Advanced CQB Guide
Advanced CQB Guide
Advanced CQB Guide
3man and 2 man teams this method is typicially used by S.A.S ,Commando's,
SEAL teams and a select few of british and US forces.
This is also a great technique to use when u have a shortage of players,
wounded or are just undermanned for the task at hand.
Surprise is the key to a successful assault at close quarters. The fire team or
squad clearing the room must achieve surprise, if only for seconds, by
deceiving, distracting, or startling the enemy. Sometimes stun grenades may
be used to achieve surprise. These are more effective against a nonalert,
poorly trained enemy than against alert, well-trained soldiers.
Ensure that you are set on "combat pace" this allows for a quicker
reaction time to movement commands and engagements.
Gain and maintain immediate control of the situation and all personel.
The door is the focal point of anyone in the room. It is known as the
fatal funnel, because it focuses attention at the precise point where the
individual team members are the most vulnerable. Moving into the
room quickly reduces the chance anyone being hit by enemy fire
directed at the doorway.
The first man's position is deep into the near corner of the room. The
depth of his movement is determined by the size of the room, any
obstacles in the room, such as furniture, and by the number and
location of enemy and any non-combatants in the room.
The first man, enters the room and eliminates the immediate threat.
He has the option of going left or right, normally moving along the path of
least resistance to one of two corners. Upon entering, the size of the room,
enemy situation, and furniture or other obstacles that hinder or channel
movement become factors that influence the number 1 man's direction of
The direction each man moves in should NOT be preplanned unless the
exact room layout is known. Each man should go in a direction
opposite the man in front of him Every team member must know the
sectors and duties of each position.
As the first man goes through the entry point, he can usually see into
the far corner of the room. He eliminates any immediate threat and
continues to move along the wall if possible and to the first corner,
where he assumes a position of domination facing into the room.
2nd man
The second man (team leader), entering almost simultaneously with the
first, moves in the opposite direction, following the wall and staying out of
the center (see below) The second man must clear the entry point, clear
the immediate threat area, clear his corner, and move to a dominating
position on his side of the room.
see below
3rd man
The third man simply goes opposite of the second man inside the room at
least one meter from the entry point and moves to a position that
dominates his sector.
see below
4th man
The fourth man moves opposite of the third man and moves to a position
that dominates his sector or in some situations will not enter the room but
hold on the entrance of the room an provide rear security.
see below
If the path of least resistance takes the first man to the left, then all points
of domination are the mirror image of those shown in the diagram.
Points of domination should not be in front of doors or windows, so team
members are not silhouetted to the outside of the room. No movement
should mask the fire of any of the other team members.
see below for the finished product
When full four-man teams are not available for room clearing, threeand two-man teams can be used,below shows the points of
domination and sectors of fire for a three-man clearing team.
Leaders should use the entry technique blueprint when modifying
their techniques at all times! In the instance below you would lose /
sacrifice the rear guard and concentrate on entering the building
and securing it.
Below you will the same formation (clearing with 3 guys) but you
will notice that is has a left sided door on the entrance, this example
is what is meant by "modifying techniques" to achieve the same
goal of clearing the room sufficiently and safely.
Remember if the R.O.E states that it's possible and the S.O.P,
a concussion grenade may be used upon entry of the room.