The Usage of Comic Strips in Teaching Possessive Pronouns

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1.0 Introduction
Language is considered as the bridge that unifies the













Language is also widely used as a medium to express both of

our thoughts and feelings. According to Buhler, Goodwin, &
Eschbach (2011), although such uses don't convey any
information, they do serve an important function in everyday
life, since how we feel sometimes matters as much asor more
thanwhat we hold to be true.
In our country, the English language is given emphasis by
the government and considered as the second language which
is being taught since kindergarten. With the introduction of
Language Arts component in the curriculum, there is now
space for interactive actives such as drama, role-play, debates,
language games and songs to make the lessons more
meaningful and facilitate the learning of the language. ("From

KBSR to KSSR Why the need for change? | Peekabook Blog,"

n.d.). This shows that mastery of English language should be
given emphasis by all of the parties. The teaching of English
language should not fall completely on the teachers shoulders

Teaching of grammar was later added during the level two from
year four to year 6. Teaching grammar was not an easy task
because it is considered as both confusing and hard to be
mastered. Identifying the word class and constructing simple
sentences using the correct rules are some of the issues faced
by the pupils during the learning of grammar. Teaching
grammar can be improved by using visual aids to trigger the
pupils attention and their interest towards the lesson. Using
the comic strips could be the answer to improve pupils
understanding in grammar lesson.
1.1 Reflection on Past Teaching Experience
During the researchers practicum periods, his teaching
experience starts at SK Batu Bertangkup, Perlis for four week,
SJK Tamil Kangar for eight weeks and SK Taman Uda, Kedah for
12 weeks. Both SJK Tamil Kangar and SK Taman Uda are in the
urban area while SK Batu Bertangkup is in the rural area.
Teaching experience in both rural and urban schools provides
the researcher with an insight about pupils ability in mastering
grammar and the issues related to grammar.
Although SJK Tamil Kangar is situated in urban area, the
level of pupils proficiency is almost the same as SK Batu
Bertangkup. Meanwhile, the pupils at SK Taman Uda acquire

the language skills very well. Their level of understanding is

slightly higher than the pupils from the two previous schools.
Even though their level of understanding is higher, they
are also facing the same problem in mastering grammar. Only
the pupils with high level of understanding were able to identify
the grammatical aspects in a simple sentence. The same
problem occurs when the pupils were asked to construct simple
sentences using the correct grammatical rules. They struggled
in remembering which tenses to be used and whether to use
singular or plural verbs. The main reason for this problem is the
lack exposure to the language itself. Urban pupils were
exposed to the English language through their environment
where some of them use English in their home. They use
English in daily conversation and through technology. In
contrast, almost all of rural pupils and most of urban pupils
rarely use English in their daily life. English is only used during
the English lesson at school.
During the 12 weeks of practicum in SK Taman Uda, the
researcher at first tried to teach grammar overtly where the
teacher or the researcher presented the rule or pattern and
then provided the exercise about the application of the rules.
Unfortunately, the technique was not effective for the pupils
with average and lower proficiency. The pupils were confused

and unable to construct simple sentences correctly without the

guidance of the teacher. Therefore, the researcher decided to
design a different method in teaching grammar. Several ideas
were suggested by fellow colleague and lastly the usage of
comic strips was chosen.

1.2 Reflection on Educational Values

The importance of this research were to explore the
possible ways in improving teaching practice and explore the
possible ways to assist pupils in constructing simple sentences
using the correct grammatical rules. Realising the importance
of grammar in constructing a sentence, the researcher tried to
come out with the best available option in assisting pupils
understanding of the grammar teachings. By carrying out the
intervention, it can indirectly boost up pupils confidence in
learning grammar in different and more enjoyable way.
This research also intended to improve and provide basic
assistance to the pupils in identifying grammatical rules in a
sentence. In consideration of the pupils grammatical skills, this

research was important to assist them towards a better

foundation in mastering grammar. By building a strong
foundation, pupils will be able to improve themselves in the
Additionally, the findings derived from this research might
be useful for both teachers and other educational practitioners
to consider using comic strips not only in teaching grammar
but other language skills as well.
Last but not least, this research will provide an insight on
the current grammatical issue emerged in the primary school
and the possible ways to intervene the problems. Therefore,
this research will be a part of the solution in assisting pupils in
mastering grammar and provide a better learning experience.

1.3 Summary
Teaching of grammar is considered as challenging even for
the fully qualified teachers. Pupils have the initial expectation
that the topic is going to be confusing and therefore they are
unwilling to give full commitment during the lesson. Some of
the senior teachers tend to teach in a conventional way where
it mainly involves chalk and talk. They refused to upgrade their

methodology of teaching which suits the pupils interest. As a

result, pupils become uninterested and demotivated to learn.
The main problem faced by pupils is the sentence
construction using correct grammatical rules. They tend to
make simple mistakes which are unacceptable. The pupils
struggle a lot even with the help of the teacher.
So, as a teacher, it is our obligation to teach the pupils in
an interesting and engaging way that the pupils will be more
eager to learn something new. Realising this, the researcher
come out with an idea to use comic strips to teach grammar
because of the visual aids and the nature of the comics itself
which are funny and humorous.
The researcher believes that this research has the
potential to be used by other teachers in changing their
methodology of teaching to become more enjoyable and fun.
All of this effort is done for the sake of our pupils education
which is the future of our country.

2.0 Introduction
The main focal point of this study was using comic strips
to help pupils in writing simple sentences using the correct
possessive pronouns. The possessive pronouns are used to
show ownership.
The researcher chose the possessive pronouns as a basic
starting point to strengthen pupils grammatical foundation.
Referring to Year 4 DSKP (Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan
Pentaksiran) possessive pronoun is one of the earliest topics
being taught to year 4 pupils. Thus, the construction was a
basic and simple and act as a good starting level to improve
pupils grammatical skills.
The researcher tried to introduce fun and interesting
activities to keep them occupied therefore develop their
grammatical skills. The pupils need a lesson that involves
hands-on activity and visually appealing materials such as







mentioned that enjoyable teaching materials have become

crucially important for English language learners and teachers
not merely because they provide enjoyment and relaxation, but
likewise as they encourage pupils to utilize their words in a

creative and communicative way. Comic strips were colourful

and humorous as well as easy to be understood by the pupils.
Therefore, using comic strips in teaching possessive pronouns








understanding on the topics.

There are many aspects that influence pupils to be
interested in studying English. The aspects are materials,
facilities, and the technique of teaching. To make pupils make
pupils like English subject, there are also some media that can
be used in teaching, such as TV, video, tape recorder,
photograph, comic, picture, and some others. As the teacher,
he or she must be very committed and dedicated in preparing
the media in order to attract pupils attention during teaching
and learning session. It can also indirectly help inculcate pupils
interest to the subject.
2.1 Issue/Problem Statement
Based on the researchers observation during the first
month of practicum at Sk Taman Uda, researcher found out
that pupils sometimes reads and write very well but lacking in
the grammatical aspect. This is due to lack of practice and their
initial expectation that grammar is somehow scary and


be learned.

They faced some difficulties



constructing a sentence which is grammatically correct. The

pupils were having hard time in identifying the correct
possessive pronouns to be used in a sentence. This is because
they were not able to grasp the concept of possessive
pronouns and rarely using it in their sentences.
Some of the pupils understood the concept of possessive
pronouns but were unable to apply it in sentence construction.
The researcher also found out that the most important
issue was the pupils interest and eagerness in learning the
subject. In order to attract pupils attention during the lesson,
there are many types of media that can be used. Among them
which looked very simple and fun was the usage of comics.
They are many types of comics which are cartoon, comic strip,
comic book, annual comic, comic album, web comic and
instructional comic. Good and appropriate choosing of aspects
and media tends to result in the improvement of pupils
The most important issue is the time factor whether it is
enough to teach the pupils in developing the mentioned skill.
The research was merely to find out whether the activity was
suitable or not. To find out the effectiveness of the activity may
take a longer time.

There was also the issue of the pupils being confused of

why they are chose to participate in this study. However, after
being briefed by the researcher they seem to understand their
roles in this research.


2.2 Literature Review

2.2.1 Teaching grammar covertly
According to Wilson (2013), covert teaching of grammar is
where the teacher gets the pupils involved in using the
grammatical structures without drawing attention to the
grammatical rules. Pupils attention is directed to the activity
being carried out instead of explaining the rules from the
beginning. After taking part in the activity, the pupils are tested
in the application of the rules with the completion of exercises
provided by the teachers. Towards the end of the session is
when the teachers draw their attention to the rules which they
can conclude based on the activity being held earlier.
By using this type of approach, the grammatical rules
learnt will be more meaningful, memorable and serviceable.
This is because they had already done the application part of
the grammatical rules when taking part in the activity session.
Wilson (2013) mentioned that the pupils are actively
involved with the pattern recognition of the grammatical rules.
This is where the teachers must design a suitable yet simple
activity to aid the pupils learning process.
As for this research, the usage of comic strips is also a
covert way of teaching grammar. The pupils are exposed to the

pattern without being explained of the grammatical rules

beforehand. The pupils need to figure out the pattern by
referring to the pictures provided.

2.2.2 Visual aids in teaching grammar

It is undeniable that keeping our pupils both motivated
and actively engaged in the classroom can be a challenging
task. Teachers responsibility does not rely on teaching alone
but to make the teaching to become meaningful and enjoyable.
Visuals are important tools used by the pupils for the purpose
seeing and understanding. It enables the pupils to process and
think about what they are being asked to do.
There are some simple strategies we can use to help
enhance our students interest and keep them involved. By
using visual stimuli we are more likely to maintain student
attention and encourage active participation. Fearing (2011)
said effective visual aids or stimuli help the students to
understand and remember the key points of the lesson.
The teaching grammar using visual aids can help the
pupils to develop listening, reading, spelling and writing at the
same time. This is because the pictures being used by the


teachers are able increase pupils interest because of the visual

aspect which is both colourful and engaging. Moreover, the
purpose of visual aids is to motivate, to stimulate and guide the
student in understanding the grammatical pattern.

2.2.3 The Use of Comic in Teaching

Comic is widely popular among the pupils and it has been
used as a medium entertain in their free time. The beautifully
illustrated character and the simplicity of the storyline are the
two main factors that will attract the person who read it.
Amazingly, nearly everyone says yes if they are asked whether
they have ever read comic. The wide spread of comic has
interested the writer in using comic as a medium for teaching.
In Syma and In Weiner (2013) stated that comics impart
meaning through the readers active engagement with written
language. Reading the text and seeing the images is done
simultaneously and this can indirectly lead to better recall and
transfer of learning. It is undeniable that with comics, students
not only learn the material faster, they learn it better.

The basic features of comic books which are laid out in

frames are very easy for readers to track a story. In fact, it is
also easy for those readers to both jump ahead and back as a
story develops. In addition, the fact that each frame contains
some text and a picture makes it much easier for readers to
grasp and contextualize a story. Ultimately, the limited text in
each frame is beneficial to those for which reading is a







Classroom," 2015).

2.3 Definition of Terms

2.3.1 Definition of Media
Media is widely used in teaching and learning process to
assist pupils understanding regarding the lesson. Orey, Jones,
& Branch (2013) mentioned that pupils learn abstract, new,
and novel concepts more easily when they are presented in
both verbal and visual form. By using visual media, the
teaching of concepts becomes more understandable to the
pupils than text media. Popular media which are a familiar and


often used by pupils will be able to help gain attention

and maintain student interest in the lesson.
Danesi (2009) defines media as everything that can be
used to send or distribute in communication process. The
communication here can be referred to the teaching and
learning process. Briefly, media is regarded as a tool in aiding
the teaching. Media does not replace the function of a teacher
but acts as a medium in conveying the information.
Media can also acts as instrument, method, and technique
to enhance the communication between teacher and students.
The communication presented by media is more interactive
and enjoyable. In this way, pupils will be more eager to learn
the lesson.
It can be said that media is an important tool which can
boost up pupils motivation and drive in participating in the
classroom activities. The most important aspect is that the
media should be interesting and of course meaningful to the
2.3.2 Forms and Types of Media
Generally, there are three forms of media which are widely
used in the field of education which are audio, visual, and


audiovisual. Audio involves sound and music, visual is all about

the graphics and audiovisual combine both of the mentioned
aspect above. Stafford (2011) said that comic falls in the visual
media category.
As for the types of media, it also can be divided into three
categories namely printed media, audio visual media and
online media. Example of printed media is the newspaper and
comic books. Audio visual media is more near and familiar to
the pupils such as cartoons. Meanwhile, the usage of online
media should be carefully monitored by the parents and
teachers there are no filter in the information which is being
According to Ludwig (2013) there are four main types of
media which are printed which convey information through
written word, audio which comprises of spoken words and music,
video which are the moving pictures and lastly the media in the
form software. It is pretty much anything where you are
interacting with an automated system.
Clearly there are several opinions regarding the types of
media which all can be used as teaching aids. A teacher must
remember not to rely too much on the media while neglecting
the content of the teaching and learning session. Teacher

should also review the suitability of the media content before

using it in the classroom.
2.3.3 Definition of Comic
Comics are a medium used to express ideas via images,
often combined with text or other visual information. Comics
frequently take the form of juxtaposed sequences of panels of
images ("Comics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia," n.d.).
As being mentioned before, comic falls into the category
of visual media and it is one of the effective way in promoting
fun and meaningful learning process for the pupils. The visual
aspect which is both colourful and engaging act as a attraction
factor for the pupils. Frey & Fisher (2008) mentioned that using
comic in teaching is highly beneficial because it is people

and has





characters which can be easily modified. Comic




easy, simple and humorous. By using comics in teaching

process, pupils will be able to enjoy the visual and the humor as
well as learning the desired lesson which was prepared by the
Manno (2014) said that emerging research shows that
comics and graphic novels are motivating, support struggling
readers, enrich the skills of accomplished readers and are highly

effective at teaching sometimes dull or dry material in subject

areas such as science and social studies.
Comic acts as a an aid in teaching and learning process
and it is seen as one of the ways where pupils can have fun as
well as learning something out of it. Teachers must be aware of
the content of the comic so that it is one the right track
whether it is related to the content of the topics or not.
2.3.4 Types of Comic
According to Propp, Perron, and Debbeche (2009), there
are six types of comics which are cartoon, comic strip, comic
books, annual comic, web comic and lastly simple comic.
Cartoon is one of the most common types of comic where
it is loved not only by children but adults too. Usually, it consists
of different kind of slides. To simplify, there are some pictures
and text in this type of comic. The reader can grasp the general
idea by looking at the pictures provided. It can be usually found
in magazines and newspaper.
Comic strip as the name suggests is a combination of pictures
to become a plot. It can also be a continued story. It can be
found in daily newspaper and it is usually focus on humorous


Comic Book in a simple word is arranged in a book form. Comic

books are compilation of comic strips, published by certain
publication company. Usually the story presented represents a
hero and often delivered not humorous in a way.
Annual Comic is launched in a certain period of time whether
as monthly or annual comic. Normally, the publisher will launch
the comic once or three times a year.
Web Comic is a type of comic which is widely spreading on the
internet. It can be both visual and audio visual comic. The
reader can simply open the web address on the internet and
browse different kind of stories in there.
2.3.5 Definition of grammar
In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules
governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in
any given natural language. The term refers also to the study
of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and
phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and
pragmatics ("Grammar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,"


In simple words, grammar is the study of the way the

sentences of a language are constructed. The rules should be
adhered to when constructing clauses, phrases or sentences.
Generally, there are eight types of parts of speech which
are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb,


conjunction and interjection.

The researcher focused on one type of parts of speech
which is pronoun and specifically possessive pronoun. Pronouns
are small words that take the place or replace the noun in a
sentence. The writer can use a pronoun instead of a noun to
construct a sentence. For example this sentence:
I like to talk with Halim. Halim is very friendly.
I like to talk to Halim. He is very friendly.
The writer can replace Halim with a pronoun he so that he
does not need to repeat the noun Halim in the following
sentences. In this case Halim is replaced by the pronoun he.

2.3.6 Definition of possessive pronoun

Possessive pronouns main function is to show ownership.
Possessive pronouns are used in a sentence to avoid repeating


the same information that is already obvious or clear. In

general it makes the sentence less confusing because the
same information is not being repeated. For example:
This car is my car, not your car. (Repetitive)
This car is mine, not yours. (Mine and yours are
possessive pronouns)
The possessive pronouns which are widely used in sentence
construction are as follows:

















Table 1: List of possessive pronouns



The usage of visual aids or in this case comic strips in

teaching enables the pupils to understand the content of the
lesson better. The problem with teaching with comic books is
that the teachers themselves have no respect for them and
believe they are merely for children pleasure and refuse to
accept them alongside other literature. As a teacher, we should
widen our methodology of teaching so that it is perfectly
aligned with the pupils interests. We should be able to put
ourselves in their shoes and try to come out with the most
suitable teaching aids.


3.0 Introduction
The process of writing both research questions and
objectives is an extremely important part of any research
project and should be done with a careful consideration. It is
considered as important because the upcoming research
strategies usually depend on the nature of the problems and
the formulation of the research questions. Research objectives
and research questions are being laid out to answer any related
questions and verify the hypothesis whether it is correct or not.
The formulation of precise research questions requires
deep insights into the nature of the study: Do the questions
that are to be answered "fit" the research objectives? Are they
the ones most worthy of investigation? To which degree will
answering the questions contribute to any progress within the




questions to concern real problems?





In this research, the formulation of research question and

research objectives revolves around these keywords which are









3.1 Research Objectives

The purpose of this research was to improve pupils ability
to identify possessive pronoun by exploring comic strips as the
teaching aids. Furthermore, this study was done to help pupils







pronouns by exploring the same teaching aid which is the

comic strip.
The objectives of this research were to discover any
possible ways in which the researcher or the teachers can
teach possessive pronoun effectively. Secondly, to investigate
the usage of comic strips as a fun and enjoyable technique to
be used during English lessons in encouraging the pupils to
write simple sentences using possessive pronouns.

3.2 Research Questions

The research questions are as follows:

Do comic strips help pupils in identifying possessive


Do comic strips help pupils in constructing simple

sentences using possessive pronoun?


3.3 Summary
Despite the mentioned research objectives, there are
some minor purposes which were not included. One of them
was to improve the pupils ability in understanding the dialogue
taught by using the comic strips. In addition, the developed
strategy is formulated to improve pupils motivation in learning
English. Both of these objectives can be achieved in the long
term process and not while this study is being carried out.
Basically, there are two main elements being highlighted
which are the identification of possessive pronouns and simple
sentence construction using the possessive pronouns. First, the
researcher intend to teach the pupils on how to get to know the
basic features of possessive pronouns so that they will be able
to point out if they come across into one later. Next, the pupils
should be able to construct a very simple and basic sentence
using the possessive pronouns. The pupils should be able to
come with a correct sentence using a possessive pronoun.



4.0 Introduction
Before choosing the target group, the researcher tried to
identify which year was the most suitable for this research
topic. The researcher chose Year 4 because the research topic
was mentioned in the Year 4 DSKP and it is one of the earliest
topics being mentioned. After choosing the Year 4 class, there









consideration which are the average and the lower level. The
advanced level pupils are being ruled out because they
understand the topics really well. Lastly, the average level of
proficiency was chosen because the research only takes a short
time to be finished. In case the research was given a longer
time, the low proficiency level pupils will be chosen.
Furthermore, the researcher also chose several teachers
and fellow researcher to gain their professional opinion in
making the research a success.



4.1 Target Group

The target group was among the Year 4 Sabar from SK
Taman Uda, Alor Setar, Kedah. The participants comprises of
five pupils, 3 boys and 2 girls. All of the respondents were at
the age of 10.

The class was the first class. After teaching this class for 3
months during practicum session, the researcher observed that
the pupils have average proficiency compared to the other
pupils but has a strong will in learning to improve themselves.
Although they from the first class, they ability in grammar was
still poor because this was the first year grammar was
introduced to them.
The researcher chose the participants according to their
marks in the English mid-term examination where they at least
score from C to D grade. The participants was very eager to be
part of this study and with an adequate push and motivation,
the pupils were able to conduct the given task accordingly.
On the other hand, three female English teachers were
chosen as the interviewee to ask about their opinion regarding
the intervention that was carried out. One colleague who was


also a fellow researcher was involved in the observation

session where he was in charge of observing the participants


The research was carried out at Access Room and

permission was already being asked to the teacher in charge of
the particular room. The teachers and the parents of the
participants were also informed beforehand to avoid any
unwanted confusion among them.

4.2 Summary
The participants were chose from the Year 4 Sabar class
and the researcher was very familiar with them because they
are being taught for three months during the practicum.
Therefore, the participants were managed easily because they
knew the researcher beforehand. The participants were given
an adequate explanation about why they part of this study and
the purpose of choosing them to be one of the respondents. All
permission to use the room and making the pupils as the part
of the study was asked beforehand. Three qualified English
teachers and one colleague was also involved in this research.



5.0 Introduction
Action research is an ongoing process of both action and
research followed by series of reflection. It is where the
researcher identifies a problem and plans a series of actions as
a way of gaining deeper understanding of the range of possible
solutions or interventions. According to N.Padak and G.Padak
(2015), although research frequently focuses somehow on new
ideas in adult literacy programs or instruction, the research
process involves more than simply trying them out. Trying out
the action plan also involves series of trial and error to see the
effectiveness of the research action plan.
To formulate the action plan, the researcher must first set
up a goal, target or objectives to be achieved so that the









Understanding why we need to conduct this project will be

helpful in developing an action plan to fix the need we have
identified. The next step is to reflect on what we have learned


about this project, what our plan are for this project, and
determine if we will be able to successful complete this project.
As for this study, there are series of action plan being
carried out during the intervention process. The plan does not
involve pre-test and went straight to


the intervention session. The intervention can be divided into

four main steps which involve three main activities which are
the identification of possessive pronoun for the first two steps,
sentence construction and comic strips making session.
5.1 Action Plan/Intervention
This research was conducted in four weeks time. The
research started with a selection of target group which was
done by referring to the mid-term English examination. After
that, the participants were given a brief explanation on why
they are chosen and the purpose of the study. Then, the
researcher informs the teachers that 5 pupils of the Year 4
Sabar will be going out for certain period of time to carry out
the research. The permission to use the access room was asked
to the teacher in charge of the particular room.
The next action plan was the intervention sessions to
assist pupils in understanding the concept of possessive
pronouns by using comic strips. The interventions were
conduction in four main steps. Each step consumed one hour
and was done once a week.
The first step was the introduction of comic strip and the
identification of possessive pronouns. The researcher first
explains basic features of comic strips and introduces the

usage of possessive pronouns in the dialogue by referring to

the pictures in the comic strips. Teacher highlights the pictures
and the respective possessive pronouns. For example, if the
possessive pronoun said that the book is his, then the picture
of a male holding a book will be shown including the dialogue
saying the book is his. Teacher repeats the possessive pronoun
identification process until the pupils understands and able to
list down the possessive pronouns.
In the second step, researcher distributed the comic strips
and asked the participants to read silently. The participants
were encouraged to refer to the pictures while reading the
dialogue. Then they were asked to underline the possessive
pronouns found in the comic and circle the object being
mentioned. For example, for the sentence: the car is mine, the
participants underline the word mine and circle the car picture.
For the third step, pupils are given the same comic strips
which were given before. This time, the possessive pronouns
were left in blanks and they were required to fill in the blanks
with correct answer by referring to the pictures. Then, new
comic strips were given with pictures and without the
dialogues. Pupils were required to form a simple sentence from
the picture. Researcher guided them through the process
where they need to determine the person involved in the

picture whether it is a boy or girl and singular or plural. They

also need to identify the object being shown in the picture. The
identification of person and the object were done with the help
of the researcher but the formation of sentence was done
without any help.
The fourth step was not carried out during the research
where they were asked to come out with a comic strip
containing three panels. They also need to include one
possessive pronoun about an object and a person. This task
was done by the pupils in their free time and was not
supervised by the researcher.
Lastly, all the data collected from the four weeks time
were analysed, presented and discussed in the data analysis
5.2 Summary
The implementation of action plan was

where the

intervention was introduced to the participants. The process

went smoothly without any arsing problem and the pupils seem
to enjoy themselves to be part of this research. Surprisingly,
the pupils managed to finish up the task. Some of them need
extra guidance but still managed to finish up the task given by
the researcher.


6.0 Introduction







instruments. The purpose of carrying out action research is to

grasp the understanding on some element of your classroom
by collecting data. Data can be defined as are any form of
information, observations, or facts that are collected or
recorded (Johnson, 2012). The process of collecting data during
the research is what makes the action research different from
any normal study. As a researcher, we cannot simply write our
own opinion regarding the subject matter but action research
writing is all about collecting data and making conclusions
based on that data.
The instruments used to collect data for this research were
observation, interview and document analysis. The interview
was done during the intervention while both of interview and
data analysis was carried out after the intervention process.


6.1 Data Collection Methods (Instruments)


The first instrument was the observation which was

carried out by one of the colleague who was also conducting
his own action research. The observer tried to observe the
pupils behaviour and their responses during the intervention
process. The data gathered was based on his personal reports
regarding the pupils behaviour. The pupils were well aware of
the observers presence but had no idea what was his purpose
in the study. The observer shrewdly observed the pupils

each section


their overall

performance in a form which was provided by the researcher.

(Refer appendix 1).


Figure 1: Observation Checklist

The second instrument was the interview which was

carried out after the intervention process. The interviewer was
the researcher himself while the interviewees involved three
English teachers. The purpose of this interview was to ask
about their professional view regarding the effectiveness of the
usage of comic strips in teaching grammar. Interview was
carried out in the Access Room of SK Taman Uda. Each
interview took only 15 minutes. The questions (refer appendix
2) were designed beforehand by the researcher and recording

was done using a Smartphone. The data collected was purely

taken from their views and experiences of teaching English.







analysis (refer appendix 3) which was done by the researcher

himself. The instrument involved an analysis of participants

works and exercises. All of the task given were collected and
analysed by the researcher in the form of teachers reflection.
The reflection was carried out to conclude the pupils ability
and understanding of the activity. The teacher or in this case
the researcher will be analyzed pupils worksheet and their
bahaviour when completing the work which was given during
the intervention.

Figure 3: Document analysis (teachers reflection)

6.2 Summary


It can be concluded that the data collection method for

this research involved three types of instruments namely
observation, interview and document analysis in the form of
teachers reflection. Based on the data obtained, the analysis
and discussion was done.


7.0 Introduction
According to Agresti (2013) analysis and interpretation are
the process by which sense and meaning are made of the data
gathered in qualitative research, and by which the emergent
knowledge is applied to participants' problems. The main
purpose of analysing and interpreting data is to transform or
change the collected data into believable evidence about the
development of the intervention which was designed by the
The analysis process can help answer an important key
question which is: has the intervention made any difference?
As the researcher, we should be able to see the effectiveness
of our intervention to the participants by analysing he raw data
The process of analysing data includes three main steps.
The first step is the organization of the data. The data obtained
should be organized neatly in the form of table or graph so that

the analysis can be made easier. The second step is describing

the data where the researcher highlights the outcome or the
implication of the data to the participants. The last step is the
interpretation of the data where the assessment of the findings
takes place.


7.1 Data Analysis and Interpretation

There were five respondents involved in this research and
all of them were in the average level of proficiency. I chose

No. of Respondents



them based on their last midterm examination result. All of

them are from year 4 Sabar class which I taught for 3 months
during the practicum. The information of the respondents is as

Table 2: Number of respondents according to gender


No. of Respondents







No. of Teachers



Table 3: Number of respondents according to race

Table 4: Number of teachers involved according to gender

Table 2 showed that out of the 5 respondents, 60% or

three of the pupils were males and 40% or two females.
According to table 2, 33% or 1 of the male pupil is Malay and
66% or two of the males are Indians. Meanwhile, 100% of the
female are Malays. Totally there were 60% Malays while 40% of
them are Indians.
As for the teachers, they were involved in the interview
session where they were asked about their opinion regarding

the usage of comic strips in the classroom to teach grammar.

100% or total of 3 were female and Malay teachers. The
teachers opinion is important because of their experience in
teaching English classroom. On the other hand, researcher also
asks help from a male colleague to carry out the observation

7.1.1 Research Findings








instruments. The instruments used to collect data for this

research were observation, interview and document analysis.
The instruments involved three parties which are observation
by the colleague, interviewing the teachers, and data analysis.

1. Observation
The first instrument was observation which was carried out
during the intervention session.

Observation is a systematic

data collection approach where the researchers use all of their


senses to examine people in natural settings or naturally

occurring situations. Everything that happened was duly noted
as if it was happening for the first time, and everything is
considered as important. Nothing is taken for granted. It is an
attempt to see the world from the other person's point of view
which in this case is the respondents.
There are a lot of benefits of carrying out observation
during the research. Among them were, observation can help
the observer in understanding of the phenomenon, situation
and the behaviour of the respondents in the particular
setting. Observation is also an essential part of gaining an
understanding of naturalistic settings and its members' ways of
seeing. It also can provide the foundation for theory and
hypothesis development.
Observation, particularly participant observation, has been
used in a variety of discipline as a tool for collecting data about
people, processes, and cultures in qualitative research. They








expression, how respondents communicate with each other,

and check for how much time is spent on various activities

Overall, during the intervention, pupils were observed of

their behaviour, interest, and ability to answer the questions

given. Observers may use multiple methods to gather data.

One primary approach involves writing field notes. When
observing, field note was taken if there was any important
event that occurred.
During the observation process, surprisingly, all of the
respondents were showing positive attitude and showed
eagerness to participate in the activity. One of the reasons was
because they were going out of class and they feel happy
about it. It is also because they were in a small group which
was easier to be controlled. The following are the field notes
taken during the observation process:



Field Notes


Before the activity, some of the

pupils are able to list down the


Respondents were able

pronouns but only half of it. After the

to list down all of the

intervention and post test being

possessive pronouns.

carried out, majority of the pupils are

able list down and understand the
usage of possessive pronouns.
Surprisingly, pupils show a lot of


Respondents show

eagerness and commitment during

interests during the

this activity being carried out


especially when they are told to

create their own comic strips.

Respondents give
Overall, pupils give full attention
attention during the

because they are a small crowd and

explanation of the
easy to be controlled and managed.


Respondents were able

Pupils managed to complete the task

to create their own

given with the guidance of the

comic strips

Table 5: Field Note


From the table above, it can be seen that the observer

highlighted on four main aspect which were respondents
ability in listing possessive pronoun, respondents interest,
respondents behaviour and the question whether they were
able to complete the task or not. For the first aspect, observer
mentioned about two time period which were before and after
the intervention. Before the intervention, respondents were
able to list down some of the possessive pronouns while after
the intervention, majority of the respondents were able to list
down and understand the usage of possessive pronouns.








commitment during the activity being carried out. Observer

specifically mentioned when the respondents were asked to
create their own comic strips, they showed a lot of interest in
completing the task. The respondents gave full cooperation
during the intervention process.
Observer mentioned that during the activity being carried
out, respondents showed positive behaviour and gave full
attention to the instruction. He also mentioned the reason was
because the crowd was small and easier to be controlled.
As for the last part, observer noted that all of the
respondents were able to complete the task within the given

time with the guidance of the teacher or in this case the

researcher. Overall, the process went well and smooth with the
cooperation from both the observer and the respondents.
2. Interview
The interview was conducted in the access room of SK
Taman Uda. Three English teachers were interviewed by
researcher regarding their opinion about the usage of comic
strips in teaching grammar. Overall, the teachers gave full
cooperation during the interview session and shared some









interviewing the teachers was because of their vast experience

in teaching English classes. They knew a lot about teaching
pedagogy and the researcher intend to make good use of their
knowledge. All three of the teachers were female and had at



Not suitable

Good/creative idea




English for primary schools.

Below are the transcribed
interview conducted by the



Limited resources

Visual aid

High frequency



Table 6: Interview coding


Did you ever


use comic

strips to aid


What is your

this activity?
Did you


think the

usage of

comic strips
is effective?


No. I dont think that comic strips are

the best for teaching.
Yes. It is a good idea because it is
humorous and graphical.
No. Because of the limited availability
in the textbooks.
The activity was great.
I think It is a creative idea to use
comic strip to teach grammar.
It was interesting and a new idea.
Yes. Pupils can relate the pronouns
with the pictures.
Yes. It is different and interesting and
the pupils seem to accept it well.
Yes. Pupils can refer to the provided
pictures and gestures.



What is the



issue to be
Did you
think that
the activity


is suitable

for year 4


Clarity of the picture so that pupils

will not get confused.
Use simple words so that pupils can
understand better.
The graphic should be able to attract
pupils attention.
Yes. It is simple and understandable
by pupils.
No. It may be more suitable for year
Yes. Pupils can refer to the graphics



Table 7: Interview questions, responds and coding.

As for the coding, the codes represent certain topic or
theme which was categorized by the researcher. If the answer
of the interviewee falls within the A code, then it will be labeled
as A and so on. Code A is not suitable where the interviewee
thought that the idea, activity or opinion is not suitable to be
carried out. Meanwhile, the B code is all about the respondent
regarding the idea as creative and innovative. The interviewee
apparently agrees with the implementation of the idea. On the
other hand, code C represents the activity whether it was
suitable or not where in this case, the respondent totally on
board with the activity. Code D is used when the respondent

thinks that there is a limitation of resources. Next, the code E is

all about visual aids or graphics. Code F is the usage of high
frequency word which was not recommended for the pupils.
Lastly, code G represents the dialogue which can be found on
the comic strips.

Interviewee 1
When asked about the usage of comic strips in the
classroom, she answered no because she did not think that
comic strips are suitable for teaching. The interviewee thinks
that the usage comic strips is not suitable for teaching
grammar and that is why she has not used it during the
teaching and learning session.


The second question was about the opinion of the

interviewee regarding the comic strips activity and her answer
was positive in which she said, The activity was great. She
certainly thought that the idea was creative and innovative.
This was because it did not occur to her to use comic strips in
her teaching.
She also thought that the activity was effective because
the respondents or the pupils could relate the pronouns with
the pictures in the comic strips.
The most important issue to be taken into consideration
was the clarity of the picture so that pupils will not get
confused. This was important because the pictures were the
essence of the comics. Pupils referred to the pictures in order
to come out with the correct possessive pronouns.
The interviewee thought that the activity was indeed
suitable for year 4 pupils because it was simple and

Interviewee 2


For the first question, the interviewee was asked if she did
use comic strips in her class and her answer was, Yes. It is a
good idea because it is humorous and graphical. She thought
that the usage of comic strips was great because of the humor
and the visual aids which can assist pupils in identifying the
grammar points.
Next, the second question in which she was asked about
her opinion and she thought that it was a creative idea to use
comic strips to teach grammar. Pupils will be able to
understand the lesson better.
Yes. It is different and interesting and the pupils seem to
accept it well, said the interviewee when asked whether the
activity is effective or not. She believed that the acceptance of
the pupils was important and the activity should be carried out
more often.
Her opinion about the matter to be considered was the
usage of simple words so that pupils could understand better.
Using high frequency words can motivate pupils to learn
because of the familiarity and commonness.
She answered that this activity was not suitable for year 4.
Her actual answer was, No. It may be more suitable for year

Interviewee 3
For the first question, she answered, No, because of the
limited availability in the textbooks. This was because she
used textbook during the lesson. She thought that the usage of
comic strips is an interesting and a new idea.
Her opinion regarding the effectiveness of comic strips
was, Yes. Pupils can refer to the provided pictures and
gestures. The pictures usually showed some gestures which
was the clue for the correct possessive pronouns.
The most important aspect for her was the graphic which
should be able to attract pupils attention.
She also gave her opinion about the suitability of this
activity in which she said yes because of the graphics and
visual aids which can assist the pupils.

3. Document Analysis (teachers reflection)


. By analyzing the document, we are able to finds and

interpret patterns in data as well as classifying the patterns. As
for this research, the method of carrying out document analysis
was by conducting a teachers reflection. Teacher in this case
was the researcher himself. The teacher analysed pupils
worksheet and their bahaviour when completing the work
which was given during the intervention.


Teachers reflection
Pupils seem to understand the concept of
possessive pronouns with the help of comic
strips. They also understand the instruction

Pupils understanding

given in the worksheet with the help of

teacher. From their responds, they understand
what is expected from them which are to
complete the worksheet given.
Pupils show positive behaviour when

Pupils behaviour

completing the task. They were silent and

listened to the instruction attentively.
All of the pupils manage to finish the task on

Pupils ability to
time except for one pupil who needed some
complete task on time
help from the teacher to finish up the work.


Pupils mostly used simple English and

Language used by

communicate in Malay language with each


other. They can understand simple English but

use Malay language to provide any feedback.
When asked, pupils seem to enjoy the activity

Pupils feedback
very much.
Table 8: Teachers reflection

The researcher highlighted five important aspects to be

analysed for the document analysis. The first aspect was the
pupils understanding based on their worksheet and exercises.
The researcher thought that the pupils were able to understand
the concept of possessive pronoun with the help of pictures in
the comic strips.
As for the pupils behaviour the researcher was impressed
by the positive behaviour shown by the pupils when completing
the task.
Pupils were able to complete the activity within the time
given. The researcher said that one of the pupils needed some
guidance to complete the task.


Meanwhile, the pupils mainly used Malay language to

communicate with each other and used simple English
language to communicate with the teacher. However, the
pupils used Malay language to respond to the questions.
Pupils seemed to enjoy the activity and provided positive
feedback when asked.

7.2 Summary
From the data analysis and interpretation it can be







feedback from the pupils. They seemed to enjoy the activity

very much and eager to take part in the study. The analysis of
their work also showed significant increase of understanding in
the particular topics. This means that the intervention is
effective but due to time constraint, the effectiveness of the
intervention could not be fully observed.



To conduct the discussion of the research findings, the
researcher was presented with an opportunity to develop the
pattern found in the data, making necessary connections
between result of the analysis and existing theory.
In the discussion of research findings, the researcher must try
to relate the research question formed with the research
results. First, briefly summarise the major findings that come
from the research and relate them to what the researcher
originally proposed to find out. If the research was done to test
a hypothesis, the researcher needs to answer the following
questions which are:

1. Do the research findings support the initial hypothesis?

2. Do the research findings disprove the formulated hypothesis?


These questions should be answered by the researcher to

check and see if the research findings were indeed in the same
line as the formed research questions and objectives. At the
end of the process, reflection should be carried out to see the
strengths and weaknesses of the research methodology.


8.1 Findings
Based on the data obtained and analysed, the researcher
was able to conclude that the research findings was aligned
with the proposed research questions. The first research









possessive pronouns? During the intervention process, the

observer mentioned that there were some changes in pupils
understanding of the possessive pronoun before and after the
intervention. After the intervention, majority of the pupils were
able list down and understand the usage of possessive
pronouns. This clearly shows that the intervention process was
indeed effective to the pupils although it was not entirely or
fully effective.
Furthermore, the data from the document analysis also
showed that the pupils seemed to understand the concept of
possessive pronouns with the help of the visual aids in the
comic strips. It is undeniable that the intervention has
somehow helped the pupils in identifying and understanding
the usage of possessive pronouns.
As for the second research question which was: Do comic
strips help pupils in constructing simple sentences using
possessive pronoun? Based on the data obtained from the

document analysis, it can be seen that the pupils were able to

complete the given task within the given time. Before the
research, the pupils struggled to construct a simple sentence
because they did not understand the concept of possessive
pronouns. After going on a thorough intervention process, they
were able to write simple sentences using possessive pronouns
except for one of the pupil who still need some guidance from
the researcher.
One of the research objectives was to promote fun and
enjoyable learning situation. Based on the data obtained, the
pupils generally seemed to enjoy taking part on the activity
and show eagerness to be part of this research. They showed
positive behaviour during the intervention process indicating
that the research objective was achieved.
However, the situation might be changing in a larger
crowd of pupils. The research only focused on small crowd of
pupils which was easy to be controlled. And pupils seem to
enjoy themselves because they were somehow the chosen
one to be part of this research. The situation might be different
with a larger crowd where it will be harder to control and
capture their interests as was proposed in the research


According to the answers from the teachers, all three of

them thought that the idea of using comic strips to teach
grammar was both great and creative. Two out of three of them
agreed that this activity was suitable for the year 4 pupils. The
suitability of the activity are not yet proved because it was not
tested on the real classroom situation. The activity was
regarded as suitable merely by referring to the opinion of the
teachers alone.
The positive feedback from the pupils was one of the
indicators that this research was effective for them. Therefore,
the research should be continued to an even wider prospective
to solidify the data obtained.
8.2 Implication
The implication of this research was limited to the
participants alone. So, the intervention proposed should be
used again in the future to widen the implication to the other
pupils as well. One of the most obvious implications was to
promote fun learning environment with different kind of
teaching methodology in order to motivate the pupils to learn
more. As for the teacher, this research was to promote an idea
in order to improve our pupils understanding on the lesson
especially when it comes to grammar. As a teacher, we should

not be rigid and teach in an uninteresting way which will bore

the pupils and demotivate the pupils from taking part in
classroom activities.
Next, the research also provides some input about
teaching with visual aids. This is because, pupils usually forget
what they have heard but certainly will remember what they
have seen or witnessed. Using visual aid is somehow very
helpful in assisting pupils understanding of the grammar
concepts and patterns. As for this research, the pupils were
able to identify the possessive pronouns by referring to the
pictures included in the comic strips. Teachers can also use an
audiovisual media to enhance both their reading and listening
On the other hand, the findings from this research will
certainly be useful for teachers and researchers in using comic
strips or visual aids in their teaching. This research has the
potential to go further into other language skills such as
reading and writing.

8.3 Summary


This research has clearly shown some positive findings

and implications towards the participants. Based on the data
obtained by the researcher, it can be concluded that the
research has a huge effect on the pupils understanding on the
lesson. The intervention process went on smoothly without any
disturbance from the pupils. This was because the small crowd
involved in this study was easy to be controlled and managed.
As a teacher, we need to strategise and come out with a
different action plan in order to implement the intervention to
an even larger crowd which will be harder to be managed.


9.0 Introduction
Suggestion for future or further research often related with
the limitation of this research. This is because the idea of
further research often arises out of drawback found on the
existing research.
The findings from the research will highlight several
aspects that has a potential to be explored in future studies.
These aspects can be divided into two main categories. The
first category is that findings that was not anticipated from the
start. These are useful when making future research
suggestions because they can lead to entirely new aspects to
explored in future studies. Factors that address unanswered
aspects of your research questions
The second aspect is a rare case where the research
questions was left unanswered. This is not necessarily a flaw in
the research strategy, but may simply reflect that fact that the
findings did not provide all the answers that was hoped.


9.1 Suggestion
This research can be further expanded whether the
researcher wants to use the same intervention or develop a
different one. By using the same intervention, the study can be
expanded by focusing on other grammatical aspects such as
verbs and prepositions. For example, by using comic strips to
teach verb, pupils can refer the action illustrated on the
pictures and come out with a correct answer.
This research can also be developed to other language
skills such as reading and writing. As for reading, the
researcher can conduct a study to promote reading among
pupils by exploring the usage of comic strips. Pupils will be
more interested in reading if the reading content was based on
their interest. So, the characters and the storyline should be
familiar to the pupils such as stories about their favourite
superheroes and popular cartoon characters.
On the other hand, the study which focused on writing can
promote pupils in writing simple sentences based on the
actions illustrated on the comic strips. Simple sentences
comprise of subject, verb and object can be drawn in the form
of pictures and the pupils can use it as a reference to construct
a sentence. For example a picture of a boy kicking football can

guide the pupils in constructing a simple sentence based on

the action shown in the picture.
The researcher can also choose other intervention which
falls on the category of visual aids such as using picture cards
to learn action verbs, develop reading by using power point
slides or using mind map to assist pupils in essay writing.
The following were merely suggestions for further studies on
visual aids in teaching and learning session. The researcher
believes that visual aid is one of the most common ways to
enhance pupils understanding on the lesson.

9.2 Conclusion
As a conclusion, this research has a potential to be







researcher can come out with a more desirable intervention for

the pupils. The limitation of this research where it was not
being carried out in the larger crowd should be taken into
consideration when performing a future studies. The researcher








understanding. The period of the research should be longer in

order to see a more accurate data.



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Appendix 1




Field Notes

Respondents were able

to list down all of the

possessive pronouns.
Respondents show


interests during the



Respondents give
attention during the

explanation of the
Respondents were able


to create their own comic


Appendix 2






Did you ever use comic


strips to aid your teaching?

Give me your reason.


What is your opinion

regarding this activity?


Did you think the usage of


comic strips is effective in

teaching possessive
pronoun? Why?

What is the most important


issue to be considered when

carrying out this activity?

Please give me some


suggestions to improve my
teaching related to this

Appendix 3




Teachers reflection

Pupils understanding


Pupils behaviour

Pupils ability to
complete task on time

Language used by

Pupils feedback


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