AutismConversations SpectrumChart

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Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, or PDD-NOS?

A quick reference chart to help distinguish between

the three forms of high-functioning autism spectrum disorders
Marilyn J. Monteiro, Ph.D.

Asperger’s Autism PDD-NOS

Language skills well developed with Often display a well developed Language skills typically less
Asperger’s Syndrome; usually have vocabulary for labeling; use of developed than in children with
Language and developed one or more areas of language is rote and self-directed with Asperger’s Syndrome; use of language
Communication passionate interest; conversation with frequent use of scripted language is prompt-dependent on adults; may
others focuses on conveying facts and have developed one or more areas of
details about preferred topics passionate interest but have difficulty
sharing details with others

Usually initiate and extend social Become anxious with social Prompt-dependent on adults to
Social Relationships and exchanges even though they do so exchanges and do not generally structure social exchanges; will initiate
on their agenda; most comfortable initiate or sustain social interactions; and extend as long as structure is
Emotional Responses with adults or younger children; peer tend to remove themselves from present; lack flexibility in their play
relationships are often a source of social exchanges; most comfortable routines; may become anxious and
anxiety; may have difficulty regulating with others when sharing sensory agitated during loosely structured
emotional states interests and limited language is used language and social interactions

Have developed one or more areas Tend to focus intently on the Display some drive to establish
of passionate interest; sensory- sensory aspects of the toys; seek out sensory-driven play but can be
driven quality to their narrative when manipulative materials with visual redirected by the examiners; during
Sensory Use sharing information with others and tactile features; create repetitive social play, tend to create rigid and
and Interests about preferred topics; may resist sensory routines as a means to self- inflexible play routines infrequent
touching sensory toys; unusual body regulate anxiety; frequently display display of unusual body movements
movements are subtle but repetitive distinctive unusual body movements and mannerisms
and mannerisms

In average range; verbal may be Cognitive pattern of development Cognitive pattern of development
higher than nonverbal; WISC-IV is uneven; typically show higher is uneven; typically show higher
Cognitive pattern: Working Memory sometimes lower nonverbal and lower verbal abilities nonverbal and lower verbal abilities
than other areas; written expression is
frequently an area of challenge

© 2010 Marilyn J. Monteiro, Ph.D.

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