Com652-Political Comm Syllabus

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Political Communication


Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons.)

Credit Unit

Contact Hour


Course Status
(Core/Non Core)




Faculty of Communication and Media Studies

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons.)
Universiti Teknologi MARA

Year of introduction: 2005

Year of review: 2009


Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

Explain the importance of political communication in a democratic country. (C2)(LO1)


Apply the terms, perspectives and concepts related to political communication.



Study and analyze social political issues and political implications/change.



Distinguish political communication research/program and express with confidence in

both oral and written communication. (P1)(LO4)

Course Description
This course provides a broad overview of political communications and its roles and
implications on a democratic country. It exposes students to the fundamental knowledge and
concepts of political communication while examining the importance of communication in
political process. Students will discover how political parties interact in a political process
either to maintain their status quo or to change the heart and mind of the public. In this
course students will be exposed to the media and political structure in Malaysia and also will
learn the importance of new media in political communication today.

Syllabus Content
1. Politics in the age of mediation
1.1 Politics and Life
1.2 Basic Concepts
1.3 Why study politics
1.4 Introduction to political communication concepts.
1.5 Indentifies the range of political actors/activities involved in communication.
2. Politics, democracy and the media
2.1 The basics of democracy and politics.
2.2 The contribution of mass communication and media in societies and country.
2.3 The criticisms of the medias role in modern democracies.
3. The political media
3.1 Analysis of the media environment.
3.2 Institutional and organizational frameworks within which the main mass media in a
democratic society
3.3 Relationships between media organizations and politicians.
3.4 Examines those aspects of the media production process which impact on political
4. The media as political actors
4.1 Describes the key ways in which can seek to influence and intervene in the political
4.2 The different forms of political journalism, such as punditry, editorializing and
access programming.

Faculty of Communication and Media Studies

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons.)
Universiti Teknologi MARA

Year of introduction: 2005

Year of review: 2009


5. Political Advertising
5.1 The role of political advertising.
5.2 A brief history of the development of political advertising
5.3 Approaches and strategies in political advertising
6. Political public relations
6.1 A history of political public relations.
6.2 Key events in the development of political relations techniques.
6.3 Techniques of governmental information and media management.
7. Pressure-group politics and publicity
7.1 The role of trade unions.
7.2 The role of corporate lobby groups.
8. Political Non-governmental organizations
8.1 The parameters of democracy and civil society in Malaysia
8.2 Political NGOs: Profiles and positions on civil society
8.3 Political NGOs and the State.
9. Political marketing: theory, research and applications
9.1 The role of marketing in politics
9.2 The role of marketing research
9.3 Marketing and democracy
9.4 Persuasion and politics
10. Political communication Research
10.1 The basics of sociological investigation
10.2 Concepts, variables, and measurement
10.3 Methods of political communication research
11. Theories related with political communication
11.1 The role and importance of theory.
11.2 Theories of political communication.
12. The structure of the media industry
12.1 Media system in Malaysia
12.2 Ideologies and political power.
12.3 National issues.
13. International political communication
13.1 War and peace
13.2 Media and national security
14. The Internet and the global public sphere
14.1 The global and the public sphere
14.2 The traditional media
14.3 The new media/web 2.0

Faculty of Communication and Media Studies

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons.)
Universiti Teknologi MARA

Year of introduction: 2005

Year of review: 2009


Teaching Methodology

Lecture and discussions on each topic.


Discussion on students individual activities on related topics.


Discussion on students group activities.


Mid-Term Test
Individual Assignment
Group Assignment and Presentation
Final Exam




Recommended Text
McNair, B. (2006). An introduction to political communication (4th Edition). London:
Bennet, W.L & Entman, R.M. (2005). Mediated Politics: Communication in the future of
democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Loh Kok Wah, F & Khoo Boo Teik. (2002). Democracy in Malaysia: Discourses and
Practices. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies : Curzon.
Kaid, L.L. (2004). Handbook of political communication research. New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Mosco, V. (1996). The political economy of communication. London : Sage.
Yahaya R. Kamalipour. (2007). Global communication (2nd Edition). Belmont:Thomson
Higher Education.

Faculty of Communication and Media Studies

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons.)
Universiti Teknologi MARA

Year of introduction: 2005

Year of review: 2009

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