Grievance Review of Literature

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Study made by Rollinson, (1996) has identified that complaints are quite common
and only extends to taking-up a matter informally with a supervisor. As maintained by Catlett
and Brown (1990), there are a number of decisions making points in the grievance handling
process that potentially involve the supervisor. Clark (1988) identified that correlation
coefficients showed strong relationship between attitude toward the grievance procedure and
attitude of the supervisors. Labig and Greer (1988) denote that a high number of grievances in a
unit or subunit can be indicative of many factors, including both effective and ineffective
supervisory performance. Bemmels and Reshef (1991) mentioned that in a specific work group,
many grievances are in response to specific behaviors by the supervisors. Hence, this present
research has targeted supervisors as unit of analysis. According to Clark (1988) and Bemmels
and Reshef (1991) supervisors behavior and personal attitudes may affect their styles in
handling grievance through grievance procedure.
A grievance procedure is constructed to protect employees rights and provide greater
statutory protection to employees (Cowling & James, 1994). In unionized organization, the
grievance procedure is established in collective agreement between employees union and
employers (Lewin, 2001). The existence of this procedure can be interpreted to support the
industrial relations perspective that conflict in the employment relationship is widespread and
enduring (Dalton & Todor, 1982). Following this reasoning, the grievance procedure can be
viewed as high-involvement or problem-solving work practice. Apart from being a medium for
the resolution of conflicts, an effective grievance system can serve as a monitoring system for
detecting any undesirable situation arising in the organization (ManteMieja & Enid 1991). The
need for grievance procedure is essential if the problems that arise are not satisfactorily dealt
with or are dealt within inconsistent manner (Green, 1987).
Generally, the grievance procedure includes few provisos. The procedure for resolving
individual grievances should be simple and devoid technicalities (Salamon, 2000; Mills, 1994).
The grievance procedure should be in written (Industrial Harmony Code for Conduct, n.d) and
only serves issues related to employees grievances. Cases that involve discipline or other form
of conflicts should use other appropriate resolution machinery. The employees should also be
explained, from time to time, the existence of grievance procedure and encouraged them to raise

their dissatisfactions formally through this procedure. The publicity of the rules of an institution
insures that those engaged in it knows what limitations on conduct to expect on one another and
what kinds of actions are permissible (Rawl, 1971). Thus, an employee who has a grievance
need not go from pillar to post, not knowing where to go or whom to approach. The guideline
should also provide for an avenue of appeal, if he fails to get satisfaction from the immediate
superior whom he has approached (DCruz, 1999, Gordon & Miller, 1984). There should be
opportunity for the employee to refer the grievance to higher levels of management (if
applicable). A grievance procedure should specify a time limit for submitting the appeal and also
a stipulated time limit by which it will be decided at the first level of

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