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CDC 30972 DS1 PDF
CDC 30972 DS1 PDF
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Suggested Citation
NIOSH [2014]. Shotcrete design and installation compliance testing: early strength, load
capacity, toughness, adhesion strength, and applied quality. By Martin LA, Clark CC, Seymour
JB, and Stepan MA. Spokane WA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS
(NIOSH) Publication No. 2015-107, RI 9697.
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2015107
March 2015
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 1
Development of Portable Test Machines ........................................................................ 1
Shotcrete Characteristics and Application ...................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
Research Impetus and Report Contents ......................................................................... 3
Shotcrete and Weak Rock .............................................................................................. 3
Shotcrete Quality Monitoring for Safety .......................................................................... 3
Background................................................................................................................................ 4
Ground Control and Rockfalls ......................................................................................... 4
Weak Rock Conditions ................................................................................................... 5
Weak Rock Mining Method ............................................................................................. 7
Typical Top-Cut Mining Cycle for Weak Rock ................................................................. 8
Application and Use of Shotcrete for Surface Control in Weak Rock .............................11
Shotcrete Parameters .............................................................................................................. 20
Shotcrete Mix Types ......................................................................................................20
Shotcrete Mix Constituents ............................................................................................23
Shotcrete Reinforcement Methods ................................................................................24
Shotcrete Mix Characteristics ........................................................................................26
Shotcrete Application.....................................................................................................27
Field Testing Methods for Shotcrete Application ...................................................................... 28
Slump Test ....................................................................................................................29
Compression Test .........................................................................................................31
Early Strength, Partial-beam Compression Test ............................................................31
Overcoring and Direct-Tension Pull Test .......................................................................43
Round Determinate Panel Flexural Test ........................................................................57
Comparison of Shotcrete Support Systems Based on RDP Tests .................................84
Quality Control Testing in the Field ................................................................................92
Summary and Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 95
Early Strength, Partial-beam Compression Test ............................................................95
Overcoring and Direct-tension Pull Test ........................................................................96
Round Determinate Panel Test .....................................................................................96
Summary of Discussion .................................................................................................97
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 98
References .............................................................................................................................. 99
Appendix ................................................................................................................................ 105
Equipment Specifications for Portable Shotcrete Test Machines .................................105
Conversion of Pressure Gauge Bond Strength Test Values to Direct Tensile Force ....108
Figure 1. Distribution of lost-time injuries in underground metal mines by accident class,
20062010 (operator and contractor cases)............................................................................... 5
Figure 2. Poor-quality, raveling rock in an underground gold mine in Nevada. ........................... 6
Figure 3. Poor-quality, highly deformable rock in an underground gold mine in Nevada. ............ 6
Figure 4. Final in-cycle application of wet mix shotcrete. ............................................................ 7
Figure 5. Drilling the first blast round. ......................................................................................... 8
Figure 6. Blasting the first round. ............................................................................................... 8
Figure 7. Applying first layer of shotcrete. .................................................................................. 8
Figure 8. Removing blasted rock or muck with loader. ............................................................... 9
Figure 9. Installing short bolts and welded wire mesh. ............................................................... 9
Figure 10. Drilling a second blast round. .................................................................................... 9
Figure 11. Blasting the second round. .......................................................................................10
Figure 12. Installing a second layer of shotcrete. ......................................................................10
Figure 13. Removing blasted rock or muck with loader. ............................................................10
Figure 14. Installing long primary bolts. .....................................................................................11
Figure 15. Installing short bolts and welded wire mesh. ............................................................11
Figure 16. Application of a thin initial layer or flash coat of shotcrete.........................................12
Figure 17. Installation of welded wire mesh, plates, and short bolts. .........................................12
Figure 18. Application of a second layer of shotcrete. ...............................................................13
Figure 19. Completed ground control system with plated, long primary bolts through the
matrix and shorter bolts to the springline. ..................................................................................14
Figure 20. Multi-element ground support system for weak rock. ................................................15
Figure 21. Plan view of primary bolt pattern, looking up at the back from below. .......................16
Figure 22. Flexural failure of shotcrete resulting from insufficient adhesion strength .................17
Figure 23. Two basic types of shotcrete failure modes: A fallout of only shotcrete and
B fallout of shotcrete and rock ................................................................................................17
Figure 24. Schematic of shotcrete loading and failure modes ...................................................18
Figure 25. Supermesh provides support between the primary bolts. .........................................19
Figure 26. Shotcrete failure modes that can be prevented by the addition of welded
wire mesh. ................................................................................................................................19
Figure 27. Simplified schematic of a typical dry mix shotcrete system.......................................21
Figure 28. Operation of a dry mix shotcrete machine equipped with a rotary barrel. .................21
Figure 29. Simplified schematic of a typical wet mix shotcrete system. .....................................22
Figure 30. Operation of a wet mix shotcrete machine................................................................22
Figure 31. Consistency of wet mix shotcrete being loaded into the hopper of a
shotcrete machine.....................................................................................................................30
Figure 32. Filling a slump cone with wet mix shotcrete prior to conducting a slump test in an
underground mine. ....................................................................................................................30
Figure 33. Slump test with wet mix shotcrete showing a 292-mm (11.5-in) slump;
typical slump is 100 to 200 mm (4 to 8 in). ................................................................................31
Figure 34. Portable shotcrete test machine designed by NIOSH researchers. ..........................32
Figure 35. Operation of portable shotcrete test machine. ..........................................................33
Figure 36. Diagram of the compressive forces applied to a partial-beam shotcrete sample
during an early strength test. .....................................................................................................33
Figure 37. Partial-beam shotcrete mold (left) and shotcrete test sample (right). ........................34
Figure 38. Containment fixtures and molds for making partial-beam shotcrete samples ...........35
Figure 39. Loading of a partial-beam shotcrete sample during an eary strength test. ................35
Figure 40. Shotcrete sample showing vertical shear failure. ......................................................36
Figure 41. Shotcrete sample showing single side failure, loaded from top and bottom
of specimen. .............................................................................................................................36
Figure 42. Shotcrete sample showing dual side failure, loaded from top and bottom
of specimen. .............................................................................................................................37
Figure 43. Shotcrete sample showing exposed failure plane. ....................................................37
Figure 44. Shotcrete failure modes ...........................................................................................37
Figure 45. Early-age compressive strength versus curing time for sprayed and cast samples
of K1 shotcrete for 1 to 6 hours of curing time. ..........................................................................38
Figure 46. Early-age compressive strength versus curing time for sprayed partial-beam
samples of 5 shotcrete mixes for 1 to 6 hours of curing time. ....................................................39
Figure 47. Positioning partial-beam shotcrete molds and containment fixtures prior to
shotcreting. ...............................................................................................................................40
Figure 48. Portable test machine for determining early-age strength of shotcrete. ....................41
Figure 49. Loading of partial-beam shotcrete sample during an early strength test. ..................41
Figure 50. Shotcrete sample showing exposed failure plane. ....................................................42
Figure 51. Early-age compressive strength versus curing time for partial-beam samples
of K1 shotcrete with 1 to 6 hours of curing time. ........................................................................43
Figure 52. Schematic of overcoring and direct-tension test equipment for determining
shotcrete adhesion strength. .....................................................................................................45
Figure 53. Operation of overcoring and direct-tension test equipment.......................................45
Figure 54. Tensile loading of shotcrete core sample to determine bond strength. .....................45
Figure 55. Wet drilling with diamond core bit. ............................................................................47
Figure 56. Drill hole configuration with extension rod connected to epoxied stud. .....................48
Figure 57. Schematic showing a vertical cross-section of the drill hole configuration for a
shotcrete bond strength test. .....................................................................................................48
Figure 58. Strap brackets centered around the epoxied stud to anchor the direct-tension
test equipment. .........................................................................................................................49
Figure 59. Pulling unit mounted to mine rib using a three-point safety restraint. ........................50
Figure 60. Typical shotcrete tensile strength test results for 090 day cure time (n=54). ...........50
Figure 61. Shotcrete test core and drill hole from a bond strength test with dry mix shotcrete
applied to a concrete substrate. ................................................................................................52
Figure 62. Shotcrete adhesion test site with three drill stands mounted on mine rib. .................53
Figure 63. Dry drilling the installation hole for the epoxied stud pull anchor. ..............................53
Figure 64. Wet drilling a 102-mm (4-in) diameter hole for the shotcrete adhesion test core
(note bit change). ......................................................................................................................53
Figure 65. Preparing to remove drill stand and install direct-tension test equipment. ................54
Figure 66. Adhesion test #1: core broke in shotcrete and at interface between two
shotcrete layers.........................................................................................................................55
Figure 67. Adhesion test #2: core broke entirely in the top layer of shotcrete. ...........................55
Figure 68. Adhesion test #3: core broke prematurely in weak underlying host rock. ..................55
Figure 69. Adhesion test #3: drill hole and core indicating a tensile failure located primarily
in the host rock..........................................................................................................................56
Figure 70. Test core #3: tensile failure in weak host rock. .........................................................56
Figure 71. Adhesion test cores showing two breaks in shotcrete (left, test 1 and middle,
test 2), and one break in host rock (right, test 3). ......................................................................56
Figure 72. Diagram of the force applied to a round-panel shotcrete sample during
an RDP test. .............................................................................................................................58
Figure 73. Schematic of a portable round determinate panel (RDP) test machine developed
by NIOSH researchers. .............................................................................................................61
Figure 74. Operation of portable round determinate panel (RDP) test machine.........................61
Figure 75. Mold ring used to prepare a round-panel shotcrete sample. .....................................62
Figure 76. Sprayed round-panel shotcrete samples. .................................................................63
Figure 77. Round-panel shotcrete sample positioned in portable RDP test machine. ................63
Figure 78. Broken round-panel test sample showing tension cracks. ........................................64
Figure 79. Synthetic macro fibers exposed along the failure surface of round-panel
shotcrete sample.......................................................................................................................64
Figure 80. Broken round panel sample of fiber-reinforced shotcrete showing the 120 cracks. .65
Figure 81. Typical roof bolt pattern with a superimposed RDP test panel showing the
assumed flexural loading of the shotcrete between the bolts.....................................................65
Figure 82. Load versus displacement curve from RDP test. ......................................................66
Figure 83. Load versus displacement curve from RDP test indicating peak load and
first break. .................................................................................................................................67
Figure 84. Load versus displacement curve from RDP test indicating peak load, residual
load, and the energy or toughness of the shotcrete. ..................................................................67
Figure 85. Energy versus displacement curve from RDP test....................................................68
Figure 86. Spraying round-panel shotcrete samples reinforced with wire mesh. .......................69
Figure 87. Spraying round panel forms with a dry mix shotcrete. ..............................................70
Figure 88. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for SCACR shotcrete mixed
with well water and cured for 8 hours. .......................................................................................71
Figure 89. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for SCACR shotcrete mixed
with mine water and cured for 8 hours. .....................................................................................71
Figure 90. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for SCACR shotcrete mixed
with well water, reinforced with wire mesh, and cured for 28 days.............................................72
Figure 91. Spraying round panel forms with wet mix shotcrete. .................................................73
Figure 92. Swing-type, positive-displacement pump used to apply wet mix shotcrete. ..............73
Figure 93. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for 295-kg (650-lb) mix with
24-hour cure time. .....................................................................................................................74
Figure 94. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for 318-kg (700-lb) mix with
24-hour cure time. .....................................................................................................................74
Figure 95. Load versus displacement and energy versus displacement curves for
5-kg/m3 (8.5-lb/yd3) Shogun fiber mix with 7-day cure time. ......................................................76
Figure 96. Shooting wet mix shotcrete into a round panel form with wire mesh reinforcement. .77
Figure 97. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement
curves for 1.87-kg/m3 (3.15-lb/yd3) Shogun fiber mix with 28-day cure time. .............................81
Figure 98. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement
curves for 2.99-kg/m3 (5.0-lb/yd3) Shogun fiber mix with 28-day cure time. ...............................81
Figure 99. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement
curves for 4.1-kg/m3 (7.0-lb/yd3) Shogun fiber mix with 28-day cure time. .................................82
Figure 100. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement
curves for shotcrete reinforced with six-gauge wire mesh and cured for 28 days. .....................83
Figure 101. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement
curves for shotcrete with a water-reducing admixture that is reinforced with six-gauge wire
mesh and cured for 28 days. .....................................................................................................83
Figure 102. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement
curves for 1.87-kg/m3 (3.15-lb/yd3) Performax fiber mix with 28-day cure time. .........................84
Figure 103. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for round-panel shotcrete
samples reinforced with synthetic macro fiber (polyfiber), steel fiber, or wire mesh. ..................87
Figure 104. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement
curves for round-panel shotcrete samples reinforced with synthetic macro fiber (polyfiber),
steel fiber, or wire mesh. ...........................................................................................................88
Figure 105. Estimated support categories based on tunneling quality index Q ..........................90
Table 1. Summary of all fatalities and injuries in underground metal mines, 20062010
(operator and contractor cases) ................................................................................................. 4
Table 2. Typical water-to-cement ratios for shotcrete ................................................................24
Table 3. Typical mix designs for steel-fiber-reinforced shotcrete with silica fume additive .........26
Table 4. Typical range of shotcrete early strength and re-entry time by region ..........................34
Table 5. Early strength test results for partial-beam shotcrete samples using the NIOSH
portable test machine ................................................................................................................42
Table 6. Typical indicators of the quality of a shotcrete application obtained through a careful
examination of the test core and drill hole .................................................................................46
Table 7. Typical range for shotcrete bond strength with differing substrates .............................46
Table 8. Shotcrete adhesion test results ...................................................................................54
Table 9. Typical minimum load capacity values specified for shotcrete in recent mining and
civil engineering projects in North America for given ground support conditions and RDPT
ram displacements ....................................................................................................................59
Table 10. Typical values specified for shotcrete toughness in recent mining and civil
engineering projects in North America for given ground support conditions ..............................60
Table 11. Comparison of shotcrete toughness performance level to Q-system rock class,
RDPT energy, ground support reinforcement category, and RMR for recent mining projects
in North America .......................................................................................................................60
Table 12. Proportions of various mix constituents for round-panel shotcrete samples at the
Devils Slide Tunnels Project .....................................................................................................75
Table 13. Proportions of various mix constitutents for round-panel samples of reinforced
shotcrete at the Leeville Mine....................................................................................................78
Table 14. Average results from field tests with round-panel shotcrete samples .........................85
Table 15. Summary of shotcrete applications in underground mining for different rock mass
Table 16. Recommended frequency of shotcrete tests for mining applications..........................93
Table 17. Typical corrective actions for shotcrete problems ......................................................94
Table A1. Early strength test machine .....................................................................................105
Table A2. RDP test machine ...................................................................................................106
Table A3. Overcoring and direct-tension test system ..............................................................106
cemented rockfill
European Federation of National Associations Representing
Excavation support ratio
Mine Safety and Health Administration
New Australian Tunneling Method
no days lost
m /m
inches per minute
Executive Summary
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted a research
study to document and develop safe practices for the use of shotcrete as ground support in
underground mines, particularly in underground metal mines operating in weak host rock.
Shotcrete is the generic name for a mixture of cement, sand, fine aggregate, and water that is
applied pneumatically and compacted dynamically under high velocity. The objective of this
research is to reduce mine worker fatalities and injuries resulting from rockfall accidents.
Although the information, techniques, and technology covered in this publication will impact
both the mining and construction sectors, the primary audience is the mining industry with a
focus on underground metal mines operating in weak ground conditions. The information and
practices covered in this publication relating to the use of shotcrete can be put to use by mining
professionals towards improving mine design and ground control plans. The guidance and
practices reported in this document will help safety auditors, mining companies, and shotcrete
suppliers in improving their shotcrete product specifications and the performance of ground
support systems, evaluating ground control plans, and assessing shotcrete quality control.
Ground control safety can be improved by providing these groups with a better understanding of
the use of shotcrete in weak rock conditions, field test methods and equipment for measuring the
strength properties of shotcrete directly at the mine site, and a practical means of conducting
quality control during shotcrete applications.
Development of Portable Test Machines
NIOSH researchers developed three portable test machines for determining shotcrete strength
properties directly at the mine site. These portable test machines can be used to measure the
early-age compressive strength of the shotcrete, the flexural load capacity and toughness of the
shotcrete, and the installed quality and bond strength of the shotcrete that is applied to
underground entries; this enables the test machines to be used to verify safe re-entry times.
Onsite testing of as-placed shotcrete allows the mine personnel and shotcrete supplier to
determine if the shotcrete is performing to design specifications. Using these shotcrete test
1 Research Mechanical Engineer, Ground Control Branch, Office of Mine Safety and Health Research
(OMSHR), NIOSH, Spokane, WA.
2 Mechanical Engineer, Ground Control Branch, Office of Mine Safety and Health Research (OMSHR),
NIOSH, Spokane, WA.
3 Mining Engineer, Ground Control Branch, Office of Mine Safety and Health Research (OMSHR),
NIOSH, Spokane, WA.
4 Engineering Technician, Ground Control Branch, Office of Mine Safety and Health Research (OMSHR),
NIOSH, Spokane, WA.
machines directly at a mine site allows the support capabilities of the shotcrete to be evaluated in
terms of the specific ground conditions, support methods, mining spans, and entry dimensions at
the mine. As a result, mine design decisions regarding the use of shotcrete can be made from a
much more informed position. Ultimately, this enhanced onsite knowledge of shotcrete strength
properties and the quality of shotcrete application techniques can result in better ground support
system designs and procedures, thereby reducing the number of fatalities and injuries associated
with groundfall accidents.
Shotcrete Characteristics and Application
When the shotcrete is applied in-cycle to underground mine surfaces as part of the ground
support system, it becomes important to quantify when mining can safely resume under the
material. As part of the overall ground support system, shotcrete is typically sprayed on the
surface of an underground opening to stabilize the ground and prevent raveling. Shotcrete is also
applied at lower water-to-cement ratios than concrete and develops its own unique strength
characteristics. In addition, the quality of the applied shotcrete, the competency of the underlying
rock, and the load-carrying capability of the shotcrete once cured are of critical importance. The
significant shotcrete characteristics examined in this report are: slump, compressive strength,
tensile strength, early strength, adhesion strength, and flexural strength. Of these shotcrete
characteristics the engineering strength properties that are determined using early strength,
adhesion strength, and flexural strength testing methods are the focus of this report. The
significant shotcrete tests to determine characteristics examined in this research study are:
Early Strength Partial-beam Test used to measure shotcrete cure strength development over
Overcoring and Direct-tension Pull Test used to measure cured shotcrete adhesion strength.
Round Determinate Panel Flexure Test used to measure cured shotcrete load capacity and
Research Impetus and Report Contents
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Office of Mine Safety
and Health Research (OMSHR) Ground Control Branch conducted investigations into the use of
shotcrete as ground support in mines that have weak rock mass with the objective of reducing
fatalities and injuries resulting from rockfall accidents. This Report of Investigations presents the
results of efforts to document current shotcrete ground support system techniques for weak rock
and to determine shotcrete application requirements. In addition, this report also identifies
critical shotcrete strength parameters and presents methods for conducting mine-site
measurements. Finally, this report describes the standards that are currently in use for the safe
and effective application of shotcrete for support in weak rock. In reporting these findings, the
hope is that this information will become more widely accepted and implemented by the mining
and safety community.
Shotcrete and Weak Rock
Shotcrete is sprayed concrete consisting of cement, sand, and fine aggregate that is applied
pneumatically and compacted dynamically under high velocity. Shotcrete has been used to
construct support structures in civil engineering applications for nearly 100 years and for support
in underground mining excavations for at least 40 years [Morgan 2008; Spearing 2001]. The
underground metal mining industry is a major user of shotcrete for engineered underground
support and has pioneered novel applications using shotcrete. The demand for support systems
that can accommodate the extreme underground loadings of weak rock mass, defined as having a
rock mass rating (RMR) from 20 (very poor) to 45 (poor), is being met with the incorporation of
shotcrete into a multi-element ground control system consisting of shotcrete, welded wire mesh,
and plated bolts. The use of shotcrete is an essential factor in the success of this support system,
and when combined with welded wire mesh, this composite system is superior to either welded
wire mesh or fiber-reinforced shotcrete alone in low RMR ground mining conditions. When used
as an essential component of the ground support system, shotcrete is applied during the active
mining cycle, and as such, monitoring the application quality, early strength gain, and long-term
support characteristics of the material is very important.
Shotcrete Quality Monitoring for Safety
In order for the mining cycle to resume safely after the application of shotcrete, under which
the miners and machinery will be working, the shotcrete must first reach a self-supporting state
or strength. NIOSH has undertaken the study of how this shotcrete performance is defined and
how the performance can be determined or monitored in the field. Mine staff must have a means
of quantifiably determining the shotcrete strength after application to keep their mine safe for
their workers and equipment.
Researchers at NIOSH developed shotcrete material testing machines that are used at the
mine site to assist mines in determining if the shotcrete used in the ground control support
system is meeting the specified shotcrete performance requirements. These portable, mine-site
testing machines measure early compressive strength related to re-entry time (amount of time
that elapses before mine workers can safely re-enter an area of the mine), flexural load capacity,
toughness, installed quality, and bond strength.
Ground Control and Rockfalls
As noted by Seymour et al. [2013], rockfalls or groundfalls are a serious hazard in
underground metal mines. From 2006 through 2010, groundfalls caused 50% of the fatalities,
13% of the nonfatal days lost (NFDL) injuries, and 15.9% of the no days lost (NDL) injuries that
occurred in underground metal mines (Table 1). During this time period, groundfall accidents
were the leading cause of fatalities in underground metal mines and also an important
contributing factor in the injuries that were reported by the Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) for the underground metal mining workforce.
Table 1. Summary of all fatalities and injuries in underground metal mines, 20062010
(operator and contractor cases) after Seymour et al. [2013]
Nonfatal days
lost injuries
No days lost
Type of Accident
Groundfall percentage
As shown in Figure 1, groundfalls were the third highest ranking source of lost-time injuries
in underground metal mines from 2006 through 2010. These statistics indicate that ground
control is an extremely challenging issue in underground metals mines and that further ground
support research is needed to address this problem. Because many of these groundfalls occur
between traditional ground support elements (e.g., bolts, trusses, timber, etc.), improvements in
support methods that provide surface control, such as shotcrete and wire mesh, could be expected
to reduce the number of groundfalls and thus, potentially decrease the number of fatalities and
injuries associated with these accidents.
Photos by NIOSH
Photos by NIOSH
Photo by NIOSH
The blast round is then removed. The rounds are designed to break the rock and advance the
drift an additional 3 m (10 ft). Drill hole spacing and explosive load are carefully manipulated to
minimize damage to the surrounding rock (Figure 6).
Following the blast, a shotcrete machine equipped with a remote-controlled manipulator arm
is used to spray an initial layer of shotcrete (flash coat) onto the mine roof and walls to stabilize
the ground and prevent raveling (Figure 7).
The blasted ore is then removed with a mucker operating under supported roof (Figure 8).
This clears the drift of broken rock so that other equipment can be used to install the remaining
ground support components, including bolts and welded wire mesh.
A roof bolting machine is then used to install short, secondary bolts and welded wire mesh
over the first layer (flash coat) of shotcrete (Figure 9).
The next 3-m (10-ft) blast round is then drilled using a jumbo drill (Figure 10).
Following a second blast, the drift is advanced an additional 3 m (10 ft) past the secondary
ground support (short bolts, welded wire mesh, and flash coat of shotcrete) that was installed in
the previous advance (Figure 11).
The shotcrete machine is then used to apply a second layer (final coat) of shotcrete over the
short bolts and welded wire mesh installed in the previous advance as well as a flash coat of
shotcrete over the rock surface exposed by this blast (Figure 12).
The mucker operating under supported roof is again used to remove blasted ore from the drift,
providing access for the roof bolting machine to install additional ground support (Figure 13).
Next, a roof bolting machine is used to install long bolts through the supermesh created by
the short bolts, welded wire mesh, and shotcrete layers. These longer bolts provide the primary
ground support by preventing large blocks of ground from falling into the drift (Figure 14).
This completes the ground support cycle, as the roof bolting machine is once again used to
install welded wire mesh and short bolts over a flash coat of shotcrete (Figure 15).
The squeezing and raveling rock encountered in weak ground is not self-supporting after
excavation and consequently, the support system must be installed concurrently with the active
mining cycle, as previously mentioned. In the ground control system, shotcrete is used to provide
temporary surface control for local stability before the primary support is installed. Because the
shotcrete must become self-supporting before miners and equipment can work safely underneath,
the curing characteristics of the shotcrete are critical to the speed of the mining cycle.
Initially, a thin layer of shotcrete is applied as surface control to prevent the rock from
unraveling (Figure 16). The flash coat is 19 to 25-mm (0.75 to 1-in) thick. This thin layer of
shotcrete stabilizes the newly exposed surface and prevents very small rock and debris from
falling, and also prevents air slacking and dehydration of the rock material exposed in the cracks.
If this material is not confined, the small-sized rock can loosen and fall out, allowing additional
material to displace, which compromises the geometric structure, ultimately causing massive
failure [Bauer and Donaldson 1992].
Next, a 100 x 100 mm (4 x 4 in) six-gauge welded wire mesh is prepositioned, and friction
bolts with plates are installed to hold the mesh in place. This prevents unraveling of the rock and
will temporarily stabilize the ground between the future primary support locations (Figure 17).
The plated short bolts also reduce vibration as the second shotcrete layer is applied to the welded
wire mesh. It must be recognized that the weak rock mass will likely unravel, and the result will
be the individual rock blocks falling from between the bolts; therefore, surface support is
required to contain the rock mass as a single support unit [Pakalnis 2010].
Figure 17. Installation of welded wire mesh, plates, and short bolts.
A second layer of shotcrete is sprayed to encapsulate the welded wire mesh, the short bolts,
plates, and the first layer of shotcrete creating a composite matrix, or supermesh (Figure 18).
Supermesh is applied in such a manner as to form an arch around the opening. The total
thickness of the combined supermesh matrix is 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 in).
The primary ground support is then installed through the supermesh. This consists of long
Swellex roof bolts (from Atlas Copco, Minova) with plates and either 0.9-m (3-ft) friction bolts
or 1.8-m (6-ft) Swellex bolts, depending on the rock mass rating. A view of the completed
ground control system is shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19. Completed ground control system with plated, long primary bolts through the matrix
and shorter bolts to the springline.
Installing the primary support bolts through the supermesh provides a ground support system
that has capabilities not provided by the use of mesh or shotcrete alone. Finally, for the ribs, 0.9m-long (3-ft-long) bolts or 1.8-m-long (6-ft-long) bolts with plates are installed depending on the
RMR (if RMR is < 45, then 1.8-m (6-ft) bolts are installed to support the rib area of the
opening). The long roof bolts are required to stabilize the opening while the supermesh serves to
keep the small rocks from falling between the bolts.
The support profile of a mine opening using the supermesh multi-element ground control
system is shown in Figure 20. The local support provided by the supermesh and short bolts is
shown by the red load cones (small red wedges). The supermesh provides local surface control
holding the rock mass together and enabling the ground support load to be transferred back to the
primary supports, the long bolts. Even after the shotcrete begins to develop cracks and dislodge,
it still provides residual structural support because of the wire mesh embedded within the
shotcrete. The global support provided by the primary bolts is represented by the diamondshaped load cones, shown in Figure 20 as dotted lines. The compression arch formed by the long
rock bolts is the primary structural support and has the greatest influence on stabilizing the mine
opening and preventing failure [Kaiser and Tannant 2001].
Figure 21. Plan view of primary bolt pattern, looking up at the back from below.
The long primary support bolts are installed on a defined bolt spacing pattern along the roof
arch of the opening (Figure 21). The bolt length and spacing are determined by ground control
experts using the appropriate empirical methods. In general, the bolt length and spacing are
based on the height of a wedge of the material the bolts must support. Pakalnis [2008] observed
and reported that the depth of failure in the absence of structural support will be equal to one-half
the opening span.
Figure 22. Flexural failure of shotcrete resulting from insufficient adhesion strength,
after Kuchta [2002].
Figure 23. Two basic types of shotcrete failure modes: A fallout of only shotcrete and B fallout
of shotcrete and rock, after Malmgren and Svensson [1999].
When shotcrete is used in conjunction with roof bolts, several other failure modes are
possible as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24. Schematic of shotcrete loading and failure modes, after Morton et al. [2008],
Barrett and McCreath [1995].
Post Deformation Strength
The inclusion of welded wire mesh reinforcement with shotcrete produces a product with
redundant ground support capabilities in the event the rock mass loading exceeds the capacity of
the shotcrete and cracking occurs. The combination of shotcrete and welded wire mesh creates a
support structure with sufficient flexural stiffness to provide good rock confinement,
displacement prevention, and load-transfer properties back to the primary supports. The welded
wire mesh stabilizes the matrix and continues to provide support through large displacements.
The supermesh can deform while still providing surface control by retaining a sufficient loadcarrying capacity after cracking or failure of the shotcrete (Figure 25) [SRSUM 1999].
Supermesh is better able to withstand the types of shotcrete failure mechanisms previously
described than shotcrete alone. Figure 26 shows the loading of a multicomponent ground control
system in weak rock and the types of failures that can be prevented through the addition of
welded wire mesh. The red arrow indicates the plated bolts placed through the supermesh, and
the orange grid represents the blocky ground mass.
Figure 26. Shotcrete failure modes that can be prevented by the addition of welded wire mesh.
Shotcrete Parameters
Shotcrete Mix Types
This section contains important information about shotcrete and brief descriptions of
shotcrete mix types. The Australian Shotcrete Society [AuSS 2008] provides excellent in-depth
coverage of the shotcrete topic and was used heavily in developing the content in the following
sections of this document. Every effort was made to credit the original source material.
Shotcrete is an engineered product composed of a mixture of cement, sand, fine aggregates,
and admixtures. Admixtures are used to influence spray ability, adhesion, curing time, and cured
strength or toughness. These admixtures come in the form of micro silica, accelerators or
retarders, plasticizers, and reinforcing components (fibers) [Kaiser and Tannant 2001]. Shotcrete
is available as either a wet mix or a dry mix product with the constituent ingredients
preformulated in the correct proportions by the supplier. Shotcrete can be batched onsite or
delivered from the supplier via mix truck.
Shotcrete can be sprayed using either a wet or dry process. After an initial curing time of 24
hours, the final installed product has very similar strength properties regardless of the mix type
process. A number of factors influence the type of shotcrete that is used at a particular mine site,
including the size of the mine opening, quantity of material that must be applied, physical layout
and spacing of the workings, available surface support operations, and other considerations
[Morgan 2008].
Dry Mix Shotcrete
The dry mix shotcrete system uses smaller equipment and requires less capital costs than a
wet mix shotcrete system. Because the equipment is smaller and mobile, the dry system can be
used in all areas. However, dust from dry mix shotcrete can be a problem. The shotcrete
components, which may be slightly predampened to reduce dust, are fed into a hopper with
continuous agitation. Compressed air is introduced through a rotating barrel or feed bowl to
convey the materials into a continuous stream through the delivery hose. Water is added to the
mix at the nozzle (Figure 27 and Figure 28).
Figure 27. Simplified schematic of a typical dry mix shotcrete system, after Mahar et al. [1975].
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 28. Operation of a dry mix shotcrete machine equipped with a rotary barrel.
Wet Mix Shotcrete
The wet mix shotcrete system requires an extensive commitment in terms of capital
expenditure and infrastructure. A batch plant for mixing shotcrete can be set up either on the
surface or underground. For deep mines, a slick line is often used to transport the mixed
shotcrete underground. Once the shotcrete is mixed, a shotcrete transport vehicle is used to
deliver the shotcrete to the application site. In some cases, mix trucks are employed underground
to batch and deliver the mix. The wet mix system typically has higher production rates than the
dry mix process. Although there is less dust in the wet mix process, fogging is significant. After
the batched wet shotcrete mix is delivered to the application site, the shotcrete mix is poured into
a positive displacement pumping unit. The pump then delivers the wet mix hydraulically to the
nozzle where air and an accelerator are added to spray the shotcrete onto the rock surface (Figure
29 and Figure 30).
Figure 29. Simplified schematic of a typical wet mix shotcrete system, after Vandewalle [1993].
Photo by NIOSH
The cement used for wet or dry mix shotcrete is generally a Portland type I/II variety or a
blended cement variation. In many cases the supplier/manufacturer will incorporate
supplementary cementitious materials into the shotcrete.
Supplementary Cementitious Materials
One of the most frequently added materials to cement is fly ash. This material improves the
material flow characteristics and workability of the mix and reduces cost of the cement because it
is a substitute for a portion of the cement. The main characteristic of fly ash is that it produces
good strengths when fully cured. Fly ash is supplied in two forms: (1) normal, which is finely
divided, inorganic, pozzolanic material and (2) special grade, which is a more reactive, faster
curing, and finer variety. Silica fume with finer grade and faster early curing characteristics is also
used. Granulated iron produced from ground furnace slag is also used as an admixture in some
instances to alter the set time or to impart chemical resistance to the cured material [AuSS 2008].
The source aggregate component of each engineered mix is specified along with defined
grading curves and the amount of variation permitted. These factors are the responsibility of the
supplier in cases of proportioned bag or bulk mixes. For onsite batching using source materials,
the mix should have a consistent grading within the allowable variation [AuSS 2008].
Mixing Water
The water used to batch the shotcrete mix is an important component in terms of its effect on
mixing, application, curing, and long-term strength development. The temperature, presence of
mineralization, and/or acidity of the water can affect the shotcrete mix performance. The purity of
the water used to batch and mix the shotcrete should be tested along with allowable temperature
variations. Hot water will accelerate and cold water will delay the cementitious curing process.
The presence of mineralization in some cases will interfere with the cementitious process as will
acidity levels outside the range with which the mix was designed to work [AuSS 2008].
Water-to-cement Ratio
The water-to-cement (w:c) ratio of a shotcrete mix has a strong influence on drying
characteristics, strength development, and long-term durability of the applied material. Water-tocement ratio is obtained by dividing the total water weight by the cementitious materials weight
in the shotcrete mix. For dry mix shotcrete the standard ratio is 35%, and for wet mix shotcrete,
the standard ratio is 45% (Table 2). Water dosage, in terms of using the correct amount of water
to maintain the specified w:c ratio for the shotcrete mix when batching, is critical as it affects the
curing and strength development of the material from initial placement through maturity. The
materials strength must increase to threshold levels in a short amount of time after application in
order for miners and equipment to safely re-enter the heading and then, when fully cured, to reach
a specified ultimate strength. Overwatering the mix when batching or spraying the shotcrete can
reduce the proportion of cementitious materials, delay curing time, reduce the long-term strength
gain, and produce a loss of adhesion at the application surface. Underwatering of the mix can
cause the delivery-application equipment to plug, resulting in a lack of adhesion of the material to
the application surface, producing heavy rebound and segregation of the shotcrete mix,
compromising the hydration process, and reducing the strength of the shotcrete [AuSS 2008].
Table 2. Typical water-to-cement ratios for shotcrete
Typical range, %
Chemical Admixtures
There are a number of chemical admixtures that can be used to change the transport, curing,
and overall timing of the shotcrete application process. The addition of these products, though
helpful in extending working time or improving the transport and application characteristics, can
degrade the support performance of the shotcrete if not used properly. Water reducers may be
used to accelerate or retard curing. Superplasticizers (high-range water reducers) allow for less
water to be used while maintaining good transport and application characteristics. Using reducers
results in higher strengths than a comparable mix that uses excess water to achieve the
workability of the shotcrete. In applications where the mix must be batched and then transported
considerable distances involving time delays, hydration control admixtures can be used to
suspend the hydration process for a period of time. After delivery and prior to application, an
accelerator can then be added to resume the hydration process. Shotcrete accelerators are also
used in situations where adhesion is paramount. However, these accelerators can lower the final
cured strength of the shotcrete [AuSS 2008]. Care should be taken to ensure that the amount of
accelator added at the nozzle does not adversely affect the design strength of the shotcrete.
Shotcrete Reinforcement Methods
Shotcrete can be reinforced through the use of embedded steel mesh or through the addition
of fibers to the mix prior to application. Unreinforced shotcrete exhibits high strength
characteristics in compressive loading but has very low tensile strength and ductility. Weak rock
ground conditions subject the shotcrete to high tensile loads, and therefore additional
reinforcement is often needed in the shotcrete.
Shotcrete Reinforced with Welded Wire Mesh
Shotcrete is applied to welded wire mesh that is positioned over a previously installed flash
coat of unreinforced shotcrete. This embeds the mesh within the shotcrete matrix. The mesh also
helps during shotcrete installation as it provides additional anchor surface area for the shotcrete
to stick on and build up bulk.
In weak rock when tensile stresses cause the brittle shotcrete to fail, the ductile steel provides
toughness (post-crack ductility) that can prolong and preserve the integrity of the structure. The
type of wire mesh reinforcement (wire gauge, grid spacing, and weave style) required for
structural purposes is determined by ground control experts using the appropriate empirical
For weak rock conditions six-gauge, 100 x 100-mm (4 x 4-in) grid welded wire mesh is
used. When used as part of the supermesh system described in the Typical Weak Rock Top-Cut
Mining Cycle section, the welded wire mesh reinforcement is installed following an initial
shotcrete flash coat. A second layer of shotcrete is then applied to encapsulate the wire mesh
reinforcement, followed by the installation of primary bolts with plates through the structure.
When this system is loaded by the rock mass, the forces are distributed into the supermesh
matrix through the encapsulated wire mesh. The grid configuration of the mesh helps to
redistribute the large reactant point loads that the rock bolts would otherwise introduce to the
Toughness describes the ability of the reinforced shotcrete to sustain and redistribute load
after cracking. Toughness is quantified in terms of post-crack, load-carrying capacity or energy
absorption, which can be assessed using panel or beam testing specimens. Guidance on
toughness values to specify for mining applications can be obtained from various geotechnical
design tools. This is covered in more detail in the testing section of AuSS [2008].
Shotcrete Reinforced with Polypropylene or Steel Fiber
As in the use of welded wire mesh described in the Support System section of this document,
the addition of short steel or polypropylene fibers to shotcrete can increase toughness (post-crack
ductility) that can prolong and preserve the integrity of the structure when subjected to tensile
stresses. The selection of welded wire mesh over fiber reinforcement is based on ground
conditions and the mine managements determination of the cost-benefit ratio. In the case of
weak rock conditions, welded wire mesh is used because ground movement in excess of 25 mm
(1 in) is expected and welded wire mesh offers superior performance.
To increase tensile or flexural strength fiber dosage can often be reduced in the unbroken
cementitious material [AuSS 2008]. The benefits of fibers compared to the use of steel mesh
reinforcement include a significant reduction in cost and effort because the equipment and
personnel required for handling and installation of the wire mesh panels are eliminated.
Compared with wire mesh panels, fiber-reinforced shotcrete has advantages in terms of ground
support and cost when applying a uniform thickness of shotcrete over irregular surfaces.
Shotcreting over pre-installed wire mesh panels cannot exactly follow the contour of the rock
surface and, as a result, many bridged voids are created that require more material to be applied
to bring the shotcrete layer up to the plane of the wire mesh and create the necessary
encapsulation. Blinding behind the individual wires of the mesh is also a problem that requires
considerable skill to overcome on the part of the applicator. Problems with fiber reinforcement
are directly related to the fibers themselves. Several mining operations have relayed that they
will not use fiber reinforcement because, in the case of the poly product, it creates serious
problems with the mines water management and removal system because fibers can clog sump
pumps. In the case of the steel fibers, a serious safety issue exists because of the potential for
mine personnel to become injured from abrasive contact with steel fibers.
The batched and mixed shotcrete must have a consistency that can be transported and applied
to the mine surfaces without bleeding (washing out constituent materials or becoming
segregated), including sufficient adhesion and cohesion to stick and hold to overhead surfaces
and not run down vertical surfaces [AuSS 2008].
Early Strength
Re-entry time is critical to the speed of the mining cycle used in weak rock. The applied
shotcrete material must develop enough strength to be self-supporting upon application and
develop additional strength that allows mine workers and equipment to re-enter and install incycle mining support [AuSS 2008].
Flexural Strength
The applied material must develop the specific load capacity and toughness within the
variation allowed by the design criteria and ground control system [AuSS 2008; Bernard 2008].
Typical Formulations for Wet Mix and Dry Mix Shotcrete
A typical shotcrete mix in both wet and dry forms is summarized in Table 3. These mixes can
be used as a starting point for reference. It should be noted that most shotcrete mixes are
preblended by the shotcrete suppliers who have a set number of mix variations available based
on application and cost. These mixes can be purchased as premixed bags having capacities of up
to 1,500 kg (3,306 lb). The size of the bag for dry or wet mix applications is limited by the
strength of the available bag as per ASTM C136 [2006].
Table 3. Typical mix designs for steel-fiber-reinforced shotcrete with silica fume additive,
after Wood [1992]
a. Dry mix
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)
Percentage of dry
materials, %
420 (708)
50 (84)
Blended aggregate
1,670 (2,815)
Steel fiber
60 (101)
13 (22)
controlled at nozzle
controlled at nozzle
2,213 (3,730)
Mix constituent
b. Wet mix
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)*
Percentage of wet
materials, %
420 (708)
40 (67)
Blended aggregate
1,600 (2,697)
Steel fiber
60 (101)
13 (22)
6 L (6.3 qt)
Water reducer
2 L (2.1 qt)
Air entraining
if required
if required
180 (303)
2,321 (3,912)
Mix constituent
Shotcrete Application
The shotcrete application process has a major effect as to the final quality of the installed
shotcrete material. This process is impacted by onsite conditions and includes surface
preparation and application phases. The onsite lighting and visibility available to the mine
worker and support crew applying the material must be good enough for the operator to see the
application area in detail and to communicate commands effectively.
The size and shape of the mine opening can dictate the application method and type of
equipment that can be used. If the mine opening size is too small or too large, mechanized,
manipulator-type devices cannot be used and the material will have to be applied manually. The
mobile chassis and manipulator arm of the mobile equipment has a fixed size, range-of-spray
motion, and various maneuverability characteristics. In some cases, manipulator-type shotcrete
application equipment is too large to spray shotcrete and to maneuver effectively [AuSS 2008].
In other cases, the size of the opening can be so large that the shotcrete application process will
have to be performed manually from a suitably sized man-lift platform [Pakalnis 2010].
Substrate Preparation
Shotcrete quality is influenced by the condition of the surface onto which it is applied
[Barton and Brandis 1990]. The amount of surface preparation required depends on the condition
and nature of the substrate against which the shotcrete is to be applied. In weak rock conditions
only minimal surface preparation can be completed because of the loose and raveling nature of
the host rock [Spearing 2001]. Shotcrete should not be applied directly to dry, dusty rock
surfaces, so the work area surface is sprayed top to bottom (from the back to the floor) with
water to predampen the surface. This predampening creates a good surface on which to bond the
initial layer of shotcrete and prevents loss of water from the newly applied shotcrete.
For rehabilitation work over existing shotcrete sprayed on permanent structures, such as shaft
stations and shop facilities, where adhesion to the substrate is required as part of the structural
system, high-pressure water and scaling are used for substrate preparation in order to promote
adhesion. In this situation, it is very important to insure that the application surfaces are free of
loose material, dust and films (such as oils), excessive water, and other contaminants which
might interfere with bonding of the shotcrete to the surface [Bernard 2008; Kuchta 2003].
Initial Adhesion
The shotcrete application process must be correct for the installed material to perform as
designed [Morgan 2008]. The shotcrete nozzle operator and shotcrete support crew should be
well trained and thoroughly understand the communication signals used, the shotcrete process,
and equipment. The same step-by-step process should be used from batch to batch for
consistency. In general, the material is applied from bottom to top using a technique of moving
the nozzle in small circles. The shotcrete must be applied to the thickness specified in order to
perform as designed. Every effort should be made to avoid applying material on top of rebound.
For manual application, the operator is usually positioned about 1 to 1.5 m (3 to 4 ft) back from
the substrate. For mechanized application using a manipulator arm, the operator is positioned
back from the surface, but with a good vantage point, and controls the application with a remote
control device [Melbye 2001; Thomas 2009].
Assurance tests should be reliable, meaningful, timely, simple, and relatively inexpensive.
The objective is to ensure that the performance of the shotcrete in-place meets operator design
requirements. The main targets examined in any shotcrete testing program should be design
compliance for shotcrete strength (early compressive strength, flexural strength, and bond
strength) and thickness. Existing methods for determining these characteristics were reviewed
and found to be unsatisfactory in terms of the assurance test criteria mentioned above.
Therefore, researchers at NIOSH developed a set of shotcrete material property testing
machines that can be used directly at the mine site. Prior to this research, shotcrete testing
machines were not available for field testing at mines. As a result, mine personnel could not
readily determine if the applied shotcrete met the original shotcrete performance requirements
for ground support. These portable test machines measure early strength related to re-entry time;
flexural load capacity and toughness; and installed quality, thickness, and bond strength. The
NIOSH machines required extensive development and field testing to meet quality assurance test
criteria. The tests described in the following sections are used to obtain specific measurable
shotcrete characteristics.
From a longer-term ground control standpoint, the flexural load-carrying capability and
toughness of the cured shotcrete, the quality of the applied shotcrete, and the competency of the
underlying rock are also major performance requirements. All of these performance requirements
must be established and monitored, first through pre-installation trials and then as part of an
ongoing quality monitoring program. Mine staff must have a means of quantifiably determining
the material properties for comparison to performance requirements.
Slump Test
The ASTM C143 [2010] slump test should be used for mix design changes, batch plant
changes, mixing truck changes, and personnel changes in the shotcrete process. The typical
concrete slump test used in the construction industry on cast concrete is used on shotcrete. The
test apparatus base is set on a clean level surface and prewetted before each use (Figure 31
through Figure 33). When conducting the test, shotcrete is poured into the test apparatus cone in
three equal height layers. Each layer will be rodded 25 times by the steel rod. After rodding the
final layer, the top surface of the shotcrete is struck off. To complete the test, the cone is lifted
vertically from the shotcrete. The distance that the shotcrete slumps below the apparatus handle
is measured. This is deemed as the slump of the shotcrete. With the use of wet additives, mixes
may require spread tests rather than slump tests.
When design strength is determined at a given water ratio, a slump test is performed and that
slump height is documented. If the field slump height is not comparable, overwatering is
occurring. Batched shotcrete mix can have added additives to modify the slump at the point of
application. If the shotcrete mix batch is overwatered, producing a large slump, then it can be
accelerated (mixed with an additive to accelerate setting) to allow it to adhere to the mine walls
and roof. This overwatering and accelerating should be avoided as the shotcrete strength
characteristics are changed from the original design. The nozzle operator can make the shotcrete
stay in place on the mine opening at high slumps with accelerants, but this reduces strength and
compromises the structure [Morgan et al. 1999].
In most cases, the overwatering occurs due to the conflicting interests of the shotcrete crew
nozzle operator and those of the mine. The nozzle operator does not want to risk plugging the
equipment and thus would prefer a wet mix. The mine owners who are paying for the concrete
would not like to see this expensive component washed away or incur additional expense due to
the necessity of adding accelerants to give a proper consistency for the sprayed material. As
always, a balance between the conflicting interests must be achieved. This can be accomplished
through training on how to conduct quality control testing and appropriate corrective actions
[Spearing 2001].
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 31. Consistency of wet mix shotcrete being loaded into the hopper of a shotcrete machine.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 32. Filling a slump cone with wet mix shotcrete prior to conducting a slump test
in an underground mine.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 33. Slump test with wet mix shotcrete showing a 292-mm (11.5-in) slump;
typical slump is 100 to 200 mm (4 to 8 in).
Compression Test
The primary material property specified for plain cured shotcrete is the compressive strength.
Compressive strength is measured as the resistance of the shotcrete specimen to an axially
applied crushing force, usually referred to as the unconfined compressive strength (UCS). This
measure is an indicator of the quality of the shotcrete. The compressive strength of shotcrete inplace is a critical element that is used for design, and therefore needs to be determined. During
the application process the strength of a mix as supplied can be changed due to many variables
such as accelerators, rebound, poor application techniques, and overwatering. The drilling of
sprayed cores from the in-situ shotcrete is the best method to use in determining the compressive
strength. The cores should be tested in accordance with ASTM C1140 using cores secured in
accordance with ASTM C1609 [2010], ASTM C39 [2011], and ASTM C1604 [2005]. The
testing time at 28 days is normally taken to represent the long-term strength of this material.
Early Strength, Partial-beam Compression Test
Purpose of the Test
The goal of early strength testing is to characterize and define the mine worker and
equipment re-entry time for a particular shotcrete mix and thus determine when the mining cycle
can safely restart with miners and machinery. Early strength testing of in-stope, as-sprayed
shotcrete samples can supply specific material properties for the shotcrete that are then
comparable to known specifications. This testing can be conducted as part of pre-installation
trials and as part of an ongoing quality monitoring program [AuSS 2008].
The early-age strength is the design strength of shotcrete specified at a time interval earlier
than the conventional 28-day cure time. In the mining industry, early-age strength is usually in
the range of 16 hrs before re-entry by miners and equipment after spraying [Rispin 2005]. The
safe re-entry time is the time it takes for the freshly applied shotcrete material to have developed
enough strength to resist the normal ground pressure [Iwaki et al. 2001]. Early strength equates
to an as-placed, cured shotcrete strength that allows the material to be drilled and the remaining
support system elements to be installed without degradation of the shotcrete or its long-term
strength gain characteristics [OToole and Pope 2006; Clements 2009; Clements et al. 2004].
Literature and research have shown that obtaining drill cores and cylinders does not provide a
reliable testing medium; therefore, the early strength compression beam and beam strength tests
are used. Suitable results can be obtained by spraying the molds either by hand, or manipulator
arm, for both wet and dry shotcrete mixes. The ASTM C-116 [1990] based tester and variations
[Morgan et al. 1999; Clark et al. 2011] are the only early-age strength testing devices that
involve direct compressive loading of shotcrete samples.
Mechanical Principle
NIOSH designed a portable partial beam ASTM C116 [1990] test machine for use onsite at
all the mines (Figure 34 and Figure 35). The unit and apparatus applies a compressive load at a
fixed displacement rate to conduct the partial-beam strength determination test. As illustrated in
Figure 36, the test sample is loaded in direct compression by the upper (force) and lower
(reactant) platens of the test fixture, and compression strength is determined based on the contact
area of the platens.
The device is comprised of a small-footprint, self-contained, servo-controlled, stiff-frame
press with advanced load-rate and load-collection capability. The operator is presented with a
proper scale and resolution load output display. The machine resolution is 0.45 kg (1 lb) over a
2,268 kg (5,000 lb) operating range. A programmable-logic-controller (PLC) driven machine
head applies a load to keep the machine at the proper ASTM test cycle displacement rate of
1.278 mm/min (0.050 in/min) with an auto return after 6.35 mm (0.25 in) of displacement
[ASTM C116 (1990)]. The automated load cycle greatly reduces the chance of human error and
the time required to conduct a test.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 36. Diagram of the compressive forces applied to a partial-beam shotcrete sample
during an early strength test.
Performance Standard
Early strength values were obtained and reported from testing conducted at North American
mines for the 1 to 6-hr cure time. These tests produced strength ranges from 1.0 to 1.6 MPa (145
to 233 psi) [OToole and Pope 2006], with an early compressive strength equivalent of 1.0 MPa
(145 psi) being the norm for safe re-entry time [Rispin et al. 2003; OToole and Pope 2006;
Bernard 2008]. Typical early strengths and re-entry times worldwide are listed in Table 4. The
beam test methods are calibrated against data obtained using this test and the ASTM C1117
[1989] and ASTM C403 [1999] test methods.
Table 4. Typical range of shotcrete early strength and re-entry time by region, after
Rispin et al. [2003], OToole and Pope [2006], and Bernard [2008]
Re-entry time, hr
United States
0.53 (75435)
1.62 (232300)
0.81.6 (116232)
0.53 (75435)
Test Procedure
The ASTM C116 [1990] testing protocol calls for samples of the shotcrete mixes to be
sprayed into 102 x 102 x 152 mm (4 x 4 x 6 in) mold boxes as seen in Figure 37 to make the
three test specimens for each hour test. Beam molds have been used successfully for creating test
specimens in both the United States and Canada [Heere et al. 2002].
Photos by NIOSH
Figure 37. Partial-beam shotcrete mold (left) and shotcrete test sample (right).
A mold containment system, consisting of two frames, was developed by the NIOSH
researchers to restrain the partial-beam molds and orient them at a 45 angle to reduce the
amount of rebound that would build up in the boxes. The smaller frame houses three partialbeam molds and can be hand-carried to the testing location to conduct 1-hr tests (Figure 38,
upper left). The larger frame contains forklift pockets allowing the entire unit to be moved to the
test location (Figure 38). This system allows the 2- through 6-hr samples to have the cure time
necessary for movement while still allowing for the 1-hr tests.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 38. Containment fixtures and molds for making partial-beam shotcrete samples
(large, center; small, upper left).
After the samples have been sprayed, tests are conducted at one-hr intervals over the next six
hrs (1 to 6-hr tests). The shotcrete samples are carefully demolded by disassembling the mold
fixtures and removing the enclosed samples. Next, a shotcrete sample is placed in a specialized
testing fixture and centered under the loading head of the test machine. The loading head is then
lowered to a position just above the testing fixtures upper plate via a manual toggle switch
(Figure 39). A demolded, sprayed test sample is subjected to a direct compression load between
the platens of the test device that induces a complex diagonal tensile failure; the compressive
strength is determined based on the contact area of the platens. This testing is conducted on the
hour for the time period corresponding to the 16 hrs from the time the samples are collected. A
minimum of three samples should be tested for each hour interval to determine this strength
[ASTM C116 (1990)].
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 39. Loading of a partial-beam shotcrete sample during an eary strength test.
To conduct a test, the green start switch is depressed initiating the automated test cycle. The
PLC-controlled press applies a fixed-rate load to the sample. The load profile is shown on a
graphical output display, and the measured test parameters (time, displacement, and load) are
stored on a thumb drive. The sample is tested to failure as indicated by the appearance of a crack
(Figure 40). The operator will observe a well-defined peak in the load profile curve indicating
the test is completed. The test is then stopped by depressing the red button on the test machines
control panel, and the test machines loading platen is returned to its initial starting position.
After testing only a few samples, it is relatively easy to determine when a test has reached
completion. This process is repeated for three specimens so that an average can be determined.
Photo by NIOSH
Peak load is reflected by the development of large vertically oriented single or dual side
cracks (Figure 41, Figure 42, and Figure 43) along the platen-to-sample contact edges.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 41. Shotcrete sample showing single side failure, loaded from top and bottom of specimen.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 42. Shotcrete sample showing dual side failure, loaded from top and bottom of specimen.
Photo by NIOSH
The vertical crack is a complex failure that exhibits elements of shear, tensile, and
compressive failure modes. Figure 44 depicts examples of shotcrete failure modes.
Early strength testing of several mixtures of shotcrete was conducted at NIOSHs Spokane
Research Laboratory in accordance with ASTM C116 [1990]. The shotcrete was applied to the
molds by a competent nozzle operator. The superstick corrosive accelerant (SCA) mixes were
supplied by a shotcrete manufacturer, different from the supplier of the K1 and P2 mixes. SCA is
manufactured in Nevada and used in Nevada and Montana mines. K1 and P2 are manufactured
in the state of Washington and used in Alaska and Idaho mines. The superstick corrosive
accelerant polyfiber (SCAPF) and superstick corrosive accelerant steel fiber type-100 (SCAPT100) are fibered versions of the SCA mix. SCAPF is a polyfibered mix, and SCAPT-100 is a
steel-fibered mix. K1 has a greater percentage of accelerants than P2, and P2 has a greater
percentage that SCA.
The merits of the shotcrete process in terms of strength gain arising from pneumatic
application and dynamic compaction are illustrated in Figure 45. The sprayed material exhibited
an order of magnitude strength increase for identically batched samples (five samples each) that
were cast from the same mix. The similarity between cast concrete and cast shotcrete in terms of
curing behavior with respect to strength gain is also shown in Figure 45. This graph illustrates
that the strength gain arises from the application process and not from some mix formulation
difference specific to shotcrete. The curing phase of the sprayed shotcrete also shows an
accelerated strength gain, followed by a slow down or hump, which is typical for sprayed
Figure 45. Early-age compressive strength versus curing time for sprayed and cast samples
of K1 shotcrete for 1 to 6 hours of curing time.
Figure 46 shows the early-age compressive strength test results for the five commercially
available dry shotcrete mixes tested (n = 72 samples). The shotcrete strength gain is shown over
the time interval from 1 to 6 hrs with four of the five mixes indicating a strength plateau at the 4hr mark and one mix indicating a strength plateau starting at the 2-hr mark.
This initial set and then phase transfer was observed in all shotcrete samples tested in the
NIOSH study. This characteristic has been well referenced in the literature on shotcrete [Jolin et
al. 1999; Heere et al. 2002; Knight et al. 2006; Rispin 2005; OToole and Pope 2006; Bernard
2008] and is depicted as well in Figure 46. The initial strength gain provided by the accelerant
additives appears to progress into a cementitious hydration phase. For the mixes tested, three out
of the five reached the early re-entry strength threshold of 1 MPa (145 psi) within 3 hrs and were
confirmed again at the 4-hr mark. All of the shotcrete mixes exceeded 1 MPa (145 psi) after 24
hrs of curing.
Figure 46. Early-age compressive strength versus curing time for sprayed partial-beam samples
of 5 shotcrete mixes for 1 to 6 hours of curing time.
The strength curves shown in Figure 46 are in good agreement with OToole and Pope
[2006] who reported similar strengths ranging from 0.25 to 2.25 MPa (36 to 326 psi) for tests
conducted on partial-beam shotcrete samples after 1 to 6 hours of curing. These strength curves
are also similar to Bernard [2008] who reported strength values ranging from 0.2 to 3 MPa (29 to
435 psi) for 1-hr through 10-hr tests on partial-beam samples of shotcrete.
After six hrs of curing, the fibered mixes exceeded the capacity of the test machine (shown as
dotted lines in Figure 46), with compressive strengths greater than 2 MPa (290 psi). For this test
method, the addition of fibers generally produced higher early strengths.
Field Verification of Test Method and Apparatus for Determining the Early Strength of Partial-beam
Shotcrete Samples.
Purpose of the Test
The early strength test machine is used to identify the onset of 1-MPa (145-psi) strength gain
of the shotcrete from 1 to 6 hrs. The field trials consisted of collecting multiple shotcrete samples
from the mine and testing the early strength gain of the shotcrete.
Trial Infrastructure
The Turquoise Ridge Joint Venture (TRJV) near Goldconda, Nevada supplied the shotcrete
product, SCA (Figure 31). The mix consistency as measured by a slump test was 29.2 cm (11.5 in)
(Figure 32 and Figure 33). Samples were collected in-stope on the 3,550 level of the mine and
tested in the mines material property testing lab on the 1,250 level of the mine.
Sample Collection
A mechanical shotcrete machine was used to spray eighteen early strength shotcrete test
samples. The wet-mix shotcrete was applied using a remotely controlled arm with an oscillating
nozzle that allowed for a uniform deposition of the material into the sample collection boxes
measuring 102 x 102 x 152 mm (4 x 4 x 6 in) from a distance of about 1.2 m (4 ft) (Figure 47).
This method of collecting shotcrete test material ensures an accurate sampling of the actual mine
mix from which a true early strength time can be developed.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 47. Positioning partial-beam shotcrete molds and containment fixtures prior to shotcreting.
After the samples were sprayed, they were immediately hand-troweled for a uniform top
surface. The 1-hour test samples were carefully transported by researchers riding in the tractor
from the spray location to the test site. The remaining 15 samples were allowed to cure longer
before being transported on foam in a tractor basket to the test site.
Early strength tests were conducted with partial-beam shotcrete samples using the NIOSH
portable test machine in accordance with ASTM C116 [1990]. Figure 48 and Figure 49 show a
partial-beam shotcrete sample being tested at the field site.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 48. Portable test machine for determining early-age strength of shotcrete.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 49. Loading of partial-beam shotcrete sample during an early strength test.
Photo by NIOSH
The peak strength values for the six hourly tests are listed in Table 5. For a wet mix shotcrete
with a 292.1-mm (11.5-in) slump, the re-entry time was determined to be 5 hrs at an average
early strength of 1.18 MPa (171.6 psi). As mentioned by Melbye [2001], an earlier re-entry time
may be achieved by using a shotcrete mix with a lower slump.
Table 5. Early strength test results for partial-beam shotcrete samples using the
NIOSH portable test machine
Sample 1
Ultimate stress,
MPa (psi)
0.07 (9.9)
Sample 2
Ultimate stress,
MPa (psi)
Sample 3
Ultimate stress,
MPa (psi)
Ultimate stress,
MPa (psi)
0.15 (21.1)
0.13 (18.4)
0.12 (19.8)
0.21 (30.0)
0.19 (27.6)
0.19 (27.7)
0.2 (28.5)
0.33 (48.2)
0.41 (58.7)
0.41 (59.2)
0.38 (55.1)
0.53 (76.5)
0.57 (82.4)
0.68 (98.8)
0.59 (86.0)
1.24 (179.5)
1.19 (173.3)
1.12 (162.8)
1.18 (171.6)
1.69 (245.1)
1.50 (218.0)
1.60 (231.9)
Figure 51 shows the early-age compressive strength versus curing time for partial-beam
shotcrete samples tested at the mine site. Of particular note is the shallow slope of the strength
curve up to 4 hrs, followed by an accelerated strength gain as the mix cured further in the 4 to 6hr period. As noted by Clark et al. [2011], a similar strength gain or change in the slope of the
early strength curve has been observed during other tests conducted at the OMSHR facility in
Spokane. Furthermore, this strength gain trend is comparable to the results of other early strength
tests reported by the mining industry [Clark et al. 2011]. However, test results can vary, and they
are highly dependent on the characteristics of the specific shotcrete mix and also on the sampling
and testing procedures. For example, the results of these early strength field tests showed a much
more uniform and consistent trend in strength gain than laboratory tests conducted with a similar
K1 shotcrete mix (Figure 46). As a result, shotcrete early strength tests should be conducted
routinely at the mine site to verify safe re-entry times.
Figure 51. Early-age compressive strength versus curing time for partial-beam samples
of K1 shotcrete with 1 to 6 hours of curing time.
The goal of the overcoring and direct-tension pull testing is to characterize and define the
quality and bond strength of the applied shotcrete and thus, determine if the application protocol
has been followed and what, if any, load-carrying support is provided by the shotcrete to rock
bond. This inspection and testing is conducted in-stope at the shotcrete application site as part of
an ongoing quality monitoring program.
The installed quality is assessed by comparing the observable core characteristics to known
standards set forth in the quality monitoring program. Upon retrieving the core samples, host
rock quality and strength can be compared to that of the shotcrete and an assessment made as to
whether the rock is physically stronger or weaker than the shotcrete based on where the break
occurred. The core cross section can be visually examined to reveal the structure of the shotcrete
application with regard to defects and the presence of structural reinforcement in the form of
welded wire mesh or fiber.
Bond strength, the adhesion of the shotcrete to the host rock, provides additional loadcarrying support over and above the ground support supplied by the systems conventional
support componentsprimary and secondary bolts with plates. Bond strength is reported in
terms of peak tensile load values for the shotcrete to underlying rock bond using direct tensile
pull test methods. Core inspection and direct tensile testing can supply specific information
regarding the quality of the applied shotcrete, the competency of the underlying rock, and the
bond strength of the shotcrete to the rock [Hahn and Holmgren 1979]. Bond strength is a very
difficult property to measure. The measurement of bond strength is accomplished using a drilled
shotcrete core pulling apparatus. Although there are nondestructive tests like hammer sounding
and chain dragging, these do not determine the strength but only detect voids through sound
differences. To determine if the shotcrete has bonded correctly to the host rock or underlying
shotcrete layer, a pull test is required.
Several methods, however, have been put forth for use, including the ASTM C1583/C1583M
[2004], and internationally, the European Federation of National Associations Representing
Concrete (EFNARC) bond test and the Swedish Standard test [AuSS 2008]. Most existing test
methods that attempt to establish an actual bond strength value involve proprietary equipment for
the extraction of a core from in-place shotcrete. These test methods are difficult to perform,
cumbersome, and unreliable, and the required equipment is generally unavailable.
For this reason, NIOSH researchers developed a bond strength testing method and equipment
[Seymour et al. 2011]. This system provides a practical method of determining bond strength
through a direct tensile test conducted in underground mines. This measurement of shotcrete
bond strength can be accomplished in as soon as one day following application [Malmgren et al.
2005]. This helps confirm when the shotcrete strength (bond) is sufficient to support its own
weight. It is important to measure shotcrete bond strength on test sections during the initial phase
of curing in order to help identify when it is safe to work under the recently sprayed shotcrete.
Mechanical Principle
To determine shotcrete bond strength, NIOSH researchers designed a portable test system for
determining shotcrete bond strength in underground mines [Seymour et al. 2011]. Through this
test system, the bond strength can be determined by conducting a pull test on the applied
shotcrete. The system enables in-place (in situ) coring of the cured shotcrete matrix followed by
controlled direct-tensile loading of the cored sample to failure. The basic test configuration
consists of a core-shaped sample produced through diamond drilling, and then through the use of
an installed stud pull anchor, a direct tensile force can be applied with a loading ram on the core
to induce a tensile failure. The failures occur in the shotcrete matrix, and also in the shotcrete-toshotcrete and shotcrete-to-rock interfaces.
This method of determining bond strength involves the generation of three concentric core
holes from a single drill setup. A 102-mm (4-in) diameter core is then extracted in direct tension
through the use of an epoxied pull-stud and an extraction device that ensures concentric loading.
Bond strength is given in terms of the stress required to fail the core specimen in tension. The
system primarily consists of a small, stand-mounted core drill, and a pulling-unit equipped with a
precision digital pressure gauge (Figure 52 and Figure 53). As illustrated in Figure 54, the cored
test sample is loaded in direct tension by the pulling cylinder (force) and base fixture ring
(reactants). Bond strength is determined based on the cross-sectional area of the test sample. The
pulling unit load is produced by manually pumping a hydraulic power pack connected to a
hollow ram cylinder that is capable of exerting 5,443.1 kg (12,000 lb). The cylinder applies a
direct axial load to the cored sample via an embedded pulling stud. The loading rate is controlled
by the cycle rate of the hand pump. The load rate is adjusted by the operator to coincide with a
test duration of approximately 1 to 2 min. A dial pressure gauge is used with a scale and
resolution of 0.007 MPa (1 psi) over a 0 to 60-MPa (0 to 8,700-psi) operating range.
Figure 52. Schematic of overcoring and direct-tension test equipment for determining
shotcrete adhesion strength.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 54. Tensile loading of shotcrete core sample to determine bond strength.
Performance Standard
Typical indicators of application quality with regard to the cored sample include: the applied
thickness, the presence of voids or lenses of noncompacted material, the presence of
reinforcement (type, location, and density), the quality or tensile strength of the underlying host
rock, the bond strength of the shotcrete to the host rock substrate or an underlying layer of
shotcrete, and the relative location of the failure surface on the test core (Table 6). During the
pull test, the core sample fails in tension. This tensile failure can occur in the shotcrete, at the
bond surface (the interface between the shotcrete and an underlying layer of shotcrete or the
interface between the shotcrete and the rock), in the rock, or at some combination of these
locations. Typical values for the bond strength of shotcrete applied to different substrates are
listed in Table 7.
Table 6. Typical indicators of the quality of a shotcrete application
obtained through a careful examination of the test core and drill hole
Typical value
Matrix thickness
yes (%), no
yes (%), no
Presence of reinforcement
yes (#), no
Type of reinforcement
Density of reinforcement
Table 7. Typical range for shotcrete bond strength with differing substrates*
United States,
MPa (psi)
Other Countries,
MPa (psi)
MPa (psi)
Shotcrete to shotcrete
1.0 (145)
Shotcrete to rock
0.5 (73)
0.53 (73435)
1.5 (218)
Shotcrete to concrete
*after Brennan [2005]; Nordstrm and Grnds [2005]; Barrett and McCreath [1995]; Malmgren and
Svensson [1999]; Kuchta [2003]; Malmgren et al. [2005]; Saiang et al. [2005]; Morton et al. [2008]
nr = not reported
Test Procedure
The shotcrete bond strength test starts with the selection of a test site. Because this is an insitu test, the location of the test site can be either predetermined or random. Sites could be
randomly selected for quality control purposes, whereas specific areas of shotcrete fallout could
be preselected to verify that shotcrete rehabilitation measures had corrected application
problems. At least three tests should be performed at each general location to develop a statistical
set of bond strength values. Once the desired location for a test has been determined, a handoperated rotary percussive drill is used to drill a 16-mm x 51-mm (0.625-in x 2-in) hole for
anchoring the drill stand. The hole is cleared of debris, and a threaded expansion anchor is
installed, followed by a 13-mm-diameter (0.5-in-diameter) stud onto which the drill stand and
core drill are mounted in position (Figure 55). Next, an 11.1-mm-diameter (0.4375-in-diameter)
hole is drilled dry into the shotcrete, using a rotary percussive bit, to a depth of about 60 mm
(2.375 in), assuming a shotcrete thickness of 75 mm (3 in). The hole is cleaned, filled with a
quick-setting, two-part epoxy adhesive, and a 9.5-mm (0.375-in) diameter pull anchor is inserted.
After the epoxy has initially set or gelled (approximately 15 min), a 102-mm-diameter (4-indiameter) diamond core bit is used to wet-drill a second hole through the shotcrete to a depth of
about 25 to 50 mm (1 to 2 in) into the underlying rock. Finally, a 127-mm-diameter (5-indiameter) diamond core bit is used to wet-drill a shallow kerf for seating the base of the pulling
fixture (Figure 56).
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 56 shows the test site after the pull anchor has been epoxied into place, the hole for
the test core has been drilled into the underlying rock, and a kerf has been drilled for the base of
the pulling fixture. Figure 57 shows a vertical cross-section schematic of the drill hole
configuration for the pull anchor, shotcrete test core, and pulling fixture kerf. Using these
procedures, three parallel, concentric drill holes are produced. This drill hole configuration
reduces eccentric loading during the direct-tension pull test and ensures that a uniform tensile
load is applied to the shotcrete test core.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 56. Drill hole configuration with extension rod connected to epoxied stud.
Figure 57. Schematic showing a vertical cross-section of the drill hole configuration
for a shotcrete bond strength test.
After the the core drilling is completed, the drill stand is removed, and a hand-operated rotary
percussive drill is again used to drill two additional 16-mm x 51-mm (0.625-in x 2-in) holes.
These holes are located about 508 mm (20 in) from the epoxied stud and spaced on a 120
pattern with the first hole that was original used for mounting the drill stand (Figure 58). Next,
the holes are cleared of debris, and threaded expansion anchors are installed. Three aluminum
strap brackets that will be used to anchor the pulling fixture are then bolted to the shotcreted
surface of the underground entry using 13-mm-diameter (0.5-in-diameter) fasteners (Figure 58).
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 58. Strap brackets centered around the epoxied stud to anchor the
direct-tension test equipment.
After the epoxy has fully set (3060 min), a threaded extension rod is connected to the pull
anchor with a coupling nut, and the pulling fixture is carefully placed over the core sample with
the base of its reaction ring positioned in the kerf of the outer drill hole. Safety straps are then
installed through the eyelets on the strap brackets bolted to the housing of the pulling fixture and
the strap brackets mounted on the surface of the mine entry. The safety straps are tensioned to
secure the pulling fixture in position. The hydraulic hose from the hand pump is then connected
to the hydraulic cylinder, and the pump and cylinder are cycled several times to purge extraneous
air from the hydraulic system. Next, a collet and a slip-on, quick-threading locknut are connected
to the threaded extension rod to serve as a mechanical stop for the pulling fixtures ram (Figure
59). Prior to conducting the test, the pressure gauge should be zeroed by pressing the reset
button. To conduct a direct-tension test, an increasing tensile load is applied to the core sample
through a slow and steady movement of the pump handle until the core breaks. Test duration
varies depending on the tensile strength of the test core (typically 30 sec to 2 min). After testing
only a few samples, it is relatively easy to determine the required pumping rate. This test process
is repeated with as many core samples as needed until the shotcrete bond strength is
characterized for the selected test area. An explanation of the procedures and calculations that
are used to determine the tensile strength of the test core from the maximum hydraulic pressure
obtained from the pressure gauge are provided in the Appendix.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 59. Pulling unit mounted to mine rib using a three-point safety restraint.
Laboratory Testing and Results
Six test panels with nine core test locations were sprayed at the Spokane Research
Laboratory to provide for tester commissioning and to develop a series of data points for
comparison to field results. The cores were tested from 4 hrs to 90 days of cure time, and a total
of 54 samples were tested.
Results from spray panel tests conducted at the Spokane facility indicate that the shotcrete
average adhesion strength increased markedly from 1 to 3 days of curing, from 0.44 to 1.13 MPa
(64 to 164 psi) or, in other words, from 28% to 72% of the average 90-day adhesion strength
(Figure 60).
Figure 60. Typical shotcrete tensile strength test results for 090 day cure time (n=54).
The average bond strength test values increased with shotcrete curing age and ranged from
0.44 MPa (64 psi) after one day of curing to 1.58 MPa (229 psi) after 90 days of curing. The
range of these results are comparable to previously published values for the adhesion of shotcrete
to concrete test panels [Malmgren and Svensson 1999; Kuchta 2002] and are within the normal
range of bond strengths specified for shotcrete applied to concrete substrates [Brennan 2005;
Nordstrm and Grnds 2005].
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 61. Shotcrete test core and drill hole from a bond strength test with dry mix shotcrete
applied to a concrete substrate.
Field Verification of Test Method and Apparatus for Determining the Bond Strength of Applied Shotcrete
Purpose of the Test
The overcoring and direct-tension pull test equipment are used to determine the bond strength
and quality of applied shotcrete. Field trials were conducted with this portable test system in an
underground mine to verify test procedures, confirm that the test equipment was suitable for use
in underground mining conditions, and evaluate the systems ease of use by mine personnel.
Testing Location
The Turquoise Ridge Joint Venture (TRJV) near Goldconda, Nevada provided a test site
along a shotcreted rib of an underground entry on the 1,250 level of the mine. A wet mix
shotcrete had been previously sprayed on the mine rib in two applications at a design thickness
of 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 in).
Test Procedure
As shown in Figure 62, three test sites were selected on fairly even surfaces of the shotcreted
rib about 1.2 to 1.5 m (4 to 5 ft) above the mine floor. Each drill stand was secured to the mine
rib using the procedures described previously in the Overcoring and Direct-Tension Pull Test
section of this document.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 62. Shotcrete adhesion test site with three drill stands mounted on mine rib.
Once the drill stand was mounted to the mine rib, the testing protocol was followed as
described in the previous Test Procedure section and as shown in Figure 63 through Figure 65.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 63. Dry drilling the installation hole for the epoxied stud pull anchor.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 64. Wet drilling a 102-mm (4-in) diameter hole for the shotcrete adhesion test core
(note bit change).
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 65. Preparing to remove drill stand and install direct-tension test equipment.
Trial Results
The results of the three shotcrete bond strength tests conducted at the mine are shown in
Table 8. The tensile strength of the shotcrete test cores varied from 1.3 to 1.7 MPa (189 to 246
psi) and are within the typical range of shotcrete bond strengths reported by other researchers
(Table 7). The location of the tensile failure surface on the test core varied depending on the test
as noted in Table 8. The shotcrete test cores failed in the shotcrete, at a shotcrete-to-shotcrete
interface, at the shotcrete-to-host-rock interface, and in the host rock. The relative location of
these tensile failures is given as a percentage of the total area exposed along the failure surface.
Table 8. Shotcrete adhesion test results
1.7 (246)
1.3 (189)
Shotcrete (100)
Photographs of the drill holes and test cores after the shotcrete bond strength tests were
conducted are shown in Figure 66 through Figure 71. A visual examination of the test cores
indicated that at least two layers of shotcrete were applied in the test area. As shown by the
photographs in Figure 70 and Figure 71, the measured overall thickness of the shotcrete layers
varied from 114 to 127 mm (4.5 to 5 in) over the 5-m (15-ft) lateral spacing of the three test sites.
Furthermore, there was no indication that fiber or wire mesh were used at this location to
reinforce the shotcrete. For the first two tests, the cores broke primarily in the shotcrete. The core
from the first test broke at or near the interface between two shotcrete layers. In the second test,
the core broke in the top shotcrete layer at a bond strength exceeding 1.0 MPa (145 psi), the
typical required bond strength for shotcrete applied to shotcrete as noted in Table 7. The third test
core broke prematurely at the beginning of the test, more than likely due to the weak underlying
host rock (Figure 68 and Figure 69). Although a limited number of shotcrete bond strength tests
were conducted at this field site, these tests confirm that the test cores will normally break in the
shotcrete matrix unless the underlying rock is exceptionally weak or highly fractured.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 66. Adhesion test #1: core broke in shotcrete and at interface between
two shotcrete layers.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 67. Adhesion test #2: core broke entirely in the top layer of shotcrete.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 68. Adhesion test #3: core broke prematurely in weak underlying host rock.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 69. Adhesion test #3: drill hole and core indicating a tensile failure located
primarily in the host rock.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 70. Test core #3: tensile failure in weak host rock.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 71. Adhesion test cores showing two breaks in shotcrete (left, test 1 and middle, test 2),
and one break in host rock (right, test 3).
The goal of round determinate panel testing (RDPT) is to characterize and define the peak
flexural load, the post-crack load-carrying capacity at a given displacement, and the toughness of
a particular shotcrete mix and thus determine if the material can withstand the anticipated mine
opening support loadings. Peak load capacity represents the maximum load the material can
withstand prior to cracking. Residual load capacity is reported in terms of resistive load at
subsequent increasing deflections. Toughness is derived from the aggregate area under the load
capacity versus displacement curve and is indicative of the energy required to displace the
specimen through a given distance. Both flexural load capacity and toughness represent the
ability of shotcrete reinforced with welded wire or fiber to carry load following cracking, and
therefore continue to offer structural support. Flexural load capacity and toughness testing can
supply specific material properties for the shotcrete that are then comparable to known
specifications. This testing can be conducted as part of pre-installation trials and as part of an
ongoing quality monitoring program.
Flexural load capacity is the peak or breaking load when the shotcrete is subjected to bending
forces and the force on the shotcrete specimen post-peak is usually up to 40 mm (1.6 in) of
deflection. The flexural capacity is given in terms of the load at failure or at a given post-peak
displacement for the specimen. The flexural load capacity can serve as an indirect indication of
the strength of a member when subjected to bending. The residual flexural load capacity is
determined as a post-crack load resistance at a specified deflection.
Toughness is a measure of the amount of energy that the shotcrete can absorb for a given
displacement and still retain some load capacity. It is an important property where post-crack
displacement and deformation are expected. Toughness and absorbed energy can be assessed
from load and displacement that are measured while conducting a round determinate panel test.
The total absorbed energy is affected primarily by adding reinforcement (welded wire mesh or
fiber). In the case of welded wire mesh, the wire spacing and gauge which correlates to the wire
cross-sectional area will affect the toughness. In the case of fiber, the toughness changes by the
type and density of fibers. Toughness can also be strongly influenced by the strength and quality
of the shotcrete matrix [Papworth 2002].
The flexural load capacity and toughness of shotcrete that is encapsulated with welded wire
mesh or fiber-reinforced shotcrete can be determined using an adaptation of the ASTM C-1550
[2010] test employing sprayed 75-mm-thick x 800-mm-diameter (3-in-thick x 31.5-in-diameter)
round panel samples.
As determined by the ASTM C1550 standard [2010], the test panel that sits on three pivots
symmetrically arranged around its circumference is subjected to direct loading at its center by a
spherically shaped ram. During the test, the load and controlled displacement of the center of the
test specimen is recorded. The toughness or energy of the panel (measured in Joules) is derived
from the aggregate area under the load versus displacement curve. The energy is normally
designated at a specified central deflection, usually 40 mm (1.6 in). The energy absorbed
represents the ability of welded-wire-reinforced or fiber-reinforced shotcrete to redistribute stress
following cracking, and therefore continue to offer structural support.
Mechanical Principle
As illustrated in Figure 72, the test sample is loaded in direct compression by the upper
(force) platen and the lower three (reactant) pins of the test fixture. Flexural load capacity is
determined based on sample first-break or post-first-break resistance (support capacity) at a
given displacement.
Figure 72. Diagram of the force applied to a round-panel shotcrete sample during an RDP test.
Performance Standard
Specified minimum values for load capacity are listed in Table 9 [AuSS 2008]. Typical
specified minimum values for North American projects using the panel test for flexural load
capacity first-break are 20 to 35 kN (4496.2 to 7,868.3 lbf) with residual load capacity of 6 kN
(1,348.9 lbf) at 40-mm (1.6-in) displacement. Specified minimum values for toughness in mining
and civil tunneling applications are listed in Table 10 and Table 11 [Morgan 1999; Papworth
2002; Pakalnis 2008]. A sample must break with a minimum toughness of 280 Joules as
recommended by the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) to be considered applicable for
weak rock mass support [Barton and Morgan 1999]. The peak strength range also corresponds to
7%15% of the compressive strength values obtained from traditional testing of cored samples
[AuSS 2008; Bernard 2006].
Table 9. Typical minimum load capacity values specified for shotcrete in recent mining
and civil engineering projects in North America for given ground support conditions and
RDPT ram displacements, after AuSS [2008]
a. General ground support
First break
2025 (4,496.25,620.2)
10 (0.4)
11 (2,472.9)
20 (0.8)
9 (2,023.3)
30 (1.2)
7.5 (1,686.1)
40 (1.6)
6 (1,348.9)
First break
2025 (4,496.25,620.2)
10 (0.4)
7.5 (1,686.1)
20 (0.8)
6 (1,348.9)
30 (1.2)
4 (899.2)
40 (1.6)
3 (674.4)
First break
2530 (4,496.26,744.3)
10 (0.4)
17 (3,821.8)
20 (0.8)
12 (2,697.7)
30 (1.2)
9 (2,023.3)
40 (1.6)
6 (1,348.9)
First break
35 (7,868.3)
10 (0.4)
15 (3,372.1)
20 (0.8)
17 (3,821.8)
30 (1.2)
10 (2,248.1)
40 (1.6)
8 (1,798.5)
Table 10. Typical values specified for shotcrete toughness in recent mining and civil
engineering projects in North America for given ground support conditions*
RDPT energy determined at 40 mm (1.6 in) of deflection using ASTM C1550 [2010]
Table 11. Comparison of shotcrete toughness performance level to Q-system rock class,
RDPT energy, ground support reinforcement category, and RMR for recent mining
projects in North America*
*Excerpts and modified Barton chart from Morgan [1999], Papworth [2002],
and Pakalnis [2008]
Description of Apparatus
Round panels must be tested in a suitable servo-controlled machine in order to comply with
the test standard listed in ASTM C1550 [2010]. NIOSH researchers designed a portable round
panel test machine for use onsite at mines (Figure 73 and Figure 74). The unit and apparatus
applies a compressive load at a fixed displacement rate. The device is comprised of a portable,
self-contained, servo-controlled, stiff-frame press with advanced load-rate and load-collection
capability. There is a load output display with an appropriate scale and resolution, along with a
current state of energy output. The machine resolution is 0.45 kg (1 lb) over a 10,886 kg (24,000
lb) operating range. A programmable-logic-controller (PLC) driven machine head applies a
displacement rate of 4.0 mm/min (0.16 in/min) with an auto return after 45 mm (1.8 in) of
displacement [ASTM 1550 (2010)]. The automated load cycle greatly reduces the chance of
human error and the time to conduct a standard test.
Figure 73. Schematic of a portable round determinate panel (RDP) test machine developed by
NIOSH researchers.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 74. Operation of portable round determinate panel (RDP) test machine.
Test Procedure
The ASTM 1550 [2010] testing protocol calls for sample preparation and testing of shotcrete
mixes to be sprayed into 75 x 800-mm (3 x 31.5-in) mold rings to create round-panel test
specimens (Figure 75). The samples must be carefully prepared to meet the required
specifications concerning flatness, thickness, and diameter. For example, the top surface of the
sprayed panel must be screeded to a flatness tolerance of at least 5 mm (0.2 in). The sample must
also have a thickness of 70 to 90 mm (2.75 to 3.5 in) and a diameter of 750 to 850 mm (29.5 to
33.5 in). Correction factors are available when variances in the thickness and diameter occur.
The round-panel mold rings should be secured to a stable base of sufficient thickness to prevent
vibration, and the overall form (mold ring and base) should be oriented at a 45 angle to reduce
the amount of rebound that will build up in the mold (Figure 76). Measures should be taken to
achieve a dense and homogeneous shotcrete without segregation, sloughing, collapsing,
excessive rebound, or other visible imperfections.
Based on ASTM C1550 [2010], a minimum of two round panel samples should be tested.
However, at least three round panel samples should be sprayed in case one is damaged prior to
testing. RDP tests are normally conducted after the round panel samples have cured for 7, 14, or
28 days. After the tests are conducted, the round panel samples should be inspected to ensure that
the tolerances for specimen thickness have been achieved and that the exposed cross section of
the sample is free of defects such as voids, lenses, and poorly consolidated regions.
If a comparative compressive strength of the fiber-reinforced shotcrete is required, a 1.2 x 1.2
x 0.24-m (4 x 4 x 0.8-ft) panel-shaped sample can be sprayed and 76.2-mm (3-in) diameter x
152.4-mm (6-in) long cores extracted in accordance with ASTM C1140 [2003] and tested in
accordance with ASTM C1609 [2010].
Photo by NIOSH
Photo by NIOSH
After the round panel samples have been sprayed, the specimens are allowed to cure. The
shotcrete test panels are then carefully demolded by disassembling the mold ring fixtures and
removing the enclosed samples. After curing for a designated period of time at ASTM
specifications, the sample is positioned on a three-pin test fixture and centered under the loading
head of the RDP test machine. The loading head is then lowered to a position just above the
upper surface of the round panel sample using a manual toggle switch (Figure 77).
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 77. Round-panel shotcrete sample positioned in portable RDP test machine.
To conduct a test, the green start switch is depressed initiating the automated test cycle,
whereupon a PLC-controlled press loads the sample at a fixed displacement rate. The load
profile is shown on a graphical output display, and the measured test parameters (time,
displacement, and load) are stored on a thumb drive. The sample is tested to failure as indicated
by the appearance and development of three distinct tension cracks in the sample. The RDP test
continues until the loading ram has moved a minimum of 40 mm (1.6 in) from its initial starting
position (Figure 78). These tension cracks usually develop at less than 5 mm (0.2 in) of ram
displacement. The operator will typically observe a well-defined peak in the load profile curve,
indicating the first break load capacity of the sample.
After the 40-mm (1.6-in) test cycle is completed, the loading ram automatically retracts to
unload the broken sample. Next, the round panel sample is removed from the RDP test machine,
and it is broken apart to expose the failure surfaces along the tensile cracks. The thickness of the
panel sections are then measured at ten locations. The failure surfaces exposed on the panel
sections are closely examined to determine the distribution and quantity of the fibers in the
applied shotcrete, and a fiber count is conducted along each broken section of the panel and
recorded (Figure 79). Using this procedure, RDP tests are conducted with three round panel
samples, ensuring that the results from at least two of the tests can be used for analysis.
Photo by NIOSH
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 79. Synthetic macro fibers exposed along the failure surface of
round-panel shotcrete sample.
The RDP test produces a determinate set of three tensile cracks along hinge lines spaced
about 120 apart as shown in Figure 80. As the test progesses and the deflection in the panel
increases, these tensile cracks open on the underside of the panel, exposing the fibers in the
shotcrete which bridge the crack. Note the nonuniform surface in the lower left section of the
shotcrete panel in Figure 80. The presence of voids in the sample usually indicates that a nozzle
operation problem has occurred during the spraying of the shotcrete sample. Any shotcrete
application problem needs to be corrected to ensure that valid test results are obtained from the
round panel samples. It is important that representative test samples are prepared in order for the
RDP test results to realistically reflect the in-place strength properties of the bulk shotcrete
product. As an example, a drawing of a typical roof bolt pattern for an underground opening is
shown in Figure 81 along with a superimposed RDP test panel illustrating the flexural loading of
the shotcrete that is assumed to occur between the bolts.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 80. Broken round panel sample of fiber-reinforced shotcrete showing the 120 cracks.
Figure 81. Typical roof bolt pattern with a superimposed RDP test panel showing the assumed
flexural loading of the shotcrete between the bolts.
The fiber count or fiber dosing of the reinforced shotcrete can be determined by counting the
fibers in a cross section of the post-tested panel. This method is used only when determining
fiber content for steel and macro-synthetic fibers. The cross section of the panel should be
inspected for even dispersion of the fibers.
Analysis of Round Determinate Panel (RDP) Test Results
After conducting an RDP test, a load versus displacement profile is obtained from the test as
shown in Figure 82. The peak flexural load can be easily identified from the graph. The residual
load capacity is denoted by the load values after the peak flexural load and represents the load
that the shotcrete can still support at specific displacement intervals. These are separate from the
displacement at peak flexural load.
After the peak flexural load has been developed, the panel undergoes a first break or an
initial failure of the cemented material. Once this first break occurs, the cementitious matrix is no
longer the primary load-carrying component of the shotcrete. Instead, the cross-sectional area of
the reinforcement component in the shotcrete (e.g., steel fiber, synthetic macro fiber, or wire
mesh) begins to carry the applied load. Although the first break usually occurs immediately after
the peak flexural load, the timing of this event is somewhat variable as indicated by the first
break bandwidth shown in Figure 83.
Figure 83. Load versus displacement curve from RDP test indicating peak load and first break.
The area under the load-displacement curve from 0 to 40 mm (0 to 1.6 in) of displacement is
referred to as the energy absorption or toughness of the shotcrete. This shotcrete property is
indicated by the green shaded area beneath the load-displacement curve shown in Figure 84.
Figure 84. Load versus displacement curve from RDP test indicating peak load, residual load, and
the energy or toughness of the shotcrete.
With displacement, the energy capacity or toughness increases as the residual load decreases
through 40 mm (1.6 in) of displacement (Figure 85).
The RDP test machine commissioning trials consisted of flexural strength testing of onsite,
as-sprayed shotcrete samples over a range of 8-hrs to 28-days curing time. All collection of
samples and testing of shotcrete material properties were conducted in accordance with the
requirements of the ASTM C1550 test [2010]. The usefulness of this field-ready test machine
had been previously documented during a shotcrete fiber dosage comparison study conducted at
the Chief Joseph Mine in Butte, Montana, [Martin et al. 2007] and Devils Slide Tunnels Project
near Pacifica, California [Decker et al. 2010].
Specific Trials and Locations
The RDP test machine commissioning trials consisted of a series of field tests that were
conducted at multiple mine sites, one tunnel site, and one shotcrete producers site. A first set of
tests was conducted at the Rockwell Mine in Greybull, Wyoming to determine the effect of batch
source water on peak load using either mine or well-water sources, and additional tests were
conducted to determine the effect of welded wire mesh on flexural load capacity. A second set of
tests was conducted on a mix intended for use at the Kensington Mine near Juneau, Alaska, and
the Pogo Mine located near Delta Junction, Alaska. These tests were conducted at Central PreMix, Spokane Valley, Washington to determine if a target shotcrete design criteria, an optimum
design energy for safe ground support, could be achieved in 24 hrs through the manipulation of
the cement dosage rate. A third set of tests was conducted on civil engineering shotcrete mix
blends intended for use in extreme ground conditions. Engineers for the Kiewit Corporation,
working under contract for the California Department of Transportation at the Devils Slide
Tunnels Project, contacted NIOSH personnel about using the newly developed, portable RDPT
machine to validate mix designs for shotcrete reinforced with synthetic fiber. RDP tests were
conducted at the Devils Slide Tunnels site near Pacifica, California to determine the effect of
synthetic fiber dosage on total energy absorption. A final set of tests was conducted at Newmont
Mining Corporations Leeville Mine near Carlin, Nevada to determine the effect of different
reinforcement, welded wire mesh and fiber (both type and dosage), on the flexural load capacity
for weak rock mass shotcrete.
Rockwell Mine, Greybull, Wyoming
The goal of this set of tests was to identify if the batching source water, either well water or
mine waste water, significantly affects the shotcrete load capacity. The secondary goal of this set
of tests was to determine the flexural load capacity for shotcrete reinforced with welded wire
mesh using either type of mix water.
The mix designs were blended by Thiessen Team USA and consisted of a typical dry mix
design superstick with water additive (SCA) and superstick water accelerant with corrosion
resistance (SCACR). The specific mixes tested were SCACR/well water and SCACR/well water
with wire mesh, and SCACR/mine water mix. These mixes were blended at the Big Timber,
Montana, shotcrete plant and shipped to the Greybull, Wyoming, mine site for testing.
The research team from NIOSH prepared 15 panels at the mine facility with five panels for
each of the three mix designs. All of the previously mentioned panels were tested for 8-hr
strengths. In addition, 12 test panels were shot for 28-day strength testing (Figure 86). These
round panels were stored underground at the mine.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 86. Spraying round-panel shotcrete samples reinforced with wire mesh.
The shotcrete round panels were mounted on pallets for ease of handling, then set at 4045
to the horizontal against blocking outside the mine. The panels were washed and degreased, then
the shotcrete was shot into the panels by a certified nozzle operator using an Aliva 242.5 machine
(Figure 87). The water was added using a special wetting nozzle at the clamp intersection instead
of the nozzle hose intersection. Compressed air was supplied from an 18.4-m3/m (650-cfm) twostage compressor. The water was distributed using a water pump on a water truck. The shot panels
varied up to 3 mm (0.12 in) in thickness. This is typical for stiff shotcrete mix with a 127-mm (5in) slump. After each mixture was shot, the pot and hose were cleaned.
Temperature has an effect on the curing of the shotcrete due to the additives used; this in turn
has a direct impact on the strength of the shotcrete over the curing time. Shotcrete with additives
are thermally dependent for their manufacturing listed cure times. Therefore, concrete insulation
blankets were applied at the completion of shooting to keep the panels from freezing, and were
left on the panels for 8 hrs.
The curing of the panels was performed at in-mine conditions located in a laydown area. The
shotcrete was applied at an ambient air temperature of between 0C (32F) and 7.2C (45F),
and a round panel form temperature of 26.6C (80F). The final shotcrete temperature as applied
with water and compressed air to the forms was measured at 21.1C (70F).
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 87. Spraying round panel forms with a dry mix shotcrete.
Trial Results
Mine staff were interested in duplicating the flexural load capacity documented through
previous NIOSH tests with polyfiber shotcrete [Martin et al. 2007]. Figure 88 and Figure 89
show the results of the 8-hr round panel tests with the two types of water. The shotcrete using
mine water developed a higher peak load than the well-water shotcrete.
Figure 88. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for SCACR shotcrete mixed
with well water and cured for 8 hours.
Figure 89. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for SCACR shotcrete mixed
with mine water and cured for 8 hours.
Mine ground control staff determined that SCACR batched with well-water shotcrete panels
containing the welded wire mesh would be tested due to the abundance and ease of acquiring the
well water. The other panels with mine water were not tested. The results of the 28-day round
panel tests using this mix design and welded wire mesh reinforcement are shown in Figure 90.
Figure 90. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for SCACR shotcrete mixed
with well water, reinforced with wire mesh, and cured for 28 days.
The panels in this test series have a somewhat lower first-break load and an erratic loading
pattern. This low load could be due to the cold temperatures in which the panels were shot and
cured. The usual deflection of 40 mm (1.6 in) as run by the industry is to allow for the polyfibers
to develop an energy requirement before fiber pullout. However, the mine ground control staff
determined that 25.4 mm (1.0 in) of deflection instead of the typical 40 mm (1.6 in) would be
their allowable deflection with wire mesh before rehabilitation of the ground support would
occur. Therefore, the tests were carried out to only 35 mm (1.4 in) to show loading trends beyond
the mines design requirements. The average peak load is 13.4 kN (3,012.4 lbf), and the average
residual is around 8.9 kN (2,000.8 lbf) at 35 mm (1.4 inches) of deflection. The combination of
SCACR shotcrete mix, well water, and welded wire mesh reinforcement can achieve the load of
6 kN (1,348.9 lbf) at 35 mm (1.4 inches) of deflection. This support value meets typical load
capacity specifications for weak rock mass ground support.
Pogo and Kensington Mines
Purpose of the Tests
The goal of this set of tests was to determine the effect of cement dosage on flexural load
capacity. Two wet mixes specifically designed for use in the Pogo and Kensington mines in
Alaska were compared for initial flexural strength. The wet mixes were batched using 295 kg
(650 lb) of Portland cement per ton for Pogo and 318 kg (700 lb) for Kensington. Due to the
nature of the mix and the competitive bid market, the mix design is not published, but is
available from Central Pre-Mix, Spokane Valley, Washington.
Sample Preparation and Testing
The test panels were shot by a certified nozzle person (Figure 91) at the Central Pre-Mix site
with a swing-type positive displacement pump (Figure 92). Five samples of each blend were
sprayed into molds and then blanketed to retain heat to simulate the in-mine conditions typical of
Alaskan applications for the 24-hour curing process.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 91. Spraying round panel forms with wet mix shotcrete.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 92. Swing-type, positive-displacement pump used to apply wet mix shotcrete.
The testing was conducted to determine peak load and residual load capability at 80 mm (3
in) of displacement rather than the standard displacement of 40 mm (1.6 in). Toughness
calculations were not considered due to the freshness of the Portland cement in the 24-hr tests.
Trial Results
The results of the 24-hr tests show that the 318-kg (700-lb) mix with an average peak load of
8.9 kN (2,000.8 lbf) was significantly stronger than the 295-kg (650-lb) mix with an average
peak load of 1.8 kN (404.7 lbf) (see Figure 93 and Figure 94). This strength differential was also
reflected in the residual strength characteristics. Further, the 295-kg (650-lb) mix samples broke
under their own weight after testing. The 318-kg (700-lb) mix samples had to be broken with a
hammer to be removed from the test frame.
Figure 93. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for 295-kg (650-lb) mix
with 24-hour cure time.
Figure 94. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for 318-kg (700-lb) mix
with 24-hour cure time.
Devils Slide Tunnels Project, Pacifica, California
Purpose of the Tests
The goal of this set of tests was to determine the effect of synthetic fiber dosage on total
energy absorption. Tests were conducted on civil engineering shotcrete mix blends that were
developed from the mining industrys Shogun fiber mix intended for use in extreme ground
conditions [Martin et al. 2011]. Testing was conducted in cooperation with Kiewit engineering
staff at the Devils Slide Tunnels Project near Pacifica, California.
The panels for the Devils Slide Tunnels Project were shot onsite by a certified nozzle
operator using a swing-style, positive-displacement pump and a wet-mix shotcrete reinforced
with Barchip Shogun fiber. The shotcrete was mixed in an onsite batch plant using the blend of
constituents listed in Table 12. This polyfiber shotcrete mix design was developed to address the
weak ground conditions at the Devils Slide Tunnels site. A synthetic fiber dosage of 5 kg/m3
(8.5 lb/yd3) was used to achieve a recommended shotcrete toughness of 320 Joules at 40-mm
(1.6-in) of displacement as required for class III and higher ground conditions by the Norwegian
Concrete Association [NCA 2007] and the New Austrian Tunneling Method [NATM 1962]. The
Kiewit tests were conducted in compliance with ASTM C1550 [2010]. The samples were cured
for 7 days under ASTM-recommended conditions before being tested. A total of three roundpanel samples were prepared. The first two tests exceeded the shotcrete toughness requirements;
therefore, the third panel was not tested.
Table 12. Proportions of various mix constituents for round-panel shotcrete samples at
the Devils Slide Tunnels Project
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)*
5 (8.5)
Barchip Shogun
478 (806)
1,235 (2,082)
446 (752)
178 (300)
Water reducer
Set-retarding admixture
38 mm (1.5 in)
Mix constituent
Synthetic macro fiber
10-mm aggregate
Quarry sand
Water-to-cement ratio
Slump of mixes
*Unless listed otherwise as liters and quarts
na = not applicable
Trial Results
The typical results of the tested panels are shown in Figure 95. The Shogun synthetic-fiberdosed shotcrete formulated for use in extreme ground conditions achieved a peak load of 25 kN
(5,620.2 lbf) which has an energy capacity of 400 Joules at 40-mm (1.6-in) displacement (Figure
95). This exceeds the project design requirements of 320 Joules of toughness at only 7-days
curing time. For comparison, it should also be noted that the slump of the mix was at a relatively
stiff mix at 38 mm (1.5 in), as compared to a typical 127 to 178-mm (5 to 7-in) slump.
Figure 95. Load versus displacement and energy versus displacement curves for
5-kg/m (8.5-lb/yd ) Shogun fiber mix with 7-day cure time.
Leeville Mine, Carlin, Nevada
Purpose of the Tests
The goal of this set of tests was to determine the effect of different reinforcement types,
including welded wire mesh and fiber (both type and dosage), on flexural load capacity for weak
rock mass shotcrete. The testing was conducted at Newmont Corporations Leeville Mine near
Carlin, Nevada.
Sample Preparation and Testing
The mine provided a wet mix shotcrete that was designed by Modern Concrete in Carlin,
Nevada to conform with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) specifications for shotcrete
blends [ACI 506R-05]. The mix was reinforced with either welded wire mesh or fiber in
accordance with ACI 506.1R-98 [1998]. Round-panel forms were sprayed on the surface of the
mine site using a wet-mix shotcrete machine equipped with a robotic manipulator-arm (Figure
96). Samples of the welded wire mesh were cut to fit into the round panel forms, and the legs of
the mesh wires were bent down to position the mesh in the middle of the panel, similar to its use
in underground mines. The samples were collected and cured under wet burlap in a sample
storage room at saturated conditions in accordance with ASTM standards.
Photo by NIOSH
Figure 96. Shooting wet mix shotcrete into a round panel form with wire mesh reinforcement.
Shotcrete Constituents
The blends that were used in the panel tests are shown in Table 13. Two round panel samples
were prepared and tested for all Shogun fiber mix designs, including 1.87 kg/m3 (3.15 lb/yd3),
2.99 kg/m3 (5.0 lb/yd3), 4.12 kg/m3 (7.0 lb/yd3), six samples, plus the welded wire mesh and the
Performax fiber mix of 2 samples each. In some cases, additive mixtures were also incorporated
and are documented in the tables and graphs.
The samples were tested in conformance with the requirements of ASTM C1550 [2010] for
toughness over 40 mm (1.6 in) of displacement. Testing was initially proposed on samples that
had cured for 8 and 24 hours. However, the 8-hr and 24-hr samples were not strong enough to be
tested. As a result, only the 28-day tests were conducted.
Table 13. Proportions of various mix constitutents for round-panel samples of reinforced
shotcrete at the Leeville Mine
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)*
1.87 (3.15)
Barchip Shogun
10-mm aggregate
146 (247)
Modern Concrete
831 (1,402)
Modern Concrete
236 (398)
Ashgrove Corporation
143.3 (242)
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)*
2.99 (5.0)
Barchip Shogun
10-mm aggregate
146.75 (247.4)
Modern Concrete
Quarry sand
831.57 (1,402)
Modern Concrete
263.13 (444)
Ashgrove Corporation
135.5 (228.4)
Mix constituent
Quarry sand
Water-to-cement ratio
Water reducer
Slump of mixes
Mix constituent
Synthetic macro fiber
Water-to-cement ratio
Water reducer
Slump of mixes
*Unless listed otherwise as liters and quarts
na = not applicable
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)*
4.12 (7.0)
Barchip Shogun
10-mm aggregate
146.75 (247.4)
Modern Concrete
Quarry sand
831.57 (1,402)
Modern Concrete
263.13 (444)
Ashgrove Corporation
139.9 (235.8)
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)*
141.31 (698.5)
Modern Concrete
800.75 (1,349.8)
Modern Concrete
280.67 (473.2)
Ashgrove Corporation
139.6 (235.4)
127 mm (5 in)
Mix constituent
Synthetic macro fiber
Water-to-cement ratio
Water reducer
Slump of mixes
*Unless listed otherwise as liters and quarts
na = not applicable
d. Six-gauge wire mesh
Mix constituent
10-mm aggregate
Quarry sand
Water-to-cement ratio
Slump of mixes
*Unless listed otherwise as liters and quarts
na = not applicable
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)*
10-mm aggregate
146.75 (247.4)
Modern Concrete
Quarry sand
831.57 (1,402)
Modern Concrete
263.13 (443.6)
Ashgrove Corporation
151.6 (255.6)
Mix constituent
Water-to-cement ratio
Water reducer
Slump of mixes
kg/m3 (lb/yd3)*
1.87 (3.15)
10-mm aggregate
146.75 (2,474)
Modern Concrete
Quarry sand
831.57 (1,402)
Modern Concrete
263.13 (443.6)
Ashgrove Corporation
148.5 (250.4)
Mix constituent
Synthetic macro fiber
Water-to-cement ratio
Water reducer
Slump of mixes
*Unless listed otherwise as liters and quarts
na = not applicable
Trial Results
The results of both round panels tested for each of the given mix designs are included in the
following set of figures. Figure 97 through Figure 99 are the load-displacement and energy
curves for the mix designs containing the Shogun fiber at dosage rates of 1.87 kg/m3 (3.15
lb/yd3), 2.99 kg/m3 (5.0 lb/yd3), and 4.12 kg/m3 (7.0 lb/yd3).
Figure 97. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement curves for
1.87-kg/m (3.15-lb/yd ) Shogun fiber mix with 28-day cure time.
In Figure 97 the load and energy curves for the Shogun fiber dosage at 1.87-kg/m3 (3.15lb/yd3) mix indicate an average first break load of 17 kN (3,821.8 lbf), though there is some
variability between the strengths. Both samples maintained some residual load throughout the 40
mm (1.6 in) of displacement. The toughness, however, never reached the 280 Joules
recommended by NATM for weak rock mass support. When comparing the results of the two
samples, a small difference in the residual load can result in a large difference in the energy at 40
mm (1.6 in). It should also be noted that this mix had a slump of 171.4 mm (6.75 in).
Figure 98. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement curves for
2.99-kg/m (5.0-lb/yd ) Shogun fiber mix with 28-day cure time.
For the 2.99-kg/m3 (5.0-lb/yd3) Shogun mix, the peak load and energy was superior to the
1.87-kg/m3 (3.15-lb/yd3) mix at 28 days. The first break load averaged about 20 kN (4,496.2 lbf),
which is just slightly higher than the lower fiber dose samples. However, the residual loads
through 40 mm (1.6 in) of displacement are much higher, thus resulting in an average of 280
Joules of energy. This toughness meets the recommended values for weak rock mass ground
control. Also, a load greater than 6 kN (1,348.9 lbf) was achieved at 25 mm (1 in) of
displacement, which corresponds to design criteria for weak rock mass suggested by Pakalnis
[2010]. The slump at 165.1 mm (6.5 in) was stiffer by 6.3 mm (0.25 in) than the lower dose mix.
Figure 99. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement curves for
4.1-kg/m (7.0-lb/yd ) Shogun fiber mix with 28-day cure time.
The results of tests at 28 days for shotcrete with a fiber dosage of 4.1-kg/m3 (7.0-lb/yd3)
Shogun fiber mix indicate that this mix and dosage formulation exceeded the toughness
requirements of 280 Joules energy recommended for weak rock mass support [Pakalnis 2010].
The first-break strength was 20 kN (4,496.2 lbf), with both samples having similar load profiles.
Additionally, at 40 mm (1.6 in) of displacement the residual load is 6 kN (1,348.9 lbf). There
was only a small gain in the peak load, residual load, and energy at 40 mm (1.6 in) over that of
the 2.99-kg/m3 (5.0-lb/yd3) fiber dose, which suggests that there is a limit to the effect of the
fiber dosage. It should also be noted that this mix had a slump of 139.7 mm (5.5 in), which was
the stiffest of the three mixes.
Figure 100. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement curves for
shotcrete reinforced with six-gauge wire mesh and cured for 28 days.
In Figure 100 the load-displacement and energy curves are shown for the two panels with the
welded wire mesh with no additives. The measured flexural load capacity for tests conducted
with welded wire mesh is of particular interest to underground mines because this supermesh
support system is currently being used in weak rock conditions. The shape of the loaddisplacement and energy curves after the peak load is significantly different than the curves
previously shown for the fiber-reinforced panels. Both welded wire mesh panels without the
additive have similar load-displacement curves. Further, the developed average toughness at 450
Joules far exceeds the 280 Joules recommended for weak rock mass support [Pakalnis 2010].
The panels were capable of holding 6 kN (1,348.9 lbf) at 40 mm (1.6 in) for a mix with a slump
of 127 mm (5 in).
Figure 101. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement curves for
shotcrete with a water-reducing admixture that is reinforced with six-gauge wire mesh
and cured for 28 days.
As shown by the load-displacement and energy curves in Figure 101, 700 Joules of
toughness was measured for the two panels with welded wire mesh reinforcement and additives.
This toughness level exceeds the 280 Joules of energy recommended by Pakalnis [2010] for
ground support in weak rock mass mines. There was an increase in the total energy of almost 200
Joules when compared to the wire mesh panels without the admixture I accelerant. Additionally,
the residual load at 40 mm (1.6 in) exceeded the 6 kN (1,348.9 lbf) as required for dead weight
loads in weak rock mass mines [Martin et al. 2010]. This mix design had a slump of 171.5 mm
(6.75 in) as compared to 127 mm (5 in) for the welded wire mesh panels without the admixtures,
thus showing the effects of admixtures.
Furthermore, Figure 102 shows the load-displacement and energy curves for the two panels
with the Performax fiber mix. The Performax fiber mix panels made with a fiber dose of 1.87
kg/m3 (3.15 lb/yd3) showed a very similar performance as the Shogun fiber mix panels with the
same fiber dosage in terms of the peak load, and the energy and residual load at 40 mm of
displacement (Figure 97). The Performax fiber mix, however, has a more consistent load and
energy profile than the Shogun fiber mix with the same dosage. The slump at 158.8 mm (6.25 in)
was a little stiffer than the corresponding Shogun mix by 13 mm (0.5 in).
Figure 102. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement curves for
1.87-kg/m (3.15-lb/yd ) Performax fiber mix with 28-day cure time.
Table 14. Average results from field tests with round-panel shotcrete samples
a. Wet-mix shotcrete for the Pogo and Kensington mines
Brand of
kN (lbf)
kN (lbf)*
Mix type
Cement content,
kg/tonne (lb/ton)
325 (650)
1.7 (382.2)
0.25 (56.2)
350 (700)
9 (2,023.3)
2 (449.6)
Type of
kN (lbf)
kN (lbf)*
Mix type
of mix
mm (in)
8 (1,798.5)
127 (5)
127 (5)
Wire mesh
nm = not measured
c. Wet mix shotcrete reinforced with synthetic macro fiber at Devils Slide Tunnels Project
Mix type
mm (in)
38 (1.5)
of fiber
kN (lbf)
kN (lbf)
4 (899.2)
d. Wet mix shotcrete reinforced with synthetic macro fiber at Leeville Mine
mm (in)
Brand of
kN (lbf)
kN (lbf)
2 (449.6)
2 (449.6)
Type of
kN (lbf)
kN (lbf)
mm (in)
6 gauge
6 gauge
1.6 (2.7)
Figure 103. Comparison of load versus displacement curves for round-panel shotcrete samples
reinforced with synthetic macro fiber (polyfiber), steel fiber, or wire mesh.
A comparison of the load displacement for selected panels reinforced with welded wire mesh
or fibers (polyester and steel) is shown in Figure 103. For the panels reinforced with welded wire
mesh, a six-gauge wire mesh was used with a spacing of 100 x 100 mm (4 x 4 in). For the
shotcrete panels reinforced with polyfiber, a fiber dosage of 4.15 kg/m3 (7.0 lb/yd3) was used.
The shotcrete panels reinforced with steel fiber were cast and tested at SRL in Spokane,
Washington with a steel fiber dosage of 44.5 kg/m3 (75.1 lb/yd3). Both the steel and polyfiber
dosages are typically recommended for shotcrete used in underground mines operating in weak
ground conditions.
Peak flexural loads occur at displacements less than 6.3 mm (0.25 in). With the welded wire
mesh, the peak flexural and residual loads are significantly higher than for either of the panels
with fiber (Figure 103). The first-break load for the wire mesh is about 23 kN (5,170.6 lbf) as
compared to 19 kN (4,271.4 lbf) for steel fiber and 17 kN (3,821.8 lbf) for polyfiber
At 40 mm (1.6 in), the welded wire mesh panel had a residual load of about 6 kN (1,348.9
lbf), though this load could only be maintained up to 12 mm (0.5 in) of displacement with the
fiber reinforcement. The wire mesh curve shows that it has substantially greater post-peak, loadcarrying capabilities even beyond the 40-mm (1.6-in) test standard. For use in a high
displacement environment between 4050 mm (1.61.9 in), the welded wire mesh panel can still
carry a residual load much larger than that of the fiber reinforcement.
The energy capacity or toughness for each of the panels is also shown in Figure 104. The
welded wire has a superior energy capacity or toughness not only at 40 mm (1.6 in), but up to 50
mm (1.9 in) as well. This implies that shotcrete with welded wire mesh will resist crack growth
and have a much higher residual load for a given displacement than fiber-reinforced shotcrete.
Figure 104. Comparison of load versus displacement and energy versus displacement
curves for round-panel shotcrete samples reinforced with synthetic macro fiber (polyfiber),
steel fiber, or wire mesh.
Design Requirements of Shotcrete as a Component of Support System Based on RDP Tests
Shotcrete is one of the support components in a multi-element ground support system that is
typically used in weak rock conditions. Because shotcrete is applied in combination with a number
of primary and secondary ground control devices (long and short bolts, mesh, strapping, etc.) the
actual support provided by the shotcrete is difficult to determine. Because the support provided by
the shotcrete is not well defined, analytical approaches for the design of shotcrete have not been
developed. Instead, empirical designs based on type of ground (RMR or Q), span of the
underground entry, and rock bolt spacing are commonly used, particularly for weak rock conditions.
Empirical Systems
Following are examples of some commonly used empirical systems that are currently available:
Both the Q and RMR classification systems are based on a rating of the following three
principal properties of a rock mass:
The main advantage of the Q classification system over the RMR system is that it is able to
account for minor variations in rock properties. The disadvantage is that more knowledge and
experience are required to use the Q system. The definitions used to describe joint conditions are
complicated making the system difficult for inexperienced users to use in mines [Milne et al.
1998]. In actual application, the rock mass characterization systems are usually paired, analyzed
simultaneously, and the results compared in order to give proper consideration to any parameters
that one system might not include [Pakalnis 2008; Papworth 2002; Morgan et al. 1999; Bernard
2002; Grant 2001 et al.; Hoek et al. 2005; Barton et al. 1974].
The empirical systems have continued to evolve over time as new data becomes available
and added to the existing characterization systems. Barton et al. [1974] originally developed a
tunnel quality index (Q system) based on a rating of the principle properties of a rock mass for
the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Grimstad and Barton [1993] then combined this Q rating
with a number of geomechanical properties to produce a composite chart that provides guidance
on the appropriate level of support required for the ground conditions.
Grimstad and Barton [1993] updated the chart adding fiber-reinforced shotcrete support
systems. Papworth [2002] and Morgan et al. [1990] used a 10-m (30-ft) span opening to further
refine the chart by adding recommendations on shotcrete thickness (in conjunction with rock
bolts or steel sets) for different RMR values that had been developed by Bieniawski [1973], and
a toughness correlation that had been developed by Grant et al. [2001]. However, the shotcrete
with welded wire mesh was not included in the chart. Based on the round panel tests conducted
in this study, the shotcrete reinforced with welded wire mesh that is used in the weak rock
conditions of Nevada can now be incorporated into the design chart. Depending on the shotcrete
design, the energy capacity or toughness of the shotcrete reinforced with the six-gauge welded
wire mesh ranged from 500 to 700 joules at 40 mm (1.6 in) of displacement.
Empirical Design Chart
The composite chart developed through these efforts including the results of the testing on
the panels with shotcrete reinforced with welded wire mesh, shown as WM in the
reinforcement categories, is shown in Figure 105. Shotcrete reinforced with welded wire mesh is
used in very poor to extremely poor rock where support systems with 400 joules of energy
capacity or higher are recommended.
The chart in Figure 105 can be used as a guide for underground support system design by first
assessing the rock mass quality, Q. This value is then applied along the x-axis of the chart. An
estimate of the opening size (span or height) is made based on the ground conditions. The opening
duration or excavation support ratio (ESR) value is used to indicate the time an excavation is
expected to remain open in the mining cycle. In underground gold mines in Nevada, production
stopes usually remain open for 3 to 5 days, and then they are backfilled. In other cases, such as an
access or haulage way, the mine opening will have a long-term design life. Based on the geologic
structure, an estimate of the span opening and duration can be made. The span or height is divided
by the duration or ESR to obtain a value, which is then applied to the y-axis of the chart. The
intercept of these x and y values on the chart yields the reinforcement category or level of support
required for the ground conditions. The reinforcement categories, listed below the chart and
illustrated between the dark bands on the chart, are used to identify the components and
characteristics of the support system, including bolt length, bolt spacing, reinforcement, shotcrete
thickness, and shotcrete support capacity in terms of energy. The region of the chart highlighted
with a red box most closely resembles the types of rock mass, rock mass ground conditions,
support requirements, and type of ground support incorporating shotcrete that is used in weak
rock mass mines (low RMR ground conditions). This is the intended subject of this document.
Using this empirical design approach, the required length and spacing of the rock bolts can be
determined, and the recommended energy of the shotcrete can be identified. These ground support
criteria can then be used to establish an applicable testing and quality control program.
Figure 105. Estimated support categories based on tunneling quality index Q, after Grimstad et al.
[1993], Papworth [2002], Pakalnis [2010], and modified by NIOSH.
Hoek et al. [2005] produced a compilation of current shotcrete practices, combining many of
these empirical guidelines along with their practical experience. The information presented in
Table 15 is a summary of the types of rock mass, rock mass ground conditions, support
requirements, and type of support incorporating shotcrete to use in low RMR or weak rock
conditions. This table can only be used as an approximate guide when deciding upon the type
and thickness of shotcrete to be applied in a specific application. Modifications will almost
certainly be required to deal with local variations in rock conditions and shotcrete quality.
Table 15. Summary of shotcrete applications in underground mining for different rock
mass conditions, after Hoek et al. [2005]
Rock mass
Rock mass
Shotcrete application
jointed and
bedded weak
spalling, and
potential for
wedges or
blocks to fall or
slide due to
bedding plane
Provision of
support in
addition to that
available from
rock bolts or
cables. Sealing
of weak bedding
plane exposures.
Prevention of
retention of
broken rock,
control of rock
mass dilation,
and control of
or igneous
rock with
shear zone
joints, or
faults with
Raveling of
small rock
wedges and
blocks defined
by intersecting
joints along
with squeezing
and plastic
flow of rock
mass opening.
Rock mass
Rock mass
Bed separation
in wide-span
with potential
sedimentary for wedges or
rock with
blocks to fall or
clay coated
slide and
surfaces with raveling of
metamorphic bedding in
hanging and
Shotcrete application
Control of rock
mass failure and
dilation along
with retention of
broken rock and
control of
propagation in
addition, sealing
of weak bedding
plane exposures.
Premining-cycle Trials
Premining-cycle trials are used to validate the process and determine expected values and
allowable variability for ongoing mining-cycle quality control design and installation compliance
tests. Premining-cycle trials should be conducted using the same equipment, methods, and
personnel that will be used for installing the shotcrete once the mining cycle starts. Test samples
for early strength, flexural load capacity, and toughness should be collected, tested, and the
results assessed in terms of the reliability and repeatability of the values obtained and the
soundness of the methods. If the procedures and methods produce reliable values to the standards
set by qualified professionals administering the quality control program, the performance of the
mix design proposed for mine cycle use can then be used as a benchmark. At this point, the
averaged results of early-strength testing of sprayed samples for the period of 16 hrs after
spraying and that for the averaged results of round panel flexural and toughness testing should
have been determined [AuSS 2008].
Mine Cycle Testing
The frequency of mining cycle testing of the shotcrete will depend on the severity of the
support application demands and if the installed product is not performing up to the design
requirements. There is also a timing element, whereas, the sooner a problem is detected, the
sooner corrective action can be taken. The frequency of testing can be specified on the basis of
volume of shotcrete applied, area of shotcrete sprayed, or per shift. An example of recommended
frequencies for mining applications is shown in Table 16 [AuSS 2008].
Table 17. Recommended frequency of shotcrete tests for mining applications,
after AuSS [2008]
Characteristic analyzed
Test method
In-stope after
Adhesion Test
From batched
and sprayed
From batched
and sprayed
ASTM C1550
sections, the accurate documentation of the areas where shotcrete is applied each day that can then
be indexed to test results is of particular importance because with this information the area where
corrective action must be taken can be located. Should a situation arise where obvious operational,
procedural, equipment, safety, or post-installation testing of cured samples reveals test values for
the shotcrete performance that are not in compliance with the allowable limits, then a feasible and
safe contingency action plan of specific corrective measures should be available [Spearing 2001].
An example of a simple corrective action plan that covers preshotcreting, during and shortly after
shotcreting, and a period of time after shotcreting is shown in Table 17.
Table 18. Typical corrective actions for shotcrete problems
Time period
Mix composition,
aggregate grading, cement,
available material, storage
conditions, equipment
condition, services (power,
water, lighting), and safety
Substrate condition
Accelerator level
Surface finish
Days after
by AuSS [2008], Bernard [2002], and Papworth [2002]. Although test results with welded wire
mesh provided some of the highest energy values during testing, it should be noted that the
welded wire mesh was placed in the middle of the test panels. Panel strengths and energies with
welded wire mesh are affected by the placement of the welded wire mesh. Typical alternative
placement locations are either in the top or bottom layer of the panel, and testing has shown that
these welded wire mesh locations produce different load and energy values. Therefore,
placement location of the welded wire mesh should match the in-mine construction to properly
determine the welded wire mesh test panel loads and energies for a particular mine.
Summary of Discussion
By using NIOSH-developed portable, mine-site shotcrete testing machines, mine personnel
can measure early compressive strength development, bond strength, and flexural load capacity.
Establishing and monitoring these strength characteristics can improve safety by insuring that the
shotcrete used within the ground support system meets the ground support design specifications
as shown in this study.
Field trials conducted with the portable shotcrete test machines have demonstrated that the
test equipment can operate reliably in underground mine environments and that mine personnel
can easily conduct the tests. These unique machines produce timely, meaningful, repeatable, and
accurate test results that are consistent with the results obtained from fixed laboratory-based test
Furthermore, an empirical design chart can be used to assist in determining the appropriate
design requirements for shotcrete in weak rock mass conditions. This design chart was modified
based on the results from NIOSH tests conducted with shotcrete round panels with and without
welded wire mesh and observed ground control practices in U.S. underground mines.
The authors thank James Schumacher and Paul Meyer with Thiessen Team USA, Elko,
Nevada; Vince Mendive with Thiessen Team USA, Big Timber, Montana; and Mark Mudlin
with BASF, Master Builders, Elko, Nevada, for their technical support regarding commercial
shotcrete mixes and application practices. We also thank Justin Deemer and Rocky Wegland
with Westech Automation in Spokane, Washington, for their assistance developing the testing
machines. In addition, we thank Louis Sandbak and Rory Upshaw, Barrick Gold Corporation,
Turquoise Ridge Joint Venture, Golconda, Nevada; Dr. Changshou Sun and Bob Riley,
Newmont Mining Corporation, Leeville Mine, Carlin, Nevada; and Dr. Jeramy Decker, Kiewit
Corporation, Devils Slide Tunnels Project, Pacifica, California for their cooperation and
assistance conducting shotcrete tests on site. We especially thank Dr. Rimas Pakalnis, Pakalnis
and Associates, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, for his guidance and collaboration in this research.
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Equipment Specifications for Portable Shotcrete Test Machines
Table A1. Early strength test machine
a. Press specifications
70 cm (27.5 in)
Speed, test
Speed, jog
Drive system
Ball screw
AutomationDirect closed
loop servo
36 cm (14.25 in)
17 cm (6.95 in)
110 VAC
Operating system
Eaton controls
Data system
Eaton controls
05 Volt signal
36 cm (14.25 in)
17 cm (6.95 in)
110 VAC
Operating system
Eaton controls
Data system
Eaton controls
05 Volt signal
84 cm (33 in)
Speed, test
Speed, jog
Drive system
Ball screw
41 cm (16 in)
23 cm (9 in)
41 cm (16 in)
110 VAC
Operating system
Eaton controls
Data system
Eaton controls
05 Volt signal
Drive system
Drill stand
Threaded rod, -16 UNC x 30 in
Hex coupling nut, -16 UNC x 1 in
Extension rod
Pulling fixture,
aluminum weldament
Hydraulic pump
Enerpac P-142 two-speed: 1st stage 200 psi, 2nd stage 10,000 psi
Hydraulic ram
Safety straps (3)
NRS HD tie-down strap, 1-in width x 3-ft length with heavyduty 1-in cam buckle
Wall mount (3), 2-in x 2-in aluminum angle, -in thickness x
2-in length
Pulling fixture (3), aluminum flat bar, -in thickness x 1-in
width x 2-in length
d. Anchors specifications
Shotcrete anchors (3)
Drill stand (1) and wall-mount strap brackets (2): Hilti HDI
drop-in anchor, -in OD x 2-in length with -13 UNC x 1 in
Hilti Kwik-LOK spindle, 7-in overall length with -13
UNC x 1 in and -in rope thread x 6 in
Hilti Kwik-LOK nut, -in rope thread
Pulling stud
ID = inside diameter
Conversion of Pressure Gauge Bond Strength Test Values to Direct Tensile Force
The ultimate tensile force applied to the test core is determined by converting the maximum
hydraulic pressure obtained from the pressure gauge to the maximum tensile force acting normal
to the cores failure surface. The tensile force is assumed to act in a direction parallel with the
longitudinal axis of the test core, based on the configuration of the drill holes and the design of the
direct-tension pulling equipment used for the shotcrete bond strength test. The area of the failure
surface is assumed to be equivalent to the cross-sectional area of the test core. The relationship
between the hydraulic pressure measured at the pressure gauge and the applied tensile load can be
established using a calibrated load cell and the hydraulic components of the pulling system. As
the hydraulic ram is cycled through an expected loading range, a series of load cell values are
recorded along with the corresponding pressure gauge readings. This data is then plotted, and a
trend line representing the data is used to determine the tensile force applied to the test core from
the hydraulic pressure gauge reading. Alternatively, a linear regression equation can be calculated
from the plotted data and used to calculate the applied tensile force. A typical equation
representing this linear relationship is listed below (Equation 1).
F t = (2.7181) p 10.058