TIA 942 Standard Summary 110705 PDF

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TIA-942 Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers

Key Facts
Objective of standard: Provide requirements & guidelines for the design & installation of a data center or
computer room. Standard will enable the data center design to be considered early in the building
development process, contributing to the architectural considerations, by providing information that cuts
across the multidisciplinary design efforts; promoting cooperation in the design and construction.

Ratification date & availability: Ratified April, 2005 and available from Global Engineering Documents

Audience: Intended for use by designers who need a comprehensive understanding of the data center
design including the facility planning, the cabling system and the network design.

Topics covered in the standard: (1) cabling; (2) pathways and spaces; (3) redundancy; (4) network
design; (5) location; (6) access; (7) architectural; (8) environmental design; (9) electrical design; (10) fire
protection; and (11) water intrusion.
Basic elements of data center structured cabling system architecture: (1) Horizontal cabling;
(2) Backbone cabling; (3) Cross-connect in the entrance room or main distribution area; (4) Main crossconnect (MC) in the main distribution area; (5) Horizontal cross-connect (HC) in the telecommunications
room, horizontal distribution area or main distribution area; (6) Zone outlet or consolidation point in the zone
distribution area; and (7) Outlet in the equipment distribution area.
Spaces in the data center to support telecommunications equipment & cabling: (1) entrance
room (ER); (2) main distribution area (MDA); (3) horizontal distribution area (HDA); (4) zone distribution area
(ZDA); and (5) equipment distribution area (EDA). The ER, MDA, HDA, ZDA and EDA are analogous but
not to the Entrance Facility, Equipment Room, Telecom Room, Consolidation Point, and Work Area,
respectively, as defined in the TIA/EIA-568-B.1 standard. Note that data center size and other factors will
determine whether all these spaces are used. Spaces should be planned to provide for growth and
transition to evolving technologies. Spaces may or not be walled off or otherwise separated from other
computer room spaces.
Example topologies & architectures:
(1) Basic data center topology: appropriate for many single tenant enterprise data centers and multitenant Internet hosting data centers.
(2) Distributed data center topology: utilizes more than one entrance room and appropriate where
additional redundancy is required and/or circuit distance limitations would otherwise be exceeded
(3) Reduced data center topology: appropriate for smaller installations where the HDA that is combined
with the MDA. The telecommunications room (TR) and ER may also be combined in very small data
centers. Fiber horizontal cabling may extend to 300 meters
(4) Data center centralized fiber cabling: consolidates data center electronics in the MDA and the EDA,
reducing HDA space and powering requirements while centralizing administration.

Recognized media:
(1) Copper: 100-ohm twisted-pair cable compliant with ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2 (Category 3 or 5e).
Category 6, compliant with ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1 recommended.
(2) Fiber: Multimode optical fiber cable, either 62.5/125 m or 50/125 m compliant with ANSI/TIA/EIA568-B.3; 50/125 m 850 nm laser optimized multimode fiber, compliant with ANSI/TIA-568-B.3-1
Copyright 2005 Berk-Tek, a Nexans Company and Ortronics/Legrand, All rights reserved. JS 11-7-05

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