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Creating and Developing A Team: Partial Fulfillment of The Course NSTP - Cwts

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Partial Fulfillment of the Course

Submitted by:
Group 5
Submitted to:
Mr. H. P. Manlapaz


Team building is a philosophy of job design in which employees are viewed as members of
interdependent teams instead of as individual workers.
Five fundamental dynamics when building a team to succeed:
1. The team member: Successful teams are made up of a collection of effective individuals. These
are people who are experienced, have problem solving ability, openness to addressing the
problem, action oriented.
2. Team relationships: For a team to be successful the members of the team must be able to give
and receive feedback.
3. Team problem solving: An effective team depends on how focused and clear the goal of the
team is. A relaxed, comfortable and accepting environment and finally, open and honest
4. Team leadership: Effective team leadership depends on leadership competencies. A competent
leader is: focused on the goal, ensures a collaborative climate, builds confidence of team
members, sets priorities, demonstrates sufficient know-how and manages performance
through feedback.
5. Organizational environment: The climate and culture of the organization must be conductive
to team behavior.

Goals of team building:


The overall goals of team building are to increase the teams understanding of team dynamics
and improve how the team works together. Unlike working as a group, working as a team incorporates
group accountability rather than individual accountability and results in a collective work product.
Team building encourages the team approach to working on a project. There are many
advantages to this approach. These advantages include the following:
Increased flexibility in skills and abilities
More productive than work groups with individual mindset
More beneficial in times of organizational change
Encourage both individual and team development and improvement

Youth Development
Youth development overall is the physical, social, and emotional processes that occur during
the adolescent period, from ages 10 until 24 years. Simply speaking, it is the process through which
young people acquire the cognitive, social, and emotional skills and abilities required to navigate life.

Importance of youth development

During adolescence, young people experience profound physical changes, rapid growth and
development, and sexual maturation, in addition to psychological and social changes. This often leads
to issues with personal identity, sense of self and emotional independence. In an attempt to cope with
the complex changes and challenges of development, they may engage in behaviors considered to be
experimental and risky Due to this, several important public health and social problems either begin or
peak during these years including homicide, suicide, substance use and abuse, sexually transmitted
infections, and teen and unplanned pregnancies. Addressing the positive development of young people

can decrease these problems by facilitating their adoption of healthy behaviors and helping to ensure a
healthy transition into adulthood.

B. Team Development - Meaning, Stages and Forming an Effective Team

Team Development creates a winning atmosphere by:

Developing Trust among team members

Opportunity to Practice Openness
Enhances Cooperation through Realization of Objectives
Promotes Interdependence (Collaboration, Teamwork, Camaraderie, etc.)

Team Developments purpose is to help a team engage in the process of self-examination to

gain awareness of those conditions which are the sources of its strength and those conditions that keep
it from functioning effectively. Through the team development process, the group learns how to make
decisions and take those actions that will lead to better efficiency, productivity, product quality and
quality of work life.
Whether it's on the sports field or in the workplace, teams take time to come together. There is
a natural development process every team progresses through. It is useful to examine this maturation
so that as a team member, leader or facilitator you can be prepared to work effectively with the team.
As a result of Team Development, team members set higher goals, people are more motivated to
achieve their goals, everyone receives more assistance, support, and coaching, and the group produces
more and better ideas.

Teams are becoming a key tool for organizing work in todays corporate world. Teams have the
potential to immediately amass, organize, relocate, and disperse. But, teams are an effective tool of
employee motivation. It is essential to consider the fact that teams develop and get mature over a
period of time. Team development creates a captivating atmosphere by encouraging co-operation,
teamwork, interdependence and by building trust among team members.
The four stages of team development are:
Stage 1: Forming
During this stage, group members may be anxious and adopt wait-and-see attitude. They will
be formal towards each other. There would be no clear idea of goals or expectations. Besides, they
may not be sure why they are there.
This is the stage where the team needs to write its own charter or mission statement as well as
clarify goals. The most important thing here is that goals must have a personal buy-in.

By doing this the team will be able to establish boundaries as well as determine what is expected.
Team members will get to know each other doing non-conflict laden task. This builds the commitment
towards one larger goal.
Thus, during the forming stage, the team members are in process of knowing each other and
getting at ease with them.

Stage 2: Storming
During this stage, team members are eager to get going. Conflict can arise as people tend to
bring different ideas of how to accomplish goals. At this time, they notice differences rather than
similarities. This leads to some members dropping out mentally or physically.
At this stage, communication is important. Tensions will increase. So recognizing and publicly
acknowledging accomplishments also become important. It becomes important to participate in
meetings and diversity needs to be valued.
Thus, during the storming stage, the team members begin showing their actual styles. They
start getting impatient. They try to probe into each others area, leading to irritation and frustration.
Control becomes the key concern during this stage.
Stage 3: Norming
This stage is when people begin to recognize ways in which they are alike. They realize that
they are in this together. Hence, they tend to get more social and may forget their focus in favor of
having a good time. This is the time to help with training if applicable. It becomes important to
encourage them in order to feel comfortable with each other and with systems. Also, the group needs
to stay focused on goal.
Thus, during the norming stage, there is conflict resolution. There is greater involvement of
team members. There is a greater we feeling rather than I feeling.
Stage 4: Performing
This stage is when team members are trained, competent, as well as able to do their own
problem-solving. At this time, ways need to be looked at in order to challenge them as well as develop
them. The team is mature now. The members understand their roles and responsibilities. They would
require more input in processes. The members would be self-motivated as well as self-trained. Thus,
their efforts need to be recognized. Growth has to be encouraged. This is done by giving new
challenges to the team.
Thus, teams at the stage of performing are self-controlling, practical, loyal as well as
productive. Focus is there on both performance as well as production.


Characteristics of Effective Team Leaders
1. Communication.
2. Open.
3. Honest.
4. Fair.
5. Trustworthy.
6. Make decisions with input from others.
7. Act consistently.
8. Give the team members the information they need to do their jobs.

9. Set SMART goals and emphasize them.

- SMART goals = Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-phased
10. Keep focused through follow-up.
11. Listen to feedback and ask questions.
12. Show loyalty to the team.
13. Show high expectations.
14. Set high standards.
15. Wide visibility. Vision.
16. Give praise and recognition.
17. Reward team success.
18. Criticize constructively and address problems.
19. Develop plans.
20. Share their mission and goals.
21. Display tolerance and flexibility.
22. Demonstrate assertiveness.
23. Exhibit a willingness to change.
24. Treat team members with respect.
25. Make them available and accessible.
26. Want to take charge.
27. Accept ownership for team decisions.
28. Set guidelines for how team members are to treat one another.
29. Represent the team and fight in a good fight way.
30. Have a sense of humor.
31. Know how to motivate team members.




1. Understands, supports, and feels ownership for the teams goals.
2. Willing to put the teams goals ahead of my own. Team member understands that the teams
goals and his/her personal goals are ultimately the same.
3. Listens to everyone on the team. Utilizes active listening, striving to really understand the
other persons point of view. Being other-person focused; not making judgments, but
attempting to understand before forming opinions.
4. Is both task and team focused? Maintaining a balance between reaching the goals of the
team and maintaining and developing the team itself.
5. Views conflict as useful and necessary. Avoids the phenomenon of group think - where people
agree to things in order to avoid conflict, even if they think its a bad idea.
6. Trusts the other members of the team. Works at getting to know and understand everyone on
the team, honestly shares thoughts and feelings to build trust.
7. Communicates openly and honestly.
8. Respects differences and values diversity.
9. Works for consensus.

10. Utilizes the resources of others. Know the strengths, knowledge, and skills of other team
members and works to tap those skills for the best of the team.

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