Aps Fast Geometry
Aps Fast Geometry
Aps Fast Geometry
Geometry Creation
Using APS Fast Geometry
Table of Contents
Conventions When Using The Tutorial ______________________________4
Introduction _____________________________________________________4
APS Fast Geometry _______________________________________________5
APS Fast Geometry Definitions _____________________________________6
APS Fast geometry planning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Example 1 _______________________________________________________8
The Profile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
The Planning -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Select the Datum and Identify the turn positions. ......................................................8
Identify The Points ....................................................................................................9
Identify The Known Arcs ...........................................................................................9
Identify The Blends .................................................................................................10
Set the direction of definition ..................................................................................10
Identify the Blend Types .........................................................................................11
Page 2
Table of Contents
Example 4 ______________________________________________________26
The Profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
The Planning ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
Select the Datum and Identify the turn positions. ....................................................26
Identify The Points ..................................................................................................27
Identify The Known Arcs .........................................................................................27
Identify The Chamfers .............................................................................................28
Identify The Blends .................................................................................................28
Identify the Blend Types .........................................................................................29
Page 3
The symbol
The HELP file is very comprehensive. When you have finished the tutorial,
please take time to have a look at it. Select HELP | Contents.
This AlphaCAM tutorial has been designed to give you a flavour of how
AlphaCAM works, how interactive it is, how easy it is to learn and how easy it
is to use. We assume that you are familiar with the concepts involved in CNC
programming and have a reasonable understanding of your computer and the
Windows operating system. AlphaCAM has been developed as a true 32-bit
Windows application, so if you use other Windows programs you will be
familiar with features such as floating button bars, tabbed dialog boxes, etc. If
not, you should look at HELP | Contents | Screen Layout.
AlphaCAM systems are available for all machining disciplines. Each one is
specifically designed for the machine type, but the look and feel of all the
systems is standard. This tutorial can be used with both Standard and
Advanced AlphaCAM modules. The tutorial describes the construction of the
geometry using the APS Fast Geometry commands.
During this tutorial, which was created using Advanced Mill, we tell you where
to find commands on the pull-down menus. If there is a button for the
command, this will also be shown.
Take the trouble to locate the buttons on your screen. You can speed up your
work by avoiding having to pull down menus and side menus to click on
commands, when one click on a button will suffice.
To see what command a button performs, place the screen pointer over the
button for a couple of seconds, and a prompt will appear beside the pointer.
If you have not already done so, start your AlphaCAM module. This will take
you into the graphical portion of the system. Your screen will look similar to
the one following.
Page 4
Page 5
Known Arc
Blend Types
Line to Line
Arc to Line
Line to Arc
Arc to Arc
The Finish
Page 6
Decide upon the number of profiles that need to be defined and their make
up, which bits to define using CAD techniques, which bits to be defined
using APS Fast geometry, any commonality where the duplication
commands can be used such as copy, mirror, etc.
Number the turns in order to keep a track of your position along the
Page 7
The Planning
Select the Datum and Identify the turn positions.
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the point.
. Type 0 j 0 j.
The cursor is displayed attached to the datum position.
The current profile is drawn in YELLOW
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Known Arc
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 10 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the arc.
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 21 j 67 j.
A solid line is drawn from the datum position to the tangent point on a
phantom arc. The arc is drawn in phantom style to indicate its position and that
it is not fully defined yet (the direction out has not been defined.).
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Line to Line Blend
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the blend.
. Type 20 j.
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the
intersection of the two lines between which the blend is to be fitted.
. Type 63 j 110 j.
The previous arc is now drawn solid and a phantom line is drawn to the
intersection point.
Page 12
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the point.
. Type 100 j 0 j.
The previous blend is now drawn solid and a solid line is drawn to the point.
The profile is almost complete.
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Close & Finish
The geometry will automatically close to form a closed boundary and it turns
GREEN to indicate APS fast geometry is no longer active.
Page 13
The Planning
Select the Datum and Identify the turn positions.
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Page 15
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the point.
. Type 0 j 0 j.
The cursor is displayed attached to the datum position.
The point command is still active.
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the next point.
. Type 0 j 20 j.
The cursor is displayed attached to the last point.
The current profile is drawn in YELLOW
Page 16
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 10 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the arc.
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 40 j 1
The command line disappears immediately when you press or select 1
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction INTO the arc.
. Click [ on UNKNOWN.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction OUT of the arc.
. Type 30 j.
The arc is drawn in phantom style to indicate its position and that it is not fully
defined yet.
Page 17
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 80 j 0 j
The Lines and 10 radius arc are drawn tangential to a phantom 25 radius arc.
At this point you could finish the profile by selecting Finish
The Finish Direction Dialog is displayed. Type 270 j
The geometry will turn GREEN and the
APS Fast Geometry command will be aborted.
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 40 j 1
The command line disappears immediately when you press or select 1
Page 18
. Type 180-30 j.
The arc is drawn in phantom style to indicate its position and that it is not fully
defined yet.
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Point
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the point.
. Type 0 j -20 j.
The previous arcs are now drawn solid and a solid line is drawn to the point.
The profile is almost complete.
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Close & Finish
The geometry will automatically close to form a closed boundary and it turns
GREEN to indicate APS fast geometry is no longer active.
Page 19
The Planning
Select the Datum and Identify the turn positions.
Page 20
Page 21
Page 22
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 62.5 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the arc.
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 0 j 0 j
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction INTO the arc.
. Type 90 j.
The arc is drawn in phantom style to indicate its position and that it is not fully
defined yet. An arrow on the left side of the arc indicates the starting position
and direction.
Page 23
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 250 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the blend arc and its
included angle.
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 75 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the arc.
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 225 j 131.5 j
The first arc and blend are drawn together with the phantom arc.
Page 24
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 225 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the blend arc and its
included angle.
The geometry will automatically close to form a closed boundary and it turns
GREEN to indicate APS fast geometry is no longer active.
Page 25
The Planning
Select the Datum and Identify the turn positions.
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Page 27
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Page 29
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the point.
. Type 0 j 0 j.
The cursor is displayed attached to the datum position.
The current profile is drawn in YELLOW
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Line to Arc
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the blend.
. Type 0 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the blend arc and its
included angle.
. Type 90+25 j.
A phantom line is drawn from 0,0 at 115 degrees. Its length is not important.
Page 30
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 100 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the arc.
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 0 j 0 j.
A solid line is drawn from the datum position to a point on a phantom arc. The
arc is drawn in phantom style to indicate its position and that it is not fully
defined yet (the direction out has not been defined.).
At this point you will realise that there is not enough information to draw the
10 radius arc. In order to calculate the arc centre you need to draw some
additional construction geometry. APS fast geometry will automatically be
suspended when construction geometry is started, then resumed when the
construction command is turned off.
Page 31
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 90 j.
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 0 j 0 j.
A magenta circle is drawn.
Select GEOMETRY | Line
The command line prompts you to enter the start of the line.
. Type 0 j 35+15+10 j
The command line prompts you to enter the end of the line.
. Type 100 j 60 j
A horizontal magenta line is drawn intersecting with the circle.
Press E to abort the line command.
Select GEOMETRY | Construction
Page 32
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 10 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the arc.
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
Select the snap function Intersection of
Click [ on the
The 100mm radius arc is drawn solid and the 10 radius arc is drawn phantom.
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Known Arc
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the arc.
. Type 80 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the arc.
. Click [ on .
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the arc centre.
. Type 0 j 0 j.
The 10mm radius arc is drawn solid and the 80 radius arc is drawn phantom.
Page 33
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the blend.
. Type 6 j.
The Direction dialog prompts for the direction of the blend arc and its
included angle.
. Type 270 j.
A phantom line is drawn from 0,0 at 270 degrees. Its length is not important.
The line is drawn at the centre of the last known arc because its position has
not yet been defined.
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Line to Line Blend
The command line prompts you to enter the radius of the blend.
. Type 6 j.
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the
intersection of the two lines between which the blend is to be fitted..
. Type 25 j 35 j.
The previous blend arc is now drawn solid and a phantom line is drawn to the
intersection point.
Page 34
The command line prompts you to enter the first chamfer distance.
. Type 6 j.
The command line prompts you to enter the second chamfer distance.
. Type 6 j.
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the
intersection of the two lines between which the chamfer is to be fitted.
. Type 85 j 35 j.
The previous blend arc is now drawn solid and a phantom line is drawn to the
intersection point.
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Line to Line Chamfer
The command line prompts you to enter the first chamfer distance.
. Type 6 j.
The command line prompts you to enter the second chamfer distance.
. Type 6 j.
The command line prompts you to enter the co-ordinates of the
intersection of the two lines between which the chamfer is to be fitted.
. Type 85 j 0 j.
The previous chamfer is now drawn solid and a phantom line is drawn to the
intersection point. To complete the profile you need to connect back to the
starting position
Select GEOMETRY | APS Fast Geometry | Close & Finish
The geometry will automatically close to form a closed boundary and it turns
GREEN to indicate APS fast geometry is no longer active.
Page 35
Test Example 2
Page 36