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To: Sheheen for Governor Supporters

From: Trav Robertson, Sheheen for Governor
Date: March 30, 2010
Re: 2010 SC Democratic Gubernatorial Primary


This memo provides our strongest supporters with an overview of the 2010 Democratic
gubernatorial primary and an assessment of our campaign in comparison with our primary
opposition at this point in the race.

A number of indicators show that State Sen. Vincent Sheheen has the momentum and is well-
positioned to be the party’s nominee in the 2010 general election. We’ve broken down these
indicators into four categories: fundraising, endorsements, online support, and related
commentary from longtime South Carolina political observers.

I. Fundraising

Sheheen has consistently outpaced his primary opposition in fundraising, and with
Dwight Drake and Mullins McLeod – the second and third highest fundraisers in the
Democratic gubernatorial primary – having exited the race, the Sheheen campaign enjoys a
considerable cash advantage over the remaining primary opponents, State Sen. Robert
Ford and State Superintendent of Education Jim Rex.

At the end of the last fundraising quarter, Ford and Rex had $41,327.72 and $28,647.09 on
hand respectively. Sheheen reported $749,028.64 – roughly 18 times more than Ford and
roughly 26 times more than Rex. We have focused tremendous efforts on fundraising and
are proud that over 2,010 individuals have donated to our campaign, many of whom
contributed $100 or less – a measure of the breadth of support for Sheheen.

Candidate Total Raised On Hand Last Qtr % Spent

Robert Ford $92,897.00 $41,327.72
Jim Rex $170,149.95 $28,647.09 83.16%
Vincent Sheheen $958,318.84 $749,028.64 21.84%

II. Endorsements

A wide range of individuals from across the state have announced their public support of
Sheheen in his gubernatorial bid. Sheheen has also received the support of prominent
organizations that do not traditionally wade into Democratic primaries or back Democratic
candidates, which we believe shows his unique appeal in South Carolina today.

• Legislators – Half of Democrats in SC House and Senate, including Senate

Minority Leader John Land and House Minority Leader Harry Ott
• SC Chamber of Commerce, the state’s largest business and trade organization
• South Carolina Hospital Association Political Action Committee
• Charleston Mayor Joe Riley
• Florence Mayor Stephen Wukela
• Mullins McLeod, Charleston attorney and former candidate for governor
• Former SC Lt. Gov. Nick Theodore
• Former SC House Speaker Rex Carter

Note: Several other major endorsements will be announced in the coming weeks.

III. Online Support

While campaign efforts in the field are just beginning to ramp up in earnest, Sheheen’s lead
in grassroots support as gauged by internet metrics is indisputable. On the two most
prevalent social media sites – Facebook and Twitter – Sheheen has far more supporters
than Rex. On Facebook, the most widely trafficked social media site on the internet,
Sheheen has roughly eight times as many Facebook supporters as Rex. (Sen. Ford does not
have a presence on Facebook or Twitter.)

Social Network Sheheen Rex

Facebook 5758 fans 718 fans
Twitter 939 followers 694 followers
Ning 261 members 43 members

IV. In Their Words

“…Sheheen is moving like a Mack truck.” – Professor Emeritus Neil Thigpen, Francis
Marion University

Neil Thigpen, longtime South Carolina political commentator, recently offered the
following comments on the 2010 Democratic gubernatorial primary:

“… (A)t least one candidate on the Democratic side is moving very rapidly upward,
and that’s state Sen. Sheheen. In a fairly creditable poll a few months ago, Dr. Rex had a
fairly sizable lead, and Sheheen was in third. This indicates to me with Sheheen now
tied with Rex, that Rex is standing still and Sheheen is moving like a Mack truck. A lot
more people know who (Sheheen) is than knew a number of months ago. He has been
the one on the Democratic side that has run a really exceptional and well-reasoned
campaign. He got an early start, he’s raised the most money, and he’s put together a
network of supporters.”

On the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce’s endorsements of Congressman Gresham

Barrett, Republican gubernatorial candidate, and of Sheheen, Thigpen said the following:

“Coming from the business community, it’s a plus obviously for any candidate. It’s a
more routine type of endorsement on the Republican side with Congressman Barrett. …
(T)he fact that Sen. Sheheen got the endorsement on the Democratic side is very good
for him. It means the business community isn’t afraid of him just because he’s a
Democrat, and they must detect something in his record and his pronouncements.
…(I)t’s a much bigger catch for Sheheen than for Barrett.” (emphasis added)

Source: http://www2.scnow.com/scp/news/politics/local_govtpolitics/article/analysis/109604/
“We need someone like Vincent who is of a younger generation with newer life
experiences….” – Former DNC Chair Don Fowler

The following excerpts are from “A Camden Favorite Son Might Shine Statewide,” an
article by Gina Smith published in The State newspaper on January 28, 2010:

Sheheen's energy level and fresh views guarantee his success in the primary, said Don
Fowler, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee and a Sheheen

"We need someone like Vincent who is of a younger generation with newer life
experiences in the same way that Obama symbolized that in the presidential race,"
Fowler said….

"We are in such a different world now than what we were even 20 or 30 years ago,
that I think it takes younger people with newer experiences and different
perspectives to deal with this new modern world," Fowler said.

"The Democrats' chances are unusually good this time. (Sheheen) is a moderate who is
respected by even Republicans. He could have the crossover appeal to win." – Dave
Woodard, Clemson University Professor and Republican Strategist

Dave Woodard, a Republican strategist and Clemson professor who taught Sheheen,
said his former pupil's biggest attribute is his moderate appeal.

"The (Sanford) stain is going to be pretty deep and pretty wide, and it will affect the
Republicans in ways they don't even anticipate right now," said Woodard, who is
backing U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett for the GOP's nomination for governor.

"The Democrats' chances are unusually good this time. (Sheheen) is a moderate who
is respected by even Republicans. He could have the crossover appeal to win."
Source: http://www.thestate.com/2009/10/04/970367/a-camden-favorite-son-might-


We believe that our campaign’s strength in fundraising, endorsements, and online support
coupled with favorable observations from respected political commentators in the state show
that the Democratic electorate in South Carolina is coalescing around State Sen. Vincent
Sheheen and that he is on the trajectory to be the Democratic nominee in the 2010
gubernatorial election.

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