Yang Dzey Ingredients

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Yang-Dzey Rilbu - Precious Pills for Increasing Wealth and Prosperity

These precious wealth pills are made from a variety of materials and substances that Acharya
Dawa Chhodak Rinpoche has painstakingly collected over many years. They include rare and
special items collected from all over the Himalayas, including Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim and
India. In addition are many rare blessing substances that he has obtained from the great lineage
masters. These have all been ground up and prepared according to the tantric texts.
These pills are usually placed inside a special receptacle, or treasure vase, to be placed on
ones shrine or hidden in a special place in ones home or business. Treasure Vases that have
been made in this way and consecrated by a lineage holder will have the power to attract
richness or yang energy to ones life. In Tibet, every household would possess a consecrated
Treasure Vase, that was often placed with special family heirlooms and other precious
In addition, these yang-dzey wealth pills can be used alone in a variety of ways. They can
be placed in an earth vase and buried under the foundation of new buildings to ensure their
stability; they can be spread around the fields and gardens for successful crops and harvest;
they can be buried around earth quake fault zones to prevent and protect the area from earth
quakes. Likewise, they can be used in the rivers, forests, mountains and oceans to bless, purify,
and balance the elements of the environment. Wherever they are placed, they will naturally
draw the wealth of the elements and purify the obstacles to prosperity.
Please note: unlike other blessing pills, these pills are not intended for consumption. Please
do not ingest these pills. They can be worn or kept with ones personal belongings to attract
wealth energy, but they have not been prepared for the purpose of ingestion.
What is contained in these pills:
The main ingredients for the precious wealth pills include:
conch shell that turns anti-clockwise - the stone that supports the essence of the god realm.
moonstone - the stone that supports the life essence of the naga realm of wealth.
turquoise - the stone the supports the life essence of the human realm.
iron pyrite - the stone that supports the life essence of the local protectors and the
cowrie shells - the life essence stone of the mamo dakinis
powder from the five precious metals: gold, silver, copper, brass, iron
soil from the most fertile agricultural land
water that contains the seven qualities from many sacred springs
dust and soil from old monasteries where the Sangha have not broken samaya
dust from a kings palace
fibers from clothes worn by a person who lived to be over 100 years old
and coins from the very wealthy
bum-dzey - the twenty-five substances that are placed in the bumpa
These are ground up into a powder and used as the base ingredients for the pills.

To this base mixture are added precious yang substances and blessing substances. The
yang substances are ingredients that are known to increase wealth and prosperity energy. The
yang substances in these pills include:
barley yang seeds which have self manifested in front of the Jowo statue in Lhasa, Tibet
treasure pills from terma treasure discovered by Ratna Lingpa
pieces of copper taken from underneath the statue of Lakshmi, inside Barusurey
Monastery, the first monastery built in Swayambhu, Nepal
dirt taken from underneath Ekajatis heart stupa (Eh-Tsuklakang), in Nepal
soil, wood, and stones collected from many holy places, then ground and consecrated by
His Holiness, Trulshik Rinpoche
old coins that were buried underneath the foundation of the 100,000 Buddha Stupa, in
Patan, Nepal
old coins buried underneath the throne of the Vajravarahi statue in Sankhu, Nepal
rust filings from the trishula and drikug from the original Hayagriva and Vajravarahi
statue that is now hidden in the basement of the great Pashupatinath Temple
yang-shing - wood from Senge Dzong, Bhutan
yang substances from Kuja Lhakang monastery, Bhutan
The blessing substances in these pills include:
blessing pills that contain the shutra and virya of Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal
pills made from the flesh of a Brahman who took rebirth in the Brahman caste for seven
rare Tsari pills from Vajravarahis sacred place in Tsari, Tibet, made by His Holiness,
Trulshik Rinpoche
Long-Life pills (tse-rill) made by Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche
Long-Life pills made by His Holiness Trulshik Rinpoche at Maratika cave, Nepal
Long-Life pills made at Drikung Thil Monastery, Tibet
Vajrakilaya Mendrub (dudtsi cho-men), made by the XIV Dalai Lama
blessing pills that contain clothing fibers from countless bodhisattvas
rare Gya-Do and Tri-Do pills from the Sakyas
Ten-Du Rilbu pills from the sacred treasury of the main Sakya Monastery, Tibet
Body-Speech-Mind pills from the sacred treasury of the Sakya seat in Tibet
self-manifesting relics from Mount Kailash
sacred pills that include the flesh of Gelongma Palmo
soil and stones from the holy place Od-Tum, Sikkim
medicinal plants, soil and dudtsi from Maratika cave, Nepal
water from the great Buddhist monastery in Singapore
Tru - purification pills from the treasury of Garchens Monastery, Tibet
Ten-Du - pills made from refuge substances by His Holiness, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Ten-Du - pills made by His Holiness, Dudjom Rinpoche
relics from Mahakasyapa Buddha
blessing pills that include fragments of Shariputras shawl
blessing pills made from the sash that bound the original Heart Sutra text that Nagarjuna
retrieved from the naga realm

blessing pills that contain the earrings of Tilopa

blessing pills that are made from Padmasambhavas hat
blessing pills made from the dudtsi that came from the skull bowl used by
blessing pills made from King Trisong Duetsens cremation ashes
mendrub consecrated by Vimalamitra
fragments of cloth that had Yeshe Tsogyal handprints
fragments of Yeshe Tsogyals undergarments
blood from Yeshe Tsogyals nose
blessing pills containing the fragments of paper from Vairochanas personal dairy and
from his hat
blessing pills containing fragments of clothing from Namkha Nyingpo, Machig Labdron,
and Guru Chuwang
tsa-tsas made from Atishas ashes (ye-dar tsa-tsa)
fragments of Milarepas shawl
pieces of yellow parchment (shok-ser) from the Gong-Du terma discovered by Terton
Sangye Lingpa
blessing pills made from clothing fragments of Sangye Lingpa, Rechung Dorje Drakpa,
Karma Pakshi, Rigdzin Longsal Nyingpo, Druk Pema Karpo, Durtrod Rechen, Taglung
Tangpa, Do-Drak Rigdzin Chenmo, Minling Terchen, Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa
blessing pills made from the flesh of Orgyen Lingpa, and Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa
blessing pills made from Longchenpas brain
pieces taken from the pillars of King Trisong Duetsens castle
blessing pills made from Katok Dampa Deshigs shoes
fragments of Jatson Nyingpos belt
clothing fragments of Lhatsun Namkhai Nyingpo
These are all ground up into powder and added to the base mixture and the ground-up yang
substances. Then they are rolled into large pills, dried, then the surfaces are painted with a
mixture made from the five precious metals (gold, silver, copper, iron and brass), ground up
coral, pearls, and jade.

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