Cs and CV
Cs and CV
Cs and CV
System software
Software engineering
Formal language and automata Theory
Operating System
Database management sysytem
Computer networks
Management and Enterepreneurship
Complier Design
Computer Networks- 2
Computer Graphics and Visualization
Operations Research
Signals and systems
Data Compression
Pattern Recognition
Stochastic Models and Application
programming Languages
Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Embedded Computer Systems
Programming the Web
Advanced Computer Architectures
Advanced DBMS
Digital Signals Processing
Software Architectures
System Modeling and stimulation
Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
Web 2.0 and Rich internet applicatons
VLSI Desgin and Algorithms
Network Management Systems
Information and Networks Security
Micr5ocontroller based systems
Adhoc networks
software testing
Arm Based system design
services oriented Architecture
Clouds grids and Clusters
Multicore architure and Programming
Management and entrepreneurship
Desgin of RCC Structural elements
Structural Analysis 2
Geotechnical Engineering-1
Hydrology and irrigation engineering
Transportation engineering 1
Environmental Engineering 1
Design and Drawing of RC Structures
Transportation Engineering 2
Geotechnical engineering 2
Hydraulic structures and irrgation design drawing
Theory of Elasticity
Alternative Building Materials and Technologies
Ground Improvement Techniques
Advanced Surveying
Ground water hydrology
Rural water supply and sanitation
Traffic engineering
Environmental Engineering 2
Design of Steel Structures
Estimation and valuation
Design of Prestressted Concrete structures
Matrix Method of structural anaylsis
Adavnced design of RC structures
Design of Masonry Structures
Earth and Earth Retaining Structures
Highway geometric Design
Open Channel hydraulics
Solid waste Management
Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
Rock mechanics
Pavement materials and construction
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Pollution and control
Advanced Concrete Technology
Design and Drawinf of Steel Structures
Advanced Prestressed Concrete Structures
Advanced foundation Design
Pavement Design
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
Industraila waste water treatment
Quality management sytem in civil engineering
Finite element Analysis
Reinforced Earth Structures
Urban Transport and planning
Geograhic information system
Advanced design of steel structures
Water Resources Engineering
Environmental Impact
1.Terrence chan:UNIX system programming using C++, prentice hall India 1999 2. W.Richard Steven
Alfred V Aho,monica S.lam, Ravi sethi, Jeffery D Ullman compliers-Principles Techiques and tools 2nd e
1. communication networks-Fundamentals concepts & key architechtures,ALBERTO Leon Garcia & Ind
Edwaed angel: Interactive Computer Graphics A top down approach with OpenGL 5th edition pearson
Frederick bS Hillier and Gerald j lieberman: Introduction to opertion research:concepts and cases 8th e
Simon Haykin and barry van Veen: signals and systems 2nd edition wiley india 2007
Khalid sayood:introduction to data compression 3rd edition Elsevier 2006
Richard O Duda,peter E Hart and david G Stork: pattern Classification 2nd edition wiley-interscience 2
Sheldon M Ross:probability Models for computer science Elsevier 2002
Michael l Scott: Programming Languages Pragmatics 3rd edition Elsevier 2009
Michael Blaha James Rumbaugh: object oriented modeling and Design with UML 2nd edition pearson
Wayne Wolf:computer as components, Principles of embedded computing systems design 2nd edition
Robert W Sebesta:programmming the world wide web 4th edition pearson educ 2008
John L Hennessey and David A patterson : computer architecture A Quantitive approach 4th edition el
Raghu Ramakrishana and Jahannnes Gehrke:database management system 3rd edition McGraw hill 20
John G Proakis and Dimitris G Manolakis:Digital Signal Processsing 3rd edition pearson educ 2003
Herbert Schildt: Java the complete reference 7th edition tat mcGraw hill 2007
Ralf Steinmetz Klara Narstedt: Multimedia Fundamentals: vol 1- media coding and content processing
GK Gupta: Introduction to data mining with case studies 3rd edition PHI new delhi 2009
Simon Haykin:Networks-A Comprehensive Foundation 2nd edition pearson educ 1999
Andrew Troelsen: proc C# with .net 3.0 4th edition Wiley India 2009
Milan Sonka Vaclav Hlavac and roger Boyle: image processing analysis and machine vision 2nd editio
Martin Osborne: an introduction to game theory, oxford university press india edition 2004
Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig: Artificial Intelligence A modren approach 2nd edition pearson educ 2003
G Somasundaram, Alok shrivastava: Information Storage and management Wiley India 2009
Timothy J Ross:Fuzzy Logic with engineering application 2nd edition, Wiley India 2006
Len Bass, Paul Celents, Rick Kazman: software architecture in Practice 2nd edition, pearson educ 200
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Dr. ashok talukder, Ms Roopa Yavagal, Mr. Hasan Ahmed: mobile computing, technology applications a
Steve Holzner: Zajax: A Beginners Guide tata McGraw hill 2009
Wayne wolf: Modren VLSI Design-IP Based design 4th edition PHI learning 2009
Mani Subramanian: network managemnet-primciples and practice 2nd edition pearson educ 2010
Michael E whitman and Herbert J Mattord: principles of information security 2nd edition Cengage learn
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C siva ram murty and BS Manoj: ad hoc wirless networks 2nd edition pearson educ 2005
Paul C Jorgensen: Software testing A Craftsmans Approach 3ed edition Auerbach Publications 2008
Andrew N Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wreight: ARM system Developers Guide- Designing and Optimi
Thomas Erl: Service oriented Architecture-Concepts,technology and design Pearson educ 2005
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Calvin Lin Lawrence Snyder: Principles of Parallel Programming pearson educ 2009
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Engineering Hydrology- Subramanya K, tata McGraw hil , new delhi
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D.M Dhamdhere:system Programming and Operating System 2nd edition Tata McGraw hill 1999
1.Roger S. pressman: software engineering 7th edition, Tata McGraw hill, 2008
1.KLP Mishra:theory of computer science, automata languages and computations 3rd edition PHI learn
1.DM Dhamdhere: Os- a concept based approach 2nd edition Tata McGraw hill, 2008
1.Silberchatz korth and sudharshan:dbms 6th edition McGrawhill 2010,
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1.Maurice j bach: the design of UNIX operating system , pearson educ 2005 2. Uresh Vahalia: UNIX int
1.Charles N.Fischer, Richard J leBlanc jr:Crafting a complier with C pearson eduction 2. Adrew W app
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1.Donald Hearn and Pauline Baker: Computer graphics- OpenGL Version 3rd edition pearson educ 20
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Alan V oppenheim alan s willsky and S hamind Nawab: singals and system 2nd edition PHI 1997, India
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BR Bhat: Stochastic Models Anaylsis and Application, newage internation 2000
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Grady Booch et al: Oject oriented Analysis and design with application 3rd edition pearson educ 2007
james K peckol:Embedded systems : A Contemporary design tool Wiley India 2008
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Kai Hwang:Advanced computer Architecture Parallelism Scalability,Programability 2nd edition tat Mcgr
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Paulo S.r Diniz, Eduardo AB da Silva and Serigo L Netto : Digital signal processimg: system analysis an
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Nalin K Sharad: Multi media Information networking PHI 2002
Arun K pujari:data mining techniques 2nd edition universities press 2009
B.Yenanarayana:artifical neural networks PHI 2001
Tom Archer : inside C# WP publishers 2001
Anil K Jain: fundamentals of digital Image Processing PHI 2007 India reprint 2009
Roger B Myerson: Game theory: analysis of conflict harvard university press 1997
Elaine rich Kevin knight: artifical Intelligence, 3rd edition tat McGraw hill 2009
Ulf Troppens, Rain er Erkens and Wolfgang Muller:storage networks explained Wiley India 2003
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E Gamma, R helm, R Johnson J vlissides: Design Patterns elements of Reusable oject oriented software
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Jack Herrington and Emily kim: getting started with Flex 3 O'Reilly 1st edition , 2008
Sabih H Gerez: algorithms for VSLI Design Automation Wiley 2007
J Richard Burke: network management concepts and practice 2nd edition PHI 2008
Behrouz a Forouzan: Cryptography and networks security special indian edition tata McGraw hill 2007
Raj kamal: Microcontrollers Architecture,programming interfacing and system Design pearson educ 20
Ozan K Tonguz and Gianguigi Ferrari: Ad hoc wirless networks JOHN wiley 2007
Aditya P mathur: Foundations of software testing pearson educ 2008
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Design of steel structures- duggal, tata megra hill 2010
Quantity Surveying PL Basin S Chand: new delhi
Pre stressed concrete : P Dayarathnam, oxford and IBH publishings
matrix analysis of framed structure- W weaver JM GereCBS publishers and distributers 1986
Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete vol 2: PC varghese-- Prentice hall of India (p) ltd, new delhi
Design of Masonry Structures: Sinha BP Davies SR : E&FN spon 1997
Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering : DR. BC punmia , Laxmi punlications Ltd
Highway Engineering: Kadiyali LR :Khanna publications
Open channel flow: Madan Mohan Das, Prentice hall of India pvt Ltd
Solid waste management in developing countries: Bhinde and sunderashan
Numerical methods in engineering problem: N krishan Raju, Ku Muthu , MacMillan India limited 1990
Rock mechanics and Design of structures in rock: John wiley
Constrution equipment and its management: Sharma SC, Khanna publications
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Peavy HS Roew- Environmental engineering, McGraw Hill co