Nov 2014 Sat Exam

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SAT Reasoning Test General Directions


You will have 3 hours and 45 minutes to work on this test.

There are ten separately timed sections:
One 25-minute essay
Six other 25-minute sections
Two 20-minute sections
One 10-minute section
You may work on only one section at a time.
The supervisor will tell you when to begin and end each section.
If you finish a section before time is called, check your work on that section.
You may NOT turn to any other section.
Work as rapidly as you can without losing accuracy. Dont waste time on
questions that seem too difficult for you.

IMPORTANT: The codes below are unique to

your test book. Copy them on your answer sheet
in boxes 8 and 9 and ll in the corresponding
circles exactly as shown.


(Copy from back of test book.)

(Copy and grid as on
back of test book.)

Marking Answers

Be sure to mark your answer sheet properly.


Using Your Test Book

You must use a No. 2 pencil.

Carefully mark only one answer for each question.
Make sure you fill the entire circle darkly and completely.
Do not make any stray marks on your answer sheet.
If you erase, do so completely. Incomplete erasures may be scored as
intended answers.
Use only the answer spaces that correspond to the question numbers.
You may use the test book for scratchwork, but you will not receive credit
for anything written there.
After time has been called, you may not transfer answers to your answer
sheet or fill in circles.
You may not fold or remove pages or portions of a page from this book,
or take the book or answer sheet from the testing room.


For each correct answer, you receive one point.

For questions you omit, you receive no points.
For a wrong answer to a multiple-choice question, you lose one-fourth of
a point.
If you can eliminate one or more of the answer choices as wrong,
you increase your chances of choosing the correct answer and
earning one point.
If you cant eliminate any choice, move on. You can return to the
question later if there is time.
For a wrong answer to a student-produced response (grid-in) math
question, you dont lose any points.
Multiple-choice and student-produced response questions are machine
The essay is scored on a 1 to 6 scale by two different readers. The total
essay score is the sum of the two readers scores.
Off-topic essays, blank essays, and essays written in ink will receive a
score of zero.

The passages for this test have been adapted from published material.
The ideas contained in them do not necessarily represent the opinions of the College Board.



You may use this space to make notes for your essay. Remember, however, that you
will receive credit ONLY for what is written on your answer sheet.

Write essay on answer

Time 25 minutes

Turn to page 2 of your answer sheet to write your ESSAY.

The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can develop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take
care to develop your point of view, present your ideas logically and clearly, and use language precisely.
Your essay must be written on the lines provided on your answer sheet you will receive no other paper on which to write.
You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size.
Remember that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write. Try to write or print so that what
you are writing is legible to those readers.
Important Reminders:
A pencil is required for the essay. An essay written in ink will receive a score of zero.
Do not write your essay in your test book. You will receive credit only for what you write on your
answer sheet.
An off-topic essay will receive a score of zero.
You have twenty-five minutes to write an essay on the topic assigned below.

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
The people we call heroes do not usually start out as unusual. Often they are ordinary people
subject to ordinary human weaknessesfear, doubt, and self-interest. In fact, they live ordinary
lives until they distinguish themselves by having to deal with an injustice or a difficult situation.
Only then, when they must respond in thought and in action to an extraordinary challenge, do
people begin to know their strengths and weaknesses.

Do people learn who they are only when they are forced into action? Plan and write an essay in which you
develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your
reading, studies, experience, or observations.


If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

Time 25 minutes
24 Questions

Turn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding
circle on the answer sheet.
Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank
indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath
the sentence are five words or sets of words labeled A
through E. Choose the word or set of words that, when
inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a whole.
Hoping to ------- the dispute, negotiators proposed
a compromise that they felt would be ------- to both
labor and management.

enforce . . useful
end . . divisive
overcome . . unattractive
extend . . satisfactory
resolve . . acceptable

1. Responding to criticism that the script was rambling

and -------, the new screenwriter revised the dialogue
for greater succinctness and -------.

engaging . . simplicity
subjective . . ambiguity
muddled . . clarity
terse . . emptiness
difficult . . abstraction

2. During the 1990s, Shanghai benefited from an architectural -------, the result of a dramatic increase in
innovative and artistic building.
(A) intransigence
(D) stagnation

(B) plenitude
(C) desecration
(E) renaissance

3. Many subatomic nuclear particles are ------- and

nearly -------: they are hard to track as well as
to detect.

unstable . . explosive
elusive . . imperceptible
minute . . immobile
charged . . reactive
tenuous . . indivisible

4. The crafty child tricked his innocent brother, a particularly ------- and trusting boy, into committing a
mischievous prank.
(A) guileless
(B) intrusive (C) astute
(D) opportunistic
(E) circumspect
5. Ellen Ochoas ------- with the apparatus in the space
shuttle Discovery was apparent when she adroitly
manipulated the shuttles robot arm.
(A) compromise
(B) humility
(D) synergy (E) deftness

(C) machinations

The passages below are followed by questions based on their content; questions following a pair of related passages may also
be based on the relationship between the paired passages. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the
passages and in any introductory material that may be provided.
Questions 6-9 are based on the following passages.
Passage 1
When I entered journalism school in the 1920s, I
found out that perennial and fundamental laws governing
the art of good writing had been discovered. Experts
Line had stubbornly and rigorously analyzed readers modest
5 capacity to dedicate their attention to the printed page
and had established once and for all, apparently with the
mathematical precision of astronomers, the order of
readers natural preferences. They found that effective
prose was composed of a limited number of very simple
10 and common words grouped in short, crisp sentences.
When designed rigorously, such prose could penetrate the
opaque barrier of millions of readers indifference, apathy,
inattention, and obtuseness.
Passage 2
Beginning writers are often taught that effective prose
is crisp and concise and that most readers have no patience
with densely complex sentences and obscure vocabulary.
While clarity and succinctness are certainly worthy goals,
I sometimes worry that our assumption that the reading
public can comprehend only such writing might be selling
20 them short. Assuming that readers are merely able to digest
simple words, and that they have no interest in puzzling
through more challenging prose, turns that theory into a
self-fulfilling prophecy. Its our responsibility as writers
to offer the public something beyond workmanlike writing:
25 if we dont, readers will never appreciate writing as an art
rather than as a mechanical craft.

6. Both passages address which of the following topics?


Why people choose writing as a career

The kind of writing that readers can understand
How readers convey their preferences to writers
The difference between beginning writers
and experts
(E) Why long sentences are easier to read than
short ones
7. Which statement in Passage 2 most directly contradicts
the assertion in Passage 1, lines 8-10 (They found . . .
sentences) ?

Beginning writers . . . concise (lines 14-15)

most readers . . . vocabulary (lines 15-16)
clarity and . . . goals (line 17)
they have . . . prose (lines 21-22)
Its our . . . writing (lines 23-24)

8. The author of Passage 2 would most likely respond

to the view of readers expressed in the last sentence
of Passage 1 (lines 11-13) with


9. In comparison to Passage 2, the tone of Passage 1

is more


Questions 10-15 are based on the following passage.

The following passage is from a 1994 collection of essays
about animals, written by a poet, philosopher, and animal










The question that comes first to my mind is this: What

would it mean to say that an animal has the right to the
pursuit of happiness? How would that come about, and in
relationship to whom?
In speaking of animal happiness, we often tend to
mean something like creature comforts. The emblems of
this are the golden retriever rolling in the grass, the horse
with his nose deep in the oats, kitty by the fire. Creature
comforts are important to animals: Grub first, then ethics
is a motto that would describe many a wise Labrador
retriever, and I have a bull terrier named Annie whose
continual quest for the perfect pillow inspires her to
awesome feats. But there is something more to animals,
something more to my Annie, a capacity for satisfactions
that come from work in the full sense something
approximately like what leads some people to insist that
they need a career (though my own temperament is such
that I think of a good woodcarver or a dancer or a poet
sooner than I think of a business executive when I
contemplate the kind of happiness enjoyed by an
accomplished dressage horse). This happiness, like the
artists, must come from something within the animal,
something trainers call talent, and so cannot be imposed
on the animal. But at the same time it does not arise in a
vacuum; if it had not been a fairly ordinary thing in one
part of the world at one point to teach young children to
play the harpsichord, it is doubtful that Mozarts music
would exist. There are animal versions, if not equivalents,
of Mozart, and they cannot make their spontaneous
passions into sustained happiness without education, any
more than Mozart could have.
Aristotle identified happiness with ethics and with work,
unlike Thomas Jefferson, who defined happiness as
Indolence of Body; Tranquility of Mind, and thus what I
call creature comforts. Aristotle also excluded as unethical
anything that animals and artists do, for reasons that look
wholly benighted to me. Nonetheless, his central insights
are more helpful than anything else I know in beginning
to understand why some horses and dogs can only be
described as competent, good at what they do, and therefore happy. Not happy because leading lives of pleasure,
but rather happy because leading lives in which the sensation of getting it right, the click, as of the pleasure that
comes from solving a puzzle or surmounting something,
is a governing principle.

Dressage is a complex series of movements signaled to a horse by its


10. The author presents examples in lines 7-8 in order to

(A) illustrate the variety of activities in which animals
(B) suggest that appearances of happiness are
(C) evoke images of contentment
(D) support an apparently implausible argument
(E) arouse nostalgic longings
11. The motto in line 9 indicates that animals
(A) are much more intelligent than many people
(B) have been forced to develop keen survival skills
(C) desire consistency in their daily lives
(D) enjoy close relationships with human beings
(E) are concerned primarily with immediate physical
12. Which of the following statements is most consistent
with the authors discussion of temperament in
lines 17-21?
(A) The author believes a poet can be successful in
(B) The author considers artistic pursuits to be the
most personally fulfilling of all endeavors.
(C) The author suspects that a busy life can have its
own rewards.
(D) The author believes that few people are ever
satisfied with the jobs they have chosen.
(E) The author considers subjectivity and selfknowledge to be critical to human gratification.
13. The authors discussion of Mozart in lines 25-28
primarily emphasizes the
(A) role of social circumstances in the emergence of a
musical genius
(B) fact that young children are sometimes pushed to
(C) observation that genius was more common in the
past than it is today
(D) belief that the harpsichord was the ideal musical
instrument for Mozarts early talent
(E) pleasure that artists derive from achievement

14. In line 30, passions most nearly means


love affairs
violent outbursts

15. Which situation most accurately illustrates the authors

definition of a happy animal?

A bird finding its one lifetime mate

A dog herding sheep into a pen
A horse being carefully groomed for a show
A monkey escaping from a city zoo
A cat caring devotedly for her kittens

Questions 16-24 are based on the following passage.

As yet, not one of these large planetssome of which

are many times the mass of Jupiter has actually been
seen through a telescope; we know about them indirectly
through the gravitational effects they exert on their parent
stars. Yet, even though we have no picture of what they
look like, enough information has been deduced about
55 their atmospheric conditions to grant the nickname
Goldilocks to a planet attending the star 70 Virginis,
an appellation suggesting that the cloud-top temperature
is just right, as the storybook Goldilocks would say, for
the presence of liquid water. Liquid water, not known to
60 exist anywhere in our solar system now except on Earth,
is thought crucial to biological life; thus, only a short
leap of faith is needed to carry hopeful scientists from
the presence of water to the existence of extraterrestrial
life. To raise the specter of the Mars rock once again,
65 the primitive life-forms that pressed their memory inside
it likewise suggest an era when dry-as-dust Mars was a
wet world, where rivers flowed.

This passage was written in 1996 after the discovery of

a meteorite that appeared to contain fossil evidence of
microscopic life on Mars.










The rock that sprang to Martian life late last summer

did not shock me by offering up apparent fossils of an extinct
alien form of life. I had long believed that the universe teems
with life elsewhere, and that our failure to find it simply
results from a lack of exploration. What did amaze me about
the potato-size rock that fell from Mars was that it had traveled millions of miles across space to land here, blasted
from world to world by a planetary collision of the sort that
purportedly killed off our dinosaurs, and had lain waiting
for millennia upon an Antarctic ice field, until an observant
young woman traveling in an expedition party picked it up,
because she figured that it had come from another world.
How could she know such a thing?
The composition of ALH 84001, as the much scrutinized rock is designated, closely matches the makeup
of Martian matter that was analyzed on site in 1976 by
miniature chemistry laboratories aboard two Viking
Mars landers. As a result of this positive identification,
no astronomer seriously doubts the meteorites Martian
origin. Researchers think they have pinpointed its former
resting place to just two possible sites a region called
Sinus Sabaeus, fourteen degrees south of the Martian
equator, or a crater east of the Hesperia Planitia region.
The bold precision of this assessment is for me the most
stunning surprise dealt by the rock from Marseven more
mind-boggling than the suggestive traces of something that
might once have lived and died in its microscopic fissures.
I cannot resist comparing this new intimacy with our solar
system to the shoebox diorama of the planets I designed for
my grade-school science fair. I used marbles, jack balls,
and Ping-Pong balls, all hanging on strings and painted
different colors, all inside a box representing our solar
system. This crude assortment of materials allowed a
reasonable representation of what was known 40 years
ago about the nine planets: Mars was red and had two
moons; Jupiter dwarfed the other planets (I should have
used a basketball but it wouldnt fit in the box); Saturn
had rings. If my school-age daughter were to attempt such
a construction today, shed need handfuls of jelly beans
and gum balls to model the newly discovered satellites of
the giant planets. Shed want rings around Jupiter, Uranus,
Neptune, too, not to mention a moon for Pluto.
Similarly, our solar system, once considered unique,
now stands as merely the first known example of a
planetary system in our galaxy. Since October of 1995,
astronomers at ground-based observatories in Europe
and the United States have announced that theyve found
evidence of at least seven alien planets orbiting other stars.

16. In lines 5-12, the author suggests that the expeditionists discovery of the meteorite was surprising
primarily because it
(A) defied scientists doubts that such an object
could reach Earth
(B) occurred after her party had given up any hope
of success
(C) resulted from a seemingly unlikely sequence of
(D) provided evidence to contradict a long-standing
scientific theory
(E) led to an unprecedented degree of scrutiny
17. In line 15, designated most nearly means


18. The author considers the researchers conclusion

bold (line 24) primarily because it
(A) daringly offers two conflicting answers to
a single question
(B) firmly supports a young geologists tentative
(C) confidently uses a small piece of evidence to
build an exact hypothesis
(D) courageously defies a conventional interpretation
of Antarctic evidence
(E) defiantly espouses an unpopular theory about
comets in our solar system

19. The author uses the phrase this new intimacy (line 28)
to refer to the
(A) hands-on quality of the learning experience represented by the shoebox diorama
(B) understanding that nonspecialists now have about
meteorological phenomena
(C) general acceptance of the theory that biological
life once existed on Mars
(D) increased knowledge that scientists have about
our solar system
(E) way that events on one planet affect those on

23. In lines 53-59 the author refers to the Goldilocks fairy

tale (Yet . . . water) in order to make which point
about a particular planet?
(A) The planets environment may be conducive
to a result some scientists are eager to find.
(B) The planets atmosphere was once thought
to be too cold to support biological life.
(C) The simple methods astronomers used to
discover the features of this planet resemble the explorations of curious children.
(D) Scientists wishful speculations about the
existence of this planet deserve little more
credence than a fairy tale.
(E) Only after much trial and error did astronomers
determine the precise location of this planet.

20. In line 33, crude most nearly means


natural and unaltered

rough and inexpert

24. Which of the following, if true, would the hopeful

scientists (line 62) most likely interpret as evidence
of the potential for life on Mars?

21. In line 42, the author refers to Plutos moon most likely
in order to
(A) illustrate a feature of our solar system discovered
since the authors childhood
(B) cite an object too small in scale to have been
included in the authors diorama
(C) draw a parallel between it and our own moon
(D) contrast the scientific curiosity of todays children
with that of children years ago
(E) emphasize the need for a greater commitment to
space exploration

(A) Mars was affected by the same planetary collision

that caused the extinction of dinosaurs.
(B) Mars had a very mild atmospheric temperature
millions of years ago.
(C) Mars had a wet environment at one time in the
(D) The rock that fell from Mars resembled rocks
found on the Antarctic ice field.
(E) The rock that fell from Mars had very few
microscopic fissures.

22. The reasoning process presented in lines 49-53

(As . . . stars) is best described as

inference based on an untested theory

extrapolation from similar situations
analysis of a single case by multiple observers
hypothesis confirmed by direct observation
comparison of theory with physical evidence

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

Time 25 minutes
18 Questions

Turn to Section 3 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Directions: This section contains two types of questions. You have 25 minutes to complete both types. For questions 1-8, solve
each problem and decide which is the best of the choices given. Fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. You may
use any available space for scratchwork.

1. Each month, a telephone service charges a base rate

of $10.00 and an additional $0.08 per call for the first
40 calls and $0.04 for every call after that. How much
does the telephone service charge for a month in which
50 calls are made?


2. According to the chart above, Company XYZ experienced its largest increase in monthly profits between
which two consecutive months?

January and February

February and March
March and April
April and May
May and June

SQR is 25
If the measure of PQR

3. In the figure above, the measure of

the measure of



the measure of a right angle, what is the measure
of SQR ?

(A) 24
(B) 36
(C) 48
(D) 60
(E) 96

4. Each square in the grid above is to be filled with either

1 or 0. Each number to the right of the grid is the sum
of the numbers in the row to its left, and each number
below the grid is the sum of the numbers in the column
above it. For example, there is a 0 below the third
column because the sum of the numbers in that column
is 0. When the 0s and 1s are all entered correctly into
the grid, what will row F be?





5. If (m - 1)(1 - k ) = 0, which of the following can be


I. m = 1
II. k = 1
III. m = k

A 60

I only
II only
I and II only
I, II, and III


7. In  ABC above, AB = 3, and D is the midpoint

of AC. What is the length of BC ?




(approximately 5.20)
(approximately 5.66)
(approximately 6.93)
(approximately 8.49)
(approximately 8.66)

8. If q and r are positive numbers, what percent of

(q + 1) is r ?


6. Which of the following could be the equation of the
graph of function g, shown above?

(A) g ( x ) = x - 3 x + 2
(B) g ( x ) = x 2 - 2 x + 1

(E) g ( x ) = x 2 + 3 x - 2

q +1


100(q + 1)


F 100 r
H q


q +1

(C) g ( x ) = x 2 + x + 3
(D) g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x - 1

100r (q + 1)

+ 1J %

-pound sticks of butter together weigh as
much as 25 pounds of butter?

9. How many

10. If

(5 + 2 )m + 3
= 6 , what is the value of m ?

11. In isosceles triangle ABC, the measure of angle A is

80. If another angle of the triangle measures x,
where x 80, what is one possible value of x ?

12. If r is directly proportional to s and if s =

r =


, what is the value of r when s = ?

13. The Lyndhurst High School twelfth graders are

represented in the circle graph in Figure 1. Figure 2 is
another way to illustrate the use of computers by these
twelfth graders. If the same 200 twelfth graders are
represented in both figures, what is the total number of
twelfth graders represented by the shaded circle in
Figure 2 ?

14. In the figure above, the lengths and widths of rectangles

A, B, C, and D are whole numbers. The areas of
rectangles A, B, and C are 35, 45, and 36,
respectively. What is the area of the entire figure?

17. If a and b are integers such that a + b < 1000 and

= 0.625, what is the greatest possible value of b ?

15. In the chart above, if the number n chosen in

step 1 is 39, what number will be the result of step 4 ?

18. How many positive integers less than 1,000 are multiples of 5 and are equal to 3 times an even integer?
16. In an art class, there were just enough staplers, rulers
and glue bottles so that every 2 students had to share a
stapler, every 3 students had to share a ruler, and every
4 students had to share a glue bottle. If the sum of the
number of staplers, rulers, and glue bottles used by the
class was 65, how many students were in the class?

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

Time 25 minutes
35 Questions

Turn to Section 4 (page 5) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding
circle on the answer sheet.
The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness
of expression. Part of each sentence or the entire sentence
is underlined; beneath each sentence are five ways of
phrasing the underlined material. Choice A repeats the
original phrasing; the other four choices are different. If
you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence
than any of the alternatives, select choice A; if not, select
one of the other choices.
In making your selection, follow the requirements of
standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar,
choice of words, sentence construction, and punctuation.
Your selection should result in the most effective
sentenceclear and precise, without awkwardness or
Laura Ingalls Wilder published her first book
and she was sixty-five years old then.

and she was sixty-five years old then

when she was sixty-five
at age sixty-five years old
upon the reaching of sixty-five years
at the time when she was sixty-five

1. Industrial growth that was being stifled by the

countrys dictatorship, but now they are developing
their full economic potential.
(A) Industrial growth that was being stifled by
the countrys dictatorship, but now they are
developing their full economic potential.
(B) The dictatorship had stifled industrial growth,
but the country is now developing their full
economic potential.
(C) Industrial growth was stifled by the countrys
dictatorship, and so now they are developing
their full economic potential.
(D) Though the dictatorship had stifled industrial
growth, the country is now developing its full
economic potential.
(E) Now developing their full economic potential,
the countrys dictatorship had stifled industrial

2. Looking down through the boats glass bottom, a

school of yellow fish was seen swimming along with
the turtles.

a school of yellow fish was seen

a school of yellow fish were seen
we saw a school of yellow fish
we seen a school of yellow fish
yellow fish in schools are seen

3. A radio system consists of a means of transforming

sounds into electromagnetic waves and of transmitting
those waves through space; after this those waves must
be transformed back into sounds.
(A) waves and of transmitting those waves through
space; after this those waves must be
(B) waves, transmitting the waves through space, and
transforming them
(C) waves, of transmitting them through space, and
then the translation of them
(D) waves and of transmitting them through space;
after this the waves have to be translated
(E) waves, of the transmitting of those waves through
space and of translating same
4. It underlies the poem that human beings are free to
choose and may be blamed for their choices.

It underlies the poem

In the poem, they assumed
In the poem, a basic assumption which is made is
It is an assumption that underlies the poem
The basic assumption of the poem is

5. The modern city may not have new citadels or

cathedrals, but there is a great many new office
buildings and freeways.
(A) but there is a great many new office buildings and
(B) but it does have a great many new office buildings
and freeways
(C) but a great many new office buildings and
(D) although many new office buildings and freeways
are there
(E) although a great many new office buildings and
freeways are seen
6. The remains of the Apatosaurus provide evidence of
there being giants existing on Earth during the late
Jurassic period.

of there being giants existing

of there having been giants existing
of there existing giants
that giants have existed
that giants existed

7. Farming in that area of the country is inefficient

because of their farm machinery shortage and that they
lack the knowledge to operate it.
(A) because of their farm machinery shortage and that
they lack the
(B) in that they have a shortage of farm machinery and
a lack of
(C) because of the shortage of farm machinery and
their lacking the
(D) in that there is both a shortage of farm machinery
as well as a lack of
(E) because of the shortage of farm machinery and the
lack of
8. The most popular painting in the exhibit of works by
local artists was done by a seventy-year-old woman,
who painted an exquisite self-portrait of herself.
(A) was done by a seventy-year-old woman, who
painted an exquisite self-portrait of herself
(B) was an exquisite self-portrait of a seventy-yearold woman, who painted herself
(C) was an exquisite self-portrait of a seventy-yearold woman
(D) was done by a seventy-year-old woman, and it is
her own exquisite self-portrait
(E) was by a seventy-year-old woman, being an
exquisite self-portrait

9. The tiles are sorted not only by their surface

appearance but also according to their hardness and
their capacity of conducting heat.
(A) according to their hardness and their capacity of
conducting heat
(B) according to their hardness and of their heatconducting capacity
(C) by their hardness and if they have the capacity for
heat conduction
(D) by their hardness and their capacity for
conducting heat
(E) by their hardness and capacity in heat
10. Radio frequencies have to be allocated to users so that
one transmission will not interfere with another.
(A) one transmission will not interfere with another
(B) each transmission cannot interfere with anothers
(C) transmitting them will not interfere with one
(D) no transmission is interfered with by another
(E) no one transmission would have interference with
the other
11. The Pony Express was an ingenious system for
carrying mail; it was in existence only briefly,
however, before the telegraph system made it
(A) mail; it was in existence only briefly,
(B) mail, for it was in existence only briefly,
(C) mail; however, existing only briefly
(D) mail, having existed only briefly
(E) mail, but was existing only briefly

The following sentences test your ability to recognize

grammar and usage errors. Each sentence contains either
a single error or no error at all. No sentence contains more
than one error. The error, if there is one, is underlined
and lettered. If the sentence contains an error, select the
one underlined part that must be changed to make the
sentence correct. If the sentence is correct, select choice E.
In choosing answers, follow the requirements of standard
written English.

The other delegates and him immediately

accepted the resolution drafted by the
neutral states. No error

12. At first we panicked when we discovered we

had missed our flight, but then we took a bus to

another airport, where there are several planes
leaving for Denver that evening. No error
13. Only after the floodwaters had rose two feet was the

mayor willing to order the evacuation of some

homes. No error
14. Confucianism is more a code of ethics than like a

religion; it presents no deities but fosters instead a

respect for ones ancestors and for an orderly society.
No error

15. Just as parents vary in their readiness to have their


children leave home for college, young people vary

in his or her readiness to leave. No error
16. Local party organizations have discovered that voter

turnout is diminished considerably whenever the

media projected election results early in the day.
No error
17. Absent from the speech were any mention of the

students and laboratory technicians upon whose

contributions the chemist had depended heavily.
No error
18. Pauls letter to myself about the missing money

was not intended to be read by any other member

of the organization. No error
19. After the prince characterized modern architecture

as ugly , he has been severely criticized for having

been so outspoken in public. No error

20. No matter how cautious snowmobiles are driven,


25. A possible first step in developing a nonsexist


they are capable of damaging the land over which


vocabulary with which to analyze the works of the


they travel. No error


nineteenth-century writer Elizabeth Gaskell would be

21. The black squirrels drew a crowd of students, for it


had never been seen on the campus before. No error


to stop referring to her as Mrs. Gaskell. No error

26. After 140 years under the sea , the remains of the

Monitor, an ironclad warship that was sunk during the

22. A majority of the students who attended the job fair

expressed interest in becoming a doctor or lawyer .

No error
23. Never before had a group of artists been so isolated

from society and from official patronage as was the

so-called Impressionists. No error
24. The flowers that Jane and Jonathan ordered to be

sent to their mother were less fresh and much more

expensive than Carr s Flower Shop . No error

Civil War, is being gradually brought to the surface.

No error
27. I have gone to only one football game after

I graduated from high school. No error

28. The radio station received the most number of calls

from listeners on the evening it aired a discussion of

the music of Aretha Franklin. No error
29. When the village elders present recommendations,

there is hardly ever any opposition against their

proposals. No error

Directions: The following passage is an early draft of an

essay. Some parts of the passage need to be rewritten.

Read the passage and select the best answers for the
questions that follow. Some questions are about particular
sentences or parts of sentences and ask you to improve
sentence structure or word choice. Other questions ask you
to consider organization and development. In choosing
answers, follow the requirements of standard written
Questions 30-35 are based on the following.
(1) People today have placed emphasis on the kinds of
work that others do, it is wrong. (2) Suppose a woman says
she is a doctor. (3) Immediately everyone assumes that she
is a wonderful person, as if doctors were incapable of doing
wrong. (4) However, if you say youre a carpenter or
mechanic, some people think that youre not as smart as
a doctor or a lawyer. (5) Cant someone just want to do
this because he or she loves the work ?
(6) Also, who decided that the person who does your
taxes is more important than the person who makes sure
that your house is warm or that your car runs ? (7) I know
firsthand how frustrating it can be. (8) They think of you
only in terms of your job. (9) I used to clean houses in the
summer because the money was good; but yet all the
people whose houses I cleaned seemed to assume that
because I was vacuuming their carpets I did not deserve
their respect. (10) One woman came into the bathroom
while I was scrubbing the tub. (11) She kept asking me if
I had any questions. (12) Did she want me to ask whether
to scrub the tub counter-clockwise instead of clockwise ?
(13) Her attitude made me angry! (14) Once I read that
the jobs people consider important have changed.
(15) Carpenters used to be much more admired than
doctors. (16) My point is, then, that who I want to be is
much more important than what I want to be!

30. Of the following, which is the best way to phrase

sentence 1 (reproduced below) ?
People today have placed emphasis on the kinds of
work that others do, it is wrong.

(A) (As it is now)

(B) People today place too much emphasis on the
kinds of work that others do.
(C) What kinds of work others do is being placed too
much emphasis on by people today.
(D) The wrong kind of emphasis had been placed on
the kinds of work others do today.
(E) The wrong emphasis is being placed today on
people and what kind of work they do.
31. In context, which of the following is the best way to
revise and combine the underlined portions of
sentences 2 and 3 (reproduced below) ?
Suppose a woman says she is a doctor. Immediately
everyone assumes that she is a wonderful person,
as if doctors were incapable of doing wrong.

(A) Suppose a woman says she is a doctor, but

(B) If a woman says she is a doctor, for instance,
(C) When a woman says she is a doctor, however,
(D) Immediately, if they say, for example, she is a
(E) Therefore, a woman is maybe saying she is
a doctor; immediately
32. In context, the phrase do this in sentence 5 would best
be replaced by


hold this particular opinion

resist temptation
ask someone for assistance
become a carpenter or a mechanic
aspire to learn medicine

33. Which of the following is the best way to revise and

combine the underlined portions of sentences 7 and 8
(reproduced below) ?
I know firsthand how frustrating it can be. They think
of you only in terms of your job.


be; they--people, that is--think of you

be when they are thinking of one
be how people think of you
be when people think of you
be; having people think of you

34. In context, the phrase but yet in sentence 9 would best

be replaced by


35. The best place to begin a new paragraph in sentences

6-16 would be with sentence

in fact,
in addition,
for example,




If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

Time 25 minutes
24 Questions

Turn to Section 5 (page 5) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding
circle on the answer sheet.
Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank
indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath
the sentence are five words or sets of words labeled A
through E. Choose the word or set of words that, when
inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a whole.
Hoping to ------- the dispute, negotiators proposed
a compromise that they felt would be ------- to both
labor and management.

enforce . . useful
end . . divisive
overcome . . unattractive
extend . . satisfactory
resolve . . acceptable

1. Much of our knowledge of dinosaurs comes from

excavated bones, which, in ------- other clues such as
fossilized tracks and eggs, help us to ------- the
evolution of these creatures.

convergence with . . supplant

divergence from . . decode
dependence on . . belie
opposition to . . amplify
conjunction with . . trace

2. Vernal pools are among the most ------- of ponds: they

form as a result of snowmelt and a high water table in
winter, and then they ------- by late summer.

transitory . . expand
anachronistic . . overflow
immutable . . drain
itinerant . . teem
ephemeral . . evaporate

3. The ------- experiences of Madonna Swan, the 1983

North American Indian Woman of the Year, cannot be
fully appreciated if they are ------- in a tidy summary.

varied . . interposed
diverse . . condensed
profound . . magnified
transformative . . embellished
impressive . . immersed

4. The representative was a traditionalist, reluctant to

support any legislation inconsistent with the nations
most ------- principles.
(A) orthodox
(B) impassioned
(C) precarious
(D) impressionable
(E) indeterminate
5. The author constructed a scenario in which playful,
creative children are rewarded for their ------- and
strict, dour adults are punished for their -------.

spontaneity . . rigidity
digressions . . mirth
solemnity . . malice
inflexibility . . rigor
improvisations . . buoyancy

6. Although usually warm and ------- in greeting friends,

Lauren was too reserved ever to be truly -------.

joyous . . conventional
cordial . . effusive
restrained . . gracious
dismissive . . ebullient
genial . . antisocial

7. Legal scholars argue that when justice is interpreted

too broadly, the concept becomes -------, easily changed
and controlled by outside forces.
(A) malleable
(B) influential
(D) felicitous
(E) prosaic

(C) coherent

8. The instructors voice was so ------- that most students

preferred taking a test to listening to its grating sound.
(A) receptive
(D) muted

(B) cajoling
(E) strident

(C) melodious

The passages below are followed by questions based on their content; questions following a pair of related passages may also
be based on the relationship between the paired passages. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the
passages and in any introductory material that may be provided.
Questions 9-10 are based on the following passage.
The big doors of the hotel are padlocked. So far nobody
has smashed their glass panels. Nobody could stand to do
it because the panels mirror your own face as well as the
Line view behind your back: acres of chive grass edging the
5 sparkly beach, a movie-screen sky, and an ocean that wants
you more than anything. No matter the outside loneliness,
if you look inside, the hotel seems to promise you ecstasy
and the company of all your best friends. And music. The
shift of a shutter hinge sounds like the cough of a trumpet;
10 piano keys waver a quarter note above the wind so you
might miss the hurt jamming those halls and closed-up
9. The passage is characterized by all of the following

visual imagery
auditory descriptions
an appeal to reason
hypothetical musings

10. Lines 10-12 (piano keys . . . rooms) convey

a feeling of


Questions 11-12 are based on the following passage.

Diffusion theory is an umbrella idea encompassing
various alternative theories of Americas discovery by
explorers from other parts of the world. Columbus (and
Line Leif Ericsson and Zheng He) had a lot more competitors
5 than most people think: Prince Madoc of Wales, the Zeni
brothers of Venice, Corte Real of Portugal, Polands Jan
of Kolno. The fact is, crossing the Atlantic was probably
not as big a deal as Columbus-centric historians thought.
Diffusionists may not be able to pinpoint who beat
10 Columbus to the punch, yet theyre sure someone did.
They may well be right, but if you scrutinize any specific
claim, it melts away. This is probably why diffusionists
emphasize quantity over quality.
11. In line 1, umbrella is used to convey which of
the following qualities?


12. The strategy employed by the diffusionists in making

their claim is most evident in which assertion?
(A) Since nothing can be proven with absolute
certainty, we ultimately rely on faith.
(B) Before the Wright brothers success, experts
thought that craft that were heavier than air
could not fly.
(C) So many UFO sightings have been reported
that at least one of them must be authentic.
(D) Penicillin, like many other discoveries, was
stumbled on by accident.
(E) Although folk medicine was at first derided
by the medical establishment, people still
relied on it.

Questions 13-24 are based on the following passages.

Is a persons gender an important influence on how he
or she behaves with others? Contemporary sociologists
and other scholars have argued this question fiercely.
The following pair of passages presents two contrasting
voices from that debate.

Passage 2


Passage 1










The desire to affirm that women and men are completely equal has made some scholars reluctant to show
ways in which they are different, because differences
between two groups of people have so often been used
to justify unequal treatment and opportunity. Much
as I understand and am in sympathy with those who
wish there were no differences between women and
men only reparable social injustice my research
on styles of conversation tells me that, at least in this
area, it simply isnt so. I believe that there are gender
differences in ways of speaking, and we need to identify
and understand them. Without such understanding, we
are doomed to blame others or ourselvesor our own
relationshipsfor the otherwise mystifying and damaging effects of our contrasting conversational styles.
It is clear to me that recognizing gender differences
in conversational styles would free individuals from
the burden of an inappropriate sense of being at fault
for chronic disagreements. Many women and men feel
dissatisfied with their close relationshipswith spouses,
siblings, parentsand become even more frustrated
when they try to talk things out. Taking a sociolinguistic
approach to such troubling encounters makes it possible
to explain these dissatisfactions without accusing anyone
of being wrong and without blaming or discarding
the relationship.
The sociolinguistic approach I take in my work is based
on my belief that many frictions arise because, here in the
United States, boys and girls grow up in what are essentially different cultures, so that talk between women and
men is actually cross-cultural communication. For little
boys, talk is primarily a means of making statements of
achievement through games like bragging contests. This
may also be done by exhibiting knowledge or skill and by
holding center stage through such verbal performance as
storytelling, joking, or imparting information. Little girls
appear to be eager to share and compare interests and ideas.
Emphasis is placed on displaying similarities and matching experiences. For them, the language of conversation
is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing
connection and negotiating relationships. So this view of
childrens behavior predicts that more women than men
will be comfortable speaking one-on-one, to individuals.
And even when addressing an audience, women may be
more concerned than men with establishing rapport.









Gender stereotypes should concern us for several

reasons. First, they may dictate what we notice and bias
our perceptions in the direction of expectation. Some
researchers attempt to elucidate gender differences in
order to help women and men understand and respond
to one another better. In the process, however, their work
encourages people to notice and attend to differences rather
than similarities, to perceive men and women in accordance
with stereotypes that may not accurately depict their behavior or intentions. Second, gender stereotypes may not only
describe behavior but also prescribe it, dictating how men
and women should behave. People begin to act in ways
that support other peoples gender-role expectations of
It is time to rethink our understanding of gender, to
move away from the notion that men and women have
two contrasting styles of interaction that were acquired
in childhood. We need to move from a conceptualization
of gender as an attribute or style of behavior to an understanding of gender as something people do in social
interaction. As a noted scholar proposes, None of us is
feminine or is masculine or fails to be either of those. In
particular contexts people do feminine, in others, they do
masculine. People display contradictory behaviors as they
encounter different social norms and pressures.
Some researchers view male-female conversations as
cross-cultural communication. The two-cultures approach
postulates that difficulties in communication between men
and women arise because of a clash of conversational
styles. But this approach has a number of limitations. First,
the coherence of male and female subcultures in childhood
has been exaggerated. We arrive at a contrasting picture
of the cultures of boys and girls only by singling out those
children who fit common gender stereotypes and marginalizing others. We fail to notice the children who do not fit
those stereotypesfor example, boys who excel at caring
for younger siblings or girls who enjoy building things in
shop class. Second, although children may choose samesex playmates as preferred partners, they interact daily
inside and outside school with the opposite sex. Children
have countless experiences communicating with people
of both sexes: they do not learn to communicate in gendersegregated worlds. They learn to display different styles of
interaction in different contexts: they do not learn a single
gender-related style. The same child may display dominance and give orders to a younger playmate but show
deference and follow orders from an older friend.

13. The two passages differ most on which topic?

(A) Whether boys and girls communicate in
gender specific patterns
(B) Whether important social behavior is
learned in childhood
(C) Whether adult conversational styles can
be studied systematically
(D) Whether gender plays a role in determining a childs playtime activities
(E) Whether society concerns itself with the
concept of gender roles
14. The primary purpose of Passage 1 is to
(A) present a historical overview of a controversy
(B) acknowledge previous errors in thinking
(C) urge changes in organized activities provided
for children
(D) assert the value of a particular approach to an
(E) downplay the significance of a recent discovery
15. Passage 1 makes which suggestion about the work of
some scholars (line 2) ?
(A) It will become widely accepted in the scientific
(B) It is well intentioned but misguided.
(C) It attempts to be objective but does not succeed.
(D) It puts forth a convincing theory.
(E) It could be used to excuse injustice in a society.
16. Passage 1 argues that recognizing gender differences
(line 16) would most likely
(A) cause people to exaggerate their similarities
when communicating with one another
(B) lead to further dissatisfaction in conversations
among friends and relatives
(C) promote the equal treatment of distinct social
(D) relieve individuals of much of the blame for
problems in relationships
(E) affect the way that future research on gender
is conducted

17. In lines 36-41 (Little girls . . . relationships), the

author of Passage 1 assumes that for girls, a primary
function of communication is to
(A) foster a sense of intimacy between speaker and
(B) establish a set of conversational rules shared by
speaker and listener
(C) convey information previously unknown by the
(D) promote nostalgic feelings about past friendships
(E) create an objective atmosphere for personal
18. The author of Passage 2 would most likely challenge
the claim made in lines 27-31 of Passage 1 (The
sociolinguistic . . . communication) by arguing that
(A) children do not grow up in single-gender cultures
(B) children may become skilled at deceiving adults
(C) gender differences are impossible to assess
(D) there is less conflict between men and women
than sociologists assume
(E) childrens behaviors have changed dramatically
in recent years
19. The sentence in lines 47-48 in Passage 2
(First . . . expectation) primarily emphasizes
which damaging effect of gender stereotypes?
(A) They may offend the person being
(B) They may distort our observations of
people we meet.
(C) They have been used to justify gender
(D) They commonly cause miscommunication between men and women.
(E) They reflect negatively on those who
believe in them.

20. The assumptions underlying the research work

described in lines 48-51 of Passage 2 are most
similar to the assumptions held by the

23. The author of Passage 2 implies that the boys

mentioned in line 81 and the child mentioned
in line 90 resemble one another in that they

scholars in line 2
women and men in line 19
noted scholar in line 66
author of Passage 1
author of Passage 2


21. The quotation in lines 66-69 (None . . . masculine)

primarily serves to

introduce a personal experience

provide a typical example
elaborate on an idea
signal a change in topic
offer recent research data

have not learned to imitate adult behaviors

refuse to get along with their peers
do not conform to traditional gender stereotypes
openly mock adult expectations about their
(E) communicate primarily with children of
their own gender
24. Which of the following best characterizes the ideas
about gender communication styles as they are
presented in the two passages?

22. Passage 2 suggests that some scholars construct a

contrasting picture of the cultures of boys and girls
(lines 77-78) by studying children whose
(A) readiness to interact with strangers is apparent
(B) demand for approval from adults is particularly
(C) rebellion against authority results in creative
(D) personalities are highly idiosyncratic
(E) actions correspond to a narrow preconception of


(A) Passage 1 argues that styles are based on competition, while Passage 2 suggests that they
are a form of cooperation.
(B) Passage 1 argues that styles are a burden, while
Passage 2 implies that they can help facilitate
relationships between men and women.
(C) Passage 1 claims that styles are semantic, while
Passage 2 suggests that they are whimsical.
(D) Passage 1 suggests that styles are constant, while
Passage 2 argues that they are fluid.
(E) Passage 1 states that styles are random, while
Passage 2 indicates that their patterns become
obvious upon closer scrutiny.

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

Time 25 minutes
20 Questions

Turn to Section 7 (page 6) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decide which is the best of the choices given. Fill in the corresponding
circle on the answer sheet. You may use any available space for scratchwork.

1. If 2 x + 4 x + 6 x = 24, then x =
(A) -288






2. In the triangle above, x =



3. For every 8,000 lawn mowers produced by a lawn

mower factory, exactly 6 are defective. At this rate,
how many lawn mowers were produced during a
period in which exactly 15 lawn mowers were

(B) 8,000
(C) 12,000
(D) 20,000
(E) 24,000

5. The figure above will be rotated 90 about point P in

the direction indicated. Which of the following
represents the rotated figure?





4. If 7

= 7 7 , what is the value of n ?

(A) 10
(B) 9
(C) 7
(D) 5
(E) 3


6. If 7.5 is x percent of 75, what is x percent of 10 ?

(A) 10
(B) 1
(C) 0.75
(D) 0.1
(E) 0.075

8. In the figure above, line  (not shown) is perpendicular

to AB and bisects AB. Which of the following
points lies on line  ?

(A) a0, 2f
(B) a1, 3f
(C) a3, 1f
(D) a3, 3f
(E) a3, 6f

7. In the diagram of roads above, the numbers represent

road distances in miles, and the arrows show the only
directions in which travel is permitted on the roads. If
the length of the longest route from A to B is  miles,
and if the length of the shortest route from A to B is
s miles, then  s =



9. If 2 y = 8 and y =



, what is the value of x ?

10. What is the radius of a circle whose circumference

is ?

(B) 1


y, 2 y + 7, y + 6, . . .
13. In the increasing sequence above, the first term is y
and the difference between any two consecutive terms
is 3. What is the value of the fourth term in the

(C) 2

(A) 4
(B) 2
(C) 5
(D) 13
(E) 19

(E) 2

11. How many of the prime factors of 30 are greater than 2 ?



14. Let the function f be defined by f ( x ) = 2 x - 1.


a, 2a, b
12. If the average (arithmetic mean) of the 3 numbers
above is 2 a, what is b in terms of a ?

(A) a


(C) 2a


(E) 3a

f (t ) = 10, what is the value of t ?

(A) -9.5
(B) -3
(C) 3
(D) 9.5
(E) 10.5

15. In a windowless, cube-shaped storage room, the ceiling

and 4 walls, including a door, are completely painted.
The floor is not painted. If the painted area is equal to
80 square meters, what is the volume of the room, in
cubic meters?

(A) 16
(B) 20
(C) 64
(D) 256
(E) 400

17. For all values of y, let y  be defined by

y  = y 2 - 1. Which of the following is

equal to ( y )  ?
(A) y

(B) y

y2 1

(C) y 4 + y 2 1
(D) y 4 2 y 2

y4 2y2 + 1

C + 32, if the
temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (F) increases

16. According to the formula F =

by 27, by how much does the temperature in

degrees Celsius (C) increase?

(B) 15
(C) 47
(D) 48
(E) 59


18. If three different circles are drawn on a piece of paper,

at most how many points can be common to all three?



19. A club is buying boxes of candy bars to sell for a fundraiser. If each box contains c candy bars, and each
member sells x bars each day, how many boxes are
needed to supply enough candy bars for 3c members
to sell for 5 days?

(A) 15c 2 x
15c 2


20. In the figure above, the coordinates of P are


(E) 15x

- 2a, 0 ) and the coordinates of Q are (10, a ) .

A point in square ORST is to be chosen at random.

If the probability that the point will be in the shaded
triangle is , what is the value of a ?



(C) 2 5
(D) 2 10
(E) 5


If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

Time 20 minutes
19 Questions

Turn to Section 8 (page 7) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding
circle on the answer sheet.
Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank
indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath
the sentence are five words or sets of words labeled A
through E. Choose the word or set of words that, when
inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a whole.
Hoping to ------- the dispute, negotiators proposed
a compromise that they felt would be ------- to both
labor and management.

enforce . . useful
end . . divisive
overcome . . unattractive
extend . . satisfactory
resolve . . acceptable

1. Originally ------- mainly by young, urban audiences,

rap music was ultimately ------- by its appreciative
listeners of all ages across the country.

admired . . embraced
performed . . condemned
derided . . ignored
appropriated . . relinquished
applauded . . instigated

2. It was out of ------- that Professor Green, the author of

several highly respected books in his field, described
himself to his colleagues as -------.

embarrassment . . a paragon
magnanimity . . an avenger
insolence . . a pedant
egotism . . an apprentice
modesty . . a dilettante

3. Historian Carlo Botta often contradicted himself, as

when he first championed and then ------- the ideals of
the French Revolution.
(A) invoked
(B) investigated
(D) coveted
(E) denounced

(C) conceived

4. Luisa worked with extreme precision, ------- that

served her well in her law career.
(A) a meticulousness
(B) an effrontery
(C) an inhibition
(D) a litigiousness
(E) an impetuousness
5. In 1916 Yellowstone National Park had only 25 bison,
but the population has since ------- to more than 2,000.
(A) dispersed
(B) mediated
(C) attenuated
(D) burgeoned
(E) reconciled
6. Though surgeon and researcher Charles Drew never
enjoyed celebrity, he truly deserves to be ------- for his
lifes achievements.
(A) mollified
(B) lionized (C) accosted
(D) galvanized
(E) vilified

The passage below is followed by questions based on its content. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied
in the passage and in any introductory material that may be provided.
Questions 7-19 are based on the following passage.
The passage below is from a 1991 autobiography that
focuses on an African American womans adolescent
experiences at a prestigious boarding school. The passage
describes one part of a meeting of parents, admissions
officers, and prospective students. The story the mother
recounts at this meeting took place in 1965.









My mother began to tell a story about a science award

I had won in third grade. She started with the winning
the long, white staircase in the auditorium, and how the
announcer called my name twice because we were way at
the back and it took me so long to get down those steps.
Mamas eyes glowed. She was a born raconteur, able
to increase the intensity of her own presence and fill the
room. She was also a woman who seldom found new audiences for her anecdotes, so she made herself happy, she
insisted, with us children, her mother, her sisters, her
grandparents an entire clan of storytellers competing for
a turn on the family stage. This time all eyes were on my
mother. Her body, brown and plump and smooth, was shot
through with energy. This time the story had a purpose.
She told them how my science experiment almost did
not get considered in the citywide competition. My thirdgrade teacher, angry that Id forgotten to bring a large box
for displaying and storing the experiment, made me pack
it up to take home. (Our teacher had told us that the boxes
were needed to carry the experiments from our class to the
exhibition room, and shed emphasized that she would not
be responsible for finding thirty boxes on the day of the
fair. Without a box, the experiment would have to go home.
Other kids, White kids, had forgotten boxes during the
week. Theyd brought boxes the next day. I asked for the
same dispensation, but was denied. The next day was the
fair, she said. That was different.)
I came out of school carrying the pieces of an experiment my father had picked out for me from a textbook.
This was a simple buoyancy experiment where I weighed
each object in the air and then in water, to prove they
weighed less in water. I had with me the scale, a brick, a
piece of wood, a bucket, and a carefully lettered poster.
Well, my mother marched me and my armload of
buoyant materials right back into school and caught the
teacher before she left. The box was the only problem?
Just the box? Nothing wrong with the experiment? An
excited eight year old had forgotten a lousy, stinking box
that you can get from the supermarket and for that, she
was out of the running? The teacher said I had to learn to
follow directions. My mother argued that I had followed








directions by doing the experiment by myself, which was

more than you could say for third graders whod brought
dry-cell batteries that lit light bulbs and papier-mch
volcanoes that belched colored lava.
Dont you ever put me in a position like that again,
Mama said when we were out of earshot of the classroom.
You never know who is just waiting for an excuse to shut
us out.
We got the box; my experiment went into the fair; I won
the prize at school. I won third prize for my age group in
the city.
When Mama finished her story, my ears began to burn.
I could not help but believe that they would see through
this transparent plug, and before I had even laid hands on
an application. Theyd think we were forward and pushy.
I forgot, for the moment, how relieved Id felt when
Mama had stood in front of that teacher defending me
with a blinding sense of purpose, letting the teacher
know that I was not as small and Black and alone as
I seemed, that I came from somewhere, and where I
came from, shed better believe, somebody was home.
The other mothers nodded approvingly. My father
gave me a wide, clever-girl smile. The officials from
the school looked at me deadpan. They seemed amused
by my embarrassment.
The story was an answer (part rebuke and part condolence) to the school stories that the admissions people
told, where no parents figured at all. It was a message
about her maternal concerns, and a way to prove that
racism was not some vanquished enemy, but a real, live
person, up in your face, ready, for no apparent reason,
to mess with your kid. When I was in third grade, Mama
could do her maternal duty and face down a White teacher
who would have deprived me of an award. Who at this
new school would stand up for her child in her stead?
7. In line 11, competing portrays the members of the
authors family as
(A) vying for the mothers attention
(B) feeling eager to tell their own stories
(C) taking issue with each other over household
(D) selectively sharing information about their
(E) comparing educational accomplishments

8. The third paragraph (lines 15-27) presents the authors

third-grade teacher as being primarily
(A) critical of the authors grandiose ambitions
(B) disillusioned about her students lack of interest in
(C) concerned that children would never develop a
sense of decorum
(D) arbitrary in implementing rules affecting the class
(E) bitter and outspoken about injustices in her school
9. In line 26, dispensation refers to permission for the
author to

have an additional day to complete the experiment

bring a container for her experiment the next day
ask her father to help her design the display
leave school early to look for a box
discuss her experiment with the other children

10. The child most likely intended to use the bucket

(line 33) as
(A) an object to counterbalance the weight of another
(B) a means of steadying the scale in the experiment
(C) a container to carry the other materials for the
(D) a receptacle for the water used in the experiment
(E) a way of transporting liquid from place to place
11. Lines 34-36 (Well . . . left) portray the mothers
attitude of

sudden bewilderment
weary disappointment
protective generosity
overwhelming dismay
righteous indignation

12. The mother most probably intended the questions in

lines 36-40 to
(A) underscore the absurdity of the teachers position
(B) request clarification from the child about the
(C) express concern over her daughters forgetfulness
(D) lessen the childs preoccupation with how her
project would be received
(E) help herself understand her childs defensiveness
about the box issue

13. Between the mention of a hypothetical box in

line 23 and its characterization in line 38, the box has
changed from a
(A) requirement to something that is no longer needed
(B) necessity to something that has little inherent
(C) diversion to something that requires a desperate
(D) tool to something that is a source of entertainment
(E) puzzle to something that provides clarity and
14. In line 55, the author uses the word plug primarily
to emphasize her feeling that

the conversational void was nearly intolerable

the boarding school had been highly overrated
her mother had gone too far in promoting her
her mothers words and actions were entirely
at odds
(E) the interviewers praise would prove to be
15. In line 59, blinding suggests all of the following


16. The phrase somebody was home (line 62) captures

the mothers
(A) desire to create a comfortable life for her family
(B) eagerness to learn the results of the interview
(C) despair over the unfairness of the teachers
(D) need to capture everyones full attention
(E) sense of responsibility toward her daughter
17. The details presented in lines 63-66 primarily serve to
(A) illustrate the various reactions to the mothers story
(B) satirize the pomposity of the school officials
(C) emphasize the sense of unity among parents of
prospective students
(D) convey a sense of unease
(E) clarify a preceding statement

18. The final paragraph presents the authors assessment

of her mothers story as a

19. A central purpose of the passage is to

(A) pronouncement about forgiveness and

(B) lesson and forewarning for school officials
(C) personal argument for the importance of
hard work
(D) defense of a theory about social attitudes
(E) parting message to her daughter


(A) illustrate the character of the authors mother

(B) portray the admissions process for boarding
schools at that time
(C) show the authors repressed hostility toward her
(D) comment on examples of racism in the United
(E) reveal how the author became skeptical of human

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

Time 20 minutes
16 Questions

Turn to Section 9 (page 7) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decide which is the best of the choices given. Fill in the corresponding
circle on the answer sheet. You may use any available space for scratchwork.

1. If

= 1 , what is the value of x ?
x +1 2

(A) 2
(B) 1
(D) -1
(E) - 2

2. Which of the following is the best estimate of the

length of segment AB on the number line above?



3. For which of the following lists of 7 numbers is the

average (arithmetic mean) less than the median?









5. For which of the following functions is it true that

f ( -2) = f (2) ?

(A) f ( x ) =



f ( x) = 2 - x


f ( x) = x + 1

(D) f ( x ) = x 2 + 1

4. If the perimeter of the rectangle above is 72, what is

the value of x ?



f ( x ) = 2 x3

6. Wayne would like to buy a school jacket priced at $81,

but the price of the jacket is $59 more than he has. In
which of the following equations does x represent the
number of dollars Wayne has?







7. Which of the following must be true for all integers a,

b, and c ?

I. a - 0 = a
II. a - b = b - a
III. (a - b ) - c = a - (b - c )

I only
II only
III only
I and II
II and III

9. On a map, the length of the road from Town A to

Town B is measured to be 12 inches. On this map,
inch represents an actual distance of 8 miles. What
is the actual distance, in miles, from Town A to Town
B along this road?

(A) 128
(B) 102
(C) 96
(D) 90
(E) 72

10 8

8. If a = b c , and if a, b, and c are positive

numbers, then a =


5 8

(B) b c

5 4

(D) b c

b5c 4

10. In the figure above, if the area of triangle CAF is

equal to the area of rectangle CDEF, what is the
length of segment AD ?







(E) 15

11. Six points are placed on a circle. What is the greatest

number of different lines that can be drawn so that
each line passes through two of these points?



13. A garden has r parallel rows of plants, with 5 plants in

each row. If x plants are added to each row, how many
plants will then be in the garden, in terms of r and x ?


5r +
5r +
5r +
r +

5+ x

14. Three lines are drawn in a plane so that there are

exactly three different intersection points. Into how
many nonoverlapping regions do these lines divide the

12. Point P is the point with the greatest y-coordinate on

the semicircle shown above. What is the x-coordinate
of point Q ?





16. If s denotes the sum of the integers from 1 to 30

inclusive, and t denotes the sum of the integers from
31 to 60 inclusive, what is the value of t - s ?

(A) 30
(B) 31
(C) 180
(D) 450
(E) 900

15. In the figure above, side AC of  ABC is on line .

What is x in terms of k ?


60 k
60 + k
120 k
120 2 k

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

Time 10 minutes
14 Questions

Turn to Section 10 (page 7) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding
circle on the answer sheet.
The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness
of expression. Part of each sentence or the entire sentence
is underlined; beneath each sentence are five ways of
phrasing the underlined material. Choice A repeats the
original phrasing; the other four choices are different. If
you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence
than any of the alternatives, select choice A; if not, select
one of the other choices.
In making your selection, follow the requirements of
standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar,
choice of words, sentence construction, and punctuation.
Your selection should result in the most effective
sentenceclear and precise, without awkwardness or
Laura Ingalls Wilder published her first book
and she was sixty-five years old then.

and she was sixty-five years old then

when she was sixty-five
at age sixty-five years old
upon the reaching of sixty-five years
at the time when she was sixty-five

1. A recent discovery is the finding that people who both

drink and smoke are greater cancer risks than those
who do only one of these things.

A recent discovery is the finding that

A recent discovery came when they learned that
Recently, a finding is that
It has recently been discovered that
It is a recent discovery that

2. The notion that a biography should be full of praise

and free of criticism prevailed during most of the
nineteenth century.
(A) The notion that a biography should be full of
praise and free of criticism prevailed during
most of the nineteenth century.
(B) The notion that prevailed about a biography
during most of the nineteenth century was that
of being full of praise and free of criticism.
(C) During most of the nineteenth century, they had
a prevalent notion that a biography should be
full of praise and free of criticism.
(D) Prevalent as a notion during most of the
nineteenth century was for a biography to be
full of praise and free of criticism.
(E) Prevalent during most of the nineteenth century,
the notion prevailed that a biography should be
full of praise and free of criticism.
3. A native New Yorker, Gloria Naylors first novel won
an American Book Award in 1983.
(A) A native New Yorker, Gloria Naylors first novel
(B) A native New Yorker, the first novel by Gloria
(C) The first novel by native New Yorker
Gloria Naylor
(D) Gloria Naylor, a native New Yorker, wrote her
first novel thus having
(E) Gloria Naylor wrote her first novel and the native
New Yorker
4. Charlie Chaplin developed definite ideas about the art
of comedy and as a result sentiment, satire, and social
criticism were introduced into his work.
(A) sentiment, satire, and social criticism were
(B) sentiment, satire, and social criticism were
introduced by him
(C) having introduced sentiment, satire, and social
(D) introduced sentiment, satire, and social criticism
(E) the introduction of sentiment, satire, and social

5. Someone living in a technological, consumptionoriented culture probably taxes the environment at a

rate many times that of a country such as Myanmar.

that of a country such as Myanmar

that of someone living in a country like Myanmar
what you find in Myanmar, for instance
the rate in a country such as Myanmar
a citizen of Myanmar, for instance

6. Airport runways must be constantly swept clear of

trash and other debris that could be sucked into a jetengine intake or it could cause a serious accident.

intake or it could cause a serious accident

intake, this causes a serious accident
intake and cause a serious accident
intake, preventing a serious accident
intakes and avoiding a serious accident

7. In believing that firsthand experience would enhance

the credibility of his biography of Columbus, Professor
Morison retraced the route of Columbus first voyage.

In believing that
Believing that
In his belief that
He believed that
By believing that

8. Except in mathematics, absolute proof is more often an

ideal to be sought than a goal to be reached, a fact that
the courts recognize by setting varying standards of
proof for different kinds of cases.

a fact that the courts recognize by setting

which the courts recognize and set
and this is recognized when the courts are setting
and it is recognized by the courts when they set
and the courts recognize this fact setting

9. My grandfather never learned to use a calculator, as he

shops he can accurately compute his grocery bill in his
head to within a dollar.

as he shops
while shopping
but as he shops
therefore, when shopping
however, he shops so that

10. The first African American woman to win the Pulitzer

Prize for poetry, Gwendolyn Brooks with her special
interest in encouraging young poets.
(A) with her special interest in encouraging
(B) had a special interest in encouraging
(C) having had a special interest, which was to
(D) who had a special interest in encouraging
(E) she had a special interest to encourage
11. Although fascinated by chance and coincidence, Paul
Austers novels are written with careful attention to
style and balance.

Paul Austers novels are written

Paul Austers novels were written
Paul Auster writes his novels
Paul Auster is a writer
Paul Auster had wrote

12. Early American factories did not so much replace

household manufacturing but complement it.

but complement
as complement
but they complemented
and they complemented
as they were to complement

13. After teaching, becoming involved in several fashion

enterprises, and after she founded the Harlem Institute
of Fashion, Lois Alexander Lane launched the Black
Fashion Museum.

14. In eighteenth-century France, economic inequalities

made many people angry, and a violent revolution was

after she founded

after the founding of
she had founded
having founded



angry, and a violent revolution was fueled

angry; it fueled a violent revolution
angry, and this anger fueled a violent revolution
angry, that anger fueled a violent
(E) angry; thus fueling a violent revolution

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.





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