Competitive Play (League of Legends)
Competitive Play (League of Legends)
Competitive Play (League of Legends)
Mid pressure lane, you roam at any chance you can get, get kills, pressure
Bot lane drag lane, only reason why people go double bot is to get drag early
Jungle map control, objective control, the role that has to be everywhere at
every time.
Ill tell you guys this now, but none of the roles are easy when played
In normal? Thats fine, you can do anything and get away with it. But you want
to play ranked? You want to play comp? Then you cant be the same person you
are when you play normal.
In-depth guide to competitive play
Top lane is an island. Im sure many of you have heard this phrase before, and
yet have any of you ever stopped to consider what it means? Back in season 3,
this was the case. Almost every top laner just stayed in top, not pushing the
lane, not getting pushed, just farming away. Farm, farm farm. This was so that
they could get the items they wanted in the shortest amount of time possible,
they were always making reservations, trying to get the most gold value in the
shortest amount of time. Back then, I didnt know this, I kept screaming at the
screen, Do something! The enemy is literally standing right next to you! Why
dont you poke him? Then I realized, if one of them starts attacking the other,
by the time theyre done there would be no resources left for the two of them to
continue farming. Dealing 300 points of damage to the enemy laner is worth
less than the 240 + gold you couldve gained by dealing that same point of
damage to minions, and thats strictly only when you deal the damage to full
health minions. Last hitting means that you conserve more mana, get more cs,
which leads into more gold, which leads into more items. The only exception to
this rule is aggro top laners, such as Riven, Darius, Pantheon, Lee. These guys
need a kill early or they fall off mid-late game.
Mid lane is often filled by the best player of the team. While they arent the shot
callers, they often decide the flow of the match. A good mid laner is with the
jungler, and when they arent with the jungler they call the enemy jungler to
themselves. By promoting their presence to the enemy team, they create a
huge wall that protects their teammates, allows them to farm for even a single
more minute, all so that their team comes out on top later on. Then comes the
roams. A good mid laner doesnt show where he goes, he disappears like the
wind, and pops out like a shaco box. An even more advanced mid laner can tell
where a fight is about to start, and goes there before it does, effectively
creating a 2 v 1 situation, or a 3 v 2. Many people complain how there are 4
people bot, how both the enemy jungler and mid laner went bot to gank 2
people only. They say how this strategy is dumb, but its not. By pushing bot,
the pushing team gains access to drag, who is now a powerful buff to the team
that slays it. You could say that dragon is more important than it was in season
4, all because of the buffs that it provides. Generally, mobile mid champions are
favored over immobile mid champions, and the assassin meta is still in its glory
right now, so people should abuse it while they can. Soon, the likes of Orianna,
Lux and Ziggs will come back as people find how hard it is to siege the inhibitor
turret without proper wave clear.
The marksman, or more commonly referred to as the adc, is the glasscannon of
the team. By glasscannon, I mean that it is immensely powerful, can shoot
down anything, and yet a tiny crack leads to the whole thing breaking down, a
vulnerable object, something that needs to be protected by those around it to
shine its brightest. Of course, there are people with god mechanics that know
where to position themselves, where to go, how to attack, where to attack,
when to attack. These people micromanage so much, its a miracle that they
can even maintain an average cs rate of 250 per game.
The babysitter of the team, while not as popular as the other roles, support is
also one of the most strategically challenging role of them all. This is because
supports are the people who pre-dominantly look at the map, tell people where
each one of the enemy team players are, mainly the enemy jungler, and also at
the same time have to gain vision advantage over the map while keeping up in
exp. People say that the least skilled player should go support, which is why
they make new players go support while they go adc, but it should be the
opposite. ADC would teach new players how to last hit, while support would only
overburden the new player as they are forced to micromanage everything, or
dont, and essentially be just another one of those players who think they are
support mains because they go bot lane and dont take cs. lmao.
Ah, yes. Jungle. Some people say that jungle is dead, others say that jungle is
stronger than ever, I say that jungle is dying, and this is not in the way you
might think I meant.
I meant it in that there is just no diversity in jungling anymore. People either
take skirmishing or rangers for the clear or the fighting prowess, people can just
go tanky jungler and still deal so much damage because of the dumb
warrior/magus enchantment, which effectively means that they gain more gold
value from being in the jungle more than being in lane. Why, just a few days
ago I tried mid zed with smite, and it worked better than I ever thought it would.
You wonder why, how could that work? This is how it works. You dont get
machete first, you just do your normal build up to brutalizer. Then when you
back you buy the whole item, with the warrior enchantment. You just made a
2000 gold investment into something that probably is worth 2500~ just
because of the sheer stats and easy build path it goes through. Not just this, but
the smite slow means that everyone has cc now, without having to build tanky.
This is absolute horse dump, because now anyone can instantly smote someone
for the statistical damage, and still do well in lane thanks to the overpowered
stats they gain from the items.
Junglers are the people who pressure the lanes in the right spots. They either
require help from the support in locating where the enemy jungler is, usually
through deep wards. By knowing where the enemy jungler is, you can make
riskier plays without the fear of being ganked. This means that you can actually
make the opponent play by your rules, and no one has the advantage when