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Aalborg Universitet

Multimodal Desktop Interaction: The Face Object-GestureVoice Example

Vidakis, Nikolas; Vlasopoulos, Anastasios; Kounalakis, Tsampikos; Varchalamas, Petros;
Dimitriou, Michalis; Kalliatakis, Gregory; Syntychakis, Efthimios; Christofakis, John;
Triantafyllidis, Georgios
Published in:
18th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
DOI (link to publication from Publisher):
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Link to publication from Aalborg University

Citation for published version (APA):

Vidakis, N., Vlasopoulos, A., Kounalakis, T., Varchalamas, P., Dimitriou, M., Kalliatakis, G., ... Triantafyllidis, G.
(2013). Multimodal Desktop Interaction: The Face Object-GestureVoice Example. In A. Skodras (Ed.), 18th
International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP). Wiley-IEEE press. (International Conference on
Digital Signal Processing proceedings). 10.1109/ICDSP.2013.6622782

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Multimodal Desktop Interaction: The Face Object Gesture Voice Example

Nikolas Vidakis*, Anastasios Vlasopoulos*, Tsampikos Kounalakis, Petros Varchalamas*, Michalis Dimitriou*,
Gregory Kalliatakis*, Efthimios Syntychakis*, John Christofakis* and Georgios Triantafyllidis
* Applied Informatics and Multimedia Dept., Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
e-mail: {vidakis, epp1281, epp1978, epp887}@epp.teicrete.gr, [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
Electronic and Computer Engineering Dept., Brunel University, London, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
Medialogy Section, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark
e-mail: [email protected]
Robotics [22] and virtual reality (VR) [23] have taken
advantage of this evolution and many researchers, in these
fields, have developed systems based on multimodal input
device evolution [15, 16, 18, 19].

Abstract This paper presents a natural user interface system

based on multimodal human computer interaction, which
operates as an intermediate module between the user and the
operating system. The aim of this work is to demonstrate a
multimodal system which gives users the ability to interact with
desktop applications using face, objects, voice and gestures.
These human behaviors constitute the input qualifiers to the
system. Microsoft Kinect multi-sensor was utilized as input
device in order to succeed the natural user interaction, mainly
due to the multimodal capabilities offered by this device. We
demonstrate scenarios which contain all the functions and
capabilities of our system from the perspective of natural user
Keywords-component; Multimodal Interaction;
Interaction; MS-Kinect; Multimodal Input


Current research trends, suggest that natural-based

interaction is the wave of the future [21], with considerable
attention from both the research community (see recent survey
articles by Mitra & Acharya [10] and by Weinland et al. [13])
and the industry (see MS-Kinect [27], Asus Xtion PRO
LIVE[28]). Evidence can also be found in a wide range of
potential application areas, such as medical devices [15], video
gaming [15], robotics [16, 19], ambient intelligent
environments [18], and physical rehabilitation [12] etc.


Scientific work on natural interaction, combined with

devices like Kinect, define multimodality as: (a) every distinct
section of the human body is considered as different modality
and (b) depth signal and RGB signal are considered as different
modalities. The next paragraphs present three different systems
that use Kinect as a multimodal input device in order to offer
natural interaction to their users. These systems represent
different research disciplines such as medicine, virtual reality
and robotics.


Over the past decade, in the field of human computer

interaction (HCI) there is a great interest in interacting via
multimodal mediums.
Since Bolts [2] Put that there command proposal, a new
wave has been paved in HCI and more precisely in Natural
User Interfaces. Multimodality came to prominence and a lot of
research has been done in order to determine the right
principles of a functional multimodal system from the
perspective of natural user interaction. Apart from the natural
way human prefer to communicate with computer [20], users
tend to interact multimodaly instead of unimodal [6, 7]. So, the
way we face interaction is changing in the direction of

Gallos et al. developed a controller-free exploration of

medical image data [17]. The project allows users to interact at
a distance through hand and arm gestures, giving them the
opportunity to explore medical images. With the use of
OpenNI as a Kinect communication library, and Open CV [26]
Computer Vision library for image processing, user has the
ability to navigate, click, rotate, translate, zoom, scale and
erase an image from the screen. The gestures were one to one
assigned to a command and could not be changed by the user.

According to Bill Buxtons [3] vision of natural and

multimodal human computer interaction, researches on this
field are trying to implement this vision under the best possible
conditions. One of the several difficulties experienced by
researchers during multimodal natural user interface design is
the absence of stable and reliable input devices in addition with
their cost. In recent years a worthwhile endeavor is taking place
in this field. The latest multimodal input devices, like MSKinect [27] or Xtion Pro [28], enabled research community to
overcome adversities like cost, stability and usability. Recently,

Suma et al. developed a middleware called The Flexible

Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit (FAAST) [15] to
facilitate integration of full-body control using OpenNIcompliant depth sensors (currently the PrimeSensor and the
Microsoft Kinect). FAAST incorporates a VRPN server for
streaming the users skeleton joints over a network, which
provides a convenient interface for custom virtual reality
applications and games. Although its flexibility at assigning

different commands to the users movement, it uses only one

type of input.

API. For supporting multi-applications [29], a generic

container has been designed which runs at the background and
serves as an intermediate between multimodal input and active
applications running on a computer. To illustrate the concept
we present a use case scenario consisting of 4 steps, namely: 1)
Login via face detection-recognition, 2) Application selection
via object detection-recognition, 3) Authorization control
according to login data and 4) application operation, based on
steps 1-3, via gesture and speech commands.

Stowers et al. on their project use the Kinect device, built

on a quad rotor, to control its altitude by using the information
received from both the depth and image sensors [16]. Another
similar approach is developed by Michael Van den Bergh et al.
They use the Kinect device to direct a robot with human 3D
hand gestures real time [19] by using Depth and RGB sensor

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Then we

present our system which uses face, object voice and gesture as
interaction means to interact with (a) the operating system and
(b) the currently active applications of a computer. Finally, we
draw some conclusions and discuss on-going and future work.

In this paper, we demonstrate our work in progress with

regards to multimodal natural user interface system which is
based on real-time audio, video and depth signal processing.
The intermediate input device between user and system is MSKinect and the signals processing is performed by devices

Figure 1: The System Architecture


One of the main multimodality requirements, in regard to

Face Detection-Recognition, is to procure multiple applications
for multiple users. A logistical problem occurs in order to
provide all user accounts with different rights assigned to each
one. This security issue can be easily fixed by assigning
passwords for each user account. Although multimodality
architecture permits the use of multiple sensors that can be
used to upgrade this process in favor both system security and
user account management.


The system we demonstrate on this paper is a multimodal

system based on natural user interaction. It integrates the
principles of multimodality, as it supports different input
devices like RGB Cameras, depth and audio sensors. Each
device represents a separate module of our system architecture
which can be integrated independently without affecting the
rest of the system. This system acts like an intermediate
between input devices and operating system.

Face recognition is the way of optimally using all the

provided multimodality advantages mentioned above. The
method used in this system is basic but very efficient. The first
step towards face recognition is always face detection, making
both concepts highly associated.

A. Multimodal Processes
We have integrated four basic processes in order to support
multimodal functionality, Face Detection-Recognition, Object
Detection-Recognition, Speech Recognition and Gesture

Face detection is completed in two steps. The first process

is to track the joint of the head, provided from Microsofts
sensor. An area is then cropped around it, always by taking

under consideration the depth in which the joint was found.

The cropped image does not provide the data for user
recognition. This is due to the fact that joints are not always
stable, and this leads to step two of the recognition procedure.
Now that is certain that the search area is kept to an absolute
minimum. A face detection algorithm from [8, 9] is used to
extract the recognition data from the cropped image. The
combined methods provide absolute accuracy to face data that
will be later used for training when adding a new user, or for
cross-reference when checking the user identity. The final
output is a face image barely resized, at 100x100 pixels for
better face recognition performance, and we also apply a
histogram equalization to deal with lighting condition
variations. The drawback of this method is the vast
computational cost when used in real time. We tackle this
problem by simply using the face detection method only for a
short period of the initial skeleton tracking, which means that a
new user was detected and must be identified.

mentioned that depth does not affect the cropping procedure

because cropping region is interdependent with depth
variations of the user. Objects are not essential to be cropped as
a whole because our method is able also to recognize fractions
of them.

Completing user login procedure demands successful face

Our face recognition methodology is also
simplistic and very efficient, demonstrated in experimental
results section. It is based in Eigenfaces, firstly introduced in
[3, 4], and a classification system based on prediction of
similar face images. For successful recognition rates each user
can not just be described with one facial image. By using
multiple images to each user guarantees its successful
identification. The system is trained with five images per user,
which include the user looking from different angles to the
screen. These images describe the user's face when looking in
the center, right, left, bottom and up towards the screen as seen
in Figure 2. Although computationally efficient by itself face
recognition is executed ten times, because of the former
connection with face detection technique. The ten times
samples collection is evaluated by the system in order to
prevent miss classification of the users, taking a more
integrative decision. Downsides of this method are the
sensitivity on lighting variations and facial changes. Histogram
equalization is not efficacious for every lighting condition,
these results to faulty identification under severe lighting
changes. Alterations to facial characteristics, is a well-known
problem among recognition methods which also affects the
results of our current face recognition method and is among our
future research agenda to explore new methods that will enable
us to tackle the specific problem.

As a result of Speech Recognition, users are able to

communicate with the system via voice commands. A set of
vocal commands are pre-defined and stored in the system's
vocal command database. The speech recognition algorithms
which are running in the background are part of the API of the
Microsoft SDK for Kinect. Every spoken word is recorded by
the system and compared against the stored words in the vocal
command database. Subsequently, if the comparison has
positive results, a speech qualifier input is produced and passed
to the Sentence Compiler.

Ensuring that the produced images contain objects or just a

piece of them we carry on with object recognition method.
From each cropped image SURF features [11] are extracted
which ensure robust object descriptions against rotation and
scale variations. For training, the object recognition system
uses a database from objects that were corresponded with
applications. When classifying an object, the extracted features
are categorized with nearest neighbor algorithm [29] providing
a number of matches between the examined image and every
object class in the database. The final classification result is
corresponded to the highest matching object class, providing
efficient results as stated in experimental result section.

Microsoft SDK for Kinect [30] offers speech recognition

algorithms which support English, French, Spanish, Italian, and
Japanese language. Additionally, Kinects API offers the
ability to develop applications that recognize language spoken
in different regions: English/Great Britain, English/Ireland,
English/Australia, English/New Zealand, English/Canada,
French/France, French/Canada, Italian/Italy, Japanese/Japan,
Spanish/Spain, and Spanish/Mexico [30]. Kinect is attempting
to recognize speech from a distance through four microphones
together with beam forming in order to focus and listen on
specific areas of the scene. This way, the device is able to
recognize the source of speech and decide which user is talking
in a multi-user scene. Additionally, an audio processor is
responsible for the multichannel echo cancelation performing,
so that confusion of echo phenomenon is avoided.
In the course of the Gesture Recognition process, user
gestures are analyzed and managed. A specific set of gesture
commands, like vocal commands, are predefined and stored in
the system's gesture database. The set of pre-defined gestures
that the system recognizes and supports are non-static.

Regarding Object Detection-Recognition, based upon

multimodality features we can enrich user interaction with the
system. Following this philosophy we introduce a user-object
based interaction. Our method implies simple tasks conducted
from users by holding different objects in order to control

Simple gestures are produced by using right or left arms

wrist joint through Microsofts skeleton tracking and by
calculating the distance between two points. The first point is
the current wrist coordinates in x, y, z axis and the second point
is where the users hand will be at the end of the gesture. Thus,
the sentence is produced depending on, which axis value is
increased during the motion.

To achieve this method we have to implement object

recognition and classification techniques based on [14, 24, 25].
First of we have to find the location of an object into an image
cluttered mostly by unwanted regions. We set user's hands as
the main area of investigation for the required objects.
Methodology is so similar to the first part of face recognition
that was introduced earlier. By using skeleton tracking, we
fixate on both user hands and try to identify the objects from
the cropped images around them. In this part, it also should be

In other words, the system focuses on user's hand direction

changes. In this manner, when for instance the users right
hand changes direction from left to right our system considers

this movement as a gesture-command. Subsequently, a gesture

qualifier is produced and passed to the Sentence Compiler.

Control is responsible for collecting all types of input qualifiers

(speech, gesture, face and object). The input reception is
parallel and consecutive. The Sentence Syntax Evaluation
assumes the burden of checking the words-commands which
arrive as input in the Sentence Compiler. If the sentence that is
checked is part of at least one of the structured predefined
sentences, stored at the grammar database, then this sentence is
stored as an incomplete sentence. The systems flow returns
back to the Qualifier Input Control in order to wait for the next
word-command. When the next command comes as input to
the Sentence Compiler, the above process is repeated until a
complete sentence is found by the Sentence Syntax Evaluation.
If a word-command is not part of a predefined sentence, stored
at the grammar database, alone or combined with previous kept
word-command then this is rejected by the system.

B. Multimodal Input Processor-Analyzer

As Figure 1 shows, the Processor-Analyzer module of our
system consists of three distinct components that collaborate
together, (a) the Sentence Compiler, (b) the Action Sentences
Manipulator and (c) the Context Information Manager
The Sentence Compiler component receives the commands
that derive from the different input modalities. Every command
is a potential part of a sentence. The purpose of the Sentence
Compiler is to compile sentences that are composed of these
commands. It contains two parts, the Qualifier Input Control
and the Sentence Syntax Evaluation. The Qualifier Input

Figure 2: Simple User Rights Login


Figure 4: Admin User Rights Login

Figure 3: Unsuccessful Face Recognition.

Figure 5: Desktop Login Flow Diagram

The Action Sentence Manipulator collects all the composed

sentences that come out as an outcome form the Sentence
Compiler described above. The purpose of this module is to
handle the sentences as actions that should be executed on an
application. It contains two parts, the Action Sentence
Accumulator and the Application-Action Binder. The Action
Sentence Accumulator compares the sentence received from
the sentence compiler, with the information stored in an Action
Sentence-Application database, concerning the ability of
applications to respond to sentence actions. The outcome of
this comparison is passed on to the Application-Action Binder
component. The Application-Action Binder component, having
on one hand the information about which application/s are
capable of handling the action sentence and on the other hand
which application/s are up and running, informs the Context
Information Manager which in turn passes the action sentence
to the corresponding application/s.

applications not in focus, are not capable of executing an

action. For this reason CIM updates continuously a list with all
running applications and there focus state.


Our example application uses Microsoft Kinect as a

multimodal input device that provides Audio, RGB and Depth
Image. We use Microsofts official SDK for Kinect to process
the incoming information in order to get the users skeleton
joints as our action points and the users voice as input sound.
The action points position is refreshed at the rate of 30 times
per second, which is Kinects frame rate for skeleton tracking.
By action points we mean the users detected body joints, by
the Microsofts skeleton tracking mechanism, which are then
used for face, object and gesture recognition. Our gesture
recognition algorithms, apart from tracking gestures such as
push-in, pull-out, swing left, right, up and down, also detect
stable poses of the user and checks possible changes of action
points position every 10 frames. Sound is processed in realtime with the use of Microsoft Speech Recognition SDK,
which searches for a match within our Vocal Command XML

The Context Information Manager (CIM) is responsible to

communicate with the operating system. It retrieves
information about the applications running on the system.
More specifically, CIM interest lies on the state of the
application (focused or unfocused). This is necessary as

database. The database consists

corresponding speech qualifiers.




the face (see middle window of Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure

4). The cropped image is then compared with a set of users
images which are stored at the face database of the system.
Depending on the result of the comparison the system either
returns to face detection-recognition (see

In the next paragraphs we present a use case scenario for

multimodal desktop application interaction consisting of four
distinct steps: step1) Desktop login using users face detectionrecognition, step2) application selection via object detectionrecognition, step3) User application authorization control and
application launch and step4) application operation via gesture
and speech commands according to steps 1-3.

Figure 5) if user is unknown with the appropriate failure

message (see upper right info area called Output Result as well
as message on the skeleton tracking window of Figure 2,
Figure 3 and Figure 4) or proceeds and loads the user
permission i.e.: user type and name (see message on the
skeleton tracking window of Figure 2 and Figure 4), which can
be admin having full permissions or user with limited
permissions and list of applications that can be used (see upper
right info area called Permitted Programs of Figure 2, Figure 3
and Figure 4). Furthermore the user name is passed to the
Sentence Compiler through the Qualifier Input Control for
participating at the creation of the command sentence.

The first step of our use case scenario deals with desktop
login through users face detection-recognition. To detect the
user has the choice either of standing (default position) or
sitting (seated position) in front of the Kinect device, so that
the skeleton tracking procedure is activated. After the users
skeleton is detected (see upper left window of Figure 2, Figure
3, and Figure 4), our system continues with cropping the RGB
image at heads joint coordinates, creating a rectangle around


Figure 6: Application Selection with object palette

Figure 7: Application Selection with object book

Figure 8: Application Selection Flow Diagram

The second step (see Table II) deals with the application
selection through object detection-recognition. To accomplish
that, once again the user must be in front of the Kinect device,
in order for the skeleton tracking to start and as soon as they
are tracked, the cropping of the RGB image at the right hands
joint coordinates is ready to begin, creating a red rectangle
around the object (see RGB image in Figure 6 and Figure 7).
The cropped image is then compared with a set of objects
images which are already stored in our database. The result of
successful object recognition is the name of the recognized
object (see Output Results field in Figure 6 and Figure 7).
Successful object recognition results are sent to the Sentence
Compiler through the Qualifier Input Control which in turn
compiles a correct sentence, if any, using the results from step1
and step2 (e.g. Anestis Palette at Figure 6 or Petros Book

at Figure 7). Upon successful completion of steps 1&2 the

system launches the appropriate application (e.g. if recognized
object is palette start MS-Paint or if recognized object is
book start Google Chrome). If there is no result from the
object recognition process the procedure is repeated until the
object is recognized by the system, as we can see at the flow
diagram in Figure 8.
At step 3 the system compares user permissions, which is
data acquired from step1 and application information, which is
data acquired from step2. More specifically, the system loads a
list of applications that the user is permitted to operate (step1)
and the application information connected with the object hold
by the user (step2). If there is a match between permitted
applications and application defied by object then the
application is launched. The above described process can be

codified in the following steps: step3.a: Read User

Permissions, step3.b: Read Applications connected with
Object, step3.c: Compare data from 3a and 3b and step3.d:
Launch application and proceed to step 4 or display appropriate

III) i.e. operate the application via gesture and voice

commands. In our use case scenario, one application per login,
namely MS-Paint and Google Chrome, is initially launched
depending on the user (Anestis Palette for the MS-Paint and
Petros Book for the Google Chrome) that has logged in. The
MS-Paint operation scenario is demonstrated in Figure 9 while
the Google Chrome operation scenario is demonstrated in
Figure 10.

Once the user is successfully logged in the system and the

application is launched he/she can proceed to step 4 (see Table


Figure 10: Application Operation according to previous steps results

Petros Book

Figure 9: Application Operation according to previous steps results

Anestis Palette

Figure 11: Application Operation according to Gestures and Voice commands Flow Diagram

Regarding the MS-Paint operation scenario, it is

implemented with two complex action sentences. The first one
consists of two voice commands as shown in the left lower part
of the image in Figure 9. The firsts command of this sentence
is a vocal one (Lift) which is sent to Sentence Compiler as
Speech Qualifier. The Compiler checks the sentence syntax,
recognize the qualifier in its library but needs more input to
compose a complete sentence, so the qualifier input control
waits for another input. After that the system detects another
vocal command (open, which is translated into Brush
manipulation ), and sends a Gesture Qualifier to the Sentence
Compiler. The Compiler checks the sentence syntax,
recognizes the qualifier in its library and sends the two word
sentence to the Sentence Syntax Evaluation component which
compares the two commands with the data stored in the
Grammar database and finds a match. The composed sentence
is sent to the ASM. The ASM in his turn, checks that the
launched and focused application (in our scenario the MSPaint) can use this Lift Open action sentence. If the focused
application can use the action sentence it disambiguates the
sentence and sends the command to be executed to the
application. Since MS-Paint application can respond to the

specific command Lift Open, the action sentence is executed

and user takes the control of the default tool of the application.
The second sentence action sentence of this use case
scenario consists of two gesture command. This sentence is
about the drawing part of this example. The first gesture is
up expressed by the users right hand as shown in Figure 9.
This gesture is translated to the start of the drawing and it can
be compared to the action of mouse touching. When user
lowers his hand below his head then the drawing procedure
stops as it would be if user leaves his hand from mouse device.
The second part of this sentence is another gesture command
which is expressed by users left hand. Essentially, this is a
continuous gesture in order to manipulate the brush of MSPaint application according to the movement of the users left
hand as shown in Figure 9. As explained above, if users right
hand is lowered below the head position (down gesture) then
the manipulation of MS-Paint ends.
Regarding the Google Chrome operation scenario, in the
left lower part of the image of Figure 10 we show that our
system detects a vocal command (Google Chrome) and sends
the Speech Qualifier to the Sentence Compiler. The Compiler
checks the sentence syntax, recognize the qualifier in its library

but needs more input to compose a complete sentence, so the

qualifier input control waits for another input. Subsequently,
another vocal command (BAR) is detected by the system. This
command is sent as Speech Qualifier to the Sentence Compiler.
The compiler recognizes this second vocal command, which
combined with the previous one contributes to the completion
of a sentence. After that the system detects a gesture command
(UP, see middle RGB image of Figure 10), and sends a Gesture
Qualifier to the Sentence Compiler. The Compiler checks the
sentence syntax, recognizes the qualifier in its library and sends
the third word sentence to the Sentence Syntax Evaluation
component which compares the three commands with the data
stored in the Grammar database and finds a match. The
composed sentence is sent to the ASM. The ASM in his turn,
checks that the launched and focused application (in our
scenario the Google Chrome) can use this Chrome-Bar-Up
action sentence. If the focused application can use the action
sentence it disambiguates the sentence and sends the command
to be executed to the application. Since Google Chrome
application can respond to the specific command ChromeBar-Up, the action sentence is executed and the url bar of the
browser is focused. (see right image of Figure 10)









This paper has described a system for multimodal natural

interaction of users with computers using a multimodal input
device, the MS-Kinect, as the main input source of RGB, depth
and audio signals which are considered as different modals.
Systems aim is to provide users the means to become
acquainted with natural user interfaces and multimodality.



From the perspective of multimodal desktop interaction, we

presented our system that allows users (a) to login to the
desktop via the natural means of face through face detection
and recognition, (b) activate a desktop application via a nonnatural modality namely an object, through object detection
and recognition and (c) operate a desktop application with the
natural means of gestures and speech. In order to illustrate the
concept of our approach, we presented a use case scenario
which consist of 4 distinct steps according to the above
presented procedure




In conclusion, regarding future evolution could exploit (a)

different types of input modalities such as pressure or
proximity sensors, (b) more sophisticated techniques and
algorithms for facial and object detection-recognition, (c)
grammar databases to enrich the ability of the system to
respond to complex sentences and (d) exploit it's usage in the
field of robotics in order to accomplish robot navigation by
natural means.





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[26] OpenCV Computer Vision, http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/
[27] Microsoft Kinect, http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/kinectforwindows/
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