A. J. Taylor - Progress and Poverty in Britain, 1780-1850
A. J. Taylor - Progress and Poverty in Britain, 1780-1850
A. J. Taylor - Progress and Poverty in Britain, 1780-1850
A. J. T A Y L O R
University College, London
[Before the Industrial Revolution] the workers enjoyed a comfortable and
peaceful existence. . . . Their standard of life was much better than that of
the factory worker today. F . Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in
England ( I 845).
If we look back to the condition of the mass of the people as it existed in this
country, even so recently as the beginning of the present century, and then
look around us at the indications of greater comfort and respectability that
meet us on every side, it is hardly possible to doubt that here, in England
at least, the elements of social improvement have been successfully at work,
and that they have been and are producing an increased amount of comfort
to the great bulk of the people. G. R. Porter, The Progress of the Ration,
2nd edn. ( 1 8 4 7 ) . ~
D I D THE CONDITION of the working classes improve or deteriorate
during the period of rapid industrial change between I 780 and I 850?
The controversy is as old as the Industrial Revolution itself. For men
like Andrew Ure and Thomas Carlyle, as for Porter and Engels, the
issue was one of contemporary politics. While Ure, a nineteenthcentury Dr. Pangloss, so admired the new industrial order that he could
compare factory children to lively elves a t play,g Carlyle saw the world
of the millhand as but a dingy prison-house, of rebellious unthrift,
rebellion, rancour, indignation against themselves and against all men.4
Even among the classical economists there was a sharp division of
opinion. O n the one hand were those like Porter, whose optimism had
its roots in the doctrines of The Wealth of Nations; on the other those
whose pessimism reflected the less sanguine approach of Malthus and
With the marked improvement in national prosperity which Britain
experienced in the third quarter of the nineteenth century, the debate
lost something of its early vigour and urgency. The statistical investiga-
tions of Leone Levi and Sir Robert Giffen5 tended to confirm what the
observation of contemporaries already suggested: that, in common with
the nation at large, the working classes were enjoying a perceptibly
higher standard of living in 1875 than twenty-five years earlier. The
will to resist the tide of industrial growth was declining as its benefits
became more apparent, and with the logic of time the controversy was
passing from the hands of the publicists and reformers into those of the
economic historians.
The transition was, however, by no means an immediate one.
Thorold Rogers, an early historian of the Industrial Revolution, in
1884 welcomed the return of the political economist to his proper and
ancient function, that of interpreting the causes which hinder the just
and adequate distribution of wealth.6 To Rogers the years of rapid
industrial change were a dismal period for the working classes, and
the quarter century after 1790 the worst time in the whole history of
English labour. Arnold Toynbees verdict echoed that of Rogers. We
now approach, he said, a darker period-a period as disastrous and as
terrible as any through which a nation ever passed; disastrous and terrible because side by side with a great increase of wealth was seen an
enormous increase of pauperism.B In both these interpretations the
voice of the social reformer mingles with that of the historian: and the
view thus firmly expressed commanded general acceptance for more
than a generation. I t is to be found as much in the writings of Ashley
and Cunningham as in those of the Webbs and the Hammonds.
I t was not until after the first world war that a new and less dismal
note was struck.9 Then within the short space of little more than a year
the pessimists interpretation was four times put to serious question. I n
her London L$e of the Eighteenth Century, lo Mrs. Dorothy George argued,
largely on the basis of mortality statistics, that the standard of life of the
London labourer had improved considerably in the course of the
eighteenth century. This thesis was reinforced and extended a year later
in the work of Miss M. C. Buerll and G . Talbot Griffith.12 Each found
cvidence of a declining death-rate in the country as a whole between
1750 and 1850, and from this drew the general conclusion that living
standards were rising. At the same time an even more powerful optimistl3 entered the lists. From the evidence of nineteenth-century wage
6 L. Levi, Wages and Earnings of the Working Classes (1885); R. Giffen, Essays in Finance,
Second Series (1886), pp. 365-474.
Thorold Rogers, preface to abridged version of Work and Wases (1885).
7 Zbid., pp. 140, 128.
A. Toynbee, The Industrial Revolution (1884), p. 84.
For a Dossible anticipation of Claphams conclusion (see below),
.. see Dictionary- of- Political
Economy, Grid edn. (1go8),iii. 802 (A: L. Bowleys article).
Pubd. 1925.
l1 M. C. Buer, Health, Wealth and Population in the Earb Days of the Industrial Revolution (1926).
l e G . T. Griffith, Population Problems of the Age of Malthus (1926).
Is The terms pessimist and optimist, though not wholly apposite, have now obtained
general currency. They are certainly preferable to the alternatives classical and modern
recently used. The so-called modern theory of improving living standards has as long an
ancestry as its classical antithesis.
statistics and commodity prices, Sir John Clapham concluded that the
purchasing power of the English labourer in town and country had
risen substantially between I 785 and 1850.~~
This new turn in the controversy not only redressed the balance of
forces, but, by reintroducing the statistical weapon, revived methods
of argument largely disused since the days of Rogers and Giffen. Where
the Hammonds, like Engels before them, turned to the evidence of the
blue books and the pamphleteers, Mrs. George and Griffith appealed to
the bills of mortality, and Clapham to the wage books. Faced with so
great a display of statistical force, J. L. Hammond conceded-though
not uncritically-this part of the field.16 He was content to rest his case
on the written and verbal testimony of contemporaries to the physical
and spiritual suffering which, he contended, had been the inevitable
concomitant of the new order. Men might have more food for their
bcllies and cheaper clothing for their backs but the price exacted for
these benefits was out of all proportion to the gains. The spirit of wonder
could not live at peace in treadmill cities where the daylight never
broke upon the beauty and the wisdom of the world.le
As a via media between two hitherto irreconcilable viewpoints, Hammonds compromise was readily accepted by writers of general histories,
and it has retained an unshaken place in their affections; but it could
be no final settlement of the debate. Thirty years now separate us from
the work of Clapham and Hammond. I n those years discussion has continued sporadically but vigorously. Most recently T. s. Ashton and
E. J. Hobsbawm, in particular, have opened up new fields of evidence
and lines of enquiry. I t is appropriate to ask how far their findings
have changed the broad pattern of argument and interpretation,
Of the twin sides of the debate that which relates to the qualitative
aspects of the labourers life has, not surprisingly, made least progress.17
The bleakness and degradation of much urban life in the early nineteenth century needs no underlining. The mean streets and insanitary
houses still surviving in many industrial towns, and the mute desolation
of large areas of South Wales and the West Midlands are as eloquent
testimony to the drabness of nineteenth-century life as are the pages of
the parliamentary reports. This was an England built in a hurry and
with little thought for the health and wellbeing of its rapidly growing
multitudes. But, asJ. D. Chambers has observed:18Whatever the merits
of the pre-industrial world may have been, they were enjoyed by a
l4 J.
J. L.Hammond, The Industrial Revolution and Discontent, Econ. Hist. Rev., ii (rgso),
2 I 5-28.
J. L. and B. Hammond, T h Age of the Chartists (1930),p 365.
l7 For a recent re-statement of the issues, on the whole favourable to the pessimistic
viewpoint, see W. Woodruff, Capitalism and the Historians: A Contribution to the Discussion on the Industrial Revolution in England, Jour. Econ. Hist., xvi (1956),1-17.
J. D. Chambers, l71c Vulc of Trent r670-rBm (Econ. Hist. Rev. Supplements, 3, n.d.),
P. 63.
lo Based
*I For a discussion of the housing question, see Ashton, Some Statistics of the Industrial
Revolution in Britain, Trans. Munchstet Statistical SOC.(1g47-8), 1-21.
aa See, inter alia, the authorities cited by W. Hoffinann, British Industry, 1700-1950 (Engl.
trans. I 955).
A . J. T A Y L O R
Porter, p. 533.
CJ The statement of Thomas Ho!mes of Aldbrough (Holderness) in 1837 or 1838
covering the experience of his lifetime. There has been a very great increase in the consumption of meat, wheaten bread, poultry, tea and sugar
The poorest are not so well fed.
But they are better clothed and provided with furniture, better taken care of in sickness and
misfortune. So they are gainers. This, I think, is a plain statement of the whole case. Quoted
in full by Ashton, Standard of Life of the Worken in England, p. 37.
0. Williams, L$e and ktters of Rickman (1912),p. 182.
T. H. Marshall, The Population Problem during the Industrial Revolution, Economic
History, i (~gzg),452. This article remains the classical statement of the population problem.
.. .
standards. This is the more the case when it is borne in mind that the
growth in population of these years was not solely a British nor evcn a
European phenomenon.41 The fundamental cause of population increase would accordingly appear to lie outside the narrow confines of
the new British industrial economy. This does not mean that industrialization played no part in determining the pattern of Britains population
growth; but it suggests that industrialization was at least as much a
consequence as a cause of the increase in population. Where cause and
effect are seemingly so inseparably intertwined, head is apt to chase tail
in disconcerting fashion. The demographer would be the first to admit
that he has problems of his own to solve in this period before he can
effectively come to the aid of the economic historian.
Where so much remains legitimately controversial, the historian can
at best draw only tentative conclusions. The evidence, however, would
appear to permit two immediate generalizations. There is reason to
believe that after an early upsurge in living standards in the first stages
of rapid industrialization, the pace of advance slackened, and decline
may even have set in, by the beginning of the nineteenth century. It is
also evident, notwithstanding Porters assertion to the contrary,42 that
the progress of the working class lagged increasingly behind that of the
nation at large. Had working-class incomes kept pace with the growth
of the national income, the average worker could have expected to find
himselfsome 50 per cent better off in real terms in 1840than thirty years
earlier.43Even the most sanguine of optimists would hardly claim that
such was in fact the case.
To explain how this situation arose is in a measure to validate the
facts themselves. Thorold Rogers, writing in the 1880s, attributed the
poverty of the working classes in the earlier part of the century to a
variety of causes: to the unrestricted employment, before the first
effective factory act in 1833, of juvenile labour; to restrictions on, and
the weakness of, trade unions; and to the attitude of employers and of
the law.44 But, significantly, he added that, although the sufferings of
the working classes
might have been aggravated by the practices of
employers, and were certainly intensified by the harsh partiality of the
law. . they were due in the main to deeper causes.46Chief among
these, Rogers cited the protracted wars against France, the economic
dcrangements which accompanied them, and the behaviour of successive
governments, which were slow to remedy social evils, yet intervened
. ..
of the men of property. War thereby, both directly and indirectly, acted
on balance to the economic detriment of the nation at large and to that
of thc working class in particular.
The movement of the terms of trade also proved disadvantageous to
the working-class consumer. During the first half of the nineteenth
century the terms on which Britain dealt in foreign markets steadily
worsened, more particularly between I 800 and I 8I 5, and between I 830
and 1840.~~
In order to pay for a given volume of imported goods,
Britain had to export almost twice as much in 1840as she had done in
1800.Specifically, the price of cotton exports fell much more rapidly
after 1815than did that of imported foodstuffs. In part-though only
in part-cotton manufacturers and their employees were able to find
compensation in a reduction of the pricc of their imported raw material:
for the rest they had no alternative but to accept lower profit margins
and reduced piece-rates. A significant share of the bcnefits of Britains
new industrial efficiency, therefore, went neither to her workers nor to
her industrialists, but to the foreign consumer.
Behind these pervasive but temporary factors lay the insistent force
of population pressure. In so far as population increase may be ascribed
a determinant r61e in the economic growth of this period, it is easy to
understand how the upward thrust of population, though it facilitated
and encouraged industrial advance, also retarded the improvement in
living standards which industrialization brought in its train. Since the
value of labour, as of any other commodity, gains with scarcity, an overabundant supply of labour is plainly inimical to the advance of workingclass living standards.
How plentiful then was the supply of labour in early ninetcenthcentury England? Thc question admits of no categorical answer. The
rapid increase in population, the influx of Irish immigrants, particularly
into industrial Lancashire and western Scotland, the readiness with
which women and young children could be employed in mills and workshops, are all pointers to an abundant labour supply. But the supply of
workers must be measured against the demands of employers. That the
number of those seeking employment in a year of intense depression like
1842 was far in excess of demand is tragically evident; but we need to
deepen our knowledge of employment conditions in boom years like 1835
before we can pass final judgement on the general state of the labour
market. The relative immobility of labour, in terms both of geographical
and of occupational movement, tended to create not one but a number
of virtually independent marketsfor labour, in some of which workmen
were in short, and in others in abundant supply. If a generalization is
to be ventured it must be that, except at the level of the skilled worker
or in years of exceptional demand, employers had little difficulty in
48 A. H. Imlah, Economic Elements in the Pax Britannica (Cambridge, Mass., 1958),pp. 94-98.
For a somcwhat different approach to the terms of trade, see Ashton, Standard of Life of
the Workers in England, pp. 25-8.
finding hands; and to this extent the worker, lacking effective trade
union organization, was generally placed in a weak position in his
dealings with his employer.
To dwell thus upon these three major forces is not to deny the significance of more traditional explanations of working-class discontent; but
it may serve to place these in a new perspective. That the scales were
heavily weighted against the working classes is indisputable. There is
no shortage of evidence, in the blue books and elsewhere, of capitalist
excesses, some of them committed in the name of so-called sound
economics, some of them less worthily motivated. I n face of these, the
worker could find little help from a state which made him the weaker
partner in every contract and frustrated his efforts at collective selfhelp. But these evils, although they were the most apparent and the
most easily remediable, were neither the only, nor probably the most
important, causes of the failure of the working classes to derive early
benefits from the rapid growth of industrial enterprise and productivity.
We may now sketch in rather fuller detail the general movement of
working-class living standards between 1780 and 1850.The limited
evidence suggests that down to about I 795 working-class families were
gaining at least a share in the benefits of quickening economic activity. 49
Prices for manufactured goods in foreign markets were buoyant and
industry was reaping the full reward of its increased productivity,
Workers in the newly stimulated industries enjoyed rapidly rising living
standards; this was above all the golden age of the Lancashire handloom
a new and less happy trend is apparent.
weaver. From the mid-1790~
War, inflation, and worsening terms of trade spelt distress for all but
limited sections of the working class. Wages limped slowly behind the
cost of living, the standard of living of the workers was lowered. 50
Recovery after 1815was slow and interrupted. There were good years
like 1825,when employment was high and earnings moved upwards,
and even better ones like 1836,when a strong demand for labour went
hand in hand with falling food prices. At such times working-class living
standards, particularly in the industrial North, reached heights much
above those of the best years of the eighteenth century. But there were
also years, like I 8I 7 and I 842,when work was scarce and food dear, and
the position of the labourer, not least in the towns, was little if a t all
better than that of his predecessor in the leanest years of the earlier age.
It is evident that by 1840the material progress of half a century had not
yet sufficed to insulate the working class against the worst effects of
economic depression. The ebb and flow of working-class fortunes, as of
those of the economy in general, had in some respects tended to become
4D See Hobsbawm, British Standard of Living, p. 46. For a different view of these years,
see Salaman, pp. 487 ff.
60 Ashton, The Industrial Revolution, 1760-1830 ( I @ ) ,
p. 150.
more marked with the growth of industrialism and of the nations export trade. To this extcnt the labourer suffered more sharply under the
pressure of industrial distress, though he gained equally substantially
when business activity moved upward. In the exact calculation of gain
and loss which a comparison with an earlier age involves, it is necessary
to take account not only of both prosperous and depressed years but also
perhaps of the new insecurity which the changing character of the
business cycle brought with it. But the calculation, however nicely
weighted, depends on the accuracy of the information at the historians
disposal, and the vagaries of the evidence must leave the ultimate
question still an open one.
To say this may appear tantamount to suggesting that a generation
of historians has laboured to bring forth a mouse. But the appearance is
deceptive. Although the central issue may remain unresolved-and is
perhaps likely to remain so-the area of controversy has been substantially and significantly reduced. Optimist and pessimist now agree
in seeing the years before 1795 and from the early 1840s as periods of
advance-the latter to be sustained until almost the end of the nineteenth century; each views the quarter century of war as a time of
deterioration; and each also draws distinctions between the experiences
of different types of worker.61 It is common ground that the skilled enjoyed relative prosperity; and among these are to be numbered not only
the craftsmen called into existence by the new order, but also the older
artisan, now pressed into fuller and wider service. I n this group are to be
found machine-makers, iron-moulders, builders, printers and not least
hewers of coal and ore. There is similar agreement that decline in living
standards was the lot of the domestic worker in those industries where
the machine had taken early command, in cotton weaving and hosiery
knitting, for example. But in 1840 the majority of English workers, including the vast and varied army of farm-labourers and the smaller
company of textile operatives, fell outside these two groups, and their
experience in terms of gain or loss can be neither so easily nor so indisputably defined.
All this would suggest that the area of disagreement has contracted.
Certainly it has become more clearly defined: and this is also true in a
further sense. It is perhaps no more than an accident that Professor
Ashton speaks of the Standard of Life of the Workers in England and
Dr. Hobsbawm of the British Standard of Life. Neither makes great play
with the implicit distinction;62but from the point ofview of the general
controversy its importance can scarcely be exaggerated, a fact which
Porter recognized a century ago, when he restricted his claim ofimproving
E. Cf. Ashton, An Economic History of England: 7he Eighteenth Century (1g55), pp. 234-5;
also Standard of Life of the Workers in England, pp. 33-8, Hobsbawm, Thc Labour
Aristocracyin Nineteenth-CenturyBritain in Democracy and the Labour Movement (ed.J. Saville),
pp. 101-39 (especially pp. 205-8).
6 a But n.6. the distinction between English and Irish experience made by Ashton, Industrial
Revolution, p. 161.
For a recent statement of this point of view, see J. Kuczynski, A Short History of Labour
Conditions in Great Britain, 1750 to the Present Day, 2nd edn. ( r g ~ )especially
pp. 79-80, I 19.
[This article was in the printers hands before the appearance of R. M. Hartwells Interpretations of the Industrial Revolution in England: a Methodological Inquiry, journal of
Economic History,xix, 1959, pp. 229-49. Mr. Hartwells essay represents a parallel and in
some respects complementary approach to that attempted here.]