Banking Pathway: Reasoning Quiz: 1) V 2) IV 3) VI 4) VII 5) Viii

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Banking Pathway: Reasoning Quiz

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions :
A word and number arrangement machine when given on input line of words and numbers
rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of
input and rearrangement.
Input : talent 13 to 32 draw 92 when 35 immediate 42 85 arrived.
Step I : to 92 talent 13 32 draw when 35 immediate 42 85 arrived.
Step II: to 92 when 85 talent 13 32 draw 32 immediate 42 arrived.
Step III: to 92 when 85 draw 42 talent 13 32 35 immediate arrived.
Step IV: to 92 when 85 draw 42 talent 35 13 32 immediate arrived.
Step V: to 92 when 85 draw 42 talent 35 arrived 32 13 immediate.
Step VI: to 92 when 85 draw 42 talent 35 arrived 32 immediate 13.
Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find
out in each of the following questions, the appropriate steps for the input given below.
Input: 8 possibility 38 chocolates 72 row 14 other 82 64 chisel season.
1. Which of the following will be the last step of the rearrangement ?
1) V
2) IV
3) VI
4) VII
2. Which of the following would be at sixth position from the right in step IV ?
1) chisel
2) season
3) 38
4) 64
5) None of these
3. Which step number would be the following output ?
row 82 other 72 season 64 8 possibility 38 chocolates 14 chisel
1) Step IV
2) Step III
3) Step V
4) Step II
5) No such step is possible
4. If in step V 'row' is related to '72' and 'other' is related to '64', 'season' would be related to
which of the following in the same pattern ?
1) 82
2) chisel
3) 38
4) 14
5) None of these
5. If in the last step all the words get rearranged in alphabetical order. Which of the following
words will remain its original position ?
1) possibility
2) season
3) chisel
4) other

5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6 10): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions :
In a certain code "environmental information is here" is written as 'tu fa lic li' 'here read given
important' is written as 'pi sa uic fa', 'awareness is necessarily important' is written as 'uic hi li
no' and 'necessarily given environmental questions' is written as 'xo lic pi hi'.
6. What is the code for 'information' ?
1) tu
2) fa
3) lic
4) li
5) Can't be determined
7. Which of the following is the code for 'is necessarily read' ?
1) sa hi li
2) sa fa hi
3) no hi li
4) pi hi li
5) None of these
8. What does 'no' stand for ?
1) is
2) awareness
3) necessarily
4) important
5) Can't be determined
9. Which of the following is represented by the code 'fa pi lic' ?
1) here is given
2) information here given
3) here given environmental
4) here read information
5) None of these
10. Which of the following may be the possible code for 'here exact awareness information' ?
1) uic no tu qa
2) no qa ja fa
3) no fa tu qa
4) no fa tu uic
5) None of these

The word and number arrangement machine rearranges words in increasing order of their lengths and
in case there is a tie, the words are arranged according to the reverse alphabetical order. Numbers
are rearranged in descending order in each step, the machine rearranges one word and one number.
Input : 8 possibility 38 chocolates 72 row 14 other 82 64 chisel season.
Step I : row 82 8 possibility 38 chocolates 72 14 other 64 chisel season.
Step II: row 82 other 72 8 possibility 38 chocolates 14 64 chisel season.
Step III: row 82 other 72 season 64 8 possibility 38 chocolates 14 chisel.
Step IV: row 82 other 72 season 64 chisel 38 8 possibility chocolates 14.
Step V: row 82 other 72 season 64 chisel 38 chocolates 14 8 possibility.
Step VI: Row 82 Other 72 Season 64 Chisel 38 Chocolates 14 Possibility 8.
1. 3
2. 1

3. 2
4. 3
5. 5
here - fa
important - uic
is - li
necessarily - hi
given - pi
read - sa
environmental - lic
questions - xo
awareness - no
information - tu
6. 1
7. 1
8. 2
9. 3
10. 3
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