TFTNewsletter June 2012

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the thought field

June 2012 Tapping Into Unlimited

Application and Potential For Healing

Every day we have someone ask, Can TFT help my problem or challenge whatever it may be? They want to know if tapping could work for them.
This is the very reason we published our last book, Tapping the Bodys Energy
Pathways, with real people telling their stories of how TFT helped them, whether
they used it themselves or were helped by a practitioner, or used TFT on its own,
or in conjunction with some other mode of healing.

Volume 20 Issue 3

In This Issue:
Thought Field Therapy
Boot Camp Recap
TFT in Toronto
TFT and Business
TFT For Artists
Soldiers Return with
Invisible Wounds
TFT and Arthritis
Healing Birth Trauma
TFT Resources

However, we still get asked every day, can TFT help me be more successful, can
it help me develop my career, or overcome blocks, can I tap away my negative
emotions, or heal my chronic pain. So, from time to time we will focus a newsletter
on the less common applications, new ideas and broader range of possibilities with
tapping. This newsletter does just that. It can improve our creativity and art, remove
writers blocks, improve our business and negotiating skills, improve the birthing
experience, and we even share a new approach to using it for healing arthritis.

Whats Roger Doing In Retirement?

Thank you all for your inquiries and best wishes to Roger in his
retirement. He is still mixing in a little work with family and
fun. We just returned from the ACEP conference in San Diego.
It was wonderful to see so many TFT practitioners there and see
TFT research being presented.
I want to share just a few special family moments too.
We both attended our granddaughter Jennifers wedding, and Roger is enjoying our San Diego half of the
grandkids, Caitlin, Ryan and Jennifer.
Then we jump over to the other side of the country,
Boston, to enjoy that group of grandkids, sharing some
fun in Fenway Park at a Red Sox game with Haley, Jack
and Will.
And then, off to daughter Marthas graduation
from Homeopathic School. We are proud to say
we are soon to have a skilled TFT and Homeopathy practitioner in the Boston area.

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

Thought Field Therapy Boot Camp May 5-6, 2012 in Denver, Colorado
Presented by Jenny Edwards, TFT-VT - [email protected]
A Thought Field Therapy Boot Camp was held on May
5-6, 2012 in Denver, Colorado. Jenny Edwards, TFT-VT
provided the training. Fourteen people participated. They
came from Canada, the Dominican Republic, Thailand,
and the United States. Those in the United States lived in
Colorado, Florida, Nebraska, North Carolina, Washington,
and Virginia. Information is below about the experiences
of some of the participants.


TFT is a great tool for eliminating emotional toxins from

our bodies. Since the body, mind, and spirit are so closely
interconnected, it is so important to eliminate the negative effects of various environmental and emotional toxins
to allow us to function at our healthiest peak potential. I
learned and experienced this great healing tool, and I look
forward to sharing it with others. Thanks.-Michelle Baric

Jenny and Shane

Boot Camp has been awesome in learning about diagnosing toxins.

This goes a lot farther than the Algorithm class! -Chuck Evans
I was completely new to TFT before the course. I had never had a treatment, nor had I read anything
about it. All I had heard was people would say, You can tap your troubles away. Ive always been
a bit sceptical about trying new things, but I went for it, nonetheless.
It was proven to me in about 10 minutes after the VT treatment Jenny gave me. I had been living with
a trauma for 15 years that severely inhibited many parts of my everyday life. I feel new! Ive never
been so happy and accepting of my life path. Thank you! -Derek Hill
I have not been in a workshop where I have not gotten tired, my mind would wander, I would experience
anxiety waiting for breaks, etc. The time went so quickly, never was I tired or bored, and everything
about the workshop was so respectful. I strongly encourage others to stretch themselves and consider
experiencing such a workshop, if only for their own health. The workshop has opened me to do more
reading, do research on energy medicine/work, and become more self aware of my emotions and hope
for healing. Thank you for a truly enriching experience.-Marlene Kuskie
I am going home minus the back pain, thanks to TFT! It was an amazing course with a great instructor. Thank you, Jenny! It was well worth the 20-hour drive!! -Elaine Nolan
WOW! What a great class! A bit overwhelming at times...guess that is why they call it Boot Camp.
We worked on my fear of dying, which is apparently the cause of sleep apnea (Ill check that out tonight). We got to a zero on the fear of dying, so hopefully, that doesnt send The Big Guy a message.
Id still like to hang around awhile to help a few folks with TFT. P.S. THANKS! -Ray Scott
The results obtained with TFT have been extremely positive with all of the situations presented by the
participants during the training at Boot Camp. -Leo Proano

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

I have to admit to being a bit sceptical about the whole process, even though I wanted desperately to believe
in what was happening. Even so, as people volunteered to be worked on in front of the group and experienced
their own healing, I couldnt help but feel that maybe they were acting or pretending that they were going
through a transformation and releasing pain and phobias that had been there for a long time and that they
never imagined they could ever recover from.
Finally, I worked up the courage and volunteered. Let me start by saying that I have always had a big phobia
of heights, and Ive always felt dizzy standing at the edge of balconies or on scaffolds.I enjoy hiking, but when
I stand somewhere high up and look out, I feel that I will be pulled off the edge.
I stood at the front of the room and stated my problem. Jenny Edwards took me through a diagnosis of various
points (I visualized myself on a mountain top throughout the process), and by the end, I was amazed that I felt
better. In my visual field, I felt I could really enjoy the view and could almost jump off and take flight.
After the group let out for the day, I went up to the 11th floor of the hotel we were in and leaned over the edge to
look down.Amazingly, all I felt was a mild twinge, what I figure is just a protective instinct.
I feel so much better and truly believe that this process works. I will be sharing it with my wife and with my
family and friends. I hope they find the process to be as incredible as I did. Thank you. -David Portigal
When I was 16, I was riding as a passenger in a car with my friend. I wasnt wearing a seat belt. As we were
travelling 60 mph, we approached a 90-degree hairpin turn. He didnt negotiate the curve, and we went flying off the road. My head crashed through the windshield. I was cut all over my head, and my ear was split
in two. I could see my skull in the reflection of the window. At the hospital, I received 27 stitches around the
face. This has been a trauma I have lived with for over 40 years.
At the TFT Boot Camp, I worked on this trauma with a fellow participant. I started out with a SUD of 7.
Through the help of TFT Diagnostics, my SUD came down to a 0, and I am happy to not have to relive that
horrible experience anymore. Thank you, Jenny Edwards, and especially Dr. Callahan! -Shayn Smith
During the Boot Camp weekend, I wanted to
work on a block to reach a goal. The subjective
Units of Distress level was a 10. By the end of the
treatment, the SUD level was a 0. I am looking
forward to achieving my goal!
I was also able to identify toxins, some of which I
knew, yet the confirmation was comforting. I also
learned what other foods to avoid. Thanks, TFT,
for eliminating so many blocks! -Sonia Vockell
One of the many exciting things about teaching
Thought Field Therapy Boot Camp is having
the opportunity to see the changes that people
experience as a result of the training. I always
feel in awe when I am able to see the profound
results of the incredible method of healing that
Left to right:
Dr. Callahan developed. After the Boot Camp
Back row: Leo Proano, Melane Rose Boyce, Naughne Boyd, Elaine Nolan,
training, participants are not only able to bring
Marlene Kuskie, Ray Scott, Chuck Evans, Derek Hill, David Portigal
healing to themselves for lifelong traumas, they
Front row: Marina Frenkel, Shane OConnor, Michelle Baric, Shayn Smith,
are able to bring that healing to others. If you
Sonia Vockell, Jenny Edwards
have been contemplating taking Boot Camp, by
all means, take that leap and sign up for the next one! -Jenny Edwards

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

Recent Launch of Thought Field Therapy in Toronto

Hello, my name is John Steuernol and Im bringing Thought Field Therapy
to Toronto. I have two companies: At The Moment Coaching which specializes in coaching sales executives, mostly in the financial services sector;
and, Mind Mending Through Energy Balancing which focuses in on providing training, education and mentorship in energy psychology and energy
Two and a half years ago I attended a Boot Camp with Joanne Callahan in
Chicago and this was a turning point for me and my understanding of the
power of TFT. A year later I took Optimal Health and now with this increased understanding of this amazing skill set, I have been able to attract
clients from all walks of life including musicians, athletes, massage therapists, real estate agents, accounting students, many who are involved in
alternative medicine, and recently I picked up a leading fashion consultant
from New York City that came to me as a referral.


On April 28th and 29th Dr. Robert Bray lead a TFT Algorithm Course for
me in Toronto. Since this was my first time I thought it would be a good idea
to get a little help, and Im glad I did. Eighteen people attended with most of
them from Southern Ontario. Dr. Bray did an amazing job, so much so that
many of the attendees were asking when he might return.
I had already scheduled to run a Boot Camp on Sept. 8th and 9th and so Dr.
Bray has agreed to return to Toronto to assist me with this class. This class
will be somewhat unique as Im actually going to call it Boot Camp - Plus A
Wee Bit More. The Wee Bit More has to do with the addition of a third day
Sept. 10th which will be an optional day for people to stay and learn more
about energy toxins, dealing with reversals, and doing case studies. Those
who finish their case studies on the third day will be eligible to be awarded
the TFT Diagnostic certification right there at the course.
My link for signing up for the course should be in place by mid July. In the
meantime if you would like to attend, you can register on the Callahan Techniques registration site, or, send
me an email at [email protected] and Ill reserve you a spot.
The fee for the course is as follows. For those planning on attending the Sept. 8 & 9 Boot Camp only, the price
will be $997 and you need to be registered by Aug. 8th to secure your spot. For those staying for the third day
there will be an additional fee of $450 or a total amount of $1447 with registration required by Aug. 8th. We need
the advance registration to ensure we have time to prepare all the relevant. We presently have a place secured
which has a maximum capacity for 20 people.
This course will be lead by Dr. Robert Bray, a world-renowned trauma specialist and I will be assisting him.
If you would like to register for my Sept. Boot Camp or the Boot Camp - Plus A Wee Bit More reach out to me at
[email protected].
Looking forward to hearing from you.
John Steuernol
TFT - Adv
Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247


Negotiating with Cannibals
by Mark Phillips

Running a small business is hard. There are so many things

that must be done and, often, too few hands to them. The business owner pick ups any slack, which can be very stressful.
The owner is often the person negotiating all of the contracts.
In addition to business area expertise and tactical skills, success in contract negotiation is directly influenced by your demeanor, composure, and diplomacy.

In my practice as the senior systems architect and engineer at

Mophilly Technology Inc., I oversee the work of the engineers
and analysts. The work is extremely detailed and involves a
myriad of systems; multiple programming languages, worldwide networks, and database management systems comprised
of terabytes of data. Deadlines, feature sets, faults, and the
flow of our lives impact the velocity and tenor of a project
team. My work experience prepared me for difficult conversations about what gets done and what is dropped. I am naturally
inclined to problem solving and frequently can solve difficult
technical issues that stump associates. I can handle budget negotiations focus on finding a balance between work to do and
cost. That, however, is only the beginning.
My other job at Mophilly is President. I negotiate all the contracts and what my work experience did not prepare me for
was negotiating with corporate cannibals who are rewarded
for securing one-sided contracts that ignore any harm to the
other party. There are a number of stratagems employed to
gain leverage over the vendors and contractors. These stratagems are orchestrated to increase your level of stress, and gain
an advantage in the negotiation, while absolving the corporate
manager of responsibility for any negative outcome.
The Spiders Web

The Walmart Tactic is used by many corporate types that

has put more small businesses on the ropes than I care to think
about. The basic notion is get you involved in an agreement
that appears to be financially workable, then engage in endless
series of revisions that are really additions, without increasing
the compensation on the ruse they are only trying to get the
spec right.

The lynch pin is that once you have invested in a project, such
changes are blamed for delay of progress payments. Cash flow
is a real issue for small business and your client knows that.
Just getting paid becomes paramount and satisfying the client
is the only way to secure payment.
In the Desperate Plea the client describes difficult situation
and would like you to help them. Typically these are on a short

time schedule or tight budget. These can be a

great way to earn a new client, but sometimes
the client is engaging in a bit of trickery to
craft a contract that is intentionally vague in
some areas.

The twist is the negotiation is rushed, and you

dont work through the complexity to provide
a reasoned estimate. This sets up the infamous
but that is what we meant justification for
demanding work not truly contemplated in the
contract. That is, not paid for.
Finding yourself snared in traps like these is
more than a little stressful. For the owner of a
truly small business, say 10 people or fewer,
this can send you to the cardiac unit. We strive
to avoid these situations but a form of corporate cowardice exists that seeks win-lose
situations. Sometimes, you just get caught.
Taking Control

Consider this scenario: A new prospect likes

your project pitch and agrees to enter into a
new contract. Murphys law is fully in effect
so 30 minutes before the conference call an
emergency requires your attention. When the

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

conference call begins you are flustered, your mind is not focused and During the conversation, you realize
the clients project manager, aka lead dog, is aiming to have you for lunch. With all that is on your mind, you
become nervous and anxious. Your voice rises a little, your speech loses its rhythm and cadence. You have lost
control of the conversation.
How do you regain calm and thereby control? You cant just say Excuse me, I need to catch my breath or My
dog is chewing on a power cord, can I call you back?. A tidy and discreet way to ratchet down the nerves is
needed. This is where I find TFT tremendously useful. I use my OMG I am SO STRESSED sequence for these
moments. Sneaking it into the flow of conversation, however, requires a some finesse.

If I know the call will be tough, I run through the sequence before hand. I dont say much in the beginning of the
call. I listen, a lot, and take notes. I tell the client that I am taking notes, which almost always encourages the client to tell me more. I place the phone on mute, and run through the TFT sequence. Hearing them talk helps me
to isolate the stressors and improves the my response to the sequence. When I am done I ask a few questions to
redirect the conversation to an earlier point and allow the conversation flow to resume. I repeat the note taking,
and the TFT sequence if I feel the panic or nerves rise again. Liberal use of the mute button really helps in
these moments.
Of course, if you are in a face to face meeting, there is no mute button. For these, I telephone the client to confirm
the agenda and run the TFT sequence while I am listening to them, taking notes as always. I repeat the sequence
just before the meeting, reviewing the agenda as an aid.
I find TFT an excellent tool for maintaining poise and mental balance. It has helped manage my reaction to
difficult situations with all the project stake holders in our engineering work.
Mark Phillips is the president of Mophilly Technology Inc, a software product
development firm based in San Diego, California.

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

Were all artists
ART: Do it daily, do it with others, study with the masters and welcome
each triumph and defeat as if they were the same. - Jacqueline Smillie

What is the Loch Ness Monster

but a fear that something horrible
lies deep inside of us, magnified
and externalized? There is no
monster, only fear. Master our
fear of fear and we become our
creative Self again.
Thought Field Therapy is such
an effective tool for artists that I
created a tab on my website for
it, TFT for Artists that includes
success stories from an award
winning writer, a NYC jazz
vocalist, a fine artist and graphic
artist. It is drawing lots of
positive interest in my practice.

Aussie psychiatrist, John Diamond, MD, has a theory, shut off your art,
sickness ensues. His new patient intake includes these questions:
What was your art medium, drawing, painting, sculpture, writing,
music, dance?
How old were you when you stopped your art?
When did your illness begin?
Invariably, Dr. Diamond finds that the year that the patient stopped his or
her art, often in childhood to avoid criticism, is the year disease, mental or
physical, began. In my own life, my sickest years were my artless ones.
Diamonds cure for illness? Become an artist again. While this sounds
easy, TFT practitioners know that the very same Psychological Reversals,
debilitating fears and traumas that shut down artistic expression in the
past are still lurking within like a pod of hungry Loch Ness Monsters.
The journey and the process of art plumbs deep into our core, revealing our values, fears, doubts, work ethic, habits, ego, our very own Loch

Thirty years ago I shut off my

artist. After attending John
Diamonds lecture, I committed myself to practice not only
the healing arts, but art - for my
soul and sanity. At each stage
of my art recovery I designed
sequences. My artist blocks are
what I call the Usual Suspects.
If you work with artists, these
may give you clues for your own
The first Monster in the Lake that
I had to handle was unfavorably
comparing myself to others who
were more accomplished than I.
In 2010, I enrolled in a year long
UCLA Extension class to Write
your First Screenplay. For this
I had to deal with: this is way too
much money to spend on art, fear
that my ideas were stupid, that
Im too old, that my feedback for
other students was worthless.

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

Currently, I am in the process of rewriting the first

draft, a very difficult stage. I have TFT sequences
for writers block and feeling I dont belong in my
screenplay writers groups. My most important TFT
sequence to date is to help me create a new habit of
writing 100 words daily with a goal of building up to
1000 words daily, the mark of a professional writer.
I test for PRs daily and tap my sequence when I
resist this new writing habit.
If a TFT client is blocked by fear, asking the simple
question, When did you stop your art? may direct
you to the perfect healing TFT sequence.
Jacqueline Smillie, TFT-Adv.
Note: this article is a distillation of my winning
Blog of the Week, appearing in Robert McKees Official Newsletter. Roberts students have earned 35 Oscars
and 170 Emmys.
To read the blog please go to

Need Help? Visit Our New Practitioner Guide to Find a TFT Practitioner Near You.

Roger and Joanne are now on facebook!

Please add us as a friend to stay in touch with the latest news on TFT!
Click below to view our profile and add us as your friend!

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

Boot Camp Home Study - On Sale Now!
Our Advanced Home Study Course:

The Easiest Way To Learn To Help Others Using Thought Field Therapy
The TFT Boot Camp Home Study is for those wanting to experiencing the
training given at the live Boot Camp event, but cant make the time to travel
to a Boot Camp.(To get certification as a TFT-Algo, and TFT-Dx youll need
to attend a live event.) Our ALL NEW TFT BOOT CAMP HOME STUDY takes
the best of each level of TFT and puts it all together into one comprehensive
program you can learn at home.
Get details here.

Self Test Self Treat

By N.R Gairdner, M.A., H.D

This delightful and invaluable book tells the story of one individuals
search for a way to use the power of TFT for and on herself. Not only
is it an entertaining story, it is a step-by-step manual, instructing you in
an objective, self-testing method for self-healing. You will learn how to
correctly identify toxins and psychological reversals and the blocks to
all healing, whether it be emotional, physical or spiritual. You no longer
need be dependent on another for accurate testing. It will empower
you to take control of your health and well-being.
You can get the book here.

Thought Field Therapy - Clinical Applications

Integrating TFT in Psychotherapy
By Suzanne Connolly.
Use TFT effectively with more clients.
Recommended for those previously trained in TFT.
Use TFT effectively with more clients
Use TFT to treat issues of self-esteem
Use TFT with cognitive and behavioral therapy
Use TFT to treat sexual problems ...and more
Click here to get the book

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

Soldiers Return with Invisible Wounds

-by Genie Joseph, MFA

Soldiers are prepared for combat operational stress. The Army has drilled them, trained them, polished
them. What happens when they come home and have to adjust to the surreal world of civilian life?
Once you have lived next to life and death as your daily reality, and perhaps gotten so familiar with the
stress of combat operations, returning to mundane life can make everything feel out of whack. Retuning warriors often feel out of sync with family or civilian life, after what theyve experienced. With
prolonged exposure to high-stress, the brain may actually adapt to this lifestyle of danger -- so that
danger brain messages feel normal. The harder part of what theyve experienced may be coming home!
I teach classes in media and communication at Chaminade University in Honolulu, which offers classes
on all the military bases. I work with all branches of the military, as well as their spouses. Many students walk into class in high states of stress. While I am not a therapist, and I dont do any treatment or
diagnosis, as a teacher I need to make sure that students are fully functioning
and engaged, in order to make the classroom experience as positive as possible.
Sometimes students come to class after just hearing traumatic news, witnessing
something terrible or even have just been a part of something very disturbing.
For me, Thought Field Therapy provides me with tools that can calm someone
down immediately, and allow the class to go forward as planned.


I often only have about fifteen minutes to spend teaching TFT. I do the basic
trauma pattern. (Points: Eyebrow, under eye, under arm, collarbone, sometimes the 9-gamut sequence.) Stress is a way of life in the military, and it
is not uncommon for at least half the class on an Army post of active duty
students to walk into the classroom with a self-accessed SUD (subjective units
of distress) level of 10. Students are asked to rate their stress level at the
moment, and are presented a zero to ten scale, ten being the highest level
of stress. By having the class do about three minutes of the trauma tapping
sequence, I get 80% of them down to zero stress. The remaining 20% usually
will get to at least half their stress level. For those people I usually add a few
more tapping points, paying attention to psychological reversal.

Many soldiers with combat experience have TBI or traumatic brain injury.
This is called the signature wound of these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Thankfully, better helmets mean less fatalities. But there have been an increase in TBI from the types of exposure to noise, explosives, and jarring that
the brain endures. In some cases, repetitive exposures to blasts have severely
jostled the brain, but the individual may not be aware that he or she is directly
injured, and continues with their work responsibilities. Down the road TBI
may show up with a variety of symptoms that mimic PTSD, affect concentration, memory, focus and mood. Many have not sought or received treatment because the original injury
did not seem severe. In their mind they only had proximity to an explosion. They may be much more
worried about their battle buddy, or those in greater danger than they are, than for their own well-being.
The effects of TBI can be elusive at first, but can increase over time. This means that service members
returning to civilian classrooms often have significant and specific challenges in meeting basic expectations teachers have of students.
Thought Field Therapy can be a very valuable tool to help soldiers adjust to the classroom.

Even just tapping to correct psychological reversal, (which often interferes with a person functioning at their best) using the TFT karate chop point, located on the side of the hand, can help them to
ground and manage their emotional activations. Once I teach students this technique, we start every
class with this tapping exercise, and that helps everyone become more present. The thirty-seconds or
so that this takes is well worth the time to help everyones nerves settle down, which allows for greater

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

focus on the tasks at hand. Even having one person in the room whose nervous system is very
activated can impact the group at a subconscious level, especially those who may already be
hyper vigilant. Having a method to quickly bring everyone up to a good playing level is essential
for teachers.
Another advantage of Thought Field Therapy is that individuals do not need to discuss what is
bothering them. This is useful for those who are not that verbal about what they are feeling, have
confidential situations they are dealing with, or who dont want to dwell on negative experiences.
The tapping techniques are very useful to cut to the chase and eliminate unwanted emotions
Although Thought Field Therapy is not yet Army approved as a therapy intervention, I teach a
class called Act Resilient, which uses improv comedy and laughter to lower stress, increase resilience and raise morale. I have worked with over 3,000 soldiers. In this class we often use TFT
to help overcome stage fright, help people to feel more confident being in the room, or even feel
comfortable in their bodies, how to express their emotions, and learn how to let go of emotions
easily. Some students are on crutches, or have been dealing with chronic and distracting pain,
and we need to be able to get them to focus on the tasks at hand. Even the most shy or disengaged persons come out of their shells by the end of a ten week class. One nearly silent Vietnam
veteran said after the very first class: Thats the first time Ive laughed like that in 38 years.


I often work with puppets in class. One day I unzipped my case with the puppets, and one
student immediately experienced a major anxiety attack. A tough-as-nails former MP, she was
severely afraid of puppets, due to multiple childhood traumas, being locked in a closet as a fiveyear-old trapped with puppets and related scary situations. In class she turned beet red and was
hyperventilating. She was concerned she might hurt someone because she was so triggered.
Using the TFT trauma tapping sequence, and a few other points to address psychological reversal, the entire class worked with her for about 15 minutes to tap this out. She was able to calm
her reactions and slow down her breathing and heart rate. Her skin tone returned to normal.
At home she continued tapping for a few weeks. For the first time ever she can let her children
have puppets in the house, something that previously would have sent her to the Emergency

As I mentioned, about 80% of students will experience complete relief from trauma symptoms
in about 15 minutes of group tapping. What is really exciting is that soldiers go home and teach
the rest of their family. You know something is working when people teach it to loved ones on
their own time! One student had an 18 month-old baby who had some challenges. In particular,
it took an average of 45 minutes to get the baby to go to sleep, and if they missed that window,
the baby would scream and holler for extended periods of time. The mother did the trauma tapping points on the baby, and for the first time ever she was able to get the baby to sleep in seven
minutes. The baby was much calmer, and she was able to take him out in public without the over
stimulation responses he had previously had before.
The best part was that she saw that the baby would soothe himself by self tapping! The whole
family is doing much better with this major stressor handled.

Another student, an Army Captain in mortuary affairs, had endured many unspeakable experiences. She was under the care of an Army psychiatrist, but hadnt smiled in three years. After
a few weeks in the Act Resilient class, and using the TFT techniques, she found her joy and her
smile again!

Thought Field Therapy is essential for anyone working with people experiencing high stress.
It helps you (as the practitioner) to not take on the energy of those around you who are suffering.
Secondary stress and trauma are major factors of compassion fatigue in behavioral health providers. Thought
Field Therapy gives you a tool that you can teach students and veterans, to help themselves to feel alive and
regain a sense of purpose for living!
For more information please contact [email protected] or visit www.Act-Resilient .org

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247



TFT and Arthritis

I have been a nurse for many years and one of my regular duties has been to change wound
dressings. I have been wearing protective covering always, but knowing that many bacteria
are air-borne, and the chance of contamination was always prevalent.
Recently, I developed severe joint pain. Because of my age, I considered the possibility of
arthritis. Being in the field of alternative therapies, I used all the modalities that I had been
trained, but experienced only temporary pain relief.
Then, I made a decision to try to Dr. Callahans test for toxins after receiving an email from an
MD who stated his finding that arthritis could be caused by a bacteria. I tested for the presence of a toxin and then did the Seven Second treatment, tested for Psychological Reversal,
etc. and confirmed the bacteria, specifically mycoplasma.
Twenty-four hours later, after all clearing, I was symptom-free and I continue to regain my
health and activities.
Thank you Dr. Callahan!
Patricia Jennings, NHC


Challenge and Choice in Tough Times. by Dr. Mark Steinberg

The distillation of Dr. Steinbergs 35+ years of clinical practice as a

psychologist into a manual of what works and what doesnt. This book
is loaded with proven practical strategies for making your life and the
lives of those around you better. It is a roadmap for getting the job done
right and for building a character that pleases God.

Get The Book

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247


Attend The Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Boot Camp

We have taken the very best TFT has to offer and created an all new
course, the TFT Boot Camp. This live new 2-day learning experience
includes the best parts from each of our popular and long time courses:
Algorithm Level Training
Step A Basic Diagnostic Self-Study Program
Sensitivities, Intolerances and Toxins Self Study Program
Voltmeter & Psychological Reversal downloadable book
Algorithm wall chart download
People tell us they want to be able to use the powerful tools of TFT to help their
friends, family or clients, but they dont want to know all the theory behind it or do a lot of studying. They just want to
help themselves and others. Others are saying they cant take the time away from work to travel and attend a 3-day
seminar. So... weve created a course that specifically meets the needs of these individuals, including:
Healthcare workers in other fields like medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic, and naturopathic Part-time practitioners
Human resource managers Parents Educators Teachers Clergy Business owners Coaches EFT Practitioners

Hosted Around The World! Join Us At One Near You.

April 21-22, Houston, TX May 5-6, Denver, CO June 16-17, Montreal, Canada
July 6-7, Mexico City, MX (Spanish) July 14-15, San Diego, CA

The Boot Camp combines the basics of TFT Algo

and the full TFT Dx training into an intensive
2-day course, saving you both time and money.
This Boot Camp is hands-on training, practice and live demonstrations.
Attendees have the chance to work on personal issues and many experience
resolution of these issues during the weekend. Attendees receive all the
materials included in the Diagnostic Training Step A and B. This material allows
you to diagnose and determine the precise sequence of tapping required to
quickly help most psychological problems and daily stresses. CEs available.

Join Us At A TFT Boot Camp Near You

I have heard so much about the power

of TFT and want to be able to add it to
my practice, but I dont have the time
or need to learn all the levels of training
and comprehensive theory. Cant you
just give me the most effective tools to
add to my practice.
I would like to thank you for a lifechanging weekend! Since I learned
my first algorithm my life was never
the same! Now I cant imagine living
the rest of my life without TFT! Your
instruction and guidance is very much
appreciated! Im proud to have joined
such a wonderful organization and I
do believe we will change many more
lives together! Marjorie Alayon

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

It wasnt supposed to be like this...
Current research in the US and Australia has found that
around 1:3 women experience at least one symptom of
trauma following birth, with around 1.5-6% developing
full blown post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Considering the numbers of women giving birth every day,
the potential for trauma is vast. Birth trauma, in this
context, refers to symptoms of PTSD rather than physical trauma to woman or infant from the process of birth
(though these may play their own part in the traumatic
experience). Birth trauma is frequently misdiagnosed,
and mistreated, as postnatal depression.
Birth trauma has countless ongoing negative effects: disruption to the parent-infant bond, reduced rates of breastfeeding (and the long term health implications of this),
depression in partners, higher rates of divorce, higher
rates of subsequent infertility in woman, and reduced
emotional adjustment and cognitive/neurological development in children. One woman describes her journey
after birth:
I knew something wasnt right...everyone seemed to be
ignoring the trauma of my birth. Inside my head I was
OK?? AM I OK???. And outside my head, I was waiting for someone, anyone , to acknowledge what a horrific thing Id just been through. But no-one did...Surely
someone was concerned about my emotional well-being.
I certainly was. But I had a baby to feed and to docilely
watch while my husband changed and bathed him...I
just felt shell shocked....I ended up assuming this must
be how everybody feels after birth...I knew what good
mothering looked like, so I robotically went through the
motions...This was not how I had imagined life with my
new baby would be...(Melissa Brujin, 2008)
Post birth emotional trauma is an under researched issue
with a huge impact on mothers, babies and families. It is
not just the negative - it is the loss of the positive, of what
birth should have been, that is deeply mourned. This has
profound effects on a family down the years, just as a
good birth can enrich and lift the quality of their life.
Childbirth, the process of ones body becoming two (or
more), is an act of creation that leaves echoes in a womans body and memory. Pamela E. Klassen (2001)

For women who have experienced traumatic births,

however, these echoes can be in the form of terrifying nightmares, flashbacks, or ongoing fear. The
womans hormonal state during labour, while giving
birth, and in the hours following is designed to make
her acutely aware of, and bond with, the newborn.
Intuition is heightened and psychologically and spiritually she is wide open, ultra-vulnerable to the care
she receives at this time. Unkindness, brusqueness
or cruelty at this time can go so much deeper, do so
much more harm, than at other times.
Even what is considered by health practitioners to be
a medically normal labour can precipitate post traumatic stress symptoms in a woman, with one of the
consistent predictors of post trauma symptoms relating to insensitive or unsupportive care during labour
(Slade, 2006). In fact, the research indicates that
womens perceptions of control and the care they receive during their birth may be more important than
the actual medical events of the experience (Ford,
Ayers & Bradley, 2007; Slade, 2006).
The available knowledge and resources of our mainstream health system to treat birth trauma are limited; if diagnosed with symptoms of trauma, treatment
may involve drug therapy, counselling and cognitive
behavioural therapies. These interventions, however, have limited success in treating birth trauma.
Unlike other postnatal mood disorders, such as postnatal depression, symptoms of trauma do not fade or
improve with time.

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247


The potential for TFT in treating birth related emotional and

psychological trauma is vast. Considering the possible ongoing consequences of untreated birth trauma on women, their
babies and families, and our society as a whole - the application of TFT is invaluable.
Jodie came to us while trying desperately to conceive. Her first
birth was a traumatic labour ending in an emergency caesarean
4 yrs earlier. Currently she was unable to conceive, frightened
about the prospect of birth, and experiencing flashbacks and
episodes of crying daily. We worked through her birth story,
treating each point in the story that held a charge for her.
At the end of the first session, Jodie was happy, buoyant and
feeling wonderful - something she hadnt felt in years. Jodie
conceived the following cycle and we continued to use TFT
throughout the pregnancy. One of the most interesting issues
that came up was around bonding with her daughter - something she felt had never occurred, and in fact she didnt like
her, although that made her feel guilty as a mother. Following
treating her birth trauma, for the first time ever she felt loving,
caring, and bonded with her daughter: she was not just doing the right thing as a mother - she actually wanted to spend
time with and care for her. Jodie went on to have an empowering, and beautiful, waterbirth of a son, whom she successfully breastfed. She credits using TFT with allowing her to
move on, bringing her peace with her past, while allowing her
to keep her precious memories. TFT freed Jodie to conceive,
birth and mother in the fullest way possible.
We have had countless successes using TFT in our midwifery
practice, for resolving birth trauma and also for many other
issues. Working with women and families at the beginning of
life is both critical and exciting. We know the repercussions of
maternal health (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual) are so
far reaching, and we see TFT empowering and improving the
health of a woman, her infant, her family and ultimately our
In our prenatal education classes, we teach women and and
partners the complex trauma algorithm (also pain, anxiety, fear
algorithms) to use these for themselves when needed, not only
for pregnancy and birth related matters but in general in their
lives. One father reported how he now uses tapping for stressful situations at work and for disempowering interactions with
extended family.
Both diagnostics and algorithms can be used for individual clients with self- reported symptoms of trauma from a previous
birth (for reasons including: miscarriage, stillbirth, unexpected
interventions, induction, emergency cesarean, disempowering

interactions with caregivers). We work extensively with women, providing education and
TFT diagnostic treatments prior to and during
childbirth to prevent traumatic experiences by
resolving fears during pregnancy and prior to,
or during, the upcoming birth.
Some of the specific ways TFT is used in
pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and with
Effectively treating morning sickness at all
levels (diagnose and neutralize toxins and
sensitivities as well as explore and treat
deeper emotional causes)
Mastitis (diagnose and neutralize toxins including 7 sec treatments for infective organisms, treating emotional causes, and relieving physical symptoms)
Stopping haemorrhage after birth (often by
treating reversals in the uterus itself)
Optimal positioning for the baby including
successfully helping many breech babies to
turn head down
Fatigue from long or intense labour
Shock - physical and emotional symptoms
Colic in infants (diagnose toxins and adjust
breastfeeding mothers diet, treat reversals
or trauma in infant).
Side effects (eg pain, bruising, swelling) after instrumental birth (forceps/vacuum/cesarean) for infant/mother.
Ongoing pain and numbness at epidural site
(using 7 sec treatment for anaesthetic and
pain algorithm/ diagnosis)
There are some incredible upcoming opportunities to learn how to use TFT in pregnancy,
birth and in the post-birth period. We have two
practitioner certified workshops scheduled for
North America, which incorporates the Callahans highly acclaimed 2 day Bootcamp
(learning TFT algorithms, diagnostics and
successfully diagnosing and treating toxins)

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247


with two extra days of practitioner specific education including working with women to heal birth trauma as
well as many more uses of TFT in pregnancy, birth and beyond. Certified TFT Diagnostic Practitioners can
choose to attend only the childbearing-specific two day trainings.
In my long involvement with TFT, and as one of the founding directors of the TFT Foundation, Ive been
associated with many TFT practitioners and teachers. Pia and Lianne are two of the most adept practitioners
of TFT we have. If you have the opportunity to learn from them, I highly recommend you take advantage
of it! Theyre exceptionally skilled and intuitive--and have masterfully applied TFT to not only birthing and
family matters, but also to well-being and personal growth in general. Dr Mary Cowley, PhD
Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] to register your interest for our upcoming
or future courses. You will also find workshop information on our website

Alder, J., Stadlmayr, W., Tschudin, S., & Bitzer, J. (2006). Post-traumatic symptoms after childbirth: What should we offer? Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics
and Gynecology, 27(2), 107-12.
Ayers, S., & Pickering, A. D. (2001). Do women get posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of childbirth? A prospective study of incidence. Birth, 28(2), 111-118.
Beck, C. T. (2004). Post-traumatic stress disorder due to childbirth. Nursing Research, 53, 216-224.

Beck, C. T. (2006). Pentadic cartography: Mapping birth trauma narratives. Qualitative Health Research, 16(4), 453-466.

Beck, C. T., & Driscoll, J. (2006). Postpartum mood and anxiety disorders: A clinicians guide. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Beck, C. T., & Watson, S. (2008). Impact of birth trauma on breast-feeding: A tale of two pathways. Nursing Research, 57(4), 228.
Brujin, M. (2008). Why birth trauma is unspoken. Birth Matters. 12(3) 12-15.

Parfitt, Y. M., & Ayers, S. (2009). The effect of post-natal symptoms of post-traumatic stress and depression on the couples relationship and parent-baby bond.
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 27(2), 127-142.

Ford, E., Ayers, S. & Bradley, R. (2007). Womens perceptions of control and support during birth and the development of post-traumatic stress symptoms. Journal
of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 28, 22.
Slade, P. (2006). Towards a conceptual framework for understanding post-traumatic stress symptoms following childbirth and implications for further research.
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 27(2), 99-99.



Personalized 30-Minute TFT Tapping Sessions.

An easy and affordable way to get private help. Weve set aside a
limited number of sessions to work privately with those who want
to get a highly focused 30-minute consultation. In this private
session, Joanne Callahan will lead you through the individual
tapping sequences for your specific challenge or problems.

This is a great opportunity to work with the co-developer

of TFT on a one-on-one basis, to get your personal tapping
sequence that youll be able to rely on for long-term relief.
Click here for more details.
Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247


the thought field

2012 Callahan Techniques, Ltd.
PO Box 1220
La Quinta, California 92247

Editor and Publisher: Joanne M. Callahan, MBA

Jenny Edwards
John Steuernol
Mark Phillips
Jacqueline Smillie
Genie Joseph
Patricia Jennings
Pia Cowley
Lianne Schwartz
Submission Information:

We publish the newsletter six times per year.

Articles for submission can be
sent to: Joanne Callahan
PO Box 1220 La Quinta,
California 92247 or
by email to [email protected]

Introduction to Thought Field Therapy

Self-Study Course
Perfect for those wanting to learn to use TFT. This new audio
course package, is delivered to you online as soon as you place
your order.
Get immediate access to Thought Field Therapy: Tapping
Natures Healing System course.
Online access to the audio recordings, and the Guide to
Thought Field Therapy in PDF format.
For best experience, a high speed Internet connection is required.

Click Here For Details

Callahan Techniques, Ltd. PO Box 1220, La Quinta, California 92247

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