An Overview of Logging
An Overview of Logging
An Overview of Logging
found oil at a depth of 69 ft (21m). On January 10 ,1901 Anthony Lucas and Patitto
huggins drilled a well at Sprindletop which blew at a phenomenol rate, some say
100,000 bbl/day, raining oil down on the country side. Thus the oil hunts began.
On a fine September day in 1927, Henri Doll lowered an experimental resistivity
sonde at a well Dienfenbach 2905, Tower 7 and attached it by wire to a winch. The
sonde was lowered to the bottom of the hole and resistivity measurements were
made at 1m intervals. Doll plotted the resistivity readings against depth on a piece of
graph paper and, by joining successive readings with lines, drew the first electrical
well log.
Thus a log records the characteristics of rock formations (together with the fluid it
contains), versus depth, by a measurement device in a well bore. The formation
characteristics may be electrical, nuclear or acoustic, etc. The initial uses of well
logging were for correlating similar patterns of electrical conductivity from one well to
another, sometimes over large distances.( In fact, the first experiment, that Doll
carried out, was aimed at to locate the top of a bed of marls which was often missed
in drilling). No doubt, at that time the electrical log was aptly called electrical coring.
As the measuring techniques improved and multiplied, applications began to be
measurements have been continuously evolved which have found applications in all
the areas of hydrocarbon explorations.
1.1 Evolution of well logging
First Phase
From 1927-1945, saw the introduction and wide use of so called ES (Electrical
surveys). These logs, which were quite repeatable, were often difficult to interpret.
Others log available in this period were SP and GR. The sidewall core gun was first
introduced in 1942. The temperature log, used to detect the entry of gas into well
bore, was made available in 1936.
Most of the information we need from logs must be gained by data analysis, since
few logs measures directly any of the things we really want to know. Thus the role of
the log analyst was born. A log analyst is a scientist, a magician, and a diplomat. He
is a scientist because he has to have good knowledge of geology, geophysics,
mechanics, atomic physics, sedimentology, petrophysics, mathematics, chemistry,
electrical and electronic engineering. He is a magician because with all the scientific
reasoning often he has to depend on his imagination, inspiration and inventiveness.
The numerical figures he gets out of his computer/calculators still need his
interpretation or judgments to arrive at meaningful results. The job is not just to do
the algebra but to decide what the numbers really mean.
G.E. Dawson-Grove, a well known consulting petrophysicist, likens the role of
the log analyst to that of the spider in the web. He claims that the petrophysicist
(log analyst) plays a vital central, potentially controlling position. The range of his
or her influence is wider than any other discipline within the oil industry, with the
possible exception of the financial wizard. To be successful in this role, however, the
analyst has to realize the importance and potentially powerful position he or she is in
and be able to sell ideas to management.
Because of the multidiscipline approach required, the analyst must maintain a
web of communication with many seemingly unrelated functions within the
organization. The analyst must be sensitive to the vibrations coming along each
strand of the network and respond accordingly. That response might be in the realm
of geophysics, geology, reservoir engineering, petroleum economics or corporate
Dawson-Grove goes on to explain that there is no short cut to a log evaluation
and a log analyst can contribute maximum to the organization by doing a full
1.3 Applications of information derived from logging surveys.
The information obtained from logging surveys can be used in three broad areas.
Over and above a well log helps 1) a geophysicist to tie well with seismic 2) a drilling
engineer to calculate hole volume for cementing purpose and to know the quality of
boulder conglomerate
cobble conglomerate
pebble conglomerate
granule conglomerate
Sandstone is composed of at least 50% sand-size particles. Three mineral
components used to classify sandstone reservoirs are 1) quartz 2) feldspar and 3)
rock or lithic fragments (igneous rocks, chert, limestone, slate etc). Table 2 outlines
the classification of sandstone based on above components.
Siltstone is composed of at least 50% silt-size particles that are generally less rich in
quartz than is sandstone. The most common minerals are quartz, mica, feldspar and
heavy minerals. Siltstone can be a petroleum reservoir but is difficult to coax for
B. I. Arkoses
II. Subarkoses
C. I. Lithic arenites
II.Sublithic arenites
B. Feldspathic
C. Lithic graywacke
Percent rock fragments greater than percent
Claystone is composed of at least 50% clay size particles, generally clay minerals
(hydrous aluminum silicates). Claystones are generally not considered as reservoir
Shale / mudstone:
Shale or mudstone is a mixture of clay-size particles (mainly clay minerals), silt-size
particles (mainly quartz, occasionally feldspar or calcite), and perhaps some sandsize particles (mainly quartz, occasionally feldspar or calcite). Shale or mudstones
are generally not considered as reservoir rock.
Minor amount of clay minerals (or shale) often have a major influence on reservoirrock properties, such as, porosity, permeability (hence producibility) and also on
logging tool response. Knowledge of type clay mineral as well as their distribution is
important for formation evaluation. Hence 1) its mode of distribution 2) its effect on
logs have been discussed in detail below.
Table-3 outlines a classification scheme based on the structure of clay crystal unit
2.2 Distribution of clays in sandstone
The clay minerals contained in sandstones can have two distinct origins. They may
have formed at some point outside of the sandstone framework (detrital origin or
allogenic), or they may have formed locally within sandstone framework (digenetic
origin or authigenic).
Detrital clays:
Detrital clay minerals are usually incorporated into sandstone at the time of
deposition and range in size from discrete clay size particle to sand size aggregates.
Detrital clays may be of two types- laminated and structural. In laminated clay type
Individual clay size particles deposited as intercalated lamina separated by thin bed
of sandstones. This shale lamina affects vertical permeability while leaving the
permeability unaffected in the horizontal direction. As far as porosity is concerned,
presence of laminated clay will not effect the porosities of sandstone lamina but there
is an overall reduction of the bulk porosity of the total rock. The structural type of
clays are also deposited as sand-size or larger particles in the sand fraction and do
not have affect on porosity and permeability(Fig-1)
Diagenetic clays:
Diagenetic clays are developed subsequent to sediment deposition by precipitation
of clay crystals from pore fluids or by the interaction between pore fluid and the
mineral component of the rock.
Three types of diagenetic clays have been identified.(Fig-2)
i) Discrete particle
ii) Pore lining
iii) Pore bridging
i) Discrete particle or pore-filling: Formation of kaolinite in sandstone is a such type
of example. It usually develops as platy crystal attached as discrete particles to pore
walls or occupying intergranular pores. The crystal platelets may be stacked face-toface forming long Book-like crystal aggregates. Kaolinite crystals may be scattered
(patchy) throughout the pore system and don t form intergrown crystal framework.
ii) Pore lining: Pore-lining clay minerals, essentially illite, chlorite and montmorillonite,
coat (12 microns) the pore walls with a thin layer of flakes that are parallel or
perpendicular the pore wall, but growth does not reach far into the pore space. A
large amount of microporosity can be present between flakes. This type of
authigenic clay greatly reduces permeability and also influences electrical properties
because it can considerably increase surface area.(Fig-2b)
iii) Pore bridging: Formation of illite fibers in sandstone is such type of example. In
addition to being attached to pore wall surfaces, the illite fibers intergrown far into
the pore space or extend across a pore to create a bridging effect. This type causes
major reductions in permeability (due to tortuous fluid flow pathways) but porosity is
less affected because microporosity is preserved between the very fine fibers.
negative charge at the substitution site. Broken bonds around the edges of the
has a CEC of zero. But some broken bonds around the edges give rise to
unsatisfied negative charges and which must be balanced by cations. As a result,
kaolinite has a very low CEC of 0.03 to 0.10 meq/gm. Substitution within the lattice
as well as broken bonds account for most of the CEC observed in illite. Illite
commonly has a CEC range of 0.10 to 0.40 meq/gm. A very high CEC is measured
on montmorillonite with values ranging from 0.8 to 1.5 meq/gm. About 80% of the
CEC is the result of lattice substitution, while rest is attributed to broken bonds. In
case of chlorite the CEC value reported to be almost negligible (Table-4))
The net negative charge on many clay mineral surfaces attracts positive counterions
from the surrounding ionic solutions, establishing a nonuniform distribution of net
positive charge (modeled as an electrical double layer). Fig-3a is a simple
representation (the Guoy model) of this double layer. For the first few molecular
layers away from the clay surface the cations are concentrated and relatively
immobile. Their concentration decreases with distance from the clay surface (the
diffuse layer) finally equaling the number of anions. A more sophisticated model (The
Stern model), Fig-3b considers that the counterions are kept a bit away by 1)
adsorbed water on the clay surface and 2) hydrated water around the cations.
Montmorillonite 0.8-1.5
K% (av)
Clay Type
U (av)
Th (av)
Sphere grain-packing-
effect of compaction
Closed( compacted)
Orientationnon-spherical grain
Cementation Increases
Fig-7: Relationship between permeability and mean grain size,(Dodge et al, 1971)
Permeability also follows the porosity changes due to variations in shape &
3.4 Grain packing
It describes the spacing (or density) of the spherical grains grains. Porosity depends
on packing type, 47.64% (cubic packing of equal grain size) for the most open
arrangement to 25.95% (rhombohedral of equal grain size) for the most closed .
Naturally the most open arrangements are not found and is generally packing is of
random or haphazard kinds. Compactions also lead to the most closed
3.5 Orientations of grains
For non-spherical grains it is generally observed that the orientation of grains is the
same as the orientation of their axis of maximum elongation and is parallel to the
direction of current. Generally the orientation of the grains does not have any
influence on porosity but has a strong influence on permeability or more precisely on
the permeability anisotropy. For example, in channel sands, the direction of
maximum permeability is parallel to the axis of the elongation of sand bodies and in
bar sands it is perpendicular to sand elongation.
3.6 Cement
It is also have an important influence on the petrophysical characteristics of detrital
reservoirs. When the percentage of cement increases, the porosity and permeability
decreases, since the cement tend to occupy the pore space between the coarser
elements. Cement is developed after deposition either by chemical interaction
between unstable grains and formation water, or by circulation in the pore space of
solutions under hydrodynamic forces.
3.7 Mineralogical composition of grains
Grains composed of heavy and denser minerals will be deposited with the
minerals of the same weight, i.e. with less density, but with bigger size. This situation
leads to a poorer sorting and hence, lesser porosity and permeability.
Gamma Ray: Fig-10 shows that a correlation exists between gamma ray & grain
size measured on core samples. Gamma ray increases when grain size decreases
because radioactivity is linked with finer grains, i.e. clay minerals. It can also be
concluded that these clay minerals are mainly detrital (allogenic) as it is not possible
to have more authigenic clay in an environment of finer grain size deposition than
the coarser grain size.
know the present of silts against very high GR zone , which otherwise would have
been interpreted as still finer grain i.e. clay . The density-neutron crossplot with SP,
GR, Th or K as Z parameters may also help to resolve the problem .
SP curve: Fig-12 shows the relationship between SP curve and grain size.
Resistivity: Fig-13 shows the grain size evolution detected on dipmeter resistivity
curves. These evolutions are confirmed by the core descriptions reproduced
Irreducible water saturation: A relationship can be observed between irreducible
water saturations and grain size (Fig-14) .
NMR log provides information which can be related to grain size. (NMR log will be
discussed in detail in a later chapter).
Sorting: Fig-15, gives an example of the change in sorting. Levels 9 & 10 present
an average porosity of about 35%. Taking into account the depth of occurrence
(7000 ft) this high porosity is certainly due to a good sorting. Level 11 shows a lower
porosity of about 25% with identical SP & slightly less radioactivity as in level 9 & 10.
This drop in porosity seems to be result of a poor sorting.
4.Pore-Space Properties
In formation evaluation, the most important characteristics of rocks are their porespace properties. A pore-space system can be considered as containing both pores
and pore throats. Pores are local enlargements in a pore space
system (Fig-16) giving storage space to fluid. Pore throats are the small connecting
spaces that link pores and provide restrictions to fluid flow. The pore- (and porethroat-) size distribution controls the reservoirs characteristics of porosity,
permeability, and fluid distribution.
4.1 Pore-size Distribution: The mercury / air capillary-pressure curve gives insight
to the pore-size distribution. Thomeer characterizes this curve with three
parameters (Fig-17):
G is the pore geometrical factor, reflecting the distribution of pore throats and
their associated pore volumes.
It has been observed
that these parameters
related through a
Fig-17:Characterization of
capillary pressure
hyperbolic relationship
that can be expressed
(Vb) pc / (Vb) p =
occupied by
value of
that the
largest pores
or pore
throats are
small. Large value of G suggests that pore throat are tortuous and/or pore sizes are
poorly sorted.
Also shown are porosity, permeability, and capillary pressure curve data
representing variations in petrophysical /reservoir characteristics.
4.2 Porosity Definition: Porosity is the fraction (or percentage) of rock bulk volume occupied by pore space.
At the time of
Q- Flow rate m /S
- Viscosity in Pascal/S
Fig-24: porosity
m )
Diagenesis usually decreases the permeabilities of clastics, and the effect (positive
or negative) is often greater than on the porosity.
static system 1) generally defines the original fluid distribution in the reservoir, 2) is
the one encountered upon discovery of a petroleum reservoir,3) is the one that must
be interpreted through the use of well logging data.
Three factors control a reservoirs static fluid distribution:
top of the saturation zone; the minimum pressure required for the no wetting phase
to displace wetting phase and enter the pore system.
1) Funicular region (transition zone): In this zone, large changes in saturation occur
over relatively small changes in reservoir height, and are represented by the Plateau
of the capillary-pressure curve of Fig-25. This region, between level A &B reflects the
most abundant and accessible pore-throat sizes. The steeper the capillary pressure
curve in this region, the less uniform the pore throats.
2) Pendular region: In this region the wetting phase is found mostly in pendular ring
around grain-to-grain contacts, in very small pores or coating the grain surfaces with
a very thin film. In this region only small changes in saturations occur over large
changes in reservoir height , and are represented by the steep slope of the capillarypressure curve, The wetting phase saturation in this region is often called the
irreducible wetting-phase saturation. The saturation/height relationship occurs
because under static condition equilibrium exists between gravity and capillary
forces in a reservoir-rock/fluid system.
4.5 Capillary Pressure
The pores of a rock are usually linked by fine channels of very small diameter (a few
microns). The channels act as
capillary tubes and the fluid
they contain are subjected to
by the
Pc=2T cos / r
Pc Capillary pressure in
T- Surface tension of the
liquid (liquid-air
Another view:
The most popular theory of the genesis of oil says that the porous rocks which make
up an oil reservoir were filled with water at the time of deposition and that the oil
later migrated into them from the source rock. Since this migrating oil is lighter than
water it moved into the highest structural position in the trap. The accumulated oil
gradually displaced the water downward. This displacement continued until the water
saturations were reduced to the point where the water became discontinuous and
would no longer flow. This irreducible saturation is always found in oil reservoirs at
those places that are a sufficient distance above the water table. Between this
irreducible saturations condition & the fully water saturated water table, there exists a
transition zone where the saturation gradually changes from one condition to other.
This transition zone is the result of capillary action.
Fig-27 shows an example of static fluid distribution through a cross section of five
wells in a oil reservoir of inhomogeneous sandstone. The capillary curves used to
characterize the rock are the same as shown in Fig-18.
geometries. Likewise, the elevation of any other saturation level (for example, the
50% water level) varies with pore geometry as shown. Note that well no 3 penetrates
the bottom portion of a very long transition zone. Note also that both well no. 2 and
well no. 4 penetrate reservoir rock at irreducible water saturation; however, the water
saturation in well 4 (structurally higher well) containing type D rock is three times
greater than the water saturations found in well no2 containing type A rock. Note that
had well 2 encountered type D rock, it probably would have been a non-commercial
4.7 Effective & Relative Permeability:
In most sediment which is usually wet firstly by water, oil cannot enter the pores filled
with water unless it has a force greater than the capillary pressures of the water-oil
interface (Fig-28). In other words, in the case of rocks showing high capillary forces,
that is, rocks with very fine channels, there will have to be a strong pressure on the
oil for it to displace the water. Under normal circumstances these
oil, gas). We must then introduce the concepts of diaphasic flow and of relative
permeability. In fact, if the formation contains two or more fluids, their flow interferes
and when this occurs, the effective permeability of each of the fluid (Kg, Ko, Kw) is
less than the absolute permeability.
vary with saturations. Fig-29 shows the relative permeability of water & oil in a typical
rock as a function of water saturations. The left side of this plot represents the
situation existing in the undisturbed zone of an oil bearing reservoir well above the
water table. Water saturation is at its irreducible value, Swi. No water will flow, so the
relative permeability to water, Krw, is zero. Oil will flow virtually unhindered because
the water exists only on the grain surfaces, at grain contacts, and in very fine pores,
leaving major passageways open for oil flow. Thus, the relative permeability of oil,
Kro, is close to unity.
At the other extreme, the right hand side of the plot applies to the invaded portion of
an oil bearing zone where residual oil occupies 10-40% of the pore space and water
occupies the remainder. The residual oil is immobile so that Kro is zero. However,
water will not flow unhindered because the residual oil is left as isolated globules
occupying a number of the medium-to- large pore spaces. These substantially
reduce the no. of branching passageways available to water flow and thereby
reduce Krw value from unity to a value in the range of 0.3-0.6.
Between the two extreme is the situation that exists when oil & water flow
simultaneously. Both Krw & Kro are substantially less than one, and in fact their sum
is also significantly less than unity.
In order to predict the rate at which water & oil will be produced from a reservoir rock,
we need to know the relative permeabilities at the existing water saturations as well
as the absolute permeability.
4.8 Relationship between porosity & permeability:
In detrital rocks there is often found a good correlation between porosity and
permeability Fig-30,31 show the relationship between porosity & permeability and
with respect to grain size. These relationships show that for the development of a
empirical relationship between porosity & permeability, it is better to base it on facies
or environment. Fig-32 shows the relationship between permeability & grain size. It
shows that in theory permeability can be determined from the irreducible water
saturation which in turn depends on grain size. Hence, several equations were
developed to predict permeability from porosity irreducible water saturation (Swi):
4.9 Relationship between porosity & water saturations:
Fig-33,34 show literature examples of porosity/water saturations relationships.
Buckles shows that, for a given rock type, an hyperbola equation of the form
Sw = C
= porosity
Sw = water saturation, and
C = Correlation factor,
Often fits porosity/irreducible-water-saturation data reasonably well.(Fig-33). The
transition zones (with water saturation greater than irreducible) fail to form coherent
hyperbolic patterns in a porosity/saturation crossplot. Such lack of coherence also
can be caused by variations in rock type.
In Fig-34, the data appear to be incoherent and typical of a transition zone until
distinguished by rock type; then a typical hyperbolic relationship for each rock is
apparent. Buckles also showed that a particular formation in a particular field has a
definite value of C. Fig-37,38 show porosity-saturation relationship of few wells of a
field of Eastern Region.
4.10 Relationship between permeability & water saturations:
Fig-36 show examples of permeability/water saturations relationship.
Fig-32: permeability- saturation relationship grain size relationship
saturation relationship