CAPsMAN MikroTik
CAPsMAN MikroTik
CAPsMAN MikroTik
set allow-remote-requests=yes
# Masquerade lan traffic our to the internet
/ip firewall nat
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade internal network" out-interface=ether1-wan srcaddress=
# Configure a DHCP client for ether1-wan
/ip dhcp-client
add default-route-distance=0 dhcp-options=hostname,clientid disabled=no interface=ether1-wan
# Configure clock and NTP settings to suit your region helpful with troubleshooting
/system clock
set time-zone-name=Pacific/Auckland
/system ntp client
set enabled=yes mode=unicast primary-ntp=
# Set the identity for the router
/system identity
set name=CAPsMAN
# End of configuration
Step 3:
First we will enable CAPs Management on the router:
[admin@CAPsMAN] /caps-man manager set enabled=yes
Step 4:
We will start by creating a basic CAPs channel profile:
Profile Name: channel1
Band: 2ghz-b/g/n
Frequency / Channel: 2412MHz (Channel 1)
Channel Width: 20MHz
[admin@CAPsMAN] /caps-man channel add band=2ghz-b/g/n frequency=2412 width=20 name=channel1
Step 5:
Now we will create a CAPs security profile:
Profile Name: security1
Authentication Type: wpa2-psk (WPA2-PSK Only)
Encryption: aes-ccm (AES)
Passphrase: mysecurek3y123
[admin@CAPsMAN] /caps-man security add name=security1 authentication-types=wpa2-psk encryption=aesccm group-encryption=aes-ccm passphrase=mysecurek3y123
Step 6:
We will now create a configuration file:
Profile Name: cfg1
Wireless Interface Mode: ap
SSID: Configured by CAPsMAN
Channel Profile: channel1 (Step 4)
Security Profile: security1 (Step 5)
[admin@CAPsMAN] /caps-man configuration add name=cfg1 mode=ap ssid="Configured by
CAPsMAN" channel=channel1 security=security1
Step 6:
Create a provision for our CAPs router which will be automatically provisioned with the configurations in steps 46:
Radio MAC: D4:CA:6D:90:82:59 (wlan1 mac address we want to auto-provision)