Crane Fatal Accident
Crane Fatal Accident
Crane Fatal Accident
Lesson learned
One week look ahead weather forecast shall be considered and
communicated to all concerned parties /lifting crew
II. Crane assembly and erection procedures shall be established according
to crane manufacturer's procedures and it shall be reviewed and
approved by a competent personnel
III. Crane operator shall be familiar with crane critical lifting operation,
such as (load chart, length of boom , angle , counter weight , ground
bearing test (GBT), radius,..etc)
IV. Crane Maneuvering area shall be free from any personnel and /or
V. Secure all cranes at the end of every working shift
VI. Re- assessment and evaluation of all working cranes shall be done by a
competent personnel to ensure safe lifting operation
VII. Competency assessment for all lifting crew specially crane operator and
lifting engineer/supervisor shall be reviewed and approved by
approved certification authority.
VIII. Conduct a specific lifting training program to all lifting in charged
personnel to enhance their competency (Construction/HSE)