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Design Optimization of Francis Runners For Sediment Handling

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ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J.

Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Design Optimization of Francis Runners for Sediment

Biraj Singh Thapa
Turbine Testing Lab
Kathmandu University
P.O. Box 6250
Dhulikhel, Nepal

Mette Eltvik
The Waterpower Laboratory
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology

Ole G. Dahlhaug
The Waterpower Laboratory
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology

Bhola Thapa
Turbine Testing Lab
Kathmandu University
P.O. Box 6250
Dhulikhel, Nepal

Kristine Gjster
The Waterpower Laboratory
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology

Growth of energy demands is escalating rapidly. Crisis in conventional sources of energy is urging to expand
feasibility limits of the renewable energy resources such as hydropower. New development of hydropower projects
is shifting towards the unexplored regions of Asia and South America. These regions have their own specific
technical challenges and one of the major problems is sediment erosion of turbine components. Financial feasibility
of future hydropower developments across these basins would be largely influenced by technological advancements.
New innovations to prevent erosion of mechanical equipment exposed to sediments are important needs at present.
Erosion in hydro turbines is a complex phenomenon, which depends upon several parameters. Design of Francis
turbines is unique to each site and hence takes time and effort to produce the best design for specific conditions. This
makes design optimization of Francis turbines for erosive environment a challenging task. Several studies have been
conducted to estimate erosion behavior in turbines and other components. Recent advancements in computing tools
and software have added advantage to these studies. However, the design of Francis turbines to handle large amount
of sediments effectively has still not been established.
Kathmandu University, together with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, DynaVec and Nepal Hydro
& Electric as partners, has started a unique research project. The goal of the project is to establish a new philosophy
for design of Francis turbines effective to handle sediment problems. Jhimruk Hydroelectric Center in Nepal, which
represents a typical case of sediment erosion in hydro turbines across the Himalayas, has been taken as the reference
case. The research is funded by NORAD supported RenewableNepal Programme. This paper assimilates some of
the major findings of the ongoing project.
A new program Khoj has been developed to create and optimize the design of Francis runners. The program is also
featured to compare erosion in runner blades for different design cases. The final design can be exported to
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) for further analysis. Parametric survey
was carried out with this program to evaluate the relative effect of each design parameter on sediment erosion. The
result was compared with results obtained using CFD analysis to estimate effects of the design variables on
hydraulic performance. Several optimized designs were developed and analyzed to fulfill the desired condition of
erosion and efficiency.
This paper summarizes the standard procedures used for design of high head Francis runners. Use of computational
tools and methods for design optimization of Francis runners for sediment handling is also presented. Application of
design program Khoj to identify the effects of design parameters on sediment erosion in Francis runners is
explained. Results of CFD analysis of new runner designs, optimized for handling sediments at the reference power
plant, are also discussed.
Key Words: Francis runner, design optimization, CFD, erosion, RenewableNepal

ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J. Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand

1. Introduction
There is a huge potential of new hydropower developments across the basins of Himalaya and Alps of Andes.
Nepal, a small south Asian country, alone has more than 6,000 rivers with 42,000 MW of feasible hydropower
potential still to be harnessed [1]. However problems due to suspended sediment particles have been one of the
technical limiting factors for designers and developers in this region. Almost all the river and rivulets in this region
contains 60% -80% of minerals having hardness number above 6 in Mohs scale [2].
Sediment erosion of hydro turbines is a complex phenomenon, as it depends upon various parameters [3, 4]. Several
studies have been conducted to quantify the effects of the erosion in hydraulic components of power plants [5, 6, 7].
These studies conclude that sediment erosion removes the base material gradually. This leads to change in flow
pattern, losses in efficiency, vibrations and final breakdown of hydro turbine components. This has made sediment
erosion of hydro turbines a technical problem with huge economic losses.
Several techniques has been attempted to control the effects of sediment erosion in turbine components. This
includes from prevention of sedimentation in the catchment areas to tapping sediments at intakes and applying
preventative coatings on the turbine components exposed to high velocity water [3]. However, these and others
methods [8] to prevent the sediment erosion in Nepalese power plants have not shown successful results. Change in
turbine design philosophy so as to reduce relative velocity of water inside the runner without significant changes in
turbine dimensions has been identified as one of the new areas of research in the field of sediment erosion in Francis
turbine [9].

2. Sediment Erosion in Francis Turbine

Francis turbines are reaction turbines i.e. turbine components are completely submerged in water. This makes the
turbine components more exposed to sediment erosion. Several projects across the Himalayas and Andes regions
prove the use of Francis turbines as a bad choice for sediment laden water [10] with occurrence of severe damage in
turbine components.
The, use of additional settling basins together with methods of surface coating in runner and guide vanes has been
attempted at Jhimruk Power Plant in Nepal [8]. New production method, where runner blades are bolted to hub and
shroud instead of welding, which allows applying tungsten carbide based coatings to the whole surface of the runner
vanes has been applied at Cahua power plant in Peru [11]. Highly sophisticated settling chambers with continuous
flushing mechanism together with HVOF coated runners are used at 1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri power plant in India
[12]. The Francis runners at Jhimruk and Nathpa Jhakri power plants are still severely damaged during the monsoon
period. However, satisfactory improvements in performance of the Francis runner at Cahua power plant has been
reported [10]. Fig. 1 shows the effects of sediment erosion in Francis turbines operating in Himalayan and Andes

Fig. 1 Francis Turbines performing under basins of Himalaya and Andes: (a) Damage in Runner blade at Jhimruk
PP after one year of operation [9]. (b) Runner manufactured with new technology for Cahua PP [10]. (c, d)
Damage to guide vanes and cheek plates at Nathpa PP [11].

3. Hydraulic Design of Francis Runners

The hydraulic design procedure of a Francis runner starts with calculating the outlet diameter, D2, number of poles
in the generator, Zp, and synchronous speed, n. With these values known, the dimensions at the inlet are calculated.
These comprises of diameter, D1, inlet angle, 1, and inlet height, B1. Fig. 2 gives an overview of the main
dimensions in the runner.

ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J. Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand

These calculations are based on hydraulic parameters like head and discharge, which are determined by the
topography and hydrology of the power plant site. Traditionally, velocity at the inlet and outlet of the runner,
triangles as shown in Fig. 3, are used in the design process.

Fig. 2 Axial View of Runner




Fig. 3 Velocity triangles

Runner height, [m]
Absolute velocity, [m/s]
Runner diameter, [m]
Peripheral velocity, [m/s]
Relative velocity, [m/s]
Synchronous speed, [m/s]
No of poles in generator, [-]
Meridian component of C, [m/s]
Tangential component of C,
Vapor pressure, [m]
Barometric pressure, [m]
Submergence, [m]
Angle between the relative and
absolute velocity, [degree]
Inlet Section
Outlet Section

3.1. Dimensions at Runner Outlet and Inlet:

The dimensioning of the outlet starts with assuming no rotational speed at Best Efficiency Point (BEP) i.e. Cu2 = 0.
In addition, the values for outlet angle, 2, and peripheral speed, U2, are chosen from empirical data [13]:
13 < 2 < 22
35 m/s < U2 < 42 m/s

Lowest value for highest head

Highest value for highest head

The outlet diameter and speed is found by reorganizing the expression for flow rate and peripheral speed,
respectively. Cm2 is obtained from the known geometry in the velocity triangles. The number of poles, Z, in the
generator depends on the rotational speed and net frequency. With a grid frequency of 50 Hz, the number of poles is
obtained by using equation 4.


[rpm] - (2)

- (1)


- (3)


- (4)

The number of poles should be an integer. The value obtained from equation 4 must therefore be rounded off. With
the corrected number of poles, equation 4 is used to find the corrected synchronous speed; this value is again used to
calculate the corrected diameter at the outlet.
To avoid the cavitation at the out let of the runner, the required submergence for the runner is calculated using
equation 5. The NPSH, called as Net Positive Suction Head, is calculated using empirical equation 6 [13].

- (5)


- (6)

- (7)

At the inlet the values for diameter, D1, height of the inlet, B1, and inlet angle, 1 is calculated. In order to find these
values the Euler equation (equation 7) is used. By introducing reduced dimensionless values and assuming no
rotation at the outlet, the equation can be rewritten as equation 8. The turbine efficiency, t, is generally set to 0.96,
and U1 is chosen in the interval as given in equation 9. U1 can be calculated using equation 10.
- (8)

- (9)

[m/s] - (10)


- (11)

ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J. Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand

The inlet diameter can now be found by using equation 11. From the velocity triangles in Fig. 3 an expression for
the inlet angle can be derived as given in equation 12. In order to use the equation 12 the value for Cm1 is calculated
by the continuity equation given in equation 13. It is desirable with an acceleration of the water from the inlet to the
outlet, in order to avoid backflow through the runner. Therefore, the condition presented in equation 14 is used.
tan 1
Cm1 A1 Cm2 A2 - (13)
Cm1 1.1 Cm 2 - (14)
[-] - (12)
[m] - (15)
U1 Cu1
The only value left to calculate is the inlet height. By combining equation (13) and equation (14) this value can be
obtained as presented in equation 15.
3.2. Shaping of Runner Blade Profile
When the main dimensions of the runner are known, the runner blades can be designed. The design procedure starts
by determining the shape of the blade in the axial view, then the radial view is established, and nally the runner
blade can be plotted in three dimensions [13-15].
Runner Axial view: At rst a streamline along the shroud or along the hub has to be dened. It is most common to
dene it along the shroud. Traditionally an elliptical or circular shape is chosen for the streamline. Based on the inlet
distribution and the denition of the rst streamline, the rest of the streamlines can be determined. After the rst
streamline is dened, the number of streamlines has to be chosen. The distribution of streamlines is determined by
the flow rate, Q, at the inlet of the runner, which initially is considered uniform. This gives a uniform distribution of
the streamlines between the hub and shroud at the inlet. Fig. 4 shows the axial view of a Francis runner after
removing upward curvature at the hub, cutting endpoints and redistributing the remaining points.
Runner Radial view: In order to simplify the design process of going from the axial view to the radial view, a GHplane is dened, shown in Fig. 5. G is the length of a streamline in the axial plane and H is the length of a streamline
in the radial plane. The values of G are calculated by using the values of R and Z from the axial view. Calculating
the values of H is more demanding, as they are dependent on the distribution of the blade angle, . The blade angle
is closely linked to the energy distribution along the blade. The energy distribution describes the transformation
from pressure energy to rotational energy along the blade. The relation between the energy distribution and the blade
angle is governed by equation 16.

Height Z [m]

Axial Direction G [m]

Radial direction H [m]

Radius R [m]

Fig. 4 Axial view

Fig. 5 Definition of GH-plane

Fig. 6 GH-plane

The blade angles at the inlet and outlet are known from the velocity triangles. The distribution in between has to be
determined. This can be done in two ways. Either choosing the U Cu distribution and then calculating the
distribution, or choosing distribution and then calculate U Cu distribution. Choosing the blade angle distribution
gives the designer full control of the design outcome. The blade angle distribution is also the most important factor
to shape the runner profile.
The values of H corresponding to each G can be obtained using equation 17. When this is performed for each
streamline, the G-H plane can be plotted as shown in Fig. 6. Now the radial view of the runner can be established
using equation 18, which is dened according to Fig. 7. When knowing all the coordinates for and R, the radial
view can be plotted as in Fig. 8. Combining the axial coordinates and the radial coordinates, the 3D shape of the
runner blade emerges as shown in Fig. 9.


- (16)

- (17)


- (18)

ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J. Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand


Fig. 7 Definition of radial view

Fig. 8 Radial view of runner

Fig. 9 3D View of runner

4. Method of Design Optimization and Analysis

A graphic user interface (GUI) program to create and modify design of Francis runner has been developed. The
methodology and steps discusses in section 3 has been followed to design the runners. The program is named as
Khoj and is able to create 3-D runner profile based given basic design data. An Analytical design of Francis
runner has been made for a reference case. Each hydraulic design parameter is varied within a pre-defined range and
change in erosion relative to the reference design has been evaluated. The optimized designs are further analyzed
with CFD tools to evaluate its performance in erosive environment.
4.1. Reference Design
JHC is a typical power plant suffering from sediment erosion of Francis turbine in South Asia. It has three units of
splitter blade Francis runners of 4.2 MW each. With the basic design data presented in Table 1 and values of
hydraulic design parameters presented in Table 2, a reference
Table 1. Basic design data for JHC
design to suit this site is created. Full blade runner has been
S.N. Parameters
Symbol Unit
considered as the reference design instead of splitter blade due
Net design head
to limitation in the design program.
Net discharge per

Runner efficiency

m /s


4.2. Design Optimization Range and Methodology
The hydraulic design parameters are varied within
Table 2. Hydraulic design parameters
a defined range and its effects on erosion factor is
Value for
Range of
evaluated. Table 2 lists the range of variation of S.N.
Symbol Unit Reference
the design parameters considered for this study.

For evaluating effects of sediment erosions in

optimized designs, the following two terms are
defined as the indicators and the means of
comparison of relative erosion in the Francis
turbine runner.
Erosion Tendency (Et)
It is quantification of tendency of a specific design
of runner to be eroded in similar sediment
conditions. Erosion tendency is defined as follows:




Outlet diameter
Number of pole
pairs in generator
peripheral velocity
at inlet
Acceleration of
flow through
Height of runner
Blade angle



0.4 - 0.75


3 - 12



0.65 - 1



0 - 50




0.05 - 0.4
4 different


Where n is the number of segment area (Ai) in the runner blade surface. Wi is the relative velocity of flow in each
segment area. The segment area is the area between the intersection of streamlines and stream points in the runner
blade surface.
Erosion Factor (Ef)
It is ratio of erosion tendency of each new design with respect to the reference design. Erosion factor is defined as

ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J. Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand



The erosion factor estimates a quantitative difference in sediment erosion of runner with the change in hydraulic
design alone. In this study the erosion factor is used as a means to compare the relative erosion in the optimized
designs of runner with respect to the reference design. The erosion factor for the reference design is 1.
4.3. CFD Analysis
To verify the reference design, a CFD simulation is carried out. Designs from Matlab are exported to Ansys CFX13. Simulations are done to evaluate the hydraulic performance and erosion on the runner blade surface. Exactly
same process has been repeated to all the design analysis to maintain the consistency. Table 3-6 presents the
parameters selected for the CFD analysis. Fig 10 shows mesh generated from Ansys Turbo Grid for the reference
design for the parameters given in table 3. Fig. 11 shows the computational domain generated by Ansys CFX-Pre for
the parameters given in table 4.
Table 3 Parameters for CFX-Turbo Grid
Type Value
Grid Node Count
Factor Ratio
Reynolds No
Table 5 Parameters for CFX-Pre Sediment Data
Shape factor
Flow rate

Table 4 General Parameters for CFX-Pre

Flow State
Flow type
Erosion Model
Particle Transport fluid
Table 6 Parameters for CFX-Post Erosion Analysis
Max value
Sediment Erosion
Rate Density

5. Results and Discussion

5.1. Results of design optimization:
Consequences of variation in each design
parameter are evaluated from the design
program Khoj. Effect of the variation on
the erosion factor is of primary interest.
However, the effects on other relevant
deign parameters are also observed. It is
Fig. 10 TurboGrid ATM mesh
found that the runner outlet diameter,
Fig. 11 Computational domain
peripheral velocity at inlet, and blade
angle distribution have the highest effect on sediment erosion of Francis runner. The results of the study are
presented in Table 7. Several methods have been proposed to reduce the sediment erosion in Francis runner.
However, each method has its own limiting conditions. Further study is necessary to identify the optimum value of
each design parameter for particular site conditions.
5.2. Results From CFD Analysis:
CFD Analysis of Reference Design
CFD analysis of reference runner has been done to
evaluate the hydraulic parameters and sediment erosion
in runner blade surface. This is taken as a reference to
compare the same for the optimized designs. Fig. 12
shows the streamlines of flow on the pressure side of the
blade. Smooth flow from inlet to outlet section can be
observed. Fig. 13 shows the relative velocity on
meridional surface from inlet to outlet. It shows the
smooth increment of relative velocity from inlet to outlet
computational domain. Fig. 14 shows sediment erosion

Table 7. Conclusions from Khoj to reduce sediment erosion

Proposed Modifications
Increase outlet diameter of
Size of turbine
Increase number of pole pairs
Speed number
in generator
Reduce peripheral velocity at
Reaction ratio
Increase acceleration of flow
No of runner blades
through runner
to prevent back flow
Increase blade height of
Change shape of blade angle
Strength, Fabrication

ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J. Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand

rate density on the pressure side of reference runner blade computed by Ansys CFX-Solver for the sediment data
presented in table 5. It shows that the erosion pattern spreading at the outlet section of the runner blade, which
resembles to the erosion pattern of reference runner as shown in Fig. 1, a.
CFD Analysis of Optimized Designs
Several optimized designs are developed by combining the changes anticipated by the design program to reduce
sediment erosion in runner blades. CFD analysis of the optimized designs having erosion factor below 1 has been
done to validate the reduction in erosion and also evaluate the effects on other hydraulic parameters. Effects of the
variation on other hydraulic parameters have also been computed. Table 8 presents corresponding erosion factors of
the two optimized designs calculated by the design program together with respective total runner efficiencies
computed by CFD.
Table 8. Optimized designs erosion factors and efficiencies

Results of CFD analysis of optimized design 1 is shown in Design

Reference Design 1 Design 2
Fig. 15 to Fig. 17. Comparisons with the results for the Erosion factor (-)
reference design shows reduction in erosion on the blade Total Efficiency (%)
surface as predicted by the program. However, there are
some irregularities in streamlines at inlet section and transition of relative velocity on meridional surface from inlet
to outlet is not smooth. These irrigularities could be possible reasons for drop in total runner efficiency despite of
reduction in sediment erosion in runner.

Fig. 12 Streamlines on pressure


Fig. 13 Relative velocity on

Meridional surface

Fig. 14 Sediment erosion on

reference runner

Fig. 18 to Fig. 20 shows the results of CFD analysis of optimized design 2. The erosion on the blade surface is less
than the reference runner but not lower than that on the optimized design 1 as predicted by the program.
Irregularities in the streamlines have further increased and also the rough transitions of the relative velocity. These
could have caused to further decrease in the total runner efficiency.

Fig. 15 Streamlines on pressure


Fig. 16 Relative velocity on

Meridional surface

Fig. 18 Streamlines on pressure


Fig. 19 Relative velocity on

Meridional surface

Fig. 17 Sediment erosion on

optimized design 1

Fig. 20 Sediment erosion on

optimized design 2

ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J. Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand

6. Conclusions
Problem of sediment erosion in turbine components at the hydropower plants across the basins of the Himalayas and
the Andes is a technical challenge. Several cases of severe erosion in Francis turbines operating in these regions
have been reported. Some attempts to modify manufacturing processes to allow full coating in runner blades has
shown an optimistic progress in controlling erosion in Francis turbine. However, new designs of Francis turbines for
erosive environments should be explored to make the future of hydropower more economic and sustainable even in
the sediment laden projects.
This study makes an attempt to optimize the existing hydraulic design of high head Francis turbines, with the
possibility to minimize erosion. The fundamental equations followed for designing a Francis runner has been
explored. A reference case has been established and the optimizing parameters with the range of optimization have
been identified. Effects of design parameters on sediment erosion in runner blade surface have been estimated by a
new design program named as Khoj. Several optimized designs of the runner have been developed and CFD
analysis of selected ones has been performed.
From the parametric survey it is found that the runner outlet diameter, peripheral velocity at inlet, and blade angle
distribution have the highest effect on sediment erosion of Francis runner. Optimized designs developed show the
considerable reduction of erosion in runner blades. Findings of this study will help for further exploration of the
research to establish a new design methodology for reduced erosion and increased efficiency of Francis runners.

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The Authors
Biraj Singh Thapa is a MS by Research student in Mechanical Engineering Department at Kathmandu University (KU) with the
topic Hydraulic Design of Francis Turbine to Minimize Sediment Erosion. He is also a researcher for RenewableNepal Project
at KU to develop a new design philosophy for Francis turbine to minimize losses due to sediment erosion.
Corresponding address: [email protected]
Mette Eltvik has graduated from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2009. Her field of
specialization is sediment erosion in Francis turbines. After one year work as a research assistant in the Waterpower Laboratory
at NTNU, she is continuing her research as a PhD candidate in the same field. She is also a supporting researcher for the
RenewableNepal Project.
Corresponding address: [email protected]

ASIA-2012, March 26-27, Int. J. Hydropower & Dams, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Kristine Gjosater has obtained her masters degree on 2011 from NTNU with the topic Hydraulic Design of Francis Turbine
Exposed to Sediment Erosion. Currently she is working as a research assistant in the Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU, and is
also a supporting researcher for the RenewableNepal Project.
Corresponding address: [email protected]
Ole G. Dahlhaug obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at NTNU. From 1992 to 1998 he worked at SINTEF as Research
Scientist, with research and testing of pumps and turbines. Currently he is Professor at the Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU. He
has been actively working with research on sediment erosion of turbine components and efficiency measurements of hydropower
plants. He is supervisor of the RenewableNepal project.
Corresponding address: [email protected]
Bhola Thapa has done Bachelor and Master in Mechanical Engineering from India. He has done PhD from NTNU in the topics
Sand Erosion of Hydraulic Machinery in 2004. He has been working at Kathmandu University, School of Engineering since
1994. He is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and he has been serving as Dean of School of Engineering since 2005. He has
been involved in research in the field of hydraulic turbines especially in the area design of erosion resistance, operation and
Corresponding address: [email protected]

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