Islamic Prophecies by Motlagh

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Islamic Prophecies

Concerning the Bah Faith

By: Hushidar Hugh Motlagh
Copyright 2014
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
For a list of other Works by this author,
see the appendix

Is This Thy Voice?

I Samuel 26:17

This small book presents many prophecies from the Islamic traditions and a few prophecies from the Qurn concerning the Advent
of the Bb and Bahullh.
Islamic Hadith or traditions consist of statements attributed to
Muhammad and the inspired Imms who followed Him. Because of
rivalry between various sects, some of the Muslims made up statements or traditions favorable to their theological bias and falsely
attributed them to inspired sources. Is there any way to identify
such statements? This question is beyond the scope of this book
and may never be fully resolved. However, there is a way to test
the validity of prophetic traditionsthose that predict the future.
To see how this is possible, consider the following analogies:
Suppose you have a hundred pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, but you
know that some of them are extraneous. Someone mixed them
in with the original ones. How can you identify the extra
pieces? Simply by solving the puzzle to see which pieces fit.
The ones that fail to fit must be extras.
Suppose you traveled to China and recorded some specific
facts about yourself and the places you visited. Now suppose
your notes were lost, and later someone found them and added
his own ideas to them. How can we separate your notes from
the added ideas? The best way is to identify the notes that fit
the known facts about you and your trip to China. Any
statement that contradicts these facts must be considered an
addition and hence invalid. This is possible because we already
have a set of specific facts known to be accurate. If we did

not have these facts, we could not make judgment with any
degree of certainty.
Suppose you are looking for a lost relative. How many pieces
of information would you need to find him?

His name
House number

Even if one hundred billion people lived on the earth, you

could still locate your relative.
Now suppose the correct address you have is mixed with
some misleading information. Despite this, you succeed in
your search. At that point, would you reject your relative
because you had some misinformation about him?
The prophetic traditions that have been fulfilled in the Bah Faith
are like the pieces of a puzzle that fit. Any piece that fails to fit does
not belong to the puzzle. It must be considered an addition. Similarly,
the prophetic traditions are like the notes you recorded about your
life and the critical events of your trip to China. They are also like
the name and address of a lost relative living somewhere on earth.
When we study the Islamic traditions, we discover that they predict
with an astonishing degree of accuracy the history of the Bah
Faith. We cannot find anyone, over the course of twelve centuries,
who has fulfilled even a small fraction of these prophecies. What
does the correspondence of so many prophetic traditions with the
Advent of the Bah Faith indicate? That they were uttered by
someone who had full knowledge of the future. Only God knows
the future and only He can make specific predictions that are later
fulfilledin this case more than a thousand years later. Would God,
the One who has the knowledge of all things, contradict Himself ?
Therefore, any tradition that fails to correspond to the Advent of
the Bah Faith must be considered an addition. It cannot be part
of the puzzle designed by God.

In addition to this test, we have another standard by which we can

judge the validity of the Islamic traditions. That standard is the
Qurnaccepted by all Muslims. The Qurn predicts some of
the most significant historic events in the Bah Faith, but they are
mostly in coded language. The Bb and Bahullh have broken
those codes. The details with which the Qurn points to the advent
of The Bb and Bahullh and the Bah history are astonishing.
We should rejoice for knowing that not only the Bible, but the
Qurn as well, predicts in hundreds of verses the Advent of The
Bb and Bahullh, and the major events of their lives! These
prophecies are so specific, they will astonish every fair-minded
Only a few Quranic prophecies them are presented in this book.
Once again, by comparing the Quranic prophecies with the
prophetic traditions, we can screen out the extra pieces that were
added by Muslims who cared more for their self-interests than for
the truth.
Thus we have two standards by which we can judge the validity of
prophetic traditions pertaining to the Advent of the Bah Revelation:
A remarkable harmony between traditions and the Advent of
the Bah Faith.
A remarkable harmony between the prophecies of the Qurn
and the Advent of the Bah Faith.
Each of these standards by itself can lead us to the truth. If we
combine them, we can reach a level of absolute certainty concerning
the status of any tradition that pertains to the Advent of the Bah
The Voices and Sounds of centuries merge to mold a divine Symphonyenrapturing and enchanting.
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
And I give them eternal life...
John 10:27-28 NKJ

See Bahullh in the Qurn, 936 pages. This book is written in Farsi and
has not yet been translated into English.

Perhaps the most astounding aspect of the prophetic utterances is

their harmonious relationship. Words that have been spoken by the
Messengers, living in diverse lands and thousands of years apart,
harmonize so perfectly and with such marvelous precision as to
stagger the mind. Could such a Symphony be the offspring of
This small book presents a segment of this divine Symphony not as
yet fully introduced to the western world: the prophetic utterances
from the Islamic Scriptures pertaining primarily to the Revelation
of the Bb.
From the beginning of the birth of Islam until the death of the last
Imm (260 A.H.), numerous signs were revealed to the Muslims
regarding the End of the Age and the coming of the Lord of the
Last Days (the Bb). The Muslims were admonished to be alert, to
look for the signs, and to judge the expected Redeemer according
to a long list of prophecies providing the most detailed clues and
features that could possible have been given.
They were also warned not to conform to their religious leaders
(who have always rejected a new Redeemer), not to raise petty
objections against the Lord of the Last Days, and not to interpret
the Scriptures according to their own limited and fallible minds.
They were further admonished to judge with justice and openness
and to use the proofs of divine Revelationlike those found in the
Bibleas the ultimate evidence of validity.
However, when the appointed time came, the masses of the Muslims
ignored the admonitions, the warnings, and the definitive proofs and
prophecies, and treated their Savior, instead, with manifest injustice
and cruelty.
Few in the Christian world realize that prior to 1844 A.D. (1260
A.H.), some of the Muslims, exactly like the Christians, recognized
the nearness of the time. In 1835 A.D. shortly before the Advent
of the Bb, John Fry, a Christian author stated that the Muslims
in various parts of the world, have their expectation fixed on the
same year, A.D. 1844...1

It is astonishing how copious and clear the Islamic prophecies are.

One could write a large portion of the Bah history from them.
That four hundred of the most learned Muslim scholars gave their
all, many of them virtually singing and dancing to their death with
the utmost joy and rapture, was in part due to their recognition of
the fulfillment of such a vast array of predictions.
The prophecies listed here come from Islamic traditions, namely the
words of Muhammad as spoken to His disciples, as well as from the
words of the eleven Imms (minor prophets), who followed Him
over a period of about two and a half centuries. Most of them relate
to the Advent of the last or twelfth Imm, the Bb. The Imms were
the inspired interpreters of the Qurn. The Qurn can be compared
to the Torah or to the words of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels.
The writings of the eleven Imms can be compared to the words of
Hebrew prophets who followed Moses or to the words of Jesus
The Bb, in addition to being an independent Messenger, was also
the last and the foremost link of a chain begun by Imm Alone
of the two prophets mentioned in Revelation and the first lawful
successor to Muhammad (see Volume I, I Shall Come Again). When
the name of the Messenger of Islam is spoken in a meeting, the
Persian Muslims do not rise, but when the name of their expected
twelfth Imm is uttered, they immediately rise, salute Him, and
chant in unison: O Lord of the last days, make haste and come
quickly. The world is finished, set thou thy feet unto the stirrup.
Only a few of the Islamic prophecies pointing to the Advent of the
Bb have been rendered into English. I have translated most of them
from Arabic and offered them in this book. A detailed discussion of
all these prophecies is beyond the scope of this volume. As we shall
see, they are often so specific as to offer the most wondrous prophetic
Profile ever drawn of a divine Manifestation.

A Brief Study of
Islamic Prophecies
His name consists of Al and Muhammad.
The Islamic Scriptures indicate that the name of the Lord of the
Last Days will be twofold, specifically consisting of Al and
Muhammad, with Al preceding Muhammad. The order in
which these two names appear is quite significant, for commonly
they are used in the reverse order. In terms of station, Muhammad
comes first, and because of this, people put His name first:
Muhammad-Al rather than Al-Muhammad. The Bbs parents
for some mysterious reason selected the very uncommon order
of the two names for their child.
Never in the past has the given name of a Messenger been
predicted so clearly and so repeatedly. At least, seven separate
prophecies confirm, in one way or another, Al-Muhammad.
The Qim (the title of the Lord of the last days) will manifest
Himself as a young man. (The Bb declared His Mission at the
age of 25.)
He will come from the East, suddenly and unexpectedly. He
will be a Persian.
He will come from the city of Shrz. (The Bb was born in
Shrz; He also declared His Mission there.)
He will announce Himself in Mecca between the Corner (of
the Kaba) and the Station (of Abraham) and will summon the
people to pay allegiance to Him.2 (The Bb went to Mecca to
announce His Message to the sheriffthe prominent religious
leaderof that city and a few other leaders.)
He will have curly hair and there will be a mole on His face.

The major sources of Islamic prophecies presented in this chapter are: Farid
by Abul-Fadl, Mabd-i-Istidll by E. Suhrb, and Bishrt-i-Kutub-i-Asmn
(Glad-Tidings of Sacred Scriptures) by H. Nuqab. These books have not as
yet been translated into English.

He will suffer at the hands of the masses of people. He will be

imprisoned and cursed.
People will interpret the Islamic Scriptures according to their
own whims, and will use the divine Words as an instrument of
denial. (Misapprehension of the Words of Gods Messengers is
the darkest cloud obscuring the Spirit of Truth at every dawn of
divine Guidance.)
He will be killed by a Persian king. (Nsirid-Dn Shh was the
absolute monarch under whose reign the order of execution was
issued and carried out.)
An inevitable event will occur in Adhirbyjn. Here is the
prophecy as quoted by the Bb:
What must needs befall us in Adhirbyjn is inevitable and
without parallel. When this happeneth, rest ye in your homes
and remain patient as we have remained patient. As soon as
the Mover moveth make ye haste to attain unto Him, even
though ye have to crawl over the snow.3
Imm Bqir
The inevitable and unparalleled event was the martyrdom of
the Bb, which occurred in Tabrz, located in the province of
Adhirbyjn. By the Mover is meant Bahullh who, after the
Bbs martyrdom, moved His despondent followers to the heights
of hope and devotion.
His Kingdom will last seven, nine, or nineteen years.
The Bb was martyred in the seventh year following the
declaration of His Mission.
His dispensation came to an end when Bahullh, while in
a dungeon, declared His Message to a few followers of the
Bb. This event took place nine years following the Bbs
advent. Bahullhs station at this time was not publicly
Bahullh made a second declaration (this time openly and
publicly) nineteen years after the Bbs inauguration of the
New Age in 1844.

He will be from our (Muhammads) lineage. (The Bb was a

descendant of Muhammad.)
There will be signs in heaven. (Before the advent of the Bb,
several heavenly signs appeared; see Lord of Lords, by this
Religious leaders of His day will be the most evil.
In The Book of Certitude, Bahullh quotes the following
prophecy from the Islamic traditions:
The religious doctors of that age shall be the most wicked of
the divines [religious leaders] beneath the shadow of heaven.
Out of them hath mischief proceeded, and unto them it shall
In The Promised Day is Come, Shoghi Effendi quotes this
Most of His [the Promised Messengers] enemies will be the
divines [religious leaders]. His bidding they will not obey,
but will protest saying: This is contrary to that which hath
been handed down unto us by the Imms of the Faith.5
An unusual prophecy in the Qurn points to a powerful and
prominent religious leader who opposed the Bah Faith with
all his might. The name of the religious leader was Karm,
meaning honorable. To appear humble, he referred to himself
as Athm meaning sinner. A prophecy in the Qurn refers to
both his name and his self-chosen title:
Verily the tree of Zaqqm [the infernal tree] shall be the
sinners [Athms] food...[who will be told]: Taste this! For
you are mighty and honorable [Karm]. Qurn 44:43, 44, 49
In The Book of Certitude, Bahullh refers to this prophecy,
and indicates that the man was honorable in name, sinner in the
Book of God, and mighty among the common herd.
In that day merely a name will remain of Islam. This prophecy
is quoted by Shoghi Effendi:

A day shall be witnessed by My [Muhammads] people,

whereon there will have remained of Islam naught but a
name, and of the Qurn naught but a mere appearance.6
A similar prophecy is quoted in An Introduction to Shii Islam:
There will come a time for my people when there will remain
nothing of the Qurn except its outward form and nothing of
Islam except its name and they will call themselves by this
name even though they are the people furthest from it. Their
mosques will be full of people but they will be empty of right
The execution of more than 20,000 followers of the new Faith
including women and childrenby the Muslim masses and
their leaders stands as a clear testimony to the fulfillment of the
preceding prophecies.
Eighty of His followers will be slain in the city of Rayy [near
Tihran] by the children of Persia. (In that place [Rayy]
Bahullh writes, His companions have been with great
suffering put to the hand of the Persians.)8
The Promised One [the twelfth Imm] will appear with Christ.
(The Bb and Bahullh were born within two years of each
other and were contemporaries for nearly 31 years.)
He will appoint no successor to Himself. (The Bb did not
appoint Bahullh; He merely foretold His coming.)
He will come contrary to the peoples expectations. (This has
always been the case.)
People will burn His followers and send their heads as gifts.
(Such events took place exactly as predicted during the early
years of the Bah history. For details see God Passes By, pp.
43, 79.)
Jesus, the Spirit of God, will pray behind Him. (As soon as the
Bb proclaimed His Message, Bahullhthe return of
Christaccepted Him and became His most ardent and
prominent follower. The majority of Muslims (Sunnis) expect
the return of Christ in the last days.)

If you see black banners in the province of Khursn, rush unto

them, even though you have to crawl in the snow, for under those
banners you will find the Lord of the Age, the Mahd. (The
disciples of the Bb gathered in Khursn and traveled from
city to city under the shadow of black banners. For details see
The Dawn-Breakers, pp. 324-325, 351.)
Whatever happened to the Israelites will happen to my
[Muhammads] people.
The Muslims, like the Israelites, constantly prayed for the Advent
of their Savior and ardently anticipated His coming; but when He
came, they put Him to death publicly and proudly.
Some prophecies indicate that both His appearance and attributes
will be similar to those of Jesus. The Books of Daniel and
Revelation both refer to the Bb as One like a Son of Man
(Dan. 7:13; Rev. 14:14). Lord of Lords offers 86 similarities
between Christ and the Bb.9
His followers will pitch their tent in the Mosque of Kfn
(Kfih). (Some of the Bbs early disciples lived in a mosque
called by Persians the Mosque of Kfih, in the city of Shrz.
See The Dawn-Breakers, p. 50.)
Shoghi Effendi quotes this prophecy:
All of them [His followers or companions] shall be slain
except One Who shall reach the plain of Akk, the BanquetHall of God.10
To uproot the new Faith, Nsirid-Dn Shh executed the Bb,
hunted out and massacred thousands of His followers, including
those who could be even remotely associated with the new Faith.
That Bahullhs life was saved in such fierce and ruthless
massacres is a manifest miracle. For Nsirid-Dn Shh executed
any Bb (follower of the Bb) he could lay his hands on, yet he
spared the life of Bahullhthe most influential and prominent
follower of the Bb. He then sent Bahullh to Baghdd and
eventually to Akk (Acre or Achor) in the Holy Landthereby
fulfilling all the biblical and Islamic prophecies designating the


Valley of Achor as the door of hope and as the seat of Gods

Revelation in the last days.
Husayn will entomb Him [the twelfth Imm] and then rule over
the world according to Gods Will.
The given name of Bahullh consists of two parts: Husayn
and Al. Although Abdul-Bah undertook the task of burying
the Bb, He followed the special instructions of Bahullh, who
Himself had located the exact spot where the Bb was to be
He will send His ring to Husayn. (Just before the time of His
martyrdom, the Bb sent several items, including His own ring,
to Bahullh, whose given name includes Husayn.)
His disciples will be Persians, yet they will converse in Arabic.
At the time of the Bb, Arabic was the language of the scholars
among the Persians. It would have been impossible to comprehend
Islam without knowing Arabic. And the early disciples of the Bb
included great scholars who were bilingual: they communicated
both in Persian and Arabic.
Note: Most of the Bbs Writings are also in Arabic, a language
as different from Persian as French or German or Spanish is
from English. The Bb never studied Arabic, yet He created a
new style in that language. His creative use of Arabic is in itself
a manifest miracle, realizing and fulfilling what was said about
the Words of Jesus: Never spake man thus (John 7:46). Even
His handwriting testifies to His greatness. See samples of His
letters to His early disciples reproduced in The Dawn-Breakers.
He will descend to the Holy Land. (After several decades, the
Bbs remains were eventually sent to rest permanently in the
Holy Land.)

The practice of using two names in the East can be compared in a way to the
common practice of adopting a first name and a middle name in the West.)

Persian belongs to the Indo-European language family, Arabic to the Semitic.


The Islamic Scriptureslike the Biblepoint to the advent of

two Redeemers, whose given names they specify. We already
referred to prophecies that point to Al Muhammad (the Bbs
given name). Other prophecies point to Bahullhs given
name, referring to Him as Husayn. (His given name was
Husayn Al.) Further, they predict that His Ministry will last
forty years. Bahullh declared His Mission in 1852 and He
passed away in 1892. His Ministry lasted 39 solar years and 40
lunar years. (Islamic history is based on a lunar calendar.)
The fulfillment of such prophecies more than a thousand years
after they had been revealed indicates the existence of a Cosmic
Force, a Spirit Divine, a transcendent and supreme Power to
whom the present is like the past and the past like a passing
moment; an unknowable Essence who can see the future even
more clearly than we can experience the present.
Moreover, such a perfect harmony between the Biblical and
Islamic prophecies clearly demonstrates that these utterances
originate from the same Source. There exists no other way to
explain such harmonious relationships. It is an orchestra, every
sound, every tune, every melody, and every instrument of which
has been conducted by a single and supreme Composer.

The Mystery of Numbers

The numbers 1260 and 1844 hold a special position in the sacred
Scriptures. They specify the year of the Advent of a great messenger
from God, according to both Christian solar calendar and Islamic
lunar calendar. The two figures were concealed in various numerical
codes and were repeated many times throughout the Bible. The
Advent of the Bb in 1844 A.D. (1260 A.H.) was the fulfillment of
these prophecies.
The sacred Scriptures, especially the Qurn, contain still another
number that point to the Bah Faith. That number is 19. A
Muslim scholar discovered the significance of this number and
wrote a book to prove his point. His book shows that the Qurn
has an astonishing harmony in its composition, a preconceived

design, that cannot be explained by chance alone. It seems as if the

divine Author has intentionally concealed this number throughout
the Qurn and perhaps other Scriptures in many ways.
As 1844 and 1260 were discovered first by non-Bahs, this
mystery, too, was destined to be uncovered first by a non-Bah:
Dr. Rashad Khalifa, a Muslim scholar and author. The discovery
was made possible only with the help of advanced technology. As
Dr. Khalifa states:
He [God] has designated the number 19 as the common
denominator in all His scriptures and to represent His signature
throughout the universe (see the introduction to my [Dr.
Khalifas] translation of the Qurn).11
Apparently support for the sacredness of 19 in Islamic world is
strong. In 1987, one of the Muslim countries printed a stamp to
honor the number 19!
However, after Dr. Khalifa published his findings, he met unexpected
opposition from certain fellow Muslims. Some of them thought he
was a Bah! According to Dr. Khalifa, those rejecting this great
mystery of the Qurn and other Scriptures, have by their attitude
unwittingly accused the Almighty Creator of being a Bah...12
My purpose in citing Dr. Khalifas findings is not to provide proof
for the validity of the Bah Faith, but rather to introduce his work
to seekers of divine mysteries. Dr. Khalifas findings, astonishing as
they are, neither prove nor disprove a given religion. They simply
show the unity of all faiths, and point to one more common
denominator that sustains and binds them together.
The findings presented in Computer Speaks are only suggestive,
not conclusive. The Qurn contains many conclusive evidences
pointing to the Bb and Bahullh.
As the number 19 is concealed in the Qurn, so is the number 9 in
the Bible. Robert Riggs in his book The Apocalypse Unsealed

Unfortunately, Dr. Khalifa undermined the significance of his findings first by

exaggerating and extending their range beyond reason; and second by claiming
to be a messenger from God sent to reform Islam.

presents many expressions and numbers concealed in the Book of

Revelation with the numerical value of 9, the number of the Word
Bah. He places some of them in a table, about which he writes:
Considering only those expressions and numbers that are given by
the Table, the probability that all eight expressions and numbers
will have archetypal values of 9 by random chance is approximately: 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/3. In order to
appreciate how small the probability is, its reciprocal 14,348,907
is equal to the number of seconds in 5 months and 2 weeks. (For
further details, see Apocalypse Unsealed, p. 262.)

Applying Probability Laws

to Islamic Prophecies
In this booklet, 31 prophecies have been presented, several of them
containing more than one message. Some of the prophecies are
quite specific (names of persons or places), others are quite general
(the treatment given the promised Messenger). To discover the
degree of the probability of the fulfillment of these prophecies by
chance, we should judge them individually. For instance, we should
ask: What is the probability that out of thousands of cities, one
(Shrz) could be accurately selected by chance alone? We should
ask a similar question about each prophecy. For the sake of simplicity
and brevity, let us accept an extremely conservative figure that
would express the average probability for all these prophecies. The
ratio of one in a hundred seems quite reasonable. If we do accept
such a ratio, our total probability figure would be 1062.
How large is 1062? As stated in Lord of Lords, two Christian scholars
have applied the probability laws to eight biblical prophecies pointing

As we noted in Lord of Lords (Biblical prophecies concerning the Bah

Revelation), the average probability ratio accepted and assigned by two
Christian scholars (Peter Stoner and Robert Newman) to eight prophecies from
the Old Testament concerning the Advent of Jesus was 49,262. Thus the
average ratio we accepted and assigned to Islamic prophecies is 492.62 times
smaller than their average ratio.

to the Advent of Jesus. The figure they have derived is 1 in 1017. To

show the improbability of chance as a determinant in the preceding
figure, they have made this comparison:
Let us try to visualize this chance. If you mark one of ten tickets,
and place all of the tickets in a hat, and thoroughly stir them, and
then ask a blindfolded man to draw one, his chance of getting the
right ticket is one in ten. Suppose that we take 1017 silver dollars
and lay them on the face of Texas. They will cover all of the
state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and
stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a
man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he
must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one.
What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the
same chance that the prophets would have had of writing these
eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man,
from their day to the present time, providing they wrote using
their own wisdom.
Now these prophecies were either given by inspiration of God
or the prophets just wrote them as they thought they should be.
In such a case the prophets had just one chance in 1017 of having
them come true in any man, but they all came true in Christ.
This means that the fulfillment of these eight prophecies alone
proves that God inspired the writing of those prophecies to a
definiteness which lacks only one chance in 1017 of being
But our probability figure about the Islamic prophecies is 1062, not
1017. How large is 1062? To show the celestial source of the prophecies
uttered by Hebrew Prophets, the two scholars offer yet another figure
concerning 11 Old Testament prophecies that have come true in
relation to various historical events. The figure they present is: 5 in
1059. Then they offer the following comparison to show the remoteness of chance in the fulfillment of the 11 prophecies:
Let us suppose that we had that number [5 1059] of silver
dollars. What kind of a pile would this be? The volume of the
sun is more than 1,000,000 times that of the earth, yet out of

5 1059 silver dollars we could make 1028 solid silver balls the
size of the sun.
Our group of stars, called our galaxy, comprises all of the stars
which stay together in this one group. It is an extremely large
group of at least 100,000,000,000 stars, each star averaging as
large as our sun. At great distances from our galaxy are other
galaxies similar to ours, containing about the same number of
stars. If you were to count the 100,000,000,000 stars, counting
250 a minute, it would take you 1,000 years, counting day and
night, and you would only have counted the stars in a single
galaxy. (Note: All computations are only approximate and all
numbers are expressed with only one or two digits.)
It has been estimated that the whole universe contains about two
trillion galaxies, each containing about 100 billion stars. From
our 5 1059 dollars we could make all of the stars, in all of these
galaxies, 2 105 times.
What chance does a person have in picking one marked silver
dollar from such a gigantic pile? That is the chance that the 11
Old Testament prophecies would have come to pass by chance
As we can see, the probability figure for the Islamic prophecies is a
thousand times higher than the one for the Hebrew prophecies. Yet
the prophecies presented in this chapter are only a part of the
prophetic profile regarding the Bah Revelation.

The One Who Plans and Plots

To see how specific the Quranic prophecies are, let us examine one
example. The Qurn, like the Bible, is an encyclopedia of prophecies
concerning the Bah Faith. But most of them are in a coded form.
Without decoding them, their true meanings remain unknown even

The population of the earth from biblical times and from the onset of Islam
until the present should also be taken into account. But since their impact is
minor, they have been disregarded here.

to the most astute of scholars. As an example, let us decode one of

these prophecies.
A prophecy in a brief chapter of the Qurn predicts a critical event
in the Bah history. Let us first briefly review that event and then
examine the Qurnic prophecy.
While Bahullh lived in Baghdad, He was surrounded by both
friends and enemies. One of His most bitter and blatant enemies was
Shaykh Abdul-Husayna powerful religious leader from Iran, who
used all his might to oppose Him. He was so inflamed with hatred
that he acted as if his sole mission in life was to undermine the new
faith. He devised numerous plots against Bahullh. The following
are some of them as described in God Passes By:
His first plot was to obtain from the governor of Baghdad an order
for the extradition of Bahullh and His close disciples to Iran.
This plot failed.
He then decided to appeal to the passions of superstitious Muslims
living in Baghdad. To succeed in this plot, he made up a dream
that lent support to his evil intentions. This plot also failed.
He then appealed to the newly-appointed consul-general of Iran
in Baghdad, Mirza Buzurg Khn:
Mirza Buzurg Khn, on his part, used his influence in order
to arouse the animosity of the lower elements of the population
against the common Adversary, by inciting them to affront
Him in public, in the hope of provoking some rash retaliatory
act that could be used as a ground for false charges through
which the desired order for Bahullhs extradition might
be procured.15
This plot also failed.
His next plot was to assassinate Bahullh. A Turkish criminal
named Ria was hired for this purpose:
Ria, learning one day that his would-be-victim was attending
the public bath, eluded the vigilance of the Bbs in attendance,
entered the bath with a pistol concealed in his cloak, and
confronted Bahullh in the inner chamber, only to discover

that he lacked the courage to accomplish his task. He himself,

years later, related that on another occasion he was lying in
wait for Bahullh, pistol in hand, when, on Bahullhs
approach, he was so overcome with fear that the pistol dropped
from his hand; whereupon Bahullh bade qy-i-Kalm,
who accompanied Him, to hand it back to him, and show him
the way to his home.16
His next plot was to portray and implicate Bahullh as a threat
to the security of the Shh of Iran:
He dispatched lengthy and almost daily reports to the
immediate entourage of the Shh. He painted extravagant
pictures of the ascendancy enjoyed by Bahullh by
representing Him as having won the allegiance of the
nomadic tribes of Iraq. He claimed that He was in a position
to muster, in a day, fully one hundred thousand men ready to
take up arms at His bidding. He accused Him of meditating
[planning], in conjunction with various leaders in Persia, an
insurrection against the sovereign. By such means as these
he succeeded in bringing sufficient pressure on the authorities
in Tihrn to induce the Shh to grant him a mandate, bestowing
on him full powers, and enjoining the Persian ulams and
functionaries to render him every assistance.17
After receiving the desired mandate from the Shh, he sent it
to leading religious leaders and invited them to a meeting for
Upon being informed of the purpose for which they had been
summoned, they determined to declare a holy war against the
colony of exiles, and by launching a sudden and general
assault on it to destroy the Faith at its heart.18
But to their utter amazement, the assembled members heard
their leadera noble and pious man, who had the final word
oppose their evil plots. He refused to issue the desired verdict,
and abruptly left the meeting.
Frustrated and disappointed, the religious leaders devised still
another plot. They appointed a delegatea respected scholar

to meet with Bahullh and present a list of questions to Him.

After hearing Bahullhs satisfactory response to the questions,
the delegate asked if Bahullh would perform, as an evidence
of His Mission, a miracle. This is how Bahullh responded to
his request:
Although you have no right to ask thisfor God should test
His creatures, and they should not test God, still I allow and
accept this request...The ulams must assemble, and, with one
accord, choose one miracle, and write that, after the performance of this miracle they will no longer entertain doubts
about Me, and that all will acknowledge and confess the truth
of My Cause. Let them seal this paper, and bring it to Me.
This must be the accepted criterion: if the miracle is performed,
no doubt will remain for them; and if not, We shall be convicted
of imposture.19
Three days later, the appointed delegate sent word that the
religious leaders had failed to arrive at a decision, and had
chosen to drop the mattera decision to which he himself
gave wide publicity.20
As we can see, Shaykh Abdul-Husayn plotted in seven different
ways to destroy or discredit Bahullh. Despite his consuming
hatred and his ingenious planning and plotting, he found himself
completely powerless to carry out his schemes. All his plots were
blocked by an invisible hand.
Let us now examine the Quranic prophecy. The reference to the
preceding events begins with this introductory statement:
Thy Lordmagnify Him! Thy raiment [character] purify it!
The abomination [the evil act you are about to commit]flee
from it!
Qurn 74:3-5
Then after a few verses, which we will shortly review, the chapter
presents its main message:
Leave me [God] alone to deal with him whom I have created,
and on whom I have bestowed vast riches, and sons dwelling
before him, and for whom I have smoothed all things smoothly
down; yet desireth he that I should add more! But no! Because

to our signs he is a foe I will lay grievous woes upon him. For
he plotted and he planned! May he be cursed! How he planned!
Again, may he be cursed! How he planned! Then looked he
around him, then frowned and scowled, then turned his back
and swelled with disdain, and said, This is merely magic that will
be wrought. It is merely the word of a mortal.
Qurn 74:11-25
It is important to note that the above prophecy is preceded by verses
that undoubtedly point to the events of our time:
And for thy Lord [Bahullh] wait thou patiently. For when
there shall be a trump on the trumpet, that shall be a distressful
day, a day to the Infidels, devoid of ease. Leave me alone to deal
with him whom I have created...
Qurn 74:7-10
Shaykh Abdul-Husayn had access to great worldly richespower,
prestige, fame, wealth, children, etc.yet as the prophecy declares,
he was not pleased. He was envious of the immeasurable honor
bestowed on Bahullh, not only by ordinary people but also by
some of the most eminent residents of Baghdad and surrounding
communities. As the prophecy declares, he desired that God should
add more to his worldly possessions and honors. After his numerous
plans and plots failed, he refused to follow his final commitment:
to submit to Bahullhs power to perform miracles. He declined
to abide by his commitment by saying that Bahullhs powers to
do wonders are merely magic and his word merely a word of a
mortal. He did not realize that many others before him had passed
the same judgment on miracles:
...whenever they see a miracle they turn aside and say, this is a
well devised magic.
Qurn 54:2
The prophecy concerning Shaykh Abdul-Husayn ends with these
We will surely cast him into Hell-Fire [remoteness from God]...
over it [in charge of Hell-Fire] are 19 angels. None but angels
have we made guardians of the fire...
Qurn 74:26, 30, 31
As mentioned, the number 19 has a definite link with the new
Revelation. Abdul-Bah states that on the day of resurrection, the
angels of mercy are 19. (These were the Bb and His 18 disciples.)

Then He states that the number of the angels of punishment are

also 19.21
The remaining verses of the Srih of the Qurn concern the divine
The plot designed by Shaykh Abdul-Husayn and implemented by
the Shh of Iran and the Sultan of Ottoman Empire and their Prime
Ministers resulted eventually in the exile of Bahullh to the Holy
Land, where prophecies predicted He would go.
This may indeed be a prophecy about the events of our time:
When we make mankind taste of some mercy [the Advent of
Bahullh] after adversity [unbelief] hath touched him. Behold!
They take to plotting against Our Signs [prophecies]! Say:
Swifter to plot is God! Verily, Our Messengers [the Bb and
Qurn 10:21 Y
Bahullh] record all the plots that ye make!
A few verses after the preceding passage, the Qurn points to
Baghdad, where plots against Bahullh originated:
And God called [the seekers] to the abode of peace [a title for
Baghdad]; and He guideth whom He will into the right way.
Qurn 10:26

The Bible also points to plots against the Bb and Bah'u'llh:

Why are the nations in turmoil? Why do the peoples hatch their
futile plots? The kings of the earth stand ready, and the rulers
conspire together against the Lord [the Bb] and his anointed
Psalms 2:1-2 NEB
king [Bahullh].
We should note that the Bb also encountered similar plots,
conceived and implemented by Nsirid-Dn Shh and his Prime
Minister, as well as the Prime Minister of Muhammad Shh.
Verse 6 of the same chapter of Psalms makes the relevance of the
preceding prophecy to Bahullh very clear:
I have enthroned my king on Zion [the Holy Land] my holy
Psalms 2:6 NEB
Suppose the Gospel offered these prophecies:

A man from Arabia will call himself a Prophet.

His given name will be: Most Praiseworthy (Ahmad).
He will declare his Message in the 7th century.
He will proclaim himself a Messenger in his forties.
What if Muslims could find the preceding four prophecies in
Christian Scriptures. Imagine their sense of certainty and utter
exhilaration, knowing that the Advent of their Messenger had been
so clearly predicted in the Gospel. Now compare those four pieces
of information with the 29 pieces, that were cited in this chapter,
concerning the coming of the Bbthe One expected by Muslims
as well as the followers of other faiths. These prophecies should
move the masses of Muslims to investigate the divine origin of
their Promised One, the Bb. Yet most of them remain unmoved.
Muslims for centuries have tried to find one obscure reference in
the Gospel about the name of their Prophet Muhammad. They think
the Greek name Paraclete (from the Greek Paracletos) has a meaning
similar to the word Muhammad. They have even suggested that
Paracletos was mistakenly used instead of the Greek term Periclytos,
which they believe is closer to the meaning of Muhammad.
Christians, of course, have rejected this association. It is evident
that the believers in all ages have applied, and continue to apply,
double standardsone in relation to the validity of their faith, the
other in relation to the validity of other faiths.
Suppose the Hebrew Scriptures offered these four prophecies:
A man from Nazareth will proclaim himself a Prophet.
His given name will be Jesus.
He will appear in the year 3760 (of the Jewish calendar).
He will proclaim himself a Messenger in his thirties.
What if Christians could find the preceding four prophecies in
Hebrew Scriptures. How joyful they would be! But would the Jews
have accepted Jesus even then? Suppose that there had been similar
prophecies about Moses? Would He have been welcomed by all
the people of His time?

The prophecies offered in this booklet provide one more piece

of the prophetic puzzle that fits with marvelous precision with
all the Biblical prophecies concerning the advent of the Bah
Faith presented in these three volumes:
I Shall Come Again, 522 pages
Lord of Lords, 634 pages
King of Kings, 510 pages
As stated, I have written a book in Farsi called: Bahullh in the
Qurn, 936 pages. The book presents numerous prophecies from
the Qurn concerning the advent of The Bb and Bahullh. The
Qurn pinpoints some of the most significant historical events in
the Bah Faith.
O My servants! There shineth nothing else in Mine heart except
the unfading light of the Morn of Divine guidance, and out of My
mouth proceedeth naught but the essence of truth, which the Lord
your God hath revealed. Follow not, therefore, your earthly
desires, and violate not the Covenant of God, nor break your
pledge to Him. With firm determination, with the whole affection
of your heart, and with the full force of your words, turn ye unto
Him, and walk not in the ways of the foolish.22
Seize, O friends, the chance which this Day offereth you, and
deprive not yourselves of the liberal effusions of His grace. I
beseech God that He may graciously enable every one of you to
adorn himself, in this blessed Day, with the ornament of pure
and holy deeds. He, verily, doeth whatsoever He willeth.23


Other Works
by this Author

Books in Print
Website for Published Books:
Introductory Books about the Bah Faith
Bah Faith: Gods Greatest Gift to Humankind, 160 pages, soft
cover, $3.00
Bahullh: the One Promised in all Scriptures, 150 pages, soft
cover, out of print
On Wings of Destiny, 274 pages, soft cover, $4.00
One God, Many Faiths; One Garden, Many Flowers, 290 pages,
hard cover, $12.00
Choosing Your Destiny, 375 pages, hard cover, $12.00

Books on Biblical Prophecies that

Point to the Advent of the Bah Faith
I Shall Come Again, 522 pages, hard cover, $25.00
Lord of Lords, 634 pages, hard cover, $25.00
King of Kings, 510 pages, hard cover, $25.00
Come Now, Let Us Reason Together, 286 pages, soft cover, $6.00
The Glory of the Father, 329 pages, hard cover, $12.00
The Greatest News, 166 pages, soft cover, $3.00

Books on Teaching
Teaching: The Crown of Immortal Glory, 452 pages, soft cover,
Proclaim the Most Great Name, 104 pages, soft cover, $4.00
The Magnet of Divine Blessings (a compilation of Sacred Writings),
419 pages, soft cover, $6.00

Books on the Afterlife

The Glorious Journey to God, 258 pages, soft cover, $12.00
Unto God Shall We Return, 164 pages, soft cover, $6.00
Death: The Door to Heaven, 182 pages, soft cover, $3.00
A Messenger of Joy, 112 pages, soft cover, $6.00
A Glimpse of Paradise (DVD), 104 minutes, $18.00

Knowing and Loving God

Gods 19 Great Little Tranquilizers, soft cover, 62 pages, $1.25
The Spiritual Design of Creation

Bah Prayers, 230 pages, soft cover, $3.00
Prayers from the Bb, 150 pages, soft cover, $3.00

Books in Farsi
:( Bah Faith: Gods Plan
for World Peace and Prosperity), 380 pages, hard cover, $16.00
( Bah Faith, recorded on 12
CDs), $60.00
( Bahullh in the Qurn), 936 pages, hard cover,
( Why Are We Here?), 348 pages, hard cover,
( Life with God and without God)


Unpublished Books
You can download, free of charge, the authors unpublished books
on this website:
The following are some of the books you will find:

The Knowledge of God

The Spiritual Design of Creation, 217 pages
The Knowledge of God, 73 pages

For Atheists and Agnostics

Who Needs Religion?, 126 pages

The Evidence for Jesus, 91 pages
Bah Proofs, 103 pages

For Christians and Jews

One Way: Is Christ the Only Way?, 47 pages
I Shall Come Like a Thief, 109 pages
Will Jesus Come from the Sky or as a Thief ?, 207 pages
Mysteries of the Bible, 39 pages
Prophecy: The Obstacle that Prevents Many People from
Their Redeemer, 33 pages
Christ Has Come!, 155 pages
The Role of Religious Leaders in the Destiny of Humankind, 35
The Greatest Lesson in History, 35 pages
Hath the Hour Come?, 31 pages
In the Clouds of Glory, 224 pages

Why Was 1844 the Most Critical Time in History?, 25 pages

Do You Believe in Jesus or in Bible Scholars?, 75 pages
By My Fruits You Shall Know Me, 252 pages
A New Name Everyone Should Know, 60 pages
Bahullhs Epistle to Christians, 16 pages

Introduction to the Bah Faith

Heaven's Most Glorious Gift, 149 pages

For Muslims
Islamic Prophecies Concerning the Bah Faith, 26 pages
Bahullh in the Qurn, 936 pages (in Farsi language)

For Bahs and Seekers

Knowing God by His Word, 148 pages
Thy Kingdom Come: Gods Plan for Peace, 45 pages
The Standards of Being a Bah, 41 pages

Motivational Topics
Seize Thy Chance, 48 pages
Christians Are Invited to the Banquet of Heaven, 31 pages
If This is a New Day, Why Are People Sleeping? 23 pages

Other Topics
Heaven and Hell: What Do They Mean?, 15 pages
Do You Really Know Who You Are?, 38 pages
Spiritual Solution to Adversity, 56 pages


1. Froom, Leroy. The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Washington, D.C.:
Review and Herald, 1946, vol. 3, p. 495.
2. Momen, Moojan. An Introduction to Islam, Oxford: George Ronald, 1985,
p. 169.
3. Selections from the Writings of the Bb, pp. 16-17.
4. The Kitb-i-qn, pp. 247-248.
5. Shoghi Effendi. The Promised Day Is Come, Wilmette, IL: Bah
Publishing Committee, 1951, p. 102.
6. Shoghi Effendi. The Promised Day Is Come, Wilmette, IL: Bah
Publishing Committee, 1951, p. 102.
7. Momen, Moojan. An Introduction to Islam, Oxford: George Ronald, 1985,
p. 168.
8. The Kitb-i-qn, p. 247.
9. See Lord of Lords, Chapter 13.
10. Shoghi Effendi. God Passes By, Wilmette, IL: Bah Publishing Trust.
1957, p. 184.
11. From a pamphlet published by Masjid Tucson, 739 sixth St., Tucson, AZ.
12. From a pamphlet published by Masjid Tucson, 739 sixth St., Tucson, AZ.
13. Stoner, Peter W., and Robert C. Newman. Science Speaks, Chicago:
Moody Press, 1976, pp. 106-107.
14. Stoner, Peter W., and Robert C. Newman. Science Speaks, Chicago:
Moody Press, 1976, pp. 96-97.
15. Shoghi Effendi. God Passes By, Wilmette, IL: Bah' Publishing Trust,
1957, p. 142.
16. Shoghi Effendi. God Passes By, Wilmette, IL: Bah' Publishing Trust,
1957, p. 142.
17. Shoghi Effendi. God Passes By, Wilmette, IL: Bah' Publishing Trust,
1957, p. 143.
18. Shoghi Effendi. God Passes By, Wilmette, IL: Bah' Publishing Trust,
1957, p. 143.

19. Shoghi Effendi. God Passes By, Wilmette, IL: Bah' Publishing Trust,
1957, p. 144.
20. Shoghi Effendi. God Passes By, Wilmette, IL: Bah' Publishing Trust,
1957, p. 144.
21. See Midiy-i-smn (Persian), vol. 2, p. 22.
22. Gleanings from the Writings of Bahullh, p. 328.
23. Gleanings from the Writings of Bahullh, p. 206.


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