Milk Presentation
Milk Presentation
Milk Presentation
Milking has been
dated back to almost
30,000 years ago, to
a tribe in the Middle
East who
antelope for their
History of Milk [cont]
The Christian bible
references milk over
50 times.
− So I have come down to rescue them
from the hand of the Egyptians and to
bring them up out of that land into a
good and spacious land, a land flowing
with milk and honey—
- Exodus 3:8
Cows saved the
Jamestown settlers in
the 1600's.
– In 1606, the settlers of Jamestown didn't
make it through winter. A few years later, a
man brought 100 cows. Milk saved them
through the winter.
History of Milk [cont]
Dairy began in the
north east, where grain
mills and breweries
were aplenty in the 19th
and early 20th
In 1993, California
climbed the charts and
became the United
States biggest milk
Types of Cows Used
Other Animals Used
What about the cows?
The cows and other animals used for milking
purposes are treated very well on most dairy
farms. On family owned dairy farms, they have
a lot of pastures to roam and graze, and are
healthy animals. Most good dairy farmers will
use the colostrum (the ”milk” the mother gets
before the real milk comes in, which is usually
within days after birth) on the newborn calves,
and then bottle feed them the rest of the time.
It's no different than formula feeding our human
What about the cows? [cont]