SSCA Training and Education Inventory January 4-13

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January 4-13

FASD Training & Education




Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network (CFAN)

Danna Ormstrup
Phone: (403) 652- 4776
Email: [email protected]

Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society: Support and

Education Program

Danna Ormstrup
Phone: (403) 652- 4776
Email: [email protected]

Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society: Community


Torrie Johal
Phone: (403) 209-1407

Mcman Youth, Family and Community

Services Association: FASD Kaleidoscope
The OBD (Organic Brain Dysfunction) Triage
Institute- Advanced level training

Liz Lawryk
Phone: (403) 949-3991
Email: [email protected]
Liz Lawryk

The OBD (Organic Brain Dysfunction) Triage

Offers prevention and awareness programs

addressing issues such as adult support;
individual and family support; living room
support; professional consultation;
moms/womens groups; dads/mens
groups; life skills program for youth; and
young adults supports.
Educational programs are also available for
educators, health providers, caregivers,
social workers, policy makers, families,
friends, neighbors etc.
Enhances community awareness of FASD
issues through presentations, discussions
and increases awareness of agency and
Mentors promote FASD awareness by
education both public and professionals on
FASD realities
For professionals working with individuals
affected by FASD in the criminal justice
system. Instruction is tailored to the
Respectful, culturally responsive

January 4-13
Phone: (403) 949-3991
Email: [email protected]

Institute- Interviewing Skills


Dorothy Badry
Phone: (403) 220-4502
Email: [email protected]
Linda Scurr
Counselling Supervisor
Phone: (403) 297-3062

University of Calgary- Faculty of Social Work

Enhanced Services for Women (ESW), AHS
Adult Addictions Services Calgary

interviewing skills teaching for women who

may have consumed alcohol during
pregnancy (advanced program for
individuals with knowledge about FASD)

The ESW help Kit training is a one-day event

intended to assist service providers in the
community in effectively screening and
intervening with women who use alcohol,
tobacco and /or other drugs. This session is
for profession who work with women it will
benefit community health and obstetrical
nurses, social workers, physicians, midwives,
outreach and community agency workers,
home support workers, mentors and
Additional FASD education and prevention
initiative in 2012 include ongoing
collaboration with community partners and
stakeholders including in-service
presentations to allied professionals at the
AHS East Calgary Health Centre and delivery
of the Prenatal Effects of Alcohol and Other
Drugs seminar to the Adoption Options

January 4-13

Central Alberta FASD Service Network

Betty Lou Benson
Phone: (403) 309-5650
Email: [email protected]
Lori Loran
Phone: (403) 854-5852 or
(403) 854-1942
Email: [email protected]

Central Alberta FASD Network

Provides awareness promotion and

educational resources

South Central FASD Committee


Provides FASD information, awareness,

promotion and education. A resource library
is also available.

Edmonton Fetal Alcohol Network (EFAN)

Alaina Thursby
Phone: (780) 423-2285 Ext. 157
Email: [email protected]
Canadian FASD Diagnostic and
Training Centre Ltd
Phone: (780) 942-2819
Email: [email protected]
Denise Plesuk
Phone: (780) 477-1999 Ext. 3202

Bissell Centre

Offers tailored FASD community education

to small and large groups


Providing team training, professional

development and educational presentations

Catholic Social Services: Coaching Families

Website: http://www.catholicsocial

Offers community awareness teaching

Lisa Rogozinsky
Phone: (780) 940-7108
Email: [email protected]


Awareness and promoting FASD discussions

[email protected]

January 4-13
Cindy King
Area Manager
Phone: (780) 415-0038
Riina Eggins
Counselling Supervisor
Phone: (780) 415-0046

Enhanced Services for Women (ESW)

Adult Addictions Services Edmonton

Education initiatives include ESW Help Kit

training events for allied professional
working with women who use substance as
well as ongoing collaboration with of 40
FASD community partners and stake holders

Lakeland Centre for FASD (LCFASD)

Donna Fries
Phone: (780) 594-9905
Email: [email protected]

Lakeland Centre for FASD: Assessment and

Diagnostic Educations Services

Audrey McFarlane
Phone: (780) 594-9905
Toll free: 1-877-594-9907
Email: [email protected]
Joanne Ring
Cell Phone: (780) 573-9657
Email: [email protected]

Lakeland Centre for FASD

Lakeland Centre for FASD

Yearly 3 day FASD diagnostic and

assessment training
Involves 3 days of observation of clinic with
multidisciplinary team
FASD and related training to rural
Training is tailored to meet educational
needs of the audience
FASD and related training to rural
Training is tailored to meet educational
needs of the audience

North West Regional (NWR) FASD Society: Mackenzie Network

Wanda Belland
Phone: (780) 926-3375
Email: [email protected]

NWR FASD Society


Provides workshops and presentations to

increase FASD education and awareness

January 4-13
Wanda Belland
Phone: (780) 926-3375
Email: [email protected]

NWR FASD Society: Pebbles Training


Linking brain function with behavioural


Metis Settlements FASD Network

Amanda Lapine-Tremblay
Phone: (780) 822-4056
Email: [email protected]

Metis Settlements FASD Network

Competence training for youth to increase

awareness and knowledge about the effects
of drinking alcohol while pregnant

Amanda Lapine-Tremblay
Phone: (780) 822-4056
Email: [email protected]

Metis Settlements FASD Network

Education and training for Community

Justice/FASD workers

Northeast Fetal Alcohol Network (NEFAN)

Lenise Wagner
Phone: (780) 750-6678/9
Email: [email protected]
Ruby Canning
Phone: (780) 743-3309


Provides specialized training for FASD

mentors and supervisors

The Childrens Centre

FASD prevention, awareness and education

activities for in-house programs and some
community requests

Northwest Alberta FASD Network

Gwen Vekved

North West Alberta FASD Network

For FASD workers to improve knowledge

January 4-13
Phone: (780) 357-7508


Julie Wood
Phone: (780) 332-4183

Accredited supported Living Society (ASLS)FASD Grimshaw

Website: http://
Fetal Alcohol Support Society (FASS)
Website: http://

Thelma Vincent
Phone: (780) 814 7624
Email: [email protected]

Tracy Kosik
ESW Service Coordinator, AHS
Northern Addictions Centre
Phone: (780) 538-6356
Irene Gladue
Site Manager, AHS Northern
Addictions Centre
Phone: (780) 538-6352

Grand Prairie Enhanced Services for Women


(life stage transitional requirements)

Respite workers trained to work with
Community FASD awareness- what services
are available and training requirements to
work with individuals with FASD
Offers resource library, referrals,
information and presentations
The program works with individuals,
families, caregivers and groups promoting
and facilitating FASD education, prevention,
intervention diagnosis/assessment, care and
(Planning to bring Diane Malbin for FASD
Education initiatives include the delivery of
the Help Kit training sessions to allied
professionals and community stakeholders.

Northwest Central FASD Network

Teresa ORiordan

NWC FASD Network

Increasing FASD learning and awareness

January 4-13
Phone: (780) 674-4141
[email protected]

Website: http://

through brochures, community visits,

presentations, professional development
trainings, FASD related trainings and
through email distribution updating for
ongoing training, conferences and learning
Coordinate trainings for community and
allied professionals

Prairie Central FASD Network

Will work with community agencies and

service providers to ensure ongoing learning
for best practice to work with individual and
their families/caregivers

Hazel Mitchell, Coordinator

Phone: (403) 317-0934
Email: [email protected]

South Alberta FASD Network

FASD community development; awareness

and promotion

Laura Elliot
Phone: (403) 328-2488 Ext.225
Email: [email protected]
Brent Lorenz
Phone: (403) 330-5051

Mcman Youth, Family and Community

Services Association
Lethbridge Regional Police/ Youth Justice
contract with Alberta Children and Youth

Provides FASD information, awareness,

promotion and education

Prairie Central FASD Network

Stacy Wolbeck
Phone: (780) 672-0141
Email: [email protected]

South Alberta FASD Network

Consultation about the program to other


January 4-13
Lethbridge College

Offers a one-year certificate program in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

South East Alberta FASD Network (SEAFAN)

Bridges Family Programs
Phone: (403) 526-7473

(Medicine Hat, Bow Island, Brooks and Oyen)


Provides awareness and prevention

presentations for students, community
agencies, community organizations and
Learning focuses on primary and secondary
disabilities, appropriate and effective
interventions, and consultative services

First Nations Inuit Health (FNIH)

Alberta Aboriginal Committee on
Contact: Co-Chairs- Bev Allard and
Marcia Medicine Shield
Phone: (780) 423-2285

The committee works to ensure that FASD

services are delivered in a culturally
responsive manner

Justice Programs
Liz Lawryk

Calgary- The OBD (Organic Brain Dysfunction)

Advanced level training for professionals

January 4-13
Phone: (403) 949- 3991
Email: [email protected]

Triage Institute

working with the criminal justice system.

Instruction tailored to audience.

Alaina Sanregret
Phone: (780) 594-9905
Toll free: 1-877-594-9907

Cold Lake- Lakeland Centre for Fetal Alcohol

Spectrum Disorder

Tailored FASD teaching for adult

understanding and professionals working
with FASD affected individuals

CFSA FASD Leadership Program

Donna Debolt will provide a 10 day program

offering tailored training for CFSA managers
to enhance FASD knowledge, skills, and to
build capacity to better support
children/youth living with FASD and their
families/caregivers. The program infuses
classroom training with real case
consultation and post-Certificate strategies
that aim to strengthen CFSAs in the area of
FASD screening and service delivery.
Participants will go on to facilitate FASD
training within and outside their
organizations, provide consultation (e.g.
colleagues, caregivers, professionals within
their communities), and advocate for the
needs of individuals affected by FASD (at
individual, agency and systems levels)

Ministry -Specific

Human Services
Child and Family Service
Denise Milne
Senior Manager FASD
Phone: (780) 451-0523
Email: [email protected]
Sharon Long
Email: [email protected]

January 4-13
Alberta Justice & Solicitor General
Marilyn Jerowsky (Calgary Contact)
Phone: (403) 297-8598
Email: [email protected]
Panyasay Xaysana (Edmonton
Phone: (780) 427-3261
[email protected]

Provincial Trainers
Donna Debolt
Phone: (780) 436-6223
Cell: (780) 905-4455

Alberta Justice & Solicitor General Ministry

Specific Training

Social Work Consultant

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Provides site specific and new recruit FASD

Awareness for Solicitor General staff and

General FASD training across the lifespan

Basic level and Advanced level training.
Case Management/ Case Consultation

January 4-13
Donna Debolt will provide the community
of practice training to the various CFSAs
within the province.

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