Cleaning Up An HEC-ResSim Watershed
Cleaning Up An HEC-ResSim Watershed
Cleaning Up An HEC-ResSim Watershed
Unless you do something about it, the size of HEC-ResSim watersheds will grow
and grow and grow. Why do they do this? There are 2 primary reasons:
First, ResSim produces a lot of output. And, with each new feature added,
it produces even more. This output is nicely encapsulated in each
simulations simulation.dss file, but each simulation.dss file can get
quite large (for period-of-record studies, weve seen it grow to over
1GByte in size.) If you havent already, use HEC-DSSVue to take a good
look at one of these files. Theres a lot of good stuff in there that you may
not see if you only use the default plots and reports available from the
ResSim interface.
And second, because, like most kids, ResSim does not clean up after
itself (it is still fairly young, after all!). What that means is: when you delete
something from within the program, you cause ResSim to forget about it,
but, for the most part, ResSim doesnt actually delete it from disk (i.e., the
associated files do not get deleted from the watershed). Also, for almost
every file ResSim creates, it also creates a backup file (.bak); so, even
when ResSim does delete a file, it never deletes the backup.
To clean up the watershed, you need to target first, those files and directories
that have been deleted from within the program but remain on disk. The
instructions below will help you do this.
1) Make a Backup of the Watershed.
From the base directory containing your watershed, create a zip file of the
whole watershed directory tree. See separate document Making
Backups for detailed instructions. Rename the .zip file to include words
like BeforeCleanup and a date (in addition to the watershed name).
2) Open ResSim. Open the watershed. Delete unwanted stuff. Make
From the Simulation module, delete all simulations that you no longer
want to use or refer to. Then, make a list of the simulations you kept.
Alt-PrintScreen of the Open Simulation editor can help
Also, make a list of the Alternatives that are used by the simulations you
are keeping you may need this later.
From the Network module, delete all networks and alternatives that you
no longer want to use. Be careful when deleting alternatives dont
delete those that exist in simulations you want to save. Make a list of the
remaining networks and another list of the remaining alternatives.
Note Alternatives are listed in the alternative editor by
configuration, if you are using more than one configuration, be sure
to check all lists in the alternative editor.
The table of alternatives in the Alternative Editor is a
smart table right click within the table and you will get a
pop-up menu that will include Print and Print Preview.
When finished building the three lists (simulations, networks, alternatives),
save your watershed and Exit from ResSim.
3) Delete Simulations from disk.
After deleting the appropriate Simulations from within ResSim (step 2
above), then open Windows Explorer (or the equivalent). Browse to the
rss folder of your watershed. View details. Sort the folder by name
and/or by type. Look for files with the extension: .simperiod.bak.
For example, if I deleted MySimulation, I should find a file named
The .simperiod.bak file is a backup of the .simperiod file that defines a
simulation. If there is not a .simperiod file with the same base name
(e.g., MySimulation.simperiod), then the .simperiod.bak file is left over
from the delete of a simulation.
A folder with the same basename (e.g., MySimulation) will also be left
over. The basename.simperiod.bak file and basename folder can both
be deleted from disk. Refer to your saved list to be sure you do not
delete any simulations that should be saved.
Note You may encounter a .simperiod file for a simulation which
is no longer listed in the ResSim Open Simulation editor. The
simulation identified by the .simperiod file was likely deleted by an
older version of ResSim. Since ResSim no longer sees this
simulation as active, the .simperiod, .simperiod.bak, and
associated simulation folder may all be deleted.
4) Delete Networks from disk.
After deleting the appropriate Networks from within ResSim (step 2
above), then use Windows Explorer, view the rss folder of the watershed,
sort by name or type, and identify the files with a .rsys.bak extension.
The .rsys.bak file is the backup of the primary .rsys file containing the
reservoir network definition. The .rsys file, like the .simperiod file, is
When you delete an alternative from within ResSim, the .ralt, .malt, and
.simrun files are usually deleted. The remaining alternative (ALT1) files
(ALT1.fits, ALT1.fits.bak, ALT1Obs.fits, ALT1Obs.fits.bak,
ALT1.malt.bak, ALT1.ralt.bak, ALT1------.simrun.bak) can be
deleted if they are not for an alternative that is on your list of saved
Note You may encounter a .ralt, .malt, .fits,and/or .simrun
file for an alternative which is no longer listed in the ResSim
Alternative editor. The alternative identified by the .ralt, .malt,
.fits, and/or .simrun file was likely deleted by an older version of
ResSim. Since ResSim no longer sees this alternative as
available, all the associated alternative files, including the .ralt,
.malt, .fits, and .simrun files, may be deleted.
6) Verify.
Open ResSim. Open the watershed you just cleaned up.
From the Network module, open each network that you retained. Do spot
checks of one or two reservoirs to be sure that your data is still there.
In the Alternative Editor, for each alternative that you retained, step
through the tabs to be sure they still contain their settings.
From the Simulation module, open each simulation. Make each
alternative active in turn, and check that the network and alternative data
are complete and that results can still be viewed.
7) Make Another Backup.
Again, from the base directory containing your watershed, create a zip file
of the whole watershed directory tree. See separate document Making
Backups for detailed instructions. Rename the .zip file to include words
like AfterCleanup and a date (in addition to the watershed name).