Same Sex Marriage Will Not Further Isolate Marriage From Its Pro-Creative Purpose
Same Sex Marriage Will Not Further Isolate Marriage From Its Pro-Creative Purpose
Same Sex Marriage Will Not Further Isolate Marriage From Its Pro-Creative Purpose
the same way that heterosexual men and women are ordinarily attracted to
the opposite-sex. Gay individuals are human beings who can love another
person just like straight individuals, a citizen of the Philippines, thus shall not
be denied of their constitutional rights especially on right of decisional and
marital privacy.
4. The Family Code does not impose and require married individuals to
procreate or have the ability to procreate. Old men and women who are
sterile are allowed to marry and are not allowed to annul their marriage on
the ground of their old age and sterility. Clearly, heterosexual couples who
cannot bear children were not disenfranchised by the State of their rights
1 Obergefell vs. Hodges June 26, 2015
2 Section 2 Article XV
3 Art. III Sec1- No person shall be deprived of his life, liberty or property without due
process of law nor shall any person be denied of equal protection of laws.
4 Program Associate, International programs Division, Population Council, Manila Philippines
5 Senior Associate, Policy Research Division, Population Council, New York, USA
6. Further, their study pointed out that such trends and estimates for
determining total fertility rate (TFR) in the Philippines is caused by economic,
culture, values and ideas, international factors and policy instruments as well
as changes of marriage patters.
7. Accordingly, the study pointed out that changes of nuptiality and marriage
patterns may help in decrease of the fertility rate to reach the desired TFR or
further decrease in the next coming years, viz:
Changes in nuptiality in the Philippines during the next few decades could
place downward
pressure on fertility; indeed, if such changes were large enough, conceivably
they could result in achieved fertility falling short of desired fertility, as has
been observed in many low-fertility societies. We consider three aspects of
nuptiality that reduce exposure to childbearing: permanent nonmarriage, delayed age at entry to first marriage, and marital
dissolution and temporary separation.6
8. Its worthy to note that based on the study, same-sex marriage was not
considered as a possible factor that will cause of the decline of the total fertility rate
of the Philippines. Granting arguendo, that permanent non-marriage will cause the
fall of the TFR from its desired rate, the State cannot force or compel its citizens to
produce offspring or bear children.
9. In the status quo, while the State allows heterosexual marriage and does not
allow same sex marriage, the total fertility rate among men and women will not be
affected. Homosexuals will never engaged into heterosexual marriage and have
6 Research on Fertility Decline in the Philippines Current Status and Future Prospects by Costello and
Casterline, 2009