Engle Ski
Engle Ski
Engle Ski
verb (SAY)
to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not
believe it: (rei, tvrditi)
The company claims (that) it is not responsible for the pollution in the river
He claims to have met the president, but I don't believe him.
All parties have claimed success in yesterday's elections.
An unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this morning's bomb attack.
claim verb (DEMAND)
to ask for something of value because you think it belongs to you or because you think you have a
right to it:
The police said that if no one claims the watch, you can keep it.
When King Richard III died, Henry VII claimed the English throne.
If the shop won't give me a replacement TV, I'll claim my money back.
claim noun (STATEMENT)
a statement that something is true or is a fact, althoughother people might not believe it:
The government's claim that it would reduce taxes provedfalse.
Can you give any evidence to support your claim?
He made wild claims about being able to cure cancer.
a right to have something or get something from someone:
She has no rightful claim to the title.
Our neighbours have no claim to (= cannot say that they own) that strip of land between our houses.
My ex-wife has no claims on me (= has no right to any of my money).
something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it:
I always buy the same brand of toothpaste out of (= because of) habit.
I'm trying not to get into (= start) the habit of always having biscuits with my coffee.
I used to swim twice a week, but I seem to have got out of (= ended) the habit recently.
I was taught to drive by my boyfriend and I'm afraid I've picked up(= caught) some of his bad habits.
I'm trying to get him to break (= end intentionally) the habit of switching on the TV when he comes home at
I don't mind being woken up once or twice in the middle of the nightby my flatmate so long as she
doesn't make a habit of it (= do it frequently).
I'm not really in the habit of looking at (= I don't usually look at)other people's clothes, but even I noticed that
awful suit!