Honoré de Balzac PDF
Honoré de Balzac PDF
Honoré de Balzac PDF
Honor de Balzac was born into a family which had struggled nobly to achieve respectability. His father, born
Bernard-Franois Balssa,[2] was one of eleven children
from a poor family in Tarn, a region in the south of
France. In 1760 he set o for Paris with only a louis coin
in his pocket, determined to improve his social standing;
by 1776 he had become Secretary to the Kings Council and a Freemason (he had also changed his name to
the more noble sounding Balzac, his son later adding
without any ocial causethe nobiliary particle de).[3]
After the Reign of Terror (179394), he was sent to Tours
to coordinate supplies for the Army.[4]
condition to intellectual congestion, but his extended
connement in the alcove was surely a factor. (Meanwhile, his father had been writing a treatise on the means
of preventing thefts and murders, and of restoring the
men who commit them to a useful role in society, in
which he heaped disdain on prison as a form of crime
In 1814 the Balzac family moved to Paris, and Honor
was sent to private tutors and schools for the next two
and a half years. This was an unhappy time in his life,
during which he attempted suicide on a bridge over the
Loire River.[19]
In 1816 Balzac entered the Sorbonne, where he studied
under three famous professors. Franois Guizot, who
later became Prime Minister, was Professor of Modern
History. Abel-Franois Villemain, a recent arrival from
the Collge Charlemagne, lectured on French and classical
literature. Andmost inuential of allVictor Cousin's
courses on philosophy encouraged his students to think
be like everyone else. And thats what they call living, element of social order.[33][34]
that life at the grindstone, doing the same thing over and
over again.... I am hungry and nothing is oered to appease my appetite.[22] He announced his intention to be
a writer.
The loss of this opportunity caused serious discord in the
Balzac household, although Honor was not turned away
entirely. Instead, in April 1819 he was allowed to live in
the French capitalas English critic George Saintsbury
describes it"in a garret furnished in the most Spartan
fashion, with a starvation allowance and an old woman to
look after him, while the rest of the family moved to a
house twenty miles [32 km] outside Paris.[23]
In the late 1820s Balzac dabbled in several business ventures, a penchant his sister blamed on the temptation of
an unknown neighbor.[35] His rst venture was a publishing enterprise which turned out cheap one-volume editions of French classics including the works of Molire.
This business failed miserably, with many of the books
sold as waste paper.[36] Balzac had better luck publishing the memoirs of Laure Junot, Duchess of Abrants
with whom he also had an aair.[37]
Balzac borrowed money from his family and friends, and
tried to build a printing business, then a typefounder enterprise. His inexperience and lack of capital caused his
ruin in these trades. He gave the businesses to a friend
(who made them successful) but carried the debts for
many years.[36] As of April 1828 Balzac owed 50,000
francs to his mother.[38]
Balzac never lost his penchant for une bonne spculation.
It resurfaced painfully later whenas a renowned and
busy authorhe traveled to Sardinia in the hopes of reprocessing the slag from the Roman mines in that country.
Near the end of his life Balzac was captivated by the idea
of cutting 20,000 acres (81 km2 ) of oak wood in Ukraine
and transporting it for sale in France.[36]
La Comdie Humaine and literary suc- the nobiliary particle. A symbolic inheritance.[42] Just
as his father had worked his way up from poverty into
Balzacs house in Paris, seen from the Rue Berton. Today the
Maison de Balzac is one of Pariss three literary museums.
In 1833 Balzac released Eugnie Grandet, his rst bestselling novel.[46] The tale of a young lady who inherits
her fathers miserliness, it also became the most critically
acclaimed book of his career. The writing is simple, yet
Sentimental life
the individuals (especially the bourgeois title character) then rose and wrote for many hours, fueled by innumerare dynamic and complex.[47]
able cups of black coee. He would often work for fLe Pre Goriot (Old Father Goriot, 1835) was his next suc- teen hours or more at a stretch; he claimed to have once
for 48 hours with only three hours of rest in the
cess, in which Balzac transposes the story of King Lear worked [55]
to 1820s Paris in order to rage at a society bereft of all
love save the love of money. The centrality of a father
in this novel matches Balzacs own positionnot only as
mentor to his troubled young secretary, Jules Sandeau,[48]
but also the fact that he had fathered a child, MarieCaroline Du Fresnay, with his otherwise-married lover,
Maria Du Fresnay, who had been his source of inspiration for Eugnie Grandet.[49]
In 1836 Balzac took the helm of the Chronique de Paris,
a weekly magazine of society and politics. He tried to enforce strict impartiality in its pages and a reasoned assessment of various ideologies.[50] As Rogers notes, Balzac
was interested in any social, political, or economic theory, whether from the right or the left.[51] The magazine
failed, but in July 1840 he founded another publication,
the Revue Parisienne. It lasted for three issues.[52]
These dismal business eortsand his misadventures in
Sardiniaprovided an appropriate milieu in which to set
the two-volume Illusions Perdues (Lost Illusions, 1843).
The novel concerns Lucien de Rubempr, a young poet
trying to make a name for himself, who becomes trapped
in the morass of societys darkest contradictions. Luciens journalism work is informed by Balzacs own failed
ventures in the eld.[50] Splendeurs et misres des courtisanes (The Harlot High and Low, 1847) continues Luciens story. He is trapped by the Abb Herrera (Vautrin)
in a convoluted and disastrous plan to regain social status. The book undergoes a massive temporal rift; the rst
part (of four) covers a span of six years, while the nal
two sections focus on just three days.[53]
Le Cousin Pons (1847) and La Cousine Bette (1848) tell
the story of Les Parents Pauvres (The Poor Relations).
The conniving and wrangling over wills and inheritances
reect the expertise gained by the author as a young law
clerk. Balzacs health was deteriorating by this point,
making the completion of this pair of books a signicant
Many of his novels were initially serialized, like those of
Dickens. Their length was not predetermined. Illusions
Perdues extends to a thousand pages after starting inauspiciously in a small-town print shop, whereas La Fille aux
yeux d'or (The Girl with the Golden Eyes, 1835) opens
with a broad panorama of Paris but becomes a closely
plotted novella of only fty pages.
Work habits
with Balzac, Marie-Caroline Du Fresnay, was born. This
revelation from French journalist Roger Pierrot in 1955
conrmed what was already suspected by several historians: the dedicatee of the novel Eugenie Grandet, a certain
Maria, was Maria Du Fresnay herself.
In February 1832 Balzac received a letter from Odessa
lacking a return address and signed only by "L'trangre"
(The Foreigner)expressing sadness at the cynicism
and atheism in La Peau de Chagrin and its negative portrayal of women. He responded by purchasing a classied
advertisement in the Gazette de France, hoping that his
anonymous critic would nd it. Thus began a fteen-year
correspondence between Balzac and the object of [his]
sweetest dreams": Ewelina Haska.[62]
they drove from her estate in Wierzchownia (village of
Verkhivnia) to a church in Berdyczw (city of Berdychiv,
today in Ukraine) and were married. The ten-hour journey to and from the ceremony took a toll on both husband
and wife: her feet were too swollen to walk, and he endured severe heart trouble.[67]
Although he married late in life, Balzac had already written two treatises on marriage: Physiologie du Mariage
and Scnes de la Vie Conjugale. These works suered
from a lack of rsthand knowledge; Saintsbury points
out that Clebs cannot talk of [marriage] with much
authority.[68] In late April the newly-weds set o for
Paris. His health deteriorated on the way, and Ewelina
wrote to her daughter about Balzac being in a state of
extreme weakness and sweating profusely.[69] They
arrived in the French capital on 20 May, his fty-rst
Frdrick Lematre, Gustave Courbet, Dumas pre and an early pioneer of literary realism.[77] While he admired
Dumas ls.[75]
and drew inspiration from the Romantic style of Scottish
depict human exLater, Balzac became the subject of a monumental statue novelist Walter Scott, Balzac sought to[78]
In the preface
by the French sculptor Auguste Rodin. Cast in bronze
he writes:
for the rst time in 1939, the Monument to Balzac stands
hencenear the intersection of Boulevard Raspail and Boulevard
deMontparnasse. Rodin featured Balzac in several of his
smaller sculptures as well.
life into the characters.[80] For example, Balzacs friend
Hyacinthe de Latouche had knowledge of hanging wallpaper. Balzac transferred this to his descriptions of the
2 Writing style
Pension Vauquer in Le Pre Goriot, making the wallpaper
speak of the identities of those living inside.[81]
The Comdie Humaine remained unnished at the time of
Some critics consider Balzacs writing exemplary of
his deathBalzac had plans to include numerous other
naturalisma more pessimistic and analytical form of
books, most of which he never started.[76] He frequently
realism, which seeks to explain human behavior as inmoved between works in progress, and nished works
trinsically linked with the environment. French novelist
were often revised between editions. This piecemeal style
mile Zola declared Balzac the father of the naturalist
is reective of the authors own life, a possible attempt to
novel.[82] Zola indicated that, whereas Romantics saw the
stabilize it through ction. The vanishing man, writes
world through a colored lens, the naturalist sees through a
Pritchett, who must be pursued from the rue Cassini to ...
clear glassprecisely the sort of eect Balzac attempted
Versailles, Ville d'Avray, Italy, and Vienna can construct
to achieve in his works.[83]
a settled dwelling only in his work.[39]
2.1.1 Characters
Balzac sought to present his characters as real people,
neither fully good nor fully evil, but fully human. To
arrive at the truth, he wrote in the preface to Le Lys
dans la valle, writers use whatever literary device seems
capable of giving the greatest intensity of life to their
characters.[84] Balzacs characters, Robb notes, were
as real to him as if he were observing them in the outside
world.[85] This reality was noted by playwright Oscar
Wilde, who said: One of the greatest tragedies of my
life is the death of [Illusions Perdues protagonist] Lucien
de Rubempr.... It haunts me in my moments of pleasure.
I remember it when I laugh.[86]
At the same time, the characters represent a particular
range of social types: the noble soldier, the scoundrel, the
proud workman, the fearless spy, the alluring mistress.[87]
That Balzac was able to balance the strength of the individual against the representation of the type is evidence
of the authors skill. One critic explained that there is a
center and a circumference to Balzacs world.[88]
2.2 Perspective
Balzacs literary mood evolved over time from one of despondency and chagrin to one of solidarity and courage
but not optimism.[98] La Peau de Chagrin, among his earliest novels, is a pessimistic tale of confusion and destruction. But the cynicism declined as his oeuvre progressed, and the characters of Illusions Perdues reveal
sympathy for those who are pushed to one side by society. As part of the 19th-century evolution of the novel
as a democratic literary form, Balzac wrote that les
livres sont faits pour tout le monde, (books are written
for everybody).[99]
Balzac concerned himself overwhelmingly with the
darker essence of human nature and the corrupting inuence of middle and high societies.[100] He worked to observe humanity in its most representative state, frequently
passing incognito among the masses of Parisian society to
they winbut only rarely do they give up. This univer- do research.[101] He used incidents from his life and the
sal trait is a reection of Balzacs own social wrangling, people around him, in works like Eugnie Grandet and
that of his family, and an interest in the Austrian mystic Louis Lambert.[102]
and physician Franz Mesmer, who pioneered the study of
animal magnetism. Balzac spoke often of a nervous and
uid force between individuals, and Raphal Valentins 2.3 Politics
decline in La Peau de Chagrin exemplies the danger of
Balzac was a highly conservative Royalist; in many
withdrawing from the company of other people.[90]
ways, he is the antipode to Victor Hugo's democratic
republicanism.[103] Nevertheless, his keen insight regarding working-class conditions earned him the esteem of
many Socialists and Marxists. Engels said that Balzac was
2.1.2 Place
his favorite writer. Marxs work Das Kapital also makes
constant reference to the works of Balzac and urged EnRepresentations of the city, countryside, and building in- gels to read Balzacs work The Unknown Masterpiece.
teriors are essential to Balzacs realism, often serving to
paint a naturalistic backdrop before which the characters
lives follow a particular course; this gave him a reputa- 3 Legacy
tion as an early naturalist. Intricate details about locations sometimes stretch for fteen or twenty pages.[91] As
he did with the people around him, Balzac studied these Balzac inuenced the writers of his time and beyond.
He has been compared to Charles Dickens and has been
places in depth, traveling to remote locations and surveycalled one of Dickens inuences. Critic W. H. Helm
ing notes that he had made on previous visits.
calls one the French Dickens and the other the English
The inuence of Paris permeates La Comdie. Nature Balzac.[104] Critic Richard Lehan says that Balzac was
defers to the articial metropolis, in contrast to the de- the bridge between the comic realism of Dickens and the
pictions of weather and wildlife in the countryside. If in naturalism of Zola.[105]
Paris, Rogers says, we are in a man-made region where
even the seasons are forgotten, these provincial towns are Gustave Flaubert was also substantially inuenced by
nearly always pictured in their natural setting.[93] Balzac Balzac. Praising his portrayal of society while attacka man he
said, the streets of Paris possess human qualities and ing his prose style, Flaubert once wrote: What[106]
we cannot shake o the impressions they make upon our
minds. His labyrinthine city provided a literary model
used later by English novelist Charles Dickens and Rus[107]
This inuence shows
sian author Fyodor Dostoevsky.[95] The centrality of Paris depictions of bourgeois life.
which owes
in La Comdie Humaine is key to Balzacs legacy as a re[108]
alist. Realism is nothing if not urban, notes critic Peter
Brooks; the scene of a young man coming into the city to
nd his fortune is ubiquitous in the realist novel, and ap- Marcel Proust similarly learned from the Realist expears repeatedly in Balzacs works, such as Illusions Per- ample; he adored Balzac and studied his works caredues.[96][97]
fully, although he criticised what he called Balzacs
1901 edition of The Works of Honor de Balzac, including Le
Pre Goriot.
Barthes published S/Z, a detailed analysis of Balzacs
story Sarrasine and a key work in structuralist literary criticism.
4 Works
vulgarity.[110][111] Balzacs story Une Heure de ma Vie
(An Hour of my Life, 1822), in which minute details are Tragic verse
followed by deep personal reections, is a clear ancestor of the style which Proust used in la recherche du
Cromwell (1819)
temps perdu.[101] However, Proust wrote later in life that
the contemporary fashion to rank Balzac higher than TolIncomplete at time of death
stoy was madness.[112]
Perhaps the author most aected by Balzac was Amer Le Corsaire (opera)
ican expatriate novelist Henry James. In 1878 James
wrote with sadness about the lack of contemporary attention paid to Balzac, and lavished praise on him in
four essays (in 1875, 1877, 1902, and 1913). In 1878
James wrote: Large as Balzac is, he is all of one
piece and he hangs perfectly together.[113] He wrote
with admiration of Balzacs attempt to portray in writ- Published pseudonymously
ing a beast with a hundred claws.[114] In his own novels James explored more of the psychological motives of As Lord R'Hoone, in collaboration
the characters and less of the historical sweep exhibited
L'Hritire de Birague (1822)
by Balzaca conscious style preference. "[T]he artist of
the Comdie Humaine, he wrote, is half smothered by
Jean-Louis (1822)
the historian.[115] Still, both authors used the form of the
realist novel to probe the machinations of society and the
As Horace de Saint-Aubin
myriad motives of human behavior.[109][116]
Balzacs vision of a society in which class, money and
personal ambition are the major players has been endorsed by critics of both left-wing and right-wing political
tendencies.[117] Marxist Friedrich Engels wrote: I have
learned more [from Balzac] than from all the professional
historians, economists and statisticians put together.[118]
Balzac has received high praise from critics as diverse as
Walter Benjamin and Camille Paglia.[119] In 1970 Roland
Wann-Chlore (1826)
Published anonymously
Du Droit d'anesse (1824)
5 Notes
[1] Balzac. Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary.
[2] Maurois, 7
[4] Robb, 5
[5] Robb, 56
[6] Pritchett, 23
[7] Robb, 8
[8] Robb, 18
[9] Pritchett, 25
[10] Robb, 9
[11] Pritchett, 26
[12] Robb, 14
[13] Pritchett, 29
[16] Robb, 22
[18] Robb, 24
[19] Robb, 30
[20] Robb, 48
Vautrin (1839)
[24] Robb, 59
[25] Rogers, 19
[26] Robb, 60
La Martre (1848)
La Grande Bretche
[31] Rogers, 23
An Episode of terror
[32] Robb, 63
[33] The Human Comedy, Introduction. Gutenberg.org. Re-
[77] Brooks, 16
[78] Brooks, 21
[80] Brooks, 26
[51] Rogers, 18
[87] Helm, 23
[88] Lehan, 45
[91] Helm, 5
[92] Bertault, 36
[93] Rogers, 62
[95] Brooks, 22
[96] Brooks, 131
[97] Lehan, 204
[98] Helm, 130
[99] Quoted in Prendergast, 26
[100] Rogers, 128
[101] Robb, 70
[102] Robb and Pritchett cite specic examples, included in Biography, above.
[103] Mtholyoke.edu
[105] Lehan, 38
See also
Listing of the works of Alexandre Falguire
William Hobart Royce
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Bertault, Philippe (1963). Balzac and The Human
Comedy. English version by Richard Monges. New
York: NYU Press. OCLC 344556
Brooks, Peter (2005). Realist Vision. New Haven:
Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-10680-7
Helm, W. H. (1905). Aspects of Balzac. London:
Eveleigh Nash. OCLC 2321317
James, Henry (1878). French Poets and Novelists.
New York: Grosset & Dunlap. OCLC 339000
James, Henry (1914). Notes on Novelists. New
York: Charles Scribners Sons. OCLC 679102
8 External links
Works by Honor de Balzac at Project Gutenberg
Works by or about Honor de Balzac at Internet
Works by Honor de Balzac at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
Honor de Balzacs works: text, concordances and
frequency lists
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