Factors Affecting IT Implementation
Factors Affecting IT Implementation
Factors Affecting IT Implementation
Research Questions..........................................................................................................6
Problem Statement...........................................................................................................6
Description of the Issues..................................................................................................8
Significance of Study.......................................................................................................9
Technical factors..............................................................................................................25
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Interview Questions.........................................................................................................56
Statistical Analysis...........................................................................................................59
Issues Categorization.......................................................................................................62
Executive IT Expertise....................................................................................................72
Factor analysis..................................................................................................................86
Factor analysis pharmaceutical sector...........................................................................86
Factor analysis banking sector.......................................................................................89
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Issues Related to IT Planning........................................................................................94
Issues Related to IT Procurement..................................................................................98
Issues Related to IT Implementation...........................................................................100
Selected references.........................................................................................................115
Description of issues.......................................................................................................119
High Noon.......................................................................................................................129
Olympia textile.............................................................................................................130
Issues Database...............................................................................................................132
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Chapter 1: Introduction
There is no single definition of information technology today that is universally accepted.
Often the term is applied to computers and computer-based systems. However, the roots
of the word technology suggest that it is a "means to an end." For example, using a book
of matches is a means to creating a fire. The end is fire itself. A bicycle is a means of
transportation. The goal of bicycle riding is to reach a destination, and perhaps also to get
some needed exercise....
Consequently, when we talk about the use of technology, we must always remember that
it is a means, not an end in itself. Technology in the broadest sense is the application of
modern communications and computing technologies to the creation, management and
use of knowledge.
The revolution in information technology (IT) has been likened to the industrial
revolution in terms of its potential scope and impact on society. Few other modern
advances in technology have had the capacity to affect so fundamentally the way people
work, live, learn, play, communicate, and govern themselves. As IT extends human
capabilities and takes over other functions previously performed by humans, it can even
affect what it means to be human
It is far from clear what the total effects of IT on society will be. More than 50 years ago,
"The world has arrived at an age of cheap complex devices of great reliability; and
something is bound to come of it." The question is, what has become of it? As with
automobiles and television earlier in the 20th century, information technologies can be
expected to have diverse and far-reaching effects on society-some good, some bad, and
many unanticipated.
The information revolution is not new. The United States began moving toward an
information-based economy in the 1960s, as information intensive services began to
grow. At that time, computers were used mostly in the research and development (R&D)
community and in the offices of large companies and agencies. In the past 20 years,
however, IT has become increasingly pervasive in society. It has spread to the point that
nearly everyone uses some form of IT every day. It has become common in schools,
Factors Affecting Information Technology
libraries, homes, offices, and shops. Corner grocery stores use IT for sales and electronic
transactions; automobile repair shops use IT to diagnose failures and search for parts. In
the past few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web in particular have contributed to
the rapid expansion of IT. Innovations in IT now directly affect nearly everyone—not just
the few in computer-intensive jobs.
Our society is being transformed by continuously evolving technologies that are changing
the way we do things at the most fundamental levels. This transformation is precipitated
by a number of trends: a shift from manufacturing to a service economy; the usage of
information as a resource, factor of production, and commodity; and the propulsion of
our economic growth through technical innovation and scientific discovery. On an
individual level, every aspect of our daily lives is subject to technological innovations.
We have become dependent on the flexibility, access, and services that they provide us.
Computers, fax machines, networks, cable television, fiber optics, and ATMs have all
played a pivotal role in the way we communicate, work, play, and do business. As the
information age progresses we increasingly owe more of our economic and technological
progress to the free flow of ideas and knowledge. Consequently, it becomes more
important that we have access to superior and timely information. As a nation our toehold
in the information age relies heavily on technological progress and scientific and
technical information. From an organizational standpoint, the information age is in full
swing and both public and private institutions are experiencing an increase in the use of a
variety of information technologies (ITs). Realistically, it has become nearly impossible
for an organization to operate without the use of one or more ITs. Since their inception,
ITs have been held up by many people as the cure-all for a variety of organizational ills,
and in many cases viewed as an antidote to poor performance—efficiency through the
miracle of automation. What is too often ignored or forgotten amidst all the discussion is
that although ITs can provide a number of solutions and benefits, they also introduce
their own special problems and concerns into the organizational setting. The
implementation and subsequent use of ITs is a process of interrelated steps. Faltering or
mis-stepping at any of the implementation stages may actually increase inefficiency,
ineffectiveness, and promote any number of additional uncertainties. ITs, in and of
Factors Affecting Information Technology
themselves, cannot solve all our problems (organizational or otherwise), nor will they
magically remove the variety of organizational and managerial ills that plague us. It is
only through careful design planning, acquisition, and implementation of ITs that we
may benefit from more effective operations and solutions to problems.
Research Questions
To get command of the many of issues surrounding the problem of IT
implementation in organizations, this study breaks down the
development and deployment process into three separate areas: IT
planning; IT procurement; and IT implementation, each with it’s own
set of issues. Although a number of them may prove to be similar in
nature, they must be addressed in the context of that part of the
process to which they are related.
The actual research questions for this study are broken down into
three distinct questions, which are based on the three levels involved
in successful implementation of information technologies.
• What are the most problematic issues facing organizations with
regard to IT planning?
• What are the most problematic issues facing organizations with
regard to IT procurement?
• What are the most problematic issues facing organizations with
regard to IT implementation?
Problem Statement
The problems facing organizations in their efforts to implement ITs are extensive and
varied. One of the ultimate and overriding problems is that there is no model for these
organizations to follow or consult that is tailored to their specialized issues and needs.
One of the first questions that comes to mind in relation to this problem is “Why is a
model for IT implementation is so important?” Obviously, no model can completely
address all of the issues each individual organization faces. Organizations are each subtly
Factors Affecting Information Technology
different even from those in the same arena. What a model provides is a framework
designed to address the issues and needs of a particular process which are related across
organizations of comparable circumstance. for all types of organizations across one
particular sector, it is doubly unwise to generalize a model for use in a different sector
The time is right for the development of an IT implementation model for organizations.
These organizations have reached a point where information technology use has become
widespread and integral to almost all operations. IT knowledge levels are increasing
within these organizations, and the demand for efficient and effective use of ITs is high.
Organizations are more frequently making use of multiple ITs in their operations.
Hardware and software costs have decreased substantially, making it easier and more
feasible for organizations to afford superior ITs in greater quantity. This dissertation
focuses on Pharmaceuticals and banking sector and the myriad of issues they are facing
with regard to IT implementation.
At the organizational level, the specifics of how we will function in the information age
and what direction we will take have become increasingly important. At this time we are
at the crossroads of information technologies—so many choices, so little money, so much
confusion. Over the last decade and a half, competition and innovation have led to a
development that is somewhat unique to the area of information technology. IT has
improved exponentially while at the same time prices for technologies have continued to
drop.. Unfortunately, some of the same factors that have made this particular situation
possible have also produced an even greater problem—the rapidly changing nature of the
technologies themselves. Information technologies become affordable quickly but the
rapidity of change in the environment keeps small and medium sized organizations a step
behind. In essence, they can afford really great obsolete ITs.
In light of this and a number of other situations in the information technology arena, all
organizations who make use of ITs must pay special attention to the planning,
acquisition, and implementation of these technologies. They must be acutely aware of the
copious number of issues which play a part in the ability of the organization to effectively
implement ITs. The view of this study is that to do this effectively an in-depth knowledge
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Factors Affecting Information Technology
As discussed previously, the issues relevant to this study are broken down by issue type
and the specific part of the IT development and deployment process, which they affect. A
number of the issues are important factors in more that one part of the process.
Significance of Study
An in-depth understanding of the specific issues related to IT implementation is essential
for the establishment of appropriate principals and effective approaches with regard to the
management of information systems in an organization. Each individual issue is
important in it’s own context as well as producing multiple impacts which affect the
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Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
They also described five major contextual factors that impacted each stage in the process:
• User community (job tenure, education, resistance to change)
• Organization (specialization, centralization, and formalization)
• Technology being adopted (complexity)
• Task to which the technology is being applied (task uncertainty, autonomy)
• Organizational environment (uncertainty, inter-organizational dependence).
(Zolla G (1998))
The need for improved implementation of information technology strategy has been
emphasized in both empirical and prescriptive research studies. Researchers have
discussed various studies which effect the implementation of information technology in
an organization Gottschalk P (1998) has identified, ten content characteristics of formal
information technology strategy from the research literature as potential implementation
predictors. These are descriptions of: i) resources needed for the implementation; ii) user
involvement during the implementation; iii) analyses of the organization; iv) anticipated
changes in the environment; v) solutions to potential resistance during the
implementation; vi) information technology to be implemented; vii) projects’ relevance
to the business plan; viii) responsibility for the implementation; ix) management support
for the implementation; and x) clarity of the documentation.
To have a successful IT implementation organizations should identify different variables,
which effect the implementation of IT in an organization. Enns H et Huff S (1999)
suggested that studies of the success of Global information technology (IT) should
seriously considered the inclusion of broad categories of independent variables. These
include consideration of the economic, Technological, cultural, and political/ regulatory
Several additional key elements have been repeatedly identified in the literature:
• "Buy-in" of the organization is important. All users must clearly see the need
for the change if they are to support it.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
It must be recognized that it can take at least 6 months of CIS usage before any decisions
about the success of the technology introduction (particularly in terms of individual
worker productivity) can be made. (Dr. Anderson L (1996))
Lewin created a three-step sequential model that describes how processes are changed.
The present behavior is “unfrozen”, and then it is “changed” to develop a new behavior
and finally “refrozen” to reinforce the new behavior. He also identified multiple forces
for change and for maintaining the status quo. Forces for change:
• New technology
• Better raw materials
• Competition from other groups - survival
• Supervisor pressures
• Forces that inhibit change:
• Group performance norms
• Fear of change
• Few external threats - member complacency
• Well-learned skills. (Zolla G (1998))
The importance of these factors is not same in all the organizations or even within the
same organization, the importance differ from time to time also organizations past
experience effect the implementation strategy of an organization After conducting the
case study in different organizations Caroline Chan had reached following conclusions
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Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
particular problems confronted but rather choosing a structure from a menu providing a
set of options ... [a structure] is imposed on them.
Also economic environment of a country effects the implementation of information
system the economic environment of a nation has a clear impact on the short term and
long term success of IT implementation. The economy determines such things as the
availability of funds to pay for hardware, software, and technical support. The economy
also impacts the demand, in terms of a sustainable customer base, for new IT products
and services.
Enns H et al Sid L.Huff (1999) also discusses the effect of environment in developing
countries according to them in developing nations; the costs associated with IT
investments are typically very high, as compared to the cost of labor. This encourages the
use of more traditional, labor-intensive methods rather than the use of computer-based
systems. Governments in developing countries have been encouraged to invest in IT
infrastructure in order to contribute to economic growth and participate more fully in
global trade
Of course even with high IT planning can not always guarantee higher business
performance, extended external shocks outside a companies realm of influence can have
a negative effect on business performance despite a high information technology
orientation. For example the Asian financial crisis had a devastating effect on the
business of one European specialty chemicals company despite its high information
technology orientation
Enns H et al Sid L.Huff (1999) analyzed the effect of economic factors on a Mongolian
company named Datacom Mongolia’s economic conditions posed a large barrier to
Datacom’s ability to provide the Internet services desired by its customers. The
Mongolian economy was not strong in 1994. The Mongolian government initially had
limited capacity to assist Datacom in its quest for Internet access. Nor was the emerging
private sector in Mongolia able to commit investment in the project. Access charge also
the some of the economic factors had a positive effect on datacoms information system
implementation Initially, competition was virtually non-existent. This allowed Datacom
some time to become firmly entrenched as an ISP, and provided some first mover
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Factors Affecting Information Technology
socioeconomic and the other is pragmatic/technical. The traditional focus on the creation
of a planning document tends to merge these aspects and obscure the distinction, often
leading to confusion and frustration. The differences between socioeconomic objectives
-- which are essentially strategic -- and technical goals -- which are primarily operational
-- are non-trivial: while the former need to be stable and comprehensive, the latter need to
be agile and responsive to rapid changes in technology and in users' needs. We believe
strategic planning for technology is not an oxymoron, yet a failure to appreciate the dual
character of technology planning can make it seem that way. Many technology officers
with whom we spoke intuitively recognize the essence of good planning and achieve
impressive outcomes with a minimum of frustration (CAUSE/EFFECT 1998 Volume
21, Number 1, pp. 18-23)
Fish M et al Jon A. Turner (2000) has conducted the study of implementation of information
technology in five settlement houses in New York City. Settlement houses are the
primary way that social services are delivered to community members of inner cities. The
goals for the IT implementation are to enable the settlement houses to improve the
efficiency of their administrative operations and to provide better service to their clients.
To increase efficiency, to lessen the burdensome information processing. Their
observation regarding the social aspect of the implementation are as follow.
Their observation concerns the change in emphasis among technical and social aspects of
the IT implementation as the project progressed. In the early stages of the project, the
implementation team focused its efforts almost exclusively on technical aspects of the IT
implementation. For example, the team initially focused on such tasks as evaluating
alternative WAN architectures and technologies, evaluating PC software and devices, and
analyzing the existing LANs in the houses. There is little doubt that this work was
necessary to design a technically efficient and cost-effective IT infrastructure. However,
little systematic thought was given early in the project as to how the IT infrastructure
might affect the existing work procedures, job responsibilities, employee satisfaction, and
organizational structures in the settlement houses. This lack of emphasis on the social
aspects of IT is somewhat ironic considering that the settlement houses are essentially
social service organizations.
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Factors Affecting Information Technology
Government agencies might often require specific forms and content of reporting;
imposing specific IS structures that are required for compliance. Trade and industry
associations as well as major trading partners of an organization might also impose
certain information processing requirements, data access, and set standards for inter
organizational communications and external reporting of information. (Nicolaou A
Fish M (2000) after conducting the research study of information technology
implementation in settlement houses had following observation regarding the effect of
government on implementation practice. Influences from the environments of the
settlement houses have significantly impacted IT implementation efforts. For example,
the social service programs in the settlement houses are funded in large measure by
government contracts. Just prior to the initiation of implementation efforts, a shift to
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Republican leadership occurred in the U.S. Congress, as well as in New York State and
New York City governments. As a result, the funding for social service programs was
curtailed by all three levels of government which seriously effected the implementation
of information system (Middleton C (1996))
Technological factors, such as the sophistication, or even the very existence, of needed IT
infrastructure, are important considerations in the implementation efforts of information
technology. ( Sakaguchi C (1998))
Caroline Chan (1999) conducted case study of nine organizations and the findings
indicate that compatibility is the major technological issue – and that it is a critical
variable for successful information technology implementation. In one of his case studies
Trading partners (both within Australia and overseas) were currently using a variety of
different standards and platforms, which increase not just the cost of the implementation
but also the complexity of the process to overcome this issue Caroline Chan has suggested
two possible solutions, which currently being used by cases:
• Ensuring that right decision is made on technology, so that there is no difficulty
with later
• Integration issues (integration of the new technology with prior initiatives)
• Multiple ways to interact with and service a range of different technologies.
For many reasons, over emphasizing on technical details in a strategic planning process
can be counter-productive. As mentioned above, it dampens the interest of vital
participants; it tends to obscure, rather than illuminate, genuinely strategic issues; and its
relevance diminishes quickly when the planning process looks at a horizon of more than a
few months. The issue of whether to provide network access to residence halls is
strategic; the decision of whether to achieve this by installing copper, fiber, or wireless
transponders is not. (CAUSE/EFFECT 1998 Volume 21, Number 1, pp. 18-23)
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Culture is also an important element in implementation success. Enns H (1999)
differentiated between national culture and organizational culture, and noted that both are
relevant to implementation studies. They suggested that national culture is an important
moderator of the relationship between organizational culture and characteristics of the
technology on one hand, and the effectiveness of technology transfer on the other hand.
The way in which people think and behave is strongly influenced by the social
environment or culture to which they are accustomed. Thus an information system that
worked successfully in New York or Toronto may not be as effective in Mexico City or
Tokyo. Cultural factors and values should not be overlooked in MIS design and
development. (Roberts T (1995))
According to Marchand D et al Kettinger W, Rollins J, (2000) in an organization
characterized by integrity, people believe in and share a set of key principles that outline
appropriate conduct in the company they feel they have a duty to act within the accepted
boundaries of ethical and appropriate behavior. People with integrity will present what
they know about reality candidly and fairly by not hiding bad news or glossing over
important but discomforting facts or concerns.
Lind argued that computer applications are culturally bound, and that national culture has
a direct impact on implementation failure. Lack of sensitivity to national cultural issues is
likely to increase project failure risk and lead to ineffective utilization of IT.
National culture was also an important success factor in the Mongolian context.
Mongolia was the first among the former Council on Mutual Economic Assistance to
moves towards a free market economy. In addition, Mongolia was the first country in the
region to establish free trade with all of its trading partners. Thus, the Mongolian culture
was open to other Western-originated innovations, such as the Internet and this made the
implementation practice successful in Mongolian organizations. (Enns Harvey et al
Huff S (1999))
According to Scott (1994), institutions are social constructions made up of three
elements: meaning systems and related behavioral patterns; symbolic elements, including
Factors Affecting Information Technology
representational, constitutive and normative rule systems; and regulatory processes that
are used to enforce reified and legitimated actions.
Systems of shared meaning are indispensable for collective activity in a social context. In
their seminal article, Meyer and Rowan (1977) emphasized the role of rationalized belief
systems in providing a structure for meaningful interactions and acceptable patterns of
behavior. Symbolic elements of institutions are contained in socially constructed systems
of shared meaning and it is through these elements that social control is exerted on
organizations The existence of social expectations, norms and dependencies, bridges the
individual and organizational levels of analysis. Social context is not determined by
individual needs and wants but is determined by what people take for granted, and
consider legitimate (Nicolaou A (1999))
Culture defines the way in which communication will take place in the organization. The
components of an environment that encourages participatory and strategic governance
include a culture of trust and communication, and widespread agreement with the
principle that teaching and learning processes must drive technology planning
(Grimes J et al Zingg P, Hanley J (1999))
Enns Harvey et al Huff S (1999) found in their case study that Datacom’s organizational
culture, which centered on enthusiasm for technical work, and persistence in the face of
obstacles, was consistent with the Internet and VSAT initiatives. The cultural factors
helped them to become first to establish such services as the countrywide PC-Mail
network. And due to cultural effect they showed a great deal of persistence in training
themselves in the necessary hardware and software technologies and make the
implementation of Internet successful
Political environment
The political environment of a developing country is also important from an
implementation perspective. If the country’s government severely restricts an
organization’s operations, this has negative implications for successful implementation of
IT. On the other hand, government policies can create a positive environment for
implementation. For example, India’s commitment to develop its telecommunications
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Technical factors
Prior training, whether formal or on-the-job, of individuals involved in an IT
implementation project is also seen as a critical element for success. Enns Harvey et al
Huff S (1999) found this to be a significant factor in the successful implementation of an
IT system in Sudan. Furthermore, Roche indicated that inadequate technical skills in host
countries are significant barriers to implementation in developing countries.
Proactive behavior is not an accident: high information oriented companies build it up
systematically over years onto only though training but by reinforcing the behaviors and
values that lead to this disposition in people integrity reality control transparency and
sharing.Training must be continued to encourage user inputs for changes that can be
made. Rewards must be given to those who significantly contribute to the successful
implementation of the innovation (Roberts T et al Middle Jr (1995))
What training is required for technical staff and users? You must factor this effort and
cost into your decision. Don’t forget that training also includes post-installation
coaching, training manuals, and support. Find out what’s included in the offer.
(Gadwall Group (2000))
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Factors Affecting Information Technology
and skills can limit workers productivity. For example if a clerk typist does not have the
manual dexterity to master the fundamentals of typing or keyboard entry, his or her
performance is likely to suffer. . ( Parker C et al Case T (1999))
Employee’s skills helped the Mongolian based organization in the implementation of
information system. Enns Harvey et al Huff S (1999) conducted the cases study in
Datacom a Mongolian based organization.
Datacom had developed important skills in handling the poor telecommunication
infrastructure in Mongolia. The domestic electronic mail system PC-Mail was designed
to transfer messages over poor quality telephone lines. Due to the skills developed for
working with the poor infrastructure Datacom was able to develop other initiatives,
which further enhanced their expertise, such as their approach for transmitting
international faxes via the (SITA) network.
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Factors Affecting Information Technology
is ranked the top issue among key information systems management issues identified as
being important and problematic. .
Planning of strategic IS does not ensure its implementation (Earl, 1993; Kearney, 1990;
Lederer and Sethi, 1988, 1992; Levine and Rossmoore, 1993; Premkumar and King,
1994a, Ward and Griffiths, 1996). Lederer and Sethi have supported this observation in a
survey (1988) and in a study by Gottschalk (1995a). (Gottschalk P (1999))
But according to Gottschalk P not only planning of the information technology can be
sufficient “despite a belief in its importance, in the past decade many organisations have
developed perfectly sound IS strategies that have been left to gather dust, or have been
implemented in a half-hearted manner”. Taylor (1997, p.336), too, found that “all too
often strategies remain ‘on the page’ and are not implemented”.
Office of management and budget presents following guidelines for the development of
information technology strategy. That could help ensure the proper implementation of
• Define a portfolio that includes IT projects in every phase (initial concept, new,
ongoing, or fully operational) and for every type (mission critical, cross-
functional, infrastructure, administrative, and R&D) of IT system.
• Develop levels of review, documentation requirements, and selection criteria
appropriate to the phase and type of IT system.
• Define dollar thresholds that can be used to channel projects to the appropriate
agency decision levels to best accommodate organization wide versus unit
specific impact. Most important is the use of a consistent set of investment
decision practices throughout the organization. Some best practice organizations
submit projects to thorough investment reviews when costs exceed between 0.5
and 2 percent of the organization's IT budget.
• Develop criteria for identifying projects of a critical nature that fall below the
dollar threshold but should be included in the investment review process.
• Each attribute contributes to properly implementing the three phases of the
investment process. Senior managers and those helping to install the investment
Factors Affecting Information Technology
process in each agency should keep these elements in mind during review of the
details of the selection, control, and evaluation phases. (office of management
and budget (1995)).
Performance standards for some types of system development are relatively clear. An
example is when a system is developed to support a specific new product or service. This
type of system can be evaluated based on well- specified and crystallized outcomes, such
as improved profitability or productivity in a specific service area. Here, the choice is
driven less by an inclination to conform or imitate and more by a desire to improve
specific results. Other types of system development, however, are made in situations
where beliefs about cause-effect knowledge are incomplete, decision criteria are
ambiguous, decision quality requires a long time to establish, and the success of a
decision cannot be evaluated autonomously but depends upon other decisions, the results
of which may not be accurately predicted or controlled. (Nicolaou A (1999))
The vast majority of technology officers, however, devote a considerable amount of time
and energy to strategic and financial planning. In most cases, their efforts follow the
traditional model of institutional planning; that is, a committee or task force gathers
information, conducts interminable discussions about what the institution needs, and
ultimately drafts a huge document that meets with overwhelming approval by the three
people who actually have time to read it. The relevance of the document to day-to-day
operations, the quality of services, and the implementation of new initiatives are often
questionable, although, oddly enough, few people seem to be concerned about this. There
is something about the development of a strategic plan for technology that makes it
worthwhile despite these shortcomings.
Technology organizations that enjoy the greatest success are those whose agendas clearly
serve the priorities of their institutions. Without a strategic planning process for
technology, it may be difficult to identify the connection between technology initiatives
and the institutional goals they are designed to support.
(CAUSE/EFFECT 1998 Volume 21, Number 1, Pp. 18-23)
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Some technology officers and a surprising number of chief academic officers believe
technology planning fails because technology evolves too rapidly, there will never be
enough resources to satisfy technology demands, or users have no way of knowing what
they will need in the future.
Many of the researchers, however, provided a different set of answers. They blamed, for
• Failure to tie technology to institutional mission and priorities,
• Failure to get the right people on board,
• Excessive focus on technical detail, or
• Lack of suitable leadership.
It's critical to remember that a plan is a statement about priorities and their
implementation, given our best knowledge at planning time, and that all kinds of events
will cause the unfolding of history to differ from the plan. Kenneth L . Kraemer has tried to
generalize the process of information technology planning according to him there are
some common practices that contribute to healthy technology planning processes,
regardless of the size and type of institution. The following ten-step method is an effort to
fuse these practices into a comprehensive approach Step 1 – Review institutional
objectives. Before initiating any Step 2 – Establish a framework of strategic technology
objectives Step 3 – Prioritize objectives. Even in a small institution, the list Step 4 –
Invite key group review. Before the framework of strategic Step 5 – Disseminate
strategic technology framework. The Step 6 – Translate objectives into operational
goals. In an ideal Step 7 – Discuss operational goals with key people. The annual list
Step 8 – Disseminate operational goals. The list of operational Step 9 – Enable
continuous input. Members of the community Step 10 – Conduct retrospective
assessment. Progress toward (Kraemer K et al Talon P (2000))
Behavior And Users
Information systems are often referred to as socio technical systems. That is they are
composed of technology related products and concepts that can only be fully understood
within the context of the people and organization that use those products systems.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
developers should make sure that people and behavioral factors carefully considered
when designing and implementing information systems. Many systems have failed
because implementers overlooked the importance of human and organizational factors.
The people component of a management information system is often overlooked or under
considered .a long list of cases exist in which on the drawing board it appeared that
proposed information systems would work successfully however when implemented
these systems failed miserably . ( Parker C et al Case T (1999))
Marchand D et al Kettinger W, Rollins J, (2000) says that companies must do more than
excel at investing in and deploying IT. They must combine those capabilities with
excellence in colleting organizing and maintaining information and with getting their
people to embrace the right behaviors and values for working with information
Chan Caroline (1995) has found after conducting the case study in nine organizations that
In all cases, commitment has been suggested as the most important factor for
implementation success. Two aspect of this commitment refers to the commitment of
organizations on system initiatives, which is needed to support the process of
implementation (was refer to a more specific way: resource commitment) and trading
partners (or clients) commitment. Developing a sound business plan and achieving sign
off have been suggested for gaining these commitments.
Marks P et al Mccoy S, Polak P (2001) has discussed the knowledge sharing behavior of
different individual in organization and their effect on implementation. Knowledge
sharing may be considered unnatural in many organizational cultures where holding on to
unique and potentially valuable knowledge is a source of power (Goodman & Darr,
1999). In these organizations, simply sharing knowledge with peers utilizing traditional
methods (e.g., face-to-face, telephone conversations, etc.) can represent a significant
challenge., three factors were identified which effect the sharing behavior within the
organization, managerial control , social identification, social value orientation.
According to Marchand D et al Kettinger W, Rollins J (2000) companies that incorporate
a people centric, rather than merely techno centric, view of information use and that are
good at all three information capabilities will improve their business performance.
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Factors Affecting Information Technology
employees. Because it is people who use information thinking about information needs
should be part of every ones job leaving the responsibility for good information
management to information specialists or IT staff may give temporary peace of mind.
Chan Caroline (1995) has pointed out that one of the important issues during system
implementation is related to managing change to as to ensure system acceptance. This
issue has often associated with education and training and was recognized as a partly
controllable factor (Winston and Dologite 1999). Although the organizations are aware
that a broader approach, such as resources allocation planning needs to be used, such a
change in approach has been extremely difficult due to the popularity of the current
business process with the company’s customers.
Middleton Catherine (1999) conducted research on implementation of IT in five different
settlement houses the project had following observations about co-ordination between the
team members during a project Early in the project, implementation activities were being
pursued in a disjointed fashion, with little forethought given to the ways in which these
activities inform and constrain each other. For example, one of the team members was
helping the houses to assess their needs for additional PC hardware and software, while
another team member was simultaneously refining budget allocations for PC
expenditures. Inadequate coordination between these team members resulted in confusion
on the part of settlement house managers concerning the alignment of their computing
needs and budget allocations.
Maguire S (2000) presents two ways of managing information system development
Hardware Problem
theory solving
e theory File design
File structure
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Use of
Education t information in
Impact of I.S
and organization
training organization
Information system Return
Decision on
n &
making Review investme
Factors Affecting Information Technology
In the first case information system is forced into the organization and most of the
emphasis is on technical aspects of the implementation this is referred to as the hard
approach. In the second figure information system is introduced into the organization
keeping in mind its effect on users and how this will effect the environment of the
Based on data from several specific cases of runaway projects, we believe runaways are a
form of organizational decision-making failure. Consider this scenario: a development
project encounters some problems, which may be serious enough to cause the project to
fail. The decision maker(s) responsible for the project have two choices: continue the
project or abandon it (either terminate it or radically redirect it). If the decision maker
consciously chooses to continue committing resources to the project or never consciously
considers abandonment, the behavior represents an escalation of commitment or
escalation, for short the factors identified for escalation are. Independent Variables from
Project Management
• Poor Planning
• Poor Monitoring
• Poor Control
• Poor Estimation
• Poor Analysis and Design (Dr. Anderson L (1996))
The history of the world is rich with examples showing how individual leaders have
made a difference. Leadership is important to the study of MIS for a variety of reasons,
the changing role of MIS in may organizations is requiring different types of leadership
from MIS executives than what was expected in the past moreover since leaders are the
people who usually make a difference in an organization it is important for the systems
designer to identify leaders among users .MIS executives who are strong leaders often
able to have a significant impact on their organizations strategic plans and the overall
corporate perception of the MIS area. Strong MIS leaders can ensure that MIS concerns
Factors Affecting Information Technology
are reflected in these strategic plans and that the MIS area will be able to help the
organization achieve its long term objectives. MIS executives the obvious leadership
qualities especially those with a vision for the role that the MIS area should play in the
future. Are likely to help develop and maintain a positive image for MIS throughout the
organization. (Parker C et al Case T (1999))
Dong L, Neufeld D (1995) propose that implementation effectiveness is determined by
implementation climate and innovation values fit, which are affected by transactional
leadership and transformational leadership which means that leader ship is the driving
factor behind the implementation model.
Much research has been done in an attempt to identify the key factors that predict system
implementation success. Over 150 factors have been identified, but only two "top
management support" and "user involvement" are consistently associated with successful
implementations (Sitting D Ph.D (1995) )
Office of management and budget has emphasized the importance of top management
support in the successful system development. Organizational processes should include
the following elements:
• Senior program managers, with authority to make key business and funding
decisions on IT projects, are continuously involved in the process.
• A disciplined and structured management forum is used to make IT investment
decisions, with the authority to approve, cancel, or delay projects, mitigate risks,
and validate expected returns.
• Program, Information Resource Management (IRM) , and financial managers
with clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and accountability for the success of
IT projects. (Office Of Management And Budget (1995))
According to Nicolaou A (1999) institutional pressures will force the leaders to become
prominent and drive the process of system implementation.. By virtue of what they deem
relevant, institutional pressures also prescribe specific skills and expertise as important,
helping to privilege those within organizations who hold such expertise and skills. Thus,
institutional pressures help to employ specific groups of individuals as system
Factors Affecting Information Technology
champions. System champions are at a fairly high level of the organization and take on
the responsibility of shepherding a project throughout the whole development process
(Beath and Ives, 1988; Beath, 1991). They also can effectively deter resistance from users
and promote change (Markus, 1984). The result is an implicit bias in system development
that reflects the ``champion's'' expertise and training as well as what they perceive to be
important or not important.
The goal of top management must be to provide leadership in the process of defining and
meeting campus-wide academic information technology requirements. The leaders must
be informed, engaged, and supportive and share a common vision and commitment to
assign resources and their personal attention to what the process develops and
recommends. It is essential that the leaders integrate planning and implementation in the
technology area with those that are occurring in all other areas of discourse relating to the
teaching/learning process of the organization. (Grimes J et al Zingg P, Hanley J, (1999)
Presidents and provosts must either set their own vision for the future of their institution
or they must advocate for a more collectively developed vision. In either case, they must
enable their institution to establish a clear understanding of the degree to which the
institution should invest in information technology. The purpose of such an
understanding is to address transformation and spending (Gurbaxani V et al Melville N,
Kraemer K, (2000))
Grimes J et al Zingg P, Hanley J, (1999) has discussed the responsibilities of chief
information officer (CIO), in a university context. The CIO responsibilities include
defining the information technology vision for the campus, providing the leadership to
insure successful implementations, and engaging the campus community in the planning,
prioritization, and assessment phases of initiatives and projects. The CIO must help the
campus develop, and then, promote a vision for the role of information technologies in
supporting the core functions of the University, including the direct use of IT in
instruction, the sustenance and improvement of the processes underlying program
support, and the development of a community of scholars.
Change management is another critical element in the successful CIO’s portfolio of
responsibilities, both as an agent of change from within the IT profession, and as one of
Factors Affecting Information Technology
several campus leaders who must articulate how change is to occur, how it is to be
funded, if/where resources are a key to the change, and what are the essentials that need
to be supported at the professional and personal level from within all the constituent
stakeholder groups ( faculty, students, and staff). This is and will be a truly "engaging
and empowering role" that is most demanding as progress is made and obstacles to
progress intervene
Politics can not be eliminated from an organization, a strong leader can help an
organization over come the hurdles in implementation created by politics. Political
support must be generated for the innovation. A champion must emerge who has the
capability to allocate resources and the power to gather support for the new process. If
support cannot be gained, drop the project. Adequate resources must be committed to the
design team. In radical new technology, create a simple implementation first to create
support for later complex solutions. (Zolla G (1995))
A proper balance must be kept in leadership Strategic planning processes can suffer as
badly from too much leadership as they can from too little. Anecdotes abound of chief
technology officers who assume a mantle of techno-mysticism and exercise near-total
control over the planning process Each organization has a number of decision-makers
who can play a pivotal role in pushing technology plans forward or making them grind to
a halt. Unless such people are brought into the technology planning process in an
effective way, the process can be crippled (CAUSE/EFFECT 1998 Volume 21, Number
1, pp. 18-23)
Financial resources are critical to virtually all information technology efforts (information
technology is, unfortunately, an expensive business). Except in rare instances,
the strategic planning process is the primary way institutions identify their required long-
term funding levels for technology and obtain funding commitments.
( CAUSE/EFFECT 1998 Volume 21, Number 1, pp. 18-23)
Innovation is a new way of doing things. Mohr (1995) states that an organization must
possess and be willing to commit the resources needed to implement a new technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
maintenance. These stages were later revised but are still generally viewed as the key
elements of the computer system (Maguire S (2000))
Chan C (1995) has presented the following processes for the implementation of IT
According to this model implementation takes place in three stages or processes
1. The change process describes the process of change, which results from the
introduction of a new technology or policy. Caroline Chan further divided the
change process into four stages.
• Initiation describes the initial process of implementation, which often includes
experimentation and a feasibility study. This follows the decision to adopt or not
to adopt the technology.
• Systems development describes the process of installation and development of the
systems and includes the systems study, systems design and systems testing.
• Routinisation relates to the process of utilizing or using the technology.
• Diffusion & expansion is the last stage of the process to diffuse the use of the
technology into the organization’s various business units, as well as expanding the
technology externally to trading partners.
2. Growth process describes the maturing use of the information systems within the
organization; implementation usually starts with a simple bilateral relationship on
a single application and moves toward more complex multi-lateral relationships.
3. Integration process is the process of integrating or incorporating the new
business process into existing business processes. The B2B e-Commerce
integration process of technologies such as EDI has been discussed in depth by
Swatman (1993). This study examined the process of EDI integration within a
number of Australian organizations and suggests four stages of the integration
companies with high information orientation view information as having a life cycle with
discrete valuation points. These valuation decision are made continuously as people work
and they are reinforced through communication formalization of best practices and on the
job training (Marchand D et al Kettinger W, Rollins J, (2000))
Factors Affecting Information Technology
According to office of management and budget (1995) the investment process, depicted
in below, consists of three phases: selection, control and evaluation. As Figure 2.1
indicates, the three phases of the investment process occur in a continuous cycle of
selection, control, and evaluation. Information from each phase flows freely among all of
the other phases with the exception of evaluation. The evaluation component of the
process has a unidirectional information flow to the selection component. The evaluation
component is used to verify or modify the criteria used during selection.
Figure 2.1
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Transactional Implementation
leadership climate
Implementation Innovation
Transformation effectiveness effectiveness
al leadership
value fit
Figure 2.2
The following results were derived regarding the effect of leadership on implementation
Leadership Implementation climate Innovation value fit Implementation
Strong transformational Strong climate with Good Employee enthusiasm
and strong transactional clear vision committed and
consistent innovation
Neutral Employees enthusiasm
at best., likely exhibit
committed and
Factors Affecting Information Technology
consistent innovation
Poor Employee enthusiasm at
best, likely exhibit
committed and
consistent innovation
Strong transformational Weak climate with clear Good Employee frustration
and weak transactional vision and disappointment,
inadequate innovation
Neutral Employee frustration
and disappointment,
inadequate innovation
use or no use
Poor Employee frustration
and disappointment,
inadequate innovation
use or no use
Strong transactional and Strong climate without Good Employee enthusiasm,
weak transformational clear vision committed and
consistent innovation
Neutral Employee indifference,
adequate innovation use
Poor Employee resistance, no
Weak transformational Weak climate without Good Employee frustration
and weak transactional clear vision inadequate innovation
Neutral Employee indifferent, no
innovation use
Poor Employee relief, no
innovation uses.
Table 2.2
Gottschalk P (1999) has tried to find that "What content characteristics of formal IT
strategy predict the extent of plan implementation?"
Thirty-five organizational practices of importance for IS plan implementation were
identified in the research literature. Ten predictor constructs were derived from the these
practices (Gottschalk, (1999)). For each of the ten predictors, one hypothesis was
formulated stating that the greater the extent of the content characteristic, the greater the
extent of plan implementation.
Content Full regression Full regression Stepwise Stepwise
characteristic as beta t_test regression beta regression t-test
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Resources .078 .766
Users .158 1.665 .233 2.892
Analyses .019 .17
Changes .138 1.407
Resistance -.065 -.628
IT .015 .173
Relevance .048 .449
Responsibility .189 1.672 .298 3.692
Management -.071 -.599
Issues .145 1.408
Table 2.3
However, none of the content characteristics are significant implementation predictors.
When stepwise regression (Hair et al., 1995) was applied, two of the ten predictors have
significant Coefficients in the multiple regression equation. Firstly, the description of
responsibility for the Implementation was associated with the highest explanatory power
since it achieved the highest Beta coefficient. Next, the description of user involvement
during the implementation proved to be the other significant predictor. The adjusted R-
square of the stepwise model is 0.19. None of the remaining eight potential predictors is
significant. The most surprising result of this study, both from a theoretical and practical
perspective, is the relative lack of importance of management support.
Marchand D et al Kettinger W, Rollins J, (2000) has developed a measure of information
technology orientation of a company, which was called information technology
orientation which measures the capabilities of a company to effectively manage and use
Factors Affecting Information Technology
effectively manage appropriate IT over its life cycle values in its people for effective
applications and infrastructure in use of information
support of operational decision
making and communication
• Sensing • Integrity
• IT for operational support • Collecting • Formality
• IT for business process • Organizing • Control
support • Processing • Sharing
• IT for innovation support • Maintaining • Transparency
• IT for management support • Proactive ness
Figure 2.3
Two banks were studied and their Level of information orientation was measured. The
comparison of bank A and bank B shows high IO companies excel at building systems
that support flexible decision making by managers and employees. Bank A’s goal for IT
systems development has been a straight forward one: provide the people in the branches
( The bank’s cornerstone) with the necessary tools to improve their decision capabilities
by analyzing risk monitoring market position , forecasting changes in business conditions
an providing information for proactive marketplace responses .High IO can help
companies get better results out of their IT implementation.
A customized model was created by Zolla G (1995) which consist of four stages through
which the organization passes while implementing its information technology the author
conducted case study of two organizations to measure the factors which effect the
implementation in each of these stages.
The model was designed by modifying Cooper and Zmud’s model as well as using an
approach adopted by Liu Sheng
Factors Affecting Information Technology
A. Scanning/Matching
Opportunistic and need scanning must be continuous. Individuals should be assigned
from a central computer department to continuously conduct opportunistic and need
scanning. Active innovation identification will empower the organization to stay at the
forefront of innovation, reducing inefficiency and heterogeneity of solutions. Centralized
evaluation of innovation leads to standardization and better diffusion. Ensure the end-
users are involved in the match between innovation and need. Do not create a match just
to experiment with a new technology. There should be a need.
B. Fit
Political support must be generated for the innovation. A champion must emerge who has
the capability to allocate resources and the power to gather support for the new process. If
support cannot be gained, drop the project. Adequate resources must be committed to the
design team. In radical new technology, create a simple implementation first to create
support for later complex solutions. Ensure User involvement is incorporated at all stages
of the redesign.
C. Adoption
User support is the key to adoption. Demonstrate how this solution will benefit the user
(easier, better, more fun). If it does not, it is not a good solution. Adequate resources must
be committed to training and maintenance of the project. The champion must be visible,
creditable and enthusiastic. Network bandwidth and reliability must also be adequate.
D. Diffusion
Full-time advocates of innovation change must be assigned to the process. Change agents
must be encouraged to review all processes that could be enhanced by intranet
technology. Training must be continued to encourage user inputs for changes that can be
made. Rewards must be given to those who significantly contribute to the successful
implementation of the innovation.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
This chapter will provide an overview of the strategy, which will be used to conduct
the research and derive the data necessary to answer the following research questions.
The three main research questions for this study are as follows:
• What are the most problematic issues facing organizations with regard to IT planning?
• What are the most problematic issues facing organizations with regard to IT
• What are the most problematic issues facing organizations with regard to IT
The primary objective of this study is to identify and categorize the perceptions of
executives regarding which issues were most problematic to the information technology
implementation process. This study should assist in the future development of an IT
implementation model for organizations as well as provide an essential framework for the
future study of IT planning, procurement, and implementation effectiveness. The IT
implementation process is broken down into a simple system model for the purposes of
this particular study. The implementation process is viewed as a combination of three
integral parts, each of which involves a separate set of internal factors and processes.
Each part is necessary for the success of the following one yet each encapsulates it’s own
important process. As seen in this representation, IT planning has a direct impact on the
procurement process, and vice-versa—IT procurement and acquisition capabilities are
directly related to planning efforts. Procurement impacts implementation, which has a
direct impact on both the procurement and planning efforts.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Planning Procurement Implementation
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
responses from the initial interviews with respondents The second stage will consist of
interviews with IT professionals to aid in developing shared meanings and terminology,
as well as to determine additional concepts, factors, and ideas for the research. The
information. Garnered will be used to enhance the database created in stage one as well
as to serve as a framework for the design of the descriptive survey in stage three. From
the information derived in stages one and two a comprehensive survey will be developed
which will then sent to the target survey group
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Research Methodology
The overall research design for this study is descriptive in that it made use of interviews
and surveys to solicit “expert” and practitioner opinion. The survey research sought to
identify the most problematic issues with regard to the implementation of information
technology in different organizations. After some common issues, descriptions, and
Factors Affecting Information Technology
definitions were identified, a survey instrument is developed to help describe the most
problematic of these issues for executives in different organizations.
Stage One
The first stage of this study will consist mainly of the design of an “issues database”.
This database serves, throughout the course of the research, not only as an evaluation tool
by which to categorize the issues discussed specifically in this study, but also as a
continuous working foundation for more extensive research on a broader range of IT
issues. The initial categorizations for the issues were derived primarily from a review of
the literature pertaining to a number of areas crucial to information technology
management. A representative look at this literature can be found in chapter two of this
study. The original categorization system is made up of seven issue areas based on
interview responses and the initial literature review, these were:
• Ethics and legal issues (those issues related to ethical conduct, professional
responsibility, and legal mandates/rules);
• Architecture--hardware (hardware specific issues like compatibility, standards,
and platforms);
• Architecture--software (software specific issues like program standardization,
data export );
• Government records (those issues related to federal, state, and local records
• management issues (issues relating to management styles, contracting, budgets,
and strategic planning);
• personnel issues (those issues pertaining to staffing, training, internal
organizational politics, modernization, and expertise or skill levels);
• And value issues (those relating to internal and external value systems,
competition and effectiveness).
Each of the issue was reviewed, categorized, and defined to fit appropriately into the
database. Over the course of this study the database was adjusted with new, more
appropriate categorizations based on subsequent findings. In addition, duplicate records
Factors Affecting Information Technology
(and any information not related to IT implementation) were removed to make future
analysis less cumbersome. The information accumulated in the issues database will be
discussed later.
Stage Two
The second stage of this project provided a key bridge between the initial gathering of
general information with regard to information technology management and the final
description of the most problematic and fundamental issues to the specific process of IT
implementation. Stage two involved the design and conduct of a general interview. Much
of the design for this interview is garnered from the review of the literature, preliminary
interviews with interested professionals/practitioners, and issue identifications from stage
one. The interviews conducted for the study were, by design, structured and the questions
were open-ended.
These interviews will used to determine a common ground and basis for communication
of terminologies. This set of interviews will be informal and conducted in person . Each
respondent’s answers will be entered into a database for analysis and review.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Interview Questions
1. “Information technology” is defined as any equipment, services, applications, and
basic technologies related to information access, dissemination, collection, and storage.
ITs are commonly grouped as computers, multimedia, and telecommunications. Would
you agree with this definition, would you add to it or redefine it in any way?
Factors Affecting Information Technology
8. What are some of the written procedures and guidelines that you have to follow when
implementing ITs in your organization?
9. Do you see your organization as using more (1) coordinated and comprehensive or (2)
insular planning methods with regard to IT implementation?
10. Do you perceive your planning approach as being sufficient and effective with regard
to IT implementation? If not, what additions do you think would enhance your planning
11. Have you done a comprehensive study of your IT needs and desires with the ultimate
intention being the development of a plan specific to IT implementation?
13. What is the most recent instance of IT planning and implementation you have
14. Formal IT implementation model is defined as well defined guidelines which provide
for continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated planning and implementation with
regard to IT. The model should be duplicable and provide specific directives (similar to a
handbook). Would you agree with this definition or would you change it in any way?
15. Does your organization make use of any model (formal or otherwise) when planning
or implementing ITs? What made you choose this particular model?
Factors Affecting Information Technology
16. Were there any particular examples that you followed when planning for or
implementing ITs? What were the sources of the models of planning and/or
implementation that you used?
18. Does your organization make use of any consultants or consulting firms to aid in your
IT planning and implementation? What kinds of consultants are you using, are they from
private sector firms? What made you choose a particular consultant?
19. Did you look to any other governments or public organizations for examples of IT
implementation and planning? Did you use examples from the private sector?
20. What are some of the biggest problems you face when planning for IT
21. What are some of the biggest problems you face with actual implementation of ITs?
22. What things do you see as setting you apart from other organizations in general, with
regard to ITs and IT implementation?.
Stage Three
The third and final stage of this study consisted of the development and conduct of a
survey instrument. The survey is designed to be more specific and detailed than the
interview conducted in stage two. The responses and issue information garnered from
both of the first two stages will be used in the production of this survey. This instrument
will be designed to provide a descriptive view of the perceptions of executives with
regard to information technology implementation in their organzations-- specifically the
problematic nature of certain issues in each of the three pre-defined stages of the IT
implementation process. The content validity of the questions used for this survey is
Factors Affecting Information Technology
initially established by ensuring that the definitions and concepts addressed will be
grounded in fact or established theory as well as verifying through the stage two
interviews that there is a common understanding among this particular respondent group.
The survey is broken into two parts--general descriptive information, and process specific
issue information. In the first part of the survey respondents will be asked to identify the
kinds of ITs of which their organization makes use. In addition they will respond to
general questions about IT expertise levels and their IT implementation process.
In the second part of the survey each respondent are asked to rank how problematic an
issue is with regard to its place in the IT implementation process.
Statistical Analysis
The sample size employed in this study necessitate the use of descriptive rather than
inferential analysis techniques. In addition, the ordinal-level data collected by this study
also dictates the use of descriptive analysis. The objective of this kind of analysis: to
describe—in a systematic manner—the details and characteristics of a given population
factually and accurately is clearly laid out by the following points that the purpose of any
descriptive research, or survey study is:
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
This chapter will present the results of the data collected from the executives who
responded to the questions surrounding the problematic issues of the IT development and
deployment process. This analysis is organized around the descriptive research questions
posed in the first chapter and advanced methodologically in chapter three. Analysis of
data is provided for each part of this study, which included:
Issues Categorization
As discussed in chapter one, the initial categorization (prior to any in-depth research) of
the issues was very broad. All of the issues were viewed within one of two contexts—
either management or organizational processes. It became apparent, as the literature
review and initial interviews progressed, that the originally conceived issue
categorizations were insufficient. A more expansive picture of the spectrum of
organizational influences based on the issues was obviously necessary.
A preliminary version of the issues database provided a secondary group of
categorizations that more fully portrayed the arenas of effect for each IT implementation
Factors Affecting Information Technology
issue. This particular category grouping added the areas of architecture, federal
requirements, specific personnel issues, and value added issues. After careful review, a
final set of categories was designed which—when combined with the issues themselves
as a sub-category—provides a more complete and usable system by which to organize the
multitude of issues relating to the IT development and deployment process. The final
categorizations for use with this study are the issues pertaining to: Leadership,
Management Process, Organizational Environment, Technical Systems, and Personnel.
Leadership issues reflect those areas that require the interaction, commitment and
direction of the organization’s chief executive, such as interdepartmental coordination
and administrative support. This issue area reflects the premise that organizational change
occurs from the executive level down, necessitating the involvement of top management
in the IT development and deployment process. In a similar vein, those issues
characterized in the management process area relate specifically to administrators and
their role in the functional operations of organizations, as in budgeting, personnel
management, and general management: In essence, any issues which require specific
attention or directives from an administrator. The issues characterized as organizational
environment are broader, addressing factors, which are less tangible and more difficult to
define, such as organizational culture, change, and behavior. These are essentially issues,
which affect or may be affected by environmental factors, both external and internal.
Technical systems issues are primarily those related to the impact information
technologies have on organizations and individuals based on their specific nature. These
issues include hardware and software considerations as well as the compatibility and life
cycles of various information technologies. Finally, personnel issues are those factors
surrounding each individual in the organization, such as individual expertise levels,
staffing levels, and resistance to change. These issues are significantly impacted by the
human conditions related to interactions, personal feelings, and perceptions. In addition
to the breakdown of issues into the types just discussed, they were also separated by their
role in the IT development and deployment process that is, whether they were present
during planning, procurement, or actual implementation. Many of the issues impacted
two or even all three of these areas. Figure shows a simple model of the integrated nature
Factors Affecting Information Technology
of these issues on the IT development and deployment process. Essentially, this model
adds to the simple process shown in figure 4.1 and adds the surrounding issue areas to the
environment in which the process takes place.
To better represent this influence across the entire process, a third categorization was
developed referred to in this study as “dynamic nature.” In essence, issues which arose
in all three process areas were labeled “dynamic.” Those impacting two of the three
process areas were labeled “potential dynamic” and those found in only one area have
been called “specific.” As discussed previously, most of the issues have an impact on
more than one of the process areas. One of the more interesting findings shown in this
table can be seen among the management process issues. This particular issue type has
the broadest spectrum of issues impacting more than one process area. The greater
portion of which is “dynamic” affecting all three areas in question.
Figure 4.1
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
in their organization, 87% had some form of LAN or WAN, only 20% organizations
made use of distributed systems, 12 of the organization are using some form of decision
support systems, no one used GIS or GPS technologies, only 2 organizations reported the
use of some form of cellular technologies, 26 (93%) had internet connections, 3% used
mainframes or minicomputers, 3% of the respondents reported making use of any kind of
expert systems.
Banking sector
Type of technology Percentage usage
Pharmaceutical sector
Type of technology Percentage usage
The major difference between pharmaceutical and banking sector was that of cellular
technology as compared to 0% usage in pharmaceutical sector, 40% respondents used
cellular technology in banking sector. Main reason for this is the use of online banking
Factors Affecting Information Technology
and use of ATM’s in most of the banks. Also 45% of the respondents in banking sector
used some form of mainframe computer to support their online banking or for the
communication of data between different branches where as only 3% of respondents in
the pharmaceutical sector used any kind of mainframe computers.
While this is certainly not a complete listing of the possible IT’s which could be used in
any municipality, it does provide a comprehensive view of the kinds of standard IT’s
which are being used today in organizations of all sizes. In addition to providing general
IT usage information, respondents was asked whether or not their organization had an in-
house MIS, IT, or data processing department. 27 of the 30 (90%) had a department
formalized around the management of information technologies in pharmaceutical sector.
Where as all the banks reported to have some form of IT department.
IT department
10% 0%
pharmaceutical banking
Respondents were asked to address a set of questions with regard to their actual IT
planning process. The first of these questions dealt with whether or not their organization
made use of any kind of strategic planning process for the use, acquisition of, and
implementation of information technologies. 33% (10) of the respondents from
pharmaceutical sector stated that they used no strategic planning with regard to IT, while
20 of those surveyed, 66%, responded that they did make use of some sort of strategic
Factors Affecting Information Technology
plan. Those 20 respondents from pharmaceutical sector who answered yes to the usage of
a strategic plan were then asked to respond to whether or not their IT planning process
was formal or informal only 5 or 26% of these made use of a formal process while the
other 74% or 14 respondents used a more informal approach to planning for ITs.
Strategic planning
20% 0%
pharmaceutical banking
no 33% 0%
yes 67% 100%
60% 47%
0% 0%
Did not have
no yes
strategic plan
In addition, respondents from pharmaceutical sector were asked whether or not they
made use of any existing IT planning and implementation models—formal or otherwise.
Only one respondent responded that an existing model was used for this purpose. 96.7%
Factors Affecting Information Technology
IT implementation model
97% 100%
3% 0%
pharmaceutical banking
no 97% 100%
yes 3% 0%
Factors Affecting Information Technology
In case of banking sector most of the banks (19 out of 20) used outside consultants. This
is due to the complexity of technology used in banks as compared to pharmaceutical
sector. The inside IT expertise are not sufficient to handle the technicalities of IT
Outside consultants
80% 60%
60% 40%
20% 5%
pharmaceutical banking
no 60% 5%
yes 40% 95%
The administrators were then asked whether or not their organization had an IT planning
and implementation committee. Twenty-seven (90%) from pharmaceutical sector
responded that they did not have any such committee in place. Only 3 (10%) stated that
they did have an IT planning and implementation committee, in banking sector no IT
committee was identified for planning purpose.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
IT committee
97% 100%
3% 0%
pharmaceutical banking
no 97% 100%
yes 3% 0%
Executive IT Expertise
All respondents were asked to rate their own IT expertise level on a
scale of 0-5: 0
being least proficient, 5 being extremely proficient. For ease of
reference this data was
then collapsed into three groups: novice (0-1), proficient (2-3), and
experts (4-5).
personel experties
80% 73%
30% 20%
20% 7% 5%
novice user proficient user expert user
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
IT planning effectiveness
80% 65%
20% 7%
Not effective some w hat effective Very effective
IT procurement effectiveness
50% 30%
10% 17%
Not effective some what effective Very effective
Factors Affecting Information Technology
IT implementation effectiveness
20% 13%
10% 0%
not effective some w hat effective very effective
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Respondents were asked to describe what they perceived to be the “role” of information
technology in their organization. Content analysis of the responses indicates that most of
those administrators surveyed viewed information technology as a tool for the
enhancement of organizational operations. The most common responses included
statements which pointed to enhanced communication across the organization and its
external environment as well as increased efficiency with regard to job/task performance.
A large number of the responses also included the role of IT as a tool for information
dissemination and sharing as well as for the provision of quick, efficient resources.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Finally, IT was perceived by many respondents in the role of improving service delivery
to customers and as a decision making tool for administrators.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
It is interesting to note that the high problematic issue with regard to IT planning is the
rapidly changing nature of technology. An area, which has only become worse over the
last two years. It is probable that this issue exacerbates the problematic nature of the other
top issues in this area: lack of a formal plan, budgeting issues, and individual expertise.
As technology changes it becomes more and more difficult to keep up with the other
issue areas. Creating a long-term plan, which makes use of technologies, which change as
frequently as every six months may prove to be nearly impossible. The likelihood of an
executive level organizational administrator keeping up with this technology is equally
Issue Not problematic Some what Highly Mean response
problematic problematic
Inter departmental co- 23.4 46.6 30.0 2.63
Strategic planning process 3.3 26.7 70.0 3.87
Organizational directives 46.6 46.7 6.7 1.87
Individual IT expertise 23.3 66.7 10 2.00
Written procedure guidelines 50.0 40.0 10 1.73
Budgeting issues 43.3 50.0 6.7 1.87
Lack of planning model 20.0 30.0 50.0 3.07
Internal leadership 30.0 36.7 30.0 2.47
Contracts 60.0 30.0 0.0 1.17
Time frame scheduling 56.7 33.3 10 1.60
Politics 0 43.3 56.7 3.63
Individual support 60.0 36.7 3.3 1.40
Existing system 56.7 33.3 10 1.63
Organizational culture 3.3 46.7 50 3.37
Standardization issues 70.0 30.0 0.0 1.33
Rapidly changing technology 16.7 33.4 40.0 3.07
Personnel issues 63.3 30.0 6.6 1.57
Organizational support 53.3 36.7 10 1.80
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
The second major difference was in the issue of inter departmental co-ordination.
Number of departments in a typical bank are more than pharmaceutical company e.g
cash, foreign exchange, loans, e.t.c. Boundaries between these departments are more rigid
so its very difficult to coordinate the requirements and demands of these departments
during the IT planning process. That’s why executives in banking sector considered inter
departmental coordination more problematic than executives in pharmaceutical sector.
Although the largest difference between the means was in case of contracts (1.38) even
than contracting did not crossed the threshold of being a problematic issue in either of the
sectors surveyed.
Analysis of IT Procurement Process Issues
In case of pharmaceutical sector all of the issues with regard to this
part of the implementation process were viewed as at least somewhat
problematic, however the bulk of the executives responding viewed
lack of strategic plan as highly problematic (having a mean response of
3.20). Politics is also viewed as highly problematic with a mean
response of 2.92.
in case of banking budgeting was considered to be most problematic
issue , 80% of the respondents marked it as highly problematic (mean
response of 3.90) , the second main issue was that of political
influence 60% of the respondent marked it as highly problematic
(mean response of 3.35 ) rest of the issues where not considered as
very important. So the only difference between two sectors was that of
budgeting. Budgeting is more important in banking sector because of
higher layout of capital in regard to information technology in banks as
compared to pharmaceutical sector.
It appears from this data that the procurement process is not as
problematic as the other
areas in the IT development and deployment process.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Issue Not problematic Some what Highly Mean response
problematic problematic
Strategic planning process 3.3 56.7 40.0 3.20
Organizational directives 50.0 46.6 3.3 1.67
Written procedure guidelines 63.3 30.0 6.7 1.47
Budgeting issues 30.0 66.6 3.3 2.00
Politics 13.3 50.0 36.7 2.93
Individual support 60.0 36.7 3.3 1.53
Organizational culture 26.7 52.4 20.0 2.40
Organizational support 46.6 50.0 3.3 1.73
Issue Not problematic Some what Highly Mean response
problematic problematic
Strategic planning process 5.0 65.0 30.0 2.60
Organizational directives 20.0 80.0 0.0 1.80
Written procedure guidelines 80.0 20.0 0.0 1.20
Budgeting issues 0.0 20.0 80.0 3.90
Politics 5.0 35.0 60.0 3.35
Individual support 25.0 75.0 0.0 1.75
Organizational culture 10.0 80.0 10.0 2.40
Organizational support 20.0 80.0 0.0 1.85
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Issue Not problematic Some what Highly Mean response
problematic problematic
Inter departmental co-ordination 13.3 40.0 46.7 2.93
Strategic planning process 20.0 60.0 30.0 2.67
Organizational directives 50.0 63.3 6.7 1.83
Individual IT expertise 40.0 46.6 13.3 1.97
Budgeting issues 36.6 56.7 6.7 2.03
Internal leadership 20.0 60.0 20.0 2.73
Time frame scheduling 52.4 33.3 13.3 1.70
Politics 3.3 46.7 50.0 3.34
Individual support 60.0 36.6 3.3 1.47
Existing system 56.7 42.4 6.7 1.57
Organizational culture 9.9 30.0 60.0 3.40
Standardization issues 62.4 22.4 13.3 1.63
Rapidly changing technology 10.0 43.3 46.7 3.20
Personnel issues 63.3 30.0 6.7 1.40
Organizational support 53.3 36.7 10 2.00
Compatibility issues 63.3 32.4 3.3 1.57
Organizational IT expertise 53.3 46.7 0.0 1.60
Adequate staffing 70.0 30.0 0.0 1.40
Resistance to change 13.3 43.3 43.3 3.03
Training 13.3 43.3 43.3 3.20
External consultants 56.6 33.3 10.0 1.67
Issue Not Some what Highly Mean
problematic problematic problematic response
Inter departmental co-ordination 0.0 30.0 70.0 3.85
Strategic planning process 15.0 80.0 5.0 2.20
Organizational directives 25.0 70.0 5.0 1.95
Organizational IT expertise 65.0 25.0 10.0 1.60
Individual IT expertise 65.0 25.0 10.0 1.50
Budgeting issues 55.0 45.0 0.0 1.75
Internal leadership 15.0 60.0 25.0 2.80
Time frame scheduling 60.0 10.0 30.0 1.95
Politics 0.0 15.0 85.0 4.00
Individual support 65.0 30.0 5.0 1.40
Existing system 45.0 55.0 0.0 1.50
Organizational culture 0.0 35.0 65.0 3.90
Standardization issues 80.0 20.0 0.0 1.15
Rapidly changing technology 0.0 40.0 60.0 3.35
Personnel issues 20.0 40.0 40.0 2.80
Organizational support 25.0 55.0 20.0 2.25
Compatibility issues 25.0 65.0 10.0 1.95
Adequate staffing 0.0 25.0 75.0 3.85
Resistance to change 0.0 10.0 90.0 4.05
Training 0.0 30.0 70.0 3.90
External consultants 55.0 15.0 30.0 2.05
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Once the IT development and deployment process reaches the implementation stage the
most problematic issues shift to those dealing with personnel—training and resistance to
change. At this level the success of implementation relies on the individuals working
within the system. Adding to the difficulties surrounding individuals is the overall
environment of the organization, which has a major impact on the effectiveness of the
deployment process.
The major difference between the two sectors was in case of adequate
staffing (difference of 2.45 in means of two sectors)
personnel issues were also considered to be far more important and
problematic in banking sector than in pharmaceutical sector. Banks are
normally overstaffed as compared to pharmaceutical sector and it’s
very difficult to get expert IT professionals into the organization or
replace those employees whose knowledge regarding IT has become
Factors Affecting Information Technology
obsolete. So the only option left is to train the old staff each time new
technology is implemented.
Resistance to change is more is case of bank than in pharmaceutical
sector (difference of 1.02 in the means of the two sectors) this is due
to the fear that new technology will replace them or decrease their
Factor analysis
A cutout value of 0.5 or above is used for the factor analysis
Factor one
Factor one consisted of following components
1. Inter departmental co-ordination
2. Organizational IT expertise
3. Individual IT expertise
4. Internal leadership
5. Politics
6. Personnel issues
7. Organizational support
Factor two
Factor two consisted of following components
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factor three
Factor three consisted of following components
1. Politics
2. Personnel
Factor four
Factor four consisted of following components
Factor one
Factor one consisted of following components
1. Organizational directives .869
2. Individual support .529
3. Organizational support .649
Factor two
Factor two consisted of following components
1. Lack of strategic planning .781
2. Budgeting .715
Factor one
Factor one consisted of following components
1. Organizational IT expertise .628
2. Individual IT expertise .539
3. Compatibility issues .725
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factor two
Factor two consisted of following components
1. Individual IT expertise -.607
2. Rapidly changing technology .533
3. Resistance to change .619
4. Politics .562
5. Organizational culture .581
6. Personnel issues .547
7. Internal leadership -.522
Factor three
Factor three consisted of following components
1. Lack of strategic planning .631
2. Training .696
3. External consultants .615
4. Resistance to change .573
5. Organizational support -.642
Factor four
Factor four consisted of following components
1. Inter departmental co-ordination .601
2. Organizational directives .651
3. Rapidly changing technology .667
4. Training .532
Factor five
Factor five consisted of following components
1. Politics -.546
2. Adequate staffing .582
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factor one
Factor one consisted of following components
1. Inter departmental co-ordination -.733
2. Organizational IT expertise -.797
3. Individual IT expertise -.612
4. Lack of planning model .538
5. Internal leadership .904
6. Time frame .803
7. Politics .572
8. External system .582
9. Personnel issues .568
10. Organizational support .783
factor two
Factor two consisted of following components
1. Organizational directives .580
2. Individual IT expertise .622
3. Written procedures guidelines -.777
4. Budgeting .580
5. Contracts .626
6. Individual support .738
7. Organizational culture .603
Factor three
Factor three consisted of following components
1. Lack of strategic planning .716
2. Lack of planning model .566
Factor one
Factor one consisted of following components
Factors Affecting Information Technology
1. Lack of strategic planning .561
2. Organizational directives .855
3. Budgeting issues .697
4. Written procedure and guidelines .633
5. Individual support .761
6. Organizational support .569
Factor two
Factor two consisted of following components
1. Lack of strategic planning .622
2. Organizational culture .874
Factor three
Factor three consisted of following components
1. Written procedure guidelines .666
2. Politics .670
Factor one
Factor one consisted of following components
1. Organizational IT expertise .702
2. Individual IT expertise .795
3. Budgeting -.89
4. Training .890
5. Resistance to change .564
6. Time frame .654
7. Individual support .651
Factor two
Factor two consisted of following components
1. Lack of strategic planning .575
2. Compatibility issues .690
3. Budgeting .683
4. Time frame .651
5. Existing system .831
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factor three
Factor three consisted of following components
1. Internal departmental co-ordination .562
2. Rapidly changing technology .563
3. Resistance to change .663
4. Politics .828
5. Standardization issues .547
6. Organizational support .570
Factor four
Factor four consisted of following components
1. Organizational directives .533
2. External consultants .564
3. Adequate staffing .603
Factor five
Factor five consisted of following components
1. External consultants .617
2. Organizational support .503
This chapter looked at the issues specific to each part of the IT
development and deployment process. The data suggests that IT
planning and its effective implementation are at least somewhat
related. A significant portion of the respondents revealed that their
organizations made use of only limited (informal) planning processes if
any were used at all. Subsequently, the majority of these respondents
also perceived their IT implementation process as being less than
effective. Obviously these results do not demand the immediate
initiation of long range strategic IT planning for organizations but it
does point to a need to further investigate the question of planning’s
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
The importance of information technologies with regard to
organizations is undeniable. Within just the past five years, awareness
and usage of IT in organizations has increased dramatically. IT has the
capacity to change the way organizations operate in the most
fundamental ways. Each and every function is impacted by some form
of technological innovation. In addition, ITs are changing the ways that
executives approach the development of their operations and service
deliveries. Finally, information technology provides new ways of
approaching the relationships between organizations and the
customers that they serve. Considering the role which organizations
play in our lives, the significance of these and other impacts must not
be ignored. This chapter will provide some conclusions on the most
problematic issues with regard to IT planning, procurement, and
implementation. Each area will be addressed briefly for the purpose of
answering the three main research questions laid out in chapter 1.
In addition this chapter will provide a more complete discussion of
these issues and their
interrelations in the context of recommendations for a holistic view of
the IT development and deployment process.
The primary focus of this study was to determine what issues
executives perceived as being the most problematic with regard to IT
planning, procurement, and implementation. Each stage in the
development and deployment process was viewed individually with
regard to its fundamental issues in order to better ascertain the
Factors Affecting Information Technology
• Inter departmental co-ordination
• Rapidly changing technology
• Politics
• Lack of planning model
• Budgeting
Strategic, or formalized, planning is an important process for any
organization, regardless of its ultimate goals. The benefits of this kind
of planning include: more effective strategies for current and future
operations, clear and concise priorities for the expenditure of scarce
resources, a high probability of improved decision making based on
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
IT Planning
Generating the overall context of
• Rapidly Changing
IT in the organization by aligning
it with organizational directives, • organizational culture
goals, missions, and strategies. • Lack of a
(i.e. designing the systems, Strategic/Formal Plan
involving users, etc.) • politics
• Organizati
IT Procurement • Lack of a onal
Investment analysis, risk Strategic/Formal enhancement.
assessment, cost/benefit analysis, Plan • Improved
life cycle planning, and systems • Politics service delivery.
acquisitions. • Budgetin • Improved
IT • Training
Implementation • Rapidly
Changing Technology
Putting the systems into practice,
managing change, developing • Resistance to
• Lack of strategic
• Politics
• Organizational
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Pharmaceutical sector
Pharmaceutical sector in Pakistan is not very much organized, that’s why Information
Technology in this sector is used in an in formal fashion. Most of the firms are small with
little or almost no IT usage. In most of the cases use of IT is only limited to personal
computers, which are mostly, used for data storage and retrieval.
IT Planning
The most problematic issue in this phase was found out to be strategic planning. The
problem in the pharmaceutical sector is not the absence or presence of planning but
whether the planning is formalized or not, as discussed earlier 66% of the respondents
had IT planning process in place abut only 26% of them used formal process for planning
of IT. To be more effective pharmaceutical sector must adopt a more formalized
approach for strategic planning for making their IT implementation more successful. This
is why 70% of the respondents in pharmaceutical sector perceive it as highly problematic.
Another way to solve this problem is the use of planning model in pharmaceutical sector
a proper planning model will guide the executives to follow the formalized path.
Politics and organizational culture were perceived to be highly problematic in
pharmaceutical sector (with a mean response of 3.63 and 3.37 respectively). Both these
variables are highly interrelated, because high political activities in the pharmaceutical
sector originate due to the prevailing cultural values with in these organizations where
keeping the decision power in ones hands are highly valued.
Such a kind of culture should be changed and value for sharing the information should be
created. By creating the desired culture political pressure with in the organization will be
Rapidly changing technology is also considered to be highly problematic with a mean
response of 3.07; this is because of rapid advances in technology coupled with low
resources available in pharmaceutical sector for information technology. Proper need
Factors Affecting Information Technology
analysis in first place could save the pharmaceutical companies from changing the
technology again and again.
IT procurement
Again strategic planning and politics were considered to be highly problematic during the
procurement of information technology equipment. This is an obvious outcome because
once IT planning is not done properly and no proper need analysis is conducted then it is
not possible for IT managers to procure the information technology equipment which are
desired by the organization. Presence of proper procurement process might solve this
problem; data shows that only 33% of the pharmaceutical companies have a defined
procurement process.
While procuring IT, different suppliers are to be chosen for providing the information
technology equipment. So the person, in the absence of procurement process, purchasing
the equipment could provide favors to these suppliers and also due to lack of a proper
procurement process suppliers could easily put pressure on the officials to tilt the
purchasing decision in their favor. Under these circumstances the group who is politically
strong could get the decision power for purchase of the equipment.
IT implementation
Most of the prominent issues in this category are interrelated. The most problematic issue
in this category is politics and organizational culture, which are both interrelated.
Implementation of IT in pharmaceutical sector might endanger the power of those who
are not good at using this technology. This behavior originates from the cultural value of
not sharing the information with others, which is prevailing in our country. This behavior
leads to resistance to change; this resistance is worsened with the rapidly changing
technology, which makes the learning of new skills more difficult for the personnel
working in the pharmaceutical sector.
There are two ways of avoiding this resistance to change; one is to change the cultural
values prevailing in the pharmaceutical sector, which is difficult, but a permanent
Factors Affecting Information Technology
solution to this problem. The other one is training, which have also been pointed out by
the pharmaceutical executives as highly problematic, having a mean response of 3.20. By
conducting the training properly the level of skills of personnel could be increased which
will automatically decrease the resistance to change and have long term impact on the
cultural values of pharmaceutical sector.
Banking sector
IT planning
It is surprising to note that strategic planning is not considered as highly problematic
issue. This is due to formalized nature of banking sector as compared to pharmaceutical
sector the formal nature of banking sector could be imagined from the fact that 100% of
banks had strategic planning and all of them are having formal strategic planning process.
Under these circumstances strategic planning could not produce any kind of problem for
the banking sector. But even than it is being perceived by the respondents, from
pharmaceutical sector, that IT planning model could further enhance the performance of
the bank (IT planning model having mean response of 3.05).
Because there are large number of departments in a typical bank as compared to
pharmaceutical sector e.g. cash, foreign exchange, loans e.t.c, an obvious problem is that
of coordinating all the departments together while planning for IT implementation. That’s
why inter departmental co ordination had a mean response of 3.75. All the departments
should be involved in planning process to reduce co ordination problem.
Rapidly changing technology produces same kind of problem for banking sector as it
produces for pharmaceutical sector. The rapid technological advances like online banking
could produce problem for small banks due to huge amount of capital outlay reqired for
banking technology as compared to pharmaceutical sector technology. This problem is
more important in banking sector. Because banks are becoming more technology
oriented, having latest technology e.g. online banking, ATM e.t.c are becoming symbol
of success, in this situation banks are forced to compete on the basis of advanced
technology adaptation.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
In banking sector politics scored a mean response of 3.15. The nature of political pressure
in banking sector is different from the pharmaceutical sector. Pressure might not be
exerted from external suppliers because of the complex technology used in banking
sector and limited number of suppliers for this technology. But political pressure is
exerted from groups internal to the organization; this pressure is exerted to retain the
powers they had before the implementation of information technology.
An obvious issue in the banking sector is that of budgeting which was not present in
pharmaceutical sector. This issue is more important in banking sector because of heavy
lay out of capital for IT as compared to pharmaceutical sector. Because of this huge
outlay of capital budgeting becomes an important part of IT planning. Special emphasis
should be given to decide the sources and use of funds, which are allocated for IT
implementation; other wise planning efforts will never reach their goal.
IT procurement
Politics was marked as highly problematic with a mean response of 3.35, this political
pressure is not due to choice of supplier or giving some vendors a benefit as is the case
with pharmaceutical sector but political pressure is exerted by internal groups because of
the fear that new technology will replace them or in some way reduce their importance
with in the organization. So most of employees will favor the purchase of technology,
which they are more comfortable to use regardless of its utility for the organization.
Budgeting is an obvious concern, having mean response of 3.90, when actually
purchasing the technology. Now is the time for the banks to actually use the sources of
funds, which have been decided in the planning phase, it might not be possible to get the
same amount of funds from planned sources and lack of funds might hamper the
implementation efforts of the organization. To overcome these problems sources of funds
should be carefully chosen and evaluated before time, so that any inconvenience at the
time of procurement should be avoided.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Like pharmaceutical sector most of the issues which emerge while implementing IT are
Resistance to change was marked as most problematic issue with a mean response of
4.05, as explained earlier this resistance originate from the fear that new technology is
going to replace them. This fear gives rise to political behavior with in these banks.
Organizational culture, having a mean response of 3.90, also alleviate this fear of
replacement with technology. Organization culture poses same kind of problems to
banking pharmaceutical sector because culture of both the organizations is influenced by
the national culture in which they are working. So like in pharmaceutical sector to over
come this resistance cultural values of the bank should be changed, so that people
become more receptive to changes that are taking place in their organization.
One way to reduce this resistance to change is to train the employees in the use of new
technology. Employees can easily accept the technology, which they can use comfortably
and don’t fear to be replaced by more adept IT professionals. Training was perceived to
be very important by most of the respondents from the banking sector (mean response of
Inter departmental co ordination (mean response of 3.85) was also perceived to be
important for making IT implementation successful.
One factor that elevates all the above-mentioned factors is rapidly changing technology.
This factor makes the implementation of all the above-mentioned suggestions very
difficult. Rapid advances in technology make it very difficult to train employees for the
use of new technology. Lack of training shows it self in increased resistance to change for
accepting the new technology and increased political pressure. Unfortunately this factor
is out of control of IT professional with in the organization and not much could be
suggested to solve this problem. This is some thing on which executives should keep a
close eye, other wise their organization will become technologically obsolete.
One factor that does not emerge in the pharmaceutical sector is adequate staffing (mean
response 3.85), banks in Pakistan are normally over staffed as compared to
pharmaceutical sector. This makes the implementation very difficult because IT will
Factors Affecting Information Technology
force the organization to reduce the staffing level. Executive should check the staffing
level before the implementation of any technology is undertaken. Checking the staffing
level or changing it at the time of implementation will increase the resistance for the new
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
The area of IT development and deployment is extremely problematic
and complex. It is a process that involves all the individuals who make
up the organization, from top level administrators to clerical staff. In
addition, it requires a significant portion of the resources available
within the organization, from human to fiscal. Any approach to IT
development and deployment, which hopes to be ultimately
successful, must take into account both the technical and social
systems, which make up the organization. This study has addressed a
number of the dilemmas that are ingrained in IT implementation and
management. It has been shown that a multitude of integrated issues
exist which have an impact on organizations ability to effectively plan for and
implement information technologies. These issues must be studied individually—within
the context of IT development and deployment—in order for organizations to meet the
technological needs of their customers.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
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[18] Hubona G, Kennick E “A Re-Examination Of The Technology Acceptance Model”
[19] Ringle M (1998) “Is Strategic Planning For Technology An Oxymoron?”
CAUSE/EFFECT Volume 21, Number 1, Pp. 18-23
[20] Dr. Anderson L (1996) “Guidebook For Developing An Effective Instructional Technology
Plan” Mississippi State University.
[21] Gupta M , Mustafi S, “Assessing Return On Information A Framework And Case Study”,
South Asian Journal Of Management , Vol 6, No 3&4.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
[22] Hinks J (1998) “A Conceptual Model For The Interrelationship Between Information
Technology And Facilities Management Process Capacity” , MCB University Press, Facilities,
Vol 16, Pp 233-245.
[23] Brynjolfsson E (1994), “The Procuctivity Paradox Of Information Technology : Review And
Assessment”, Center For Coordination Science MIT Sloan School Of Management Cambridgem
Massachusetts, Japan Management Research.
[24] Karake Z (1994) “Relative Information Technology Index (RITI): It Performance ,
Company Control. And Governance”. Logistic Information Management, Vol 7, Pp 6-14.
[25] Dasgupta S , Sarkis J (1999) , “Influence Of Information Technology Investment On Firm
Productivity : A Cross Sectional Study”. Logistic Information Management , Vol 12, Pp 120-129.
[26] Gurbaxani V, Kraemer K (1996) “An Economic Analysis Of Information Systems Budgets”,
Center For Research On Information Technology And Organizations University Of California,
[27] Sakaguchi T (1998) “Measurement Of The Intensity Of Global Information Technology
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[28] Michalak S, Facelli J (1999) “Decentralized Information Technology Requires Central
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[29] Kraemer K, Talon P (2000) Performance Benchmarks For Information Systems In
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[30] Roberts T, Middle Jr (1995) “Training During SDM Implementation” Tennessee
State University.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
The field of information technology is full of terminology, which may be unfamiliar to the
layperson. The rapidly changing nature of IT makes the task of keeping up with the jargon very
difficult. The use of acronyms to describe everything from specific hardware to integrated
systems makes the task even more complex. In addition many of the terms and definitions vary
widely depending on the nature of the literature or source and the time period in which they are
discussed. Following is a list of the terminology and acronyms as they are used in this proposal.
Action Research
Action research is a methodology that allows the researcher to develop knowledge and
understanding as part of on-going practice. In situations where other methods fall short, action
research provides new and innovative ways of approaching problems.
Viewed as a trend of the 60s and 70s, which entailed redesigning clerical work to be
accomplished via computer. This included the use of databases and data entry. Automation was
not just about moving everything from paper to computer but also entailed consolidating some
work process to be done more efficiently by the computer.
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
A title most commonly used in the private sector to identify the manager of an organization’s
information systems. In one sense the title of CIO stands as recognition of the importance of
information technologies as a major resource requiring a special type of executive. On the other
hand, the introduction of a CIO into an organization requires significant changes in the existing
management processes in order to make the addition effective and meaningful.
Decision Support System (DSS)
An information system and/or analytical model which is designed to aid managers and
administrators in making more effective decisions. Normally based on personal computer
software that accesses databases of information related to a specific topic or organizational area.
DSS is not generally about specific technology: instead emphasis is placed on the exploitation of
all-available technologies and resources.
Distributed Systems
A distributed system within an organization links a central or “host” computer to decentralized
personal computers or workstations, many of which may be “off-site” locations. A system of this
sort distributes the processing workload.
Host Computer
Often used instead of mainframe or server to describe the computer, which provides services to a
number of workstations.
A standard dictionary definition of implementation states that it is a means employed to achieve a
given end, to provide a definite plan or procedure to ensure the fulfillment of.... Implementation
of information technology is more complicated because the implementation process may be long
and drawn out, and in many instances may have vague boundaries. In the most simplistic sense,
implementation is the process of getting a new or significantly changed, system in use for those
whom it was intended.
Information Age
A term generally used to describe a future state where information will be readily and universally
available electronically. Currently this term has proven to be very vague, as there is much
disagreement over what future conditions are being described.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Description of issues
Interdepartmental Coordination
This issue relates to the degree an organization is able to coordinate it’s IT implementation
process across departments. With the rise in use of microcomputers, information systems
management has become increasingly decentralized. In organizations this often means that IT
planning, procurement, and implementation may not be coordinated across departments thus
perpetuating duplication, lack of standardization, and difficulties with formalized planning,
among other problems. Interdepartmental coordination is related to organizational structure,
planning, standardization, duplication of work/resources, and internal leadership.
Lack of a Strategic/Formal Plan
This issue has become one of the more problematic with regard to IT implementation. Pressure
for quick solutions to very complex IT problems has only served to work against strategic
planning in organizations. Strategic planning is viewed by many as “the heart of effective IRM”.
The successful implementation of nformation technologies in an organization depends heavily on
the strategic analysis of organization needs and objectives. Organizations, which do not make
use of formalized planning with regard to IT, may find themselves without direction in a rapidly
changing environment. Lack of a strategic/formal plan issues is related to organizational
directives, organizational support, internal leadership, interdepartmental coordination,
standardization, and planning models.
Lack of a Planning Model
This issue speaks to the availability and use of standardized models with regard to the planning
and implementation of ITs. There has been many debates on the ability of planning models to
enhance the success of project implementations. Currently, no organization have an IT
implementation model that addresses their specific needs and issues. Lack of a planning model
relates to strategic planning, written procedures and guidelines, and rapidly changing technology.
Organizational Directives
This issue refers to the missions, objectives, and plans which a particular organization may
possess for the implementation of IT. Directives serve as guidelines for future plans and actions
of the organization. These directives must be strategic and well defined in order to facilitate
effective IT implementation throughout the organization. Organizational directives relate to
planning, organizational support, organizational IT expertise, fiscal concerns, and rapidly
changing technologies.
Organizational IT Expertise
This issue refers to the overall technological savvy of the organization. In addition, it could also
refer to how progressive in its nature the organization may be. That is, whether or not this is an
institution that has focused resources to enhance ITs ability to stay on the cutting edge of
technological developments. Organizational IT expertise is related to organizational support,
organizational culture, individual IT expertise, individual support, existing systems, and rapidly
changing technology.
Organizational Support
Successful and effective implementation of ITs relies on the ability of an organization to change
and adapt in order to exploit the uses of advanced technologies. This issue refers to an
organization’s predilection toward supporting strategic vision and planning at all levels--which in
Factors Affecting Information Technology
turn will allow it to make use of rapidly changing technologies. The organizational support issue
includes: fiscal concerns, organizational directives, organizational culture, and individual support.
Organizational Culture
This issue is particularly hard to explain because the culture of an organization is mainly a
perception. However, for IT implementation to be effective the right kind of culture or
environment is required. In most cases this means an organization must consistently find a
common ground between individuals and systems within the organization. Organizational culture
issues include: organizational support, politics internal/external, organizational directives, and
organizational IT expertise.
Individual IT Expertise
The issue of individual IT expertise speaks to the technological savvy of each person within the
organization. It is typical for a locality to employ individuals with a very diverse range of IT
competence. It is also typical that some of these individuals will have a willingness and desire to
learn more about technology and how to use specific ITs, and others will be quite resistant to
adapting to new technologies. This issue is related to training, resistance to change,
organizational support, and internal leadership.
Written Procedures/Guidelines
This issue refers to any mandates which affect organizations with regard to information
technology and it’s planning, procurement, and implementation. In addition it may also refer to
any written procedures specific or internal to the organization This issue includes fiscal concerns,
contracts, outside consultants, and politics.
Fiscal/Budgeting Issues
Information technologies are expensive at a number of levels. This issue refers to the myriad of
problems facing administrators with regard to budgeting and the fiscal impact of ITs. Fiscal
concerns for IT require definition and measurement of operating costs, investment costs, and the
possible/achieved benefits of technologies. This issue includes organizational support, rapidly
changing technology, existing systems, standardization, and planning.
Rapidly Changing Technology
This issue refers to the difficulties of managing technology due to its rapidly changing nature. ITs
are developed and enhanced so swiftly that an organization may find their planned--for
acquisitions are obsolete before the ink on the purchase orders are dry. The nature of technology
in general is a primary cause of a multitude of IT management conflicts from development to
implementation. Rapidly changing technology issues are related to fiscal concerns, timeframes,
standardization, existing systems, training, individual and organizational IT expertise.
Timeframes and Scheduling
Timeframes and scheduling are very important to the effective implementation of ITs in an
organization. Most IT-related planning in organizations must take place in a multi-year
framework due to a variety of factors, not the least of which is financial resources. IT
implementation also carries with it varying degrees of post implementation lag times necessary
for training and “burn-in” of the equipment. Scheduling difficulties are expounded by the rapidly
changing nature of the technologies themselves. This issue is related to rapidly changing
technology, internal leadership, organizational support, individual support, training, and IT
Politics, Internal/External
This issue is inherent in any organizational activity and IT implementation is no different.
executives and IT professionals alike must recognize and address the political ramifications of IT
implementation within their organization and the external environment. Technological activities
in general are political by nature (i.e. privacy, security, confidentiality, and data collection). This
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Coca-Cola Beverages
1. Totally agreed with the definition find categorization of IT
2. IT is basically used communication e.g. local area and wide area networks, data
storage, control of user access level, reporting of data in different forms,
integration of information between different department.
3. It is not to change the existing system entirely but to enhance the existing system,
which has been previously done manually.
4. After procurement stage, another stage, testing stage should be added also called
5. Totally agreed
6. Yes
7. To a very limited extent.
8. Software documentation SCALA
9. No documentation is used for implementation purpose, co-ordinated and
10. Sufficient because of the use of co-ordinated approach, no need of written
procedure and guidelines
11. Yes, last year when we were implementing mail server, LAN and SCALA.
12. Inefficiency and lack of effectiveness will make me consider a system as
complete failure.
13. SCALA module has been implemented, stock control and purchase control
14. Totally agreed
15. No
16. Cokes own internal experiences regarding the implementation of IT.
17. Through co-ordinated efforts.
18. Three types of consultants are used hardware; software and networking
consultants are used. Outsourcing is used when implementation is done.
19. No, internal models are used.
20. Departmental co-ordination
21. Lack of individual support and politics.
22. We don’t have to look at our plant, but have to see the worldwide network.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Beacon house
1. Yes I totally agree with your definition, because it covers all the aspects of
information technology.
2. Information technology helps the managers and employees in the following ways.
Provides the email service through lotus notes. It is also helpful in
scheduling the meetings.
Provide the Internet access to search the material in order to search the
material for completing the day-to-day jobs especially for the academics
Factors Affecting Information Technology
19. No
20. The biggest problem is to persuade the people about its utility.
21. Limitation of resources
22. We are implementing lotus notes email that is very safe and fast.
Factors Affecting Information Technology
High Noon
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Olympia textile
1. IT is not so bound. Its area of concentration is more than that. Along with
these. IT deals with virtual management as well.
2. IT is working as change agent in my organization.
3. IT is process of change; it’s a sequential process, which ultimately leads
towards automation.
4. Its basically management process, planning, organizing, leading, monitoring.
5. I totally agree
6. Yes.
7. Yes.
8. Implementation process consists of some formal procedures you have to
-Designing and development
-Quality assurance
-Review and feedback
9. More coordinated and comprehensive.
10. Ok, it’s not optimal but satisfactory. There is always room for improvement,
secondly technology changes at a very fast pace.
11. Yes you can say up to some extent we try to find out where we are and where
we should be.
12. Inefficiency and ineffectiveness both will cause me to consider IT
implementation a failure.
13. We are now establishing our own mail server and website.
14. I totally agree with this definition.
15. We have no model but we have proper system for IT, you can say its Think
Tank and before going to deploy, we review its pros and cons.
16. Yes we do benchmarking, take a few examples of industry leader and other
published sources and further consult with IT consultants.
17. After brainstorming, IT authorities finalize that what alternative is feasible.
18. Yes we consult with firm as well as individual consultants. According to our
19. It’s a right approach to move forward, we make comparative analysis with
public and private both, we see what new implementations are taking place and are
they feasible for us.
20. In Pakistan there are two main constraints. IT market is not so much
developed, Linkages are weak, mean and end problem integration problem.
21. People are not aware of the benefits IT could provide
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Factors Affecting Information Technology
Issues Database