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CX5003 1588 Slave Clock App Note v7

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Application note: Testing IEEE 1588v2 slave clocks



Testing a 1588v2 slave clock in the lab ............................................... 3

1.1 Equipment required ......................................................................... 3
1.2 Testing performance to the ITU-T G.8261 standard ...................... 3
1.3 Setting up Paragon-x to run ITU-T G.8261 performance tests ..... 5
1.4 Measuring the slave clock output ................................................ 19
1.5 If the 1588v2 slave clock fails the measurement limits .............. 26
2. How to capture and analyse 1588v2 from a network ........................ 27
2.1 Placement of Paragon-x within the network for live capture ..... 27
2.2 Equipment required for live capture? .......................................... 27
2.4 Analyzing the IEEE 1588v2 capture ............................................. 30
3. Using PDV graphs in Paragon-x ......................................................... 32
Appendix 1: Using the PDV editor ...................................................... 45
Appendix 2: TU-T G.8261 Test Case Profiles for 1588v2 Testing .... 60

Testing a 1588v2 slave clock in the lab


Equipment required


Master 1588v2 PTP clock

Slave 15882 PTP clock (Device Under Test)

Common Stratum-1 (or better) GPS reference clock with frequency output
(10MHz, 2MHz) and phase reference (1pps).

Accessories and cabling: BNC cables with T-splitters, RJ45 Ethernet cables,
SFPs, matching single-mode or multi-mode fibers

Calnex Paragon or Paragon-x including:

o 1588v2 Option (201)
o Wander Measurement Option (205) (Paragon-x)
o Phase and Time Measurement Option (206) (Paragon-x)
o Ethernet interface rate options to match DUT
Note: Paragon and early Paragon-x units will require one instrument to be
used for packet impairment on the Ethernet side of the slave clock and a
separate one to measure slave clock frequency and 1pps accuracy. Later
Paragon-x units can impair and measure simultaneously. Upgrades are
possible, check with Calnex.

Testing performance to the ITU-T G.8261 Standard

ITU-T G.8261 is the International Telecommunication Unions recommendation entitled;

Timing and Synchronization Aspects in Packet Networks.
Appendix VI of ITU-T G.8261, Measurement Guidelines for Packet-Based Methods provides
the test methodologies to ensure that equipment is within performance limits. ITU-T
recommends a 10 switch network set up to mimic specific traffic conditions over the network.
The Paragon-x emulates the 10 switch network through replaying specific profiles; the test
setup for ITU-T G.8261 Appendix VI with a test Equipment acting as the 10 switch network is
shown in Fig. 1 below. .
There are 17 test cases defined by the ITU-T. Test cases 1-8 are used for adaptive clock
recovery (e.g.CES), 9-11 for differential clock recovery, and 12-17 for bidirectional time

transfer (e.g. 1588v2).

Fig 1. - ITU-T G.8261 Appendix VI Setup with a Test Equipment acting as the 10 switch network


Setting up Paragon-x to run ITU-T G.8261 Performance Tests

Fig.2 Test Setup for running ITU-T G.8261 Performance tests with Paragon-x

The following is a step-by-step guide to setting up the Paragon-x to run G.8261 profile tests:

Connecting your equipment to Paragon-x

Connecting reference clock to Paragon-x
Setup the Paragon-x Physical interfaces
Set the Operating Mode
Select flows and set filters using flow wizard
Validate the protocol and handshaking
Import and Replay a G.8261 Test Case Profile
Measure the slave clock wander

Connecting your equipment to Paragon-x

10GbE Port 1

10GbE Port 2
Status Display

Port 1

Port 2

PC Controller Port

Fig.3 Front panel Connections Paragon-x

The front panel of the Paragon-x provides different connections that can be used for testing:
1. 100Mbit/s Electrical or optical (via SFP) ethernet
2. 1Gbit/s Electrical or optical (via SFP) ethernet with option 110 fitted
3. 10Gbit/s Optical input (XFP or SFP+) with option 111 fitted

Important Tip: When using optical ports it is important to remember that both SFP modules
must be inserted into the Paragon-x in order to select the optical option in the Physical
Settings window.
1. Connect the 1588v2 Master Clock (shown in Fig.2) to Port 1 of the Paragon-x.
2. Connect the 1588v2 Slave Clock (shown in Fig. 2) to Port 2 of the Paragon-x
Note: Both connections must be at the same rate (and same media Electrical or Optical). If
the Master and Slave clocks in your test setup are set to run at different rates, add a switch to
the test set up.

Connect reference clock to Paragon-x

The Paragon-x accepts the following inputs to connector group 13 as highlighted in the figure
1. 10MHz (BNC)
2. 2.048MHz (BNC)
3. E1 (2.048Mb/s) balanced (Bantam) or unbalanced (BNC)
4. DS1 (T1) (1.544Mb/s) balanced (Bantam)

Fig. 4 - Reference Inputs to Paragon-x (rear Panel)

Connect the common synchronisation reference to the relevant Reference Input connector.
Connect the common 1pps reference or master clock 1pps reference output to the
appropriate Paragon-x 1pps reference input 12 or 16 in fig. 4, depending on cable and
connector type appropriate to common reference or master clock used.

Setup the Paragon-x physical interfaces

1. Verify that physical connections have been made as detailed above
2. From your Windows PC: Start the Paragon-x client (GUI).
a. Click Start/All Programs/Calnex/Paragon-x (different Windows operating systems
may vary slightly).
3. On the Paragon-x GUI, press Start Up and connect to the Paragon-x (see Getting
Started Guide for more details, if required)
4. Press Operating Mode, select 1588v2 mode and select E1(or T1) Wander and 1pps
Accuracy measurements

5. Press Setup Interface. On Ethernet tab, select Thru Mode and Ethernet interface
type/rate. Note if using SFP/XFP devices, one must be present in both ports for either
to be selectable.

6. Select the references tab and set reference clock source according to rear panel
reference input used. Set the 1pps reference selection according to the 1pps reference
input used to connect the common frequency reference or master clock 1pps reference
output to the Paragon-x.

Select flows and set filters using Flow Wizard

Once you have completed setup of operating mode and interfaces, you need to select the
correct 1588v2 flows to run the G.8261 profiles on.

The G.8261 Test Case PDV profiles are run on the SYNC messages in the forward direction
and the DELAY_REQ messages in the reverse direction.
The Paragon-x uses a tool called Flow Wizard to select the 1588v2 flows and set the filters
to target these flows.


1. Click on the

button and the Select Flow window will appear (shown


2. Click on

to start the capture

3. After a short time (~10 Seconds) click on


4. Select Flow wizard

and the following screen will be shown.

5. Flow Wizard will automatically group flows that have the same value for each of the
fields displayed. To show the individual messages, Right click on Pink row above and
then click Expand row to show individual message types.

6. Select flows of interest, multiple flows may be selected by using either the Shift and left
mouse button or Ctrl and left mouse button. For G.8261 testing, select the SYNC and
DEL_REQ flows.).


to set the Filters and then

to shut the window




The Flow Filter Window in the main Paragon-x GUI (shown below) will now show that
filters have been set.

to close the Select Flow window


Validate the protocol and handshaking

1. Ensure that there is correct and regular handshaking and negotiations between master
and slave by looking for mis-ordered, missing, & repeated messages
2. No protocol anomalies (ie. Protocol errors, invalid fields, etc.)
3. Correct packet rates

16/32/64/etc, packets per second for SYNC and DELAY_REQ message

Sync, Del_Req, Del_Resp should not exceed 128pps as specified in the ITU-T for
Telecom unicast applications

You can validate the 1588 messages between the Master and Slave as follows:
1. Select the Start Capture button to start measurement.

2. If desired, stop the measurement (after a pre-defined period for running the test), select
Stop Capture.
The header and timing table allows the user to quickly determine if there are any misordered, missing or repeated packets.
3. To do this, look at the top of the SequenceID column and check the soft LED icon.

Indicates no error
Indicates there is an error


4. To go to the first error use the

icon, and the first/next error will appear at the top of
the screen. Errors are identified by the following 1588 message being highlighted in red.
5. In the screenshot below, it can be seen that the DEL-REQ with sequence Id of 47616
has no corresponding DEL-RESP message sent by the Master. The next DEL-RESP
message is highlighted in red to show the previous one is missing (highlighted below).

7. To go back to the previous error use the

icon, and the previous error will appear at

the top of the screen.

8. If no errors are seen during a short run (1minute), you are ready to move to the G.8261
performance tests. If errors are seen, the most likely cause is a mismatch in settings
between the Master and Slave this is particularly likely in mixed-supplier situations.


Import and replay a G.8261 test case

For G.8261 testing, you will be required to load two profiles; one for the forward direction (for
SYNC messages travelling from Master to the Slave), and one for the reverse direction (for
DEL_REQUEST messages traveling from Slave to Master).
Important Note: For testing 1588v2 in accordance with G.8261, bidirectional test cases
12-17 are used. Calnex has a library of profiles for each G.8261 test depending upon the
packet rate you are using (2pps up to a maximum of 128pps). You should download the
profiles you need at www.calnexsol.com (Registration required).
To load the G.8261 profiles:
1. Select the Add Impairments and Delay, the following window will appear:


2. Tick the Enable Overwrite box

In the Add Impairments and Delay window, tick the box to Enable Variable Delay
Insertion in both directions (Port 1 > Port 2 and Port 2 > Port 1)
3. Once the Variable Delay Insertion has been enabled in both directions, the Delay and
each of the port directions displays green tick boxes as shown below.

4. Now you are ready to import a G.8261 test case profile. You will need to import a profile
for each direction. The G.8261 profile files available on the Calnex website are labeled to
identify their direction and packet rate, two examples are:
a. g8261_tc12_forward_SYNC_32pps
b. g8261_tc12_reverse_DREQ_32pps
Where: g8261_tc12 identifies the specific ITU-T G.8261 test to be performed, and
forward_SYNC identifies the direction and 1588v2 messages within the profile, and
32pps identifies the packet rate.

5. Import the FWD profile for Port 1 > Port 2 direction by selecting the Import button
within the Add Impairments and Delay window (note: if this selection is greyed out
ensure that the Variable Delay Insertion enable box is checked).


6. Once the import button has been clicked, browse your PC for the location of the FWD
profile you wish to load.
7. Click Open, the profile is now enabled for the Port 1 > Port 2 direction
8. Click on the Port 2 > Port 1 tab and repeat steps 7 through 9.
9. To start the overwrite click

and the following screen is shown.


The replayed profile for each direction is displayed. Each graph has a red vertical bar above
it; this bar shows the progress of the replay of the delay profile.

For G.8261 testing, there is a required amount of time that each test must run before
checking the results. Review Appendix 2 for further information.

10. The replay can be stopped by clicking


Important Note: The G.8261 Test case must be started before the
measurements on the slave clock. There is a Stabilisation period allowed
in G.8261 (900seconds or 15minutes). The Calnex G.8261 Test Case
profiles have a stabilisation period of 15minutes at the beginning, so start
the profiles as shown above but only start the next step after 15 minutes.



Measure the Slave Clock Output

For performance evaluation of a G.8261 profile, the recovered clock of the 1588v2 Slave
should be measured as follows:
Frequency output (MTIE/TDEV measurement) if 1588v2 is being tested for
Frequency transfer
1pps Time of Day output (ToD/1pps Error measurement) if 1588v2 is being
tested for Time/Phase transfer

Connecting Slave Clock Output to Paragon-x

Connecting E1/T1 Output (Frequency Measurement)
1. Connect the E1/T1 output of the 1588v2 Slave clock to the corresponding
connector on the Paragon-x Wander Measurement Input located on the back

Slave Clock


Connecting 1pps Slave Output (Phase/Time Measurement)

The 1pps signal from the slave clock is connected to the top AUX port on the
Paragon-x. The AUX port is a standard RJ-45 connector. The Measured 1pps signal
is connected to the top AUX connector.
AUX Port

For the pinout, refer to the figure below; Pin 1 will receive the measured input while
the ground (or 0V signal) is on Pin 2. The other pins are not used.

NOTE: The 1pps measurement port (Top AUX connector) has a minimum
Voltage requirement of 1.65V


Configuring Paragon-x to measure slave clock output

1. Verify that 1588v2 mode is still selected and E1/T1 Wander and 1pps Accuracy
measurements are selected


Measuring Frequency Output (E1/T1 Wander)

1. Press Start Capture
2. From the Paragon-x menu bar, select Graph
3. Select Graph Context and tick E1/T1

4. The E1/T1 Wander graph (TIE) will be displayed.


5. From the Graph dropdown, select MTIE/TDEV Analysis (E1) or T1 if


6. The Paragon Wander Analysis Tool is launched and provides MTIE/TDEV

analysis of the TIE data. Use the drop-down box on the tool as shown to select
an appropriate set of MTIE/TDEV masks


7. If necessary, it is possible to export the TIE data in .csv format and use Excel to
edit out time segments (eg, results obtained during settling time). The edited TIE
data can then be loaded back into the Paragon-x GUI and re-analysed using the
Wander Analysis Tool as above.
When editing such a file, its vital to retain the first line of data, shown as line 21
in the example below.


Measuring Time/Phase Output of Slave Clock

1. From the Paragon-x menu bar, select Graph
2. Select Graph Context and tick 1pps/GP

3. The 1pps accuracy measurement is made at each one-second point, on the

rising edge of the 1pps reference signal. The result tabulated and graphed at
each 1-sec interval is the time difference between the rising edge of the
measured signal (from the slave clock) and the rising edge of the reference
signal. In normal conditions, this will be a +ve value. However, since it is an
absolute measurement, path length differences between measuring signal
cabling and reference signal cabling can be significant. Make these cable
lengths similar if possible, and if not then take account of the propagation error
of approximately 4ns per metre of cable length difference.
4. The 1pps accuracy result is compared against a limit and PASS/FAIL is
displayed in a green or red box on the graph as shown above. The limit checking
is turned on and the limit set under Configure Capture as shown below.



If the 1588v2 Slave clock fails the measurement limits

If the slave clock output fails the MTIE/TDEV or 1pps measurements,the next step should be
to try and isolate the cause of the failure. This can be challenging for G.8261 tests as there
can be a number of contributing factors to why a test has failed. Here are some areas to
investigate before re-running the test. This is not an exhaustive list, and is provided for
guidance only:
1. Noise Floor Delay Raised during Peak Traffic During periods of high traffic,
the noise floor may raise and may increase the likelihood of test failure.
a. Adjusting Delay Floor It May be possible to adjust the Delay Floor
using the Paragons PDV Editor function. Appendix 1 describes the
PDV Editor in greater detail.
2. Check Quality of Clock Oscillator The quality of the clock oscillator (crystal)
should be minimum carrier-grade quality.
3. Check the Line Rate Youre running the test with a profile set for 1pps, but the
actual line rate is higher, this will result in a test failure.
4. Algorithm Working as Expected? Check your test parameters and verify
correct operation.


2. Capturing and analysing 1588v2 messages from a network

Paragon-x can be used to capture 1588v2 packet delay data and slave clock output
wander/1pps accuracy from a live network as a troubleshooting tool for problems existing in
the network. The network capture can be saved and then analyzed in the lab for
troubleshooting purposes. The Paragon-x further allows you to edit the PDV capture,
increasing or decreasing the PDV, then replaying that file to narrow in on the fault and
determine the performance margin.


Placement of Paragon within the Network for Live Capture

For live network capture the Paragon unit should always be placed next to the 1588v2 slave
as shown below:

Calculating PDV in a 1588v2 Network

Transmission of IEEE 1588v2 packets may require each node to process a time
stamp, which incurs delay. As a result, the number of hops in a network can cause
accumulated delay and have a direct impact on the accuracy of time synchronization
signals. As a store-and-forwarding mechanism is used in the network, Packet Delay
Variation (PDV) may have a significant impact on accuracy. Signal degradation,
temperature, and frequency synchronization are other factors that may impact

Connect Paragon-x and proceed up to end of
selecting flows and filters section above.
Configure Capture: IEEE 1588
If required, the 1588 Settings window allows additional settings for 1588v2 capture.

1. Select

on the Work flow interface


2. Select either 1 step (Sync only) or 2 step (Sync + Follow_Up) clock mode
3. Tick the box if the CorrectionField value contained in the Sync message is to be
included in the calculation of the captured PDV. This is typically used when
testing a 1588v2 Transparent Clock.
4. Enter the 1588 Packet rate This is used if captured data is exported to
Symmetricom TimeMonitor
5. ESMC Rx Monitoring - The instrument will capture ESMC messages in one
direction when in 1588 mode.


Capturing IEEE1588 Header and Timing Information

Once a live capture is started, 1588v2 packets will be displayed in the main body of the
Paragon GUI, and a graph will automatically start that defaults to the inter-packet gap for all

1. Select

on the Work flow interface. The Timing Header and

directional information for each message will be displayed in the table and the graph
will show the inter-packet arrival time

2. The table continues to update in real-time with the captured bi-directional 1588v2

3. Select

to stop the capture.

By default the Paragon shows all the fields in a 1588 message header, it is possible
to reduce the number of fields displayed to those of interest by selecting the 1588
Column sorter that can be found under Data in the top menu.


Export the capture using File Export, as a .cpd or .csv file.



Analyzing the IEEE 1588v2 Capture

Once you have completed a capture of your live network data, the data can be imported,
edited and analysed either in the field or in a laboratory environment.

Evaluation of 1588v2 Capture

Paragon-x will measure the PDV captured throughout the network, providing the data
required to prove performance in the mobile backhaul network (mobile network
requirements are listed in the chart below). Live network capture on Paragon-x can also
be saved and brought back to the lab for further analysis and troubleshooting.

By identifying the cause of the failure, operators and clock manufacturers can reengineer their network or equipment to prevent similar failures in the future. There are
two strategies that operators and network equipment manufacturers can use to reengineer their equipment to better cope with these network events:

1. Re-calibrate or re-engineer their clock equipment to better cope with the PDV
profiles that causes a clock recovery failure.
2. Re-engineer the network such that these catastrophic PDV patterns do not
appear again in the network. Operators can do the following depending on the
cause of the PDV pattern:

Re-route the PTP traffic to a less congested path (forward and reverse

Reduce the number of nodes between the Master and Slave by rerouting
the PTP traffic (forward and reverse direction).

Re-route traffic to ensure forward and reverse paths are more

symmetrical if asymmetry is causing the problem.


Implement transparent or boundary clocks to reduce PDV seen by the



3. Using PDV Graphs in Paragon-x

Analysing the captured messages by using the graphs
The Paragon offers extensive graphing facilities to analyze the 1588 Master Slave
1. To Access the graphs select
2. This brings up a menu that allows
a. Graph Display Mode - access to the different graphs for analysis
Menu option

PDV Graphs 1588

Inter-packet Arrival Time vs Time

Inter-packet Arrival Time vs

Packet #


Sync PDV

Slave Wander

Pdelay_Req PDV

Pdelay_Resp PDV

Follow_up PDV

Delay_Resp RTD

Delay_Req PDV

Round Trip PDV

Asymmetry PDV
Displays the Inter-packet arrival
time for a specific message against






Displays the Inter-packet arrival
time against packet number

b. Auto-graph refresh - the graph refreshes approximately every 10


Graph Format - Chose between line or dot graph format


d. Show 2 Graph - A second graph is displayed of the same data

e. Lock Graphs If second graph is selected above locks x axis zoom

Open in New Window Graph is opened in a new window

A description of each graph with examples is provided on the following pages


Sync PDV (1 step)

The Paragon uses the arrival time of the Sync message at the Paragon and the
timestamp from the Sync message to calculate Sync PDV.

Sync PDV (2 step)

The Paragon uses the arrival time of the Sync message at the Paragon and the
timestamp from the Follow-Up message to calculate Sync PDV (see PacketSync
Settings Specific to 1588v2 to select 1-step or 2-step). The correction field from a
transparent clock can be used in the calculation.


Sync PDV Example of Live Capture


Follow Up PDV
The Paragon graphs the variation in arrival time of the Follow_Up message with
respect to the Sync message.

Follow_up PDV Example of Live Capture


Slave Wander
The Paragon extracts the embedded timestamp within the Delay_Req message and
compares it to the Master Reference, the variation is then graphed to provide the
Slave Wander output as shown below.

Slave Wander Example of Live Capture


Delay_Resp Round Trip Delay (RTD)

The Paragon calculates and graphs the time difference between the arrival time of
the Delay_Req message and the corresponding Delay_Resp message

Delay_Resp Round Trip Delay (RTD) Example of Live Capture


Delay_Req PDV
The Paragon graphs the variation between the launch time (arrival time at the
Paragon) of the Delay_Req message and the embedded timestamp, t4, in the
Delay_Resp message.

Delay_Req PDV Example of Live Capture


Round Trip Delay

The Paragon graphs the variation in (t2-t1)+(t4-t3) Round Trip Delay i.e. the
calculation performed by the Slave.

Round Trip Delay Example of Live Capture


Asymmetry PDV
The Paragon graphs the variation in the Master -> Slave with respect to the Slave ->
Master delay.

Asymmetry PDV Example of Live Capture


Description of Inter-packet Arrival Time vs Time graphs

For each of the 1588 messages it is possible to graph the Inter-packet arrival time
versus time. This will allow a user to have enhanced visibility of the 1588 network by
determining if the messages are arriving at regular intervals and/or if they are being
delayed by the network, 1588 Master clock or 1588 Slave clock.



Paragon Packet Distribution Charts

The packet distribution function allows the analysis of a delay data set from a capture to be
analysed and presented graphically as a Probability Density Function. The data to be
analysed must be present in the GUI of the instrument either from a capture or from loading
in a previous capture of profile. The tool is accessed in the following manner:
1. Once a capture has been loaded select the Graph menu item from the Paragon
main menu
2. Select the Plot PDF (Packet Distribution Function/Histogram) selection on the
Paragon application menu bar as shown below.

3. This will bring up the graphical display window for the data in the instrument as
shown in the figure below.


Once the graph has been opened, other captures can be analysed by repeating the selection
of Graph -> Open Packet Delay Distribution Graph. This may be done with the same data
or different data following a separate capture or profile load.

Once a Delay Distribution window is open it may be reused to analyze other data sets directly
without having to load the data into the instrument first:

1. On the Delay Distribution window click File -> Open then navigating to the results file
using the standard Windows Explorer interface.

2. The graph may be printed using the File -> Print selection and the format of the
printing may be seen using File -> Print Preview these controls are located in the
tool bar of the Delay Distribution window


3. On the right hand side of the Delay Distribution window there are zoom controls, X
Zoom and Y Zoom to allow parts of the graph to be viewed in greater or less detail.
These zoom in and out controls increment or decrement the area in small steps.
There are 2 additional commands located on the slider bars to allow faster zoom out
as shown below.


The analysis tool sorts the data set into 1000 buckets covering the range of values of the

The OK button on the Delay Distribution window dismisses the graph window.


Appendix 1: Using the PDV editor

This feature allows captured timing profiles to be manipulated in a number of ways.

It is intended to aid experimentation to establish limits of operation and margin testing and to
allow network events to be combined to produce a composite profile which will speed up

The tool will operate on all profiles captured by Paragon when in IEEE 1588 or Services
modes of operation, and the supplied G.8261 test case profiles.

1. The Paragon-x GUI must be disconnected from an instrument

2. Use File and Import from the menu bar to import a .cpd file to edit

3. From the Tools dropdown, select PDV editor On

Once the profile editing mode is enabled the SETTINGS

status section of the GUI indicates it as shown here.

4. Edit the profile by placing the cursor on the graph display and pressing the left mouse
button. This will display the menu as shown below.


5. The editing functions that can be carried out from this menu are:
a. Remove this function allows part of the timing profile to be cut out and
disposed of or to retain part of the profile and dispose of the rest.

One use of this feature is to extract a short part of the profile to allow it to be
replayed to determine if it is a stressful section of a replay which causes a
slave clock failure.

There are 2 methods of delimiting the section of interest.

First is to use the mouse. Place the cursor at the start of the section of
interest then left button down and drag the mouse to the end of the section of
interest. This will highlight the area.

The second way is to use the markers. These are set using the Markers
buttons shown on the screen shot below.


There are 2 methods of placing the markers. Using the mouse and using the
location. In each case both markers should be set. These are marked on
the graph as 1 and 2 as shown below.


To use the mouse, click the Markers button 1 or 2, a menu will appear,
select Set marker using mouse then place the cursor at the desired position
and left click. The marker will appear as shown in the previous screen shot.

To use the location, click the Markers button 1

or 2, a menu will appear, select Enter marker
manually. A pop-up window will appear as
shown below. The parameters can then be entered and the OK button

Once the area of interest is selected the left mouse should be clicked and
then Extract and either Highlighted or Non-Highlighted selected.

If Highlighted is selected then only the area highlighted is retained and the
rest of the profile disposed of.

If Non-Highlighted is selected then the highlighted section is disposed of

and the rest is kept.
b. Repeat. A section of a profile may be
repeated a controlled number of times.
The whole profile may be repeated or a
section repeated within the overall profile.

There are 3 sub-selections:

All where the overall profile is repeated the selected number of times. When
the All selection is made the following pop-up screen is displayed to allow
the repeat number to be set.

The range of the repeat number is 1 to 9

As an example the following profile will have 3 additional repeats inserted as

shown in the second screen shot on the next page.


Edited Profile with repeat count of 3

Original Profile

The other two sub-selections allow parts of the profile to be repeated within
the overall capture.

The selections allow the marking of the sections to be performed either using
the mouse or using markers as introduced in the Extract section.

The following illustrates the repeating of partial profile 3 times.

Original profile with section highlighted using the mouse click and drag.

Original Profile


After repeating 3 times

Copy and Paste. These are two entries in the menu and allow parts of the
profile to be copied then inserted into a later part of the profile.

The modes for Copy are

All where the whole profile is copied,

Highlighted where the section identified by using the mouse click and drag
is copied

Marked where the two markers identify the section to be copied.

The modes for Paste are shown below.


Replace highlighted allows the data in the copy buffer to replace the
highlighted area.

Replace between markers allows the data in the copy buffer to replace the
data between the two markers. Operation of the markers is explained in the
Extract section.

Insert before start inserts the data in the copy buffer before the start of the

Insert after end inserts the data in the copy buffer after the end of the
currently loaded data.

Insert at marker inserts the data in the copy buffer at the point marked by
the appropriate marker. Operation of the markers is explained in the Extract

d. Modulate allows sections of the data (graph) to be edited by adding a

i. Step in amplitude
ii. Sawtooth increase in the values.
iii. Triangle increase in the values.

The range over which this change is applied is selectable as All,

Highlighted or Marked. These are set as described in the section on the
Extract mechanism.

As an illustration the following shows how to apply a step offset to part of a


Original profile with section selected using markers.


Add step of 200 microseconds step to this section

The resultant profile with the 200uS step

The range of the Modulation Amplitude is 0.1 microseconds to 1 second.


e. Scale enables the user to increase or

decrease the PDV.

Again the packets to be impacted are

selected from All, Highlighted or
Marker. The level of the scaling is set by
the user on the pop-up screen as shown below.
The range of the scaling is 10 1000%
As an example the following will have the first part of the profile scaled to 50% of its
original value.

Initial profile with the highlighted section.

With the scale factor set.


The final result is shown below.


Banding allows the packet timings to be gathered into bands or excluded

from a band of timing.

For a clearer view of the data it is recommended that the graph be viewed in
scatter graph mode rather than line mode.

The scatter graph mode is selected using the Select Graph -> Graph
Format -> Dot controls located at the right hand side of the graph display.

A typical scatter graph display is shown below


To define a band the Markers are used. Note that they set the band in the
Y-axis as shown below.

The data in the defined band may now be depleted or concentrated.

If Deplete -> All is selected the packets in the band are moved out by
adding an offset equal to the band height to each of the packets to be
moved. As shown on the next page.

If Concentrate -> All is selected the user is prompted for a percentage.


This is the percentage of all packets in the profile which will be concentrated
into the band defined by the two markers.

The packets selected to be moved into the band are picked at random and
given a randomised value within the band set.

The result will be as shown below where 50% of the packets have been
concentrated into the define band.

It is possible to apply the Banding over a section of the profile by highlighting the X
axis range over which the Depletion or Concentration is required.

For example the screenshot below shows the markers defining the band to be
adjusted and the highlighting to define an X axis section to be manipulated.

Resulting in the following when Deplete -> Highlighted is selected.


g. Noise floor Density allows the profile to be adjusted to change the density
of packets to be found in the noise floor i.e. lucky packets.

There are 2 dimensions which may be defined.

If only a limited section of the profile is required to be adjusted then that

section should be highlighted using the mouse click and drag as defined in
the Extract section.

The band of interest is defined between the packet with the minimum delay
and one of the markers. Based on the requested %, the number of desired
packets within the noise band is then calculated.

If there are less packets than requested, packets out with the band are
linearly selected and reassigned a new random value in between the marker
and the minimum profile value.

If there are more packets in the band than requested then packets within the
band are linearly selected and offset by the difference between the marker
and the minimum profile value.

Example 1: Making an adjustment across all of the packets the user needs
to define the top of the band using the marker, Marker 2 in this case. This is
shown below.


The Banding and the market are selected as shown below. Since there is
no highlighting the only choice is All i.e. across the whole set of packets.

The percentage of packets to be

placed in this band is now user
selectable via the pop-up screen
as shown.

The following shows the effect when 80% of the packets are moved into the


Example 2: Where the manipulation is applied over part of the packet set
using the highlighting feature.

Initial data set is shown below.

Set the marker

Set the range of the area to be adjusted


Apply The Noise Floor density adjustment as described in example 1


Undo Last allows the user to return to the data set prior to the last

Note that several windows may be opened to allow cutting and pasting of
parts of several profiles to provide a final composite data set for replay. This
is invoked by using the File -> Import selection from the application toolbar


Appendix 2: ITU-T G.8261 Test Case Profiles for 1588v2

Network Traffic Models Used for G.8261
Traffic over mobile networks can never be assumed to operate in a pre-defined
mode. According to one mobile network authority, access traffic is composed of
conversational (voice); streaming (audio/video); interactive (e.g., http) and
background (sms, email). It is known that in wireless networks, 80% to 90% of the
traffic is conversational, with the average call lasting from 1 minute to 2 minutes.

Two traffic models have been defined in G.8261, identified as Network Traffic Model
1 and Network Traffic Model 2. A synopsis of each model is provided below:

Network Traffic Model 1

Network Traffic Model 1 assumes 80% of the load should be based on
packets of fixed small size constant bit rate, and 20% based on packets with
a mix of medium and maximum size. The packet size profile is:

80% of the load must be minimum size packets (64 octets)

15% of the load must be maximum size packets (1518 octets)

5% of the load must be medium size packets (576 octets)

Maximum size packets will occur in bursts lasting between 0.1s and 3s.

Network Traffic Model 2

Bigger packets compared with the Network Traffic Model 1 compose the
Network that handles more data traffic. To be able to model this traffic, 60%
of the load should be based on packets of maximum size, and 40% on
packets with a mix of minimum and medium size. The packet size profile is:

60% of the load must be maximum size packets (1518 octets)

30% of the load must be minimum size packets (64 octets)

10% of the load must be medium size packets (576 octets)

Maximum size packets will occur in bursts lasting between 0.1s and 3s.

G.8261 Test Case 12

Test case 12 models the Static Packet load. Test Case 12 must use the following
network conditions:

Network disturbance load with 80% for the forward direction (Server to
Client) and 20%in the reverse direction (Client to Server) for 1 hour.

The test measurements should start after the clock recovery is in a stable condition.
Guidance on stabilization period is provided in appendix II of G.8261 and should be a
minimum of 900s. The disturbance background traffic to load the network must use
Network Traffic Model 2 as defined below:


PDV Graphs Test Case 12

The two diagrams below show Sync PDV and Slave Wander PDV respectively

G.8261 Test Case 13a/b

Test Case 13 models sudden large, and persistent changes in network load. It
demonstrates stability on sudden large changes in network conditions, and wander
performance in the presence of low frequency PDV. Test Case 13 must use the
following network conditions:

The packets to load the network must use Network Traffic Model 1 (Test
Case 13a) as defined in ITU-T G.8261.

Allow a stabilization period according to appendix II for the clock recovery

process to stabilize before doing the measurements

In the forward direction: Start with network disturbance load at 80% for 1
hour, drop to 20% for an hour, increase back to 80% for an hour, drop back
to 20% for an hour, increase back to 80% for an hour, drop back to 20% for
an hour. Simultaneously, in the reverse direction: Start with network
disturbance load at 50% for 1.5 hours, drop to 10% for an hour, increase
back to 50% for an hour, drop back to 10% for an hour, increase back to 50%
for an hour, drop back to 10% for 0.5 hour (see Figure VI.11/G.8261). Repeat
the test using the Network Traffic Model 2 (Test Case 13b) as defined above
to load the Network


PDV Graphs Test Case 13a (Network Traffic Model #1)

PDV Graphs Test Case 13b (Network Traffic Model #2)

G.8261 Test Case 14a/b

Test case 14 models the slow change in network load over an extremely long
timescale (24 hours). It demonstrates stability with very slow changes in network
conditions, and wander performance in the presence of extremely low frequency
PDV. Test Case 14 must use the following network conditions:

The packets to load the network must use Network Traffic Model 1 (test case
14a) as defined above

Allow a stabilization period according to appendix II for the clock recovery

process to stabilize before doing the measurements

In the forward direction: Vary network disturbance load smoothly from 20% to
80% and back over a 24-hour period. Simultaneously, in the reverse
direction: Vary network disturbance load smoothly from 10% to 55% and
back over a 24-hour period (see PDV Graphs below)


PDV Graphs Test Case 14a (Network Traffic Model #1)

PDV Graphs Test Case 14b (Network Traffic Model #2)

G.8261 Test Case 15a/b

Test case 15 is a test that models temporary network outages and restoration for
varying amounts of time within the network. It demonstrates ability to survive network
outages and recover on restoration. It should be noted that MTIE over the 1000s
interruption will largely be governed by the quality of the local oscillator, and should
not be taken as indicative the quality of the clock recovery process.

Test Case 15 must use the following network conditions:

The packets to load the network must use Network Traffic Model 1 as
defined in VI.2.1

Start with 40% of network disturbance load in the forward direction and 30%
load in the reverse direction. After a stabilization period according to
appendix II, remove network connection for 10s, then restore. Allow a
stabilization period according to appendix II for the clock recovery process to
stabilize. Repeat with network interruptions of 100s.


Repeat the test using the Network Traffic Model 2 as defined in VI.2.2 to load
the network

PDV Graphs Test Case 15a (Network Traffic Model #1)

PDV Graphs Test Case 15b (Network Traffic Model #2)

G.8261 Test Case 16a/b

Test case 16 models temporary network congestion and restoration for varying
amounts of time, it demonstrates ability to survive temporary congestion in the packet

Test Case 16 must use the following network conditions:

The packets to load the network must use Network Traffic Model 1 as
defined in VI.2.1

Start with 40% of network disturbance load in the forward direction and 30%
load in the reverse direction. After a stabilization period according to
appendix II, increase network disturbance load to 100% in both directions,
(inducing severe delays and packet loss) for 10s, then restore. Allow a
stabilization period according to appendix II for the clock recovery process to
stabilize. Repeat with a congestion period of 100s.

Repeat the test using the Network Traffic Model 2 as defined in VI.2.2 to load
the network

PDV Graphs Test Case 16a (Network Traffic Model #1)

PDV Graphs Test Case 16b (Network Traffic Model #2)

G.8261 Test Case 17a/b

Test case 17 models routing changes caused by failures in the network. The test
case must use the following network conditions:

Change the number of switches between the DUTs, causing a step change
in packet network delay.

The packets to load the network must use Network Traffic Model 1
as defined in VI.2.1

Start with 40% of network disturbance load in the forward direction

and 30% load in the reverse direction. After a stabilization period
according to appendix II, reroute the traffic (in both directions) to
bypass one switch in the traffic path. This shall be done by updating
the test set up in figure VI.10/G.8261 adding a cable from switch in
position n to switch in position n+2 and either using a fibre spool

or adding an impairment box able to simulate different cable lengths

(10 s and 200 s can be simulated as typical examples). The
configuration shall be done so that the traffic flow under test is routed
directly from switch in position n via the new link to switch in
position n+2. After disconnecting the cable from switch n to switch
n+2 (so that traffic under test will then be routed from switch in
position n to switch in position n+1), allow a stabilization period
according to appendix II for the clock recovery process to stabilize,
and then reconnect the link that was disconnected in order to restore
the traffic on the original path.

Start with 40% of network disturbance load in the forward direction

and 30% load in the reverse direction. After a stabilization period
according to appendix II, reroute the traffic to bypass three switches
in the traffic path.

PDV Graphs Test Case 17a (10S Traffic Model #1)

PDV Graphs Test Case 17b (10S Traffic Model #2)


PDV Graphs Test Case 17a (200S Traffic Model #1)

PDV Graphs Test Case 17b (200S Traffic Model #2)


For more information on the Calnex Paragon-x, and to take advantage of Calnexs extensive experience in
synchronisation and packet testing technologies, please contact Calnex Solutions on +44 (0) 1506 671 416 or email:
[email protected]

Calnex Solutions Ltd

Herkimer House
Mill Road enterprise park
West Lothian EH49 7NX
United Kingdom
tel: +44 (0) 1506 671 416
email: [email protected]

This information is subject to change without notice
Calnex Solutions Ltd, 2012
CX5003 v7 October 2012


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