Diplomatic History

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Diplomatic History - From Ancient Times

untill Today. How Did Changes in

International Environment Influence the
Work of a Diplomat
specificity and complex character of diplomacy as an instrument used by the state in its
foreign policy. The course is to present the evolution of diplomatic structures, decisionmaking processes and functions. Against the background of diplomatic and consular law as
well as principles of diplomatic protocol discussion is going to focus on specific mechanisms
and instruments in diplomatic efforts. Understanding diplomacy as political activity the
classes is also to refer to the idea of diplomacy as an art of persuasion and effectiveness
not only in foreign policy. At the same time the course is to answer the question on the role
of diplomacy in the contemporary globalized and dynamic world.
challenges the diplomacy faces at the beginning of the XXI century.

http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo9780199743292/obo-9780199743292-0013.xml - History of Diplomacy,

David Atkinson
Diplomacy encompasses the myriad processes of formal and informal communication between and among states.
While evidence of protodiplomatic practices exists from the ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman worlds (especially
through envoys), the antecedents of modern diplomatic practices can more properly be traced to medieval and early
modern Europe. The emerging states of Europe slowly began to institutionalize formal diplomatic customs and
conventions in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries, forced as they were to engage with one another for political,
geographic, economic, religious, and strategic reasons. Traditionally (and especially since the Renaissance),
diplomacy has been conducted by ambassadors and consuls, professional diplomats who function as resident agents
of their respective governments in foreign states. Since the early 19th century, the leaders and foreign ministers of
the major powers have increasingly opted to conduct direct diplomacy through congresses, conferences, and
summits, in addition to dispatching permanent representatives to act on their behalf.
our understanding of diplomacys evolving role in the international system.
delineating and analyzing the major innovations in diplomatic practice from the ancient to the contemporary period.

Ancient Period

Medieval Period
The Renaissance
Early Modern Europe
Eighteenth-Century Diplomacy
Nineteenth-Century European Diplomacy
Twentieth-Century Diplomacy
Twenty-First-Century Diplomacy
Machiavelli believed that diplomacy, unlike military service, was of no significance
for civic virtue, and that in foreign policy it was no substitute for arms and money.
Nevertheless, it enhanced the virt of even the strongest prince. It was for this and
other reasons that Machiavelli also believed that the good faith on which
negotiation depends wasgenerally observed. His view that promises need not
outlast the conditions that produce them is an escape clause that is equally
necessary. Machiavelli does not deserve the charge, laid at his door by Harold
Nicolson, of corrupting the art of diplomacy.

G. R. Berridge, Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, 4th edition,

Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York; Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.:


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