Parts of The Mass 2 PDF
Parts of The Mass 2 PDF
Parts of The Mass 2 PDF
Introductory Rites
These parts are at the
beginning of Mass
This is when the opening
song is sung and the priest
and altar servers process
After the entrance song the
priest greets the people
with a blessing; the sign of
the cross
Penitential Act
This is when the priest
invites the people to recall
their sinfulness and ask
God for forgiveness.
Glory to God
This is when the people
are invited to praise
God and give him glory.
This is the opening
prayer; we ask God to
help us to worship Him
give us grace to be
First Reading
The fist reading is usually
from the
Old Testament.
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
The second reading is
usually from the
New Testament.
Gospel Acclamation
This is statement of praise to
God for the
Good News of Jesus Christ.
This reading is taken
from one of the
This is when the priest
explains and applies the
readings of Scripture to our
lives, helping us to
be faithful to Gods will.
Profession of Faith
(Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed)
Eucharistic Prayer
This prayer includes Preface,
Holy, Holy, Holy, (Sanctus)
Prayer of Consecration, Mystery
of Faith (Anamnesis), Doxology,
Great Amen.
Sign of Peace
This is when we greet
each other with a sign
of peace and
Lamb of God
(Agnus Dei)
This is when we say of
sing praise to the Lamb
of God, who is Jesus
Christ our Savior.
Holy Commuion
This is when we receive the
body and blood of Jesus
and are united with Him in
the Holy Sacrament.
Prayer after
This is when the priest
prays in thanksgiving for
the grace and blessing of
having communion with
Jesus Christ, our Lord and
Concluding Rites
This is when we have
announcements, a final
greeting and blessing.
Greeting and
This is when the priest greets
the people and then blesses
them to go forth and live the
This is when the song of praise
is sung and the priest and altar
servers process out.