Research Proposal U6410

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Guidance for writing

a research proposal
In order to assess if we can offer an applicant the appropriate
supervision, we do ask that a research proposal is submitted.
Before submitting an application, please email your research proposal and a copy of
your CV to Sarah Longstaff [email protected]
This guidance explains what we expect a research proposal to address.

1. Indicative title of the topic area

This should accurately reflect what it is that you want to study and the central issues
that you are going to address.

2. Context / rationale / why is this study important?

Introduce the general area of study and identify the theoretical context within which
your research will be developed by discussing the discipline(s) and or field(s) of
study relevant to your research. This means outlining the key theoretical area(s)
you will draw upon to enable you to find out what it is that you want to know (e.g.
underpinned from the social sciences; arts and humanities; life, health and physical
sciences). In addition, you will need to contextualise your research in terms of the
literature of your subject area. What we are looking for here is an indication that you
understand and have done some research into the wider theoretical context.
Developing the context is just one part of this section; you are building a case /
rationale for the study area. Why is this study important, which theoretical areas
support this? Can you identify any gaps in current understanding that help you build
the case for this research study?
In this section you could outline the main aim of the study (also see section 4).

3. Literature review

Here you are demonstrating that you are aware of what has been and what is
currently being written about your topic (i.e. the academic literature, Government
documents, media coverage). We are looking for you to make links between a body
of literature and your proposed area of study and in doing so attempt to identify
any gaps in knowledge. A PhD thesis arises from original research leading to new
knowledge or a significant contribution to existing knowledge.

If, at this stage, you have some thoughts on how your research is likely to contribute
to knowledge then include details in your proposal. This section should include
citations which are compiled into a reference list at the end of the document (see
point 7).

4. The research questions or hypotheses

Having told us what you want to study and why, and then illustrated these ideas with
reference to a body of literature, the next task is to distil your ideas into a tentative
set of research questions, hypotheses, aims and objectives (as per the underpinning
discipline requires) that are manageable and achievable within a normal PhD
timeframe (see 6 below).

5. Research approach/ methodologies / methods

There will be many research approaches open to you. In your proposal, suggest the
methodological approach that you might take and make a reasoned case as to why
the research questions you have posed are best addressed by this approach. You
might also suggest what methods you would use to generate data that can help you
address your research questions.

6. Timescale/research planning

A full-time PhD should take three years to complete, although you may require more
time to acquire the relevant skills prior to commencing your research. Part-time
study will take longer (up to five - six years). Within this timeframe, you will need to
demonstrate your awareness of time management and planning (e.g. length of time
for primary research/ fieldwork).

7. Reference List

Please include a reference list of all the sources that you referred to in the text
using a recognised referencing style appropriate to your discipline (e.g. Harvard or
Vancouver for Sciences).
There a number of books widely available that may help in preparing your research
proposal (as well as in completing your research degree), here are a few to point you
in the right direction:
Bell, J (2010, 5th edn) Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-time
Researchers in Education and Social Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baxter, L, Hughes, C and Tight, M (2007, 3rd edn) How to Research, Buckingham:
Open University Press.
Philips, E and Pugh, D (2005, 4th edn) How to get a PhD: A Handbook for Students
and their Supervisors, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

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