Gaussian Beam Optics

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For details on the theory of Gaussian beam optics, refer to the excerpts from the Melles Griot and
Newport catalogs. Melles Griot, anlong with Newport Corporation, is a major manufacturer of
optical components used for research. You will also find tutorials on other subjects of optics and
photonics at their web site: (CVI Melles Griot Optics Guides) (Newport Tutorials).

There are many calculators or programs to determine Gaussian beam propagation in free space or
through a combination of lenses. Below is a short list of program you may use to solve the
homework problems.
Gaussian Beam Calculator for simple lenses (need LabView) (for Mac only, ABCD Gaussian Beam Propagation)
Gaussian Beam Intensity/Irradiance
Gaussian Beam and Spatial Filtering

One usually thinks of a laser beam as a perfectly collimated beam of light rays with be beam
energy uniformly spread across the cross section of the beam. This is not an adequate picture for
discussing the propagation of a laser beam over any appreciable distance because diffraction
causes the light waves to spread transversely as they propagate, Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Divergence of a Laser Beam

Additionally, the energy (irradiance) profile of a laser beam is typically not uniform. For the
most commonly used He-Ne lasers (operating in the TEM00 mode) the irradiance (the power
carried by the beam across a unit area perpendicular to the beam = W/m2) is given by a Gaussian
2 P 2 r 2 / w2
I ( r ) = I 0 e2 r / w =
, (1)

where w is defined as the distance out from the center axis of the beam where the irradiance
drops to 1/e2of its value on axis. P is the total power in the beam. r is the transverse distance from
the central axis. w depends on the distance z the beam ahs propagated from the beam waist. w0 is
the beam radius at the waist. [The beam waist is defined as the point where the beam wave front
was last flat (as opposed to spherical at other locations).] For a hemispherical laser cavity such as
the one used for the He-Ne laser used in the lab, the waist is located roughly at the output mirror.
w0 is related to w by

Experimentally, one can use a CCD detector array to measure how the irradiance various across
the beam for several values of z>>zR. Then fit the data for each z using Eq. (1), which will yield
values for w(z). Then one can use Eqs. (3) and (4) to determine w0 and calculate zR.

plane (i.e. the two lenses are separated by f0+fe). The rays reaching the eye are again parallel,
but appear to subtend a much larger angle than the original object. From Fig. 2 it is easy to see
that the angular magnification is

Figure 2. The Astronomical Telescope

Because Gaussian beams do not follow the rules of ray optics, we cannot use the lens equation to
design a beam expander. However, as discuss in the Melles Griot Optics Guide, if you consider
the object to be the beam waist of the incoming beam and the image to be the beam waist after
the beam passes through the lens, then you can use a modified lens equation:

Lets now apply this to an inverted astronomical telescope with the focal length of the first lens
being 5 cm and the second 40 cm. In the astronomical telescope the two lenses are separated by
the sum of the focal lengths of the two lenses 45 cm in this case. We assume a red He-Ne laser
(633nm) with beam waist radius of 0.4 mm. We first use Eq. (3) to get zR=0.80 m. For the first
lens, f = 5 cm, and the beam waist for the laser is close to the exit of the laser. We put the lens as
close to the laser as possible and assume s=0. The using Eq. (5) we get

Material Properties

Optical Specifications

Gaussian Beam Optics

Fundamental Optics



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Page 2.2

In most laser applications it is necessary to focus, modify, or

shape the laser beam by using lenses and other optical elements. In
general, laser-beam propagation can be approximated by assuming that the laser beam has an ideal Gaussian intensity profile,
which corresponds to the theoretical TEM00 mode. Coherent
Gaussian beams have peculiar transformation properties which
require special consideration. In order to select the best optics for
a particular laser application, it is important to understand the
basic properties of Gaussian beams.
Unfortunately, the output from real-life lasers is not truly Gaussian (although helium neon lasers and argon-ion lasers are a very close
approximation). To accommodate this variance, a quality factor, M2
(called the M-squared factor), has been defined to describe the
deviation of the laser beam from a theoretical Gaussian. For a theoretical Gaussian, M2 = 1; for a real laser beam, M2>1. The M2 factor for helium neon lasers is typically less than 1.1; for ion lasers,
the M2 factor typically is between 1.1 and 1.3. Collimated TEM00
diode laser beams usually have an M2 ranging from 1.1 to 1.7. For
high-energy multimode lasers, the M2 factor can be as high as 25
or 30. In all cases, the M2 factor affects the characteristics of a laser
beam and cannot be neglected in optical designs.
In the following section, Gaussian Beam Propagation, we will
treat the characteristics of a theoretical Gaussian beam (M2=1);
then, in the section Real Beam Propagation we will show how these
characteristics change as the beam deviates from the theoretical. In
all cases, a circularly symmetric wavefront is assumed, as would be
the case for a helium neon laser or an argon-ion laser. Diode laser
beams are asymmetric and often astigmatic, which causes their
transformation to be more complex.
Although in some respects component design and tolerancing
for lasers is more critical than for conventional optical components,
the designs often tend to be simpler since many of the constraints
associated with imaging systems are not present. For instance, laser
beams are nearly always used on axis, which eliminates the need
to correct asymmetric aberration. Chromatic aberrations are of no
concern in single-wavelength lasers, although they are critical for
some tunable and multiline laser applications. In fact, the only significant aberration in most single-wavelength applications is primary
(third-order) spherical aberration.
Scatter from surface defects, inclusions, dust, or damaged coatings is of greater concern in laser-based systems than in incoherent
systems. Speckle content arising from surface texture and beam
coherence can limit system performance.

Optical Coatings

Gaussian Beam Propagation

Because laser light is generated coherently, it is not subject

to some of the limitations normally associated with incoherent
sources. All parts of the wavefront act as if they originate from the
same point; consequently, the emergent wavefront can be precisely
defined. Starting out with a well-defined wavefront permits more
precise focusing and control of the beam than otherwise would be


Gaussian Beam Optics

For virtually all laser cavities, the propagation of an electromagnetic field, E(0), through one round trip in an optical resonator
can be described mathematically by a propagation integral, which
has the general form
E (1) ( x, y ) = e jkp

K ( x, y, x0 , y0 ) E (0) x0, y0 dx0dy0



where K is the propagation constant at the carrier frequency of

the optical signal, p is the length of one period or round trip, and
the integral is over the transverse coordinates at the reference or
input plane. The function K is commonly called the propagation
kernel since the field E(1)(x, y), after one propagation step, can be
obtained from the initial field E (0)(x0, y0) through the operation
of the linear kernel or propagator K(x, y, x0, y0).
By setting the condition that the field, after one period, will
have exactly the same transverse form, both in phase and profile
(amplitude variation across the field), we get the equation
g nm E nm ( x, y )

K ( x, y, x0 , y0 ) E nm x0, y0 dx0dy0



where Enm represents a set of mathematical eigenmodes, and gnm

a corresponding set of eigenvalues. The eigenmodes are referred to
as transverse cavity modes, and, for stable resonators, are closely
approximated by Hermite-Gaussian functions, denoted by TEMnm.
(Anthony Siegman, Lasers)
The lowest order, or fundamental transverse mode, TEM00
has a Gaussian intensity profile, shown in figure 2.1, which has
the form
I. ( x, y ) e

k x2 + y 2


In this section we will identify the propagation characteristics

of this lowest-order solution to the propagation equation. In the next
section, Real Beam Propagation, we will discuss the propagation
characteristics of higher-order modes, as well as beams that have
been distorted by diffraction or various anisotropic phenomena.


In order to gain an appreciation of the principles and limitations of Gaussian beam optics, it is necessary to understand the
nature of the laser output beam. In TEM00 mode, the beam emitted from a laser begins as a perfect plane wave with a Gaussian
transverse irradiance profile as shown in figure 2.1. The Gaussian
shape is truncated at some diameter either by the internal dimensions of the laser or by some limiting aperture in the optical train.
To specify and discuss the propagation characteristics of a laser
beam, we must define its diameter in some way. There are two commonly accepted definitions. One definition is the diameter at which




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Page 2.3



The irradiance distribution of the Gaussian TEM00 beam,



I ( r ) = I 0e 2r


41.5w 4w

Figure 2.1


/ w2


The invariance of the form of the distribution is a special consequence of the presumed Gaussian distribution at z = 0. If a uniform irradiance distribution had been presumed at z = 0, the pattern
at z = would have been the familiar Airy disc pattern given by a
Bessel function, whereas the pattern at intermediate z values would
have been enormously complicated.
Simultaneously, as R(z) asymptotically approaches z for large
z, w(z) asymptotically approaches the value
w (z) =

p w0

where z is presumed to be much larger than pw0 /l so that the 1/e2

irradiance contours asymptotically approach a cone of angular

w (z)
p w0


1/e2 diameter 13.5% of peak

Even if a Gaussian TEM00 laser-beam wavefront were made

perfectly flat at some plane, it would quickly acquire curvature and
begin spreading in accordance with



Material Properties

Diffraction causes light waves to spread transversely as they

propagate, and it is therefore impossible to have a perfectly collimated
beam. The spreading of a laser beam is in precise accord with the
predictions of pure diffraction theory; aberration is totally insignificant in the present context. Under quite ordinary circumstances,
the beam spreading can be so small it can go unnoticed. The following formulas accurately describe beam spreading, making it
easy to see the capabilities and limitations of laser beams.


Optical Specifications

the beam irradiance (intensity) has fallen to 1/e2 (13.5 percent) of

its peak, or axial value and the other is the diameter at which the
beam irradiance (intensity) has fallen to 50 percent of its peak, or
axial value, as shown in figure 2.2. This second definition is also
referred to as FWHM, or full width at half maximum. For the
remainder of this guide, we will be using the 1/e2 definition.

2P 2r 2 / w 2
pw 2

where w=w(z) and P is the total power in the beam, is the same at
all cross sections of the beam.

Irradiance profile of a Gaussian TEM00 mode

R ( z ) = z 1 + 0

Gaussian Beam Optics



Fundamental Optics

the radius of the 1/e2 contour after the wave has propagated a distance z, and R(z) is the wavefront radius of curvature after propagating a distance z. R(z) is infinite at z = 0, passes through a minimum
at some finite z, and rises again toward infinity as z is further
increased, asymptotically approaching the value of z itself. The
plane z=0 marks the location of a Gaussian waist, or a place where
the wavefront is flat, and w0 is called the beam waist radius.

FWHM diameter 50% of peak

of propagation

lz 2

w ( z ) = w0 1 +
p w02

1/ 2



Figure 2.2

Optical Coatings

where z is the distance propagated from the plane where the wavefront is flat, l is the wavelength of light, w0 is the radius of the 1/e2
irradiance contour at the plane where the wavefront is flat, w(z) is

Diameter of a Gaussian beam

Gaussian Beam Optics


Fundamental Optics



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Page 2.4

This value is the far-field angular radius (half-angle divergence)

of the Gaussian TEM00 beam. The vertex of the cone lies at the
center of the waist, as shown in figure 2.3.

between near-field divergence and mid-range divergence, is the distance from the waist at which the wavefront curvature is a maximum.
Far-field divergence (the number quoted in laser specifications)
must be measured at a distance much greater than zR (usually
>10#zR will suffice). This is a very important distinction because
calculations for spot size and other parameters in an optical train
will be inaccurate if near- or mid-field divergence values are used.
For a tightly focused beam, the distance from the waist (the focal
point) to the far field can be a few millimeters or less. For beams coming directly from the laser, the far-field distance can be measured
in meters.

Gaussian Beam Optics

It is important to note that, for a given value of l, variations of

beam diameter and divergence with distance z are functions of a single parameter, w0, the beam waist radius.



irradiance surface
tic co


Typically, one has a fixed value for w0 and uses the expression


lz 2

w ( z ) = w0 1 +
p w02


Optical Specifications

Figure 2.3 Growth in 1/e2 radius with distance propagated away from Gaussian waist

Material Properties

to calculate w(z) for an input value of z. However, one can also utilize this equation to see how final beam radius varies with starting
beam radius at a fixed distance, z. Figure 2.5 shows the Gaussian
beam propagation equation plotted as a function of w0, with the particular values of l = 632.8 nm and z = 100 m.

Near-Field vs Far-Field Divergence

Unlike conventional light beams, Gaussian beams do not diverge
linearly. Near the beam waist, which is typically close to the output
of the laser, the divergence angle is extremely small; far from the
waist, the divergence angle approaches the asymptotic limit described
above. The Raleigh range (zR), defined as
_ the distance over which
the beam radius spreads by a factor of 2, is given by
zR =

1/ 2

The beam radius at 100 m reaches a minimum value for a starting beam radius of about 4.5 mm. Therefore, if we wanted to achieve
the best combination of minimum beam diameter and minimum
beam spread (or best collimation) over a distance of 100 m, our
optimum starting beam radius would be 4.5 mm. Any other starting value would result in a larger beam at z = 100 m.
We can find the general expression for the optimum starting
beam radius for a given distance, z. Doing so yields


At the beam waist (z = 0), the wavefront is planar [R(0) = ]. Likewise, at z=, the wavefront is planar [R()=]. As the beam propagates from the waist, the wavefront curvature, therefore, must
increase to a maximum and then begin to decrease, as shown in
figure 2.4. The Raleigh range, considered to be the dividing line

w0 (optimum ) =

1/ 2


Using this optimum value of w0 will provide the best combination of minimum starting beam diameter and minimum beam

planar wavefront

2w0 2

planar wavefront


z = zR

Optical Coatings

maximum curvature

Figure 2.4



Changes in wavefront radius with propagation distance

Gaussian Beam Optics




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Page 2.5

beam waist
2 w0

beam expander


w(zR) = 2w0



w(zR) = 2w0



Figure 2.5 Beam radius at 100 m as a function of starting

beam radius for a HeNe laser at 632.8 nm
spread [ratio of w(z) to w0] over the distance z. For z = 100 m and
l = 632.8 nm, w0 (optimum) = 4.48 mm (see example above). If we
put this value for w0 (optimum) back into the expression for w(z),

Thus, for this example,

w (100) = 2 ( 4.48) = 6.3 mm
By turning this previous equation around, we find that we once
again have the Rayleigh_ range (zR), over which the beam radius
spreads by a factor of 2 as
zR =


Location of the beam waist

Optical Specifications

w ( z ) = 2 (w0 )

Figure 2.6 Focusing a beam expander to minimize beam

radius and spread over a specified distance

Gaussian Beam Optics


Fundamental Optics


The location of the beam waist is required for most

Gaussian-beam calculations. Melles Griot lasers are
typically designed to place the beam waist very close
to the output surface of the laser. If a more accurate
location than this is required, our applications
engineers can furnish the precise location and
tolerance for a particular laser model.

p w02

w ( zR ) = 2w0 .

Melles Griot offers a range of precision beam
expanders for better performance than can be
achieved with the simple lens combinations shown
here. Available in expansion ratios of 3#, 10#,
20#, and 30#, these beam expanders produce
less than l/4 of wavefront distortion. They are
optimized for a 1-mm-diameter input beam, and
mount using a standard 1-inch-32 TPI thread. For
more information,
see page 16.4.

Optical Coatings

This result can now be used in the problem of finding the starting beam radius that yields the minimum beam diameter and beam
spread over 100 m. Using 2(zR) = 100 m, or zR = 50 m, and
l = 632.8 nm, we get a value of w(zR) = (2l/p) = 4.5 mm, and
w0 = 3.2 mm. Thus, the optimum starting beam radius is the same
as previously calculated. However, by focusing the expander we
achieve a final beam radius that is no _larger than our starting beam
radius, while still maintaining the 2 factor in overall variation.

Material Properties

If we use beam-expanding optics that allow us to adjust the

position of the beam waist, we can actually double the distance
over which beam divergence is minimized, as illustrated in figure 2.6.
By focusing the beam-expanding optics to place the beam _waist at
the midpoint, we can restrict beam spread to a factor of 2 over a
distance of 2zR, as opposed to just zR.

Do you need . . .

Alternately, if we started off with a beam radius of 6.3 mm, we

could focus the expander to provide a beam waist of w0 = 4.5 mm
at 100 m, and a final beam radius of 6.3 mm at 200 m.


Gaussian Beam Optics


O p t i c s 555

2 r2
I r = I0 exp 2

The Gaussian is a radially symmetric

distribution whose electric field
variation is given by:









Figure 1

The parameter 0, usually called the

Gaussian beam radius, is the radius
at which the intensity has decreased
to 1/e2 or 0.135 of its axial, or peak
value. Another point to note is the
radius of half maximum, or 50%
intensity, which is 0.590. At 20, or
twice the Gaussian radius, the
intensity is 0.0003 of its peak value,
usually completely negligible.
The power contained within a radius r,
P(r), is easily obtained by integrating
the intensity distribution from 0 to r:

P r = P 1 exp 2

() ( )

When normalized to the total power

of the beam, P() in watts, the curve
is the same as that for intensity, but
with the ordinate inverted. Nearly
100% of the power is contained in a
radius r = 20. One-half the power is
contained within 0.590, and only
about 10% of the power is contained
with 0.230, the radius at which the
intensity has decreased by 10%. The
total power, P() in watts, is related
to the on-axis intensity, I(0)
(watts/m2), by:

The on-axis intensity can be very

high due to the small area of the
Care should be taken in cutting off
the beam with a very small aperture.
The source distribution would no
longer be Gaussian, and the far-field
intensity distribution would develop
zeros and other non-Gaussian
features. However, if the aperture is
at least three or four 0 in diameter,
these effects are negligible.
Propagation of Gaussian beams
through an optical system can be
treated almost as simply as
geometric optics. Because of the
unique self-Fourier Transform
characteristic of the Gaussian, we do
not need an integral to describe the
evolution of the intensity profile
with distance. The transverse
distribution intensity remains
Gaussian at every point in the
system; only the radius of the
Gaussian and the radius of
curvature of the wavefront change.
Imagine that we somehow create a
coherent light beam with a Gaussian
distribution and a plane wavefront
at a position x=0. The beam size and
wavefront curvature will then vary
with x as shown in Figure 2.



Figure 2

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The Gaussian has no obvious

boundaries to give it a characteristic
dimension like the diameter of the
circular aperture, so the definition of
the size of a Gaussian is somewhat
arbitrary. Figure 1 shows the
Gaussian intensity distribution of a
typical HeNe laser.



() ( )




This relationship is much more than

a mathematical curiosity, since it is
now easy to find a light source with
a Gaussian intensity distribution:
the laser. Most lasers automatically
oscillate with a Gaussian
distribution of electric field. The
basic Gaussian may also take on
some particular polynomial
multipliers and still remain its own
transform. These field distributions
are known as higher-order
transverse modes and are usually
avoided by design in most practical



2r 2
IS = ES ES* = E0 E0* exp 2



Its Fourier transform is also a

Gaussian distribution. If we were to
solve the Fresnel integral itself
rather than the Fraunhofer
approximation, we would find that a
Gaussian source distribution
remains Gaussian at every point
along its path of propagation
through the optical system. This
makes it particularly easy to
visualize the distribution of the
fields at any point in the optical
system. The intensity is also

P = 0 I 0

I 0 =P


ES = E0 exp 2


Gaussian Beam Optics

The beam size will increase, slowly

at first, then faster, eventually
increasing proportionally to x. The
wavefront radius of curvature, which
was infinite at x = 0, will become
finite and initially decrease with x.
At some point it will reach a
minimum value, then increase with
larger x, eventually becoming
proportional to x. The equations
describing the Gaussian beam
radius w(x) and wavefront radius of
curvature R(x) are:

The input to the lens is a Gaussian

with diameter D and a wavefront
radius of curvature which, when
modified by the lens, will be R(x)
given by the equation above with
the lens located at -x from the beam
waist at x = 0. That input Gaussian
will also have a beam waist position
and size (or Rayleigh range)
associated with it. Thus we can
generalize the law of propagation of
a Gaussian through even a
complicated optical system.



(x) = 1 + 2


2 2

R(x) = x 1 + 0

In the free-space between lenses,

mirrors and other optical elements,
the position of the beam waist and
the waist diameter (or Rayleigh
range) completely describe the
beam. When a beam passes through
a lens, mirror, or dielectric interface,
the diameter is unchanged but the
wavefront curvature is changed,
resulting in new values of waist
position and waist diameter (or
Rayleigh range) on the output side
of the interface.





556 O p t i c s


where 0 is the beam radius at x = 0

and is the wavelength. The entire
beam behavior is specified by these
two parameters, and because they
occur in the same combination in
both equations, they are often
merged into a single parameter, xR,
the Rayleigh range:



xR =

In fact, it is at x = xR that R has its

minimum value.
Note that these equations are also
valid for negative values of x. We
only imagined that the source of the
beam was at x = 0; we could have
created the same beam by creating a
larger Gaussian beam with a
negative wavefront curvature at
some x < 0. This we can easily do
with a lens, as shown in Figure 3.




Figure 3

These equations, with input values

for and R, allow the tracing of a
Gaussian beam through any optical
system with some restrictions:
optical surfaces need to be spherical
and with not-too-short focal lengths,
so that beams do not change
diameter too fast. These are exactly
the analog of the paraxial
restrictions used to simplify
geometric optical propagation.
It turns out that we can put these
laws in a form as convenient as the
ABCD matrices used for geometric
ray tracing. But there is a difference:
(x) and R(x) do not transform in
matrix fashion as r and u do for ray
tracing; rather, they transform via a
complex bi-linear transformation:

qout =

[q A + B]
[q C + D]

where the quantity q is a complex

composite of and R:

( ) R(x)



w x

We can see from the expression for

q that at a beam waist (R = and
= 0), q is pure imaginary and
equals jxR. If we know where one
beam waist is and its size, we can
calculate q there and then use the
bilinear ABCD relation to find q
anywhere else. To determine the size
and wavefront curvature of the beam
everywhere in the system, you would
use the ABCD values for each
element of the system and trace q
through them via successive bilinear
transformations. But if you only
wanted the overall transformation of
q, you could multiply the elemental
ABCD values in matrix form, just as
is done in geometric optics, to find
the overall ABCD values for the
system, then apply the bilinear
transform. For more information
about Gaussian beams, see Chapter
17 of Siegmans book, Lasers.
Fortunately, simple approximations
for spot size and depth of focus can
still be used in most optical systems
to select pinhole diameters, couple
light into fibers, or compute laser
intensities. Only when f-numbers are
large should the full Gaussian
equations be needed.
At large distances from a beam
waist, the beam appears to diverge
as a spherical wave from a point
source located at the center of the
waist. Note that large distances
mean where xxR and are typically
very manageable considering the
small area of most laser beams. The
diverging beam has a full angular
width (again, defined by 1/e2



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O p t i c s 557

= (f /#)1

where f/# is the photographic

f-number of the lens.

4 F
2w 0 =

632,8 nm

10 mm

1 mm

or about 160 m. If we were to

change the focal length of the lens
in this example to 100 mm, the focal
spot size would increase 10 times to
80 m, or 8% of the original beam
diameter. The depth of focus would
increase 100 times to 16 mm.
However, suppose we increase the
focal length of the lens to 2,000 mm.
The focal spot size given by our
simple equation would be 200 times
larger, or 1.6 mm, 60% larger than
the original beam! Obviously,
something is wrong. The trouble is
not with the equations giving (x)
and R(x), but with the assumption
that the beam waist occurs at the
focal distance from the lens. For
weakly focused systems, the beam
waist does not occur at the focal
length. In fact, the position of the
beam waist changes contrary to
what we would expect in geometric
optics: the waist moves toward the
lens as the focal length of the lens is
increased. However, we could easily
believe the limiting case of this
behavior by noting that a lens of
infinite focal length such as a flat
piece of glass placed at the beam
waist of a collimated beam will
produce a new beam waist not at
infinity, but at the position of the
glass itself.


Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680 Email: [email protected] Web:


Using these relations, we can make

simple calculations for optical
systems employing Gaussian beams.
For example, suppose that we use a
10 mm focal length lens to focus the
collimated output of a helium-neon
laser (632.8 nm) that has a 1 mm
diameter beam. The diameter of the
focal spot will be:

or about 8 m. The depth of focus

for the beam is then:


8 F


We can also find the depth of focus

from the formulas above. If we
define the depth of focus (somewhat
arbitrarily) as the distance between
the values of x where the beam is 2
times larger than it is at the beam
waist, then using the equation for
(x) we can determine the depth of

) 101mm


Equating these two expressions

allows us to find the beam waist
diameter in terms of the input beam
parameters (with some restrictions
that will be discussed later):


632,8 nm


We have invoked the approximation

tan since the angles are small.
Since the origin can be
approximated by a point source, is
given by geometrical optics as the
diameter illuminated on the lens, D,
divided by the focal length of the

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