000taper Transition
000taper Transition
000taper Transition
ISSN: 2278-2834, ISBN: 2278-8735. Volume 3, Issue 5 (Sep. Oct.. 2012), PP 36-40
Abstract: Substrate Integrated Waveguides (SIW) are used for transmission of Electromagnetic waves. They
are planar structures belonging to the family of Substrate Integrated Circuits. Because of their planar nature,
they can be fabricated on planar circuits like Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and can be integrated with other
planar transmission lines like microstrips. They retain the low loss property of their conventional metallic
waveguides and are widely used as interconnection in high speed circuits, filters, directional couplers,
antennas. This paper is a comprehensive review of Substrate Integrated Waveguide and its integration with
Microstrip line. In this paper, design techniques for SIW and its microstrip interconnect are presented. HFSS is
used for simulation results. The objective of this paper is to provide broad perspective of SIW Technology.
Keywords: Microstrip Transition, Reflection Parameter, Substrate Integrated Waveguide, Vias.
The Transmission lines like two-wire cables and coaxial cables are traditionally used for transmission
of Electromagnetic energy. These transmission lines result in lot of radiation loss, copper loss, skin effect and
dielectric loss. Moreover they are non-planar in nature, so their integration with planar circuit and its
components is complex. Metallic waveguides are better wave guiding options then compared to traditional
transmission lines. But, they are bulky and non-planar in nature. Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) acts as
alternative option to metallic waveguides. SIW are planar structures fabricated using two periodic rows of
metallic vias (holes) or slots connecting top and bottom metallic ground planes of dielectric substrate as shown
in Fig.1 below. Using SIW Technology a non-planar metallic waveguide can be modeled into a Substrate
Integrated Waveguide, which will be planar in nature and can be fabricated on, as well as integrated to, planar
circuits with ease. In [1], some active and passive SIW components are discussed. Like microstrips and coplanar
lines SIW components are compact, light, cost effective and easy to fabricate.
We consider here Rectangular SIW to understand design technique of SIW. For Rectangular SIW the
width and height are important consideration because the cutoff frequency of it depends on them. For a
rectangular waveguide TE10 mode is dominant mode. Below Fig. 2 shows SIW model and the parameters to be
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The diameter d and the periodic distance p of vias must be selected such that there are no leakage
radiations from them as discussed in [4]. The periodic length must be greater than the diameter of the vias so
that the structure is physically realizable.
Since SIW is a periodic guided wave structure, the electromagnetic bandstop phenomenon will
probably appear which should be avoided over the waveguide bandwidth of interest. Therefore the condition
shown below should be used to avoid any bandgap effects in the operating bandwidth.
(p / c) < 0.25
A non essential but desirable condition for the manufacturing process is to minimize the number of vias
as the production time is proportional to their numbers. So the number of vias should not exceed 20 per
wavelength as in the given condition:
(p / c) > 0.05
Center to center distance between vias of both the rows a can be calculated using a simple formula
given below form [2],[5] and In [2] four other formulas are discussed to determine the value of a.
Using the above design techniques or rules we can design a SIW from its conventional waveguide
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The SIW fabricated on planar circuits need to be integrated to planar transmission lines like
microstrips. For this microstrip and its transition to waveguide must be designed. The width w of the
microstrip depends upon the height of the dielectric substrate b, dielectric constant of the substrate
r and
impedance of microstrip line Z0. The microstrip width by height of dielectric ratio (w/b) can be determined by
equation as given below from [6]:
Where in equation (8):
In [7] the equations are discussed to determine the effective permittivity e and impedance of
microstrip line if (w/b) ratio is known. Fig. 3 show model of microstrip line and microstrip taper.
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We illustrate a simulation example for SIW and its Microstrip transition. Here the models are designed
for X band (8GHz-12GHz) frequency range. The objective of example is to design models using design
techniques, such that reflection parameter is below -15dB, good bandwidth is obtained after microstrip to SIW
transition and no radiation leakage is present. For designing, conventional waveguide is considered having
con= 1 and acon is taken as 18.71mm. Metal thickness is taken as 0.01mm. Cutoff frequency calculated as 8
GHz form equation (2), which Lower frequency of X band and simulation is done for 10 GHz frequency which
fall under X band. Length is in millimeter and frequency is in GHz. Using all the above equations we find the
required parameters as shown below in Table 1:
The Simulation results for S11, S12 parameters of SIW and its E-Field are shown below in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6
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A Review on Substrate Integrated Waveguide and its Microstrip Interconnect shows that using design
techniques, a conventional waveguide can be converted to its SIW equivalent and can be transitioned with
microstrip, which can be integrated with planar circuits with ease.
From Simulation results of the discussed example, we get S11 parameter of SIW below -15dB from
8.62GHz onwards and a bandwidth of 3.38GHz, in X Band. After Microstrip to SIW transition, we get -15dB
from 9.7GHz onwards and a bandwidth of 2.3GHz, in X Band. For both models, from simulation results, we can
see that the E-Field is contained within SIW and there is no leakage radiation outside the vias of SIW.
SIW can be used in planar circuits with is low radiation loss. System on Substrate (SoS) is a good
example where SIW technology can be applied.
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