Auditing Water Safety Plans
Auditing Water Safety Plans
Auditing Water Safety Plans
safety plans
A practical guide to
safety plans
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IWAs Bonn Charter for Safe Drinking Water promotes the application of water safety plans
(WSPs) as expressed in the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. (Revisions to the
WHO Guidelines will be taken as revisions to the Bonn Charter in as much as the Bonn
Charter refers to the Guidelines.) IWA promotes WSPs with WHO through collaboration
agreements, and through its membership of water utilities, research institutes, industry,
and individual professionals. IWAs work spans the continuum between research and
practice, covering all facets of the water cycle. IWA is a registered charity in England
(Company registered in England No. 3597005 Registered Charity (England) No. 1076690).
1. Introduction
Initial audit
Periodic audits
Notice period for audits
Initiating the audit
7. The auditor
7.1 Auditor qualifications
7.2 Audit teams
8. Auditor training and certification
8.1 Training
8.2 Certification
9. What to audit
9.1 Establishing audit criteria
9.2 Example audit questions
9.3 Field visits
Victoria, Australia
New Zealand
South Africa
England and Wales
Appendix B: Toolbox
B.1 List of threats to water safety
B.2 Audit criteria and evaluation guidance
B.3 Audit plan
Further reading
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Water Association (IWA) wish to express their
appreciation to all those whose efforts made this publication possible. Special thanks are due to the international
experts who attended the WHO/IWA water safety plan (WSP) audit meeting, organized in coordination with the Asian
Development Bank in Manila, Philippines, 2324 April 2013. The significant contributions of the following experts are
also gratefully acknowledged.
Lead authors
David Drury, Consultant (formerly Drinking Water Inspectorate), United Kingdom
Angella Rinehold, World Health Organization Consultant, United States of America
Eva Barrenberg, formerly World Health Organization, Switzerland
Emma Carden, Department of Health & Human Services, Victoria, Australia
Jennifer De France, World Health Organization, Switzerland
Bruce Gordon, World Health Organization, Switzerland
Han Heijnan, Consultant, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
Asoka Jayaratne, Yarra Valley Water, Australia
Rory Moses McKeown, Consultant, Ireland
Camilo Munoz-Trochez, formerly International Water Association, United Kingdom
Claire Pollard, Drinking Water Inspectorate, United Kingdom
Donald Reid, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, Canada
Bettina Rickert, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
Scott Rostron, Ministry of Health, New Zealand
David Sutherland, World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia, India
Tom Williams, International Water Association, Netherlands
Angella Rinehold and Jennifer De France (both WHO) coordinated the development of this work. Strategic direction
was provided by Robert Bos (IWA, formerly WHO) and Bruce Gordon (WHO). Vivien Stone (Editorial Consultant)
edited the document.
Financial support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; the Ministry of Health, Labour
and Welfare, Japan; and the United States Environmental Protection Agency is gratefully acknowledged.
non-governmental organization
polyaluminium chloride
Department of Health
1. Introduction
The water safety plan (WSP) approach is widely
auditing guidance.
requirements, including:
audit objectives
audit methodology
auditor qualifications
water supply system types and sizes for which a WSP has
geographic remoteness;
quality testing;
limited historical data on water quality and availability;
regulator with many competing responsibilities, few
staff and limited training or technical capacity.
Assemble team
Set up a team and decide on a methodology by which a WSP will be developed.
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Table 2: Simplified WSP approach as presented in Water safety planning for small community water supplies (WHO, 2012)
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Identify and assess hazards, hazardous events and existing control measures
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
they represent;
cost savings through better ways of working, such
review of the safety and acceptability of a drinkingwater supply, and the fourth edition of the Guidelines for
Drinking-water Quality (WHO, 2011) recommends that
surveillance programmes include WSP auditing in addition
to direct assessment of water quality.
(Module 7)
(internal and
For clarity and consistency, the term audit is used throughout this
document in reference to the WSP verification activity shown in
Figure 1. However, audit may imply a level of formality that will not
be appropriate in all contexts. For many small systems, and even for
some larger ones, the use of alternative terminology that better suits
the local situation should be considered. For example, independent
assessment may be an appropriate alternative to the term auditing.
For community-managed systems, a more informal term such as WSP
support visit or WSP consultation may help to set the right tone.
A RMP (equivalent to a WSP) audit determines whether the water
supplier has complied with the obligations imposed by section 7(1) of
the Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 during the audit period, i.e. whether
the water supplier has prepared, implemented, reviewed and updated
its RMP for the supply of drinking-water to the public.
In Scotland, the WSP audit process on small supplies has proven to
be highly beneficial. It gives an independent assessment of the WSP,
confirms where it has been well developed, and can highlight potential
improvements to the system. It gives an excellent opportunity for
discussion between those responsible for the WSP and the auditor,
and can almost act as a training session for both parties the WSP
owners can learn from the expertise of the auditor, and the auditor
can gain further awareness of the many and varied issues with small
supplies! If sensitively carried out, an audit can help to boost the
confidence of those responsible for the WSP and can raise the profile
of the importance of the process. It may also help to promote further
development of the WSP, particularly if it has been a slow process!
water suppliers.
WSP auditing is flexible by nature and the appropriate methodology,
scope and depth of the audit will be context specific. Where WSP
implementation or regulation is in the early stages, or where water
supplier resources are significantly constrained (as is often the case
with small supplies), audits will likely be informal, with a focus on
the provision of support and advice. Where WSP implementation and
regulation are more advanced, WSP audits will likely be more formal
and complex. Initial audits may be relatively simple, with a view to
becoming progressively more comprehensive and rigorous over time.
In 2012, an international WSP expert and auditor was engaged to lead
a national WSP audit team. The audit team included two independent
national WSP advisers and a representative of the Viet Nam Water
Supply and Sewerage Association. The audit team assessed WSPs for
four urban water suppliers ranging in size from 90 000 to 860 000
population served. The objectives of the informal external audit were
to identify strengths and opportunities to improve the WSPs, to provide
key national stakeholders with WSP auditing experience and to inform
the development of future WSP training programmes.
The audits were conducted at an early stage of WSP implementation
and were framed to ensure that balanced attention was given to WSP
strengths and weaknesses in order to provide both encouragement
and constructive feedback for improvement. The assessment report
recommended specific remedial actions to address each issue noted.
Audit feedback was well received by the WSP teams and helped to
highlight some fundamental misinterpretations of WSP elements.
Some common issues noted during the assessment were:
confusion of the overall logic of risk assessment phases before and
after control measures;
insucient attention to hazardous events related to the distribution
network and customer practices;
poor linkages and logic between control measures and operational
monitoring plans; and
confusion between control measure validation and WSP verification.
Internal informal
Internal formal
Usually for organizational verification of WSP implementation; One or more persons employed by the water supplier
it may be initiated by senior management of the water
(e.g. from operations or quality assurance) or contracted
supplier or by the WSP team
by the water supplier, but not directly involved with
WSP implementation; they may be appointed by senior
management within the water supplier
External informal
External formal
audit may help identify the reasons for the delay and
not going to achieve its aims, but the general role of the
and support.
guas do Algarve, Portugal: every six months (internal audit,
South Africa: full audits every two years, with less rigorous progress
inspections undertaken on the years in between audits (external audit,
regulatory requirement)
Victoria, Australia: every two years, according to an administrative
decision taken by the regulator (external audit, regulatory
the WSP team active and alert and to ensure that the
7. The auditor
7.1 Auditor qualifications
Internal audits should be carried out by someone who
understands drinking-water quality management issues,
relevant standards and targets, and WSP concepts.
Internal formal auditors should also have training and
experience in technical auditing. Internal audits will
normally be undertaken by someone already employed by
the water supplier. Ideally, the internal auditor should not
be on the WSP team, as WSP team members may have
difficulty in objectively assessing WSP implementation. A
member of management with an appropriate background,
or auditing staff may be the best option. If a member of
the WSP team is the only suitable candidate to carry
out internal audits, their role should be made clear to
all members of the WSP team and should carry the
authority to undertake the audit and make conclusions
and recommendations.
The auditor
where applicable.
In addition to the qualifications described above,
successful internal and external auditors will also have
certain personal attributes. Not everyone with the
appropriate experience and training will necessarily make
a good auditor. Desirable personal attributes include:
authoritative but personable, open approach;
analytical, flexible, unbiased approach;
willingness to listen;
ability to draw conclusions from examinations of
understand drinking-water and quality management issues, and relevant standards and targets;
understand WSP concepts;
trained and experienced in technical auditing (particularly for formal audits);
preferably not be part of the WSP team; and
have appropriate personal attributes.
understand drinking-water and quality management issues, and relevant standards and targets;
have considerable experience developing and implementing WSPs;
trained and experienced in technical auditing (particularly for formal audits);
have experience working for a water supplier or within the water industry;
have an engineering, scientific or operational background;
for regulatory audits, have detailed knowledge of regulatory requirements; and
have appropriate personal attributes.
In the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, the recently updated
regulation on national drinking-water quality standards issued by the
Ministry of Health specifies that WSP auditing is part of the surveillance
programme and that the Department of Hygiene and Health Promotion
(DHHP) shall form a WSP audit committee to lead WSP audits. While
DHHP sta have received training in WSPs and WSP auditing and
are, in principle, well placed to provide an independent assessment
of WSPs, there are technical aspects involved in WSP auditing for
which a background in water supply system design and operation is
important. Therefore, it is expected that Department of Housing and
Urban Planning (DHUP) sta will form the technical arm of the WSP
audit committee, applying their engineering skills and experience to
confirm that water supply system schematics are accurate, all relevant
hazardous events have been identified, and existing and proposed
control measures are appropriate. Under this proposed model,
the DHHP would have overall responsibility for leading the audits,
including all planning and reporting, and the DHUP would play an
important technical support role.
In Bhutan, all water suppliers are required to develop and implement
WSPs, and the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement (MoWHS)
has been assigned the responsibility of carrying out WSP audits (or
evaluations) for all urban water supplies. As the WSP regulations
only recently came into eect, the ministry is in the early stages of
developing the WSP auditing scheme, including auditor training.
As an initial step in preparing auditors, ministry sta developed a
national WSP auditing tool outlining the specific WSP elements to
be assessed. The auditing tool was informally field tested by ministry
sta with guidance and support from an international WSP expert and
auditor. The auditing tool is expected to support audit consistency, and
it will be a central component of auditor training in due course. In the
meantime, discussions are ongoing on a number of points that will also
influence the auditor training programme, including:
How should auditors plan and prepare for the audit?
How long should auditors spend on each site?
What should be covered in audit initiation and exit meetings?
How should audit findings be reported and should a reporting
template be developed?
How will knowledge be tested to confirm auditor competency at the
end of the training?
The MoWHS is working to resolve these and other questions about the
WSP auditing scheme and incorporate the answers into the auditor
training programme.
8.2 Certification
where appropriate.
The state of Victoria in Australia has stringent requirements for auditors who audit the water utilities RMPs (or WSPs) required by its Safe Drinking Water
Act 2003 and associated regulations, including:
knowledge of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines framework for drinking-water quality (assessed by examination);
education and work experience confirmed by:
evidence of a relevant degree or diploma in engineering, science or medicine; and
evidence of seven years work experience in two of three areas water industry, management systems or auditing;
appropriate personal attributes (examined by standard psychometric testing); and
skill competency (demonstrated through observational examination by skill examiners).
As there was no pre-existing auditor certification process that dealt directly with the auditing of WSPs, Victorias Department of Health & Human Services
(prior to 2015 called the Department of Health) approached a private company specializing in international training certification services to develop a
specific audit certification scheme for auditors of drinking-water quality management systems with assistance from the Water Services Association of
Australia and VicWater (the Victorian Water Industry Association).
The result is a water quality management systems auditor certification scheme conforming to an internationally recognized standard for certifying bodies
(ISO/IEC 17024:2012) with key competencies based on ISO 19011:2011 (Guidelines for auditing management systems) and Chapters 2 and 3 of the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
This competency-based scheme was launched in 2007 and there are now approximately 20 drinking-water auditors certified under the scheme.
Certification applies to individuals and there are two grades of auditor: drinking-water quality management systems (DW QMS) auditor and DW QMS lead
auditor. Applicants are responsible for the fees and must be re-certified every four years.
What to audit
9. What to audit
9.1 Establishing audit criteria
Victoria, Australia: the regulator has developed the Drinking water
regulatory audit Guidance note, which includes a detailed table of
auditable elements, or specific criteria for the RMP (or WSP) audits. The
guidance note is publicly available, and water agencies are able to use
the table of auditable elements to confirm the strength of their WSP
and to prepare for the audit.
Bhutan: the regulator developed a WSP audit guidance note, which
outlines all questions to be asked and records to be requested during
the regulatory audit. The guidance note is shared with water suppliers
for their information, planning and preparation. Water suppliers are
also encouraged to use the regulatory audit guidance note to support
their internal auditing process.
WSP documentation
be considered:
Is everyone involved with the WSP aware of its
existence and contents?
Is the documentation easily accessible and is it used in
with few staff and facilities, some questions will not apply
Auditors should always seek to understand not only what has (or has not)
been done, but also how and why (or why not), and with what outcomes.
Each of the following questions should be considered an entry point for
discussion, and auditors should take care to avoid taking a yes/no or tick
box approach to auditing, which will minimize feedback and limit value
for water suppliers and WSP teams. Further guidance on evaluating audit
findings is provided in Section 10.
What to audit
comprehensive WSP.
Do all team members fully understand the WSP
Was the WSP team involved in every WSP step?
Does the team have a clear remit and timetable?
Is the team multidisciplinary, representing all the key
areas of the water supply system?
Does the team include both management and
operational staff?
Where the water supplier is not responsible for
the entire water supply system, is there evidence of
collaboration with appropriate stakeholders?
Does the team have the authority to initiate change,
improvements and upgrades?
Is the team leader a member of senior management
or, if not, are they having regular briefings with senior
Is the team supported and empowered by senior
Where appropriate, are other stakeholders
represented on the team, for example the health or
environment sectors?
Does the team meet regularly on pre-planned dates and
after an incident has occurred?
Are the team meetings, outcomes and decisions
Do other members of the water supplier staff know
about the WSP team and who its members are?
Does the WSP team regularly report the outcomes of
the WSP process to other water supplier staff?
Auditors may find this to be a particularly challenging WSP element to
audit as it is dicult to assess if all appropriate hazards and hazardous
events have been identified, especially for large systems with complex
catchments and multiple treatment steps. A technical background
and experience within the water industry are particularly valuable for
this part of the audit. In addition, a list of typical hazardous events at
dierent steps in the water supply chain can be a very useful resource
for the auditor when carrying out this dicult task.
system description?
assigned a risk?
alternative supplies?
Appendix B
What to audit
The auditor will often need to apply judgment when deciding whether
or not certain criteria have been suciently addressed. As an example,
adequate validation procedures in the Netherlands will dier from
adequate validation procedures in Sri Lanka, for instance. In the
Netherlands, some control measures are expected to be validated using
quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA), a rigorous method
involving consideration of dose-response, exposure assessment and
risk characterization. In contrast, Sri Lanka (along with a number of
other countries in the Asia-Pacific region), has adopted a simplified
validation approach whereby each control is qualitatively assessed as
eective, ineective or somewhat eective, and all available data
and observations that form the basis of the qualitative assessment are
documented. (However, as WSP experience and understanding grows
in Sri Lanka, it is expected that control measure validation will become
more rigorous for urban WSPs.) Gauging the appropriate level of
rigour in various contexts is challenging, and auditors will develop the
required skills through time and experience.
according to specification?
Where appropriate, have documented procedures
been established to support complex and important
The improvement planning process in Viet Nam involves an
investigation of the cost eectiveness and risk reduction potential of
proposed improvements through the development of an investment
plan. Due consideration of these factors helps to ensure practical
implementation of the WSP and WSP eectiveness. Therefore, these
factors are valuable to explore during the WSP audit.
Is it clear who is responsible for initiating and
performing internal and external audits?
Is it clear who receives the results and reports from
these audits?
What to audit
In Bhutan, the external WSP auditor makes a list of major operational
activities based on an understanding of the particular water supply
system and its operation, as well as experience with other systems.
For example, activities listed may include filter backwashing, tank
cleaning, pipeline repair, chlorine batching and dosing, or water quality
sampling and testing. The auditor then checks to see that clear SOPs
have been developed for these major operational activities, and that
those SOPs are up to date and accessible to field sta.
activities include:
Has the WSP team set dates for regularly reviewing the
Is there evidence that reviews have been carried out in
accordance with the plan and is the frequency of review
and why. The auditor will often find that criteria have
In October and November 2011, three WSPs in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic were externally, informally audited by a small team of national and
international WSP experts in order to strengthen the individual WSPs and provide feedback on the progress of the national WSP programme. Prior to
the audit, the audit team developed an audit form based on the structure of the WSP manual (WHO/IWA, 2009) (which was adopted by the national
government). For each of the 11 WSP modules, a number of criteria were defined as indicators that the module had been successfully addressed, and fields
were created to record WSP strengths and weaknesses against the various criteria. The portion of the audit form covering Module 7 is provided below as an
example, including auditor notes from one of the sites audited. (The full audit form includes 28 criteria covering all 11 WSP modules, but only one module
is shown here for brevity.)
Following the initial round of audits using the audit form below, the audit criteria were revised to place more emphasis on WSP implementation rather
than focusing solely on WSP development and documentation, which was a valuable lesson learned. (Refer to Appendix B for the revised audit criteria
currently used in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic.)
Module 7: Verify the effectiveness of the WSP
Audit criteria
Improvement opportunities
Compliance monitoring
programme detailed (including
review and non-compliance
notification procedures)
evaluation approach.
The Department of Water and Sanitation in South Africa does not allow
inspectors (auditors) to use a yes/no checklist during WSP audits for
municipalities. Rather, a scorecard detailing very specific questions has
to be completed for every water supply system assessed.
For external audits, it is important for the organizations responsible
for WSP auditing to look for trends in audit findings, as common WSP
weaknesses noted across multiple sites may indicate shortcomings
in WSP guidance materials or training programmes. Audits therefore
provide a valuable opportunity to assess and strengthen not only
individual WSPs, but also national and sub-national WSP programmes
more broadly. (Refer to the Nepal case study in Appendix A as an
example of changes made to national WSP guidance materials based
on audit findings.) In addition, comparing audit results across various
water supplies will inform prioritization of action, such as follow-up
auditing or the provision of support. It is also valuable to explore any
correlations between audit findings and water quality test results and
other relevant data available at the national or sub-national level.
Record keeping
Examples of audit feedback from the Department of Water and
Sanitation in South Africa include:
WSP strengths:
integrated management of drinking-water quality between various
sections (i.e. engineering and environmental health) within the
monitoring programmes improved to be risk informed (with the
added advantage of being more cost eective);
treatment optimization stemming from risk assessments; and
the importance of monitoring results realized, thus the importance
of the laboratory in ensuring credibility of results strengthened
through the process.
WSP weaknesses:
WSP found to be a document and not yet a process implemented;
WSP found to be consultant driven (municipalities not involved in
identifying risks); and
improvement plan not appropriately reflecting resource constraints
and therefore not being implemented.
in the report.
its implementation.
Internal informal
Internal only
Internal formal
Internal only
External informal
Usually internal only but may also be circulated within the organization conducting the audit
Internal and external and may also be made available to the public
Audit reporting templates can be useful tools to ensure thorough and
consistent reporting by auditors. Templates may cover the following:
water supply system name and location;
audit dates;
auditor name, aliation and contact details;
primary water supplier contact name, position and contact details;
brief description of audit type, scope and purpose;
summary of audit programme, including sites visited, meetings/
interviews held (including the exit meeting) and names and
positions of all audit participants;
summary of audit findings, including strengths and improvement
summary of key recommendations or required actions, including
timeframes and follow-up communication requirements;
specific audit findings against audit criteria (perhaps included as an
appendix); and
suggested date for subsequent audit.
For its internal and external audits, guas do Algarve, Portugal,
estimates that desk studies make up 50% of the total time, field visits
40% and interviews 10%. (Refer to the Portugal case study in Appendix
A for more information.)
Appendix A.
Case studies
This section contains WSP auditing case studies from various countries, contexts and perspectives. An overview of the
audit type and content captured in each case study is summarized below.
Case study
Audit type
A.1 Nepal
External, informal
External informal auditing for a community-managed system: audit aim, audit team,
financing, duration, criteria, example audit form, findings, major activities, reporting (including
outline of audit report content), and influence of audit findings on national WSP programme
and guidance
A.2 Portugal
Internal and external, formal and informal auditing from one water suppliers
perspective: audit aims, schedule and scope for various audit types, auditor qualifications,
notice and duration, criteria, participants, major activities, reporting and follow up, benefits and
External, formal
Description of the regulatory audit process: audit aims, selection of independent auditors,
audit initiation and duration, criteria and evaluation of compliance, major activities, reporting
and certification
External, formal
Description of the regulatory audit process plus information from one small system
audit: audit aims, field- and desk-based activities, notice and duration, criteria, participants,
spirit of the audit, record keeping and reporting
A.5 Singapore
External, formal
Information from a regulatory audit: audit aims, government auditing team, audit
duration, participants, spirit of the audit, reporting and follow up
External, formal
Description of the regulatory audit process as part of the Blue Drop (incentive-based)
Certification programme: government auditing team, auditor skills and training, notice and
duration, major activities, reporting and results publishing
External, formal
Description of the regulatory audit process: government auditing body and its rights and
responsibilities, progression from informal to formal auditing, audit approach and information
A.1 Nepal
(External informal auditing)
The Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (DWSS) began leading the development and implementation of
WSPs in Nepal in 2010 with support from the WHO/Australian Government Water Quality Partnership. To gain an
understanding of the quality and completeness of WSPs that had been implemented, WSPs were assessed (audited) in
November 2011 in three communities, including Amarapuri (southern Nepal).
The Amarapuri water supply project was managed by an 11-member water users committee and it provided service to
8 500 people in 1 331 households. There were 1 050 private tap connections with flow meters. The project supplied
about 1 000 m3 of treated water over a period of six hours per day. The WSP concept was introduced in Amarapuri in
August 2010 and an improvement programme had been recently completed.
The WSP audit was supported financially by the Water Quality Partnership and was undertaken by a small audit team
comprising an international WSP expert with auditing experience and two national WSP consultants. The audit team
developed an audit form with criteria that reflected the national 10-step WSP approach as outlined in the Nepal WSP
Handbook (which has since been revised with some minor changes in the steps). The audit was informal in nature
and was intended to acknowledge WSP team members efforts and successes as well as improvement opportunities.
Therefore, the audit form included fields for recording both strengths and improvement opportunities. (See
Amarapuris completed audit form Table 7.)
The WSP audit in Amarapuri involved a desktop review of the existing WSP document (completed prior to the site
visit) and an on-site evaluation. The on-site portion of the audit was carried out over one full day and involved field
visits to intakes, treatment works and storage reservoirs as well as review and discussion of WSP-related activities and
The audit found that the WSP team and the water users committee understood well the WSP concept and that WSP
activities had been fully integrated into the overall water supply system operation and management. Effort was given to
keeping the WSP current and effective, and the WSP had resulted in many improvements to management of the water
supply system, treatment infrastructure, water quality and consumer awareness.
The WSP audit also found several opportunities to improve the WSP, including WSP documentation. A number of
important hazards had been identified and managed through the WSP process (for example open defecation in the
village upstream of the water intake) but had not been documented in the WSP. The development and implementation
of an effective community education programme had also not been documented in the WSP.
The audit process and findings were documented in a written audit report that was shared with the Amarapuri WSP
team and water users group and with DWSS at the national and sub-national levels. The audit report included:
audit scope and purpose
audit process (duration, overview of desktop review versus on-site evaluation)
audit team member names and designations
photographs and descriptions of all sites visited
summary of major strengths and improvement opportunities noted
recommended next steps
detailed findings against specific criteria (i.e. the completed audit form).
The findings from the WSP audit in Amarapuri and the other two communities audited were considered collectively by
DWSS in order to identify common improvement opportunities, and DWSS translated these findings into opportunities
to improve national WSP guidance. DWSS subsequently revised the Nepal WSP Handbook accordingly in order to
strengthen the national WSP programme.
Table 7: Nepals WSP audit criteria and findings
Nepal WSP Handbook steps
WSP strengths
Collectively, the team should have knowledge and All team members demonstrated a thorough
experience of all parts of the water supply system. knowledge of the complete water supply system.
The teams collective role and individual team
member functions should be defined.
WSP strengths
Step 7: Validation
Evidence should be provided to demonstrate
that control measures are capable of achieving
performance objectives.
A.2 Portugal
(Internal and external, formal and informal auditing)
guas do Algarve (AdA) is a public-private water supplier serving a population of around 410 000 people (up to
1 200 000 people during the peak season) in 16 municipalities in Portugal. AdA has about 160 employees supporting
water and wastewater services. In 2007, AdA established the WSP auditing scheme outlined in Table 8 below. All
audits are voluntary and seen as a strong tool to keep the WSP working routinely and to improve system performance.
Each year, WSP objectives are set with top management to improve performance, and the accomplishment of these
objectives is verified through auditing. The first audit was undertaken about six months after the start of WSP
implementation, and audits are staggered such that some form of audit is being undertaken every three months.
Table 8: guas do Algarve WSP auditing scheme summary
Audit type
Internal (informal)
WSP team
Internal (formal)
External consultants
External (formal)
At AdA, the WSP team leads the internal informal audits, which is a modified approach to internal auditing. Ideally,
WSP auditors will not be part of WSP development and implementation for objectivity and to distinguish WSP audit
from WSP review. However, AdAs robust WSP auditing scheme ensures ample unbiased feedback through their formal
audits (both internal and external). The internal informal audits are a key driver for maintaining the pressure to keep
the WSP working well all year round, and not only in the lead up to the formal audits.
External auditors must be officially recognized as qualified to perform ISO 22000 audits and be able to demonstrate
their independence from the water supplier. Internal auditors should meet the following criteria:
experience in auditing (for example QMS or training in HACCP auditing)
experience in WSP implementation
field experience in the operations, maintenance or laboratory fields.
All audits are pre-arranged. Since audits are performed every three months, the different areas of the organization are
always ready to be audited, although preparation will be given more detailed attention in the two weeks prior to the
external audit.
Prior to the audit, the auditor must prepare and submit a general audit plan outlining the scope, infrastructure to be
audited and general questions to be answered. (See Appendix B
audits use a list of audit criteria produced by the WSP team that was compiled from the WSP manual (WHO/
IWA, 2009), the WSP Quality Assurance Tool (WHO/IWA, 2013) and site-specific considerations. All areas of the
organization are audited including operations and maintenance, human resources, laboratories and planning. Legal
compliance with water quality standards is always checked, particularly those associated with hazards identified in the
WSP. Also, a strong focus is made on how the control measures are being monitored, verifying data and effectiveness.
Consumer complaints are also evaluated, and staff training is checked. Checks on when and how the WSP is reviewed
and kept up to date are included and considered critical to maintaining WSP evolution and implementation. For all
documents reviewed, original records must be audited rather than summary reports. The credibility of water sample
results is tested by examining all the paperwork covering the sampling, analysis and reporting from three or four
An internal WSP team audit involves the following checks on each significant hazardous event:
risk assessment
control measures
presence of hazard
emergency plan
In the internal audits performed by the WSP team, around 50 people (about 33% of the staff) are involved in the audit.
In the audits performed by external auditors (internal and external), usually around 25 people are involved. Table 9
indicates the length of time taken for a typical internal audit performed by the WSP team.
24 hours for each water treatment plant depending on the size of the plant; 8 hours for distribution
8 hours
4 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
External relations
2 hours
A total of 24 internal and external audits have been performed since the audit scheme was established. From AdAs
perspective, the main benefit of WSP auditing is the opportunity to:
formally assess the WSP;
properly review if the plan is in line with the organizations operations and procedures;
improve and discuss new solutions;
verify if improvement actions are being updated; and
use internal audits made by the WSP team as internal consultancy.
AdA also notes the following WSP auditing challenges:
an external auditors views are not always in line with the organizations strategy; and
internal audits carried out by the WSP team may generate internal human resource conflicts.
Since 2008, audits have been conducted on three further occasions (2009, 201112 and 201314), and in each of these
audit periods 23 water agencies have been assessed as being compliant, with two being found to be non-compliant. The
water agencies found to be non-compliant in each of the audit periods were different to those in the previous audit
Feedback from auditors suggests that water agencies generally have a good understanding of RMP concepts and
terminology, the audits are carried out in an open and cooperative way and information is provided readily.
Table 10: Summary of compliance grades and auditor actions
Compliance grade
Auditor actions
No specific action.
Compliant with
opportunities for
Most significant
finding is a major noncompliance.
Compliant result
Non-compliant result
Note: This table uses the term water business, which is synonymous with water agency; OFI stands for opportunities for improvement.
Source: Department of Health & Human Services, Victoria (formerly Department of Health, Victoria), Drinking water regulatory audit Guidance note, edition 4, May 2013.
For more information on the RMP audit process in Victoria, refer to the most up-to-date Drinking water regulatory
audit Guidance note from Victorias Department of Health & Human Services website (
The audit was pre-arranged six weeks in advance. Prior to the audit, the auditor reviewed public health files to check
for any relevant events or incidents and reviewed the WSP and previous audit result. The water supplier assembled
documentation requested by the auditor (a consultants report on reservoir condition and an asset management
assessment) and organized having appropriate staff on site for the audit. The audit took nine hours (preparation time,
three hours; on site and travel, four hours; and reporting, two hours). Audit participants were the CPH auditor, a
trainee auditor, two representatives of the local authority (the water supplier) and two contracted operators of the
The audit found that concepts and terms such as hazard and risk, risk assessment and prioritizing risk were well
understood by the water supplier, and that less well understood were terms like validation, verification and control
measures (the last better understood as multi-barrier). The audit also found the WSP to be easy to understand and
thorough in identifying risks and priorities according to public health significance. However, a weakness noted was that
the water supplier, responsible for a number of water supplies, did not provide a method for prioritizing improvements
across all supplies, nor did it provide a clear indication of how funds were going to be made available for all the
necessary improvements.
The meeting normally held at the end of the audit to discuss audit findings was not held, as some staff were absent
on this occasion. Therefore a provisional report was sent to the water supplier for comment before a final report
was sent. The audit concluded that reasonable progress was being made towards implementation of the WSP but the
supplier was not well positioned to be fully compliant with their WSP by the five-year statutory lead-in period allowed
for smaller suppliers.
The auditor reported that the audit was friendly, cooperative, open and transparent. Those taking part had met during
the previous audit. All the information requested by the auditor was provided by the water supplier, some subsequent
to the audit but the majority at the time of audit. The overall impression was that the audit was useful, helping staff who
were not involved in the original drafting of the WSP to understand more about the process and helping staff to focus
on the aspects of the supply system that needed more attention to protect public health.
A.5 Singapore
(External formal/regulatory audit)
In Singapore, the National Environment Agency (NEA) has mandated the requirement for preparation of drinking-water
safety plans by piped drinking-water suppliers under its Environmental Public Health (Quality of Piped Drinking Water)
Regulations 2008. The water suppliers are required to prepare the WSP in accordance with NEAs Code of Practice on
Piped Drinking Water Sampling and Safety Plans, which takes reference from WHOs Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality
(WHO, 1997). The water suppliers are also required to submit their WSP to the NEAs Director-General of Public
Health for approval, and after seeking the approval, carry out subsequent reviews of the WSP on an annual basis.
In May 2013, a team of officers from the Drinking Water Unit (DWU) of NEA undertook a regulatory audit of
particular aspects of the WSP implemented by a water supplier at one of its water treatment plants. This WSP had
been audited eight times, and thus this was a regular audit, conducted at a frequency of once every six months. The
area of the WSP to be audited was selected on a random basis during the audit, as a full audit of all aspects of the WSP
was carried out earlier during the approval of the WSP.
The aim of the audit was to verify the treatment process outlined within the WSP, discuss the potential water quality
issues, and audit various documents and records relating to calibration of equipment and on-site testing carried out
by the water supplier to verify that the WSP was current and effectively implemented. The audit methodology was as
specified by the regulator, which was based on DWUs internal procedure and a checklist.
The audit was pre-arranged by the regulator, owing to the security clearance that was required before the audit, and
undertaken by a team of three DWU officers with scientific or engineering backgrounds and trained in auditing. Four
key staff and other relevant staff from the water supplier were involved in the audit, including the plant manager. The
audit included review of the approved WSP documentation and records endorsed by the water suppliers management,
which took about three hours to carry out. The auditors were supplied with everything they requested at the time of
the audit or it was supplied subsequently, and the regulator described the relationship between the auditors and water
supplier as cooperative and helpful. The audit was described as open and transparent.
The audit concluded that there was no breach of the requirements prescribed under the 2008 regulations and that the
water supplier had a good understanding of the WSP concept and terminology. In addition, the following points were
No changes to the water treatment process had been made since the last audit.
There were no raw water quality issues relating to algal blooms and chironomid larvae.
No customer complaints regarding the quality of water produced were received by the water treatment plant (WTP).
No upgrades had been carried out since the last audit, although the water supplier briefly mentioned that sand filter
refurbishment would commence towards the end of the year.
The general sanitation and hygiene conditions of the areas inspected within the WTP were satisfactory.
Water samples from the clear water tank and pumping main had been tested for various water quality parameters
(turbidity, fluoride and free chlorine) and values were in accordance with the WTPs internal limits and NEAs
regulatory standards.
The daily water treatment logs were inspected and the results were well within the WTPs internal limits and NEAs
regulatory standards. Based on the records, it was noted that lime was not added during the jar test as efficient
coagulation could be achieved with the addition of alum and polymer.
The maintenance and calibration records for both the on-line and off-line equipment and monitoring systems were
also reviewed and no unsatisfactory results were noted.
A formal audit report was produced following the audit and was sent to the water supplier and was stored
electronically on the regulators computer system. The water supplier acknowledged the audit report and, where
appropriate, provided feedback on the audit findings and process. Plans for follow up on actions required by the water
supplier have been established.
furnished. As of 2014, the weighting of the WSP requirement for Blue Drop Certification (35% of the total) is as
WSP process (10%): skills diversity of WSP team, indication that the WSP is a process rather than simply a
document, and applicability of WSP to the specific water supply system;
risk assessment (35%): adequate coverage of catchment, treatment and reticulation, risk prioritization
methodology, adequacy of identified control measures and treatment efficacy (as per water quality assessment);
risk-based monitoring (30%): adequacy of operational and compliance monitoring;
drinking-water quality data credibility (15%): laboratory accreditation and proficiency; and
incident management (10%): incident management protocol and incident management register and report.
3. Confirmation sessions following official audit feedback where the water supplier can present evidence should there
be any points of dispute. Interaction between the audit team and water supplier (and water board) is encouraged to
ensure the improvement of the WSP in general.
Blue Drop audit results are published in a Blue Drop report, which is a public document. However, the public report
does not reveal any specific risk details of the water supply system, but rather comments on any process shortcomings.
The reason for this is to avoid an unfavourable situation when confidential information is published through a regulatory
report. Specifics are discussed and reported during the confirmation sessions.
The release of this report forms the pinnacle of the incentive-based regulation programme since it either provides
public recognition for those doing well or discomfort for those under-performing. Reporting serves to apply pressure
to improve drinking-water quality management in a constructive manner.
The whole audit process (from phase 1 to report publication) takes about five to six months.
Sampling rounds
Consumer complaints
Appendix B. Toolbox
Appendix B.
This section provides examples of various audit tools. These examples are presented to offer ideas as starting points for
the development of customized tools best suited to specific local contexts.
Content overview
Examples of possible threats to water safety at four points along the water supply chain: catchment/source,
treatment works, distribution/storage and user premises.
Portugal example
Discharge of sewage
Discharge of industrial euents
Agriculture (e.g. fertilizer, manure, pesticides, herbicides)
Algal blooms
Solid waste/refuse disposal sites
Runo from roads near intake
Major spills (accidental and deliberate)
Animal husbandry
Development/construction activity
Mining activity
Human activities (e.g. bathing, clothes washing, recreation)
Natural events (e.g. heavy rains, floods, droughts)
Treatment works
Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation
Sand filtration
Improper media
Flow rate in excess of design limits
Infrequent filter backwashing
Ineective filter backwashing
pH too high for eective chlorination
Turbidity too high for eective chlorination
Insucient contact time for pathogen kill (e.g. flow short
circuiting or flow rate in excess of design limits)
Dosing equipment malfunction
Poor calibration of dosing/testing equipment
Incorrect dose calculation
Chlorine supply exhausted
Appendix B. Toolbox
Pipe network
Unintentional cross connection (e.g. wastewater, stormwater or greywater Contaminants drawn into system due to a combination of:
Low pipeline pressure (e.g. intermittent operation)
Illegal or unauthorized connections
Presence of sub-surface contaminants (e.g. sewers, drains,
Leaching of chemicals from pipeline materials (e.g. solders
garbage pits, pit latrines)
and joint compounds)
Breaks or leaks in pipeline
Poor pipeline repair/installation practices
Backflow (e.g. from consumers tanks or hose connections)
Sediment or biofilm build-up and re-suspension or release
User premises
Water transported and/or stored in open containers
Water transported and/or stored in unsafe containers
(not suitable for potable water)
Storage tank not regularly cleaned
A: Compliance
Indicates conformance of the RMP and/or drinking-water quality management system elements with one or more of the auditable elements, legislative
requirements or risk management activities.
OFI: Opportunity for improvement
This comment may relate to a conforming or non-conforming clause of the RMP or drinking-water quality management system that does not contravene a
legislative requirement. It is not itself a non-conformance. It may include opportunities for improvement, comments that may be relevant to the next audit
or against best practice considerations, or incidental or isolated discrepancies.
Mi: Minor non-conformance
A minor non-conformance is defined as a non-compliance with one or more of the auditable elements, legislative requirements or risk management
activities where the potential impact of the non-conformance is not likely to be a serious or imminent risk to public health.
Ma: Major non-conformance
A major non-conformance is defined as a non-compliance with one or more of the auditable elements, legislative requirements or risk management
activities where there is a high potential for a risk situation and that risk situation is likely to compromise public health if the non-conformance is not
C: Critical non-conformance
A critical non-conformance is defined as a non-compliance with one or more of the auditable elements, legislative requirements or risk management
activities where a serious or imminent risk to public health is indicated.
Source: Department of Health & Human Services, Victoria (formerly Department of Health, Victoria), Drinking water regulatory audit Guidance note, edition 4, May 2013.
Appendix B. Toolbox
Scoring guidelines
Water safety
planning process
c) The water safety planning process must Partially complying with process in two elements and then not covering two or more
include (adequate) control measures
risk elements identified = 0.5
for each significant hazard or hazardous
event identified.
Further deduct points for risk prioritization not indicated = -0.2
d) A water quality risk assessment
conducted for at least 80% of South
African drinking-water standards list
of parameters. This is to verify whether
treatment technology is adequate to
treat the raw water to comply with
national standards.
Full standard analyses not included as part of the risk assessment = -0.2
For any other major shortcoming identified = -0.2
Appendix B. Toolbox
Is there a
documented WSP
team and is the
team list current?
Ask WSP team to make a list of current WSP team members (ideally without
referring to the WSP). Compare this list with the WSP team list documented in
the WSP. Score 4 only for a perfectly up-to-date list; score 2 for one member
out of date (new member not added or resigned member not deleted); score
0 for two or more team members out of date or no documented WSP team
list. (Scores 1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors discretion for in between
Are appropriate
represented on the
The WSP team should include those with authority in matters related to
budget and operations, for example. A balanced WSP team should also include
technical sta to capture inputs and ensure awareness and buy-in. Score 4
for a well-balanced team with technical and management-level sta; score
2 for a team with one key position/discipline missing (e.g. either no technical
sta or no managers); score 0 for a team with two or more key positions/
disciplines missing. (Scores 1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors discretion for
in between situations.)
Is there evidence
that regular team
meetings held and
Is the WSP team able to furnish evidence, e.g. meeting minutes, that WSP
team meetings are held at the frequency indicated in the WSP? Assessor
should review these records for the audit period (or for a period of at least one
year). Score 4 only if target frequency is documented in the WSP and there is
evidence that meetings are held at this frequency; score 2 if there is partial
evidence that meetings are held at least six-monthly (or at the target frequency
in WSP); score 0 if there is no evidence of regular WSP team meetings. (Scores
1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
1. WSP team
Objective: assemble an appropriate team of professionals with knowledge and experience in all aspects of the water supply system and sufficient decision-making authority to develop and implement the WSP.
2. System description
Objective: thoroughly describe the water supply system to demonstrate complete system understanding and inform the risk assessment.
Are intended users/ The WSP should indicate how the water supply is to be used (e.g. drinking
uses of the water
directly, drinking only after household treatment, not for drinking) and by
supply defined?
whom. Score 4 if both intended users and uses of the water supply are clearly
defined in the WSP; score 2 if either intended users or uses are missing; score
0 if both are missing. (Scores 1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors discretion
for in between situations, e.g. definitions included but unclear or incomplete.)
Are drinking-water
quality standards
or targets
Does the WSP include the nationally relevant water quality standards or targets
that the water supply must meet? A general reference to WHO guidelines is
not sucient. Score 4 if standards/targets are fully defined in the WSP (or a
relevant national document is thoroughly/accurately referenced); score 2 if this
requirement is partially addressed in the WSP; score 0 if there is no reference to
standards in the WSP. (Scores 1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors discretion
for in between situations, e.g. standards included but out of date.)
Are all major steps Accurate information on the catchment, treatment and storage facilities,
in the water supply distribution system and household-level practices should be provided. Score
chain described?
4 if all steps are thoroughly and accurately described (including household
practices where household storage and/or treatment are required, e.g. because
of tap stand use or intermittent supply to homes); score 2 if one major step is
missing; score 0 if two or more major steps are missing. (Scores 1 and 3 can
be assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations, e.g. steps are
included but inadequately or inaccurately described.)
Appendix B. Toolbox
The WSP should clearly describe the method and basis for the risk assessment,
including key terminology and definitions (e.g. how likelihood and severity are
defined). Score 4 if the risk assessment methodology is clearly and thoroughly
defined in the WSP; score 2 if partially defined (e.g. if key definitions are
missing or incomplete); score 0 if not defined. (Scores 1 and 3 can be
assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
Based on discussions with the WSP team and field visits, determine if all
important hazards/hazardous events have been documented. Score 4 if all
major hazards have been identified and documented for each step in the water
supply chain; subtract one point for each significant hazard that in the
assessors estimation should have been considered/documented and was not
(down to a minimum score of 0).
Have existing
control measures
been identified and
Ensure that the risk assessment considers controls that are already in place
and whether or not those existing controls are capable of mitigating the risk.
(Validation is the process of confirming the eectiveness of existing controls
and is an important step in determining if additional controls are needed.)
Score 4 if existing controls are documented and validated for all hazardous
events; score 2 if existing controls have been documented but not validated;
score 0 if existing controls have not been documented. (Scores 1 and 3 can be
assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
Confirm that the risk assessment indicates a clear understanding of the risk
assessment methodology and that the risk scoring is clear, consistently applied
and logical. Score 4 if the complete risk assessment is clear, consistent and
logical; score 0 if the risk assessment is significantly unclear, inconsistent
or illogical and/or suggests that the WSP team does not have a clear
understanding of the risk assessment process. (Scores 1, 2 and 3 can be
assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
Is it clear which
hazards require
additional control
or improvement?
Confirm that the risk assessment clearly indicates which hazards require
additional control (or improvements). Any additional controls needed should be
clearly separated from the existing controls documented. Score 4 if there are
no challenges in determining which hazards require additional control; score
2 if it is somewhat unclear which hazards need more control (e.g. existing and
proposed controls are mixed together); score 0 if it cannot be determined from
the risk assessment which hazards require additional control. (Scores 1 and 3
can be assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
4. Improvement plan
Objective: plan improvements based on system needs and priorities identified through the risk assessment process.
Has an
improvement plan
been developed
that is clearly
linked to the
risk assessment
There should be a clear and direct link between the risk assessment and the
improvement plan. All improvements identified in the plan should follow
directly from the risk assessment process. Score 4 only if the following two
conditions are met: a) an improvement has been proposed for each significant
risk requiring additional control, and b) each improvement in the plan is clearly
and directly linked to the risk assessment; score 2 if the link between the risk
assessment process and the improvement plan exists but is not fully clear and
direct; score 0 if there is no clear link between the risk assessment and the
improvement plan, or if there is no improvement plan. (Scores 1 and 3 can be
assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
Does the
plan describe the
action, responsible
party, cost, funding
source and due
Is the improvement
plan being carried
out as documented
and kept up to
Look for evidence that improvements are being made as per the defined
schedule. The improvement plan is of little use if it is not being implemented.
Talk through the full improvement plan with the WSP team to gauge the
degree of implementation. Also look for evidence that the plan is revisited and
revised by the WSP team, e.g. that completed works are marked as complete
or that new schedules have been defined for lapsed deadlines. Score 4 only
where all works are being implemented as described in the schedule and where
completed work are marked as complete or removed from the improvement
schedule; score 2 where works are generally being implemented as described
but where there are a couple of lapsed deadlines or where completed works
have not been marked; score 0 where the improvement plan is generally out of
date and not being followed, or there is no improvement plan. Scores 1 and 3
can be assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
Appendix B. Toolbox
Has an operational
monitoring plan
been documented,
addressing routine
water quality
monitoring and
visual inspections
by the supplier?
Is the supplier
carrying out
monitoring as per
the documented
Review monitoring records, e.g. water quality logbooks and site inspection
checklists for the audit period (or for a period of at least one year) to confirm
that operational monitoring is being conducted by the supplier as per the plan.
Score 4 only where complete records clearly indicate full compliance with the
monitoring plan; score 2 where available records indicate general compliance
with the schedule but where there are gaps in records; score 0 where no
records exist to confirm compliance with the monitoring plan or where there
is no plan for operational monitoring by the supplier. (Scores 1 and 3 can be
assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
5. Operational monitoring
Objective: describe monitoring to be carried out by the supplier (visual inspections and water quality testing) to ensure that key water supply system components and control measures continue to work
6. Verification
Objective: confirm that drinking-water quality standards are being met, consumers are satisfied and the WSP is complete and effective.
Tips for assessor and scoring guidance
Has a compliance
monitoring plan
been documented?
Is compliance
monitoring being
carried out as
Review water quality records for the audit period (or for a period of at least one
year) to confirm that compliance monitoring is being conducted as planned. No
monitoring (or no records) may indicate insucient communication between
water supplier sta and health sector members of the WSP team. Score 4 only
where complete records clearly indicate full compliance with the monitoring
plan; score 2 where available records indicate general compliance with the
schedule but where there are gaps in records; score 0 where no records exist
to confirm compliance with the monitoring plan or where there is no plan
for compliance monitoring. (Scores 1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors
discretion for in between situations.)
Do compliance monitoring records indicate that water quality targets are being
achieved? If not, the WSP is not achieving one of its primary objectives. The
assessor should review available water quality records for the audit period (at
least one year) and calculate compliance rates for key water quality indicators,
e.g. faecal coliforms. Score 4 where records indicate >95% compliance with
standards; score 3 for 8595% compliance; score 2 for 7585%; score 1 for
6575%; score 0 for 65%. (If no water quality records are available, score 0.)
Where there is documented evidence of corrective action by the supplier during
non-complying events, the assessor should add one point to the breakdown
above (with a maximum score of 4). For instance, 70% compliance with regular,
documented corrective action by the supplier during non-complying events
would score 1 + 1 = 2.
Appendix B. Toolbox
The WSP should define a system for regularly monitoring consumer satisfaction,
e.g. customer surveys or complaints logs, and the supplier should be able to
furnish evidence that the system is implemented in practice. Score 4 if the
supplier has clearly defined and documented a system of monitoring consumer
satisfaction and can furnish thorough evidence that the system is implemented;
score 2 where the supplier has developed and regularly implements a
system of consumer satisfaction monitoring but where there are some gaps
in documentation and record; score 0 where no documentation or records of
consumer satisfaction monitoring exist, or no system has been defined. (Scores
1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
Has a plan
for internal
WSP auditing
been defined
and is it being
The WSP should define the frequency of internal audits and the WSP team
should be able to furnish evidence that internal audits are being conducted at
the frequency indicated in the WSP. (The auditor should make this guidance
note available to WSP teams to use for internal auditing.) Score 4 only if target
internal audit frequency is documented in the WSP and there is evidence that
internal auditing is carried out at this frequency; score 2 if there is partial
evidence that an internal audit has been conducted during the audit period;
score 0 if there is no evidence of internal auditing. (Scores 1 and 3 can be
assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
6. Verification (cont.)
Objective: confirm that drinking-water quality standards are being met, consumers are satisfied and the WSP is complete and effective.
7. Management procedures
Objective: define procedures to be followed during routine operations and emergency situations.
Based on the experience and site knowledge acquired during the assessment,
the assessor should be able to make a general list of key operational activities
for which SOPs should be developed (e.g. filter backwashing, coagulant
dosing, chorine dosing, storage tank cleaning, pipeline repair and replacement,
equipment calibration, etc.). The assessor should make this list with WSP team
members and review evidence that these SOPs have been developed. Score4
if the supplier has developed clear and detailed SOPs for the majority of the
key operational activities listed by the assessor; score2 where the supplier has
developed SOPs for many of the activities on the list and/or where the level
of detail is not sucient to guide field sta; score 0 where few or no detailed
SOPs exist. (Scores 1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors discretion for in
between situations.)
Are SOPs up to date The assessor should review a sample of the suppliers SOPs in detail with the
and accessible to
WSP team to gauge whether or not they are generally accurate and up to date.
field staff?
In addition, the assessor should determine whether or not the SOPs are easily
accessible to field sta for their use and reference. (SOPs that exist only at the
head oce are of little use to field sta.) Score 4 if all sample SOPs reviewed
are up to date and easily accessible to relevant field sta; score 2 if there are
minor issues with SOP updating/accuracy or accessibility; score 0 if SOPs are
significantly out of date, inaccurate or inaccessible or if documented SOPs
do not exist. (Scores 1 and 3 can be assigned at assessors discretion for in
between situations.)
Appendix B. Toolbox
Have appropriate
programmes been
clearly defined?
Based on the experience and site knowledge acquired during the assessment,
the assessor should be able to make a general list of supporting programmes
that should be included in the WSP, generally including operator training and
consumer education as a minimum. Score 4 if the supplier has clearly defined
all relevant supporting programmes, including implementation details; score2
where the supplier has vaguely defined all relevant supporting programmes
or has clearly defined only some of the key supporting programmes; score 0
where few or no supporting programmes are defined. (Scores 1 and 3 can be
assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
Are supporting
programmes being
implemented as
Is a schedule for
regular review and
revision of the WSP
Regular review and revision of the WSP by the WSP team is essential to ensuring
that the WSP remains relevant and guides day-to-day operations. WSP review
following an emergency or incident is also important. Score 4 if the WSP includes
a clearly defined schedule of regular WSP review and revision; score 0 where
a regular review schedule is not defined in the WSP. (Scores 1, 2 and 3 can be
assigned at assessors discretion for in between situations.)
8. Supporting programmes
Objective: identify programmes that indirectly support water safety.
1. WSP team
2. System description
4. Improvement plan
5. Operational monitoring
6. Verification
7. Management procedures
8. Supporting programmes
Score from
assessment (n/a for Current qualitative assessment
initial assessment)
(excellent, good, below average, etc.)
Appendix B. Toolbox
B.2.iv Water safety plan assessment form for small water supplies
The purpose of this form is to guide the assessment or audit of a WSP for a small water supply system, whether it is
managed by a community, the local government or an institution (school or health care facility), for example. The form
was developed for use by surveillance authorities or others providing ongoing monitoring of, or support for, WSP
There are a number of considerations the assessor should bear in mind:
Setting the right tone: It is important to approach the WSP assessment as a learning opportunity for the WSP team
and for you, the assessor. Making clear the spirit of the assessment and helping the WSP team to feel comfortable
should be one of your highest priorities. The WSP team should understand that you are there to provide guidance
and support, not to police their WSP activities. The ultimate goal of the assessment is to improve management of the
water supply and thereby drinking-water safety.
Scheduling the assessment: You will need to visit the scheme to carry out the assessment, and you should plan a
meeting with the WSP team in advance of your visit. When scheduling your visit, be sure to allow plenty of time for a
walk through the scheme to see, for instance, the spring box, the well, the reservoir and a few tap stands. This field visit
will be necessary to answer a number of the questions on this form. You may want to take your camera or smartphone
along with you to take a few pictures as well.
Using the assessment table:
Column A discussion questions
These are the questions for you to ask the WSP team directly to initiate a conversation about various WSP activities.
There are no yes/no questions in column A, but rather more open questions that are intended to encourage
Column B what to look for
These questions are for your consideration as you explore WSP strengths and improvement opportunities.
Wherever possible, you should look for evidence related to the various questions or activities to be sure you fully
understand the situation. You may elect not to ask the WSP team directly all of the questions in column B, but rather
use them as an internal guide for conducting the assessment. Where a WSP is at an early stage of development, for
example, it may be best not to emphasize WSP shortcomings by reading all questions aloud, so as not to discourage
the WSP team.
Column C assessor observations
For each question, you should record the strengths and successes of the WSP, as well as key shortcomings and
opportunities for improvement. It is important to provide balanced feedback that reflects the local context and the
feasibility of improvements.
Column D agreed follow-up actions for improvement
For each question, you and the WSP team should review the improvement opportunities noted, as well as the
WSP teams response to the question, Do you face challenges with this task? You should then lead a discussion on
appropriate follow-up actions and record recommendations.
Reporting assessment findings: It is important that you provide the WSP team with a written summary of the
assessment findings, indicating the assessment date, general impressions, key discoveries and agreements for follow
up. It may be appropriate for you to enter the summary into a meeting minutes register so that the record is readily
available for the WSP team.
General information
Name of village and scheme and/or unique
ID number
District and province
Number of people using the water supply
Type of water supply
Appendix B. Toolbox
What to look for?
(criteria to be considered by the assessor when
reviewing the WSP and its implementation)
Assessor notes
Do you face challenges with this task? If so, what kind of assistance or support is needed?
Task 2: Describe the water supply
How are different Are all water sources used by the community
water sources in
documented in the WSP and registered with the local
the community
being used?
Is it clear from the WSP which sources are used for
drinking and food preparation versus other purposes?
Is it clear from the WSP which sources provide
water all year round and which provide water only
Can you show me
a map of your
water system?
Improvement opportunities
Agreed follow-up actions for improvement
(what should be done, by when and by
(to ask WSP team
(to ask WSP team
What to look for?
(criteria to be considered by the assessor when
reviewing the WSP and its implementation)
information do
you have about
your water
supply system?
Assessor notes
Improvement opportunities
Agreed follow-up actions for improvement
(what should be done, by when and by
Do you face challenges with this task? If so, what kind of assistance or support is needed?
Task 3: Identify and assess hazards, hazardous events, risks and existing control measures
How have you
identified events
that threaten
your water
Appendix B. Toolbox
What to look for?
(criteria to be considered by the assessor when
reviewing the WSP and its implementation)
Assessor notes
Do you face challenges with this task? If so, what kind of assistance or support is needed?
Task 4: Develop and implement an incremental improvement plan
What system
are needed?
Do you face challenges with this task? If so, what kind of assistance or support is needed?
Improvement opportunities
Agreed follow-up actions for improvement
(what should be done, by when and by
(to ask WSP team
(to ask WSP team
What to look for?
(criteria to be considered by the assessor when
reviewing the WSP and its implementation)
Assessor notes
Improvement opportunities
Agreed follow-up actions for improvement
(what should be done, by when and by
Task 5: Monitor control measures and verify the effectiveness of the WSP
How and
when does the
caretaker check
all the parts
of your water
How often is your Is the water quality regularly tested by the health
water quality
oce (or another external support agency)?
being tested by
Are the results of this external testing made available
to the WSP team?
Do the results indicate compliance with water quality
Is the schedule for external water quality testing
documented and is it being carried out as planned?
Are appropriate parameters being tested given the
identified site risks?
Do you face challenges with this task? If so, what kind of assistance or support is needed?
Appendix B. Toolbox
What to look for?
(criteria to be considered by the assessor when
reviewing the WSP and its implementation)
Assessor notes
Improvement opportunities
Agreed follow-up actions for improvement
(what should be done, by when and by
Do you face challenges with this task? If so, what kind of assistance or support is needed?
Other relevant information
Is there any other relevant information you would like to communicate (e.g. general challenges and developments, supporting activities such as awareness raising campaigns, etc.)?
(to ask WSP team
Appendix B. Toolbox
Audit team
Names of auditors
Opening meeting
WTP manager,
Water treatment: control measures and their
operations, laboratory, maintenance, WSP team monitoring; treatment of non-conformities;
Human resources
Audit team
WSP team
Audit team
Audit team
Audit summing up
Department of Health, Victoria, Australia. Drinking water regulatory audit Guidance note, edition 4. Victoria: Department of Health, Australia; 2013 (http://, accessed 8 August 2015).
WHO. Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality: Volume 3 Surveillance and control of community supplies, second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization;
1997 (, accessed 7 August 2015).
WHO. Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, fourth edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011 (
publications/2011/dwq_chapters/en/, accessed 7 August 2015).
WHO. Water safety in buildings. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011a (
publications/2011/9789241548106/en/, accessed 20 August 2015).
WHO. Water safety planning for small community water supplies: Step-by-step risk management guidance for drinking-water supplies for small communities.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2012 (, accessed 7 August 2015).
WHO. Water safety in distribution systems. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 (
Safety_in_Distribution_System/en/, accessed 20 August 2015).
WHO. Water safety plan: A field guide to improving drinking-water safety in small communities. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Oce for Europe; 2014a (http://, accessed 8 August
WHO/IWA. Protecting groundwater for health: Managing the quality of drinking-water sources. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006 (
water_sanitation_health/publications/protecting_groundwater/en/, accessed 20 August 2015).
WHO/IWA. Water safety plan manual (WSP manual): Step-by-step risk management for drinking-water suppliers. Geneva: World Health Organization/
International Water Association; 2009 (, accessed 17 August 2015).
WHO/IWA. Think big, start small, scale up: A road map to support country-level implementation of water safety plans. Geneva: World Health Organization/
International Water Association; 2010 (, accessed 7 August 2015).
WHO/IWA. WSP training package. Geneva: World Health Organization/International Water Association; CD-ROM, 2012 (
health/publications/wsp_training_package/en/, accessed 7 August 2015).
WHO/IWA. Water Safety Plan Quality Assurance Tool. World Health Organization/International Water Association; 2013 (
ld_templates/layout_33212.aspx?ObjectId=20686&lang=eng, accessed 8 August 2015).
WHO/IWA Water Safety Portal. (, accessed 17 August 2015.)
Further reading
Ministry of Health, New Zealand. Water safety plan guides for drinking water supplies. Wellington: Ministry of Health, New Zealand; 2014 (, accessed 8 August 2015).
TECHNEAU. Identification and description of hazards for water supply systems: A catalogue of todays hazards and possible future hazards. 2008 (https://www., accessed 12 August 2015).
WHO. Capacity training on urban water safety planning. New Delhi: WHO Regional Oce for South-East Asia; 2015.
WHO South Pacific Oce. Pacific Drinking Water Safety Planning Audit Guide. Suva, Fiji: WHO South Pacific Oce; 2011 (
index/486?file=PR25.pdf, accessed 20 August 2015).