Hamraki Rag April 2010 Issue

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The region’s favourite community rag since 1990 April 2010

We Survived the 2010 Tsunami

by Elizabeth Norton a complete waste of time as the normal
We, as our acquaintances will tell you, are Sunday morning programmes were being
not early risers and Sunday morning was screened without even a byline along
no exception to this rule. the bottom of the screen to indicate that
However, there are those with our anything unusual - or indeed dangerous
welfare at heart and we were rudely - was happening.)
awoken by the bedside phone at about At some stage the local fire siren went
7.30am. A sister living in Whangarei, off. This was not as expected though all
having heard the early news broadcasts three adults in our house were under
about earthquakes in Chile and possible the impression that a Civil Defence
tsunami danger on New Zealand’s east emergency siren was different to the usual
coast, was ringing to make sure we were long drawn out wailing that upsets the
awake and aware of what could happen to dog every time. So the dog got upset again
the neighbourhood. We weren’t - awake and we wondered whether we should pay
or aware! Well, hadn’t we better do attention or not.
something about it?! Yes, perhaps we After some breakfast, thought and
had better and thank you for letting us discussion, listening to the radio a bit
know. more, it was decided that tsunami or not
We then proceeded to start the day we should treat this event as a practice
as for an emergency. Washed, dressed, run in preparation for what could happen
fed pets and chickens so that they would either now or in the future - and that is
survive a possibly trying day(s). Had just what we did.
breakfast listening We h a v e a n
t o t h e r a d i o for emergency box on
information. Radio standby at all times.
NZ National did us This was piled into
proud with continual the 4WD together
news, interviews and with the pump-pot of
situation updates. hot water, collapsible
(However, one piece table and chairs, tent
of advice was to fly and sleeping bags,
watch the television radio, newspaper and
- this appeared to be continues on page8
March 2010 Hamraki Rag 1
nobel award winner to lecture

In association with Waihemo Research (NIWA), before his

Wastebusters in Palmerston, dismissal in March 2009 for
Hampden Community Energy allegedly failing to follow NIWA's
will be presenting a lecture media policy.
by Dr Jim Salinger, Honorary He has offered to present
Research Graduate in the School a series of lectures on climate
of Environment at Auckland for anyone who is interested in
University. He is also the President attending. Because of the lack of a
of the World Meteorological good teaching facility in Hampden,
Organization, Commission for the society has booked the use
Agricultural Meteorology in of the library at East Otago High
Geneva (Switzerland). School in Palmerston for these
Dr Salinger was a principal lectures.
author for the Intergovernmental At this stage, Dr Salinger will
Panel on Climate Change and present his lectures either on
won the Nobel Peace Prize in Saturday and Sunday May 15
2007 along with former US Vice and 16 or on Friday and Saturday
President, Al Gore. May 14 and 15. Full details will be
He was considered to be released as soon as the dates are
the public face for the National confirmed.
Institute for Water and Atmospheric

hamraki rag
The Hamraki Rag is a community paper published on the first Wednesday of every month
by the Hamraki Media for the area between Shag Point to Herbert including Hampden and
Moeraki, Te Waka o Aoraki of New Zealand. 415 copies are home delivered in the area while
extra copies are available from the library, Hampden Motors, Hilltop store, Toby’s Fresh Fish
in Hampden, Moeraki Tavern, Herbert Service Station, and Oamaru public library.
The Rag welcomes submissions. Write to us at 70 Norwich St, Hampden, 9410. Electronic
copy can be forwarded to [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit the submission
for clarity and for style. Please keep the format of your submission as plain as possible. The
cut off date is the 20th of each month.
All the pictures are taken by our staff photographer, Bent Jansen, unless otherwise stated.

Hamraki Rag is published and printed by NEO Computing, Hampden.

2 Hamraki Rag March 2010

Hampden Bowls
by Mark Rogers
Meeting people is one of the most exciting and the meat raffle (which I won the first
parts of moving to a new place. And for week I entered – lucky number 13) adds
me, having settled in Waianakarua with to the event.
my family in December, the lawn bowls Then there is the bowls. The aim of
in Hampden has been a great way to do the sport is to have your bowls stop closer
this. Social bowls happens from 4pm than your opponent’s to the little white
every Friday throughout the season of ball (named the jack) down the other end
September to May, at 24 Worcester Street, of the green. On my first lesson, I was told
Hampden. that in theory there are just two things to
The club provides an extremely get right. One is the ‘weight’ you use to get
welcoming environment, particularly your bowl down the surface. The second
from a beginner’s point of view. When is the ‘green’ you use. Because bowls have
I headed down for my first roll-up, one an off-centre weight bias you need to
member made sure they were there to aim left or right to curve the bowl back
meet me and do introductions as people as close to the centre as possible. This is
arrived. Others have made themselves how much green you use. To assist, there
available to assist in teaching me. I have are different sized circles on each side of
also been able to borrow bowls from the the bowls with the large circle going on
shed until I acquire my own. the outside and the small on the inside
There are both men and women when lining up.
bowlers involved and a broad age range, I soon discovered all this was easier
meaning a mix of abilities and experience said than done as it is the intricacies that
to learn from and bowl with. There is a make for the real fun. These include the
core group who are direction you are bowling, the distance
regularly there, so the jack is away from
it is quick to get to the mat and the wind
know people and conditions. Indeed
the camaraderie my first experience
is evident with bowling in windy
good natured conditions just
banter occurring seemed comical. Not
between members. that I can blame only
A drink in the club the wind. The feeling
bar afterwards, or of watching your
even on the green bowl head off on in
while bowling, is a the wrong direction
great way of mixing
continues on page 14
March 2010 Hamraki Rag 3
Practical Local Action (1):
Finnie’s Rainwater Harvesting system
In this edition, the Hamraki Rag is starting what it hopes will become a regular feature.
"Practical local action" will be devoted to practical solutions people have found to
make life easier, more secure or less costly. We know that there are many practical
and inventive people locally who have come up with or adapted ideas which may
also be helpful to others. So please, if you are one of those people or you know
of something that you think falls into this category, let us know. It can be a way to
share our knowledge and experience. No project or idea is too big or small. Let's
make this a real melting pot of ideas that work.

The water supply failures in the Hampden to feed into the top of the tank, like an
Scheme in recent years set Martin Finnie inverted siphon. All that is required
thinking about how he could protect is generous pipe diameter to take full
himself from further such disruptions. storm flow, gutter inlets higher than
An additional point of water now costs the top of the tank, so it will flow in by
about $6,000 and that still would not gravity, provision for overflow and a
solve the reliability issue. In addition good flushing outlet at the bottom of the
to his home, he has a number of other siphon.
buildings on his property, so water The combined roof area is about
harvesting was an obvious alternative. 450m2, so a total of 55mm of rain fills
“I purchased a 25,000 litre Bailey the tank. The average annual rainfall in
tank for about $2,500 and then Moeraki is about 600mm which means
simply linked up all the building that there is the potential to refill the
storm water tank about 10 times
in an average year.
gutters with
While Martin's
standard 100mm system is larger
PVC (and high t he n mo st , it’s
strength glue) interesting to recall
and fed them into that prior to the
it”, said Martin. 70s and the water
scheme, everyone
The key to
relied on rainwater
making it practical
harvesting. So it
is being able to take
makes sense that
the stormwater pipe
it could again
directly from roof
offer a worthwhile
gutters down into
backup for most
the ground into a
homeowners and
common mainline
and then up again continues on page 11
4 Hamraki Rag March 2010
community info
Hampden Library Hampden Super Store
Hours: 2 to 4pm (Thursdays)
2 to 4pm (Fridays)
second-hand shop
H o u r s : 12.30pm to 5pm ( M ost
10am to12 noon (Saturdays)
10.30am to 5pm (Satur day and
Landfill Transfer Station Sunday)
Hours: 8.30am to 12.30pm Phone: 4394 802
(Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays)
Lockies Takeaways
Medical Services Hours: 11am to 7.30pm
(Monday to Thursday, 11am
(Dr. McKirdy) to 8pm (Friday to Sunday)
Thursday between 2.30pm Phone: 4394 744
and 4.30pm at the hall
Phone: 4394 625 (for appointment)
Emergency and after Hampden Mechanical
hours: 4651 444 Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm (except
on Wednesdays and Sundays)
Closed for lunch between
Hampden Motors noon and 1pm
Hours: 7.30am to 5.30pm weekdays Phone: 4394 646
8am to 12 weekends
Phone: 4394 086

Toby’s Fish
Hours: 11am-6pm,
Wednesday through Monday
(closed on Tuesdays)

Thought about advertising locally?

Please contact us to book advertising 85 Musselburgh Rise, Dunedin.
Eight minutes drive from the Octagon.
space in the Rag. Our rates are: Studio, 1, 2 & 3 bedroom
• $20 A5 page units from $95/night.
Self contained apartment unit
• $10 1/2 A5 or business card available for long term rental.
Group bookings for sports
Discount or waiver of the above clubs & fans (sleeps up to nine
people) with discount rates.
fees may be available for non- Handy to Dunedin, Edgar Centre,
commercial community events. Carisbrook and Forbury Park.
All classified ads are free. Website: http://www.dunedinmotel.co.nz/
Deadline: 20th of the month. Email: [email protected]
Freephone: 0508 272 234
Phone: 03 455 0922
[email protected] or 4394 511 FAX: 03 455 0237
March 2010 Hamraki Rag 5
Seniors Go Wild, to Macraes and Beyond
by Colin Jack
When dawn broke on the
morning of Thursday March
25, it was overcast and had
been raining during the night,
but Bent, who wanted to take
photographs had been speaking
to the president of Hampden
Senior Citizens Club, who has
close contacts in heaven, we
think. He had a yarn to the
Man who controls the weather
and lo and behold, before long,
there appeared a beautiful blue
sky and sunshine.
Lynn C. allocated two
people to each car, and very
soon 16 folk were on their
way, led by Lindsay who tried
to lose us up in Trotters Gorge
on the way to Palmerston. He
did not do very well as he only
managed to lose one.
After finding that car, we
drove over the Switchback
Road, and on to Dunback,
then up the Macraes road for
17kms to the quaint Stanley’s
Hotel at Macraes with its motto
‘while I live I crow’ referring
to an old rivalry between its
publican and the publican of
a neighbouring hotel.
The lunch stop was at the
very pleasant wee community
hall at the local domain where

6 Hamraki Rag March 2010

we enjoyed a pleasant hour of
fellowship and refreshments.
Soon, after changing cars
to circulate members, we were
on our way over to the Golden
Point Gold and Scheelite
Mine, (1914 to 1944). Luckily
Lindsay didn’t manage to lose
any bods down the many
shafts still in the ground after
so many years. There was a
very interesting stop to view
the quartz crushing artifacts
behind the bars.
Our return trip was across
the ridges towards Taieri Peak
and on to Palmerston. What
fabulous views there are up
there, but it was ever so dry.
Jack L. wanted to stay but
Lindsay wanted him to help
shear sheep.
What we were not told
was that the trip was also a
“Butcher’s Picnic.” A stop
was made in Palmerston
while the assembled company
completely devastated the
town’s sausage supply.
After an ice cream we
returned to Hampden after
a lovely day out. We clocked
up137 kilometres. A big thank
you to the committee for
another successful day out.

March 2010 Hamraki Rag 7

the 2010 Tsunami
continued from page1 idea is that with two people each could
reading material. We then drove the be responsible for collecting together
vehicle up to the top of the neighbour’s certain items thus saving time. This list
hill and waited for events to develop. also notes the location of each item again
To those passing on SH1 below us to save time. We also plan to make copies
we probably looked a little peculiar with of vital documents like birth certificates,
our tent pitched, our table set up and us passports, insurance policies etc, place
relaxing in our chairs with binoculars these in waterproof bags so that each
at the ready, hot coffee in one hand and person has their own originals plus copies
newspaper in the other just watching the of everybody else’s documentation.
world hurtle past. This we continued to List of needs and handy extras:
do for a couple of hours - although we
occasionally thought “where’s the -xxx-?” 1. Pre-packed emergency box (includes
and one of us went back to the house to food, non-battery torches, first aid
get it. Eventually one of us had to go down kit etc)
the hill (again) because a neighbour had 2. Pre-packed 4WD kit (includes shovel,
promised to call in to the house to collect flashlights etc)
an item and we felt that there should be a 3. Documentation
bod there to handle things. 4. Sleeping bags, tent and groundsheet
After that it was a bit of a non-event 5. Picnic basket (contains plates, cups,
really. The sea sounded a bit noisier than cutlery)
usual from time to time but that was 6. Bucket(s)
about all. We did note an army armoured 7. Collapsible table and chairs
personnel carrier hurtling north and 8. Radio, phones (cordless and cell), RT’s
wondered if it meant something. But then and spare batteries
we noticed the NZ Army band bus going 9. Porta-loo and chemical cleanser
north too - so it probably meant nothing 10. Warm clothes and rain gear
(except to the Army). 11. Fresh perishables from the fridge/
However, the value of this exercise freezer for immediate use
was that it did serve as a dry run. We 12. Reading material, puzzle books to
now know exactly what would be needed keep people amused/occupied at least
should there be a real emergency and how in the short term.
our preparations fell short.
In addition to the emergency box This list is a guide only but may be of
on standby (which was actually very some use to those who have not made
well equipped) we now have a list of preparations for any emergency that may
“extras” that it would be very handy to arise. We are a household of adults - those
have. This list is printed in duplicate with children in the house would need to
and each alternate item is ticked. The make adjustments accordingly.
8 Hamraki Rag March 2010
The Way We Were(3):1950s, 60s and 70s
In association with the Hampden Historic Society, the Hamraki Rag is publishing the Hamraki
timeline, originally compiled in 2005 by the late Diane Garbutt. In part three below, we list
the significant events which took place here during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. If you see any
notable omissions or errors, please notify the Rag or members of the HHS. Next month we
will look at the 1930s and 40s.
1951 1963
• Commonage of Hampden is sold to L. • Swimming pool opens at school.
Caldwell for £2,145 on July 1. 1964
1951 • Original portion of the Hampden
• Population 285 Hotel demolished.
1953 • Centennial of Hampden public
• Control of cemetery is handed over school
from the Cemetery Board to the 1967
Hampden Borough Council. • Opening of new tavern (designed by
• T h e B o r o u g h t a k e s ov e r t h e Murray Cockburn) by R E Proctor (as
Athenaeum property because the hall last Mayor of the Borough). Built on
was demolished. the site of the old Hampden Hotel.
1954 • Hampden Borough Council merges
• Ivan Prain’s bakery closes. with Waitaki County Council on
• Foundation stone is laid for the April 1.
Hampden and District War Memorial • The New Zealand dollar replaced the
and Community Centre. NZ pound and the decimal system was
1955 introduced on July 10.
• Hall opens. 1968
1957 • Waianakarua Mill converted to a
• Population 308 restaurant and motel to become the
1958 Mill House.
• Waianakarua Mill and land is sold to 1974
NZ Boy Scouts Association. • Automatic telephone exchange
1960 installed and set in operation on
• Prohibition ended. August 8.
1961 1975
• Oamar u Licensing Tr ust buys • The last lighthouse keeper withdrawn
Hampden Hotel. from Katiki Point Lighthouse, or
1962 Moeraki Lighthouse.
• Bottle store opens. 1980
• Water scheme officially opened on • Heating system installed in school
December 1 by Mr J. H. George, MP swimming pool.
for Central Otago.
• Dental Clinic built at school.
March 2010 Hamraki Rag 9
toilets poll invitation to the
from the Hall Committee red hatters club
Waitaki District Council is considering Calling mature women of
closing the public toilets at the rear of
Hampden Memorial Hall, and upgrading
North Otago.
the toilets at Hampden Beach Reserve. Are you young at heart?
Submissions will be invited when the A little outrageous? Enjoy
draft plan for 2010/11 is compiled. having fun? Then maybe the
What do you think? If you have an
opinion, please fill out the boxes below. Red Hatters Club is for you.
You can then cut this page and leave it The club get together on the
at the hall. second Friday of each month
during the day, as well as on
I would be happy for the public toilets at
Hampden Memorial Hall to be closed. other special occasions. For
__ yes more information contact
__ no Margaret 4395197 or
I would like the public toilets at Hampden
Tina 4394410.
Memorial Hall to be rebuilt, and upgraded,
but separated from the hall building.
__ yes
__ no MP for Waitaki

I am a
__ Hampden resident.
__ visitor.
__ commercial driver.
__something else (please specify).

Please place this form in a box at the

hall entrance, or at the toilets. Any other
comments are welcome. You can also Please phone or e-mail my office for an
vote online at appointment with me or talk to my staff.
Hamrakirag.blogspot. com. 42 Thames St, Oamaru.
Phone 03 434 7325 or 0800 6792 48254.
E-mail: [email protected],
The poll closes on April 20. www.jacquidean.co.nz
10 Hamraki Rag March 2010
practical local E aster Services
continued from page 4 M a h e n o O t e p o p o
harvesting. So it makes sense that Pres b yt erian Church
it could again offer a worthwhile Friday April 2: An ecumenical “Walk
backup for most homeowners with the Cross” will commence at
and at the same time reduce St Stephen’s Anglican Church in
problems with stormwater runoff. Hampden at 10am and proceed to
“We still have the one point from “Our Lady of the Sea” Catholic Church,
the Hampden Moeraki Scheme, then via the beach to the Presbyterian
but the rainwater collection means Church. A shared finger food lunch will
if there are water supply problems, be held in the Presbyterian Church Hall
we can continue to have guests at the conclusion. Transport between
the churches will be available for those
in the lodge and keep the vegies
who do not wish to journey on foot.
watered.” And by strategically
Easter Sunday April 4: A sunrise
locating valves in the existing water service will be held at Mt Charles,
reticulation, he can now gravity (Herbert Cemetery) at 8am followed by
feed and pump around the property a simple breakfast at St John’s Hall.
from either the Hampden Scheme Communion will be celebrated at
supply tank on his property or the the usual 10am St John’s service.
new rain collection tank in the
same pipe network. He has not
Otepopo School
bothered with a first flush diverter. Pet and Show Day
“So, all up, we now have close
to 30,000 litres of storage on the Friday April 23
property which could just be
handy enough if we had a fire”, he
4pm to 7pm
added with a wry smile. And I
forgot to ask him if his insurance Stalls, games, silent
premium had dropped. auction, sausage sizzle
The entire scheme installed, Details of open
including trenching and some competitions available
help from a plumber, worked out
at less than $5,000, so Martin
from school
feels it’s a good deal for the peace Phone: 439 5527
of mind and increased sense of Come along and join us for a
independence it has given him. fun evening.
Stall sites available $5.00

March 2010 Hamraki Rag 11

Moeraki Bayview Ltd
For all your electrical services

Wiring, new work, alterations, repairs, supply

and installation of Fujitsu heat pumps
Domestic and commercial work

Contact us now for

great deals on FUJITSU heat-
Contact me for an obligation free appraisal.
For all your electrical services
Contact Peter
104 Haven Street
Ph:439 4550
Mobile:021 20 69053
Email:[email protected]
12 Hamraki Rag March 2010
forest fire at meadowbank farm

On March 13 a fire broke out in a pine plantation on Meadowbank farm

near Palmerston. Two helicopters were employed to fight the fire as well
as fire units from the region. The fire burnt out seven hectares before
being brought under control five days later. You can see more pictures, in
colour, taken by Bent Jansen at Hamrakirag.blogspot.com.

Calling All Tradespeople

The Hamraki Rag is planning to publish a local trades and services directory in
a coming issue. We would like to help local businesses and local trades. If you are
a plumber, electrician, builder, chimney sweep, agricultural contractor, hair dresser,
firewood supplier, editor, mobile butcher, fencing contractor, shearer, tree lopper,
piano tuner, translator or offer any other trade or service, we want to hear from
you.You don't have to live in the area. As long as your service is available here, we
would very much like to list you in the directory. Let us know your name, trade or
service, business hours, contact such as phone number, address and email address,
so that you are visible to the wider local population.
(Remember, paid advertising is also available. Please contact us for the details.)
To make this directory as comprehensive as possible, we are also asking you, the
Rag readers, to let us know who your favourite tradespeople are.
Send us their details to help them and help the community.
March 2010 Hamraki Rag 13
Hampden Bowls
Garden Notes for April from continued from page 3
Exquisite Blooms
(This is a guest post from Lyn from Housebus
Crafts and Gardens.)
Summer is the time to enjoy your lavenders, to
admire the bushes in full bloom or to harvest
the flowers for the multitude of things they
can be used for, either fresh or dried.
When and how much to prune is a
question often asked and the answer depends
on the type of lavender you grow. One rule
that applies to all lavenders is that pruning
must be done before the first frosts arrive.
Lavender hedges need pruning twice a
year. Trim sides only in spring, leaving the
tops for flowering. (If a free flowing hedge
after having the weight bias back to
is desired this could be missed.) The second
front is hard to describe, but would be
pruning should be in autumn, cutting sides
closest to a combination of disbelief and
and top hard back to maintain the shape.
humour. However, seeing someone of
Lavandula stoechas (with the little “wings”
more experience get this wrong once
at the top of the flower spike) are best given a
in a while (though not as often as I do)
light clip in early summer after the first flush
makes mistakes a bit easier to take. And I
of flowers, followed by a heavier cut in mid
have been cut a fair bit of slack as people
autumn to keep the plants compact for the
have kindly looked to build confidence.
colder months.
Overall, the challenge is great and seeing
Lavandula dentata (French lavender)
improvement is consequently very
needs very little pruning unless it is grown
as a hedge or it has outgrown its situation.
Membership rates are very reasonable
If pruning is required it should be done in
for those entering their first season,
whether it is social or competitive.
Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula
While this season is coming to an end on
intermedia (English lavenders) require
Saturday March 27, I am already looking
pruning after flowering or in autumn.
forward to my first full season when
Stoechas and English lavenders can be pruned
late September rolls around. I would
back by up to half. This keeps the bushes
encourage anyone else with an interest in
young and healthy.
a sport which combines technique with
Pruning should start with young plants
a welcoming social environment to also
and be continued regularly. Lavender bushes
consider giving it a go.
will live for many years if tended well.

14 Hamraki Rag March 2010

Yo u r l o c a l F r e e v i e w S a t e l l i t e T V I n s t a l l e r

Freeview satellite receivers: from $145

Prime TV and SBS1, SBS2 Australia tuned in
Full Freeview satellite TV installation: $475
Telephone repairs and installations
LCD and Plasma TV installations
(cables including HDMI supplied)

))))) Philips CFL Bulbs (((((

Philips compact fluorescent 20 watt
(equivalent to 140 watt bulb) at $6.00
Philips compact fluorescent 24 watt
(equivalent to 175 watt bulb) at $6.50
These bulbs give 40% more light at 20% of the running cost
and are highly recommended. They also pay for themselves
in three months of power savings and last up to six times
longer than a standard bulb. I carry these in my van so
when you see me ask if you wish to purchase some.

I am available over Easter so if you need my

services please call.

Moeraki Services Limited

Phone Dave on 4394259
March 2010 Hamraki Rag 15
Get Ready
by Jack Lyford
A preliminary meeting of the Hampden Tina's Perennials
Civil Defence unit was held on the
evening of March 23. Fourteen people Plant perennials in
attended the meeting. They were told
what would be needed in an emergency autumn. Annual sale.
and what we could do for ourselves. Most
of the people at the meeting expressed All plants $2 or 6 for
their intention of joining the local unit
and took copies of the application forms $10.
It is clear that if there was a major Plants available at
disaster in this area we could be left
on our own for up to five days. We the Hampden Mar-
need every resident to be trained so
that we can get by without external kets.
Anyone who is willing to join, Nursery located at
please get in touch with Bent on
r 4394 020 and he will get you an 37 Bluff Hills Road
. application form and sign you up. All
e unit members will be trained in the Waianakarua
, skills needed including first aid. Phone: 4394 410

16 Hamraki Rag March 2010

Garage Sale
A big moving garage sale on Easter Saturday.

The bargains include

antique furniture,
household goods,
1956 100E Prefect (for restoration),
1996 Ford Taurus,
18ft Hartley boat with an 85 horsepower
Mercury outboard motor plus auxiliary
power hacksaw
and much more.
Stroll down to Newcastle Street
before or after your visit to
the Easter Hampden Market at the hall.
Saturday April 3
8am to 4pm
March 2010 Hamraki Rag 17
Hampden Market
This is where you need to be on April
3 between 9.30am and 12.30pm.

There will be the annual mega monster Easter

Saturday Hampden market you cannot afford to miss.

Then on April 24, the regular market for the fourth

Saturday of the month is on from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Catch up with your friends as you enjoy a cuppa,

and browse around the stalls. There is a multitude of
different goods to see and buy, and if you have not
been before, you will find it really is a super market.
If you would like to have your own stall or one to
raise money for your club contact Tina 4394410

18 Hamraki Rag March 2010

Hamraki Tr a d i n g post
A message from Shayne housebus craft Locally
Would everyone who has borrowed crafted gifts for all occasions including
books and tools from me, please wooden toys, native timber pens,
return them ASAP as they are urgently stained glass suncatchers, saffron
required. and lavender herbal creams, herb
and lavender plants. See us at the
gas bbq for sale 3 burner Hampden market or call 021 702916
gourmet BBQ complete with trolley. to visit us at home.
Comes with large gas bottle almost
full. Also fitted with supplementary Weaned calves Four to six
side burner. Great for pots, pans month old calves for sale. Two steers
and woks. Absolutely new, used only and five heifers including one Jersey
once. Top value at $160. Pick up from heifer. The others are beef crosses.
Waianakarua. Phone: 4395 137 Hampden area. No reasonable offer
refused. 027 4489749
MASSage Sore muscles? Aching
back? Or just in need of a relaxing, Used roofing iron 36 sheets
de-stressing massage? Call Val on of used roofing iron (plus two new)
4394 240. for sale. Clean, good condition, 3.7m
long. Offers above $1.50/m. Call Jim
wantED Cylinders which have on 4393 100
been used for gladwrap or similar. I
use them to put rolled up canvas prints glass jars wanted Jam jars,
in. They are a perfect size and easy especially Rose’s marmalade jars and
for people to put in suitcases. Phone bigger jam jars, wanted. Don’t send
4394180 (Margaret Cruickshank). them away to China or Christchurch
for recycling. Let’s reuse them locally.
YOUR AD HERE FOR FREE Please ring 4394599.
Contact us for free ‘Classifieds’ in
this page and Hamrakitrading. YOUR AD HERE FOR FREE
blogspot.com. Contact us for free ‘Classifieds’ in
this page and Hamrakitrading.
sHeep milk wanted A friend blogspot.com.
is suffering from allergies and she
needs sheep’s milk. Is there someone Garage Sale Everything must
out there who can help? Contact go. Newcastle St, Easter Saturday
Erika on 4395 686 from 8am
March 2010 Hamraki Rag 19
community calendar for April
Monthly FAG gethering Sunrise Service
What: Appreciating Mon Oncle When: Easter Sunday, April 4 at 8am
When: Thursday April 1 at 7.30pm Where: Mt Charles (Herbert Cemetery)
Contact: 4394 887 The service will be followed by a simple
breakfast at St John’s Hall. Communion
Walk with the Cross will be celebrated at the usual 10am St
Where: St Stephen’s, Ipswich Rd John’s service.
When: Easter Friday, April 2, at 10am
This is an ecumenical walk around Hampden Taichi Classes
visiting all the churches. The walk starts from What: Exercise for mind and body
St Stephen’s, then to “Our Lady of the Sea”
When: Mondays April 19 and 26 at
Catholic Church, then via the beach to the
Presbyterian Church. A shared finger food
lunch will be held in the Presbyterian Church Where: The Hall
Hall at the conclusion. Transport between the Cost: $30 for the term or $5 casual
churches will be available for those who do Contact: Val Kerry on 4394 240
not wish to journey on foot.
Pet and Show Day
Hampden mega monster Easter What: Fun evening at Otepopo school
Saturday market When: Friday April 23, 4-7pm
When: April 3, between 9.30am and Where: Otepopo school
12.30pm Contact: 4395 527
Where: The Hall Stalls, games, silent auction, sausage
This is the annual Easter Saturday mega sizzle. Details of open competitions
monster market at the hall. There will be available from school.
plenty of fruit, vegies, plants, books, novelties
and lots more.
Hampden Market
When: April 24, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Moeraki Fishing Competition
Where: the Hall
When: April 3, starting at 7am
It is time for the regular fourth Saturday of
Where: Moeraki
the month super community market full of
Contact: Geoff Herbert 4394 871, Ian
bargains. Stroll over and see your friends
Caldwell 4395 520, Warwick Ormandy
and neighbours, have a cuppa and soak
4395 761, Bill Hare 4394 616 or Ken
up the community atmosphere.
Bridge 4394 228
The annual Easter Saturday fishing
competition is on again. Get down to Moeraki
for fishing fun.

If you have any events, classes, workshops,

garage sales, parties, anything,
inform the Rag so that the whole community knows.
20 Hamraki Rag March 2010

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