Story Bible Template

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Game Name Story Bible

Last Revised: XX/XX/XXXX

Basic Story Outline..............................................................................................................2

Player Characters.................................................................................................................2
Character #1.....................................................................................................................2
Character #N....................................................................................................................2
Non-Player Characters.........................................................................................................2
Character #1.....................................................................................................................2
Character #N....................................................................................................................2
Setting #1.........................................................................................................................2
Setting #N........................................................................................................................2
Other Important Narrative Elements...................................................................................3
Equipment or "Legendary" Items....................................................................................3
Animals Creatures in the World.......................................................................................3
Historical Lore.................................................................................................................3

Game Name Story Bible

Last Revised: XX/XX/XXXX

Basic Story Outline

This is your kind of executive summary of the storyline of your game. You can likely
draw on material you've already put together.
Player Characters
Discuss the various "player" characters in the game. There may only be one. The player
may entirely define this if it is a role-playing game. But if you're asking the player to play
as one or more players, this is where you'd do that.
Character #1
Give as many details as you can about the character from traits to backstory. Concept art
if you have it. Try to make this character come to life and connect it to the world around
Character #N
Give as many details as you can about the character from traits to backstory. Concept art
if you have it. Try to make this character come to life and connect it to the world around
Non-Player Characters
These are characters in the game that the player doesn't control. Tell us about them.
Character #1
Give as many details as you can about the character from traits to backstory. Concept art
if you have it. Try to make this character come to life and connect it to the world around
Character #N
Give as many details as you can about the character from traits to backstory. Concept art
if you have it. Try to make this character come to life and connect it to the world around
Describe the world, particularly those places that are distinctly important to your story.
These may correspond to "levels," or "maps," but not necessarily.

Game Name Story Bible

Last Revised: XX/XX/XXXX

Setting #1
Give as many details as you can about this location in the game. What sets it apart and
what is its reason for existing? Does it relate specifically to items, people, creatures or
other things?
Setting #N
Give as many details as you can about this location in the game. What sets it apart and
what is its reason for existing? Does it relate specifically to items, people, creatures or
other things?
Other Important Narrative Elements
There are numerous other things that add character and life to the gameworld. What are
those for you?
Equipment or "Legendary" Items
Things? Stuff?
Animals Creatures in the World
Non-player creatures? Animals?
Historical Lore
Is there an important history to your world?

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