Draft Board Minutes Seward Neighborhood Group: March 24, 2010
Draft Board Minutes Seward Neighborhood Group: March 24, 2010
Draft Board Minutes Seward Neighborhood Group: March 24, 2010
Board Members in Attendance: Sheldon Mains, Steph Jacobs, Anne Cronmiller, Diann
Anders, Marne Zafar, Ken Webb, Peter Fleck, Annie Welch.
Board Members Not in Attendance: Hilarie Martin, Adrienne Hyde, Myrtle Hall, Charlie
Motion to approve the February board minutes – Ken moved; Anne seconded
Finance Committee –
Diann presented the SNG revised budget.
They are proposing major changes in how we apportion the money. In 2010, Mike’s salary,
paying ½ of our insurance, office supplies, and rent & utilities will leave us with a negative
balance of $4,400 (to be raised during fundraising and cupcakes). If we raise these $$, we will be
“even.” Any other monies will go toward our other expenses and payments due.
We received $16,000 from the City of Mpls! This has filled the hole in our budget – excellent
news!! It’s CDBG (Bridge Funds) money. Only 12 neighborhoods applied for the money
(unbelievable). Taking our contract and added an addendum. (NOTE: this funding source
originated in the ‘60s).
Finance committee is asking that we make a contribution to Restorative Justice of $810 (rather
than giving them a bye on their rent). In essence, our donation comes out of our general funds.
(Michael commented that it is not a big amount of money).
Sheldon asked – any discussion? Asked for a motion. Sheldon made a motion; Michael
seconded. Steph asked why we were giving Restorative Justice $810. Diann explained that as
they have taken a very big hit financially, felt it was the “right thing” to do.
Annie asked where does this leave our debt (we owe $28,000 and $8,000 approximately).
Finance committee is going to work on a smoother cash flow to work on bringing down the debt
a bit more this year. Michael made comment that we can use fundraising money toward bringing
it down.
January financials reviewed (see attachment sent). Diane went over the “snapshot,” the cash on
hand, our current liability, vacation, sick leave; our ratio went down slowly as we use up the
McKnight $$. We were at a 11% ratio (Sheldon made comment on this).
Cash on hand – staying pretty steady. Diann went over what the line of credit was ($29,000) as
well as accounts payable ($9,919.00). Diann again reiterated what has been paid out.
Community Garden – we will actually own the “Hub of Heaven” soon!
Michael asked how monies received from a company would be listed on the books; Diann stated
that it would be in restricted funds. If there is a specific designation asked for, again, restricted
funds. Before we accept $$, the board must approve the money received. Discussion on how to
approve a company to gain funds for special projects (history committee, recycling, king’s fair,
art crawl), the board should be aware of who the board member is approaching. Diann’s
comments – the best money is unrestricted money! To keep everything straight, that is why our
financials have line items indicated (previous Executive Director did not do this, that’s why we
have no idea where previous dollars went!)
Mentioned that he has been focusing on multi-family housing issues and recycling services in
such housing. His amendment passed.
Re-zoning talks are moving forward. Talked about working hard on the Midtown Greenway
issues. Michael wanted additional information on the amendments and issues with respect to
medium density (will be investigating on his own to for more clarity). The general consensus is to
have this area more residential; staff however is recommending keeping it low-industrial. Lots of
discussion and feedback on this issue. Planning department has had as much time to review all
options. R1 to R3 discussion happening. (Peter asked if the report is on-line so that he can
retrieve and post on the Seward blog).
Sheldon asked about the MaxIt Pawn Shop; Cam gave clarification as to who it is, that it is
regulated, and so on. General discussion about the stereotypes associated about pawn shops,
wholesome-ness. Annie asked about guns (Sheldon brought up one needs a gun license).
Environment Committee
Garbage Burner report – Waste Energy report by Michael. Hennepin County moving forward.
Hired an Ad Agency (trying to put a happy face on it). Refer to report for complete review and
plans proposed. Michael has retired from Dakota County (20 years!) before this Hennepin (10
Michael spoke at length about the waste reduction project. Linden Hills Power & Light – wants
to have them come speak at length about their outreach program; feels it would be beneficial.
Wants to try to go to a 2-source system (from our present 7-source system which Minneapolis
currently uses). Doing research on the kind of trucks required to implement the system. Talked
about community outreach (SNG being a partner on this). Will probably involve door-knocking
telling folks that it would be easier and free (very enticing!). Also talked about a food waste (one
step at a time though). Talked about sorting of garbage and details associated with starting such a
program—has to go before the city council (lots of paperwork!!) Need authorization by April 6th
before it goes before the council on April 9th. Application would go before the county.
Asking for about $76-79,000 to implement the program. Paid staff would be written into the
agreement with assistance from the neighborhood group.
Also passed out chart that shows that shows magnetic field (EMF)—it will be a lot more
powerful than what they are currently saying.
Action asked – consider a resolution that can be presented at the public hearing that the board
supports the house file asking for a certificate-of-need! The way the law is written the utilities
can “get around” the essence of the law. Written for rural areas not for city.
Asking for support for HF 1633/SF 1537. Sheldon asked for motion. All in favor. None
opposed. No further discussion.
Other discussion:
Mike wanted to pass along the notes about fundraising: perhaps in May, block club “socials” to
raise funds. Sheldon feels that it would be better to do the canvassing rather than have block
Ken brought up again having two canvassing. Steph mentioned that there would be a “Give to
the Max” day again. Idea of having non-profits challenge themselves.
about becoming familiar about Seward. Draw out from them (feel) how to have them part with
information and $$. The biggest skill one can master is knowing the amount to ask for. If
someone does not seem interested, asking for $20, they close the door. Asking for $5 and getting
their e-mail address (per Sheldon) is actually better.
Should tell them that they will get the on-line Seward Profile (newsletter) and then hopefully they
will want to join the Forum. Sheldon feels that it might be asking too much. Again, feel your
way. If the person seems very interested, let them know all the options. Sheldon mentions that
he feels that about a 1/3 he will ask for everything, the next 1/3 he will ask for half of what he
asked previously.
Diann feels we need to make notes as to what each one of us has learned and the responses.
Ken’s point – gauging the response and interest as to how far one should go. So you are free to
say how much to say and how long to stay. We should leave literature for them to read and in the
donation envelope (to read later).
Annie mentioned that you can become a member without giving a dime! Michael talked about
talking in a way that is most comfortable for each of us. Does not want the focus to be on how
much money to bring home – the most important thing is to raise awareness!! 90% of the doors
he knocked on, he informed and got people aware of (whatever organization he was
Sheldon talked about the Annie document—a short survey as to what is important to them in
Seward. Ken mentioned he did not think this needed to be written into the canvas script. It can
(should) be mentioned. Should be aware that the person may not want to spend time, but may
want to fill out the survey. Again, gauge the response and go from there. Include it as an option.
If we leave, be aware there will be a lower response rate (this is normal).
Talked about getting this done in May because folks are gone in June and July. BUT Ken feels
that we should not underestimate as in his experience, folks are home and will give. Annie
concurred. He does not feel we should feel pressured to do it by end of May.
Discussion of what makes a block? Anne asked is it all four sides. Ken states that it is both sides
of two blocks. Some may wind up with more houses to knock on.
Ken talked about how many to canvas. Again, should work in pairs (one with $$, one with the
paperwork). Semantics discussed. Must be careful about being caught in long conversations.
Sheldon summed up that we need to assign appropriate blocks. Ken would like to focus on who
will do canvassing in May. Reiterated that we do not overlap! People will get upset and not want
to participate.
Sheldon asked for a cheat sheet on frequently-asked questions that we can expect people could
ask to get answers that we can all use (and should memorize). The accomplishments, the
newsletter, who has contributed in the past, etc.
Sheldon asked Cam as to what is available from city planning. Ken did mention that we should
expect folks to know where to start and where to end. Sheldon feels we should have a site map.
Again, no cross-over.
Diann asked that we should test this by (on a 2-block basis) by the end of April. Diann again
mentioned that we should review what we learn. Michael feels we need have 60 days (no later
than) to get all together in a comprehensive way. Sheldon feels this is possible.
Get everyone the information after April. Question: can one do two blocks in two weeks? It’s a
pilot. A maximum of 15 homes per night. Again, discussion about trial.
Sheldon feels we need to get together before next board meeting to discuss what transpired. Gives
everyone three weeks. Discuss via e-mail. Ask people to start the pilot week of April 5th, debrief
by April 28th.
Mike will need time to get any information off the database. Ken wants the block faces from
each of us that we want to canvas. Talked about getting all organized.
Board members are fiducially responsible (this from Diann). For the trial, can do as single.
Going forward will be done as double.
Diann asked about responsibility of 501 3c. She talked about letter we will need to send for
receipt of donations. Anne talked about generating a list and doing a form letter.