Choral Speaking

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*An individual (guy/boy)

Honey, Im off to work
*An individual (girl)
Mom, school bus is here!
*An individual (boy)
Hey, come on! Lets cross the street!
*All together
Whoever you are, whatever youre doing
Driving, cycling, riding or walking
We all have but one life
And if you want to keep it,
Stand at ease
A very good day to the honourable judges, teachers, parents and friends
From whom we seek earnest attention
We are here to entertain you with our presentation
So shut up and listen!
Ooops! By that we mean sit back, relax and enjoy the show!
Most respected audience,
Have you read the news lately?
What? What happened?
Crash! Accidents! Collisions!!!
Of cars, motorcycles and bicycles
Of lorries, buses, even bullock carts
All forms of transportation, no exceptions!
Death !!!!! Injury !!!!!! Tragedy !!!!!
Who is to blame?
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
If you listen carefully
Im sure you would agree
That todays road safety, is like striking lottery
Absolutely NO GUARANTEE!!!

Whats with lorries hurrying

Cars accelerating
Motorcycles screeching
Everybody is speeding
At their own liking
Without even caring
They could be killing
Another innocent BEING!!!
School children are not spared despite their innocent cheers
Parents always have to fear
For the safety of their kids so dear
Who is to be blamed for this flood of tears?
Should we blame the road?
For being straight or bent?
When statistics of both
Showed numbers of the same
Is law the culprit?
For being too strict?
How much is it? / Berapa duit?
There is nothing money can not fix!
Or is it the wheels?
So old and worn that it can not feel
And when rubber meets the road,
All that is left is a flattened dead toad
Or is the weather at fault?
Sometimes too wet, other times too hot
But even on a good fine day,
Accidents happen anyway
Or is it the back seat belting?
Or the front seat belting?
All these implementations mean nothing
When the drivers are not thinking!

Aaaaa. beware,
all these factors are but human errors
Straight roads to bent roads
Summons and fines
Old cars or new cars
Rain or shine
If only we are careful
If only we care
When on the road, dont be a fool
The responsibility of road safety, we all share
It really doesnt matter if youre
Driving a car, lorry or bus,
Or if youre cycling, riding or even just plain walking
ABIDE by the traffic rules at ALL TIMES
*Boys only
Rules??? What rules?
Green means Go?
*Girls only
Yes! Green means Go!
*Boys only
Amber go faster?
*Girls only
Amber does not mean go faster. It means go slowerrrrr.~
*Boys only
Redgo anytime you want?
*Girls only
Oh boy!
Redmeans STOP!!!!
*Little girl calls out with a cute voice: Daddy~
*All together: Dont drink and drive!
*Only the little girl: You still have work tomorrow from eight to five
I still need you Im only five

I-Phone, Nokia, HTC
Doesnt matter if its Samsung Galaxy
This PHONE call is not your destiny
Reaching safely is where you want to be
Mat Rempits get a life!
The highways are not race tracks
If you need to strife
Go to Sepang F1 tracks
Ladies and gentlemen,
We hope that we have enlightened you
We hope that we have entertained you
But most importantly is our point of view
The importance of road safety to me and to you.
With this we bid farewell and let this be A LESSON IN LIFE that you will cherish
and remember
Remember today
The sayings of yesterday
All road leads to Rome
And we all just wanna get home


*Holds up right hand to motion stop*


*Turns and look to the right, turns and look to the left,
turns back to look to the right*



*Motion with right hand to move forward*


Thank you!

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