Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) Marc Rail Communities Plan
Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) Marc Rail Communities Plan
Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) Marc Rail Communities Plan
What is the responsibility of County and state agencies in this planning effort?
SHA and MCDOT have jurisdiction over all of the right-of-way elements, including streets,
sidewalks, street trees and lights, within the plan boundaries. The Maryland Transit
Administration (MTA) operates the entire MARC system, which runs on tracks owned by
CSX. The Montgomery County Planning Department will work extensively with these
agencies, private landowners and community residents to develop the vision for the MARC
rail station areas in Boyds and Germantown.
Will this plan bring better MARC service to Boyds and Germantown?
The operations of the MARC rail system are the responsibility of MTA and not addressed
in the master plan for the station areas. However, the master plan will provide goals and
recommendations for each station area that may guide the MTA and CSX as they evaluate
the future of MARC rail service on the Brunswick line.
How will zoning change when the MARC Rail Communities Plan is completed?
Once the MARC Rail Communities Plan is adopted by the County Council, a Sectional Map
Amendment (SMA) will be initiated to implement any zoning changes proposed in the
adopted plan. Depending on the proposed zoning changes, it may take several months to
finalize any zoning change through a County Council action. The community is welcome to
provide recommendations to County planners, Planning Board and County Council about
any proposed zoning change.
What is the schedule for the planning effort?