key lessons learned during the intensive.

MBA 660 Strategic Management

3 credits
Focuses on developing and implementing long-term strategy for
businesses and examines how businesses grow in the context
of their internal and external environment. Study tools include,
environmental, macroeconomic and competitive analysis, industry
structure analysis. The world is increasingly becoming characterized by alliances, outsourcing and mergers and acquisitions and
the course examines how rms develop strategy choices given the
current and future resources available to them. It covers how leadership, organizational structure, business processes, the quality of
human capital, corporate social responsibility, and reward systems
impact strategy implementation; and studies the signicance of
measurement and control systems in strategic planning.

MBA 610 Understanding the Service Business

3 credits
Studies management concepts and techniques associated with
managing in the service sector of the economy, with particular
emphasis on the Bahamian economy. Including understanding
the dierences between goods and service management and

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue




Master of Science Degree in Reading Concentration: Inclusive Education (39 credits)


Thirty-three (33) credits of course work and six (6) hours in clinical
internship are required to complete the Master of Science Degree
in Reading with a concentration in Inclusive Education.Semester I
RGD 501: Foundations in Reading (3 credits)
SPED 500: Diversity, Inclusive Education and Training (3 credits)

EDTE 501 Educational Technology Leadership

Semester II
RGD 631: Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Education (3
RGD 618: Assessment and Diagnosis for Remediation in Reading (3

Semester III
RGD 550: Reading Comprehension (3 credit)
RGD 534: Reading Intervention Strategies (3 credits)

Semester IV
EDU 528: Advanced Education, Research Theory and Practice (3
RGD: 650: Management of Reading, Resource and Support
Programmes (3 credits)

Semester V
RGD 627: Advanced Reading Research Seminar (3 credits)
RGD 690: Graduate Internship in Reading and Inclusive Education
(6 credits)

Semester VI
EDTE 501: Educational Technology Leadership (3 credits)
RGD 628: Advanced Reading Research Seminar (3 credits)

(3 credits)
This course introduces students to a variety of strategies and
techniques for providing technology leadership in educational and
training settings. They will critically examine issues that impact
the successful integration of technology into education. They also
explore aspects of educational research, school management and
assistive technology use.

EDU 528 Advanced Education Research Theory and Practice

(3 credits)
In this course, students review issues, theories, and the methodology in educational research. They gain an in-depth working
knowledge of educational research including the research
problem, variables and hypothesis, ethics and research, sampling,
instrumentation, and various forms of data analysis, including
descriptive and inferential statistics. In addition, students review
and evaluate published applied research evidence in juxtaposition
to current educational research methodologies. Students will also
conduct an extensive review of literature and formulate a research
action plan to address and change urgent problems of practice
in The Bahamas. They will utilize technology-based solutions to
facilitate data entry and analysis.

RGD 501: Foundations in Reading

(3 credits)
In this course, students focus on the historical and philosophical
perspectives of literacy education. It provides an overview of the
foundations of reading pedagogy, practice, theory and research
in areas of emergent literacy, cueing systems and comprehension,
reading interests, current literacy methodologies and the diversity
of learners in schools.

RGD 534 Reading Intervention Strategies

(3 credits)
This course equips students with the tools to facilitate the acquisition of critical reading skills for the development of independent
readers in an inclusive education environment. Students use
strategies that build skills in selecting and executing appropriate
reading programmes, materials, and reading strategies inclusive of
technology-based solutions. In addition, students will be able to
conduct professional development reading workshops to support
classroom teachers and paraprofessionals at the school and district

RGD 550 Reading Comprehension

(3 credits)
In this course, students examine current research, strategies and
materials pertaining to teaching reading comprehension. They
focus on the complexity of reading comprehension processes and
critically examine teacher-guided approaches and procedures for
fostering comprehension. Students evaluate reading programmes


and study techniques used in meeting the comprehension needs

of readers. They also explore the best methods to help children
construct meaning from what they read, examine evidencebased comprehension strategies and discover how they can be
adapted in the various content areas for use in inclusive education

development, implementation, management and evaluation of

the reading resource-support programmes in inclusive education environments. They implement professional development
leadership initiatives for the local school community. In addition,
students extend their leadership clinical experience over a four
(4) day-period, at a regional/international site where they work
collaboratively with professionals in the eld.

RGD 631 Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Education

(3 credits)
In this course, students focus on the background, philosophy,
theory, and principles of curriculum and instruction to teach
children with special education needs. It provides educational
experiences for general education teachers in reading and
inclusive education. Students also explore curricula innovations to
enhance reading across the curriculum.

RGD 618 Assessment and Diagnosis for Remediation in

(3 credits)
In this course, students use assessment tools to assess and
diagnose students needing remediation in reading. They acquire
skills related to the use of formal standardized procedures, the
development of informal assessment procedures, materials and
remediation techniques in literacy.

SPED 500: Diversity, Inclusive Education and Training

(3 credits)
In this course, students examine the impact and inequalities of
education, schools and students. They discuss the main barriers
to access and learning as well as issues related to discrimination,
social justice, ethnic, racial, disability and cultural diversity in
education and inclusion. Students also discuss issues related to
the family, community, school and the workplace. They review the
legal basis, educational policies, principles and practices related
to inclusive education and training as well as the application of
theories from the eld of adult learning.

RGD 627 Advanced Reading Research Seminar I

(3 credits)
In this course, students examine the reading research, theories
and practices applicable to inclusive education settings. They
apply action research principles and practices to enhance reading
success for students at the local school level. They also write and
implement action research studies.

RDG 628 Advanced Reading Research Seminar II

(3 credits)
In this course, students analyze action research data utilizing
technology-based solutions, write and report on action research
ndings. They also utilize report information to prepare papers for
publication in scholarly journals.

RGD 650 Management of Reading Resource and Support

(3 credits)
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills
necessary for the development, implementation, management
and evaluation of resource-support programmes in Reading.
Participants learn to function as school-based resource-support
leaders in inclusive education environments.

RGD 690 Graduate Internship in Reading and Inclusive

(6 credits)
This internship provides students with the opportunity to gain
clinical leadership experience in reading resource programmes at
the local school level. Students gain a working knowledge of the

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


C O N T I N U I N G E D U CAT I O N A N D E X T E N S I O N S E RV I C E S ( C E E S )
Cottage No: 8, Moss Road
Oakes Field Campus
Telephone: 302-4406
Director: Dr. Christina Nwosa

College Preparatory Programme (College Prep)
Basic Upgrading for Traditional Age Students
Mature Upgrading

Certicate Programmes
Competency Pharmacy Review
Forensic Document Exam
Human Resource Management
Learning Disabilities
Oce Assistant
Records and Information Management

Professional Certication Programmes

Certied Professional Manager
Certied Professional Secretary
Certied Public Accountant Review (Becker Review)

Professional Licensing Programmes

Journeyman Plumbing
Master Plumbing
Three-Phase Electrical
Single-Phase Electrical

Management/Supervision Programmes
Management/Administrator Infant/Toddler Daycare Centre
Management Development Seminar Series
Supervisory Management


BIOL071 College Preparatory Biology
0 credit
This course was designed so that students decient in biology
might be equipped for entry into BIOL 140 (Intermediate Biology),
a college level course. It deals (at the introductory level) with many
of the topics covered in BIOL 140 related to the basic anatomy and
physiological processes in plants and animals.
Prereq: None

CHEM071 College Preparatory Chemistry

0 credit
College Preparatory Chemistry is designed for students with very
little or no background in chemistry. Upon satisfactory completion of this course students may enter CHEM 115 Introductory
Prereq: None

CIVS001 Bahamian Civics

0 credit
In this course students examine the structure and function of
Bahamian Government, the election process, the development of
political parties and the duties and responsibilities of citizens.
Prereq: None

ENG 014 Basic English 1

0 credit
This course builds basic English language prociency with an
emphasis on reading and writing skills and strategies. Instruction
in sentence structure, paragraph development, grammar and
mechanics is an integral part of the course.
Prereq: None

ENG 015 Basic English II

HIS 013 Topics in Twentieth Century World History

0 credit
This course is a continuation of ENG 014 (Basic English I). It further
develops students basic skills in reading and writing and emphasises the fundamentals of writing paragraphs, including topic
sentences and main and supporting ideas. Further attention is
given to sentence structure, grammar and conventions of Standard
Prereq: ENG 014 or BGCSE English Language Grade E

0 credit
In this course students focus on major events of twentieth-century
world history. Topics such as World Wars I and II, the Cold War,
decolonisation in Africa, Asia, The Bahamas and the Caribbean as
well as Apartheid in South Africa are highlighted.
Prereq: None

ENG 016 Intermediate English I

0 credit
ENG 016 focuses on fundamental reading, thinking and writing
skills. Students read for literal and implied meanings and produce
a variety of texts that develop one central idea in keeping with the
conventions of Standard English.
Prereq: ENG 015 or BGCSE English Language Grade E

MATH046 College Preparatory Mathematics I

0 credit
This is the rst in a series of three college preparatory mathematics
courses. Topics include the decimal place value system, arithmetic
vocabulary and terminology, numeracy skills (operations on whole
numbers, fractions, decimal, percents, directed numbers) and an
introduction to algebra, geometry and mensuration.
Prereq: None

MATH047 College Preparatory Math II

ENG 017 Intermediate English II
0 credit
In this course students develop thinking, reading and expository
writing skills. Emphasis is on clear and coherent expression and on
competence in the use of grammatical and mechanical conventions. Attention is paid to enhancing students understanding,
interpretation and analysis of texts.
Prereq: ENG 016 or BGCSE English Language Grade D

GEOG012 College Preparatory Geography

0 credit
A preparatory study of the general principles of physical, economic
and human geography. attention will be paid to the interrelationship of the natural environment with human activity at the world
and regional levels.
Prereq: None

HIS 010 Topics in Twentieth Century European and World

0 credit
An overview of some of the most important historical developments of the twentieth century. Concepts such as causation, war,
revolution, liberalism, socialism, totalitarianism, imperialism and
decolonization will be examined.
Prereq: None

HIS 012 Topics in Twentieth Century European World

0 credit
This course provides an overview of some of the most important
historical developments of the Twentieth Century. Concepts
such as Causation, War, Revolution, Liberalism, Socialism,
Totalitarianism, Imperialism, and Decolonization will be examined.
A course for college preparatory students only.
Prereq: None

0 credit
This is the lowest level College Preparatory Mathematics course.
Topics include vocabulary and law of Arithmetic, numeracy skills,
the place value system, basic algebra, elementary geometry,
mensuration and co-ordinate geometry.
Prereq: MATH046 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade E

MATH048 College Preparatory Math III

0 credit
This is the nal of the College Prep. Mathematics courses. Topics include:
laws of indices/exponents and numbers in standard form, elementary
algebra and mensuration, linear inequalities, co-ordinates, geometry,
similarity and enlargement and elementary matrix operations.
Prereq: MATH047 or BGCSE Mathematics Grade D

PHYS071 College Preparatory Physics

0 credit
This basic course introduces the students to the ideas and concepts
of classical physics. It helps them understand what physics is about,
the relationships between various experimental observations of
natural phenomena and the interpretation of some exceptional or
unusual circumstances.
Prereq: None

SCI 070 Introduction to General Science

0 credit
In this course students focus on the basics of life, physical and earth
science and their applications in the laboratory.
Prereq: None

SOST001 Social Studies II

0 credit
An introduction to physical and human geography, including maps,
landscapes and climates, population, resources, farming and manufacturing. These topics are studied on a local, regional and global scale,
aiming to help the student view The Bahamas in a world context.
Prereq: None

The College of The Bahamas 2011-2012 Catalogue


The following is a listing of The Colleges academic policies which may be accessed by clicking on the hyperlinks.
For a full listing of College policies please visit:

Policy on Academic Awards and Honours

Policy on Academic Probation, Suspension, Withdrawal and Expulsion
Policy on Admissions
Policy on Associate Degree Programmes
Policy on Class Attendance
Policy on Final Examinations
Policy on General Education Programmes
Policy on Grading
Policy on Graduate Programmes
Policy on Academic Status
Policy on Candidacy
Policy on Minor Programmes
Policy on Plagiarism
Policy on Readmission
Policy on Bachelor Degree Programmes
Policy on Transfer Credit


The College of The Bahamas

The College of The Bahamas



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