Albert Renger Patzsch
Albert Renger Patzsch
Albert Renger Patzsch
No online items
Descriptive Summary
Title: Albert Renger-Patzsch papers
Date (inclusive): 1890-1980
Date (bulk): 1924-1966
Collection number: 861187
Creator: Renger-Patzsch, Albert
Extent: ca. 12 linear ft. (23 boxes, 1 flat file folder)
Repository: Getty Research Institute
Research Library
Special Collections and Visual Resources
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688
Abstract: German photographer associated with the art movement Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity). The archive
documents Renger-Patzsch's professional life, especially his work on book projects and commissions for industrial firms. It
also includes technical details of his photographic workshop, and provides insight into his artistic views on photography as
an independent art form, and on the aesthetic trends in photography in economically prosperous postwar Germany.
Request Materials: To access physical materials on site, go to the library catalog record for this collection and click
"Request an Item." Click here for access policy.
Language: Collection material in German
Open for use by qualified researchers.
Publication Rights
Contact Library Rights and Reproductions
Preferred Citation
Albert Renger-Patzsch papers, 1924-1966, Accession no. 861187, Getty Research Institute, Research Library.
Acquisition Information
Acquired by the repository in 1986.
Processing History
Isabella Zuralski processed the collection and wrote the finding aid.
Alternate Form Available
Pre-war press clippings filed within Series V.A. are available on microfiche.
Related Material
Albert Renger-Patzsch correspondence and poem, 1918-1948 , Accession no. 2006.M.25.
Correspondence between Albert and Agnes Renger-Patzsch and Hugo Hertwig, and letters from Albert Renger-Patzsch to
Martha Buttmann and her son Walter.
Biographical Historial Note
The German photographer Albert Renger-Patzsch (1897 -1966) was born in Wrzburg, Bavaria, and died in Wamel near
Soest, Westphalia. Son of amateur photographer Robert Renger-Patzsch, he learned the techniques of photography early.
Following primary education in Sondeshausen in Thuringia, Albert Renger-Patzsch attended the renowned Kreuzgymnasium
in Dresden. After service in the German Army between 1916 and 1918, he studied chemistry at the Technische Hochschule
in Dresden from 1919 to 1921.
His professional career as a photographer began in the early 1920s at the Folkwang Verlag in Essen, and at the Folkwang
and Auriga Archiv in Hagen, where he was the head of photographic services. In 1923, he served as head of a photographic
service agency in Berlin. In that same year, he married Agnes von Braunschweig and moved briefly to Kronstadt (Brasov) in
Romania. His daughter Sabine was born in 1924, his son Ernst Normann in 1926. In 1924 Renger-Patzsch returned briefly to
Darmstadt to work at the Auriga Verlag, the successor of the Folkwang Verlag. In 1925 he left the Auriga Verlag to become
a freelance photographer, joined the Deutscher Werkbund, and moved with his family to Bad Harzburg, near Braunschweig.
His first exhibition was mounted in his studio.
Between 1924 and 1937, Renger-Patzsch collaborated on several book projects, including the series Die Welt der Pflanze,
conceived by Ernst Fuhrmann (volumes Crassula and Orchideen, both 1924). Other project partners included Rudolf
Schwarz ( Wegweisung der Technik, 1928), Carl Georg Heise ( Lbeck, 1928), and the Auriga Verlag ( Das Chorgesthl von
Kappenberg, 1925). His influential book Die Welt ist schn appeared in 1928, published by Kurt Wolff Verlag in Munich; the
Einhorn Verlag edition followed in the same year. In 1927, Carl Georg Heise organized an exhibition of Renger-Patzsch's
photographic work at the Behnhaus in Lbeck. In 1928, Renger-Patzsch participated in the exhibition Kunst und Technik at
the Museum Folkwang in Essen; he also held two individual exhibitions, one at the Kunstgewerbemuseum in Zurich and
another at the Grafisches Kabinett in Munich.
In 1929 Renger-Patzsch moved with his family to Essen, where he had a studio and office at the Museum Folkwang. During
this time he worked intensively with the industrial architect Fritz Schupp, and made architectural photographs for the
architect and director of the Kunstgewerbeschule Aachen, Rudolf Schwarz. The first retrospective exhibition of his work
took place in 1931 at the Museum Folkwang in Essen. His industrial photographs, published in the book Eisen und Stahl
(1931), won a silver medal at the Milan Triennale in 1933. During 1933, Renger-Patzsch lectured at the Folkwang School in
Essen, and took over the chair of photography from Max Burchartz.
Between 1938 and 1940, Renger-Patzsch received his first commissions from the chemical concern C. H. Boehringer Sohn
in Ingelheim: Hospitalbauten in Europa aus zehn Jahrhunderten (first issued in 1967), a book about hospital buildings in
Europe with text by Dankwart Leistikow, and Historische Apotheken Deutschlands (year of issue unknown), a book about
historical pharmacies. During the years 1941 to 1944, Renger-Patzsch worked on the book projects Paderborn (first issued
in 1949) and Land am Oberrhein (appearing in 1944 in small edition). In 1943, he was commissioned by the Todt
Organization to take pictures of the Western defences of the German forces in Normandy and Brittany. A large part of
Renger-Patzsch's archive in the Museum Folkwang was destroyed during an air raid on Essen in 1944. Shortly afterwards
Renger-Patzsch moved with his family to Wamel on the Mhnesee, near Soest, where he lived for the remainder of his life.
Bestndinge Welt, a small volume with landscape photographs with text by Helene Henze, initiated his post-war work in
1947. The year 1949 marked the start of long-term commission work for the firm Schubert & Salzer, a spinning machine
manufacturer in Ingolstadt, as well as the continuation of work begun in 1932 for the glass manufacturer Jenaer Glaswerk
Schott & Gen., and the firm C. H. Boehringer Sohn in Ingelheim. He also undertook commissions for the architects Fritz
Schupp in Essen and Hans Schwippert in Dsseldorf. The Siepman Werke in Belecke commissioned Renger-Patzsch to
produce two publications: Bilder aus der Landschaft zwischen Ruhr und Mhne (1957) and Bauten zwischen Ruhr und
Mhne (1959). During the 1950s and 1960s Renger-Patzsch collaborated with the publisher Mocker & Jahn in Soest on the
book projects Schloss Cappenberg (1953) and Soest (1963); he received commissions from numerous industrial companies
in Germany. He also traveled throughout Europe, with several trips to Italy for the book project Hohenstaufenburgen in
Sditalien (1961). This book, with text by Hanno Hahn, was commissioned by the firm C. H. Boehringer Sohn, which also
commissioned the books Bume (1962) and Gestein (1966), both with text by Ernst Jnger. A professional relationship
developed between Renger-Patzsch and the German dendrologist Wolfgang Haber, who accompanied Renger-Patzsch on
his trips to Italy and wrote texts for Im Wald (1965) and Bume.
During the postwar years Renger-Patsch lectured on photography throughout Germany. His photographic work was
recognized and awarded. In 1957, the Gesellschaft Deutscher Lichtbildner honored Renger-Patzsch with the David Octavius
Hill Medal. In 1960, he received the prestigious culture prize of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Photographie. In 1961, he
received a gold medal from the Photographische Gesellschaft Wien for his life's work. In 1963, the television station
Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne broadcast the documentary Portrait of the Photographer Albert Renger-Patzsch. In
1965, the Minister of Culture awarded to Renger-Patzsch the North Rhine-Westphalia state prize for artistic achievement.
Also in 1965, the German photographer Lotte Jacobi showed Renger-Patzsch's photographs in her gallery in Deering, New
Hampshire, and the Art Institute of Chicago included his works in its annual photography exhibition.
Albert Renger-Patzsch died on September 27, 1966 in Wamel. In December of that year, a memorial exhibition was
mounted in the Ruhrland- und Heimatmuseum in Essen. In 1970 and 1971, commemorative exhibitions were held in
Bremen and Hamburg.
Scope and Content of Collection
The archive documents Albert Renger-Patzsch's professional life and provides detailed information about his
business-related activities, especially his work on book projects and private commissions for industrial firms. It also allows
insight into his artistic views on photography and the technical details of his photographic workshop. A small portion of the
archive consists of personal documents and family correspondence. Almost all items are in German; most are typescripts,
or carbon copies of typescripts, especially letters by Albert Renger-Patzsch. Relatively few are in old German handwriting.
The main portion of the archive consists of post-war correspondence between Renger-Patzsch and numerous institutions,
industrial firms, and individual correspondents. A relatively small part of the correspondence dates from the time before the
war. Set apart is the predominantly business-related correspondence of Renger-Patzsch's widow Agnes and his son Ernst,
and the personal correspondence of Albert Renger-Patzsch, mainly letters from his mother Frieda and other relatives. Two
separate groups of correspondence are organized by topic.
Another significant portion of the archive presents ca. 30 drafts of mostly unpublished lectures and articles about
photography by Albert Renger-Patzsch.
A large number of ephemeral publications, newspaper clippings and offprints related to Albert Renger-Patzsch provides
information about the scope and reception of his photographic work before and after the war, his book projects, exhibitions,
and other professional activities. Also included are a small number of personal documents related to Albert Renger-Patzsch
and his family, a few portrait photographs taken by his daughter Sabine, poems by unknown authors, and business-related
bills and receipts.
The archive includes several drafts of book texts by other authors: both texts about Renger-Patzsch and texts written to
accompany Renger-Patzsch's books of photographs. Also in the archive are drafts of texts unrelated to Albert
Renger-Patzsch, including 9 unpublished texts by the German ecologist Hugo Hertwig.
The papers are organized in 9 series: Series I. Correspondence 1924-1966 Series II. Family and personal correspondence
1924-1977 Series III. Correspondence by topic 1952-1967 Series IV. Writings by Albert Renger-Patzsch 1954-1958 and
undated Series V. Ephemera 1927-1980; Series VI. Personal papers 1890-1974 Series VII. Bills and receipts 1930,
1962-1967 Series VIII. Manuscripts related to Albert Renger-Patzsch 1927-1967, undated Series IX. Texts unrelated to
Albert Renger-Patzsch 1922-1928, undated
Unidentified items are filed at the end of each series. Oversize items from various series are filed in Box 24*.
Subjects: personal names
Arapoff, Cyril
Barth, Emil, 1890-1958
Brandt, Bill
Erfurth, Hugo, 1874-1948
Fohn, Emanuel, 1881-1966
Freckmann, Karl, b. 1890
27, 1956 at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt in Freiburg, Breisgau. Renger-Patzsch, Albert. "Versuch einer Einordnung der
Photographie," in: Verffentlichungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Photographie. Kln : Deutsche Gesellschaft fr
Photographie, 1960. 4. Heft, Dezember 1960, p. 3-8.Renger-Patzsch, Albert. "Over de grenzen der fotografie," in: Foto :
universeel tijdschrift voor fotografie . Antwerp, Netherlands : C. Misset, 1961. August 1961, p. 396-401.Kempe, Fritz. "Der
Vater der modernen Fotografie: ber Albert Renger-Patzsch," in: Foto Prisma. Dsseldorf : K. Knapp, 1964. Heft 9,
September 1964, p. 451-457.Kleinstra, Hille. "Foto's van bossen en bomen van Albert Renger-Patzsch," in: Foto : universeel
tijdschrift voor fotografie. Antwerp, Netherlands : C. Misset, 1964. September 1964, p. 412-419.
Box 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Burmeister, Werner,1929
Scope and Content Note
A letter to Werner Burmeister in which R.P. expresses his anger and frustration
about the layout of the book Norddeutsche Backsteindome [1930].
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 1
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Feininger, Nona, 1932
Scope and Content Note
1 personal letter to R.P. by the photographer Nona Feininger.
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 2
Box 1 , Folder 3
Box 1 , Folder 4
Box 1 , Folder 4
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 4
Box 1 , Folder 4
Box 1 , Folder 4
Box 1 , Folder 4
Box 1 , Folder 4
Box 1 , Folder 5
Box 1 , Folder 5
Box 1 , Folder 5
Box 1 , Folder 5
Box 1 , Folder 5
Krander, 1927
Scope and Content Note
1 postcard to R.P. asking for zoo photos.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 5
Box 1 , Folder 5
Kroner, 1925
Scope and Content Note
1 personal letter to R.P.
Box 1 , Folder 5
Box 1 , Folder 5
Box 1 , Folder 5
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Mauritius-Verlag, 1932
Scope and Content Note
1 letter from Ernst Meyer at the Mauritius-Verlag in Berlin, asking R.P. to take
initiative against a fraud case.
Box 1 , Folder 6
Merseburg, 1924-1925
Scope and Content Note
1 personal letter to R.P.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 6
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 7
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 8
Box 1 , Folder 9
Box 1 , Folder 9
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 9
Box 1 , Folder 9
Box 1 , Folder 9
Box 1 , Folder 9
Box 1 , Folder 9
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 10
Box 1 , Folder 11
Box 1 , Folder 11
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesIA.Pre-war correspondence, 1924-1936
Box 1 , Folder 11
Box 1 , Folder 11
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 2, Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 2, Folder 1
Box 2, Folder 1
Box 2, Folder 1
Box 2, Folder 1
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 2
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 3
Box 2, Folder 3
Box 2, Folder 3
Box 2, Folder 3
Box 2, Folder 3
Box 2, Folder 4
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 2, Folder 5
Box 2, Folder 6
Box 2, Folder 7
Box 2, Folder 8
Box 2, Folder 9
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 2, Folder 10
Box 2, Folder 11
Box 2, Folder 12
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 3, Folder 1
Box 3, Folder 2
Box 3, Folder 3
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 3 , Folder 4
Box 3, Folder 5
Box 4, Folder 1
Box 4, Folder 2
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 4, Folder 3
Box 4, Folder 4
Box 4, Folder 5
Box 4, Folder 6
Box 5, Folder 1
Box 5, Folder 1
Box 5, Folder 1
Box 5, Folder 1
Dambleff, 1951-1952
Scope and Content Note
1 postcard to R.P. and 2 business letters by R.P. to Baurat Dambleff,
Staatshochbauamt, Soest/Westf.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 5, Folder 1
Box 5, Folder 2
Box 5, Folder 3
Box 5, Folder 3
Box 5, Folder 3
Box 5, Folder 3
Box 5, Folder 3
Box 5, Folder 4
Box 5, Folder 4
Box 5, Folder 4
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 5, Folder 4
Box 5, Folder 4
Box 5, Folder 4
Box 5, Folder 5
Box 5, Folder 6
Box 5, Folder 7
Box 5, Folder 7
Box 5, Folder 7
Box 5, Folder 7
Box 5, Folder 8
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Dinker (Kirchengemeinde : Hamm, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany),
Box 5, Folder 8
Box 5, Folder 8
Box 5, Folder 8
Box 5, Folder 8
Box 5, Folder 8
Box 5, Folder 8
Du Selbst, 1965
Scope and Content Note
3 items: 2 business letters from the editor of the magazin Du Selbst, eine
Zeitschrift fr Frauen, and 1 response by R.P.
Box 6, Folder 1
Box 6, Folder 1
Box 6, Folder 1
Box 6, Folder 1
Box 6, Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 6, Folder 1
Box 6, Folder 1
Box 6, Folder 1
Box 6, Folder 1
Box 6, Folder 2
Box 6, Folder 3
Box 6, Folder 3
Box 6, Folder 3
Box 6, Folder 3
Box 6, Folder 3
Box 6, Folder 3
Box 6, Folder 4
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Fermata-Gesellschaft, 1962
Scope and Content Note
2 order forms (on 3 leaves) with orders to R.P.
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 4
Box 6, Folder 5
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 6, Folder 5
Box 6, Folder 5
Box 6, Folder 5
Box 6, Folder 6
Box 6, Folder 6
Box 6, Folder 6
Folkwangschulen Essen,undated
Scope and Content Note
1 business letter to R.P., annotated on verso.
Box 6, Folder 6
Box 6, Folder 6
Box 6, Folder 7
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 6, Folder 7
Box 6, Folder 7
Box 6, Folder 7
Box 6, Folder 7
Box 6, Folder 7
Box 6, Folder 7
Box 6, Folder 7
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 6, Folder 7
Box 6, Folder 8
Box 6, Folder 8
Box 6, Folder 8
Box 6, Folder 8
Box 6, Folder 8
Box 7, Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 7, Folder 1
Box 7, Folder 1
Box 7, Folder 1
Box 7, Folder 1
Box 7, Folder 2
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 7, Folder 3
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 4
Gesine, 1958
Scope and Content Note
1 letter to R.P. signed "Gesine" and dated Nov. 18, 1958.
Box 7, Folder 4
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 4
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 5
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 5
Box 7, Folder 6
Box 7, Folder 6
Box 7, Folder 6
Box 7, Folder 6
Box 7, Folder 6
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 7, Folder 6
Box 7, Folder 6
Box 7, Folder 6
Box 7, Folder 6
Box 7, Folder 7
Box 7, Folder 7
Box 7, Folder 7
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 7, Folder 7
Box 7, Folder 7
Gutehoffnungshtte, 1950
Scope and Content Note
2 items, including 1 by R.P.: correspondence regarding a photograph R.P. took
in the 1930s at the Gutehoffnungshtte, Werk Sterkrade in Oberhausen.
Box 7, Folder 7
Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1952-1961
Scope and Content Note
3 letters from the Gutenberg-Gesellschaft in Mainz to R.P. soliciting his
membership. Memership card for 1960-1961.
Box 7, Folder 8
Box 7, Folder 8
Box 7, Folder 8
Box 8, Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 8, Folder 2
Box 8, Folder 3
Box 8, Folder 4
Box 8, Folder 5
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 8, Folder 5
Box 8, Folder 5
Box 8, Folder 5
Box 8, Folder 5
Henze, Anton,1953
Scope and Content Note
1 letter to R.P. by the art historian, asking for permission to include photos by
R.P. in his book about ecclesiastical art [ Neue kirchliche Kunst, 1958;
photographs of ecclesiastical furniture designed by Hugo Kkelhaus].
Box 8, Folder 6
Box 8, Folder 6
Box 8, Folder 6
Box 8, Folder 6
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 8, Folder 7
Box 8, Folder 7
Hergerder-Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia
Hergerder, 1952
Scope and Content Note
1 letter of recommendation from R.P. to Miss Hergerder [in Bielefeld] regarding
his former student Christa Grnitz.
Box 8, Folder 7
Box 8, Folder 7
Box 8, Folder 7
Box 8, Folder 7
Box 8, Folder 8
Box 8, Folder 8
Box 8, Folder 8
Box 8, Folder 8
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 8, Folder 8
Box 8, Folder 8
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 1
Box 9, Folder 2
Box 9, Folder 3
Box 9, Folder 3
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 9, Folder 3
Box 9, Folder 3
Box 9, Folder 3
Insel-Verlag, 1955-1956
Scope and Content Note
16 items (on 18 leaves), including 8 by R.P.: business correspondence between
R. P. and the Insel-Verlag in Wiesbaden (Friedrich Michael, Moritz Hauptmann,
Hans Rsner). The letters concern a book project about Hugo Erfurt. R.P. writes
about the significance of Hugo Erfurth's portrait photography; lists several
artists portrayed by Erfurth, also mentions the photographer David Octavius
Hill. Included is a listing (3 leaves) of portrait photographs by Hugo Erfurth
received from Erfurth's widow Annemarie Erfurth and sent to the Insel-Verlag.
R.P. also writes about his work for the book project Hohenstaufenburgen in
Box 9, Folder 3
Box 9, Folder 3
Box 9, Folder 3
Box 9, Folder 4
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 9, Folder 4
Box 9, Folder 4
Box 9, Folder 4
Box 9, Folder 4
Jagon, 1955
Scope and Content Note
1 letter to R.P. regarding purchasing photographs.
Box 9, Folder 4
Box 9, Folder 4
Box 9, Folder 4
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 9, Folder 4
Box 9, Folder 4
Box 9, Folder 4
Box 9, Folder 5
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
Katzmann-Verlag, 1959
Scope and Content Note
3 items, including 1 by R.P.: letters regarding photographs by R.P. for the 1960
calendar Meisterwerke christlicher Kunst, issued by the Katzmann-Verlag in
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 6
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 9, Folder 6
Box 9, Folder 7
Box 9, Folder 7
Box 9, Folder 7
Box 9, Folder 7
Box 9, Folder 7
Box 9, Folder 7
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 10, Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 10, Folder 1
Klsch-Flzer-Werke, 1953
Scope and Content Note
3 items, including 1 by R.P.: correspondence with the blast furnace
manufacturer Klsch-Flzer-Werke in Siegen, asking R.P. for reprints of a
photograph. In his letter R.P. lists his photographs of smelteries, indicating
which negatives were lost during the war.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 10, Folder 2
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Khn, 1953
Scope and Content Note
1 business letter from R.P. to Ministerialrat Khn in Dsseldorf. Annotated by
R.P. and by Khn.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 10, Folder 4
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Molnar, 1965
Scope and Content Note
1 letter from R.P. to Dr. Molnar at the Werbeagentur Dr. Hegemann GmbH in
Dsseldorf, in which he presents his opinion about contemporary photography.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 11, Folder 1
Photobltter, 1960
Scope and Content Note
4 items, including 2 by R.P.: correspondence between R.P. and the editors of
Photobltter (Eberle, Reuter); asking R.P. to contribute photographs for a
forthcoming issue devoted to the theme landscape. Annotated by R.P.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Photo-Magazin, 1953-1957
Scope and Content Note
2 items, including 1 by R.P.: correpondence with Dr. Croy, editor of the
Photo-Magazin in Munich. Croy's letter to R.P. regards a series of articles about
the darkroom experience of several well-known photographers. R.P. refers to an
extensive article about his photographic work published in 1957 in the
Photo-Magazin. The letter by R.P. is annotated.
Photo-Presse, 1955
Scope and Content Note
1 letter by R.P.; cancelling a subscription.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 11, Folder 6
Quick, 1964
Scope and Content Note
2 items (on 3 leaves), including 1 by R.P.: professional correspondence between
R.P. and B. Naegele from the editorial office of Quick; regarding R.P.'s
membership in the foundation Stiftung zur Frderung der Photographie. With a
mention of L. Fritz Gruber.
Rahm, undated
Scope and Content Note
1 letter signed "Rahm", without formal address, in verse.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 11, Folder 8
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 12, Folder 1
Ruhrtalsperrenverein, 1955
Scope and Content Note
7 items, including 3 by R.P.: correspondence with the Ruhrtalsperrenverein in
Delecke, regarding a permit for R.P. to take photographs near the dam. R.P.
writes about his landscape photographs.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 12, Folder 3
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 12, Folder 5
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 12, Folder 9
Schott, Erich, [ Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen.], 1959-1966 and undated
Scope and Content Note
29 items (on 34 leaves), including 10 by R.P.: correspondence between R.P. and
the firm Jenaer Glaswerk & Gen. (Erich Schott and W. Hahland) concerning orders
of reprints and enlargements. The 1965 portion concerns the purchase of
negatives R.P. made for the firm in the 1930s and includes a list of 598 negatives.
Included is a letter by R.P. regarding the artist and photographer Fritz Brill, and an
unsigned typescript refering to the honorary doctorate awarded to Erich Schott by
the University of Mainz. Schott's letter from Feb. 8, 1962 has drawings in R.P.'s
hand on verso.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Standard-Verlag, 1957
Scope and Content Note
4 items, including 2 by R.P.: correspondence with the publishing house
Standard-Verlag in Hamburg; regarding reprints of R.P.'s photographs for Bau,
Raum, Gert [1957] (vol. 2 of the series Die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts).
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 13, Folder 8
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 14, Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 14, Folder 3
Stber, 1949
Scope and Content Note
1 postcard to R.P. from family Stber in Mannbach am Rhein.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 14, Folder 3
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 14, Folder 5
Urban-Verlag, 1949
Scope and Content Note
1 letter by R.P. to the Urban-Verlag in Freiburg in Breisgau, concerning
copyright for his photograph included in Der romanische Kirchenbau im Elsass
[1944] by Rudolf Kautzsch.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 14, Folder 6
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 14, Folder 10
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 14, Folder 11
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 15, Folder 1
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 15, Folder 2
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 15, Folder 3
Zink, 1960
Scope and Content Note
1 letter by R.P. to Dr. Zink, in which R.P. responds to criticism concerning his
lecture at the Hochschule Hannover.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
E. S. 1960
Scope and Content Note
1 letter to R.P. signed E. S.; congratulating R.P. for being awarded the culture
prize. With a newspaper clipping attached.
Lenchen, 1956-1961
Scope and Content Note
4 letters by R.P. to "Lenchen" in Freiburg: R.P. writes about his book projects
Gestein and Bume (calling the latter "... eine vollkommene Negierung unserer
Zeit ...") and a commission to photograph machines in Ingolstadt [Deutscher
Spinnereimaschinenbau Ingolstadt?]; expresses his opinion about current trends
in art and literature (especially abstract art and Heinrich Bll); and mentions his
professional contacts with Ernst Jnger and Carl Georg Heise.
SeriesI.Correspondence, 1924-1966
SeriesI.B.Post-war correspondence, 1943-1966
Box 15, Folder 6
W., G. 1956
Scope and Content Note
1 post card to R.P. sent from Stockholm; signed "Holi" [?] and "G.W. c/o Dr.
med. Kurt [?] in Hamburg".
Miscellaneous, 1947-1958
Scope and Content Note
12 items: a birthday poem for R.P. dated "Zum 22. Juni 1947", 1 caricature
drawing annotated by R.P., 5 obituaries (Annie Schningh and Hanno Hahn), an
empty postal envelope addressed to R.P. in Wamel, and 3 decorative telegrams
to R.P. congratulating him on the culture prize: from Helmut and Alison
Gernsheim, Erich Schott, and Adolf and Aenne Schulte-Guenne; also a letter to
R.P. dated April 14, 1951.
Dierks, 1966
Scope and Content Note
4 items, including 1 by Agnes R.P.: correspondence concerning the estate of the
late R.P. Included are 2 letters from Dr. Dierks ["Wirtschaftsprfer"] from the
Westflische Landesbausparkasse in Mnster.
Gebrder-Busch-Kreis, 1972
Scope and Content Note
5 items, including 1 by Agnes R.P. Correspondence with the organization
Gebrder-Busch-Kreis in Hilchenbach-Dahlbruch [ written by Wolfgang Burbach]
regarding the exhibition Westflische Wasserburgen. [Also see checklist filed in
Box 20, F. 11].
Harder, 1967
Scope and Content Note
1 letter by Agnes R.P., refering to a list of photographs by Albert R.P. and an
exhibition of his work.
V[?], 1967
Scope and Content Note
1 letter to Agnes A.P. dated July 4, 1967. The author writes about the light in the
exhibition space in the castle in Arnsberg where R.P. s photographs were
shown; and mentions sending to Agnes R.P. a list of 88 "Sujets" for a publication
about R.P. With a mention of Korkmann and Krenz.
Box 16
Box 16, Folder 1
Scope and Content Note
2 items: a letter to Agnes R.P. signed "Bi", and an envelope. On letterhead of
Ford-Werke AG. in Kln-Niehl. With a mention of Helmut Gernsheim, Hoya, Walter
Boje, and Henner.
"Als ich der freudlichen Aufforderung Professor Steinerts, zu Ihnen von meiner
Auffassung der Photographie zu sprechen, zusagte ..."
Scope and Content Note
4 leaves. R.P.'s views on photography.
"Ausweg aus dem Chaos, einige Gedanken zur heutigen Situation der Fotografie"
Scope and Content Note
9 leaves and 1 small typed clipping with a quote from Hippolyte Taine. 2 complete
versions, and 2 additional versions of page 3 only. All versions signed. R.P. writes about
subjectivity in photography and mentions Man Ray, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, and Otto
"Autobiographisches ..."
Scope and Content Note
11 leaves: 2 versions. An autobiographical text detailing R.P.'s development as a
Scope and Content Note
12 leaves: 3 versions, each on 4 leaves. One version is titled by hand "Ersatzteilkatalog"
and includes numerous editing corrections. R.P. reflects on the difficulties of rendering
industrial spare parts of cotton machinery. [Also see correspondence related to R.P.'s
commission for Deutsche Spinnerei-Maschinenbau AG in Ingolstadt.]
Scope and Content Note
2 leaves. Leaf 2 has a drawing in red crayon on verso. A biting critical review of a
photography exhibition held in Stuttgart: "... eine Bltenlese fotografischer Eintagsfliegen
in anspruchsvoller Aufmachung."
Scope and Content Note
18 leaves, including 1 ms.: 3 versions. An article on landscape photography.
Scope and Content Note
10 leaves. An article about photography of plants; with detailed technical suggestions.
Scope and Content Note
3 leaves. An attempt to define the word "photogenic".
"Ueber Architekturaufnahmen"
Scope and Content Note
5 leaves, including 3 ms. An article on photography of architecture.
"ber bestimmte Dinge wird man sich erst klar, wenn man in Lagen gert, durch die
man gezwungen wird, darber nachzudenken"
Scope and Content Note
14 leaves: 4 copies. A speech given by R.P. to an organisation of artisans
[Handwerskammer] on the occasion of the departure of its manager. R.P. describes the
impact of mass society, electric power and motorization on the artisan's profession.
"Ueber die Grenzen der Photographie. Kann die Photographie den Typus
Scope and Content Note
8 leaves: 2 copies. R.P. rejects the idea that (portrait) photography can depict a certain
type of person, representative of his times, race or profession. He argues that "type' is an
abstract idea.
"Vortrag Mnchen"
Scope and Content Note
17 leaves. Annotated. Leaf 17 has a technical drawing in pen in verso. A lecture on
aesthetics of photography, including landscape photography.
"Vortrag Mnster"
Scope and Content Note
44 leaves: 2 copies (16 and 28 leaves), partially annotated. R.P. reflects on the evolution
of modern photography and the problematic relationship between photography and art,
discusses landscape photography and gives his own definition of photography.
"Wenig bekannt ist, dass mit fotografischen Mitteln ein restlos hnliches Portrt
ganz selten zu erzielen ist ..."
Scope and Content Note
3 leaves. R.P. writes about the limits of professional portrait photography which he feels
will slowly die out.
"Wo steht die Fotografie heute? Lichtbildvortrag von Albert Renger-Patzsch gehalten
am 12. Mrz 1956, 1956
Scope and Content Note
20 leaves: 17 leaves of a lecture in which R.P. tries to define aesthetics of photography as
a graphic medium "sui generis" in its relation to technology and art. Among others, R.P.
mentions David Octavius Hill, Hugo Erfurth and Edward Steichen's exhibition The family
of man. Also included are 3 annotated leaves of an earlier version. The lecture was held
at the Staatliche Landesbildstelle Hamburg. [See also poster filed in Box 20, F. 4. ]
Obergutachten, 1954
Scope and Content Note
2 leaves. An expert opinion of R.P. written in connection with a lawsuit between
Photo-Selliers and Frderanlagen Wilhelmshaven.
"Am Rande des Industriegebietes, nahe der alten Stadt Soest, wird in einer kleinen
Werkstadt ein altes Handwerk gebt ..."
Scope and Content Note
1 leaf. Annotated. An article about the printing workshop of Hermann Ktelhn. Typed on
verso of the letterhead of Haus Ktelhn.
Unidentified texts,
Scope and Content Note
8 leaves: 5 unidentified texts , including one about Walter Gropius's student dormitory at
Harvard University, as an example of the illusion of movement in architecture. Includes a
quote from Kant.
SeriesV.Ephemera, 1927-1980
SeriesV.A.Press clippings, 1927-1980
SeriesV.Ephemera, 1927-1980
SeriesV.A.Press clippings, 1927-1980
Box Box 24* ,
Folder 2
SeriesV.Ephemera, 1927-1980
SeriesV.A.Press clippings, 1927-1980
Miscellaneous press clippings related to Albert Renger-Patzsch, 1962- 1977,
SeriesV.Ephemera, 1927-1980
SeriesV.B. Offprints and other printed ephemera, 1927-1972
Box 20, Folder 1
SeriesV.Ephemera, 1927-1980
SeriesV.B. Offprints and other printed ephemera, 1927-1972
Publications, 1953-1961
Scope and Content Note
5 items: an engagement announcement; a poster for R.P.'s lecture Wo steht die
Fotografie heute? (held on March 12, 1956 at Staatliche Landesbildstelle Hamburg,
filed in Box 24, F. 5); an unidentified fragment of statutes of an association,and 2
items related to Rudolf Schwarz: prospectus for Kirchenbau, Welt vor der Schwelle,
and Rudolf Schwarz's obituary.
Publications, 1962
Scope and Content Note
4 items: an offprint from Collection de Photo-cinma, published by Photo-Club du
Val-de-Bivre: includes articles on photography by Jean Adhemar, Jean Fage, Lucien
Lorelle, Daniel Masclet, Marcel Bovis, Charles Perussaux, Jean Leroy (about Eugne
Atget), and Lucienne Contreras. 3 items related to the 31st international exhibition
organized by Photo Cin Club du Val-de-Bivre Les grands photographes de notre
temps, held at Htel de ville de Versailles, June 8 - July 1, 1962, including a text about
the exhibition [author unknown, incomplete, only the first two pages are present in
the archive]. Also: 1 issue of L'officiel de la photographie et du cinma, (no. 96, June
62) published by F.I.A.P. (Fdration internationale de l'art photographique).
Publications, 1965
Scope and Content Note
2 items: typescript catalog of the exhibition Albert Renger-Patzsch photographer,
thirty-nine prints , held at Lotte Jacobi Place in Deering, New Hampshire. Also:
prospectus for the book Im Wald [filed in Box 24*, F.5].
SeriesV.Ephemera, 1927-1980
SeriesV.B. Offprints and other printed ephemera, 1927-1972
Box 20, Folder 9
Publications, 1972
Scope and Content Note
2 items: checklist of the exhibition Westflische Wasserburgen, held Feb. 6-27, 1972
at Sauerland-Museum Arnsberg, with photographs by Albert Renger-Patzsch and
Sabine Renger-Patzsch; and an award certificate for R.P. for his participation at
Kalenderschau 1972.
Photographs, 1951-1966
Scope and Content Note
4 black and white photographs of R.P., including 1 post-mortem. Three have Sabine
Renger's firm stamp on verso.
Author unknown. Die rote Marie, oder, die heilige Jungfrau der Bauern und
Proleten , undated
Scope and Content Note
1 typescript (3 leaves). Treatment for a historical movie set during the time of the
Peasants' War [1525].